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Configuration parameter details

Manish Motwani edited this page May 23, 2020 · 4 revisions

Following list details, the configuration parameters used while executing the Java implementations of GenProg, TrpAutoRepair, and Par using JaRFly framework. While for most of the parameters default values are used as is, for some parameters (bold faced) we set their values (using and scripts) depending on the technique being run.

  1. negativeTestWeight = 2.0 (default)
  2. classSourceFolder = (default)
  3. model = default (default)
  4. sampleStrategy = variant (default)
  5. srcClassPath = (default)
  6. sourceVersion = 1.6 (default)
  7. popsize = 40 (default)
  8. regenPaths = false (default)
  9. posCoverageFile = coverage.path.pos (default)
  10. continue = false (default)
  12. negCoverageFile = coverage.path.neg (default)
  13. workingDir = (default)
  14. clearTestCache = false (default)
  15. skipFailedSanity = true (default)
  16. sample = 0.1 (for GenProg and PAR)
  17. testGranularity = class/method (training test suite granularity. Use class when considering training test class as a single test, use method when considering individual test methods (of same test class) as independent tests)
  18. justTestingFaultLoc = false (set using cmd line arguments to script
  19. faultLocStrategy = standardPathFile (default)
  20. crossp = 0.5 (default)
  21. pMutation = 1 (default)
  22. generations = 10 (default)
  23. positiveTests = (default)
  24. javaVM = <path to Java7/Java8> (set using cmd line arguments to script
  25. seed = 1 (set using cmd line arguments to script
  26. negativePathWeight = 1.0 (for PAR and TrpAutoRepair based on their citation to ICSE 2012 for GenProg), (0.35 for GenProg based on new weights learnt for C implementation of GenProg in GECCO 2012)
  27. compileCommand = <path to working dir of a defect>/
  28. fixStrategy = classScope (default)
  29. allowCoverageFail = false (default)
  30. targetClassName = <path to bugfiles.txt> (default)
  31. javaRuntime = java.lang.Runtime@300ffa5d (default)
  32. modelPath = OVERALLModel.txt (default)
  33. sanity = yes (default)
  34. positivePathWeight = 0.1 (for PAR and TrpAutoRepair based on their citation to ICSE 2012 for GenProg), (0.65 for GenProg based on new weights learnt for C implementation of GenProg in GECCO 2012)
  35. jacocoPath = <path to jacocoagent.jar> (default)
  36. negativeTests = <path to neg.tests> (default)
  37. pathToFileHumanInjectedFaultLoc = fileHumanInjectedFaultLoc.txt (default)
  38. outputDir = <path to /tmp> (default)
  39. testClassPath = (default)
  40. faultStrategy = classScope (default)
  41. sourceDir = source (default)
  42. checkSpace = false (default)
  43. search = gp (for GenProg and PAR), trp (for TRPAutoRepair)
  44. globalExtension (default)
  45. maxVariants = 400 (default)
  46. libs = <path to junittestrunner.jar> (default)
  47. crossover = onepoint (default)
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