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API Functions

client:new ( tfmId, token, hasSpecialRole, updateSettings )

Parameter Type Required Description
tfmId string, int The Transformice ID of your account. If you don't know how to obtain it, go to the room #bolodefchoco0id and check your chat.
token string The API Endpoint token to get access to the authentication keys.
hasSpecialRole boolean Whether the bot has the game's special role bot or not.
updateSettings boolean Whether the IP/Port settings should be updated by the endpoint or not when the @hasSpecialRole is true.

Creates a new instance of Client. Alias: client().
The function start is automatically called if you pass its arguments.


Type Description
client The new Client object.

Table structure:

  playerName = "", -- The nickname of the account that is attached to this instance, if there's any.
  community = 0, -- The community enum where the object is set to perform the login. Default value is EN.
  main = { }, -- The main connection object, handles the game server.
  bulle = { }, -- The bulle connection object, handles the room server.
  event = { }, -- The event emitter object, used to trigger events.
  cafe = { }, -- The cached Café structure. (topics and messages)
  playerList = { }, -- The room players data.
  -- The fields below must not be edited, since they are used internally in the api.
  _mainLoop = { }, -- (userdata) A timer that retrieves the packets received from the game server.
  _bulleLoop = { }, -- (userdata) A timer that retrieves the packets received from the room server.
  _receivedAuthkey = 0, -- Authorization key, used to connect the account.
  _gameVersion = 0, -- The game version, used to connect the account.
  _gameConnectionKey = "", -- The game connection key, used to connect the account.
  _gameIdentificationKeys = { }, -- The game identification keys, used to connect the account.
  _gameMsgKeys = { }, -- The game message keys, used to connect the account.
  _connectionTime = 0, -- The timestamp of when the account logged in. It will be 0 if the account is not connected.
  _isConnected = false, -- Whether the account is connected or not.
  _hbTimer = { }, -- (userdata) A timer that sends heartbeats to the server.
  _whoFingerprint = 0, -- A fingerprint to identify the chat where the command /who was used.
  _whoList = { }, -- A list of chat names associated to their own fingerprints.
  _processXml = false, -- Whether the event "newGame" should decode the XML packet or not. (Set as false to save process)
  _cafeCachedMessages = { }, -- A set of message IDs to cache the read messages at the Café.
  _handlePlayers = false, -- Whether the player-related events should be handled or not. (Set as false to save process)
  _encode = { }, -- The encode object, used to encryption.
  _hasSpecialRole = false, -- Whether the bot has the game's special role bot or not.
  _updateSettings = false -- Whether the IP/Port settings should be updated by the endpoint or not when the @hasSpecialRole is true.

client:acceptTribeHouseInvitation ( inviterName )

Parameter Type Required Description
inviterName string The name of who has invited the bot.

Accepts a tribe house invitation and joins the tribe's tribehouse.
/!\ Note that this method will not cover errors if the account is not in a tribe or does not have permissions.

client:addFriend ( playerName )

Parameter Type Required Description
playerName string The player name to be added.

Adds a player to the friend list.

client:blacklistPlayer ( playerName )

Parameter Type Required Description
playerName string The player name to be added.

Adds a player to the black list.

client:changeWhisperState ( message, state )

Parameter Type Required Description
message string The /silence message. (default = '')
state enum.whisperState An enum from whisperState. (index or value) (default = enabled)

Sets the account's whisper state.

client:chatWho ( chatName )

Parameter Type Required Description
chatName string The name of the chat.

Gets the names of players in a specific chat. (/who)

client:closeChat ( chatName )

Parameter Type Required Description
chatName string The name of the chat.

Leaves a #chat.

client:connect ( userName, userPassword, startRoom, timeout )

Parameter Type Required Description
userName string The name of the account. It must contain the discriminator tag (#).
userPassword string The password of the account.
startRoom string The name of the initial room. (default = "*#bolodefchoco")
timeout int The time in ms to throw a timeout error if the connection takes too long to succeed. (default = 20000)

Connects to an account in-game.
It will try to connect using all the available ports before throwing a timing out error.

client:connectionTime ( )

Gets the total time since the account was connected.


Type Description
int The total time since the account was logged in.

client:createCafeTopic ( title, message )

Parameter Type Required Description
title string The title of the topic.
message string The content of the topic.

Creates a Café topic.
/!\ The method does not handle the Café's cooldown system.

client:disconnect ( )

Forces the private function closeAll to be called.


Type Description
boolean Whether the Connection objects can be destroyed or not.

client:emit ( eventName, ... )

Parameter Type Required Description
eventName string The name of the event.
... * The parameters to be passed during the emitter call.

