Indicates an issue or pull request that is blocked by backend work
Indicates an issue or pull request that is blocked by client work
Indicates an issue or pull request that is blocked on copy
Indicates an issue or pull request that is blocked on customer service input
Indicates an issue or pull request that is blocked on design
Indicates an issue or pull request that is blocked on infrastructure work
Indicates an issue or pull request that is blocked for legal reasons
Indicates an issue or pull request that is blocked on product decisions
Indicates an issue or pull request that is blocked on research
Indicates that an issue or pull request that is blocked for one reason or another
This issue or pull request already exists
Indicates an issue or pull request that affects or is targeted towards the dev environment
Indicates an issue or pull request that affects or is targeted towards the live environment
Indicates an issue or pull request that affects or is targeted towards the next environment
Indicates an issue or pull request that affects or is targeted towards the stage environment
Indicates a large body of work
Extra attention is needed
Indicates an issue or pull request where extra attention is needed.
Indicates an issue or pull request that should be considered as a high priority
Indicates an issue that needs to go through a discovery process
Indicates an issue that needs to be discussed in more detail
Indicates an issue or pull request that needs to be functionally tested
Indicates an issue that needs a more detailed proposal
Indicates a pull request that needs to be rebased