diff --git a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/el/app.json b/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/el/app.json
deleted file mode 100644
index df2f81a1de16..000000000000
--- a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/el/app.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4340 +0,0 @@
- "calendar": {
- "today": "Today",
- "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "transactionDate": "Transaction date"
- },
- "platform": {
- "flows": {
- "requestAccount": {
- "title": "Select an account"
- },
- "broadcast": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "Transaction sent !",
- "text": "Click here to see operation details"
- }
- }
- },
- "app": {
- "informations": {
- "title": "Information",
- "website": "Website"
- }
- },
- "catalog": {
- "title": "Discover",
- "branch": {
- "soon": "coming soon",
- "experimental": "experimental",
- "debug": "debug"
- },
- "banner": {
- "title": "Discover our Live Apps Catalog",
- "description": "We're working hard to bring you access to the world of DeFi, NFTs and more, securely, right inside Ledger Live!"
- },
- "twitterBanner": {
- "description": "Tell us what’s the next service you want to see on Ledger Live with the hashtag",
- "tweetText": "The next Ledger App should be..."
- },
- "pollCTA": {
- "title": "Poll",
- "description": "Which service do you want to see in Ledger Live?",
- "button": "Let’s vote!"
- },
- "developerCTA": {
- "title": "For Developers",
- "description": "All the information you need to integrate your applications on Ledger Live.",
- "button": "Go to portal"
- }
- },
- "disclaimer": {
- "title": "External Application",
- "description": "You are about to be redirected to an application not operated by Ledger.",
- "legalAdvice": "This application is not operated by Ledger. Ledger is not responsible for any loss of funds or quality of service of such application.\n\nAlways make sure to carefully verify the information displayed on your device.",
- "checkbox": "Do not remind me again.",
- "CTA": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "never": "Never",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "done": "Done",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "reject": "Reject",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "getSupport": "Get support",
- "delete": "Remove account from portfolio",
- "launch": "Launch",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "help": "Help",
- "needHelp": "Need help?",
- "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
- "selectAccount": "Select an account",
- "selectAccountNoOption": "No account matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectCurrency": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectCurrencyNoOption": "No crypto asset \"{{currencyName}}\"",
- "selectValidatorNoOption": "No validator matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectNoResults": "No results found matching \"{{query}}\"",
- "sortBy": "Sort by",
- "save": "Save",
- "lock": "Lock",
- "showMore": "Show more",
- "back": "Back",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "retry": "Retry",
- "range": "Range",
- "stop": "Stop",
- "updateNow": "Update now",
- "close": "Close",
- "eastern": "Eastern",
- "western": "Western",
- "reverify": "Re-verify",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "verifyMyAddress": "Verify my address",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "addressCopied": "Address copied",
- "addressCopiedSuspicious": "Mismatch between the copied address and the one in the clipboard.",
- "experimentalFeature": "Experimental",
- "information": "Information",
- "search": "Search...",
- "searchWithoutEllipsis": "Search",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Welcome back",
- "subTitle": null,
- "description": "Enter your password to continue",
- "inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
- "lostPassword": "I lost my password"
- },
- "sync": {
- "syncing": "Synchronizing...",
- "upToDate": "Synchronized",
- "outdated": "Paused",
- "needsMigration": "Click to update account",
- "error": "Synchronization error",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "devTools": "Dev tools"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "info": "Info",
- "connectDevice": "Connect your device"
- },
- "devices": {
- "nanoS": "Nano S",
- "nanoSP": "Nano S Plus",
- "nanoX": "Nano X",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "operation": {
- "type": {
- "IN": "Received",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "NFT_IN": "NFT Received",
- "NFT_OUT": "NFT Sent",
- "CREATE": "Created",
- "REVEAL": "Revealed",
- "DELEGATE": "Delegated",
- "REDELEGATE": "Redelegated",
- "UNDELEGATE": "Undelegated",
- "SUPPLY": "Deposited",
- "REDEEM": "Withdrawn",
- "APPROVE": "Approved",
- "VOTE": "Voted",
- "FREEZE": "Frozen",
- "UNFREEZE": "Unfrozen",
- "REWARD": "Claimed reward",
- "FEES": "Fees",
- "OPT_IN": "Opt in",
- "OPT_OUT": "Opt out",
- "CLOSE_ACCOUNT": "Close account",
- "BOND": "Bond",
- "UNBOND": "Unbond",
- "REWARD_PAYOUT": "Reward",
- "SLASH": "Slash",
- "WITHDRAW_UNBONDED": "Withdrawal",
- "NOMINATE": "Nomination",
- "CHILL": "Clear nominations",
- "SET_CONTROLLER": "Set controller"
- }
- },
- "byteSize": {
- "bytes": "{{size}} bytes",
- "kbUnit": "{{size}} KB",
- "mbUnit": "{{size}} MB"
- },
- "time": {
- "minute": "Minute",
- "minute_plural": "Minutes",
- "hour": "Hour",
- "hour_plural": "Hours",
- "range": {
- "day": "1D",
- "week": "1W",
- "month": "1M",
- "year": "1Y",
- "all": "ALL"
- }
- },
- "fees": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "fast": "Fast",
- "high": "High",
- "low": "Low",
- "slow": "Slow",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "feesAmount": "Fees Amount"
- },
- "sidebar": {
- "card": "Card",
- "learn": "Learn",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "stars": "Starred accounts",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "manager": "Manager",
- "exchange": "Buy / Sell",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "lend": "Lend",
- "catalog": "Discover",
- "market": "Market"
- },
- "stars": {
- "placeholder": "Star an account to display it here.",
- "tooltip": "Star account"
- },
- "bridge": {
- "modalTitle": "Open Device Bridge",
- "openHeader": "Expose your Device accounts through WebSocket",
- "openDescription": "Opening a bridge exposes all of your accounts to third party applications.",
- "openedHeader": "{{appName}} bridge opened",
- "openedDescription": "You can now access your {{appName}} account on third party web application through WebSocket.",
- "completeHeader": "Bridge session completed",
- "completeDescription": "The websocket bridge is now closed.",
- "openButton": "Open",
- "disconnectButton": "Disconnect"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History",
- "kyc": "KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "ratesDrawer": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "quote": "Quote",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "details": {
- "label": {
- "provider": "provider",
- "rate": "rate",
- "fees": "network fees",
- "target": "target account"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "provider": "lorem ipsum",
- "rate": "lorem ipsum",
- "fees": "lorem ipsum"
- },
- "noAccount": "Create an account to receive {{name}}",
- "noAccountCTA": "Add account"
- },
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "max": "Max",
- "accountPlaceholder": "Select source",
- "currencyDisabledTooltip": "This currency is not available for swap yet"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To"
- },
- "notAvailable": {
- "title": "Swap is not available yet in your area",
- "content": "Have a little more patience,
we will launch this feature very soon"
- },
- "providers": {
- "kyc": {
- "required": "You need to complete your KYC",
- "complete": "Complete KYC",
- "update": "Refresh KYC",
- "rejected": "KYC rejected, start the verification again",
- "status": {
- "pending": "KYC pending",
- "approved": "KYC approved",
- "closed": "KYC rejected"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- },
- "export": "Export operations",
- "exporting": "Exporting..."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Your information has been submitted for approval",
- "subtitle": "It usually takes a few minutes for the review to be completed.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC",
- "info": "Identity verification: Submitted"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "exchangeDrawer": {
- "title": "Confirm your Exchange",
- "completed": {
- "title": "Transaction broadcast successfully",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed and for the provider to process and send your {{targetCurrency}}.",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "seeDetails": "See details"
- }
- }
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "titleCrypto": "Swap {{currency}}",
- "whatIsSwap": "What is Swap",
- "paraswap": {
- "cta": " Check it out",
- "description": "Looking for Paraswap? It has been moved to the Discover tab."
- },
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- }
- },
- "landing": {
- "title": "Swap your assets",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "sorry": "Service temporarily unavailable, or not available in your country"
- },
- "missingApp": {
- "title": "Please install the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and install {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "outdatedApp": {
- "title": "Please update the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and update {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "providers": {
- "title": "Choose a provider to swap crypto",
- "learnMore": "What is Swap?",
- "kycRequired": "KYC Required",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "kyc": {
- "notAvailable": "{{provider}} is unavailable in your location",
- "status": {
- "required": "KYC Required",
- "pending": "KYC Pending",
- "approved": "KYC Approved!",
- "closed": "KYC Rejected"
- }
- }
- },
- "ip": {
- "title": "Welcome to Swap",
- "subtitle": "Exchange crypto assets directly from your Ledger device.",
- "disclaimer": "By continuing, you accept that your location data will be shared with third party service providers in order for them to comply with their AML/KYC procedures."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Pending approval",
- "subtitle": "Your information was submitted for approval by Wyre.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "form": {
- "resetKYC": "Reset your KYC and Update Live to Swap with Wyre",
- "resetKYCCTA": "Reset KYC",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to send",
- "currency": "Crypto asset"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to receive",
- "currency": "Crypto asset",
- "addAccountCTA": "Add new account"
- },
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "floatUnavailable": "Floating rate not supported for this pair",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate",
- "fixedUnavailable": "Fixed rate not supported for this pair",
- "floatDesc": "Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.",
- "fixedDesc": "Your amount will stay the same even if the market changes. Updates every 60 seconds.",
- "by": "Provided by"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "helpCTA": "What is Swap?",
- "bubble": "We use a fixed rate, this is the exact amount you will receive.",
- "noAccounts": "You don't have {{currencyName}} accounts with balance",
- "noApp": "{{currencyName}} app not installed.",
- "outdatedApp": "{{currencyName}} app update available.",
- "loadingRates": "Loading rates..."
- },
- "unauthorizedRatesModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live needs an update",
- "subtitle": "Please update Ledger Live to the latest version, and re verify your identity to swap with wyre",
- "cta": "Reset verification"
- },
- "resetKYCModal": {
- "title": "Delete your KYC",
- "subtitle": "Delete your KYC to erase all tokens stored locally on your computer. You will have to resubmit your KYC to access services provided by our partners.",
- "cta": "Confirm"
- },
- "modal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "toExchange": "Amount to send",
- "toReceive": "Amount to receive",
- "terms": "Terms & Conditions",
- "disclaimer": {
- "description": "By clicking \"Confirm\", I acknowledge and accept that this service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s",
- "acceptedDescription": "This service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s"
- },
- "details": {
- "provider": "Provider",
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Type",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate"
- },
- "address": "Address"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "title": "App checks"
- },
- "finished": {
- "title": "Pending",
- "subtitle": "Swap broadcast successfully ",
- "swap": "Your Swap ID:",
- "seeDetails": "See details",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. It may take up to an hour before you receive your {{targetCurrency}}."
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetailsModal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "txid": "Swap ID",
- "status": "Status",
- "statusTooltips": {
- "expired": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "refunded": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "pending": "Please wait while the swap provider is processing the transaction.",
- "onhold": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID to solve the situation.",
- "finished": "Your swap was completed successfully."
- },
- "date": "Date",
- "from": "From",
- "fromAddress": "Origin address",
- "fromAddress_plural": "Origin addresses",
- "to": "To",
- "toProvider": "Provider address",
- "initialAmount": "Initial amount",
- "creditedAmount": "Credited amount"
- }
- },
- "lottieDebugger": {
- "buttonTitle": "Test"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "status": "Status",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "checkNodeSettings": "Verify node settings",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "modal": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect full node",
- "steps": {
- "landing": {
- "header": "Start your full node. Don’t trust, verify.",
- "description": "A Bitcoin full node validates all transactions and blocks, allowing you to use Bitcoin in a trustless way while contributing to the Bitcoin network.",
- "list": {
- "item1": "Set up Bitcoin Core on a device with sufficient resources.",
- "item2": "Wait for your node to fully synchronize.",
- "item3": "Make note of your node RPC credentials, IP address, and port number."
- },
- "disclaimer": "Running a full node requires a computer with sufficient resources and a broadband connection without data restrictions."
- },
- "node": {
- "title": "Node",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Enter your node parameters",
- "disclaimer": "Your full node must be fully synchronized before connecting Ledger Live.",
- "fields": {
- "nodeHost": {
- "title": "Host",
- "tooltip": "Leave as default if node runs on this computer, or replace the node IP address and port number."
- },
- "rpcCredentials": {
- "title": "RPC Credentials",
- "tooltip": "Enter the RPC username and password of your node, found in the bitcoin.conf file.",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
- },
- "tls": {
- "title": "Use TLS",
- "tooltip": "Enable Transport Layer Security, for example, when using a hosted node solution."
- }
- }
- },
- "connecting": {
- "header": "Testing node connection",
- "description": "Please wait while we check if your full node is responding."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Full node connection successful",
- "description": "You can now configure your full node to scan for your accounts on the blockchain."
- },
- "failure": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please ensure your node is fully synchronized and verify its connection settings."
- }
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "pending": {
- "header": "Getting accounts from device",
- "description": "Please wait while the accounts to scan are added to the node configuration file."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Accounts added to node configuration",
- "description": "A configuration file was saved to the user data folder. It enables Ledger SatStack to connect to your full node and let it scan for your accounts on the blockchain.",
- "cta": "View user data"
- }
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "existing": "Existing accounts to scan",
- "toScan": "Accounts to scan",
- "toScanDescription": "Accounts to scan for each address type",
- "toScanTooltip": "Increase only if you have 10+ BTC accounts. Initial scan will be slower. "
- },
- "satstack": {
- "title": "SatStack",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Download and run Ledger SatStack",
- "description": "Ledger SatStack is a small application enabling Ledger Live to talk to your full node. Please download and run it before you continue.",
- "disclaimer": "SatStack must be running for Ledger Live to connect to your full node. Consider setting it to launch automatically when your computer boots.",
- "cta": "Download SatStack"
- },
- "satstack-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach SatStack",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack is running on this computer."
- },
- "satstack-outdated": {
- "header": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "node-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that your node is reachable and that the connection settings you entered are correct."
- },
- "invalid-chain": {
- "header": "invalid-chain title",
- "description": "invalid-chain description for tooltip"
- },
- "initializing": {
- "header": "Loading",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ready": {
- "header": "Ready",
- "description": "The full node is fully synced. Your Bitcoin account balances are now correct."
- },
- "syncing": {
- "header": "Node sync in progress…",
- "description": "Recent transactions may not yet be visible, so Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect. If possible, run your node continuously to keep it in sync."
- },
- "scanning": {
- "header": "Account scan in progress...",
- "description": "You can add your accounts once the account scan is completed. Any Bitcoin accounts previously added through Ledger's explorers were removed."
- }
- }
- },
- "disconnect": {
- "cta": "Disconnect",
- "description": "Are you sure? Disconnecting the full node will remove all Bitcoin accounts. You can add your accounts again using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "lastOperations": "Latest operations",
- "contractAddress": "Contract:",
- "openInExplorer": "Open in explorer",
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No crypto assets yet?",
- "desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving",
- "descToken": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving <3><0>{{ticker}}0>3> and <5><0>{{tokenList}}0> tokens5>",
- "buttons": {
- "receiveFunds": "Receive",
- "buy": "Buy"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Edit account",
- "advancedLogs": "Advanced",
- "advancedTips": "Your xpub is privacy-sensitive data. Use with caution, especially when disclosing to third parties.",
- "accountName": {
- "title": "Account name",
- "desc": "Description of the account"
- },
- "unit": {
- "title": "Unit",
- "desc": "Choose the unit to be used"
- }
- },
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "frozenAssets": "Frozen assets",
- "bandwidth": "Bandwidth",
- "energy": "Energy",
- "stake": "Stake",
- "delegatedAssets": "Delegated assets",
- "undelegating": "Undelegating",
- "availableBalanceTooltip": "This amount is disposable.",
- "frozenAssetsTooltip": "Frozen assets are used in the Tron voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "bandwidthTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain bandwidth",
- "energyTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain energy",
- "delegatedAssetsTooltip": "Delegated assets are used in the Cosmos voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "undelegatingTooltip": "Undelegated assets are in a timelock of 21 days, before being available."
- },
- "exchange": {
- "chooseProvider": "Choose from {{providerCount}} provider",
- "chooseProviders": "Choose from {{providerCount}} providers",
- "title": "Buy and sell crypto",
- "reset": "Reset flow",
- "verifyAddress": "Please confirm the address displayed exactly matches the one shown on your device",
- "buy": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Choose a provider to buy crypto",
- "buyFrom": "Buy from anywhere",
- "cryptoSupported": "crypto supported",
- "payWith": "Pay with card or SEPA",
- "tab": "Buy",
- "coinify": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with {{provider}}",
- "title": "Buy crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "addAccount": "Add account"
- }
- },
- "sell": {
- "header": "Sell crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Sell crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "tab": "Sell",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "lend": {
- "title": "Lend crypto",
- "tabs": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "opened": "Opened loans",
- "closed": "Closed loans",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "assets": "Assets to lend",
- "active": "Approved accounts",
- "lendAsset": "Lend",
- "account": {
- "amountSupplied": "Amount deposited",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount lent to the network",
- "currencyAPY": "Currency APY",
- "currencyAPYTooltip": "Yearly return rate of a deposit that’s continuously compounded",
- "accruedInterests": "Accrued interest",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest generated on your lent assets",
- "interestEarned": "Interest earned",
- "interestEarnedTooltip": "Interest you have earned after withdrawal",
- "openLoans": "Open loans",
- "closedLoans": "Closed loans",
- "amountRedeemed": "Amount withdrawn",
- "date": "Date",
- "info": "You can lend assets directly from your {{currency}} account and earn interest.",
- "howCompoundWorks": "How does lending on Compound work?",
- "lend": "Deposit {{currency}}"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "active": {
- "title": "Lending",
- "description": "You can lend assets directly from your Ethereum accounts and earn interest.",
- "cta": "How does lending on Compound work?"
