Use the following structure to make events:
client:on("event_name", function(parameters) -- replace 'on' to 'once' if you want it to be triggered only once.
Parameter Type Description blackList table
An array of strings of the names that are in the black list. Triggered when the black list is loaded.
Parameter Type Description data table
The data of the topics. Triggered when the Café is opened or refreshed, and the topics are loaded partially.
@data structure:
{ [x] = { id = 0, -- The id of the topic. title = "", -- The title of the topic. authorId = 0, -- The id of the topic author. posts = 0, -- The number of messages in the topic. lastUserName = "", -- The name of the last user that posted in the topic. timestamp = 0, -- When the topic was created. -- The event "cafeTopicLoad" must be triggered so the fields below exist. author = "", -- The name of the topic author. messages = { [i] = { topicId = 0, -- The id of the topic where the message is located. id = 0, -- The id of the message. authorId = 0, -- The id of the topic author. timestamp = 0, -- When the topic was created. author = "", -- The name of the topic author. content = "", -- The content of the message. canLike = false, -- Whether the account can like/dislike the message. likes = 0 -- The number of likes on the message. } } } }
Parameter Type Description topic table
The data of the topic. Triggered when a Café topic is opened or refreshed.
@topic structure:
{ id = 0, -- The id of the topic. title = "", -- The title of the topic. authorId = 0, -- The id of the topic author. posts = 0, -- The number of messages in the topic. lastUserName = "", -- The name of the last user that posted in the topic. timestamp = 0, -- When the topic was created. author = "", -- The name of the topic author. messages = { [i] = { topicId = 0, -- The id of the topic where the message is located. id = 0, -- The id of the message. authorId = 0, -- The id of the topic author. timestamp = 0, -- When the topic was created. author = "", -- The name of the topic author. content = "", -- The content of the message. canLike = false, -- Whether the account can like/dislike the message. likes = 0 -- The number of likes on the message. } } }
Parameter Type Description message table
The data of the message. topic table
The data of the topic. Triggered when a new message in a Café topic is cached.
@message structure:
{ topicId = 0, -- The id of the topic where the message is located. id = 0, -- The id of the message. authorId = 0, -- The id of the topic author. timestamp = 0, -- When the topic was created. author = "", -- The name of the topic author. content = "", -- The content of the message. canLike = false, -- Whether the account can like/dislike the message. likes = 0 -- The number of likes on the message. }@topic structure:
{ id = 0, -- The id of the topic. title = "", -- The title of the topic. authorId = 0, -- The id of the topic author. posts = 0, -- The number of messages in the topic. lastUserName = "", -- The name of the last user that posted in the topic. timestamp = 0, -- When the topic was created. -- The event "cafeTopicLoad" must be triggered so the fields below exist. author = "", -- The name of the topic author. messages = { [i] = { topicId = 0, -- The id of the topic where the message is located. id = 0, -- The id of the message. authorId = 0, -- The id of the topic author. timestamp = 0, -- When the topic was created. author = "", -- The name of the topic author. content = "", -- The content of the message. canLike = false, -- Whether the account can like/dislike the message. likes = 0 -- The number of likes on the message. } } }
Parameter Type Description chatName string
The name of the chat. playerName string
The player who sent the message. message string
The message. playerCommunity int
The community id of @playerName. Triggered when a #chat receives a new message.
Parameter Type Description chatName string
The name of the chat. data table
An array with the nicknames of the current users in the chat. Triggered when the /who command is loaded in a chat.
Parameter Type Description playerId int
The temporary id of the player during the section. playerName string
The name of the player that has connected. playedTime int
The time played by the player. community int
The community ID that the account has been logged into. Triggered when the player is logged in and ready to perform actions.
Triggered when it fails to login.
