JS-quantities is a nearly functional javascript port of Kevin Olbrich's library Ruby Units (http://ruby-units.rubyforge.org/ruby-units). As described by its author, the library aims to simplify the handling of units for scientific calculations involving quantities.
qty = new Qty("1m");
qty = new Qty('m'); // => 1 meter
qty = new Qty('1 N*m');
qty = new Qty('1 N m'); // * is optional
qty = new Qty("1 m/s");
qty = new Qty("1 m^2/s^2");
qty = new Qty("1 m^2 s^-2"); // negative powers
qty = new Qty("1 m2 s-2"); // ^ is optional
qty = new Qty("1 m^2 kg^2 J^2/s^2 A");
qty = new Qty('1.5'); // unitless quantity
qty = new Qty("1 attoparsec/microfortnight");
qty1.isCompatible(qty2); // => true or false
qty.kind(); // => "length", "area", etc...
qty.isUnitless(); // => true or false
qty.isBase(); // => true if quantity is represented with base units
qty.toBase(); // converts to SI units (10 cm => 0.1 m) (new instance)
qty.toFloat(): // returns scalar of unitless quantity (otherwise throws error)
qty.to("m"); // converts quantity to meter if compatible or throws an error (new instance)
qty1.to(qty2); // converts quantity to same unit of qty2 if compatible or throws an error (new instance)
qty1.eq(qty2); // => true if both quantities are equal (1m == 100cm => true)
qty1.same(qty2); // => true if both quantities are same (1m == 100cm => false)
qty1.lt(qty2); // => true if qty1 is stricty less than qty2
qty1.lte(qty2); // => true if qty1 is less than or equal to qty2
qty1.gt(qty2); // => true if qty1 is stricty greater than qty2
qty1.gte(qty2); // => true if qty1 is greater than or equal to qty2
qty1.compareTo(qty2); // => -1 if qty1 < qty2, 0 if qty1 == qty2; 1 if qty1 > qty2
- add(other): Add. other can be string or quantity. other should be unit compatible.
- sub(other): Substract. other can be string or quantity. other should be unit compatible.
- mul(other): Multiply. other can be string, number or quantity.
- div(other): Divide. other can be string, number or quantity.
Qty#toPrec(precision) with precision as string or quantity standing for the minimum significative quantity. Returns a new quantity.
var qty = new Qty('5.17 ft');
qty.toPrec('ft'); // => 5 ft
qty.toPrec('0.5 ft'); // => 5 ft
qty.toPrec('0.1 ft'); // => 5.2 ft
qty.toPrec('0.05 ft'); // => 5.15 ft
qty.toPrec('0.01 ft'); // => 5.17 ft
qty.toPrec('0.00001 ft'); // => 5.17 ft
qty.toPrec('2 ft'); // => 6 ft
var qty = new Qty('6.3782 m');
qty.toPrec('dm'); // => 6.4 m
qty.toPrec('cm'); // => 6.38 m
qty.toPrec('mm'); // => 6.378 m
qty.toPrec('5 cm'); // => 6.4 m
qty.toPrec('10 m'); // => 10 m
// if target_units string passed, the unit will first be converted to target_units before output.
// Output can be rounded to max_decimals when explicit target_units are specified.
qty.toString(target_units, max_decimals);
qty.units(); // returns the unit parts of the quantity without the scalar
qty.toString(quantity); // Helper using toPrec to round to nearest significative quantity
Tests are implemented with jspec (http://visionmedia.github.com/jspec/). Just open spec/dom.html to execute them.
This project is missing some features of its parent project and is not completely bug free so fork it if you wish to bring your contribution.