- },
- "closed": {
- "title": "Your closed loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "opened": {
- "title": "Your opened loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "history": {
- "title": "History",
- "description": "View the history of all your loan transactions.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- }
- },
- "headers": {
- "active": {
- "accounts": "Account",
- "amountSupplied": "Open loan",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount deposited in the network",
- "accruedInterests": "Interest balance",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest being earned on loans",
- "status": "Account status",
- "actions": "Actions"
- },
- "status": {
- "enablingTooltip": "Your transaction is broadcasting",
- "toSupplyTooltip": "You can now supply your assets"
- },
- "types": {
- "enabling": "Enabling",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "supplying": "Supplying",
- "earning": "Earning"
- },
- "closed": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amountRedeemed": "Withdrawal amount",
- "interestsEarned": "Interest earned",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "opened": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "accruedInterest": "Accrued interest",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "rates": {
- "allAssets": "Asset",
- "totalBalance": "Asset balance",
- "totalBalanceTooltip": "Amount available to lend",
- "currentAPY": "Deposit APY",
- "currentAPYTooltip": "Annual return rate earned on a continuously compounded deposit",
- "actions": "Actions"
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "cta": "Manage lending",
- "title": "Manage loan",
- "enable": {
- "approve": "Approve",
- "manageLimit": "Manage limit",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "info": "You have approved <0>{{amount}}0> on this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "infoNoLimit": "You have fully approved this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "approvedWithLimit": "You have approved <0>{{value}}0> on this account.",
- "enabling": "You can deposit assets once the account approval is confirmed.",
- "notEnabled": "You need to approve this account before being able to lend assets.",
- "notEnoughApproved": "You must increase the limit approved on your account to lend."
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit",
- "description": "Enter the amount of assets to lend to the protocol."
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "Withdraw assets from the protocol to your Ledger account."
- }
- },
- "enable": {
- "title": "Approve account",
- "steps": {
- "selectAccount": {
- "title": "Select account",
- "selectLabel": "Account to lend from",
- "cta": "Approve",
- "alreadyEnabled": "This account is approved"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "summary": "I grant access to <0>{{contractName}}0> smart contract on my account <0>{{accountName}}0> for a <0>{{amount}}0> amount",
- "limit": "limited {{amount}}",
- "noLimit": "no limit {{assetName}}",
- "contractName": "Compound {{currencyName}}",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to approve",
- "amountLabelTooltip": "This limits the amount available to the smart contract."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Operation sent successfully",
- "text": "The approval was sent to the network for confirmation. You’ll be able to issue loans once it is confirmed.",
- "done": "Close",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountToWithdraw": "Amount to withdraw",
- "withdrawAll": "Withdraw Max",
- "placeholder": "Withdraw Max",
- "maxWithdrawble": "Maximum amount to withdraw is"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Withdrawal sent successfully",
- "text": "Your assets will be available once the network has confirmed the withdrawal.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "tooltip": {
- "amountWithdrawn": "The amount withdrawn is displayed in {{ tokenName }}. {{ tokenName }} are ERC20 tokens that you earn after lending assets."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "terms": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "subtitle": "Lend assets on the Compound protocol",
- "description": "The Compound protocol allows you to lend and borrow assets on the Ethereum network. You can lend assets and earn interest directly from your Ledger acccount.",
- "switchLabel": "<1>I have read and agree with the 1><0>Terms of Use0><1>.1>"
- },
- "steps": {
- "title": "Step <0>{{step}} / {{total}}0>",
- "1": {
- "subtitle": "Approve an account to allow the protocol to",
- "subtitle2": "process future loans.",
- "description": "You need to authorize the Compound smart contract to transfer up to a certain amount of assets to the protocol. Approving an account gives permission to the protocol to process future loans."
- },
- "2": {
- "subtitle": "Supply assets to earn interest",
- "description": "Once an account is approved, you can select the amount of assets you want to lend and issue a transaction to the protocol. Interests accrue immediately after the transaction is confirmed."
- },
- "3": {
- "subtitle": "Withdraw assets at any time",
- "description": "You can withdraw your assets and earned interest at any time, partially or entirely, directly from your Ledger account."
- }
- }
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountToSupply": "Amount to deposit",
- "maxSupply": "Maximum amount to lend is"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Deposit sent successfully",
- "text": "You will start earning interest once the network has confirmed the deposit.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "noEthAccount": {
- "title": "Please create an ETH account",
- "description": "<0>{{ asset }}({{ ticker }})0> is an Ethereum ERC-20 token. To lend {{ ticker }}, install the Ethereum app and create an Ethereum account",
- "cta": "Add account"
- },
- "emptyAccountDeposit": {
- "title": "You don't have a {{ asset }} account.",
- "description": "In order to deposit funds and lend crypto you need a {{ asset }} account. Please Receive funds on your Ethereum address.",
- "ctaBuy": "Buy {{ asset }}",
- "ctaReceive": "Receive {{ asset }}"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "noResultFound": "No accounts found.",
- "order": {
- "name|asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name|desc": "Name Z-A",
- "balance|asc": "Lowest Balance",
- "balance|desc": "Highest Balance"
- },
- "range": {
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "all": "All"
- },
- "optionsMenu": {
- "title": "Options",
- "exportOperations": "Export operation history",
- "exportToMobile": "Export to mobile"
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "star": "Star",
- "receive": "Receive",
- "send": "Send",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "buy": "Buy",
- "sell": "Sell",
- "edit": "Edit account",
- "hideToken": "Hide token"
- }
- },
- "help": {
- "title": "Help & Support",
- "gettingStarted": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "desc": "Start here"
- },
- "status": {
- "title": "Ledger Status",
- "desc": "Check our system status"
- },
- "helpCenter": {
- "title": "Ledger Support",
- "desc": "Get help"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "desc": "Learn crypto"
- },
- "facebook": {
- "title": "Facebook",
- "desc": "Like our page"
- },
- "twitter": {
- "title": "Twitter",
- "desc": "Follow us"
- },
- "github": {
- "title": "Github",
- "desc": "Review our code"
- }
- },
- "blacklistToken": {
- "title": "Hide token",
- "desc": "This action will hide all <1><0>{{tokenName}}0>1> accounts, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide token"
- },
- "hideNftCollection": {
- "title": "Hide NFT Colection",
- "desc": "This action will hide all NFTs from the <1><0>{{collectionName}}0>1> collection, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide NFT Collection"
- },
- "banners": {
- "cleanCache": {
- "title": "Modification of experimental settings require a clear cache",
- "cta": "Clear cache"
- },
- "migrate": "Ledger Live accounts update available",
- "genericTerminatedCrypto": "{{coinName}} is not supported anymore",
- "valentine": {
- "title": "Valentine’s day",
- "description": "As a proof of our love, Ledger is reducing buy & sell fees on Ledger Live"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "description": "Everything you need to know about blockchain, security, cryptocurrency and your Ledger device",
- "cta": "Start learning"
- },
- "stakeCosmos": {
- "title": "Staking with COSMOS",
- "description": "Delegate your ATOM coins through the account page and earn rewards today",
- "cta": "Stake Cosmos now"
- },
- "buyCrypto": {
- "title": "Buy Crypto",
- "description": "Purchase crypto assets through our partner and receive them directly in your Ledger account",
- "cta": "Buy now"
- },
- "familyPack": {
- "title": "Family pack",
- "description": "Get your family and friends into crypto with 3 Nano S at a discounted price",
- "cta": "Buy family pack"
- },
- "polkaStake": {
- "title": "POLKADOT staking",
- "description": "You can now stake, secure and manage your DOT directly in Ledger Live"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "sell crypto",
- "description": "Sell Bitcoin with our partner directly from Ledger Live"
- },
- "stakeAlgorand": {
- "title": "Staking with ALGORAND",
- "description": "Make the most of your ALGO. Simply add funds to your accounts and earn staking rewards today."
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap crypto",
- "description": "Exchange one crypto for another from Ledger Live with our partner."
- },
- "lending": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "description": "Lend stablecoins to the Compound protocol and earn interests today"
- },
- "blackfriday": {
- "title": "BLACK FRIDAY ",
- "description": "Enjoy 40% off Ledger hardware wallets with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY20"
- }
- },
- "signmessage": {
- "title": "Sign message",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Device"
- }
- }
- },
- "walletconnect": {
- "titleAccount": "Wallet Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "connected": "Connected",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "invalidAccount": "Invalid account id",
- "steps": {
- "paste": {
- "title": "Paste link",
- "label": "Wallet Connect address",
- "placeholder": "Paste Wallet Connect Link"
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Connect",
- "details": "Wants to connect to the following account through your wallet :",
- "deeplinkDetails": "Wants to connect to Ledger Live. Choose your account:",
- "noAccount": "You don't have any compatible account. Please add an compatible account to use Wallet Connect.",
- "alreadyConnected": "You are trying to connect to a dApp while having another one already connected. Please disconnect from the connected dApp before reconnecting Live with a new dApp."
- }
- },
- "connectedscreen": {
- "info": "You can now access the {{name}} dApp on your web browser.",
- "warning": "Sharing receive addresses from dApps is not secure. Always use Ledger Live when sharing your address to receive funds.",
- "disconnected": "There is a connection problem between the dApp, WalletConnect and Ledger Live. Wait a few moments or relaunch the connection"
- }
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Portfolio",
- "emptyAccountTile": {
- "desc": "Add accounts to manage other crypto assets",
- "createAccount": "Add account"
- },
- "recentActivity": "Latest operations",
- "totalBalance": "Total balance",
- "transactionsPendingConfirmation": "Some transactions are not confirmed yet. These will be reflected in your balance and useable after being confirmed."
- },
- "currentAddress": {
- "title": "Current address",
- "for": "Address for <1><0>{{name}}0>1>",
- "messageIfUnverified": "Verify that the shared address exactly matches the one on your device",
- "messageIfSkipped": "Your {{name}} address was not confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for security.",
- "showQrCode": "Show QR Code",
- "taprootWarning": "Make sure the sender supports taproot"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Install apps on your device",
- "desc": "Go to the Manager to install apps on your device. You can add accounts once you have apps on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "installApp": "Go to Manager",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Add an account to get started",
- "desc": "Add an account to start managing your crypto assets. You must have the app for your crypto asset installed on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "installApp": "Go to Manager to install apps",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- }
- },
- "genuinecheck": {
- "deviceInBootloader": "Device in Bootloader mode. Click on <1>Continue1> to update it."
- },
- "learn": {
- "title": "Learn",
- "noConnection": "No connection",
- "noConnectionDesc": "It seems you don't have access to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.",
- "sectionShows": "Shows",
- "sectionVideo": "Video",
- "sectionPodcast": "Podcast",
- "sectionArticles": "Articles"
- },
- "market": {
- "title": "Market",
- "currency": "Currency",
- "rangeLabel": "Time",
- "goBack": "Go back",
- "filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
- "show": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "isLedgerCompatible": "Ledger Live Compatible",
- "isFavorite": "Starred Assets",
- "applyFilters": "Apply filters",
- "clearAll": "Clear all"
- },
- "marketList": {
- "crypto": "Crypto",
- "price": "Price",
- "change": "Change",
- "marketCap": "Market cap",
- "last7d": "Last 7 days"
- },
- "detailsPage": {
- "priceStatistics": "Price stats",
- "tradingVolume": "Trading volume",
- "24hLowHight": "24h Low / 24h High",
- "7dLowHigh": "7d Low / 7d High",
- "allTimeHigh": "All time high",
- "allTimeLow": "All time low",
- "marketCapRank": "Market cap rank",
- "marketCapDominance": "Market cap dominance",
- "supply": "Supply",
- "circulatingSupply": "Circulating supply",
- "totalSupply": "Total supply",
- "maxSupply": "Max supply",
- "assetNotSupportedOnLedgerLive": "This asset is not supported on Ledger Live.",
- "supportedCoinsAndTokens": "Supported coins & Tokens"
- },
- "range": {
- "1H_label": "1H",
- "1D_label": "1D",
- "1W_label": "1W",
- "1M_label": "1M",
- "1Y_label": "1Y",
- "1h": "1h",
- "24h": "24h",
- "7d": "7d",
- "30d": "30d",
- "1y": "1y",
- "1H_selectorLabel": "Last 1 hour",
- "1D_selectorLabel": "Last 24 hours",
- "1W_selectorLabel": "last week",
- "1M_selectorLabel": "Last month",
- "1Y_selectorLabel": "Last year"
- },
- "warnings": {
- "connectionError": "Connection Error",
- "ledgerUnableToRetrieveData": "Ledger Live is unable to retrieve data.",
- "checkInternetAndReload": "Please check your internet connection and reload this page.",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "noCryptosFound": "No coins found",
- "noSearchResultsFor": "Sorry, we did not find any coins for <0>{{search}}0>. Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "noSearchResults": "Sorry, we did not find any search results.",
- "retrySearchKeyword": "Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "retrySearchParams": "Please retry the search with another parameters.",
- "trackFavAssets": "Track your favourite",
- "clickOnStarIcon": "Clicking on the star icon next to an asset will automatically add them to your favorites.",
- "browseAssets": "Browse assets"
- }
- },
- "NFT": {
- "viewer": {
- "actions": {
- "send": "Send",
- "open": "Open in {{viewer}}"
- },
- "attributes": {
- "properties": "Properties",
- "description": "Description",
- "tokenAddress": "Token Address",
- "tokenId": "Token ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- }
- },
- "collections": {
- "title": "NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Collections",
- "receiveCTA": "Receive NFT",
- "galleryCTA": "See Gallery",
- "seeMore": "See more collections",
- "seeAll": "See all collections",
- "seeLess": "See less"
- },
- "gallery": {
- "title": "All NFT",
- "collection": {
- "header": {
- "sendCTA": "Send",
- "contract": "Contract: {{contract}}"
- },
- "operationList": {
- "header": "Latest Operations",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "IN": "Received"
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "item": {
- "tokenId": "ID: {{tokenId}}"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "title": "Tokens",
- "cta": "Add token",
- "placeholder": "To add tokens, simply send them to your {{currencyName}} address.",
- "link": "Learn more",
- "seeTokens": "Show tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 token",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} tokens",
- "algorand": {
- "title": "ASA (Assets)",
- "cta": "Add ASA",
- "placeholder": "You can add assets to your {{currencyName}} account.",
- "link": "How Assets (ASA) works?",
- "seeTokens": "Show ASA ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide ASA ({{tokenCount}})"
- }
- },
- "subAccounts": {
- "title": "Subaccounts",
- "seeSubAccounts": "Show subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideSubAccounts": "Hide subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 subaccount",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} subaccounts"
- },
- "migrateAccounts": {
- "overview": {
- "title": "Ledger Live accounts update",
- "successTitle": "Accounts updated successfully",
- "successDescPlu": "Your {{assets}} accounts are now updated and ready to use",
- "successDesc": "Your {{assets}} account is now updated and ready to use",
- "mobileTitle": "Export accounts to mobile",
- "mobileDesc": "Click the button below to export your updated accounts to the Ledger Live mobile app.",
- "mobileCTA": "Export to mobile",
- "description": "New features in Ledger Live require an update of your accounts.",
- "currency": "1 {{currency}} account needs to be updated:",
- "currency_plural": "{{count}} {{currency}} accounts need to be updated:",
- "footer": "You need your Ledger Device to complete the update",
- "pendingDevices": "1 account could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "pendingDevices_plural": "{{totalMigratableAccounts}} accounts could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "doItLaterBtn": "Do it later"
- },
- "progress": {
- "finished": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update completed",
- "description": ""
- },
- "scanning": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait for your accounts to be updated"
- },
- "finished-empty": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update incomplete",
- "description": "No {{currencyName}} accounts to update"
- }
- },
- "cta": {
- "startUpdate": "Start update",
- "nextCurrency": "Continue with {{currency}} update"
- }
- },
- "addAccounts": {
- "title": "Add accounts",
- "breadcrumb": {
- "informations": "Crypto asset",
- "connectDevice": "Device",
- "import": "Accounts",
- "finish": "Confirmation"
- },
- "fullNodeReadyInfo": "Accounts will be added using your Bitcoin full node.",
- "fullNodeConfigure": "Configure node",
- "tokensTip": "{{token}} ({{ticker}}) is an {{tokenType}} token. You can receive tokens directly on an {{currency}} account.",
- "accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Add existing accounts",
- "selectAll": "Select all ({{count}})",
- "unselectAll": "Deselect all ({{count}})",
- "noAccountToImport": "No existing {{currencyName}} accounts to add",
- "success": "Account added successfully",
- "success_plural": "Accounts added successfully",
- "successDescription": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "successDescription_plural": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "createNewAccount": {
- "noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received assets on your <1><0>{{accountName}}0>1> account",
- "noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}0>1> account was found to be created",
- "showAllAddressTypes": "Show all address types",
- "showAllAddressTypesTooltip": "Only change the address type if you need to receive {{family}} on other address formats."
- },
- "supportLinks": {
- "segwit_or_native_segwit": "Segwit or Native Segwit?"
