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Releases: Klnsyf-Sun/Battle-Royale-Deprecated

[Battle Royale] Update v1.2.0-SNAPSHOT

25 Jul 09:11
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Changes in v1.2.0-SNAPSHOT

This is an update for developers.

  • Modified the constructor of some events.
    • Now the constructors no longer accept String parameters like worldName/configName, which need to be instantiated to the corresponding World and YamlConfiguration instances.
    • Now the constructors no longer need CommandSender.
    • Removed some redundancy parameters.
      • For example, if a constructor requires Player, it no longer needs World:event.getPlayer().getWorld().
    • Affected events:
  • Removed all validity checks from all listeners.
    • You should ensure the validity of the parameters when calling the event, rather than giving it to the listener for confirmation.

WARNING: This is a SNAPSHOT version, may have a huge amount of bugs.

[Battle Royale] Update v1.1.0

22 Jun 07:39
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Vaules of parameters in the following entries with both Bold and Italic ( Like Me! ) are default values, can be customized in the configuration file.

  • Compass
    • Now the amount of players shown in the survivor locator will not larger than 4.
    • Now the players shown in the survivor locator will automatically sort by distance.
    • Now ths players with potion effect invisible won't be shown in the survivor locator.
  • Initial Supplies
    • Now you can revise the initial supplies in configuartion files.
  • [New] Glowing (Enabled in default)
    • Activate: Hold glowstones in offhand while sneak.
    • Effect: Each glowstone can add potion effect glowing to all entities without potion effect invisible in 32.0 blocks for 20 ticks.
    • Extra:
      • It will first clear potion effect glowing of affected entities no matter how much duration is left.
      • It will generate a particle pillar to mark the user.
  • [New] Invisible (Enabled in default)
    • Activate: Hold compass in offhand while sneak.
    • Effect: It takes 1 health & 0 food level & 0 active item (compass in this example) , and gives you potion effect invisible for 100 ticks.
    • Extra:
      • It will first clear potion effect invisible of affected entities no matter how much duration is left.
      • It can make your food level & amount of active item drop to 0, but it won't cause death (keeps 1 health).
  • [New] Drop List
    • Activate: Activate in the following two situations.
      • Player break a block in drop list (battle-misc-option.drop-list) whenever drops nothing originally.
      • Player break a block in drop list (battle-misc-option.drop-list) in a way that can (even if it drops nothing this time) make it drops something.
    • Effect: It generates extra drops with a *certain probability.
    • Extra:
      • For example:
        • The configuration file is as follows:

           - STONE:
            - REDSTONE: 1000000007
          drop-list-total-chance: 2147483647

        • It means when you break a stone (with a pickaxe), you have 1,000,000,007/2,147,483,647 (about 46.57%) to get a redstone.

          • 1,000,000,007 and 2,147,483,647 are just two useful prime numbers (Laugh).
  • Killer Bouns
    • Now you can customize the value of health & saturation bouns.


  • /battleroyale join (without ANY argument)
    • You can get a Battlefield Book by using this command.
      • You can use it (right click) to open the battlefield GUI, where you can join a battlefield conveniently.
  • [New] /battleroyale quit
    • You can quit a battlefield by using this command.
    • If you use it in battle, you will be killed before quit.
  • [New] /battleroyale admin
    • You can open admin board by this command.
      • You can begin a battle or reset a battlefield conveniently in admin board.
  • [New] /battleroyale check [fileName]
    • Currently, it can only invoke the configuration checker.


  • Minecraft Server Version
    • Now it supports all Minecraft servers not lower than v1.9.
    • If it doesn't support your server, it will be disabled automatically.
  • Muti-Battlefield
    • Now it supports muti-battlefield, each world can correspond to a battlefield.
    • Warning: Once you use a world as a battlefield, it will cause irreversible influences.
  • I18n
    • English (en_US.yml) in default.
      • If it can't find any avaliable language file, then it will use en_US.yml.
    • You need to put language files under folder @datafolder\language\ and revise the value of language in @datafolder\config.yml.
    • You can find all avaliable language files here.
  • Plugin Configuration & Battlefield Configuartion & Language Files
    • Separated from config.yml.
      • Plugin Configuration: @datafolder\config.yml.
      • Battlefield Configuartion @datafolder\configuration\.
      • Language: @datafolder\language\.
    • Automatically generate missing default files while enabling.
  • Configuration Checker
    • It contains file integrity check & parameter validity check.
    • Automatically used while presetting a battlefield.
      • Any invalid parameter will automatically switch to default value.
      • Currently, unavaliable to battle-misc-option.init-supply & battle-misc-option.drop-list.



  • Ore Auto Melt
    • Now it requires break ore blocks in a way that can drop ore blocks, or it will drop nothing.
  • Summon Blaze
    • Add extra drop: Glowstone dust *1~5.
    • Now the blaze will have the following potion effects:
      • Glowing
      • Regenration II
      • Resistance I
      • Health Boost V
    • Now it won't give player potion effect fire resistance when activated.


  • Now all the commands have independent permissions.
  • /battleroyale preset [worldName] [configName] [maxPlayer] [isAutoStart]
    • Add arguements: maxPlayer, isAutoStart.
      • maxPlayer: The maximum number of players can join into the battlefield.
      • isAutoStart: Whether automatically start the battle when the amount of players joined reaches maxPlayer.
  • Removed /battleroyale test.


  • Java Version
    • Now it requires Java 8.
  • Update Check
    • Now it will run asynchronously.


