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Leadfisher common library


npm i leadutils --save


  • The module divided into submodules, for example here you can see work with submodule time.
const utils = require('leadutils');
// const { time, obj, string, time, net, crypto, utils, oop, fp, pp, async } = utils;
console.log(utils.time.prettify('h:m:s / D.M|Y', new Date())); // 18:50:54 / 07.05|2023


Time module | .time
  • (prettify) Return date in any string format
prettify(format: string, date?: Date | string | number) => string;
// format is any combination of letters [YMDhmsi] with any optional separators
// Y - Year; M - Month; D - Day; h - Hours; m - Minute; s - Second; i - Millisecond
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.time.prettify('h:m:s / D.M|Y', new Date()); // 18:50:54 / 07.05|2023
utils.time.prettify('h-m-s.i', new Date()); // 18-50-54.045
  • (duration) Return duration in ms from string
function duration(time: string): number;
// time is any combination of letters [dhms] with values
// d - Day; h - Hours; m - Minute; s - Second;
// Example: 1d 1h 1m 1s 90061000
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.time.duration('5s'); // 5000
utils.time.duration('24h'); // 86400000
utils.time.duration('1d'); // 86400000
utils.time.duration('1d 1h 1m 5s'); // 90065000
  • (compare) Create any dates compare functions
const utils = require('leadutils');, b) => a > b)('2023-05-07', '2023-05-08'); // false, b) => a > b)('2023-01-01', '2021-05-08'); // true
  • (formatDuration) Make seconds in more readable format
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.time.formatDuration(1000); // 1 second
utils.time.formatDuration(60000); // 1 minute
utils.time.formatDuration(60001); // 1 minute 1 second
utils.time.formatDuration(90000); // 1 minute 30 seconds
  • (divideDuration) Get a divided ms by all day time measurements object
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.time.divideDuration(new Date()); // { day: 19484, hour: 16, minute: 6, second: 34, millisecond: 818 }
utils.time.divideDuration(90020); // { day: 0, hour: 0, minute: 1, second: 30, millisecond: 20 }
  • (datesDiff) Return difference between two dates in any time measurement
const utils = require('leadutils');
let tomorrow = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1));
utils.time.datesDiff(new Date(), tomorrow); // 1
utils.time.datesDiff(new Date(), tomorrow, 'hour'); // 24
Parallel programming module | .pp