- },
- "cta": {
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "add": "Add account",
- "add_plural": "Add accounts",
- "addAccountName": "Add {{currencyName}} account",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "sections": {
- "importable": {
- "title": "Add existing account"
- },
- "creatable": {
- "title": "Add new account"
- },
- "imported": {
- "title": "Accounts already in portfolio ({{count}})"
- },
- "migrate": {
- "title": "Accounts to update"
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetails": {
- "whatIsThis": "What is this operation?",
- "title": "Operation details",
- "type": "Type",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "account": "Account",
- "date": "Date",
- "currentValue": "Current value",
- "status": "Status",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "failed": "Failed",
- "notConfirmed": "Not confirmed",
- "fees": "Fee",
- "noFees": "No fee",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "identifier": "Transaction ID",
- "viewOperation": "View in explorer",
- "showMore": "Show {{recipients}} more",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "tokenOperations": "Token operations",
- "subAccountOperations": "Subaccount operations",
- "tokenTooltip": "This operation is related to the following token operations",
- "subAccountTooltip": "This operation is related to the following subaccount operations",
- "internalOperations": "Internal operations",
- "internalOpTooltip": "This operation has internal operations",
- "details": "{{ currency }} details",
- "multipleAddresses": "Why multiple addresses?",
- "nft": {
- "name": "Token Name",
- "contract": "Token Contract",
- "id": "Token (NFT) ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "extra": {
- "frozenAmount": "Frozen amount",
- "unfreezeAmount": "Unfreeze amount",
- "votes": "Votes ({{number}})",
- "votesAddress": "<0>{{votes}}0> to <2>{{name}}2>",
- "validators": "Validators",
- "redelegated": "Redelegated",
- "redelegatedFrom": "Redelegated from",
- "redelegatedTo": "Redelegated to",
- "redelegatedAmount": "Redelegated amount",
- "undelegated": "Undelegated",
- "undelegatedFrom": "Undelegated from",
- "undelegatedAmount": "Undelegated amount",
- "rewardFrom": "Reward from",
- "memo": "Memo",
- "assetId": "Asset ID",
- "rewards": "Earned rewards",
- "bondedAmount": "Bonded Amount",
- "unbondedAmount": "Unbonded Amount",
- "withdrawUnbondedAmount": "Withdrawn Amount",
- "palletMethod": "Method",
- "transferAmount": "Transfer Amount",
- "validatorsCount": "Validators ({{number}})"
- }
- },
- "operationList": {
- "noMoreOperations": "That's all"
- },
- "DeviceAction": {
- "allowAppPermission": "Open the {{wording}} app on your device",
- "allowAppPermissionSubtitleToken": "to manage your {{token}} tokens",
- "allowManagerPermission": "Allow {{wording}} on your device",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "connectAndUnlockDevice": "Connect and unlock your device",
- "unlockDevice": "Unlock your device",
- "unlockDeviceAfterFirmwareUpdate": "Wait for the firmware to update and unlock your device with your PIN",
- "quitApp": "Quit the application on your device",
- "appNotInstalledTitle": "Missing required app",
- "appNotInstalledTitle_plural": "Missing required apps",
- "appNotInstalled": "The {{appName}} app is required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install it on your device",
- "appNotInstalled_plural": "The {{appName}} apps are required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install them on your device",
- "openManager": "Open Manager",
- "openOnboarding": "Setup device",
- "outdated": "App version outdated",
- "outdatedDesc": "An important update is available for the {{appName}} application on your device. Please go to the Manager to update it.",
- "installApp": "{{appName}} App installation",
- "installAppDescription": "Please wait until the installation is finished",
- "listApps": "Checking App dependencies",
- "listAppsDescription": "Please wait while we make sure you have all the required apps",
- "swap": {
- "notice": "Verify the Swap details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Swap transaction",
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "amountReceivedFloat": "Amount to receive before service fees",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "payoutNetworkFees": "Payout fees",
- "payoutNetworkFeesTooltip": "This amount will not be shown on your device"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "fees": "Network Fees",
- "sourceAccount": "Source Account",
- "targetAccount": "Target Account"
- },
- "sell": {
- "notice": "Verify the Sell details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Sell transaction"
- },
- "fund": {
- "notice": "Verify the Fund details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don't have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Fund transaction"
- }
- },
- "manager": {
- "tabs": {
- "appCatalog": "App catalog",
- "appCatalogSearch": "Search app in catalog...",
- "appsOnDevice": "Apps installed",
- "appOnDeviceSearch": "Search installed apps..."
- },
- "disconnected": {
- "title": "Looks like an app is open on your device",
- "subtitle": "Reopening the Manager will quit the app on your device",
- "ctaReopen": "Reopen Manager",
- "ctaPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio"
- },
- "deviceStorage": {
- "freeSpace": "<0>{{space}}0> free",
- "noFreeSpace": "No storage left",
- "installed": "Apps",
- "capacity": "Capacity",
- "used": "Used",
- "firmwareAvailable": "Firmware is outdated:",
- "firmwareUpToDate": "Firmware is up to date:",
- "genuine": "Device is genuine",
- "incomplete": "Some apps were not recognized. Please uninstall, then reinstall them."
- },
- "applist": {
- "placeholder": "No match for the search with the selected filters",
- "placeholderNoAppsInstalled": "No apps installed on your device",
- "placeholderGoToCatalog": "Go to the App catalog to install apps",
- "noResultsFound": "No results found",
- "noResultsDesc": "Please verify the spelling and try again",
- "filter": {
- "title": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "supported": "Supported in Live",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "not_installed": "Not installed"
- },
- "sort": {
- "title": "Sort",
- "name_asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name_desc": "Name Z-A",
- "marketcap_desc": "Market cap"
- },
- "installSuccess": {
- "title": "App installed successfully. You can now add your {{app}} accounts",
- "title_plural": "Apps installed successfully. You can now add your accounts",
- "manageAccount": "Manage my accounts"
- },
- "updatable": {
- "title": "Update available",
- "title_plural": "Updates available",
- "progressTitle": "{{number}} App update",
- "progressTitle_plural": "{{number}} App updates",
- "progressWarning": "Do not quit Manager during update.",
- "progress": "Updating all..."
- },
- "item": {
- "version": "Version {{version}}",
- "installing": "Installing...",
- "uninstalling": "Uninstalling...",
- "updating": "Updating...",
- "scheduled": "Queued",
- "update": "Update available",
- "updateAll": "Update all",
- "updateAllOutOfMemory": "Not enough storage. Please uninstall some apps",
- "install": "Install",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "updated": "Updated",
- "uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "notEnoughSpace": "Not enough storage",
- "supported": "Ledger Live supported",
- "not_supported": "Requires 3rd-party wallet",
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "addAccountTooltip": "Add {{appName}} account",
- "addAccountWarn": "Please wait for the app updates to finish",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "learnMoreTooltip": "Learn more about {{appName}}",
- "removeTooltip": "Uninstall {{appName}}",
- "useAppForToken": "Looking to manage {{tokenType}} tokens?",
- "tokenAppDisclaimer": "To manage {{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens, <1>install the {{appName}} app1> and please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "tokenAppDisclaimerInstalled": "To manage <1>{{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens1>, please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "goToAccounts": "Go to accounts",
- "intallParentApp": "Install {{appName}} app",
- "plugin": "Go to app",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "tool": "Learn more",
- "app": "Learn more"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Uninstall all",
- "subtitle": "Uninstall all apps?",
- "description": "Don't worry, uninstalling apps does not affect your crypto assets. You can reinstall apps in the App catalog."
- }
- },
- "apps": {
- "dependencyInstall": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app is required",
- "description": "The {{dependency}} app will also be installed because the {{app}} app needs it.",
- "confirm": "Install apps"
- },
- "dependencyUninstall": {
- "title": " Uninstall {{app}} and its related apps?",
- "showAll": "Show apps to uninstall",
- "description": "Some of your installed apps are linked to {{app}} app. They will be uninstalled as well.",
- "confirm": "Uninstall {{app}} and other apps"
- }
- },
- "firmware": {
- "updateLater": "Cancel",
- "seedReady": "I have my recovery phrase",
- "dontHaveSeed": "Don't have your recovery phrase? ",
- "followTheGuide": "Follow our step by step update guide",
- "removeApps": "Uninstall all apps before updating",
- "update": "Firmware update",
- "updateBtn": "Update firmware",
- "banner": {
- "warning": "Update Firmware to {{latestFirmware}} is available",
- "cta": "Go to manager",
- "old": {
- "warning": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "cta": "Contact support"
- },
- "cta2": "Update firmware"
- },
- "latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
- "contactSupport": "Contact support",
- "deprecated": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "prepareSeed": "Ensure your 24-word recovery phrase is written down on the Recovery sheet and it is available, as a precaution.",
- "disclaimerTitle": "You are about to install <1>firmware version {{version}}1>.",
- "downloadingUpdateDesc": "Please wait for the update installer to be downloaded"
- },
- "modal": {
- "steps": {
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateMCU": "Firmware update",
- "updating": "Firmware update",
- "reset": "Prepare device",
- "osu": "Installing OSU...",
- "flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
- "flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
- "firmware": "Firmware updating...",
- "flash": "Preparing your device..."
- },
- "confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
- "confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Confirm and enter your PIN code if requested.",
- "identifier": "Identifier",
- "preparation": "Preparation",
- "newFirmware": "New firmware {{version}}",
- "confirmUpdate": "Please confirm the update on your device",
- "mcuTitle": "Finalize update",
- "mcuFirst": "Disconnect the USB cable from your device",
- "mcuSecond": "Press the left button and hold it while you reconnect the USB cable until the <1><0>{{repairProcessing}}0>1> screen appears",
- "mcuPin": "Please wait for the update to finish",
- "mcuSecondNanoX": "Press and hold the left button until <1><0>{{bootloaderOption}}0>1> appears. Press both buttons to confirm and reconnect your device.",
- "mcuBlueFirst": "Press and hold the side button for 10 seconds to turn off the device. Release the button.",
- "mcuBlueSecond": "Press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds until the Boot Options are displayed. Tap Bootloader Mode",
- "successTitle": "Firmware updated",
- "successTextApps": "Please re-install the apps on your device",
- "successTextNoApps": "You can now install apps on your device",
- "sucessCTAApps": "Re-install apps",
- "SuccessCTANoApps": "Install apps",
- "cancelReinstallCTA": "Install update",
- "resetSteps": {
- "first": "1. Reset your device",
- "connect": "Connect the {{deviceName}} to your computer using the USB cable.",
- "turnOn": "Press the button on the device to turn it on.",
- "falsePin": "Enter three wrong PINs to reset the device.",
- "turnOff": "Press and hold the side button until {{action}} is displayed.",
- "confirmTurnOff": "Tap {{action}} to confirm.",
- "second": "2. Boot in {{mode}} mode",
- "boot": "Press and hold the side button until {{option}} is displayed",
- "recoveryMode": "Tap {{mode}} Mode. Wait until the dashboard appears.",
- "third": "3. Uninstall all apps",
- "openLive": "Open the Manager in Ledger Live.",
- "uninstall": "Click on the grey trash icon for all apps currently installed on the {{deviceName}}. This makes room for the firmware installer.",
- "disclaimer": "Note: Your funds are not affected by this operation, the private keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Recovery sheet."
- }
- }
- },
- "claimReward": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "rewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned <1>{{amount}}1> by voting for validators.",
- "info": "Rewards can be claimed once every 24 hours."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards claimed",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance.",
- "cta": "View details",
- "done": "Done"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "resourceInfo": "Bandwidth or Energy?",
- "bandwidthDescription": "Bandwidth points are used to make transactions without paying TRX for network fees. Choose Bandwidth to increase your daily free transactions.",
- "energyDescription": "Energy points are required to execute smart contracts. If you don't run any smart contracts, there is no need to choose rewards in Energy.",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to freeze",
- "available": "Available: {{amountAvailable}}",
- "info": "Frozen assets cannot be sent for 3 days."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction is awaiting validation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a minute before being able to vote"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "textNRG": "You will start earning Energy once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "text": "You will start earning Bandwidth once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "votePending": "Vote in {{time}}",
- "vote": "Vote",
- "later": "Vote later"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "info": "Unfreezing will decrease your {{resource}} and will cancel your votes."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "text": "Your assets were unfrozen successfully. Your {{resource}} points will be decreased, and your votes will be cancelled.",
- "continue": "Continue"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "titleExisting": "Manage votes",
- "steps": {
- "castVotes": {
- "max": "MAX",
- "title": "Vote",
- "search": "Search by name or address...",
- "totalVotes": "Total votes: {{total}}",
- "selected": "Selected: {{total}}",
- "maxSelected": "Max selected: {{total}}",
- "allVotesAreUsed": "All assets are distributed",
- "maxUsed": "Insufficient assets",
- "validators": "Validators ({{total}})",
- "votes": "Available assets: {{total}}",
- "noResults": "No validator found for \"<0>{{search}}0>\"."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Your votes were cast successfully.",
- "text": "",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "buy": {
- "title": "Buy",
- "titleCrypto": "Buy {{currency}}",
- "buyCTA": "Buy {{currencyTicker}}",
- "withoutDevice": "Continue without my device",
- "connectWithoutDevice": "It's better to use your device for optimal security.",
- "skipConnect": "Continue without my device"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "Sell",
- "titleCrypto": "Sell {{currency}}"
- },
- "receive": {
- "title": "Receive",
- "successTitle": "Address shared securely",
- "steps": {
- "chooseAccount": {
- "title": "Account",
- "label": "Account to credit",
- "parentAccount": "1. Select {{currencyName}} account",
- "token": "2. Select a token",
- "verifyTokenType": "Please verify that <0>{{token}}0> is an <0>{{tokenType}}0> token. Any other crypto asset sent to an {{currency}} account may be lost.",
- "warningTokenType": "Please only send <0>{{ticker}}0> or <0>{{tokenType}}0> tokens to {{currency}} accounts. Sending other crypto assets may result in the permanent loss of funds."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device",
- "withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
- },
- "receiveFunds": {
- "title": "Receive"
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount received on a delegated account will be added to the total staked amount. Choose another account if you want to avoid this."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "send": {
- "title": "Send",
- "titleNft": "Send NFT",
- "totalSpent": "Total to debit",
- "steps": {
- "recipient": {
- "title": "Recipient",
- "nftRecipient": "NFT to send"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "banner": "Maximum spendable amount is",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "details": {
- "utxoLag": "This transaction may take long to verify and sign because the account has a significant number of coins.",
- "subaccountsWarning": "You will need to refill this account with {{ currency }} in order to send the tokens of this account",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
- "recipientAddress": "Recipient address",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "fees": "Network fees",
- "sendMax": "Send Max",
- "rippleTag": "Tag",
- "rippleTagPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "ethereumGasLimit": "Gas limit",
- "ethereumGasPrice": "Gas price",
- "unitPerByte": "{{unit}} per byte",
- "nft": "NFT",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "verification": {
- "streaming": {
- "accurate": "Loading... ({{percentage}})",
- "inaccurate": "Loading..."
- }
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount to be sent will be deducted from the balance of your delegated account."
- }
- }
- },
- "footer": {
- "estimatedFees": "Network fees"
- }
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Sign transaction"
- },
- "releaseNotes": {
- "title": "Release notes",
- "version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
- },
- "systemLanguageAvailable": {
- "title": "Change your app's language?",
- "description": {
- "newSupport": "Good news! our teams have been working hard and Ledger Live now supports {{language}}.",
- "advice": "You can always change your language back later in the settings."
- },
- "switchButton": "Switch to {{language}}",
- "no": "I prefer not to"
- },
- "distribution": {
- "asset": "Asset",
- "price": "Price",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "showAll": "Show all",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "header": "Asset allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "accountDistribution": {
- "account": "Account",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "header": "Account allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "elrond": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by MultiversX",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "MultiversX integration",
- "title": "MultiversX eGold (EGLD) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now safely secure your eGold (EGLD) tokens and manage them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The MultiversX eGold (EGLD) Token is native to the MultiversX Network and will be used for everything from transactions, staking, smart contracts, governance and validator rewards.",
- "description3": "We are actively working with the MultiversX team to add more functionality, such as staking, native ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token) support, and more.",
- "website": "The Internet Scale Blockchain"
- }
- }
- },
- "tron": {
- "voting": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can now earn rewards by freezing and voting.",
- "info": "How voting works",
- "votesDesc": "Cast your votes for one or more representatives to start earning staking rewards.",
- "vote": "Cast votes",
- "voteExisting": "Manage votes"
- },
- "manageTP": "Manage assets",
- "warnEarnRewards": "You need at least {{amount}} to start earning rewards",
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "nextRewardsDate": "Rewards can be claimed {{date}}",
- "claimAvailableRewards": "Claim {{amount}}",
- "header": "Votes",
- "percentageTP": "% of votes cast",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "remainingVotes": {
- "title": "You still have {{amount}} votes remaining",
- "description": "You can cast your remaining votes to earn more rewards",
- "button": "Vote now"
- },
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated assets stay yours.",
- "access": "You can unfreeze your assets after 3 days.",
- "ledger": "Freeze and vote securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "help": "How voting works",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your super representative."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze",
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn Bandwidth or Energy. You'll also be able to vote for Super Representatives."
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "description": "Unfreeze TRX to have them back in your available balance. You will no longer earn rewards."
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Vote",
- "description": "Cast votes for Super Representatives to earn rewards.",
- "steps": {
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "description": "Vote for one or more Super Representatives to start earning rewards.",
- "footer": {
- "doNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "next": "Cast Votes"
- },
- "info": {
- "message": "SR or Candidates?",
- "superRepresentative": {
- "title": "Super Representatives (SR)",
- "description": "Super Representatives play a key role in governing the TRON community by ensuring basic functions, e.g. block generation and bookkeeping."
