A module for Kirbi, that adds commands for random facts, heckling users, or making choices for you.
- !date_fact => spits out a random date fact.
- !year_fact => spits out a random year fact.
- !math_fact => spits out a random math fact.
- !chucknorris => spits out a random fact about Chuck Norris.
- !cat_fact => spits out a random cat fact.
- !dog_fact => spits out a random dog fact.
- !bacon => shows you a random bacon gif. mmmmmMMmmm.
- !smifffact => spits out a random fact about Will Smith.
- !gitgud [@mention] => tell someone, or everyone, to gitgud!
- !8ball => ask the magic 8-ball about your problems!
- !choose => ask the bot to make a choice for you!
- !coinflip => ask the bot to flip a coin for you!