8465 frames of labled 2d lidar data of people walking indoors.
Vertex Color | Label |
Green | People |
Magenta | Enviroment |
Red | Lidar Location |
- Ecach frame has 897 lidar points for 360 degrees for a resoltuion of 0.40133 degrees (0.007 rad)
- 7 Scenes cointaing 8465 frames at ~10Hz for a total duration of 14 minutes
- Recored with a VLP-16 Lidar that is 35cm off of the floor
- Each Scene has 4 folders (EMPTY, PEOPLE, ENVIROMENT, BOTH) with a series of point cloud files
- Empty -> No people, just the static enviroment - 10+ frames are included to deal with Lidar noise
- Both -> The lidar in the same locaiton but now people are walking through the enviroment
- People -> A subset of 'Both' where only points labled as people are included (occationaly there are PCD files with 0 points)
- Enviroment -> A subset of 'Both' where only points labled as the enviroment are included