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Streamline Your Spring Boot MVC Development with Thymeleaf

Why is this ?

Enhance your Spring Boot MVC development experience with our comprehensive extension pack, meticulously crafted to provide all the tools you need to build exceptional applications with Thymeleaf.

Key Features:

  • Seamless integration with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf
  • Code completion, syntax highlighting, and code formatting
  • Effortless Thymeleaf template editing
  • Enhanced productivity and code quality

Download our extension pack today and unleash the full potential of Spring Boot MVC with Thymeleaf development.

What are the included extension on this pack ?

No Click Here to install from VS Code Marketplace Description
1 :emojisense: Adds suggestions and autocomplete for emoji
2 Better Comments Improve your code commenting by annotating with alert, informational, TODOs, and more!
3 Bootstrap 5 Quick Snippets Collection of Bootstrap 5 Snippets that will make your life easier.
4 Bracket Pair Colorization Toggler Quickly toggle 'Bracket Pair Colorization' setting with a simple command
5 Checkstyle for Java Provide real-time feedback about Checkstyle violations and quick fix actions
6 Code Runner Run C, C++, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, Lua, Groovy, PowerShell, CMD, BASH, F#, C#, VBScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Scala, Swift, Julia, Crystal, OCaml, R, AppleScript, Elixir, VB.NET, Clojure, Haxe, Obj-C, Rust, Racket, Scheme, AutoHotkey, AutoIt, Kotlin, Dart, Pascal, Haskell, Nim,
7 Code Spell Checker Spelling checker for source code
8 Color Highlight Highlight web colors in your editor
9 Debugger for Java A lightweight Java debugger for Visual Studio Code
10 Extension Pack for Java Popular extensions for Java development that provides Java IntelliSense, debugging, testing, Maven/Gradle support, project management and more
11 Git Graph View a Git Graph of your repository, and perform Git actions from the graph.
12 Gradle for Java Manage Gradle Projects, run Gradle tasks and provide better Gradle file authoring experience in VS Code
13 Highlight Matching Tag Highlights matching closing and opening tags
14 HTML CSS Support CSS Intellisense for HTML
15 Icon Fonts Snippets for popular icon fonts such as Font Awesome, Ionicons, Glyphicons, Octicons, Material Design Icons and many more!
16 indent-rainbow Makes indentation easier to read
17 IntelliCode API Usage Examples See relevant code examples from GitHub for over 100K different APIs right in your editor.
18 IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML CSS class name completion for the HTML class attribute based on the definitions found in your workspace.
19 IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings Port of IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings, including for WebStorm, PyCharm, PHP Storm, etc.
20 Java + Spring Extension Pack Some of the most popular and useful Java and Spring extensions
21 Java Decompiler Adds a decompiler for the Java Language Support extension.
22 Java Extension Pack Auto Config JDK Auto-configuration + Extension Pack for Java + Spring Boot Extension Pack
23 jQuery Code Snippets Over 130 jQuery Code Snippets
24 Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat Java Linting, Intellisense, formatting, refactoring, Maven/Gradle support and more...
25 Live Share Real-time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools.
26 Lombok Annotations Support for VS Code Refactor code with Lombok annotations, or remove Lombok annotations with actual methods.
27 Markdown Editor A full-featured WYSIWYG editor for markdown.
28 Markdown Emoji Adds emoji syntax support to VS Code's built-in markdown preview and markdown cells in notebook
29 Markdown Preview Enhanced Markdown Preview Enhanced ported to vscode
30 Maven for Java Manage Maven projects, execute goals, generate project from archetype, improve user experience for Java developers.
31 Path Autocomplete Provides path completion for visual studio code and VS Code for Web.
32 Path Intellisense Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames
33 Postman Streamline API development and testing with the power of Postman, directly in your favorite IDE.
34 Prettier - Code formatter Code formatter using prettier
35 Project Manager for Java Manage Java projects in Visual Studio Code
36 px to rem & rpx & vw (cssrem) Converts between px and rem & rpx & vw units in VSCode
37 Rainbow CSV Highlight CSV and TSV files, Run SQL-like queries
38 Rainbow Tags Rainbow Tags
39 Red Hat Dependency Analytics Provides insights on security vulnerabilities in your application dependencies.
40 Shades of Purple 🦄 A professional theme suite with hand-picked & bold shades of purple for your VS Code editor and terminal apps. One of the excellent, most downloaded, and top-rated VSCode Themes on the marketplace. Part of course.
41 shell-format A formatter for shell scripts, Dockerfile, gitignore, dotenv, /etc/hosts, jvmoptions, and other file types
42 Spring Boot Dashboard Spring Boot Dashboard for VS Code
43 Spring Boot Extension Pack A collection of extensions for developing Spring Boot applications
44 Spring Boot Tools Provides validation and content assist for Spring, application.yml properties files. As well as Boot-specific support for .java files.
45 Spring Code Generator A extension for Visual Studio Code based on java spring framework.This extension can generate necessary file in spring (Controller, Service, Entity, Dto) or generate crud operations with controller or just crud operations in your spring application.
46 Spring Initializr Java Support A lightweight extension based on Spring Initializr to generate quick start Spring Boot Java projects.
47 Test Runner for Java Run and debug JUnit or TestNG test cases.
48 Thymeleaf HTML5 Snippets Most common thymeleaf code snippets for .html file
49 Todo Tree Show TODO, FIXME, etc. comment tags in a tree view
50 Trailing Spaces Highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash!
51 vscode-icons Icons for Visual Studio Code
52 XML XML Language Support by Red Hat
53 YAML YAML Language Support by Red Hat, with built-in Kubernetes syntax support

A heartfelt thank you to the dedicated developers who have created the incredible VS Code extensions that make our development lives easier.

Thank you for making VS Code a better place to develop software.

Release Notes

Changes descriptions Version No.
Extensions were removed 🎉️ 0.0.4
New Extensions were added 🎉️
Bug fix 🎉️ 0.0.8

Version : 0.0.1 🎉️

Initial release of extension

Get touch with me

If there is some things to upgrade or some thing change this extention. Please initialize issue on GitHub.


Enjoy! 😄