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Alaya Season Hackathon Project Ideas

This Hackathon aims to encourage developers to actively participate in the development practices on the Alaya testnet. Hackathon offers a prize pool with the equivalent of $100,000 in ATP, including: the initial bonus of ATP equivalent to $50,000, distributed according to the number of votes of the project based on the quadratic algorithm. the special jury bonus of ATP equivalent to $50,000, to incentivize outstanding projects in the Alaya ecosystem. 50,000 USD for the privacy computing track prize pool. 20,000 USD for a special award for quality projects. We encourage participants to create innovative blockchain projects, including infrastructure, applications, peripherals, etc. The following are some ideas and suggestions from the Alaya community and the participating judges.

Infrastructure or underlying protocol layer

The layer provides a reliable and secure foundation for the upper application layer, and mainly includes the protocol code and basic hardware facilities on the lowest layer of the blockchain.

  • The underlying protocol

    The underlying protocol is the lowest and most basic part of blockchain applications. It maintains network node and enables API calls. It is built mainly through technologies such as network programming, encryption algorithms, and data storage.

  • Anonymity technology

    Anonymity technology is used to solve user privacy issues.

  • Security optimization

    Consensus security, transaction security, etc.

  • Peripherals (explorers, wallets, and tools)

    Peripherals provide users (users/developers in the ecosystem) with various convenient, usable and easy-to-use services.

General application layer

This layer mainly provides high-level APIs for blockchain application developers to build practical blockchain applications.

  • Smart contract

    That is, a "programmable contract". A smart contract allows credible transactions without a third party. These transactions are traceable and irreversible. Generally speaking, when the set conditions are met, the contract is automatically executed. It represents a major direction for the future development of blockchain.

  • Cross-chain

    Among the many problems facing blockchain, network isolation hinders the collaborative operation of different blockchains, which greatly limits the development space for blockchain. Cross-chain technology is the key to realizing the value of the Internet. In simple terms, by cross-chain, a communication protocol can be executed from one chain to another. The two chains can be a parent chain and a child chain, or they can be side chains.

  • Layer 2 network

    Layer 2 pursues the ultimate performance. Layer 2 network can reduce the burden on Layer 1 by sharing most of its computation workload, thereby improving service processing efficiency and achieving scaling. Layer 2 can only achieve partial consensus, but it can meet the needs of various scenarios.

  • Privacy-preserving computation

    Current models mostly rely on the training of massive data, and the demand for massive data has led to the raging data privacy issues. Privacy-preserving computation can aggregate computation and train models using data scattered across multiple parties without aggregating massive data, while making the data of each party unexposed throughout the process, e.g. the migration of Ethereum-related privacy-preserving projects.

  • Information security

    It is used to secure the development and the information on the blockchain, and to provide blockchain application developers with a safer development environment and security audits.

  • DAO

    DAO, a form of organizational structure based on the blockchain, aims to make an organization, upon its establishment, comply with specific specifications through smart contracts. It adjusts all participants' privileges through a contract mechanism.

  • BaaS

    BaaS is a decentralized platform built on the existing blockchain technology and protocols, and provides service examples based on public chains.

Industrial application layer

With the basic protocol layer and the general application layer, blockchain can be used in many specific industries, leading a new round of innovation.

  • Authentication

    It is mainly used to authenticate the identity, account, address and contract content of users participating in the transaction.

  • Payment

    As an important part of blockchain finance, it aims to solve the issues of trust, security and anonymity in transactions, realize streaming payment, process funds in real time, and ensure real-time payment by both parties within the agreed time period.

  • NFT

    The important features of NFTs include: each NFT has one unique identification; NFTs are neither interchangeable nor divisible. More importantly, each NFT represents a value that is different from the other. NFT has set off an upsurge in collectibles and entertainment fields.

  • Fintech

    The blockchain technology can solve the trust and security issues in transactions, and has thus become an alternative direction for the future upgrade of the financial industry. Through the blockchain, people can trade without any third-party credit intermediaries, reducing the cost of asset transfer on a global scale.

  • Storage

    Blockchain can guarantee the security of stored files. With the help of blockchain-based decentralized cloud storage, data retention and transmission are more secure. At the same time, since every change in blockchain transactions can be tracked and recorded in distributed and public ledgers, blockchain storage becomes an ideal choice for keeping any form of financial transaction records that require audit management.