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player that has connected. friendList table
The data of the players in the account's friend list. soulmate table
The separated data of the account's soulmate. blackList table
An array of strings of the names that are in the black list. Triggered when the client logs in and its data gets loaded. @playerData structure:
{ id = 0, -- The player id. gender = 0 -- The soulmate's gender. Enum in enum.gender. }@friendlist structure:
{ [i] = { id = 0, -- The player id. playerName = "", -- The player's name. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. isFriend = true, -- Whether the player has the account as a friend (added back) or not. isConnected = true, -- Whether the player is online or offline. gameId = 0, -- The id of the game where the player is connected. Enum in roomName = "", -- The name of the room the player is in. lastConnection = 0 -- Timestamp of when the player was last online. } }@soulmate structure:
{ id = 0, -- The player id. playerName = "", -- The soulmate's name. gender = 0, -- The soulmate's gender. Enum in enum.gender. isFriend = true, -- Whether the soulmate has the account as a friend (added back) or not. isConnected = true, -- Whether the soulmate is online or offline. gameId = 0, -- The id of the game where the soulmate is connected. Enum in roomName = "", -- The name of the room the soulmate is in. lastConnection = 0 -- Timestamp of when the soulmate was last online. }@tribeData structure:
{ tribeName = "", -- The name of the tribe. tribeId = 0, -- The id of the tribe. tribeMessage = "", -- The greetings message of the tribe. tribeHouseMap = 0, -- The map code of the tribe house. tribeRankName = "", -- The name of the rank that the account has in the tribe. tribeRankPermissions = 0 -- The permissions of the rank that the account has in the tribe. }
Parameter Type Description connection connection
The connection object. Triggered when a connection dies or fails.
Parameter Type Description playerName string
The player name. Triggered when a friend connects to the game.
Parameter Type Description playerName string
The player name. Triggered when a friend disconnects from the game.
Parameter Type Description friendList table
The data of the players in the account's friend list. soulmate table
The separated data of the account's soulmate. Triggered when the friend list is loaded.
@friendlist structure:
{ [i] = { id = 0, -- The player id. playerName = "", -- The player's name. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. isFriend = true, -- Whether the player has the account as a friend (added back) or not. isConnected = true, -- Whether the player is online or offline. gameId = 0, -- The id of the game where the player is connected. Enum in roomName = "", -- The name of the room the player is in. lastConnection = 0 -- Timestamp of when the player was last online. } }@soulmate structure:
{ id = 0, -- The player id. playerName = "", -- The soulmate's name. gender = 0, -- The soulmate's gender. Enum in enum.gender. isFriend = true, -- Whether the soulmate has the account as a friend (added back) or not. isConnected = true, -- Whether the soulmate is online or offline. gameId = 0, -- The id of the game where the soulmate is connected. Enum in roomName = "", -- The name of the room the soulmate is in. lastConnection = 0 -- Timestamp of when the soulmate was last online. }
Parameter Type Description time int
The current time. Triggered when a heartbeat is sent to the connection, every 10 seconds.
Parameter Type Description tribeName string
The name of the tribe. Triggered when the account joins a tribe house.
Parameter Type Description log string
The log message. Triggered when the #lua chat receives a log message.
Parameter Type Description oldIdentifiers table
The oldC, oldCC identifiers that were not handled. packet table
The data table that was not handled. connection connection
The connection object. Triggered when an old packet is not handled by the old packet parser.
Parameter Type Description identifiers table
The C, CC identifiers that were not handled. packet byteArray
The Byte Array object with the packet that was not handled. connection connection
The connection object. Triggered when an identifier is not handled by the system.
Parameter Type Description tribulleId int
The tribulle id. packet byteArray
The Byte Array object with the packet that was not handled. connection connection
The connection object. Triggered when a tribulle packet is not handled by the tribulle packet parser.
Parameter Type Description friend table
The data of the new friend. Triggered when a player is added to the friend list.
@friend structure:
{ id = 0, -- The player id. playerName = "", -- The player's name. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. isFriend = true, -- Whether the player has the account as a friend (added back) or not. isConnected = true, -- Whether the player is online or offline. gameId = 0, -- The id of the game where the player is connected. Enum in roomName = "", -- The name of the room the player is in. lastConnection = 0 -- Timestamp of when the player was last online. }
Parameter Type Description map table
The new map data. Triggered when a map is loaded.
This event may increase the memory consumption significantly due to the XML processes. Set the variable_processXml
as false to avoid processing it.@map structure:
{ code = 0, -- The map code. xml = "", -- The map XML. May be nil if the map is Vanilla. author = "", -- The map author perm = 0, -- The perm code of the map. isMirrored = false -- Whether the map is mirrored or not. }
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player. Triggered when a player joins the room.
@playerData structure:
{ playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }
Parameter Type Description memberName string
The name of the new tribe member. Triggered when a player joins the tribe.
Parameter Type Description time int
The current time. Triggered when a server heartbeat is received.
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player. Triggered when a player dies.
@playerData structure:
{ playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player. emote enum.emote
The id of the emote played by the player. flag nil
The country code of the flag when @emote is flag. Triggered when a player plays an emote.
@playerData structure:
{ playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player. emote enum.emoticon
The id of the emoticon played by the player. Triggered when a player plays an emoticon.
@playerData structure:
{ playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player. hasCheese boolean
Whether the player has cheese or not. Triggered when a player gets (or loses) the cheese.
