"Limport" short for lua import, is a small library that will allows you to import files or directories as lua libraries across different engines and platforms.
Originally, limport was created to provide clean execution and adjustments for require
on Luvi applications and Luvit projects.
local limport = require('Limport');
directory = 'json.lua';
cache = true;
key = 'json';
You can install Limport using lit, lit install Kuiarasu/Limport
If your engine doesn't support lit, you may use require
on the converted/non-converted version of the directory or init.lua
, in which case you may rename init.lua
to limport.lua
Limport requires functionality to access and read files, alternatively if the engine supports GET requests, if Limport.makeshift.getRequest(string url, bool cache)
is set, it will be used to require the package that way.
Versions of Limport before 0.0.6 can be utilized by just a function, such as:
local import = require('Limport');
import('json', 'json.lua', 'deps/json', 'deps/json.lua');
Limport Version 0.0.6+ will present itself as a library.
is used to import packages as modules.
local limport = require('Limport');
local import = limport.import;
import('json', {
directory = 'json.lua';
cache = true;
key = 'json';
You may import as many libraries at once by supplying more parameters into Limport.import(...)
, which can either be a string or a table.
String parameters will be interpreted as an in-project directory or external directory and as the preload/load keys for require
. Preload/load key can either include or not include full directories with or without full .lua
or other extensions.
Table parameters will split data and customization for each package, which will take into account the true directory to the package via directory
, whether the package will be cached after being preloaded cache
, and the preload/load key
for require
Luvit, Luvi and Love2D compatabilities are built into Limport.
- If the engine has the full Lua 5.1+ API or with
APIs being supported, Limport will also work there too. - If the engine does not meet the requirements above, Limport can import packages via GET requests if
Limport.makeshift.getRequest(string url, bool cache)
is defined manually. Makeshift will need the body as the first return. - If all the above is not supported, Limport also supports utilizing makeshift functions to help with compatability problems, such as
Limport.makeshift.read(string fullDirectory)
for reading files, body is expected as first return.
Limport.makeshift.stat(string fullDirectory)
to identify as a file or directory. If not defined, Limport will make utilize it's own makeshift version usingLimport.makeshift.read
, table {string type "directory" or "file"} or string "file or "directory" is expected as first return. - Additionally, you may import packages by supplying source code. You will have to create an internal key using
Limport.newDataPackage(string key, string body)