Schnorr Sigma Protocol Identification scheme used to prove that we talk to the good person. Algorithm Public parameters Prime numbers: $p$ and $q$. $p$ satisfies that $p\equiv 1 \text{ (mod } q)$ Generator: $g=g_1^{(p-1) / q} \text{(mod }p)$ Note$g_1$ is a generator of the group $\mathbb{Z}^*_p$. Initialization Choose a private key: $1 \leq privKey \leq q-1$ Compute the public key: $g^{privKey}\text{ (mod }p)$ Send the public key. First message Choose a random value $r$: $1 \leq r \leq q-1$ Compute the first message: $g^r\text{ (mod }p)$ Send the first message. Challenge Choose a random $challenge$: $1\leq challenge \leq q-1$ Send the challenge. Response Compute the response: $response = r + challenge \cdot privKey \text{ (mod }q)$ Send the response. Verification Verify the identity by checking that $g^{response}\text{ (mod }p) = firstMessage \cdot pubKey^{challenge}\text{ (mod }p)$ Resource