@playerData structure:
{ playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player. Triggered when a player leaves the room.
@playerData structure:
{ > playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player. isVampire boolean
Whether the player is a vampire or not. Triggered when a player is transformed from/into a vampire.
@playerData structure:
{ > playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player. position int
The position where the player entered the hole. timeElapsed number
The time elapsed until the player entered the hole. Triggered when a player joins the hole.
@playerData structure:
{ playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }
Parameter Type Description data table
The player profile data. Triggered when the profile of an player is loaded.
@data structure:
{ playerName = "", -- The player name. id = 0, -- The player id. It may be 0 if the player has no avatar. registrationDate = 0, -- The timestamp of when the player was created. role = 0, -- An enum from enum.role that specifies the player's role. gender = 0, -- An enum from enum.gender for the player's gender. tribeName = "", -- The name of the tribe. soulmate = "", -- The name of the soulmate. saves = { normal = 0, -- Total saves in normal mode. hard = 0, -- Total saves in hard mode. divine = 0 -- Total saves in divine mode. }, -- Total saves of the player. shamanCheese = 0, -- Number of cheese gathered as shaman. firsts = 0, -- Number of firsts. cheese = 0, -- Number of cheese gathered. bootcamps = 0, -- Number of bootcamps completed. titleId = 0, -- The id of the current title. totalTitles = 0, -- Number of titles unlocked. titles = { [id] = 0 -- The id of the title as index, the number of stars as value. }, -- The list of unlocked titles. look = "", -- The player's outfit code. level = 0, -- The player's level. totalBadges = 0, -- Number of unlocked badges. badges = { [id] = 0 -- The id of the badge as index, the quantity as value. }, -- The list of unlocked badges. totalModeStats = 0, -- The total of mode statuses. modeStats = { [id] = { progress = 0, -- The current score in the status. progressLimit = 0, -- The status score limit. imageId = 0 -- The image id of the status. } -- The status id. }, -- The list of mode statuses. orbId = 0, -- The id of the current shaman orb. totalOrbs = 0, -- Number of shaman orbs unlocked. orbs = { [id] = true -- The id of the shaman orb as index. }, -- The list of unlocked shaman orbs. adventurePoints = 0 -- Number of adventure points. }
Parameter Type Description onlinePlayers int
The number of players connected in the game. community string
The community based on the country. country string
The client's country. language string
The language based on the account's community and country. Triggered when the connection is alive and ready to login.
Parameter Type Description connection connection
The connection object that received the packets. identifiers table
The C, CC identifiers that were received. packet byteArray
The Byte Array object that was received. Triggered when the client receives packets from the server.
Parameter Type Description playerList table
The data of all players. Triggered when the data of all players are refreshed (mostly when a new map is loaded).
@playerList structure:
{ [playerName] = { playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }, [i] = { }, -- Reference of [playerName], 'i' is stored in '_pos' [id] = { } -- Reference of [playerName] }
Parameter Type Description playerId int
The id of the player that was removed. Triggered when a player is removed from the friend list.
Parameter Type Description roomName string
The name of the room. isPrivateRoom boolean
Whether the room is only accessible by the account or not. Triggered when the player changes the room.
Parameter Type Description roomMode int
The id of the room mode. rooms table
The data of the rooms in the list. pinned table
The data of the pinned objects in the list. Triggered when the room list of a mode is loaded.
@rooms structure:
{ [i] = { name = "", -- The name of the room. totalPlayers = 0, -- Number of players in the room. maxPlayers = 0, -- Maximum number of players the room can get. onFuncorpMode = false, -- Whether the room is having a funcorp event (orange name) or not. community = 0 -- The community of the room. } }@pinned structure:
{ [i] = { name = "", -- The name of the object. totalPlayers = 0, -- Number of players in the object counter. (Might be a string) community = 0 -- The community of the object. } }
Parameter Type Description playerName string
The player who sent the message. message string
The message. playerCommunity int
The community id of @playerName. playerId int
The temporary id of @playerName. Triggered when the room receives a new user message.
Parameter Type Description identifiers table
The C, CC identifiers sent in the request. packet byteArray
The Byte Array object that was sent. Triggered when the client sends packets to the server.
Parameter Type Description remainingTime int
Remaining time in milliseconds before the reboot. Triggered when the server is going to be rebooted.
Parameter Type Description list string
The staff list content. Triggered when a staff list is loaded (/mod, /mapcrew).
Parameter Type Description bulleIp string
The IP of the new bulle. serverTimestamp int
The timestamp of the server. Triggered when the bulle connection is switched.