Emits an event.
See the available events in Events. You can also create your own events / emitters.

client:enterRoom ( roomName, isSalonAuto )

Parameter Type Required Description
roomName string The name of the room.
isSalonAuto boolean Whether the change room must be /salonauto or not. (default = false)

Enters a room.

client:enterPrivateRoom ( roomName, roomPassword )

Parameter Type Required Description
roomName string The name of the room.
roomPassword string The password of the room.

Enters in a room protected with password.

client:handlePlayers ( handle )

Parameter Type Required Description
handle boolean Whether the bot should handle the player events. The default value is the inverse of the current value. The instance starts the field as 'false'.

Toggles the field _handle_players of the instance.
If 'true', the following events are going to be handled: playerGetCheese, playerVampire, playerWon, playerLeft, playerDied, newPlayer, refreshPlayerList, updatePlayer, playerEmote.


Type Description
boolean Whether the bot will handle the player events.

client:getTranslation ( language, index, raw )

Parameter Type Required Description
language enum.language An enum from language. (index or value) (default = en)
index string The code of the translation line.
raw boolean Whether the translation line must be sent in raw mode or filtered. (default = false)

Gets a translation line in one of the Transformice language files.


Type Description
string, table The translation line. If @index is nil, then it's the translation table (index = value). If @index exists, it may be the string, or @raw string, or a table if it has gender differences ({ male, female }). It may not exist.

client:insertPacketListener ( C, CC, f, append )

Parameter Type Required Description
C int The C packet.
CC int The CC packet.
f function The function to be triggered when the @C-@CC packets are received.
append boolean 'true' if the function should be appended to the (C, CC) listener, 'false' if the function should overwrite the (C, CC) listener. (default = false)

Inserts a new function to the packet parser. The parameters are (self, packet, connection, identifiers).

client:insertOldPacketListener ( C, CC, f, append )

Parameter Type Required Description
C int The C packet.
CC int The CC packet.
f function The function to be triggered when the @C-@CC packets are received.
append boolean 'true' if the function should be appended to the (C, CC) listener, 'false' if the function should overwrite the (C, CC) listener. (default = false)

Inserts a new function to the old packet parser. The parameters are (self, data, connection, oldIdentifiers).

client:insertTribulleListener ( tribulleId, f, append )

Parameter Type Required Description
tribulleId int The tribulle id.
f function The function to be triggered when this tribulle packet is received.
append boolean 'true' if the function should be appended to the (C, CC, tribulle) listener, 'false' if the function should overwrite the (C, CC) listener. (default = false)

Inserts a new function to the tribulle (60, 3) packet parser. The parameters are (self, packet, connection, tribulleId).

client:joinChat ( chatName )

Parameter Type Required Description
chatName string The name of the chat.

Joins a #chat.

client:joinTribeHouse ( )

Joins the tribe house.
/!\ Note that this method will not cover errors if the account is not in a tribe or does not have permissions.

client:kickTribeMember ( memberName )

Parameter Type Required Description
memberName string The name of the member to be kicked.

Kicks a tribe member from the tribe.
/!\ Note that this method will not cover errors if the account is not in a tribe or does not have permissions.

client:likeCafeMessage ( topicId, messageId, dislike )

Parameter Type Required Description
topicId int The id of the topic where the message is located.
messageId int The id of the message that will receive the reaction.
dislike boolean Whether the reaction must be a dislike or not. (default = false)

Likes/Dislikes a message in a Café topic.
/!\ The method does not handle the Café's cooldown system: 300 seconds to react in a message.

client:loadLua ( script )

Parameter Type Required Description
script string The lua script.

Loads a lua script in the room.

client:on ( eventName, callback )

Parameter Type Required Description
eventName string The name of the event.
callback function The function that must be called when the event is triggered.

Sets an event emitter that is triggered everytime a specific behavior happens.
See the available events in Events.

client:once ( eventName, callback )

Parameter Type Required Description
eventName string The name of the event.
callback function The function that must be called only once when the event is triggered.

Sets an event emitter that is triggered only once a specific behavior happens.
See the available events in Events.

client:openCafe ( close )

Parameter Type Required Description
close boolean If the Café should be closed. (default = false)

Toggles the current Café state (open / close).
It will send reloadCafe automatically if close is false.

client:openCafeTopic ( topicId )

Parameter Type Required Description
topicId int The id of the topic to be opened.

Opens a Café topic.
You may use this method to reload (or refresh) the topic.

client:openTribeInterface ( includeOfflineMembers )

Parameter Type Required Description
includeOfflineMembers boolean Whether data from offline members should be retrieved too. (default = false)

Requests opening the tribe interface to retrieve all informations there.
/!\ Note that this method will not cover errors if the account is not in a tribe or does not have permissions.

client:playEmote ( emote, flag )

Parameter Type Required Description
emote enum.emote An enum from emote. (index or value) (default = dance)
flag string The country code of the flag when @emote is flag.

