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Loan Prediction

End to End ML project with free deployment.

This project demonstrates how to build a loan prediction application using the PyScript framework. The application utilizes a machine learning model to predict whether a loan applicant will be approved or rejected.


The original version of this project was built using the Flask framework and was deployed on Heroku. However, due to the discontinuation of the Heroku free tier, the application needed to be migrated.


To address this challenge, the project was reimplemented using the PyScript framework. PyScript is a lightweight and versatile framework that allows you to create web applications directly in Python. This approach eliminates the need for a separate web server, making the application easier to deploy and maintain.


This project draws inspiration from the tutorials and guidance provided by Krish Naik. His videos on Flask framework and ML model deployment were instrumental in developing the initial version of this project.


This application is for demonstration purposes only and should not be used to make actual loan decisions. The model's predictions are based on historical data and may not always be accurate.

Found dataset from here

Tech Stack

Client: HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, py-script

Lessons Learned

I successfully linked the machine learning model to the web using the PyScript framework. Key takeaways include:

Learnt more about:

  • Logistic Regression.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis.
  • Feature Engineering.
  • How to use py-script framework.


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You can watch the code live here