This is a powerful Express.js API that offers user and task management features, along with image uploading and processing capabilities using Multer and Sharp middleware.
All routes in this API demand authentication, which is implemented using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). Users can acquire a token by registering or logging in.
- Route:
POST /users
- Description: Register a new user.
- Request Body: A JSON object containing user details (name, email, password).
- Response: A JSON object with user details and an authentication token.
- Route:
POST /users/login
- Description: Log in an existing user.
- Request Body: A JSON object containing user email and password.
- Response: A JSON object with user details and an authentication token.
- Route:
POST /users/logout
- Description: Log out the current user.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Response: Successful logout if the token is valid.
- Route:
POST /users/logoutAll
- Description: Log out the user from all devices.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Response: Successful logout from all devices if the token is valid.
- Route:
GET /users/me
- Description: Retrieve the profile of the authenticated user.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Response: A JSON object with user details.
- Route:
PATCH /users/me
- Description: Update user profile information.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Request Body: A JSON object with user details to be updated (name, email, password, age).
- Response: A JSON object with updated user details.
- Route:
DELETE /users/me
- Description: Delete the authenticated user's account.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Response: A JSON object with deleted user details.
- Route:
POST /tasks
- Description: Create a new task.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Request Body: A JSON object containing task details (description).
- Response: A JSON object with created task details.
- Route:
GET /tasks
- Description: Retrieve tasks owned by the authenticated user.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Query Parameters:
(field:asc/desc). - Response: A JSON array of tasks.
- Route:
GET /tasks/:id
- Description: Retrieve a task by its ID.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Response: A JSON object with task details.
- Route:
PATCH /tasks/:id
- Description: Update a task by its ID.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Request Body: A JSON object with task details to be updated (description, completed).
- Response: A JSON object with updated task details.
- Route:
DELETE /tasks/:id
- Description: Delete a task by its ID.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Response: A JSON object with deleted task details.
- Route:
POST /users/me/avatar
- Description: Upload a user's avatar image.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Request: Form data with an image file named "avatar."
- Response: Status 200 on successful upload.
- Route:
DELETE /users/me/avatar
- Description: Delete a user's avatar image.
- Authentication: Requires a valid JWT token.
- Response: Status 200 on successful deletion.
- Route:
GET /users/:id/avatar
- Description: Retrieve a user's avatar image by their ID.
- Response: The user's avatar image in PNG format if available, or a 404 error if not found.