In this project of implementing the Hack CPU in Jack, all the basic gates like And, Or, Not, Xor are build using the nand gate. Using these basic gates, we build the remaining gates which are essential for building Hack CPU.
- NAND gate
- AND gate
- Or gate
- NOT gate
- XOR hate
- Half Adder
- Full Adder
- 16-bit Adder
- 16-bit AND gate
- 16-bit MUX gate
- 16-bit NOT gate
- 16-bit Incrementor gate
This implementation allows us to convert a positive number to its respective 16-bit binary representation. This conversion is done in the same way we do generally that is dividing the given number with 2 and mention its remainders until zero, by writing these remainder from down to up we get the 16-bit binary representation of the given.)
This implementation of “toBinaryall” allows us to convert a both positive and negative integers to its respective 16-bit binary representation. In the same way for positive numbers, we will use above implementation ‘toBinary. For negative numbers, 2’s complement is used to find the binary representation. For that we will take the number convert into 16-bit representation and negate all the bits and add 1 to LSB.
This implementation of “to Binary8” allows us to convert a positive integer to its respective 8-bit binary representation. This conversion is done in the same way we do generally that is dividing the given number with 2 and mention its remainders until zero, by writing these remainder from down to up we give the 8-bit binary representation of the given.
This implementation of “to Decimal” allows us to convert 16-bit binary representation to it corresponding decimal value.This conversion can be done in a simple way by adding the product of each binary digit with its weight (which is of form – binary digit × 2 raised to the power of the position of the digit). Finally, the given 16-bit representation is converted into decimal.
This implementation of “to Decimal8” allows us to convert an integer to its respective 8-bit binary representation. This conversion can be done in a simple way by adding the product of each binary digit with its weight (which is of form – binary digit × 2 raised to the power of the position of the digit). Finally, the given 8-bit representation is converted into decimal.
- Data Flip-Flop(DFF)
- 16-bit Data Flip-Flop
- Register
- 16-bit Register
- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
- Pogram Counter (PC)
By combining all the above gates we implemented,the Hack CPU is build.
All files we implemented in jack is compiled into the vm files using the VM Translator. And then load this vm file into the VM Emulator and get the output.