- },
- "candidates": {
- "title": "Candidates",
- "description": "127 individuals elected through voting by the entire token holder community. Votes are updated once every 6 hours."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "bitcoin": {
- "inputSelected": "SELECTED",
- "toSpend": "Coins to spend",
- "toReturn": "Change to return",
- "modalTitle": "Coin control",
- "coincontrol": "Coin control",
- "advanced": "Advanced options",
- "ctaDisabled": "This account has no UTXO",
- "whatIs": "What is coin selection?",
- "rbf": "Allow the transaction to be replaced (Replace-By-Fee).",
- "strategy": "Coin selection strategy",
- "selected": "Coins selected for strategy",
- "amount": "Amount to send:",
- "replaceable": "replaceable",
- "cannotSelect": {
- "unconfirmed": "You cannot select coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "last": "You need at least one selected"
- },
- "pending": "pending",
- "pickUnconfirmedRBF": "Include coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "pickingStrategy": "UTXO picking strategy",
- "pickingStrategyLabels": {
- "DEEP_OUTPUTS_FIRST": "Oldest coins first (FIFO)",
- "OPTIMIZE_SIZE": "Minimize fees (optimize size)",
- "MERGE_OUTPUTS": "Minimize future fees (merge coins)"
- }
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "delegation": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn ATOM rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "header": "Delegation(s)",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "undelegate": "Undelegate",
- "redelegate": "Redelegate",
- "redelegateDisabledTooltip": "You can redelegate again <0>{{days}}0>",
- "redelegateMaxDisabledTooltip": "You cannot redelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "undelegateDisabledTooltip": "You cannot undelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "reward": "Claim rewards",
- "currentDelegation": "Delegated: <0>{{amount}}0>",
- "estYield": "est. yield",
- "activeTooltip": "Delegated amounts generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards",
- "minSafeWarning": "Not enough funds",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your ATOM assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available 21 days after undelegation"
- ],
- "warning": {
- "description": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- }
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validators"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "claimRewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "compound": "Compound",
- "claim": "Cash in",
- "compoundOrClaim": "Compound or cash in",
- "compoundDescription": "Rewards will be added to delegated amount",
- "claimDescription": "Rewards will be added to the available balance",
- "compoundInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0>. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically delegated to the same validator.",
- "claimInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> from the validator below. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically added to the available balance.",
- "selectLabel": "Select a delegation"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards cashed in successfully",
- "titleCompound": "Rewards compounded successfully",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "textCompound": "Your rewards <0>{{amount}}0> were automatically delegated to <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "redelegation": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Redelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Redelegation",
- "description": "Use redelegation to easily change from one validator to another. But if you change your mind again, you will then have to wait because redelegation triggers a 21-day timelock.",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately. You can have a maximum of <0>7 pending redelegations0>.",
- "howDelegationWorks": "How delegation works?"
- },
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "currentDelegation": "Current delegation",
- "newDelegation": "New delegation",
- "chooseValidator": "Choose a validator",
- "warning": "You will have to wait <0>21 days0> to redelegate from the new validator, if you change your mind again"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully redelegated your assets",
- "text": "The redelegation will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "undelegation": {
- "header": "Undelegation(s)",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 21-day timelock",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Undelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "subtitle": "The undelegation process takes <0>21 days0> to finalize.",
- "warning": "Rewards will be immediately cashed in. The undelegated amount will be back in the available balance after the <0>21-day timelock0>.",
- "fields": {
- "validator": "Validator",
- "amount": "Amount to undelegate"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully undelegated your assets.",
- "description": "<0>{{amount}}0> were undelegated from <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "algorand": {
- "operationHasRewards": "Rewards earned",
- "operationEarnedRewards": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> rewards.",
- "operationDetailsAmountBreakDown": "{{initialAmount}} (<0>+{{reward}}0> earned rewards)",
- "optIn": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Add ASA (Asset)",
- "steps": {
- "assets": {
- "title": "ASA (Asset)",
- "info": "Adding an asset requires sending a transaction with minimum fees. This will appear on your transaction history",
- "selectLabel": "Choose an ASA (Asset)",
- "disabledTooltip": "You already have this ASA (Asset) in your Algorand account"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "{{token}} asset successfully added",
- "text": "You can now receive and send <0>{{token}}0> assets on your Algorand account.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "header": "Rewards",
- "tooltip": "Algorand rewards are distributed regularly and are claimed automatically when you do a transaction.",
- "cta": "Claim rewards",
- "rewardsDisabledTooltip": "You don’t have any rewards. Algorand rewards are claimed automatically when you do a transaction. Receive ALGO to start earning rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Receive Algorand rewards simply for holding Algorand control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "A minimum balance of 1 ALGO is required to receive rewards.",
- "access": "Increase the account’s balance to increase rewards.",
- "ledger": "Perform a transaction to or from the account to claim rewards."
- },
- "learnMore": "How Algorand rewards work?",
- "button": {
- "cta": "Receive Algo"
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned {{amount}}. Click on Continue to claim your rewards",
- "info": "You will be prompted to generate an empty transaction to your account. This will add your current rewards to your balance at the minimal cost of the transaction fees."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards successfully claimed!",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "polkadot": {
- "lockedBalance": "Bonded",
- "lockedTooltip": "Assets must be bonded to nominated validators before earning rewards.",
- "unlockingBalance": "Unbonding",
- "unlockingTooltip": "Unbonding assets stay locked for 28 days before they can be withdrawn.",
- "unlockedBalance": "Unbonded",
- "unlockedTooltip": "Unbonded assets can now be moved using the withdraw operation.",
- "networkFees": "Network fees are automatically set by the Polkadot consensus, you won't be able to review them on your device",
- "bondedBalanceBelowMinimum": "Your bonded balance is below the current minimum of {{minimumBondBalance}}. Your nominations are at risk of being removed.",
- "nomination": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn rewards by bonding assets and then nominating your validator(s).",
- "info": "How nominations work"
- },
- "header": "Nominations",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "setController": "Change Controller",
- "chill": "Clear nominations",
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "amount": "Bonded Amount",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "This validator is elected and is collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "inactiveTooltip": "This validator is elected but is not collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "waiting": "Unelected",
- "waitingTooltip": "This validator is not elected, therefore is not collecting rewards.",
- "notValidator": "Not a validator",
- "notValidatorTooltip": "This address is no longer a validator",
- "elected": "Elected",
- "nominatorsCount": "{{nominatorsCount}} nominators",
- "nominatorsTooltip": "This validator is currently elected by {{count}} nominators.",
- "oversubscribed": "Oversubscribed ({{nominatorsCount}})",
- "oversubscribedTooltip": "Only the top {{maxNominatorRewardedPerValidator}} nominators with the highest bonded amount earn rewards",
- "hasPendingBondOperation": "A bond operation is still pending confirmation",
- "electionOpen": "The election of new validators is currently ongoing. As such, staking operations are not available for 15 minutes at most.",
- "electionOpenTooltip": "This operation is disabled during the election of validators",
- "externalControllerTooltip": "This account is controlled by another account.",
- "externalControllerUnsupported": "<0>This stash account is controlled by a separate account whose address is <0>{{controllerAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set this stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "externalStashTooltip": "This account controls another account.",
- "externalStashUnsupported": "<0>This account is the controller of a separate stash account whose address is <0>{{stashAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set your stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "showInactiveNominations": "Show all nominations ({{count}})",
- "hideInactiveNominations": "Show active nominations only",
- "noActiveNominations": "There are no active nominations.",
- "showAllUnlockings": "Show all unbonding amounts ({{count}})",
- "hideAllUnlockings": "Hide unbonding amounts"
- },
- "unlockings": {
- "header": "Unbonding",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 28-day unbonding period",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Withdraw ({{amount}})",
- "withdrawTooltip": "The unbonded amount will be credited to your available balance.",
- "noUnlockedWarning": "No unbonded balance to withdraw yet.",
- "rebond": "Rebond",
- "unbonded": "Unbonded"
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond",
- "description": "To earn rewards, first bond an amount. Then you must nominate your validator(s)."
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond",
- "description": "To make a bonded amount available again, first you need to unbond it. You can withdraw it after the 28-day unbonding period."
- },
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "To retrieve an unbonded amount back to the available balance, you need to withdraw it manually."
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "description": "Choose up to 16 validators. Ensure nominations are Active to earn rewards."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Remove all nominations. You will stop earning rewards. Your bonded amount remains bonded."
- }
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "steps": {
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "notValidatorsRemoved": "You have nominated {{count}} addresses who are no longer validators. They will automatically be removed from your nominate transaction.",
- "maybeChill": "Clear nominations instead"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully nominated validators",
- "text": "You will start earning rewards when your assets are bonded to your elected validator(s).",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond assets",
- "rewardDestination": {
- "label": "Rewards Destination",
- "stash": "Available Balance",
- "stashDescription": "Rewards are credited to your available balance.",
- "staked": "Bonded Balance",
- "stakedDescription": "Rewards are credited to your bonded balance for compound earning.",
- "optionTitle": "Note",
- "optionDescription": "Once set, the option is fixed for the lifetime of this bond. If you change your mind, please read the article down below"
- },
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by bonding your assets and then nominate your validators.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of bonded assets",
- "Nominate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available again, 28 days after unbonding"
- ],
- "help": "How nominations work",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your bonded assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to bond",
- "availableLabel": "Available",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Bonded assets can be unbonded at any time, but unbonding takes 28 days.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction awaiting confirmation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a moment before nominating"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully bonded",
- "text": "You can nominate validators once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "textNominate": "You will be able to nominate validators once the network has confirmed your transaction.",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "later": "Nominate later"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Bonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "rebond": {
- "title": "Rebond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to rebond",
- "availableLabel": "Unbonding",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Rebonded assets are immediately added to the bonded amount.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully rebonded",
- "text": "Your account balance will update once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Rebonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to unbond",
- "availableLabel": "Bonded",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn after the 28-day unbonding period.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Unbond transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn in 28 days.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Unbonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "simpleOperation": {
- "modes": {
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "After the 28-day unbonding period you can withdraw unbonded assets.",
- "info": "You can then withdraw unbonded assets to your available balance."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Clears all nominations and stops earning rewards.",
- "info": "Bonded assets will remain bonded. If you unbond them, they will be available after 28 days."
- },
- "setController": {
- "title": "Change Controller",
- "description": "Set this Ledger account as its own controller",
- "info": "Ledger Live doesn't support operations on separate stash and controller accounts."
- }
- },
- "steps": {
- "info": {
- "title": "Info"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "You will see your operation in history soon.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "solana": {
- "common": {
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation"
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "listHeader": "Delegations",
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "Active amount generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Inactive amount does not generate rewards",
- "delegatedInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is delegated to validators.",
- "withdrawableInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is withdrawable from delegations.",
- "withdrawableTitle": "Withdrawable",
- "statusUpdateNotice": "The status of the delegation will be updated when the transaction is confirmed.",
- "ledgerByFigmentTC": "Ledger by Figment T&Cs",
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn SOL rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "earnRewards": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your SOL assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": {
- "0": "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "1": "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "2": "Assets will be available after undelegation"
- },
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validator"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully withdrawn your assets.",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the transaction is confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "activate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Activate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully activated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "reactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Reactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully reactivated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "deactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Deactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully deactivated your delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "title": "Earn rewards",
- "header": "Delegation",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "yield": "Est. Yield",
- "address": "Address",
- "transactionID": "Transaction ID",
- "value": "Value",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "delegated": "Delegated",
- "completionDate": "Completion date",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "duration": "Duration",
- "durationJustStarted": "Just started",
- "durationDays": "{{count}} day",
- "durationDays_plural": "{{count}} days",
- "howItWorks": "How delegation works",
- "delegationEarn": "You can now earn {{name}} staking rewards by delegating your account.",
- "earnRewards": "Earn rewards",
- "overdelegated": "Overdelegated",
- "status": "Status",
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Earn staking rewards",
- "description": "Delegate your Tezos account to a third-party validator to earn staking rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated accounts stay yours.",
- "access": "You can access your assets at any time.",
- "ledger": "Delegate securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "button": {
- "cta": "Delegate to earn rewards"
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Account",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Summary",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate",
- "toUndelegate": "Account to undelegate",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "select": "Select",
- "yield": "Est. Yield {{amount}}",
- "randomly": "Randomly chosen validator",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your validator."
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Select validator",
- "description": "You can select a validator by comparing the estimated reward rates",
- "customValidator": "Custom validator",
- "providedBy": "Yield rates provided by <1><0>{{name}}0>1>"
- },
- "custom": {
- "title": "Custom validator",
- "text": "Please enter the address of the custom validator to delegate your account to.",
- "button": "Use validator"
- },
- "undelegate": {
- "title": "Undelegate account"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Delegation sent",
- "titleUndelegated": "End delegation",
- "text": "Delegation transaction broadcasted successfully. You should earn your first rewards within around 40 days, depending on the validator.",
- "textUndelegated": "Your account delegation will end once the operation is confirmed. You can delegate your account again at any time."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "topUp": "Receive more",
- "redelegate": "Change validator",
- "stopDelegation": "End delegation"
- }
- },
- "asset": {
- "notice": "Summary of all {{currency}} accounts"
- },
- "carousel": {
- "hidden": {
- "close": "Confirm",
- "undo": "Show again",
- "disclaimer": "This banner will not show up again until there is a new announcement"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Settings",
- "discreet": "Toggle discreet mode",
- "helpButton": "Help",
- "tabs": {
- "display": "General",
- "currencies": "Crypto assets",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About",
- "experimental": "Experimental features",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "developer": "Developer"
- },
- "export": {
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Export accounts",
- "desc": "Add your accounts in Ledger Live mobile. Your accounts will only synchronize with the blockchain, not between your mobile and desktop apps.",
- "button": "Export"
- },
- "operations": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Save a CSV file of your account operations on your computer."
- },
- "modal": {
- "button": "Done",
- "title": "Scan to export to mobile",
- "listTitle": "On the Ledger Live mobile app:",
- "step1": "Tap the + button in accounts",
- "step2": "Tap Import desktop accounts",
- "step3": "Scan the LiveQR code until the loader hits 100%"
- }
- },
- "display": {
- "language": "Display language",
- "languageDesc": "Set the language displayed in Ledger Live.",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "themeDesc": "Select the theme.",
- "counterValue": "Preferred currency",
- "counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
- "region": "Region",
- "regionDesc": "Choose your region to update formats of dates, time and currencies.",
- "stock": "Regional market indicator",
- "stockDesc": "Choose Western to display market increases in blue or Eastern to display them in red.",
- "carouselVisibility": "Carousel visibility",
- "carouselVisibilityDesc": "Enable visibility of the carousel on Portfolio"
- },
- "developer": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "You are now a developer !",
- "text": "Welcome to wonderland"
- },
- "debugApps": "Allow debug apps",
- "debugAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening debug tagged platform apps.",
- "experimentalApps": "Allow experimental apps",
- "experimentalAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening experimental tagged platform apps.",
- "catalogServer": "Set the catalog provider",
- "catalogServerDesc": "Switch between multiple platform apps sources",
- "enablePlatformDevTools": "Enable platform dev tools",
- "enablePlatformDevToolsDesc": "Enable opening platform apps dev tools window",
- "addLocalApp": "Add a local app",
- "addLocalAppDesc": "Browse local files and add a local app using a local manifest",
- "addLocalAppButton": "Browse",
- "runLocalAppDeleteButton": "Delete",
- "runLocalAppOpenButton": "Open",
- "enableLearnStagingUrl": "Learn page staging URL",
- "enableLearnStagingUrlDesc": "Enable the staging URL for the learn page."
- },
- "currencies": {
- "selectPlaceholder": "Select crypto asset",
- "desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
- "placeholder": "No settings for this asset",
- "confirmationsNb": "Number of confirmations",
- "confirmationsNbDesc": "Set the number of network confirmations for a transaction to be marked as confirmed."
- },
- "profile": {
- "password": "Password lock",
- "passwordDesc": "Set a password to secure the Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
- "passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
- "passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live when inactive.",
- "changePassword": "Change password",
- "softResetTitle": "Clear cache",
- "softResetDesc": "Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain.",
- "softReset": "Clear",
- "resetKYC": "Reset KYC data",
- "resetKYCDesc": "Erase all your Know your Customer data stored locally used to access third-party transaction provider.",
- "hardResetTitle": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction histories and settings.",
- "hardReset": "Reset",
- "analytics": "Analytics",
- "analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, the Ledger device type and firmware.",
- "reportErrors": "Bug reports",
- "reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger improve its products.",
- "launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
- "launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up a new device or restore an existing device. Accounts and settings are kept."
- },
- "help": {
- "version": "Version",
- "releaseNotesBtn": "Details",
- "termsBtn": "Read",
- "faq": "Ledger Support",
- "faqDesc": "If you have a problem, get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
- "terms": "Terms of Use",
- "termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
- "privacy": "Privacy Policy",
- "privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use them."
- },
- "experimental": {
- "disclaimer": "These are experimental features we provide on an \"as is\" basis for our tech savvy community to test. They may change, break or be removed at any time. By enabling them, you agree to use them at your own risk.",
- "features": {
- "experimentalCurrencies": {
- "title": "Experimental integrations",
- "description": "Use available experimental crypto assets integrations."
- },
- "experimentalLanguages": {
- "title": "Translation testing",
- "description": "Adds unreleased languages to the language list in the general settings tab."
- },
- "managerDevMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
- "description": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager."
- },
- "scanForInvalidPaths": {
- "title": "Extended account search",
- "description": "Scan for accounts with erroneous derivation paths. Please send potentially found assets to a regular account."
- },
- "experimentalExplorers": {
- "title": "Experimental Explorers API",
- "description": "Try an upcoming version of Ledger's blockchain explorers. Changing this setting may affect the account balance and synchronization as well as the send feature.\n(<0>0>)"
- },
- "keychainObservableRange": {
- "title": "Custom gap limit",
- "description": "Custom gap limit for all accounts. Increasing this value above its default value (20) scans more unused public addresses for coins. Advanced users only, this may break compatibility when restoring your accounts."