(Semaphore) for limit concurrency accessing limited resource

class Semaphore(concurrency: number, size?: number, timeout?: number){
  empty: boolean;
  enter: Promise<boolean>;
  leave: void;
Different utils module | .utils
  • (shuffle) Shuffle array
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.array.shuffle([1, 2, 3]); // ~[2,3,1]
  • (sample) Get sample from array
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.array.sample([1, 2, 3]); // ~2
utils.array.sample([1, 2, 3]); // ~3
utils.array.sample([1, 2, 3]); // ~2
  • (range) Creates array from range
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.array.range(4, 7); // [4,5,6,7]
  • (random) Generate a random number
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.utils.random(0, 5); // 2
utils.utils.random(0, 5); // 4
  • (equals) Deep equals for any type of values
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.utils.equals(0, 0); // true
utils.utils.equals('test', 'test'); // true
utils.utils.equals([1, 2], [1, 2]); // true
utils.utils.equals([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]); // false
utils.utils.equals({ a: true, b: { foo: true } }, { a: true, b: { foo: true } }); // true
utils.utils.equals({ a: true, b: { foo: true } }, { a: true, b: { foo: true, bar: true } }); // false
  • (prettyBytes) Return more readable bytes format
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.utils.prettyBytes(10000000); // 10 MB
utils.utils.prettyBytes(1); // 1 B
  • (mostPerformant) Select fastest method
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.utils.mostPerformant([() => 1 + 2, () => 1 * 2, () => 1 / 2, () => 1 - 2]); // ~0
  • (timeTaken) Log execution time
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.utils.timeTaken((a, b) => a + b)(2 + 3); // return 5; log => timeTaken: 0.297ms
Async programming module | .async
function delay(msec: number, signal?: EventEmitter): Promise<void>;
function timeout(msec: number, signal?: EventEmitter): Promise<void>;
  • (delay) Promise resolve after provided msec, with abort controller
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.async.delay('10s').then(() => console.log('after delay'));
  • (timeout) Promise resolve if signal was passed in provided ms, else reject
function delay(msec: number, signal?: EventEmitter): Promise<void>;
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.async.delay('10s').then(() => console.log('after delay'));
Network utils module | .net
  • (receiveBody) Stream body receiver
function receiveBody(stream: IncomingMessage): Promise<Buffer | null>;
  • (createXML) Create XML response
const utils = require('leadutils');
const xmlBody =
  .add({ loc: '', priority: 1, time: '2022-04-12' })
  .add({ loc: '', priority: 0.4, time: '2022-04-10' }).get;
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"..
  • (intIP) Get ip integer interpretation
const utils = require('leadutils');''); // 2130706433
  • (parseCookie) Parse cookie from string
const utils = require('leadutils');
let cookie = 'test=123;';; // {test: 123}
  • (removePort) Parse cookie from string
const utils = require('leadutils');''); //
String manipulations utils | .string
  • (escape, escapeHTML, unescapeHTML) Escape unfriendly characters
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.string.escape(''); // 'https:\\/\\/leadfisher\\.ru'
utils.string.escapeHTML('<script>alert("leadfisher !");</script>'); // &lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;leadfisher !&quot;);&lt;script&gt;
utils.string.unescapeHTML('&lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;leadfisher !&quot;);&lt;script&gt;'); // <script>alert("leadfisher !");</script>
  • (template) String templates
const utils = require('leadutils');
const template = utils.string.template`Hello ${'put_here'} !`;
template({ put_here: 'Alex' }); // Hello Alex !
template({ put_here: 'Admin' }); // Hello Admin !
  • (yesNo) Parse user answers
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.string.yesNo('yes'); // true
utils.string.yesNo('y'); // true
utils.string.yesNo('n'); // false
utils.string.yesNo(''); // false
  • (words) Parse all words from string
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.string.words('Hello word!'); // ['Hello', 'word']
  • (reverse) String or Array reverse
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.string.reverse('Hello word!'); // !word olleH
utils.string.reverse([1, 2, 3]); // 321
  • (phonePrettify, phonePurify, normalizeEmail) Phone manipulations utils
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.string.phonePrettify('79999999999'); // +7 (999) 999-99-99
utils.string.phonePurify('+7 (999) 999-99-99'); // 79999999999
utils.string.normalizeEmail('Test@MAIL.domain', 'Test@mail.domain'); // 321
  • (fileExt, fileName) System path manipulation utils
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.string.fileExt('/home/user/index.js'); // js
utils.string.fileName('/home/user/index.js'); // index
  • (toString, fromString, isValidJSON, jsonParse) String parsers