  • Data service

    It mainly provides three services: data sharing, database and data preservation, for example, Oracle chain, Streamr, and The graph.

  • Law

    The legal application of distributed evidence of blockchain is mainly embodied in three aspects: copyright protection, evidence preservation, and electronic smart contracts.

  • Energy

    Blockchain is widely used in the energy industry, and provides data for energy service operators, for example, carbon neutrality.

  • DeFI

    DeFi, or Decentralized Finance, is broadly defined as new forms of financial products, aiming to create a distributed and more competitive financial system in an open, open-source, and barrier-free blockchain ecosystem and realize distributed transactions in the global market. It involves underlying infrastructure, financial infrastructure, and user interaction interface, e.g. Maker, Uniswap, etc.

  • Data application scenarios

    Map ugc, global battery recycling, global logistics information tracing, etc.

Adaptation research

We welcome developers to experiment on the Alaya development testnet based on open-source ecosystem projects. Examples are as below;

  • Private transactions-Tornado Cash is a private transaction middleware implemented on Ethereum based on zero-knowledge proof (ZKP). It uses zk-SNARK and can *send ETH and ERC20 tokens (DAI, cDAI, USDC, USDT, and WBTC) to any address in an untraceable manner;

  • Identity authentication-The decentralized identity management system can generate a unique identity on the chain for users, allowing unified identity authentication across applications. It can be scaled to multiple authentication and cross-validation;

  • "Stateless", light (stateless) nodes can verify all transactions and all parts of the state without materially storing any state. Statelessness allows the various states of/stateless existence of light clients, and each state requires different specifications to make nodes easier to access. One example is the Mina protocol.


Alaya Season Hackathon Project Ideas

本次 Hackathon 旨在让开发者积极参与 Alaya 开发测试网络上的开发实践, Hackathon 总奖金池 17 万美元等值ATP,其中包括:初始奖金池 5 万美元等值ATP,根据项目的投票人数基于二次方算法分配。评委特别奖金 5 万美元等值ATP,用于激励 Alaya 生态中的优秀项目。5万美元为隐私计算赛道奖金池。2万美元为优质项目专项奖励。我们鼓励参赛者产出具有创新性的区块链项目,包括基础设施、应用、工具周边开发等,以下是来自 Alaya 社区及参赛评委 的一些想法和建议



  • 底层协议


  • 匿名技术


  • 安全优化


  • 周边(浏览器、钱包、工具)




  • 智能合约


  • 跨链


  • 二层网络

    Layer2 追求极致的性能,作为二层网络,可以替 Layer1 承担大部分计算工作,降低一层网络的负担,提高业务处理效率,从而实现扩容。Layer2 只能做到局部共识,但是可以满足各类场景的需求。

  • 隐私计算


  • 信息安全


  • DAO


  • BaaS




  • 认证


  • 支付


  • NFT


  • 金融科技


  • 存储


  • 数据服务

    主要提供数据共享、数据库以及数据保护三项服务。例如Oracle chain,Streamr,The graph等。

  • 法律


  • 能源


  • DeFI

    DeFi,即 Decentralized Finance,广义定义则是创造新形态的金融产品,在开放、开源、无门槛的区块链生态环境中,打造分布式更有竞争力的金融系统,在全球市场上实现分布式交易,包含底层基础设施、金融基础设施、用户交互界面等。例如Maker,Uniswap等。

  • 数据落地场景




  • 隐私交易类-Tornado Cash 是基于零知识证明在以太坊上实现的隐私交易中间件。它使用 zk-SNARK ,能够**以不可追溯的方式将 ETH 以及 ERC20 代币(目前支持 DAI,cDAI,USDC,USDT,WBTC)发送到任何地址*;

  • 身份认证类- 去中心化身份管理系统可为用户生成链上唯一的身份标识,让用户在不同应用之间实现统一的身份认证,可以拓展为多重认证和交叉验证;

  • “无状态客户端” (Stateless ) - 轻(无状态)节点将能够验证所有交易以及状态的所有部分,而无需实际存储任何状态。无状态允许轻客户端以各种状态/无状态存在,每个状态都需要不同的规范,从而使节点更易于访问,例如Mina协议。