Stupid Kuracord API wrapper, which I made just because I wanted to.
Warning: this version is INCOMPATIBLE with older versions
Keep in mind, that library is in the rewrition stage, meaning that it may break over time.
This is basic ping pong bot.
You can run it with TOKEN="your token here" node fileName.js
const { Client } = require("/path/to/kotori") // or @kuracord/kotori if you downloaded it as package from github
let client = new Client(process.env.TOKEN || process.argv[2])
client.on("message", (message) => {
if (message.content == "ping!") client.api.sendMessage(message.channel_id, "Pong!")
Keep in mind that this is only basic example, you can find the documentation on DOCSURL
^^ this will be replaced when i'll remake docs for the new version of lib