Warning Work in progress but you can try it (see the TODO section for more information)
It's a facial recognition AI in Python to lock your screen when you're not in front of it.
The script recognizes your face and lock it if you're not in front of your screen for more than X seconds (default: 5 seconds).
Python library to install:
In the known_people
folder, create a folder for each person you want to register. In each of these sub-folders, add as many images as you want (1 may be enough) of the same person.
Note You can look at the example with the MrBean folder
You can now run the project using the command: python3 main.py
OpenCV is used for the face detection, then face-recognition allow to identify the person on the video.
If no known person (persons registered in the script database) is present in front of the screen for 5 seconds, the script automatically locks the workstation.
- Improve face detection
- Side View
- Face detection on dark video
- Improve face recognition
- Multithreading
- Detect when it's a picture and not a real person
- Add GUI to make the application more user friendly