Kuali Rice 2.6.0
Kuali Rice 2.6.0 is the first minor version release of Kuali Rice in quite some time. It was implemented primarily to get Kuali Rice up to the latest version of its various 3rd party dependencies in order to reduce the application's security risk and provide a foundation on which to sustain Kuali Rice until it has reached its end of life.
The Kuali Rice 2.6.0 standalone server should be compatible with older client-side versions of Kuali Rice. The only database changes for this version from 2.5 are related to the upgrade of the Quartz libraries.
- Upgraded nearly all 3rd party libraries to the latest versions, including Spring, Quartz, and many others
- Java 8 is now required
- Implemented support for using Amazon S3 for attachments for KNS, KRAD, and KEW
- Added a health check endpoint that can be utilized by monitoring tools to determine the health of a Kuali Rice application
- Fixed some issues with session objects not being properly serializable to facilitate session management using a shared cache such as Redis
- Implemented XPath-based SplitNode
- Add support for "Not Exists" to Criteria API
- Fixed a bug whereby reordering of action requests for the purposes of displaying primary delegate information on the Route Log would cause updates to be executed against the database
- Fixed a bug where responsibilities were not showing up on the document configuration view
- Numerous fixes to the behavior of the KIM person and role maintenance documents
- Various KRMS bug fixes
- Fixed bug with RouteContext corruption during blanket approval
- Fixed performance issue whereby JPA predicates were causing unnecessary SQL joins and performance degradation
- Downgraded fancybox jquery plugin to address a licensing issue (see https://github.com/kuali/fancybox-kuali)
- Implemented a data integrity repair screen to scan for and identify common KIM data corruption issues and fix them
- Implemented a configurable encryption service
- Added support for using the Kuali Core Auth service for authentication
- Implemented ability to more dynamically customize how action list and document search handle link targets and iframe embeds
When upgrading a client application or the Kuali Rice Standalone server, there are database changes that are required to the Quartz tables. For specifics see the "Database Schema Changes" section fo the following page http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.2.x/migration-guide.html
If you are upgrading a client application to the new version, it's important to note that nearly every single library has been upgraded, so you will need to respond to that within your application wherever needed.