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0 Wrap the fast logger of spdlog

LatticeX Foundation 衷心支持开源, 并乐意为开源和开源社区的发展添砖加瓦. 并对项目Rosetta-Log提供支持.

1 简介

Rosetta-Log 是在 spdlog1.6.1 的版本上进行的二次开发. 主要有以下特性:

  • 新增审计日志级别: spdlog::level::audit
  • 修改致命日志的展示名称: 由 critical 变为 fatal
  • 新增 task_id 作为日志句柄
  • 新增 c++ 流式日志 格式
  • 缺省开启 屏幕日志
  • Debug时, 缺省的屏幕日志模式为: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e|%^%l%$|%s:%#|%v, 相对应的文件模式为: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e|%l|%s:%#|%v
  • Relase时, 缺省的屏幕日志模式为: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e|%^%l%$|%v, 相对应的文件模式为: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e|%l|%v
  • 日志文件是 同步的basic 日志

2 安装

克隆源码 Rosetta-Log 到你的编译目录, 并使用支持 c++11 特性的编译器.

2.1 头文件方式

推荐使用 Rosetta-Log 的动态库形式. 如果我们仅需要头文件形式, 那么需要在编译的时候, 包含如下两个源文件:

  1. src/loggers.cpp
  2. src/logger_stream.cpp

example/example.cpp 为例, 其编译的命令行命令为:

g++ -std=c++11 example.cpp ../src/loggers.cpp ../src/logger_stream.cpp -o example -I../include -lpthread

2.2 共享库

Rosetta-Log 的共享库生成方式为:

$ git clone
$ cd Rosetta-Log && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make -j

2.3 样例

example 目录下, 有两份使用样例源码:

  • example.cpp: spdlog官网上的使用样板源码
  • test.cpp: Rostta-Log 日志的使用样板源码

以上两个样板, 可以在源码的根目录执行如下操作验证:

$ git clone
$ cd Rosetta-Log && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make -j
$ ./example/example 
$ ./example/test 

3 使用样例

#include "spdlog/loggers.h"
 *  if compiled in the command line,  for example, in current directory, please execute follow command 
 *  g++ -std=c++11 test.cpp ../src/loggers.cpp ../src/logger_stream.cpp -o test -I../include -lpthread
int main(int ac, char* av[])
	//spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::trace); // Set global log level to info
	spdlog::info("Welcome to spdlog version {}.{}.{}  !", SPDLOG_VER_MAJOR, SPDLOG_VER_MINOR, SPDLOG_VER_PATCH);
	spdlog::trace("this trace should not be display because the default level is spdlog::info");  
	spdlog::debug("this debug should not be display because the default level is spdlog::info");  
	spdlog::audit("this audit should not be display because the default level is spdlog::info");  
	spdlog::info("this info should be display because the default level is spdlog::info");  
	spdlog::warn("this warn should be display because the default level is spdlog::info");  
	spdlog::error("this error should be display because the default level is spdlog::info");  
	spdlog::critical("this critical should be display because the default level is spdlog::info");  

	spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::trace); // Set global log level to info
	spdlog::trace("this trace should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");  
	spdlog::debug("this debug should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");  
	spdlog::audit("this audit should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");  
	spdlog::trace("this info should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");  
	spdlog::warn("this warn should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");  
	spdlog::error("this error should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");  
	spdlog::critical("this critical should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");  

	// use the wrap fmt of  T*_ logger, all logger messages will display, begin 
	TTRACE_("", "hello world {} - {}", "again", 9909);
	TTRACE_("", "TRACE");
	TDEB_("", "DEB");
	TAUDIT_("","AUDIT {}", 123);
	TINFO_("", "INFO");
	TWARN_("", "WARN");
	TERROR_("", "ERROR");
	TFATAL_("", "FATAL");
	// use the wrap fmt of T*_ logger, all logger messages will display, end 

	// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages will display, begin 
	// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages will display, end 
	// Set logger filename
	const char* logger_sink = "test_sink";
	Logger::Get().set_filename("log/test.log", logger_sink);
	// use the wrap fmt of  T*_ logger, all logger messages not only display on console, but also write to file, begin 
	TTRACE_(logger_sink, "hello world {} - {}", "again", 9909);
	TTRACE_(logger_sink, "TRACE");
	TDEB_(logger_sink, "DEB");
	TAUDIT_(logger_sink,"AUDIT {}", 123);
	TINFO_(logger_sink, "INFO");
	TWARN_(logger_sink, "WARN");
	TERROR_(logger_sink, "ERROR");
	TFATAL_(logger_sink, "FATAL");
	// use the wrap fmt of T*_ logger, all logger messages not only display on console, but also write to file, end 

	// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages not only display on console, bu also write to file, begin 
	// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages not only display on console, but also write to file, end 
	// all logger message will write to console, begin 
	Trace()<<"ZERO Trace file and console";
	Deb()<<"ZERO Deb file and console";
	Audit()<<"ZERO Audit file and console";
	Info()<<"ZERO Info file and console";
	Warn()<<"ZERO Warn file and console";
	Error()<<"ZERO Error file and console";
	Fatal()<<"ZERO Fatal file and console";
	// all logger message will write to console, end 
	// all logger message will write to file and console, begin 
	Trace(logger_sink)<<"Trace file and console";
	Deb(logger_sink)<<"Deb file and console";
	Audit(logger_sink)<<"Audit file and console";
	Info(logger_sink)<<"Info file and console";
	Warn(logger_sink)<<"Warn file and console";
	Error(logger_sink)<<"Error file and console";
	Fatal(logger_sink)<<"Fatal file and console";
	// all logger message will write to file and console, end 

	// set pattern to spdlog's default formart
	// use the wrap fmt of  T*_ logger, all logger messages will write to file, begin 
	TTRACE_(logger_sink, "hello world {} - {}", "again", 9909);
	TTRACE_(logger_sink, "TRACE");
	TDEB_(logger_sink, "DEB");
	TAUDIT_(logger_sink,"AUDIT {}", 123);
	TINFO_(logger_sink, "INFO");
	TWARN_(logger_sink, "WARN");
	TERROR_(logger_sink, "ERROR");
	TFATAL_(logger_sink, "FATAL");

	// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages will write to file, begin 
	// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages will write to file, end 

	// all logger message will write to console, begin 
	Trace()<<"ZERO Trace file";
	Deb()<<"ZERO Deb file";
	Audit()<<"ZERO Audit file";
	Info()<<"ZERO Info file";
	Warn()<<"ZERO Warn file";
	Error()<<"ZERO Error file";
	Fatal()<<"ZERO Fatal file";
	// all logger message will write to console, end 
	// all logger message will write to file and console, begin 
	Trace(logger_sink)<<"Trace file";
	Deb(logger_sink)<<"Deb file";
	Audit(logger_sink)<<"Audit file";
	Info(logger_sink)<<"Info file";
	Warn(logger_sink)<<"Warn file";
	Error(logger_sink)<<"Error file";
	Fatal(logger_sink)<<"Fatal file";
	// all logger message will write to file and console, end 

	return 0;

4 注意事项

  • 如果我们使用 cpp的流式日志, 请不要使用 std::endl, 因为日志本身会自动换行. 如果日志中途需要换行, 请使用c方式的 "\n" 代替.
  • 如果设置了日志文件, 缺省情况下, 所有的控制台日志也会写入日志文件

更多详情, 请往官网的 spdlogwiki.