Blockchain application with destributed ledger. It use sha256 to generate a particular hash that start with four zeros.
npm install
npm app.js
The server runs on port 8080 by default. To run in diferents server in diferents port put its number in the argument:
npm app.js 8081
where the port are going to be 8081.
There are five routes:
- http://localhost:8080/register - (POST) To register a node. We will be sending an array of URLs.
- http://localhost:8080/transactions - (POST) to send transaction with the atributes
. - http://localhost:8080/mine - (GET) To Add the transactions to a particular blockchain.
- http://localhost:8080/blockchain - (GET) Return the blockchain
- http://localhost:8080/resolve - (GET) Resolve the conflict between nodes.
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This project use ESLint to detect suspicious code in JavaScript files. Visit for details.