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hbpmip/java-jsi-clus-fire: Fitted Rule Ensembles (FIRE) for multi-target regression

Implementation of the FIRE from CLUS software.


docker run --rm --env [list of environment variables] hbpmip/java-jsi-clus-fire compute

where the environment variables are:

  • NODE: name of the node (machine) used for execution
  • JOB_ID: ID of the job.
  • IN_JDBC_DRIVER: org.postgresql.Driver
  • IN_JDBC_URL: URL to the input database, e.g. jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/features
  • IN_JDBC_USER: User for the input database
  • IN_JDBC_PASSWORD: Password for the input database
  • OUT_JDBC_DRIVER: org.postgresql.Driver
  • OUT_JDBC_URL: URL to the output database, jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/woken
  • OUT_JDBC_USER: User for the output database
  • OUT_JDBC_PASSWORD: Password for the output database
  • PARAM_variables: List of target variables
  • PARAM_covariables: List of input variables
  • PARAM_query: Query selecting the data to feed into the algorithm for training
  • MODEL_PARAM_size: How many models should the ensemble contain. (default is MODEL_PARAM_size=10)
  • MODEL_PARAM_rules: Specify maximal number of rules in the rule set (default is MODEL_PARAM_rules=10)