Plays an emote.

client:playEmoticon ( emoticon )

Parameter Type Required Description
emoticon enum.emoticon An enum from emoticon. (index or value) (default = smiley)

Plays an emoticon

client:processXml ( process )

Parameter Type Required Description
process boolean Whether map XMLs should be processed.

Toggles the field _process_xml of the instance.
If 'true', the XML will be processed in the event newGame.


Type Description
boolean Whether map XMLs will be processed.

client:recruitPlayer ( playerName )

Parameter Type Required Description
playerName string The name of player to be recruited.

Sends a tribe invite to a player.
/!\ Note that this method will not cover errors if the account is not in a tribe or does not have permissions.

client:reloadCafe ( )

Reloads the Café data.

client:requestBlackList ( )

Requests the black list.

client:requestFriendList ( )

Requests the friend list.

client:requestRoomList ( roomMode )

Parameter Type Required Description
roomMode enum.roomMode An enum from roomMode. (index or value) (default = normal)

Requests the data of a room mode list.

client:removeFriend ( playerName )

Parameter Type Required Description
playerName string The player name to be removed from the friend list.

Removes a player from the friend list.

client:sendCafeMessage ( topicId, message )

Parameter Type Required Description
topicId int The id of the topic where the message will be posted.
message string The message to be posted.

Sends a message in a Café topic.
/!\ The method does not handle the Café's cooldown system: 300 seconds if the last post is from the same account, otherwise 10 seconds.

client:sendChatMessage ( chatName, message )

Parameter Type Required Description
chatName string The name of the chat.
message string The message.

Sends a message to a #chat.
/!\ Note that a message has a limit of 80 characters in the first 24 hours after the account creation, and 255 characters later. You must handle the limit yourself or the bot may get disconnected.

client:sendCommand ( command )

Parameter Type Required Description
command string The command. (without /)

Sends a (/)command.

client:sendRoomMessage ( message )

Parameter Type Required Description
message string The message.

Sends a message in the room chat.
/!\ Note that a message has a limit of 80 characters in the first 24 hours after the account creation, and 255 characters later. You must handle the limit yourself or the bot may get disconnected.

client:sendTribeMessage ( message )

Parameter Type Required Description
message string The message.

Sends a message to the tribe chat.
/!\ Note that a message has a limit of 80 characters in the first 24 hours after the account creation, and 255 characters later. You must handle the limit yourself or the bot may get disconnected.

client:sendWhisper ( targetUser, message )

Parameter Type Required Description
message string The message.
targetUser string The user who will receive the whisper.

Sends a whisper to a user.
/!\ Note that a message has a limit of 80 characters in the first 24 hours after the account creation, and 255 characters later. You must handle the limit yourself or the bot may get disconnected.

client:setCommunity ( community )

Parameter Type Required Description
community string, int An enum from community. (index or value) (default = EN)

Sets the community the bot will connect to.
/!\ This method must be called before the start.

client:setTribeGreetingMessage ( message )

Parameter Type Required Description
message string The message.

Changes the greeting message of the tribe.
/!\ Note that this method will not cover errors if the account is not in a tribe or do not have permissions.

client:setTribeMemberRole ( memberName, roleId )

Parameter Type Required Description
memberName string The name of the member to get the role.
roleId int The role id. (starts from 0, the initial role, and goes until the Chief role)

Sets the role of a member in the tribe.
/!\ Note that this method will not cover errors if the account is not in a tribe or do not have permissions.

client:start ( tfmId, token )

Parameter Type Required Description
tfmId string, int The Transformice ID of your account. If you don't know how to obtain it, go to the room #bolodefchoco0id and check your chat.
token string The API Endpoint token to get access to the authentication keys.

Initializes the API connection with the authentication keys. It must be the first method of the API to be called.

client:waitFor ( eventName, timeout, predicate )

Parameter Type Required Description
eventName string The name of the event.
timeout int The time to timeout the yield.
predicate function The predicate that checks whether the triggered event refers to the right one. Must return a boolean.

Yields the running coroutine and will resume it when the given event is triggered.
If a timeout (in milliseconds) is provided, the function will return after that timeout expires unless the given event has been triggered before.
If a predicate is provided, events that do not pass the predicate will be ignored.
See the available events in Events.


Type Description
boolean Whether it has not timed out and triggered successfully.
... The parameters of the event.

client:whitelistPlayer ( playerName )

Parameter Type Required Description
playerName string The player name to be removed from the blacklist.

Removes a player from the black list.