Author: Larisa Dorman-Gajic
University of Edinburgh
School of Physics and Astronomy
A series of classes:
- Cahn-Hilliard
- Poisson
- Poisson_Mag
- Poisson2D And a main module which runs these classes:
These modules us Cahn-Hilliard algorithm and Poisson statistics to calculate mixtures of oil and water as well as field around points and wires.
To run command line should read as:
python3 {size of square lattice} {type of simulation to run} {initial conditions for phi: either 0.0, 0.5, -0.5}
Example dats and plots for all combinations as shown in files "data" and "plots"
The main module which uses classes to run different algorithms based on user input. This includes an animation of an oil and water mixture based on starting parameters using the Cahn-Hilliard algorthim as well as being able to produce a graph for the free energy density based on this mixture and initial parameters. Also using Poisson statistics to test the potential, electric and magnetic fields for lattices with either a monopole or wire in the centre. Also produces a plot for the convergences of the potential field of a monopole in a 2d lattice with changing amounts of over-relaxation.
Class using the Cahn-Hilliard algorithm to model an oil and water mixture using a 2D lattice and animated using Func Animation. Also calculates the free energy density of the system.
Class to initialise 3D potential and electric fields of a lattice with a singular monopole at the centre. Done so based on Poisson statistics.
Class to initialise 3D potential and magnetic fields of a lattice with a wire through the centre. Done so based on Poisson statistics.
Class to initialise 2D potential and electric fields of a lattice with a singular monopole at the centre. Done so based on Poisson statistics.