This is the official GitHub of the Language, Environment and NeuroDevelopment (LEND) Lab directed by Dr. Julie M. Schneider If you wish to make contributions to a repository, please read the following instructions.
- Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install git via brew
brew install git
- Install GitHub CLI via brew
brew install gh
If you wish to work within the terminal, see git and GitHub in Terminal
- To work on a repository via your own profile, you must "fork" it. Click the Fork button in the right corner to add the repository to your own profile.
- In your own forked version, set up your local clone in the terminal (you only need to do this once for each repo that you clone)
into your local directory where you would like to save the lab repo. (example:cd /Users/lendlab/Desktop/
will take you to the desktop.- Then type:
git clone
- Now you will have a local folder called of that repository on the computer.
- Then type:
cd ./reponame
git remote add upstream[the username of the parent repo]/reponame.git
git remote set-url --push upstream
git remote -v
In the output you will see:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream[the username of the parent repo]/reponame.git (fetch)
upstream (push)
To connect Git to Github you have to provide authentication. It will ask for a username and then password, but no longer accepts these credentials. To create a PAT follow these instructions:
When logging in, enter your username and PAT for the password.
In your git folder type:
echo .DS_Store >> ~/.gitignore_global
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
First be sure you are up to date with the main LEND Lab Github account:
git checkout main
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
git push origin main
Now add whatever to your Git that you would like. To commit this to YOUR Github (see FAQ for ways to modify the below text):
git add new_files
git commit -m "WRITE MESSAGE HERE"
git push origin branch_name
To install Jupyter Notebook, following the documentation here: Note that if you have Python 3, this should be pip3
If Jupyter cannot be found, try using this code:
python3 -m notebook
Add all new files to your commit:
git add -A
Not sure which branch_name is correct? Find out which branch you are on:
git -branch
To create, initialize and push a repository and its accompanying files to GitHub use the following commands.
$ cd ~/.../my_folder # go to a folder
$ git init # initializes the repo to git
$ gh repo create <name> --public --add-readme # creates public repo with accompanying
## Add your files manually or... ##
$ cat > my_file.txt
Here is some text.
^D # control+D
# or
$ vim my_file.txt
i # press i (insert mode)
Here is some text
esc # press escape
:wq # writes/saves and exits vim
$ git remote add origin<username>/<name>.git
$ git add -A # adds all files or: git add
$ git commit -m "commit message"
$ git push origin main