jsonParse and fromString are both safe parsers

const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.string.toString(1); // '1'
utils.string.toString(true); // 'true'
utils.string.toString(undefined); // 'undefined'
utils.string.fromString('test'); // 'test'
utils.string.toString({ foo: { boo: true } }); // '{"foo": { "boo": true }}'
utils.string.fromString('1'); // 1
utils.string.fromString('true'); // true
utils.string.fromString('undefined'); // undefined
utils.string.fromString('test'); // 'test'
utils.string.fromString('{"foo": { "boo": true }}'); // { foo: { boo: true } }
utils.string.isValidJSON('{}'); // true
utils.string.jsonParse('{}'); // {}
utils.string.jsonParse(''); // null
utils.string.jsonParse(123); // null
utils.string.isValidJSON({}); // false
Objects manipulation utils | .obj
  • (deepClone) Clone object with all nested objects, no reference copies
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = { foo: { boo: { bar: 2 } } };
const copy = utils.obj.deepClone(test); = 0;
console.dir(,; // { bar: 2 };  { bar: 0 };
  • (deepFreeze) Freeze Object with all nested objects
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = { foo: { boo: { bar: 2 } } };
utils.obj.deepFreeze(test); = 0;
console.dir(; // { bar: 2 };
  • (deepFlatten) Put nested array items in root array
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], 6, 7];
utils.obj.deepFlatten(test); // new [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
  • (deepFlattenObject) Put all nested objects properties in root object
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = { foo: { boo: { bar: 2 } } };
utils.obj.deepFlattenObject(test); // new {'': 2}
  • (dig) Search for properties deep inside object
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = { foo: { boo: { bar: 2 } } };
const bar = utils.obj.dig('bar', test);
console.dir(bar); // 2;
Object orientated programming | .oop
  • (setDefault) Overload operator [] to return default value if key not fount in object
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = { foo: { boo: { bar: 2 } } };
const bar = utils.oop.setDefault(test, 'not found');
console.log(bar['some key']); // not found
  • (defineGetter) Add getter to object
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = { foo: { boo: { bar: 2 } } };
const bar = utils.oop.defineGetter(test)('key', () => 'value');
console.dir(bar.key); // value
  • (defineSetter) Add setter to object
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = { foo: { boo: { bar: 2 } } };
const bar = utils.oop.defineSetter(test)('key', value => console.log(value));
bar.key = 3; // 3;
  • (mixin) Mix two objects together, with optimization
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = { foo: { boo: { bar: 2 } } };
utils.oop.mixin(test, { bus: { foo: 4 }, foo: 3 });
// test = { foo: { boo: { bar: 2 } }, bus: { foo: 4 } }
Functional programming | .fp
  • (pipe, pipeAsync) Combine multiple functions into one
const utils = require('leadutils');
const pipeMagic = utils.fp.pipe(
  v => v + 1,
  v => v * 3,
  v => console.log(v),
pipeMagic(0); // 3
  • (curry) Function call after all arguments have been provided
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = utils.fp.curry((a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d);
test(1)(2)(3, 4); // 10
  • (once) Limit count of function calls to single one
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = utils.fp.once((a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d);
test(1, 2, 3, 4); // 10
test(1, 2, 3, 4); // undefined
  • (times) Call function multiple times
const utils = require('leadutils');
const ctx = { count: 0 };
utils.fp.times(5, (ctx, i) => (ctx.count += i), ctx);
// ctx.count === 5
  • (memoize) Cache wrapper for functions
const utils = require('leadutils');
const test = utils.fp.memoize((a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d);
test(1, 2, 3, 4); // cache hit
test(1, 2, 3, 4); // cached value
  • (chain) Chain functions to custom context, after all calls returns provided context
const utils = require('leadutils');

const ctx = { counter: 0 };
const chain = utils.fp.chain(ctx);
ctx.add = chain(v => (chain += v));
ctx.add(1).add(2).add(3).add(4).counter; // 10
  • (debounce) It ensures that one notification is made for an event that fires multiple times.
const utils = require('leadutils');
const debounceTest = utils.fp.debounce(() => console.log('Working'), 1000);
// working
setTimeout(() => debounceTest(), 1000);
// working
  • (throttle) It will reduce the notifications of an event that fires multiple times.
const utils = require('leadutils');
const throttleTest = utils.fp.throttle(() => console.log('Working'), 1000);
// working
setTimeout(() => throttleTest(), 1000);
// working
Crypto utils | .crypto
  • (hashPassword) Asynchronous password hashing
const utils = require('leadutils');
utils.crypto.hashPassword('secret').then(hash => console.log(hash));
// $scrypt$N=32768,r=8,p=1,maxmem=67108864$wgAA6YiiNmz2iJUx6kAvjh+cSZc7pbCvQW7r5Z2fWbs$gN84NkBtXtwoL3LZXMJEjeLoRlNjyZUV5joX+Fedk5bhE6cK2mcwpRVJV5ymcGq66NSNXAB63duDWS1eCbO3hA
  • (validatePassword) Asynchronous password validation
const utils = require('leadutils');
const hash =
utils.crypto.validatePassword('secret', hash).then(flag => console.log(flag)); // true
utils.crypto.validatePassword('hacker', hash).then(flag => console.log(flag)); // false

Copyright & contributors

Copyright © 2023 Leadfisher contributors. Leadutils is MIT licensed license.
Leadutils is one of leadfisher solutions.