- },
- "forceProvider": {
- "title": "Manager provider",
- "description": "Changing the app provider in the Manager may make it impossible to install or uninstall apps on your Ledger device."
- },
- "testAnimations": {
- "title": "Test Lottie animations",
- "description": "Test all animations used in Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "hardResetModal": {
- "title": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "desc": "Reset Ledger Live to erase all settings and accounts on your computer. You can then choose your password and add your accounts back with your Ledger device. The private keys giving access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and are backed up by your recovery phrase.",
- "warning": "Resetting Ledger Live will erase your swap transaction history for all your accounts."
- },
- "softResetModal": {
- "title": "Clear cache",
- "desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys to access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
- },
- "resetFallbackModal": {
- "title": "User action required",
- "part1": "Could not delete cache folder. Please delete the folder manually:",
- "part2": "Click the Open folder button, the ",
- "part3": "app will close",
- "part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
- "part5": "Then you can restart the app normally."
- },
- "removeAccountModal": {
- "title": "Remove account",
- "desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Existing accounts can always be added again.",
- "delete": "Remove from Portfolio",
- "warning": "Removing this account will erase your swap transaction history associated to it."
- },
- "openUserDataDirectory": {
- "title": "View user data",
- "desc": "View the user data stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
- "btn": "View"
- },
- "repairDevice": {
- "title": "Repair your Ledger device",
- "descSettings": "Use this to restore your Ledger device if it froze during a firmware update.",
- "desc": "For Ledger Nano S users, please select the state displayed on your device. For Nano X and Blue users kindly refer to the help center.",
- "button": "Repair"
- },
- "exportLogs": {
- "title": "Save logs",
- "desc": "Saving Ledger Live logs may be needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
- "btn": "Save"
- },
- "accounts": {
- "hideEmptyTokens": {
- "title": "Hide empty token accounts",
- "desc": "Hide token accounts with zero balance on the Accounts page."
- },
- "tokenBlacklist": {
- "title": "Hidden tokens",
- "desc": "You can hide tokens by going to the parent account then right-clicking on the token and selecting 'Hide token'.",
- "count": "{{count}} token",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} tokens"
- },
- "hiddenNftCollections": {
- "title": "Hidden NFT Collections",
- "desc": "You can hide NFT Collections by right-clicking on the collection name and selecting 'Hide NFT Collection'.",
- "count": "{{count}} collection",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} collections"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "desc": "Set up your Bitcoin full node to synchronize and send transactions without using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- },
- "password": {
- "inputFields": {
- "newPassword": {
- "label": "New password"
- },
- "confirmPassword": {
- "label": "Confirm password"
- },
- "currentPassword": {
- "label": "Current password"
- }
- },
- "changePassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Change your password"
- },
- "setPassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Set the password",
- "desc": "Keep your password safe. Losing it means resetting Ledger Live and adding the accounts again."
- },
- "disablePassword": {
- "title": "Disable password lock",
- "desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
- }
- },
- "update": {
- "downloadInProgress": "Downloading update...",
- "downloadProgress": "{{progress}}% completed",
- "checking": "Checking update...",
- "checkSuccess": "Update ready to install",
- "quitAndInstall": "Install now",
- "updateAvailable": "Update to Ledger Live version {{version}} is available",
- "error": "Error during update. Please download again",
- "reDownload": "Download again",
- "nightlyWarning": "This version cannot auto-update. Please install the latest version manually",
- "downloadNow": "Download update"
- },
- "crash": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check our support articles for possible solutions. If the problem persists, save the logs using the button below and provide them to Ledger Support.",
- "troubleshooting": "Click here for possible solutions",
- "logs": "Save logs",
- "dataFolder": "View user data"
- },
- "exportOperationsModal": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Select the accounts for which to save the operation history",
- "descSuccess": "The CSV file of your operation history was saved successfully in the selected folder",
- "titleSuccess": "Operation history saved successfully",
- "cta": "Save",
- "ctaSuccess": "Done",
- "noAccounts": "No accounts to export",
- "selectedAccounts": "Accounts to be included",
- "selectedAccounts_plural": "Accounts to be included ({{count}})",
- "disclaimer": "The countervalues in the export is provided for information purposes only. Do not rely on such data for accounting, tax, regulation or legal purposes, as they only represent an estimation of the price of the assets at the time of transactions and export, under the valuation methods provided by our service provider, Kaiko"
- },
- "language": {
- "system": "Use system language",
- "switcher": {
- "en": "English",
- "fr": "French",
- "ru": "Russian",
- "es": "Spanish",
- "zh": "Chinese",
- "de": "German"
- }
- },
- "theme": {
- "system": "Select the system theme",
- "light": "Light",
- "dusk": "Dusk",
- "dark": "Dark"
- },
- "toastOverlay": {
- "toastType": {
- "announcement": "News",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "achievement": "Achievement Unlocked"
- },
- "groupedToast": {
- "text": "You have {{count}} unread notifications",
- "cta": "See details"
- }
- },
- "informationCenter": {
- "tooltip": "Information center",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip": "There is {{count}} ongoing incident",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip_plural": "There are {{count}} ongoing incidents",
- "tabs": {
- "announcements": "News",
- "announcementsUnseen": "News ({{unseenCount}})",
- "serviceStatus": "Status",
- "serviceStatusIncidentsOngoing": "Status ({{incidentCount}})"
- },
- "serviceStatus": {
- "statusOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is up and running",
- "description": "Having trouble ? Go on our <0>help page0>"
- },
- "statusNotOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is experiencing issues",
- "learnMore": "Learn more"
- }
- },
- "announcement": {
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No news for the moment",
- "desc": "You will find here all the news related to Ledger and Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "onboarding": {
- "drawers": {
- "pinHelp": {
- "title": "Secure your PIN code",
- "intro": "During the setup process you choose a PIN code.",
- "rules": {
- "1": "<0>Always0> choose a PIN code yourself.",
- "2": "<0>Always0> enter your PIN code out of sight.",
- "3": "You can change your PIN code if needed.",
- "4": "Three wrong PIN code entries in a row will reset the device.",
- "5": "<0>Never0> use an easy PIN code like 0000, 123456, or 55555555.",
- "6": "<0>Never0> share your PIN code with someone else. Not even with Ledger.",
- "7": "<0>Never0> use a PIN code you did not choose yourself.",
- "8": "<0>Never0> store your PIN code on a computer or phone."
- }
- },
- "recoverySeed": {
- "title1": "How does a recovery phrase work?",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase works like a unique master key. Your Ledger device uses it to calculate private keys for every crypto asset you own.",
- "paragraph2": "To restore access to your crypto, any wallet can calculate the same private keys from your recovery phrase.",
- "link": "More about the recovery phrase",
- "title2": "What happens if I lose access to my Nano?",
- "paragraph3": "Don't worry and follow these steps:",
- "points": {
- "1": "Get a new hardware wallet.",
- "2": "Select “Restore recovery phrase on a new device” in the Ledger app",
- "3": "Enter your recovery phrase on your new device to restore access to your crypto."
- }
- },
- "whereToHide": {
- "title": "Where should I keep my recovery phrase?",
- "points": {
- "1": "<0>NEVER0> enter it on a computer, smartphone or any other device. Don't take a picture of it.",
- "2": "<0>NEVER0> share your 24 words with anyone.",
- "3": "<0>ALWAYS0> store it in a secure place, out of sight.",
- "4": "Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.",
- "5": "If any person or application asks for it, assume it is a scam!"
- }
- }
- },
- "modals": {
- "recoverySeedWarning": {
- "contactSupportCTA": "Contact Support",
- "continueCTA": "Continue",
- "title": "Please check the box contents",
- "description": "If your {{device}} came with a PIN code or recovery phrase, it’s not safe to use and you should contact Ledger Support.",
- "alert": "Only use a recovery phrase that your device displayed when it was set up"
- }
- },
- "alerts": {
- "beCareful": {
- "title": "Please be careful",
- "descr": "Make sure you follow the instructions on this app at every step of the process.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- },
- "useLedgerSeeds": {
- "title": "We recommend Ledger recovery phrases only",
- "descr": "Ledger cannot guarantee the security of external recovery phrases. We recommend setting up your Nano as a new device if your recovery phrase was not generated by a Ledger.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "screens": {
- "welcome": {
- "title": "Welcome to Ledger",
- "description": "Safely manage your crypto from your computer.",
- "cta": "Get started",
- "noDevice": "No device? <0>Buy a Ledger Nano X0>",
- "languageWarning": {
- "title": "Get started in {{language}}",
- "desc": "We are introducing additional languages in order to help your onboarding with Ledger. Please be aware that the rest of the Ledger experience is currently only available in English.",
- "cta": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "selectDevice": {
- "title": "What's your device?"
- },
- "selectUseCase": {
- "greetings": "Hello!",
- "hasNoRecovery": "First time using your {{deviceName}}?",
- "hasRecovery": "Already have a recovery phrase?",
- "separator": "or",
- "switchDevice": "Switch device",
- "options": {
- "1": {
- "heading": "First use",
- "title": "Set up a new {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Let’s start and set up your device!"
- },
- "2": {
- "heading": "Connect device",
- "title": "Connect your {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Is your device already set up? Connect it to the app!"
- },
- "3": {
- "heading": "Restore device",
- "title": "Restore your recovery phrase on a new device",
- "description": "Use an existing recovery phrase to restore your private keys on a new {{deviceName}}!"
- }
- }
- },
- "tutorial": {
- "steps": {
- "getStarted": "Get started",
- "pinCode": "Pin code",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery phrase",
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase",
- "pairNano": "Connect nano"
- },
- "screens": {
- "importYourRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Restore from recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Restore your Nano from your recovery phrase to restore, replace or back up your Ledger hardware wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano will restore your private keys and you will be able to access and manage your crypto.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "howToGetStarted": {
- "title": "The best way to get you started:",
- "rules": {
- "1": "Plan 30 minutes and take your time.",
- "2": "Grab a pen to write with.",
- "3": "Stay alone, and choose a safe and quiet environment."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Set up as new device”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo2": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Enter your recovery phrase”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "pinCode": {
- "title": "PIN code",
- "paragraph": "Your PIN code is the first layer of security. It physically secures access to your private key and your Nano. Your PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that I must choose my PIN code myself and keep it private.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Set up PIN code",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizSuccess": {
- "title": "Already a pro!",
- "paragraph": "You are ready to safely manage your crypto.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizFailure": {
- "title": "You will soon become a pro...",
- "paragraph": "Don’t worry, Ledger is here to guide you through your journey. You will soon feel extra comfortable about your crypto safety.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "pinCodeHowTo": {
- "setUp": {
- "title": "Choose PIN code",
- "descr": "Press the left or right button to change digits. Press both buttons to validate a digit. Select <0>0> to confirm your PIN code. Select <1>1> to erase a digit."
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm PIN code",
- "descr": "Enter your PIN code again to confirm it."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "existingRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is the secret list of words that you backed up when you first set up your wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Ledger does not keep a copy of your recovery phrase.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose my recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Enter recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- },
- "warning": {
- "title": "Do not use a recovery phrase that you have not generated yourself.",
- "desc": "Your Ledger hardware wallet’s pin code and recovery phrase should be initialized by you and only you. If you have received a device with a pre-existing seed word or an already initialized pin code do not use the product and contact our customer support.",
- "supportLink": "Contact customer support"
- }
- },
- "useRecoverySheet": {
- "takeYourRecoverySheet": {
- "title": "Take your recovery sheet",
- "descr": "Grab a blank Recovery sheet, included with your Nano. Please reach out to Ledger Support if the Recovery sheet did not come blank."
- },
- "writeDownWords": {
- "title": "Write down 24 words",
- "descr": "Write Word #1 displayed on your Nano in position 1 of your Recovery sheet. Then press right on your Nano to display Word #2 and write it down in position 2.\n\nRepeat the process for all words while carefully respecting the order and spelling. Press left on your Nano to check for any mistakes."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "newRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is a secret list of 24 words that backs up your private keys.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano generates a unique recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep a copy of it.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose this recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo": {
- "grabRecovery": {
- "title": "Grab your recovery phrase"
- },
- "selectLength": {
- "title": "Select recovery phrase length",
- "descr": "Your recovery phrases can have 12, 18 or 24 words. You must enter all words to access your crypto."
- },
- "enterWord": {
- "title": "Enter Word #1...",
- "descr": "Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter."
- },
- "validateWord": {
- "title": "Validate Word #1...",
- "descr": "Choose Word #1 from the suggestions. Press both buttons to validate."
- },
- "andNext": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo3": {
- "reEnterWord": {
- "title": "Confirm your recovery phrase",
- "descr": "Scroll through the words until you find Word #1 by pressing the right button. Validate by pressing both buttons."
- },
- "repeat": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "genuineCheck": {
- "success": {
- "title": "All good!",
- "desc": "Your Ledger {{deviceName}} is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Continue",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Hide your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph": "Your recovery phrase is your last chance to access your crypto if you cannot use your Nano. You must keep it in a safe place.",
- "keepItOffline": "Enter these words on a hardware wallet only, not on computers or smartphones.",
- "neverShowToAnyone": "Never share your 24 words with anyone, not even with Ledger.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I'm done!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help",
- "learn": "Learn how to hide it"
- }
- },
- "pairMyNano": {
- "title": "Genuine check",
- "paragraph": "We'll verify whether your Nano is genuine. This should be quick and easy!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Check my Nano",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "pedagogy": {
- "heading": "basics",
- "screens": {
- "accessYourCoins": {
- "title": "Access your crypto",
- "description": "Your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You need a private key to access and manage them."
- },
- "ownYourPrivateKey": {
- "title": "Own your private key",
- "description": "Your private key is stored within your Nano. You must be the only one to own it to be in control of your money."
- },
- "stayOffline": {
- "title": "Stay offline",
- "description": "Your Nano works as a \"cold storage\" wallet. This means that it never exposes your private key online, even when using the app."
- },
- "validateTransactions": {
- "title": "Validate transactions",
- "description": "Ledger Live allows you to buy, sell, manage, exchange and earn crypto while remaining protected. You will validate every crypto transaction with your Nano."
- },
- "setUpNanoWallet": {
- "title": "Let’s set up your Nano!",
- "description": "We'll start by setting up your Nano security.",
- "CTA": "Let’s do this!"
- }
- }
- },
- "quizz": {
- "heading": "Quiz",
- "title": "Now game on!",
- "descr": "Answer 3 simple questions to avoid common misconceptions about your hardware wallet.",
- "buttons": {
- "start": "Let’s take the quiz",
- "next": "Next question",
- "finish": "Finish quiz"
- },
- "questions": {
- "1": {
- "text": "As a Ledger user, my crypto is stored:",
- "answers": {
- "1": "On my Nano",
- "2": "On the blockchain"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "text": "If my recovery phrase is no longer secure or private...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "No problem, Ledger can send me a copy",
- "2": "My crypto is no longer safe and I need to transfer them to a secure place"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "text": "When I connect my Nano to the Ledger app, my private key is...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "Still offline",
- "2": "Briefly connected to the internet"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "connectTroubleshooting": {
- "desc": "Having trouble connecting your device?",
- "cta": "Fix it",
- "solution": "Solution #{{number}}",
- "applesInstructions": "Apple’s instructions",
- "nextSolution": "Next solution",
- "previousSolution": "Previous solution",
- "followSteps": "Follow these steps",
- "supportArticle": "Support article",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "connected": "Connected!",
- "backToPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio",
- "steps": {
- "entry": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot USB connection",
- "desc": "There seems to be a problem connecting to your device. Don’t worry, you can try different solutions one by one until your device connects!",
- "cta": "Let’s fix it!",
- "back": "Go back"
- },
- "1": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Run Ledger Live as Administrator",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Quit Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Right-click the Ledger Live application.",
- "2": "Select “Run as Administrator”.",
- "3": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "linux": {
- "title": "Update the udev rules on Linux",
- "desc": "Click the button below to add the udev rules. Then connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "cta": "Set Rules",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Enter the following command in a terminal to automatically add the rules and reload udev.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "usbPort": {
- "title": "Try different USB ports",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Change the USB port used on your computer.",
- "1": "Remove any USB dongles.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "usbCable": {
- "title": "Change the USB cable",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Use the original USB cable if possible.",
- "1": "Try a different USB cable, making sure it supports data transfer.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "restart": {
- "title": "Restart your computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Restart your computer.",
- "1": "Start Ledger Live.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "antiVirus": {
- "title": "Turn off Anti-virus and VPN",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Turn off any anti-virus, firewall, and VPN software.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "2": "Whitelist Ledger Live in your anti-virus if that worked."
- }
- },
- "anotherComputer": {
- "title": "Try another computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Go to <0>{{link}}0> on another computer to download and install Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Update the USB device drivers",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Visit this <0>{{link}}0>",
- "1": "Follow the instructions to update USB device drivers.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it's detected."