  • Throw NullPointerException when the last player died.

[Battle Royale] Update v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.8

14 Jun 14:12
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[Battle Royale] v1.1.0 is coming.

Changes in v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.8

  • Add: Feature Configuration Checker
    • It contains file integrity check & parameter validity check.
  • Add: Command /battleroyale check [fileName]
    • Currently, It can only invoke the configuration checker.
  • Optimization: Now it will automatically check the configuration file while presetting a battlefield.
    • Any invalid parameter will automatically switch to default value.
    • Currently, unavaliable to battle-misc-option.init-supply & battle-misc-option.drop-list.

WARNING: This is a SNAPSHOT version, may have a huge amount of bugs.

[Battle Royale] Update v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.7

09 Jun 14:05
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Changes in v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.7

  • Add: Command /battleroyale admin & Permission battleroyale.admin
    • You can open Admin Board by this command.
      • You can Begin a Battle || Reset a Battlefield conveniently in Admin Board.
  • Add: Feature Invisible
    • Player can gain Potion Effect Invisible when the Activate Item in Off Hand & Snake, it will cost player's Health || Saturation || Activate Item over Time.
      • Parameters with Bold and Italic ( Like Me! ), can be customized in the configuration file.
      • It won't cause death, automatically keeps 1 health (0.5 Heart).
  • Update Language File: en_US.yml, zh_CN.yml

WARNING: This is a SNAPSHOT version, may have a huge amount of bugs.

[Battle Royale] Update v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.6

19 May 07:58
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Changes in v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.6

  • Add: battle-misc-option.drop-list-total-chance
    • You can set the drop chance more excatly now.
    • For example:
      • The configuration file is as follows:

         - STONE:
          - REDSTONE: 1000000007
        drop-list-total-chance: 2147483647

      • It means when you break a stone, you have 1,000,000,007/2,147,483,647 (about 46.57%) to get a redstone.
        • 1,000,000,007 and 2,147,483,647 are just two useful Prime numbers (Laugh).
  • Add: Permission battleroyale.join.battlefieldbook
    • Now only player who has permission battleroyale.join.battlefieldbook can get a Battlefield Book with command /battleroyale join.
  • I18n has fully compeleted
    • Updated language file: en_US.yml, zh_CN.yml
  • Fixed some bugs
    • Command /battleroyale quit will remove a player in battlefield without killing it.
  • Known Bugs:
    • Players can't join a battlefield which hasn't been loaded.

WARNING: This is a SNAPSHOT version, may have a huge amount of bugs.

[Battle Royale] Update v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.5

17 May 10:31
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Changes in v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.5

  • Add: Command /battleroyale join (without ANY argument)
    • You can get a Battlefield Book by using this command.
  • Add: Item Battlefield Book
    • You can use it (Right Click) to open the Battlefield GUI, where you can join a battlefield conveniently.
  • Fixed some bugs.

WARNING: This is a SNAPSHOT version, may have a huge amount of bugs.

  • This part of update has not applied I18n, it will be update in future versions.
  • Except the problems above, if you find any problems or bugs, you can feedback to me.
  • Enjoy it!

[Battle Royale] Update v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.4

11 Feb 16:00
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Changes in v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.4

  • Now this plugin will disable automatically when the Minecraft Server Version lower than 1.9
    • It also means now this plugin is available on any 1.9+ versions.
  • All the commands now have independent permissions
  • Add: Command /battleroyale quit
    • For players to quit the battlefields they already joined
  • Now the players shown in the Survivor Locator will automatically sort by distance
  • Add: battle-misc-option.compass-option.max-shown-player
    • The amount of players shown in the Survivor Locator will not larger than this value
  • Some Optimizations
  • Fixed some bugs
    • Saving Configuration Files will fail silently if them already exist
    • Update Checker incorrectly occupy the main thread
    • Compass Cooldown not working properly
    • Throw NullPointerException when the last player died

WARNING: This is a SNAPSHOT version, may have a huge amount of bugs.

[Battle Royale] Update v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.3

01 Feb 16:35
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Changes in v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.3

  • Now the configuation files will generate automatically.
    • It includes @dataFolder\config.yml, @dataFolder\language\en_US.yml, @dataFolder\configuration\default.yml.
    • However, if you want to use other languages, you still need to manually download other language files from here, and put them in @dataFolder\language\.
  • Fixed some bugs.

WARNING: This is a SNAPSHOT version, may have a huge amount of bugs.

[Battle Royale] Update v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.2

01 Feb 13:59
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Changes in v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.2

  • I18n has fully completed.
  • Added language file: zh_CN.yml

The following are the same as v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT

  • WARNING: This is a SNAPSHOT version, may have a huge amount of bugs
    • As the configuration file reconstructed, the code on File IO has not completed, you need manually put these files into @dataFolder(Normally, it's ...\plugins\battleroyale\ ).
    • Except the problems above, if you find any problems or bugs, you can feedback to me.
    • Enjoy it!

[Battle Royale] Update v1.1.0-SNAPSHOT

31 Jan 16:47
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WARNING: This is a SNAPSHOT version, may have a huge amount of bugs

  • I18n haven't fully completed, please don't open issues on non-internationalized texts.
  • As the configuration file reconstructed, the code on File IO has not completed, you need manually put these files into @dataFolder(Normally, it's ...\plugins\battleroyale\ ).
  • Except the problems above, if you find any problems or bugs, you can feedback to me.
  • Enjoy it!