Frontend manager for: Js, CSS, Metatag, Open Graph. You can add and load resources with simple function.
Install with console command
composer require kosmosx/frontend
Or add in composore.json one of:
"kosmosx/frontend": "~1" // version >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
"kosmosx/frontend": "1.0.*" // version >=1.0.0 <1.1.0
Support (If you use a smaller version, compatibility is not guaranteed)
Add provider in config file app.php (if Laravel)
'providers' => array(
Register provider in bootstrap file (if Lumen)
$app->withFacades(); //uncomment if you want to use the Facades of the package
Basic usage
$resources = (new FrontendFactory())->scripts();
$resources = new ScriptsFrontend();
$resources->add('', array(),'head.jquery')
->add('', array("type"=>"script"),'footer');
'head.jquery': head it is the context where the resource should be loaded inside the DOM (if omitted, body is used by default); jquery is the name of resource (not reuqired) Render tags
$resources->dump() //render all script tags
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" type="script"></script>
All method of FrontendInvoker
$resources->add(...) //push in resources new element
->dump(...) //render resources element
->has(...) //find element in resources
->forget(...) //forget element in resources
Function of services(Resource and Metatag)
->exist($resource, $context, $name) //$resource (script, js, og, meta etc..)
//$context (body,footer etc..) if metatag service only 'head'
//$name (name of resources) if metatag service name of type
->delete($resource, $context, $name)
->setContext() //add extra context to default
->cleanText() //clean string (remove tag and special charter)
$openGraph = new OpenGraphFrontend(); //create with Service
$openGraph = new FrontendInvoker(new OpenGraphFrontend()); //create with invoker that use command
$openGraph = (new FrontendFactory())->opengraph(); //create with Factory that use invoker
$openGraph->add('title', 'Resources Manager')->add('description', 'Og description');
return $openGraph->dump();
<meta property="og:title" content="Resources Manager"></meta>
<meta property="og:description" content="Og description"></meta>
return $openGraph->dump('og:title');
<meta property="og:title" content="Resources Manager"></meta>
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