- }
- },
- "mac": {
- "0": {
- "title": "Enable Full Disk Access",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Open “System Preferences”.",
- "1": "Go to “Security & Privacy”.",
- "2": "In the “Privacy” tab, go to “Full Disk Access” in the left column.",
- "3": "Add “Ledger Live”.",
- "4": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "1": {
- "title": "Reset NVRAM",
- "link": "Apple’s instructions",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "If your Mac has an intel processor, follow <0>{{link}}0> to reset the NVRAM.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "4": {
- "deviceSelection": {
- "title": "What’s your device?",
- "desc": "If you have a Nano S, you can try repairing your devices Firmware. For Nano X and Blue users, kindly contact Ledger support"
- },
- "notFixed": {
- "title": " USB connection problem still not fixed?",
- "desc": "If you've tried every possible solution, please reach out to Ledger Support. Otherwise, please follow the instructions of any solution you haven’t tried yet.",
- "back": "Back to portfolio",
- "cta": "Contact Support"
- },
- "repair": {
- "title": "Repair your Nano S",
- "desc": "What is the message displayed on your device?",
- "mcuOutdated": "MCU firmware is outdated",
- "mcuNotGenuine": "MCU firmware is not genuine",
- "repairInstructions": "Follow device repair instructions",
- "updateInstructions": "Follow device update instructions",
- "somethingElse": "Something else"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "SignMessageConfirm": {
- "stringHash": "Message Hash",
- "domainHash": "Domain Hash",
- "messageHash": "Message Hash",
- "message": "Message"
- },
- "TransactionConfirm": {
- "title": "Please confirm the operation on your device to finalize it",
- "warning": "Always verify the address displayed on your device exactly matches the one given by the {{recipientWording}}",
- "secureContract": "Verify the deposit details on your device before sending it. The contract address is provided securely so you don’t have to verify it.",
- "verifyData": "Always verify the operation details on your device.",
- "warningWording": {},
- "titleWording": {
- "send": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimReward": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "freeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unfreeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "vote": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "delegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "undelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "redelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimRewardCompound": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "nominate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "chill": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "bond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unbond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "rebond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "setController": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation"
- },
- "recipientWording": {
- "send": "recipient",
- "delegate": "validator",
- "undelegate": "validator",
- "claimReward": "rewards recipient",
- "optIn": "recipient",
- "nominate": "validator",
- "erc721": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- },
- "erc1155": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- }
- },
- "votes": "Votes ({{count}})"
- },
- "RecipientField": {
- "placeholder": "Enter {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "Terms": {
- "title": "Terms of use",
- "description": "Please take some time to review our Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "termsLabel": "Terms of service",
- "privacyLabel": "Privacy policy",
- "switchLabel": "I have read and accept the Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "cta": "Enter Ledger app"
- },
- "families": {
- "stellar": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoType": {
- "MEMO_TEXT": "Memo Text",
- "NO_MEMO": "No Memo",
- "MEMO_ID": "Memo ID",
- "MEMO_HASH": "Memo Hash",
- "MEMO_RETURN": "Memo Return"
- },
- "memoWarningText": "When using a Memo, carefully verify the type used with the recipient"
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- },
- "solana": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional"
- }
- },
- "errors": {
- "NoSuchAppOnProvider": {
- "title": "The {{appName}} app cannot be found for your specific configuration.",
- "description": "Try reinstalling the app from the Manager"
- },
- "countervaluesUnavailable": {
- "title": "We're not able to provide a countervalue for this asset at the moment"
- },
- "generic": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "AccountAwaitingSendPendingOperations": {
- "title": "There is a pending operation for this account.",
- "description": "Wait for the operation to go through."
- },
- "AccountNameRequired": {
- "title": "An account name is required",
- "description": "Please enter an account name"
- },
- "AccountNeedResync": {
- "title": "Please try again",
- "description": "Account is outdated. A synchronisation is needed"
- },
- "AccountNotSupported": {
- "title": "Account not supported.",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Support ({{reason}})"
- },
- "AlgorandASANotOptInInRecipient": {
- "title": "Recipient account has not opted in the selected ASA."
- },
- "AmountRequired": {
- "title": "Amount required"
- },
- "NoAccessToCamera": {
- "title": "Please ensure your system has a camera, that it is not in use by another application and that Ledger Live has permission to use it.",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ClaimRewardsFeesWarning": {
- "title": "The rewards are smaller than the estimated fees to claim them",
- "description": ""
- },
- "CompoundLowerAllowanceOfActiveAccountError": {
- "title": "You cannot reduce the amount approved while having an active deposit."
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInternal": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #1)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTxDecode": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #2)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidSequence": {
- "title": "Invalid sequence",
- "description": "Please try the operation again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnauthorized": {
- "title": "Unauthorized signature",
- "description": "This account is not authorized to sign this transaction"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFunds": {
- "title": "Insufficient funds",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownRequest": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #6)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Invalid address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidPubKey": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #8)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownAddress": {
- "title": "Unknown address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientCoins": {
- "title": "Insufficient coins",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidCoins": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #11)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeOutOfGas": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #12)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeMemoTooLarge": {
- "title": "The Memo field is too long",
- "description": "Please reduce the size of the memo text and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFee": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #14)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTooManySignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #15)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeGasOverflow": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #16)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeNoSignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #17)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CurrencyNotSupported": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} is not supported",
- "description": "This crypto asset is not yet supported. Please contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "DeviceNotGenuine": {
- "title": "Possibly not genuine",
- "description": "Request assistance from Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
- "description": null
- },
- "DeviceInOSUExpected": {
- "title": "Sorry, update failed",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceHalted": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again"
- },
- "DeviceNotOnboarded": {
- "title": "Your device is not ready to use yet",
- "description": "Set up your device before using it with Ledger Live."
- },
- "DeviceSocketFail": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. ({{message}})"
- },
- "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
- "title": "The connection failed",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "EnpointConfig": {
- "title": "Invalid endpoint",
- "description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
- },
- "FeeEstimationFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
- "description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
- },
- "FirmwareOrAppUpdateRequired": {
- "title": "Firmware or app update required",
- "description": "Please use the Manager to uninstall all apps then check if a firmware update is available before reinstalling them"
- },
- "LatestFirmwareVersionRequired": {
- "title": "Update Nano Firmware",
- "description": "Please update your devices Firmware to the latest version to access this feature"
- },
- "FirmwareNotRecognized": {
- "title": "Device firmware is not recognized",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "HardResetFail": {
- "title": "Sorry, could not reset",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
- "title": "Sorry, there's nothing to update",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support if you cannot use your device."
- },
- "LedgerAPI4xx": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please check your connection and try again or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "LedgerAPI5xx": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again.",
- "description": "The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {{message}}"
- },
- "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
- "title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
- "title": "Sorry, that's already installed",
- "description": "Please check which apps are already installed on your device."
- },
- "ManagerAppDepInstallRequired": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app required",
- "description": "If the {{dependency}} app is already installed, please reinstall it with the latest version"
- },
- "ManagerAppDepUninstallRequired": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "You must first uninstall all apps that require the {{appName}} app"
- },
- "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
- "title": "Your device is locked",
- "description": "Please unlock it"
- },
- "ManagerFirmwareNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Uninstall all apps from your device",
- "description": "The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device and must be backed up on your Recovery sheet."
- },
- "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Sorry, not enough storage left",
- "description": "Uninstall some apps to free up space. The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device."
- },
- "ManagerQuitPage": {
- "install": {
- "title": "Finish app installation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app installation. Please finish the installation to install the apps in the queue.",
- "stay": "Finish install"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Finish app uninstallation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app uninstallations in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish uninstalling"
- },
- "update": {
- "title": "Finish app updates in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app updates in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish updates"
- },
- "quit": "Quit Manager"
- },
- "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
- },
- "NetworkDown": {
- "title": "Sorry, internet seems to be down",
- "description": "Please check your internet connection."
- },
- "NoAddressesFound": {
- "title": "Sorry, no accounts were found",
- "description": "Something went wrong with the address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalance": {
- "title": "Sorry, insufficient funds",
- "description": "Please make sure the account has enough funds."
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
- "title": "Recipient address is inactive. Send at least {{minimalAmount}} to activate it"
- },
- "NotEnoughGas": {
- "title": "The parent account balance is insufficient for network fees"
- },
- "PasswordsDontMatch": {
- "title": "The Passwords don't match",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "PasswordIncorrect": {
- "title": "The password entered is incorrect",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "QuantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "The quantity needs to be greater than 0"
- },
- "RPCHostRequired": {
- "title": "Host is required."
- },
- "RPCHostInvalid": {
- "title": "Enter valid host."
- },
- "RPCUserRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Username is required"
- },
- "RPCPassRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Password is required"
- },
- "SatStackAccessDown": {
- "title": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack and your node are running. Check the full node setup in the Settings if the problem persists."
- },
- "SatStackStillSyncing": {
- "title": "Node sync in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait while your node is syncing. Sending is not possible since your Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect."
- },
- "SatStackVersionTooOld": {
- "title": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "SatStackDescriptorNotImported": {
- "title": "Account not scanned by full node",
- "description": "Please configure your full node to scan for the accounts associated with this device. Your full node must first scan the blockchain for this account before you can add it to your portfolio."
- },
- "SwapGenericAPIError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "The exchange transaction did not go through. Please try again or contact support."
- },
- "TimeoutError": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "TimeoutTagged": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond ({{tag}})",
- "description": "Timeout occurred."
- },
- "TransportError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportRaceCondition": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportStatusError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "DeviceShouldStayInApp": {
- "title": "Please open the {{appName}} app",
- "description": "Keep the {{appName}} app open while we find your accounts"
- },
- "UnexpectedBootloader": {
- "title": "Sorry, your device must not be in Bootloader mode",
- "description": "Please restart your device without touching the buttons when the logo appears. Contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "UserRefusedAllowManager": {
- "title": "Manager denied on device"
- },
- "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
- "title": "Update cancelled on device",
- "description": "All apps on your device have been uninstalled. Keep your device up to date to benefit from improvements in security and functionality."
- },
- "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Action rejected",
- "description": "User rejected the operation on the device"
- },
- "TransactionRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Operation denied on device",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UserRefusedAddress": {
- "title": "Receive address rejected",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UpdateYourApp": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "DeviceOnDashboardExpected": {
- "title": "Return to the Dashboard",
- "description": "Please navigate back to the Dashboard on your device"
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionError": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection error)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection closed)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check that your hardware wallet is set up with the recovery phrase or passphrase associated to the selected account."
- },
- "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "InvalidAddress": {
- "title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseAlreadyDelegated": {
- "title": "Your account is already delegated to this validator"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseDestinationIsAlsoSource": {
- "title": "Recipient address is the same as the sender address"
- },
- "CantOpenDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, connection failed",
- "description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "ETHAddressNonEIP": {
- "title": "Auto-verification not available: carefully verify the address",
- "description": null
- },
- "EthAppNftNotSupported": {
- "title": "Operation not available for this device",
- "description": "Send NFT feature is only available for Nano X. Please visit our customer support platform to know how to send a NFT with a Nano S."
- },
- "CantScanQRCode": {
- "title": "Couldn't scan this QR code: auto-verification not supported by this address"
- },
- "FeeNotLoaded": {
- "title": "Couldn't load fee rates. Please set manual fees"
- },
- "FeeRequired": {
- "title": "Fees are required"
- },
- "GasLessThanEstimate": {
- "title": "This may be too low. Please increase"
- },
- "UnknownMCU": {
- "title": "Unknown MCU version",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "MCUNotGenuineToDashboard": {
- "title": "Access dashboard to update",
- "description": "",
- "list": {
- "1": "Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable without pressing any buttons.",
- "2": "Press both buttons together three times to display the Dashboard.",
- "3": "Open the Manager and click Update firmware."
- }
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountReceive": {
- "title": "Cannot receive in subaccounts",
- "description": "If you want to receive funds, please use the parent account"
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountSend": {
- "title": "Cannot send from subaccounts yet",
- "description": "This feature will be added at a later stage due to changes recently introduced by the Babylon update."
- },
- "RecommendUndelegation": {
- "title": "Please undelegate the account before emptying it"
- },
- "RecommendSubAccountsToEmpty": {
- "title": "Please empty all subaccounts first"
- },
- "NotSupportedLegacyAddress": {
- "title": "This legacy address format is no longer supported"
- },
- "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
- "title": "That's the wrong app",
- "description": "Open the '{{managerAppName}}' app on your device"
- },
- "DeviceNameInvalid": {
- "title": "Please choose a device name without '{{invalidCharacters}}'"
- },
- "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
- "title": "Bitcoin and Ethereum apps required",
- "description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first."
- },
- "UserRefusedDeviceNameChange": {
- "title": "Rename cancelled on device",
- "description": "Try again and allow renaming on your device"
- },
- "SyncError": {
- "title": "Synchronization error",
- "description": "Some accounts could not be synchronized."
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForBandwidth": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Bandwidth"
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForEnergy": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Energy"
- },
- "TronUnfreezeNotExpired": {
- "title": "Unfreeze is not available yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 3 days after your last Freeze operation"
- },
- "TronVoteRequired": {
- "title": "At least 1 vote is needed"
- },
- "TronInvalidVoteCount": {
- "title": "Vote format is incorrect",
- "description": "You can only vote using round numbers"
- },
- "TronRewardNotAvailable": {
- "title": "Reward is not claimable yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 24 hours between claims"
- },
- "TronNoReward": {
- "title": "There is no reward to claim"
- },
- "TronInvalidFreezeAmount": {
- "title": "Amount to freeze cannot be lower than 1"
- },
- "TronSendTrc20ToNewAccountForbidden": {
- "title": "Sending TRC20 to a new account won't activate it",
- "description": "The recipient account must be activated prior to sending TRC20 to it. Send either TRX or TRC10 to an account to activate it."
- },
- "TronUnexpectedFees": {
- "title": "Additional fees may be applied"
- },
- "TronNotEnoughTronPower": {
- "title": "Not enough votes available"
- },
- "TronTransactionExpired": {
- "title": "Transaction has expired",
- "description": "Signature must be applied within 30 seconds. Please try again."
- },
- "TronNotEnoughEnergy": {
- "title": "Not enough Energy to send this token"
- },
- "PairingFailed": {
- "title": "Pairing unsuccessful",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "GenuineCheckFailed": {
- "title": "Genuine check failed",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "EthAppPleaseEnableContractData": {
- "title": "Please enable contract data in the Ethereum app settings"
- },
- "InvalidXRPTag": {
- "title": "Invalid XRP Destination tag"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceToDelegate": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughDelegationBalance": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceInParentAccount": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance in the parent account"
- },
- "quantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "Quantity needs to be at least 1"
- },
- "NotEnoughSpendableBalance": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumAmount}}"
- },
- "WrongAppForCurrency": {
- "title": "Please open the {{expected}} app"
- },
- "FeeTooHigh": {
- "title": "Network fees are above 10% of the amount"
- },
- "StellarWrongMemoFormat": {
- "title": "Memo format is wrong"
- },
- "SourceHasMultiSign": {
- "title": "Please disable multisign to send {{currencyName}}"
- },
- "StellarMemoRecommended": {
- "title": "A memo may be required when sending to this recipient"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooLow": {
- "title": "Amount must be at least {{minAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooHigh": {
- "title": "Amount must be less than {{maxAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "PolkadotElectionClosed": {
- "title": "Validators election must be closed"
- },
- "PolkadotNotValidator": {
- "title": "Some selected addresses are not validators"
- },
- "PolkadotLowBondedBalance": {
- "title": "All bonded assets will be unbonded if < 1 DOT"
- },
- "PolkadotNoUnlockedBalance": {
- "title": "You have no unbonded assets"
- },
- "PolkadotNoNominations": {
- "title": "You have no nominations"
- },
- "PolkadotAllFundsWarning": {
- "title": "Ensure you have enough balance left for future transaction fees"
- },
- "PolkadotDoMaxSendInstead": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumBalance}}. Send max to empty account."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmount": {
- "title": "You must bond at least {{minimumBondAmount}}."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmountWarning": {
- "title": "You bonded balance should be at least {{minimumBondBalance}}."
- },
- "PolkadotMaxUnbonding": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the unbond limit"
- },
- "PolkadotValidatorsRequired": {
- "title": "You must select at least one validator"
- },
- "ServiceStatusWarning": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": ""
- },
- "TaprootNotActivated": {
- "title": "Sending to a taproot address is unsafe before mainnet activation"
- },
- "SolanaAccountNotFunded": {
- "title": "Account not funded"
- },
- "SolanaMemoIsTooLong": {
- "title": "Memo is too long. Max length is {{maxLength}}"
- },
- "SolanaAddressOfEd25519": {
- "title": "Address off ed25519 curve"
- },
- "NotEnoughNftOwned": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the number of available tokens"
- }
- },
- "cryptoOrg": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by Crypto.org",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "Crypto.org integration",
- "title": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now start to manage your Crypto.org (CRO) tokens and secure them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is native to the Crypto.org chain and is used for everything from transactions, staking and many upcoming features.",
- "website": "Cryptocurrency in every wallet"
- }
- },
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- }
diff --git a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/fi/app.json b/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/fi/app.json
deleted file mode 100644
index df2f81a1de16..000000000000
--- a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/fi/app.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4340 +0,0 @@
- "calendar": {
- "today": "Today",
- "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "transactionDate": "Transaction date"
- },
- "platform": {
- "flows": {
- "requestAccount": {
- "title": "Select an account"
- },
- "broadcast": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "Transaction sent !",
- "text": "Click here to see operation details"
- }
- }
- },
- "app": {
- "informations": {
- "title": "Information",
- "website": "Website"
- }
- },
- "catalog": {
- "title": "Discover",
- "branch": {
- "soon": "coming soon",
- "experimental": "experimental",
- "debug": "debug"
- },
- "banner": {
- "title": "Discover our Live Apps Catalog",
- "description": "We're working hard to bring you access to the world of DeFi, NFTs and more, securely, right inside Ledger Live!"
- },
- "twitterBanner": {
- "description": "Tell us what’s the next service you want to see on Ledger Live with the hashtag",
- "tweetText": "The next Ledger App should be..."
