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Producer and consumer task interaction ex2

Kristoffer Gryte edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 6 revisions

Create prodcon.ini file in DH>/etc/development/Tutorials folder. In this folder include the contents as given below

Modifying the prodcon.ini file as

Enabled = Always
Entity Label = Producer1
Mean value = 37
Standard deviation = 0.5

Enabled = Always
Entity Label = Producer2
Mean value = 45
Standard deviation = 0.1

Enabled = Always
Entity Label = Consumer
Target Producer = Producer1

Enabled = Always
Entity Label = Logger
Transports = Temperature

When we execute the prodcon.ini in the build directory, then the output can be seen as

[2013/09/05 12:42:13] - MSG [Tutorials.TempProd/P1] >> Starting: Producer1
[2013/09/05 12:42:13] - MSG [Tutorials.TempProd/P2] >> Starting: Producer2
[2013/09/05 12:42:13] - MSG [Transports.Logging] >> starting
[2013/09/05 12:42:13] - MSG [Tutorials.TempCons] >> starting
[2013/09/05 12:42:13] - MSG [Tutorials.TempProd/P1] >> starting
[2013/09/05 12:42:13] - MSG [Transports.Logging] >> log started '20130905/124213_idle'
[2013/09/05 12:42:13] - MSG [Tutorials.TempProd/P2] >> starting
[2013/09/05 12:42:14] - MSG [Tutorials.TempCons] >> Source (DUNE instance) ID is: 65535
[2013/09/05 12:42:14] - MSG [Tutorials.TempCons] >> Source entity (Task instance) ID is: 6
[2013/09/05 12:42:14] - MSG [Tutorials.TempCons] >> Temperature is 37.000000, from Producer1

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