Himari contains some GitHub Actions for processing various NationStates things for Hare and other card things. The project consists of multiple components:
- Dump Parser: Parses NationStates regional and nation dumps, extracting the necessary data for use in Hare and cte statuses.
- Ledger: Tracks the cte status of nations, legendary cards, and top 100 card players.
- Daily STats: Updates a CSV containing trade stats and generates graphs to visualize the data.
New data is generated daily at 11 PM UTC-7.
The sorting order defaults to showing CTE (ceased-to-exist) nations first, followed by non-CTE nations. When sorting by season, it will show:
- CTE nations for the selected season.
- Non-CTE nations for the selected season.
- Non-CTE nations without the selected season.
- CTE nations without the selected season.
The CTE checker relies on NationStates nation dumps, which are typically available around 10:30 PM PST. The script runs at 11 PM PST to ensure the dumps exist before processing.