- },
- "pollCTA": {
- "title": "Poll",
- "description": "Which service do you want to see in Ledger Live?",
- "button": "Let’s vote!"
- },
- "developerCTA": {
- "title": "For Developers",
- "description": "All the information you need to integrate your applications on Ledger Live.",
- "button": "Go to portal"
- }
- },
- "disclaimer": {
- "title": "External Application",
- "description": "You are about to be redirected to an application not operated by Ledger.",
- "legalAdvice": "This application is not operated by Ledger. Ledger is not responsible for any loss of funds or quality of service of such application.\n\nAlways make sure to carefully verify the information displayed on your device.",
- "checkbox": "Do not remind me again.",
- "CTA": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "never": "Never",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "done": "Done",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "reject": "Reject",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "getSupport": "Get support",
- "delete": "Remove account from portfolio",
- "launch": "Launch",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "help": "Help",
- "needHelp": "Need help?",
- "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
- "selectAccount": "Select an account",
- "selectAccountNoOption": "No account matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectCurrency": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectCurrencyNoOption": "No crypto asset \"{{currencyName}}\"",
- "selectValidatorNoOption": "No validator matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectNoResults": "No results found matching \"{{query}}\"",
- "sortBy": "Sort by",
- "save": "Save",
- "lock": "Lock",
- "showMore": "Show more",
- "back": "Back",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "retry": "Retry",
- "range": "Range",
- "stop": "Stop",
- "updateNow": "Update now",
- "close": "Close",
- "eastern": "Eastern",
- "western": "Western",
- "reverify": "Re-verify",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "verifyMyAddress": "Verify my address",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "addressCopied": "Address copied",
- "addressCopiedSuspicious": "Mismatch between the copied address and the one in the clipboard.",
- "experimentalFeature": "Experimental",
- "information": "Information",
- "search": "Search...",
- "searchWithoutEllipsis": "Search",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Welcome back",
- "subTitle": null,
- "description": "Enter your password to continue",
- "inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
- "lostPassword": "I lost my password"
- },
- "sync": {
- "syncing": "Synchronizing...",
- "upToDate": "Synchronized",
- "outdated": "Paused",
- "needsMigration": "Click to update account",
- "error": "Synchronization error",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "devTools": "Dev tools"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "info": "Info",
- "connectDevice": "Connect your device"
- },
- "devices": {
- "nanoS": "Nano S",
- "nanoSP": "Nano S Plus",
- "nanoX": "Nano X",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "operation": {
- "type": {
- "IN": "Received",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "NFT_IN": "NFT Received",
- "NFT_OUT": "NFT Sent",
- "CREATE": "Created",
- "REVEAL": "Revealed",
- "DELEGATE": "Delegated",
- "REDELEGATE": "Redelegated",
- "UNDELEGATE": "Undelegated",
- "SUPPLY": "Deposited",
- "REDEEM": "Withdrawn",
- "APPROVE": "Approved",
- "VOTE": "Voted",
- "FREEZE": "Frozen",
- "UNFREEZE": "Unfrozen",
- "REWARD": "Claimed reward",
- "FEES": "Fees",
- "OPT_IN": "Opt in",
- "OPT_OUT": "Opt out",
- "CLOSE_ACCOUNT": "Close account",
- "BOND": "Bond",
- "UNBOND": "Unbond",
- "REWARD_PAYOUT": "Reward",
- "SLASH": "Slash",
- "WITHDRAW_UNBONDED": "Withdrawal",
- "NOMINATE": "Nomination",
- "CHILL": "Clear nominations",
- "SET_CONTROLLER": "Set controller"
- }
- },
- "byteSize": {
- "bytes": "{{size}} bytes",
- "kbUnit": "{{size}} KB",
- "mbUnit": "{{size}} MB"
- },
- "time": {
- "minute": "Minute",
- "minute_plural": "Minutes",
- "hour": "Hour",
- "hour_plural": "Hours",
- "range": {
- "day": "1D",
- "week": "1W",
- "month": "1M",
- "year": "1Y",
- "all": "ALL"
- }
- },
- "fees": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "fast": "Fast",
- "high": "High",
- "low": "Low",
- "slow": "Slow",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "feesAmount": "Fees Amount"
- },
- "sidebar": {
- "card": "Card",
- "learn": "Learn",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "stars": "Starred accounts",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "manager": "Manager",
- "exchange": "Buy / Sell",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "lend": "Lend",
- "catalog": "Discover",
- "market": "Market"
- },
- "stars": {
- "placeholder": "Star an account to display it here.",
- "tooltip": "Star account"
- },
- "bridge": {
- "modalTitle": "Open Device Bridge",
- "openHeader": "Expose your Device accounts through WebSocket",
- "openDescription": "Opening a bridge exposes all of your accounts to third party applications.",
- "openedHeader": "{{appName}} bridge opened",
- "openedDescription": "You can now access your {{appName}} account on third party web application through WebSocket.",
- "completeHeader": "Bridge session completed",
- "completeDescription": "The websocket bridge is now closed.",
- "openButton": "Open",
- "disconnectButton": "Disconnect"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History",
- "kyc": "KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "ratesDrawer": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "quote": "Quote",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "details": {
- "label": {
- "provider": "provider",
- "rate": "rate",
- "fees": "network fees",
- "target": "target account"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "provider": "lorem ipsum",
- "rate": "lorem ipsum",
- "fees": "lorem ipsum"
- },
- "noAccount": "Create an account to receive {{name}}",
- "noAccountCTA": "Add account"
- },
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "max": "Max",
- "accountPlaceholder": "Select source",
- "currencyDisabledTooltip": "This currency is not available for swap yet"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To"
- },
- "notAvailable": {
- "title": "Swap is not available yet in your area",
- "content": "Have a little more patience,
we will launch this feature very soon"
- },
- "providers": {
- "kyc": {
- "required": "You need to complete your KYC",
- "complete": "Complete KYC",
- "update": "Refresh KYC",
- "rejected": "KYC rejected, start the verification again",
- "status": {
- "pending": "KYC pending",
- "approved": "KYC approved",
- "closed": "KYC rejected"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- },
- "export": "Export operations",
- "exporting": "Exporting..."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Your information has been submitted for approval",
- "subtitle": "It usually takes a few minutes for the review to be completed.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC",
- "info": "Identity verification: Submitted"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "exchangeDrawer": {
- "title": "Confirm your Exchange",
- "completed": {
- "title": "Transaction broadcast successfully",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed and for the provider to process and send your {{targetCurrency}}.",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "seeDetails": "See details"
- }
- }
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "titleCrypto": "Swap {{currency}}",
- "whatIsSwap": "What is Swap",
- "paraswap": {
- "cta": " Check it out",
- "description": "Looking for Paraswap? It has been moved to the Discover tab."
- },
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- }
- },
- "landing": {
- "title": "Swap your assets",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "sorry": "Service temporarily unavailable, or not available in your country"
- },
- "missingApp": {
- "title": "Please install the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and install {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "outdatedApp": {
- "title": "Please update the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and update {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "providers": {
- "title": "Choose a provider to swap crypto",
- "learnMore": "What is Swap?",
- "kycRequired": "KYC Required",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "kyc": {
- "notAvailable": "{{provider}} is unavailable in your location",
- "status": {
- "required": "KYC Required",
- "pending": "KYC Pending",
- "approved": "KYC Approved!",
- "closed": "KYC Rejected"
- }
- }
- },
- "ip": {
- "title": "Welcome to Swap",
- "subtitle": "Exchange crypto assets directly from your Ledger device.",
- "disclaimer": "By continuing, you accept that your location data will be shared with third party service providers in order for them to comply with their AML/KYC procedures."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Pending approval",
- "subtitle": "Your information was submitted for approval by Wyre.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "form": {
- "resetKYC": "Reset your KYC and Update Live to Swap with Wyre",
- "resetKYCCTA": "Reset KYC",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to send",
- "currency": "Crypto asset"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to receive",
- "currency": "Crypto asset",
- "addAccountCTA": "Add new account"
- },
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "floatUnavailable": "Floating rate not supported for this pair",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate",
- "fixedUnavailable": "Fixed rate not supported for this pair",
- "floatDesc": "Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.",
- "fixedDesc": "Your amount will stay the same even if the market changes. Updates every 60 seconds.",
- "by": "Provided by"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "helpCTA": "What is Swap?",
- "bubble": "We use a fixed rate, this is the exact amount you will receive.",
- "noAccounts": "You don't have {{currencyName}} accounts with balance",
- "noApp": "{{currencyName}} app not installed.",
- "outdatedApp": "{{currencyName}} app update available.",
- "loadingRates": "Loading rates..."
- },
- "unauthorizedRatesModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live needs an update",
- "subtitle": "Please update Ledger Live to the latest version, and re verify your identity to swap with wyre",
- "cta": "Reset verification"
- },
- "resetKYCModal": {
- "title": "Delete your KYC",
- "subtitle": "Delete your KYC to erase all tokens stored locally on your computer. You will have to resubmit your KYC to access services provided by our partners.",
- "cta": "Confirm"
- },
- "modal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "toExchange": "Amount to send",
- "toReceive": "Amount to receive",
- "terms": "Terms & Conditions",
- "disclaimer": {
- "description": "By clicking \"Confirm\", I acknowledge and accept that this service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s",
- "acceptedDescription": "This service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s"
- },
- "details": {
- "provider": "Provider",
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Type",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate"
- },
- "address": "Address"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "title": "App checks"
- },
- "finished": {
- "title": "Pending",
- "subtitle": "Swap broadcast successfully ",
- "swap": "Your Swap ID:",
- "seeDetails": "See details",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. It may take up to an hour before you receive your {{targetCurrency}}."
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetailsModal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "txid": "Swap ID",
- "status": "Status",
- "statusTooltips": {
- "expired": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "refunded": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "pending": "Please wait while the swap provider is processing the transaction.",
- "onhold": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID to solve the situation.",
- "finished": "Your swap was completed successfully."
- },
- "date": "Date",
- "from": "From",
- "fromAddress": "Origin address",
- "fromAddress_plural": "Origin addresses",
- "to": "To",
- "toProvider": "Provider address",
- "initialAmount": "Initial amount",
- "creditedAmount": "Credited amount"
- }
- },
- "lottieDebugger": {
- "buttonTitle": "Test"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "status": "Status",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "checkNodeSettings": "Verify node settings",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "modal": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect full node",
- "steps": {
- "landing": {
- "header": "Start your full node. Don’t trust, verify.",
- "description": "A Bitcoin full node validates all transactions and blocks, allowing you to use Bitcoin in a trustless way while contributing to the Bitcoin network.",
- "list": {
- "item1": "Set up Bitcoin Core on a device with sufficient resources.",
- "item2": "Wait for your node to fully synchronize.",
- "item3": "Make note of your node RPC credentials, IP address, and port number."
- },
- "disclaimer": "Running a full node requires a computer with sufficient resources and a broadband connection without data restrictions."
- },
- "node": {
- "title": "Node",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Enter your node parameters",
- "disclaimer": "Your full node must be fully synchronized before connecting Ledger Live.",
- "fields": {
- "nodeHost": {
- "title": "Host",
- "tooltip": "Leave as default if node runs on this computer, or replace the node IP address and port number."
- },
- "rpcCredentials": {
- "title": "RPC Credentials",
- "tooltip": "Enter the RPC username and password of your node, found in the bitcoin.conf file.",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
- },
- "tls": {
- "title": "Use TLS",
- "tooltip": "Enable Transport Layer Security, for example, when using a hosted node solution."
- }
- }
- },
- "connecting": {
- "header": "Testing node connection",
- "description": "Please wait while we check if your full node is responding."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Full node connection successful",
- "description": "You can now configure your full node to scan for your accounts on the blockchain."
- },
- "failure": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please ensure your node is fully synchronized and verify its connection settings."
- }
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "pending": {
- "header": "Getting accounts from device",
- "description": "Please wait while the accounts to scan are added to the node configuration file."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Accounts added to node configuration",
- "description": "A configuration file was saved to the user data folder. It enables Ledger SatStack to connect to your full node and let it scan for your accounts on the blockchain.",
- "cta": "View user data"
- }
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "existing": "Existing accounts to scan",
- "toScan": "Accounts to scan",
- "toScanDescription": "Accounts to scan for each address type",
- "toScanTooltip": "Increase only if you have 10+ BTC accounts. Initial scan will be slower. "
- },
- "satstack": {
- "title": "SatStack",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Download and run Ledger SatStack",
- "description": "Ledger SatStack is a small application enabling Ledger Live to talk to your full node. Please download and run it before you continue.",
- "disclaimer": "SatStack must be running for Ledger Live to connect to your full node. Consider setting it to launch automatically when your computer boots.",
- "cta": "Download SatStack"
- },
- "satstack-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach SatStack",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack is running on this computer."
- },
- "satstack-outdated": {
- "header": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "node-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that your node is reachable and that the connection settings you entered are correct."
- },
- "invalid-chain": {
- "header": "invalid-chain title",
- "description": "invalid-chain description for tooltip"
- },
- "initializing": {
- "header": "Loading",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ready": {
- "header": "Ready",
- "description": "The full node is fully synced. Your Bitcoin account balances are now correct."
- },
- "syncing": {
- "header": "Node sync in progress…",
- "description": "Recent transactions may not yet be visible, so Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect. If possible, run your node continuously to keep it in sync."
- },
- "scanning": {
- "header": "Account scan in progress...",
- "description": "You can add your accounts once the account scan is completed. Any Bitcoin accounts previously added through Ledger's explorers were removed."
- }
- }
- },
- "disconnect": {
- "cta": "Disconnect",
- "description": "Are you sure? Disconnecting the full node will remove all Bitcoin accounts. You can add your accounts again using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "lastOperations": "Latest operations",
- "contractAddress": "Contract:",
- "openInExplorer": "Open in explorer",
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No crypto assets yet?",
- "desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving",
- "descToken": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving <3><0>{{ticker}}0>3> and <5><0>{{tokenList}}0> tokens5>",
- "buttons": {
- "receiveFunds": "Receive",
- "buy": "Buy"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Edit account",
- "advancedLogs": "Advanced",
- "advancedTips": "Your xpub is privacy-sensitive data. Use with caution, especially when disclosing to third parties.",
- "accountName": {
- "title": "Account name",
- "desc": "Description of the account"
- },
- "unit": {
- "title": "Unit",
- "desc": "Choose the unit to be used"
- }
- },
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "frozenAssets": "Frozen assets",
- "bandwidth": "Bandwidth",
- "energy": "Energy",
- "stake": "Stake",
- "delegatedAssets": "Delegated assets",
- "undelegating": "Undelegating",
- "availableBalanceTooltip": "This amount is disposable.",
- "frozenAssetsTooltip": "Frozen assets are used in the Tron voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "bandwidthTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain bandwidth",
- "energyTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain energy",
- "delegatedAssetsTooltip": "Delegated assets are used in the Cosmos voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "undelegatingTooltip": "Undelegated assets are in a timelock of 21 days, before being available."
- },
- "exchange": {
- "chooseProvider": "Choose from {{providerCount}} provider",
- "chooseProviders": "Choose from {{providerCount}} providers",
- "title": "Buy and sell crypto",
- "reset": "Reset flow",
- "verifyAddress": "Please confirm the address displayed exactly matches the one shown on your device",
- "buy": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Choose a provider to buy crypto",
- "buyFrom": "Buy from anywhere",
- "cryptoSupported": "crypto supported",
- "payWith": "Pay with card or SEPA",
- "tab": "Buy",
- "coinify": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with {{provider}}",
- "title": "Buy crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "addAccount": "Add account"
- }
- },
- "sell": {
- "header": "Sell crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Sell crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "tab": "Sell",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "lend": {
- "title": "Lend crypto",
- "tabs": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "opened": "Opened loans",
- "closed": "Closed loans",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "assets": "Assets to lend",
- "active": "Approved accounts",
- "lendAsset": "Lend",
- "account": {
- "amountSupplied": "Amount deposited",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount lent to the network",
- "currencyAPY": "Currency APY",
- "currencyAPYTooltip": "Yearly return rate of a deposit that’s continuously compounded",
- "accruedInterests": "Accrued interest",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest generated on your lent assets",
- "interestEarned": "Interest earned",
- "interestEarnedTooltip": "Interest you have earned after withdrawal",
- "openLoans": "Open loans",
- "closedLoans": "Closed loans",
- "amountRedeemed": "Amount withdrawn",
- "date": "Date",
- "info": "You can lend assets directly from your {{currency}} account and earn interest.",
- "howCompoundWorks": "How does lending on Compound work?",
- "lend": "Deposit {{currency}}"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "active": {
- "title": "Lending",
- "description": "You can lend assets directly from your Ethereum accounts and earn interest.",
- "cta": "How does lending on Compound work?"
- },
- "closed": {
- "title": "Your closed loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "opened": {
- "title": "Your opened loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "history": {
- "title": "History",
- "description": "View the history of all your loan transactions.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- }
- },
- "headers": {
- "active": {
- "accounts": "Account",
- "amountSupplied": "Open loan",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount deposited in the network",
- "accruedInterests": "Interest balance",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest being earned on loans",
- "status": "Account status",
- "actions": "Actions"
- },
- "status": {
- "enablingTooltip": "Your transaction is broadcasting",
- "toSupplyTooltip": "You can now supply your assets"
- },
- "types": {
- "enabling": "Enabling",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "supplying": "Supplying",
- "earning": "Earning"
- },
- "closed": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amountRedeemed": "Withdrawal amount",
- "interestsEarned": "Interest earned",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "opened": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "accruedInterest": "Accrued interest",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "rates": {
- "allAssets": "Asset",
- "totalBalance": "Asset balance",
- "totalBalanceTooltip": "Amount available to lend",
- "currentAPY": "Deposit APY",
- "currentAPYTooltip": "Annual return rate earned on a continuously compounded deposit",
- "actions": "Actions"
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "cta": "Manage lending",
- "title": "Manage loan",
- "enable": {
- "approve": "Approve",
- "manageLimit": "Manage limit",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "info": "You have approved <0>{{amount}}0> on this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "infoNoLimit": "You have fully approved this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "approvedWithLimit": "You have approved <0>{{value}}0> on this account.",
- "enabling": "You can deposit assets once the account approval is confirmed.",
- "notEnabled": "You need to approve this account before being able to lend assets.",
- "notEnoughApproved": "You must increase the limit approved on your account to lend."
