Desktop application for Transport Company for clients, couriers, managers and admins.
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Table of Contents
The aim of this project was to create desktop application to manage transport company OutBox. Its task is to handle users (customers), couriers, managers and administrators. Users can send, track their packages and view shipment history. Couriers have the ability to see what packages they need to delivery and also they can change their status. Managers have an overview of packages from their area, can generate PDF raports and charts and also they manage couriers. The administrator is the highest-ranking user. He has ability to manage all users, edit properites of shipment. He can generate PDF raports from whole company.
Project was build with Java, graphic JavaFX library, relational MySQL database and Hibernate framework also four libraries were used: ItextPDF was used for generating PDF raports, FontAwesome library contains SVG icons, JavaXMail used for sending the emails and ControlFX to create dropdown table. JUnit was used to cover application with unit testing.
Before running this application make sure Java (at least version 8) is installed on your machine. You also need to use MySQL database (e.g. Xampp).
Installation can be done by cloning the repository and opening project with an IDE of choice (e.g Intellij).
- Clone the repo
git clone
Installation can also be done by downloading installer from google drive. (it will generate .exe file).
First of all you need to start the Xampp so that connection to the database will be available. The structure of the database will be added automatically when the application runs. To run the project open the app folder with an IDE, or if you downloaded the installer just open OutBox.exe file. All credentials to sample accounts are located in docs folder in pass.txt file.
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