Installation assumes:
- you have already installed Ubuntu Server 22.04 with default configuration and has a public IP connectivity.
- root privillege
- Update and upgrade:
apr update
apt upgrade
- Install radsec proxy:
apt install radsecproxy
- Edit
Modify line to
LogDestination file:///var/log/radsecproxy/radsecproxy.log
- Create the log file:
mkdir /var/log/radsecproxy && touch /var/log/radsecproxy/radsecproxy.log
Service restart:
systemctl restart radsecproxy
Edit radsecproxy.conf
vi /etc/radsecproxy.conf
Add/Modify the clients, servers and realms accordingly
- Client entry
client name_IdP_SP {
host public_ip
type udp
secret enter_sharing_secret_here
server name_IdP_SP {
host Public_IP
type UDP
port 1812
secret enter_sharing_secret_here
- Domain Entry
realm domain {
server name_IdP_SP
Save and exit. esc
+ :wq
Restart the service
systemctl restart radsecproxy
*How to check whether the service is running or not
systemctl status radsecproxy
*Check live logs
tail –f /var/log/radsecproxy/radsecproxy.log