Based on my best practice, extend gorm with some frequent used functions, e.g:
- SaveOne()
- Update()
- GetOne()
- GetList()
- GetOrderedList()
- GetPageRangeList()
query := Topic{TopicId: topicId}
result := Topic{}
if found, err := dw.GetOne(&result, query); !found {
//not found
if err != nil {
// has error
return err
query := InstInfo{
result:= make([]*InstInfo, 0)
if err := dw.GetList(&result, query); err != nil{
// error handling
return err
tids := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
result := []*TuChart{}
if err :=dw.GetList(&result, "valid = 1 and tid in (?)", tids); err != nil{
//error handling
return err
It shares the same usage of GetList, except that there is one more order field.
query := InstInfo{
result:= make([]*InstInfo, 0)
if err := dw.GetOrderedList(&result,"create_time desc", query); err != nil{
// error handling
return err
result := []*MpFeedInfo{}
if err :=dw.GetPageRangeList(&result, "update_time asc", limit, offset,
"valid = 1 and update_time > ? and update_time < ?", startTime, endTime);err != nil{
return err
Update All Fields, the object's primary_key, defined in gorm format definition, must have value.
instInfo := InstInfo{
OwnerId: req.OwnerId,
Valid: req.Valid,
if err := dw.SaveOne(&instInfo); err != nil{
// error handling
return err
Update partial Fields, if attrs is an object, it will ignore default value field; if attrs is map, it will ignore unchanged field.
if you intent to execute below sql:
update test.user set description = "A programmer" where id = 1
there are 4 ways to do it:
udateAttrs := User{Description: "A programmer"}
condition := User{Id: 1}
if err := dw.Update(&udateAttrs, condition); err != nil{
// error handling
return err
udateAttrs := User{Description: "A programmer"}
if err := dw.Update(&udateAttrs, "id = ?", 1); err != nil{
// error handling
return err
udateAttrs := NewUpdateAttrs("test.user")
udateAttrs["description"] = "A programmer"
if err := dw.Update(&udateAttrs, "id = ?", 1); err != nil{
// error handling
return err
udateAttrs := NewUpdateAttrs("test.user")
udateAttrs["description"] = "A programmer"
condition := User{Id: 1}
if err := dw.Update(&udateAttrs, condition); err != nil{
// error handling
return err
sql := "SELECT ta.*, tac.content FROM tucloud.tu_article ta inner join tucloud.tu_article_content tac on ta.article_id = tac.article_id and ta.valid = 1 and ta.article_id in (?)"
result := []*TuArticleWithContent{}
if err:= dw.ExecSql(&result, sql, tuArticleIds);err != nil{
// error handling
return err