Parameter Type Description time table
The account's time data. Triggered when the command /time is requested.
@time structure:
{ day = 0, -- Total days hour = 0, -- Total hours minute = 0, -- Total minutes second = 0 -- Total seconds }
Parameter Type Description inviterName string
The name of the player who invited the bot. inviterTribe string
The name of the tribe that is inviting the bot. Triggered when a tribe house invitation is received.
Parameter Type Description tribeName string
The name of the tribe. tribeMembers table
The members' data. tribeRoles table
An array with the all roles name (key) and id (value). tribeHouseMap int
he map code of the tribe house. greetingMessage string
The tribe's greeting message. tribeId int
The id of the tribe. Triggered when the tribe interface is opened and/or when the data is updated.
@tribeMembers structure:
{ [i] = { id = 0, -- The id of the member. playerName = "", -- The nickname of the member. gender = 0, -- The member's gender. Enum in enum.gender. lastConnection = 0 -- Timestamp of when the member was last online. rolePosition = 0, -- The position of the member's role. roomName = "" -- The name of the room where the member currently is. } }
Parameter Type Description memberName string
The member name. Triggered when a tribe member connects to the game.
Parameter Type Description memberName string
The member name. Triggered when a tribe member disconnects from the game.
Parameter Type Description memberName string
The member name. setterName string
The name of the player who set the role. role string
The role name. Triggered when a tribe member gets a role.
Parameter Type Description memberName string
The member name. kickerName string
The name of the player who kicked the member. Triggered when a tribe member is kicked.
Parameter Type Description memberName string
The member who left the tribe. Triggered when a member leaves the tribe.
Parameter Type Description memberName string
The member who sent the message. message string
The message. Triggered when the tribe chat receives a new message.
Parameter Type Description topicId int
The id of the topic where the new messages were posted. topic table
The data of the topic. It may be nil. Triggered when new messages are posted on Café.
@topic structure:
{ id = 0, -- The id of the topic. title = "", -- The title of the topic. authorId = 0, -- The id of the topic author. posts = 0, -- The quantity of messages in the topic. lastUserName = "", -- The name of the last user that posted in the topic. timestamp = 0, -- When the topic was created. -- The event "cafeTopicLoad" must be triggered so the fields below exist. author = "", -- The name of the topic author. messages = { -- This might not include the unread message. [i] = { topicId = 0, -- The id of the topic where the message is located. id = 0, -- The id of the message. authorId = 0, -- The id of the topic author. timestamp = 0, -- When the topic was created. author = "", -- The name of the topic author. content = "", -- The content of the message. canLike = false, -- Whether the account can like/dislike the message. likes = 0 -- The number of likes on the message. } } }
Parameter Type Description playerData table
The data of the player. oldPlayerData table
The data of the player before the new values. Triggered when a player field is updated.
@playerData, @oldPlayerData structure:
{ playerName = "", -- The nickname of the player. id = 0, -- The temporary id of the player during the section. isShaman = false, -- Whether the player is shaman or not. isDead = false, -- Whether the player is dead or alive. score = 0, -- The current player's score. hasCheese = false, -- Whether the player has cheese or not. title = 0, -- The player's title id. titleStars = 0, -- The number of stars the player's title has. gender = 0, -- The player's gender. Enum in enum.gender. look = "", -- The current outfit string code of the player. mouseColor = 0, -- The color of the player. It is set to -1 if it's the default color. shamanColor = 0, -- The color of the player as shaman. nameColor = 0, -- The color of the nickname of the player. isSouris = false, -- Whether the player is souris or not. isVampire = false, -- Whether the player is vampire or not. hasWon = false, -- Whether the player has entered the hole in the round or not. winPosition = 0, -- The position where the player entered the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. winTimeElapsed = 0, -- Time elapsed until the player enters the hole. It is set to -1 if it has not won yet. isFacingRight = false, -- Whether the player is facing right. movingRight = false, -- Whether the player is moving right. movingLeft = false, -- Whether the player is moving left. isBlueShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the blue shaman. isPinkShaman = false, -- Whether the player is the pink shaman. x = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. y = 0, -- Player's X coordinate in the map. vx = 0, -- Player's X speed in the map. vy = 0, -- Player's Y speed in the map. isDucking = false, -- Whether the player is ducking. isJumping = false, -- Whether the player is jumping. _pos = 0 -- The position of the player in the array list. This value should never be changed manually. }
Parameter Type Description playerName string
Who sent the whisper message. message string
The message. playerCommunity int
The community id of @playerName. Triggered when the player receives a whisper.