Contains all the function to read/write simple files (e.x. .txt or .dat)
Contains all the functions to handle properly the JSON reading and writing
Contains the Student class for the JSON example
the main method
To use this package you need to have:
- JSON in Java [package org.json] (v.20210307) (, as external library to your project
- JAVA Project SDK: openjdk-17 (17 - Sealed types, always-strict floating-point semantics)
"Courses": [
"Applications of TinyML",
"Age": 55,
"Name": "John Doe"
"Courses": [
"Introduction to Computer Science",
"Big Data Systems",
"Dynamic Web Applications"
"Age": 25,
"Name": "Adison Lee"
"Courses": [
"Data Science: Machine Learning",
"Fundamentals of TinyML",
"Deploying TinyML"
"Age": 38,
"Name": "Lucy Hinton"