This repository contains a protoc plugin, options proto, and cors implementation which allows for CORS options to be specified within a grpc-spec. It is intended for usage in enabled services.
The underlying CORS implementation is
go get -u
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "api";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "grpc-gateway-cors/options/cors.proto";
import "api/credentials/credentials.proto";
service ExampleService {
option (grpc.gateway.cors) = {
allow_origin: "*";
allow_method: "PUT";
allow_method: "GET";
allow_method: "OPTIONS";
max_age: 3200;
allow_credentials: false,
// CheckHealth is a server health check.
rpc CheckHealth(HealthCheckRequest) returns (HealthCheckResponse){
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/_status"
The resultant
would contain:
func ExampleCORSOptions() []cors.Option {
opts := []cors.Option{}
opts = append(opts, cors.AllowedOrigins("*"))
opts = append(opts, cors.AllowedMethods("GET", "PUT", "OPTIONS"))
opts = append(opts, cors.AllowedHeaders("*"))
opts = append(opts, cors.ExposedHeaders())
opts = append(opts, cors.MaxAge(3200))
opts = append(opts, cors.OptionsPassthrough(false))
opts = append(opts, cors.AllowCredentials(true))
opts = append(opts, cors.Debug(true))
return opts
You can then wrap a handler, thereby enabling CORS.
cors.Wrap(myhttpHandler, ExampleCORSOptions()...)