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  • Reach out to spicecube on Discord.
  • We need beta testers!

Current Milestone

A milestone solves a set of core problems by passing a set of predefined milestone tests. Here is the current milestone we're focused on:

Problem: Jerry’s are unaware of key resources.

Test: Ask Jerry’s to identify key resources / places.

Passing iff Jerry can show me where to find everything, and explain what are the most important.

Status: Fail

Problem: Jerry’s have a hard time finding things.

Test: Ask Jerry’s to navigate to contributor dashboard, a specific teams page, voting, treasury.

Passing iff Jerry can find and show me how to find anything in the DAO.

Status: Fail

You can find the full set of core problems on the Product Testing Dashboard.

Contributor Guide



  1. Any proposed feature must solve a core problem (see teriminology).
  2. A core problem must be proven legitimate via user testing.
  3. A milestone complete when it's milestone tests are passed via user testing.
  4. Milestone tests must be defined before any development or design occurs.


  • Sprint planning on Tuesdays at 11am EST.
  • Milestone planning happens on-demand.



  • A milestone solves some set of core problems.

  • A milestone test is a set of tests that must pass for a release to be considered reached. These usually involve user testing.

  • Milestone planning is the act of (1) choosing a set of proven problems to solve for, and (2) defining tests to measure if they have been solved.

Core Problems

  • The Core problems are an ordered list of problems we're attempting to solve. Every problem must have convincing evidence of its suggested severity and urgency. Likewise, user tests must be shown for a release to be considered ready.

  • The Core Problem Dashboard is an explicit list of the problems we're trying to solve, what order we plan to solve them in. Absorb this, question this, know it. This is our map for navigating featurse and priorities.