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit",
- "description": "Enter the amount of assets to lend to the protocol."
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "Withdraw assets from the protocol to your Ledger account."
- }
- },
- "enable": {
- "title": "Approve account",
- "steps": {
- "selectAccount": {
- "title": "Select account",
- "selectLabel": "Account to lend from",
- "cta": "Approve",
- "alreadyEnabled": "This account is approved"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "summary": "I grant access to <0>{{contractName}}0> smart contract on my account <0>{{accountName}}0> for a <0>{{amount}}0> amount",
- "limit": "limited {{amount}}",
- "noLimit": "no limit {{assetName}}",
- "contractName": "Compound {{currencyName}}",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to approve",
- "amountLabelTooltip": "This limits the amount available to the smart contract."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Operation sent successfully",
- "text": "The approval was sent to the network for confirmation. You’ll be able to issue loans once it is confirmed.",
- "done": "Close",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountToWithdraw": "Amount to withdraw",
- "withdrawAll": "Withdraw Max",
- "placeholder": "Withdraw Max",
- "maxWithdrawble": "Maximum amount to withdraw is"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Withdrawal sent successfully",
- "text": "Your assets will be available once the network has confirmed the withdrawal.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "tooltip": {
- "amountWithdrawn": "The amount withdrawn is displayed in {{ tokenName }}. {{ tokenName }} are ERC20 tokens that you earn after lending assets."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "terms": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "subtitle": "Lend assets on the Compound protocol",
- "description": "The Compound protocol allows you to lend and borrow assets on the Ethereum network. You can lend assets and earn interest directly from your Ledger acccount.",
- "switchLabel": "<1>I have read and agree with the 1><0>Terms of Use0><1>.1>"
- },
- "steps": {
- "title": "Step <0>{{step}} / {{total}}0>",
- "1": {
- "subtitle": "Approve an account to allow the protocol to",
- "subtitle2": "process future loans.",
- "description": "You need to authorize the Compound smart contract to transfer up to a certain amount of assets to the protocol. Approving an account gives permission to the protocol to process future loans."
- },
- "2": {
- "subtitle": "Supply assets to earn interest",
- "description": "Once an account is approved, you can select the amount of assets you want to lend and issue a transaction to the protocol. Interests accrue immediately after the transaction is confirmed."
- },
- "3": {
- "subtitle": "Withdraw assets at any time",
- "description": "You can withdraw your assets and earned interest at any time, partially or entirely, directly from your Ledger account."
- }
- }
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountToSupply": "Amount to deposit",
- "maxSupply": "Maximum amount to lend is"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Deposit sent successfully",
- "text": "You will start earning interest once the network has confirmed the deposit.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "noEthAccount": {
- "title": "Please create an ETH account",
- "description": "<0>{{ asset }}({{ ticker }})0> is an Ethereum ERC-20 token. To lend {{ ticker }}, install the Ethereum app and create an Ethereum account",
- "cta": "Add account"
- },
- "emptyAccountDeposit": {
- "title": "You don't have a {{ asset }} account.",
- "description": "In order to deposit funds and lend crypto you need a {{ asset }} account. Please Receive funds on your Ethereum address.",
- "ctaBuy": "Buy {{ asset }}",
- "ctaReceive": "Receive {{ asset }}"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "noResultFound": "No accounts found.",
- "order": {
- "name|asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name|desc": "Name Z-A",
- "balance|asc": "Lowest Balance",
- "balance|desc": "Highest Balance"
- },
- "range": {
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "all": "All"
- },
- "optionsMenu": {
- "title": "Options",
- "exportOperations": "Export operation history",
- "exportToMobile": "Export to mobile"
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "star": "Star",
- "receive": "Receive",
- "send": "Send",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "buy": "Buy",
- "sell": "Sell",
- "edit": "Edit account",
- "hideToken": "Hide token"
- }
- },
- "help": {
- "title": "Help & Support",
- "gettingStarted": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "desc": "Start here"
- },
- "status": {
- "title": "Ledger Status",
- "desc": "Check our system status"
- },
- "helpCenter": {
- "title": "Ledger Support",
- "desc": "Get help"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "desc": "Learn crypto"
- },
- "facebook": {
- "title": "Facebook",
- "desc": "Like our page"
- },
- "twitter": {
- "title": "Twitter",
- "desc": "Follow us"
- },
- "github": {
- "title": "Github",
- "desc": "Review our code"
- }
- },
- "blacklistToken": {
- "title": "Hide token",
- "desc": "This action will hide all <1><0>{{tokenName}}0>1> accounts, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide token"
- },
- "hideNftCollection": {
- "title": "Hide NFT Colection",
- "desc": "This action will hide all NFTs from the <1><0>{{collectionName}}0>1> collection, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide NFT Collection"
- },
- "banners": {
- "cleanCache": {
- "title": "Modification of experimental settings require a clear cache",
- "cta": "Clear cache"
- },
- "migrate": "Ledger Live accounts update available",
- "genericTerminatedCrypto": "{{coinName}} is not supported anymore",
- "valentine": {
- "title": "Valentine’s day",
- "description": "As a proof of our love, Ledger is reducing buy & sell fees on Ledger Live"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "description": "Everything you need to know about blockchain, security, cryptocurrency and your Ledger device",
- "cta": "Start learning"
- },
- "stakeCosmos": {
- "title": "Staking with COSMOS",
- "description": "Delegate your ATOM coins through the account page and earn rewards today",
- "cta": "Stake Cosmos now"
- },
- "buyCrypto": {
- "title": "Buy Crypto",
- "description": "Purchase crypto assets through our partner and receive them directly in your Ledger account",
- "cta": "Buy now"
- },
- "familyPack": {
- "title": "Family pack",
- "description": "Get your family and friends into crypto with 3 Nano S at a discounted price",
- "cta": "Buy family pack"
- },
- "polkaStake": {
- "title": "POLKADOT staking",
- "description": "You can now stake, secure and manage your DOT directly in Ledger Live"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "sell crypto",
- "description": "Sell Bitcoin with our partner directly from Ledger Live"
- },
- "stakeAlgorand": {
- "title": "Staking with ALGORAND",
- "description": "Make the most of your ALGO. Simply add funds to your accounts and earn staking rewards today."
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap crypto",
- "description": "Exchange one crypto for another from Ledger Live with our partner."
- },
- "lending": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "description": "Lend stablecoins to the Compound protocol and earn interests today"
- },
- "blackfriday": {
- "title": "BLACK FRIDAY ",
- "description": "Enjoy 40% off Ledger hardware wallets with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY20"
- }
- },
- "signmessage": {
- "title": "Sign message",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Device"
- }
- }
- },
- "walletconnect": {
- "titleAccount": "Wallet Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "connected": "Connected",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "invalidAccount": "Invalid account id",
- "steps": {
- "paste": {
- "title": "Paste link",
- "label": "Wallet Connect address",
- "placeholder": "Paste Wallet Connect Link"
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Connect",
- "details": "Wants to connect to the following account through your wallet :",
- "deeplinkDetails": "Wants to connect to Ledger Live. Choose your account:",
- "noAccount": "You don't have any compatible account. Please add an compatible account to use Wallet Connect.",
- "alreadyConnected": "You are trying to connect to a dApp while having another one already connected. Please disconnect from the connected dApp before reconnecting Live with a new dApp."
- }
- },
- "connectedscreen": {
- "info": "You can now access the {{name}} dApp on your web browser.",
- "warning": "Sharing receive addresses from dApps is not secure. Always use Ledger Live when sharing your address to receive funds.",
- "disconnected": "There is a connection problem between the dApp, WalletConnect and Ledger Live. Wait a few moments or relaunch the connection"
- }
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Portfolio",
- "emptyAccountTile": {
- "desc": "Add accounts to manage other crypto assets",
- "createAccount": "Add account"
- },
- "recentActivity": "Latest operations",
- "totalBalance": "Total balance",
- "transactionsPendingConfirmation": "Some transactions are not confirmed yet. These will be reflected in your balance and useable after being confirmed."
- },
- "currentAddress": {
- "title": "Current address",
- "for": "Address for <1><0>{{name}}0>1>",
- "messageIfUnverified": "Verify that the shared address exactly matches the one on your device",
- "messageIfSkipped": "Your {{name}} address was not confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for security.",
- "showQrCode": "Show QR Code",
- "taprootWarning": "Make sure the sender supports taproot"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Install apps on your device",
- "desc": "Go to the Manager to install apps on your device. You can add accounts once you have apps on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "installApp": "Go to Manager",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Add an account to get started",
- "desc": "Add an account to start managing your crypto assets. You must have the app for your crypto asset installed on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "installApp": "Go to Manager to install apps",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- }
- },
- "genuinecheck": {
- "deviceInBootloader": "Device in Bootloader mode. Click on <1>Continue1> to update it."
- },
- "learn": {
- "title": "Learn",
- "noConnection": "No connection",
- "noConnectionDesc": "It seems you don't have access to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.",
- "sectionShows": "Shows",
- "sectionVideo": "Video",
- "sectionPodcast": "Podcast",
- "sectionArticles": "Articles"
- },
- "market": {
- "title": "Market",
- "currency": "Currency",
- "rangeLabel": "Time",
- "goBack": "Go back",
- "filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
- "show": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "isLedgerCompatible": "Ledger Live Compatible",
- "isFavorite": "Starred Assets",
- "applyFilters": "Apply filters",
- "clearAll": "Clear all"
- },
- "marketList": {
- "crypto": "Crypto",
- "price": "Price",
- "change": "Change",
- "marketCap": "Market cap",
- "last7d": "Last 7 days"
- },
- "detailsPage": {
- "priceStatistics": "Price stats",
- "tradingVolume": "Trading volume",
- "24hLowHight": "24h Low / 24h High",
- "7dLowHigh": "7d Low / 7d High",
- "allTimeHigh": "All time high",
- "allTimeLow": "All time low",
- "marketCapRank": "Market cap rank",
- "marketCapDominance": "Market cap dominance",
- "supply": "Supply",
- "circulatingSupply": "Circulating supply",
- "totalSupply": "Total supply",
- "maxSupply": "Max supply",
- "assetNotSupportedOnLedgerLive": "This asset is not supported on Ledger Live.",
- "supportedCoinsAndTokens": "Supported coins & Tokens"
- },
- "range": {
- "1H_label": "1H",
- "1D_label": "1D",
- "1W_label": "1W",
- "1M_label": "1M",
- "1Y_label": "1Y",
- "1h": "1h",
- "24h": "24h",
- "7d": "7d",
- "30d": "30d",
- "1y": "1y",
- "1H_selectorLabel": "Last 1 hour",
- "1D_selectorLabel": "Last 24 hours",
- "1W_selectorLabel": "last week",
- "1M_selectorLabel": "Last month",
- "1Y_selectorLabel": "Last year"
- },
- "warnings": {
- "connectionError": "Connection Error",
- "ledgerUnableToRetrieveData": "Ledger Live is unable to retrieve data.",
- "checkInternetAndReload": "Please check your internet connection and reload this page.",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "noCryptosFound": "No coins found",
- "noSearchResultsFor": "Sorry, we did not find any coins for <0>{{search}}0>. Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "noSearchResults": "Sorry, we did not find any search results.",
- "retrySearchKeyword": "Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "retrySearchParams": "Please retry the search with another parameters.",
- "trackFavAssets": "Track your favourite",
- "clickOnStarIcon": "Clicking on the star icon next to an asset will automatically add them to your favorites.",
- "browseAssets": "Browse assets"
- }
- },
- "NFT": {
- "viewer": {
- "actions": {
- "send": "Send",
- "open": "Open in {{viewer}}"
- },
- "attributes": {
- "properties": "Properties",
- "description": "Description",
- "tokenAddress": "Token Address",
- "tokenId": "Token ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- }
- },
- "collections": {
- "title": "NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Collections",
- "receiveCTA": "Receive NFT",
- "galleryCTA": "See Gallery",
- "seeMore": "See more collections",
- "seeAll": "See all collections",
- "seeLess": "See less"
- },
- "gallery": {
- "title": "All NFT",
- "collection": {
- "header": {
- "sendCTA": "Send",
- "contract": "Contract: {{contract}}"
- },
- "operationList": {
- "header": "Latest Operations",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "IN": "Received"
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "item": {
- "tokenId": "ID: {{tokenId}}"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "title": "Tokens",
- "cta": "Add token",
- "placeholder": "To add tokens, simply send them to your {{currencyName}} address.",
- "link": "Learn more",
- "seeTokens": "Show tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 token",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} tokens",
- "algorand": {
- "title": "ASA (Assets)",
- "cta": "Add ASA",
- "placeholder": "You can add assets to your {{currencyName}} account.",
- "link": "How Assets (ASA) works?",
- "seeTokens": "Show ASA ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide ASA ({{tokenCount}})"
- }
- },
- "subAccounts": {
- "title": "Subaccounts",
- "seeSubAccounts": "Show subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideSubAccounts": "Hide subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 subaccount",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} subaccounts"
- },
- "migrateAccounts": {
- "overview": {
- "title": "Ledger Live accounts update",
- "successTitle": "Accounts updated successfully",
- "successDescPlu": "Your {{assets}} accounts are now updated and ready to use",
- "successDesc": "Your {{assets}} account is now updated and ready to use",
- "mobileTitle": "Export accounts to mobile",
- "mobileDesc": "Click the button below to export your updated accounts to the Ledger Live mobile app.",
- "mobileCTA": "Export to mobile",
- "description": "New features in Ledger Live require an update of your accounts.",
- "currency": "1 {{currency}} account needs to be updated:",
- "currency_plural": "{{count}} {{currency}} accounts need to be updated:",
- "footer": "You need your Ledger Device to complete the update",
- "pendingDevices": "1 account could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "pendingDevices_plural": "{{totalMigratableAccounts}} accounts could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "doItLaterBtn": "Do it later"
- },
- "progress": {
- "finished": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update completed",
- "description": ""
- },
- "scanning": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait for your accounts to be updated"
- },
- "finished-empty": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update incomplete",
- "description": "No {{currencyName}} accounts to update"
- }
- },
- "cta": {
- "startUpdate": "Start update",
- "nextCurrency": "Continue with {{currency}} update"
- }
- },
- "addAccounts": {
- "title": "Add accounts",
- "breadcrumb": {
- "informations": "Crypto asset",
- "connectDevice": "Device",
- "import": "Accounts",
- "finish": "Confirmation"
- },
- "fullNodeReadyInfo": "Accounts will be added using your Bitcoin full node.",
- "fullNodeConfigure": "Configure node",
- "tokensTip": "{{token}} ({{ticker}}) is an {{tokenType}} token. You can receive tokens directly on an {{currency}} account.",
- "accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Add existing accounts",
- "selectAll": "Select all ({{count}})",
- "unselectAll": "Deselect all ({{count}})",
- "noAccountToImport": "No existing {{currencyName}} accounts to add",
- "success": "Account added successfully",
- "success_plural": "Accounts added successfully",
- "successDescription": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "successDescription_plural": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "createNewAccount": {
- "noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received assets on your <1><0>{{accountName}}0>1> account",
- "noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}0>1> account was found to be created",
- "showAllAddressTypes": "Show all address types",
- "showAllAddressTypesTooltip": "Only change the address type if you need to receive {{family}} on other address formats."
- },
- "supportLinks": {
- "segwit_or_native_segwit": "Segwit or Native Segwit?"
- },
- "cta": {
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "add": "Add account",
- "add_plural": "Add accounts",
- "addAccountName": "Add {{currencyName}} account",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "sections": {
- "importable": {
- "title": "Add existing account"
- },
- "creatable": {
- "title": "Add new account"
- },
- "imported": {
- "title": "Accounts already in portfolio ({{count}})"
- },
- "migrate": {
- "title": "Accounts to update"
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetails": {
- "whatIsThis": "What is this operation?",
- "title": "Operation details",
- "type": "Type",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "account": "Account",
- "date": "Date",
- "currentValue": "Current value",
- "status": "Status",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "failed": "Failed",
- "notConfirmed": "Not confirmed",
- "fees": "Fee",
- "noFees": "No fee",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "identifier": "Transaction ID",
- "viewOperation": "View in explorer",
- "showMore": "Show {{recipients}} more",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "tokenOperations": "Token operations",
- "subAccountOperations": "Subaccount operations",
- "tokenTooltip": "This operation is related to the following token operations",
- "subAccountTooltip": "This operation is related to the following subaccount operations",
- "internalOperations": "Internal operations",
- "internalOpTooltip": "This operation has internal operations",
- "details": "{{ currency }} details",
- "multipleAddresses": "Why multiple addresses?",
- "nft": {
- "name": "Token Name",
- "contract": "Token Contract",
- "id": "Token (NFT) ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "extra": {
- "frozenAmount": "Frozen amount",
- "unfreezeAmount": "Unfreeze amount",
- "votes": "Votes ({{number}})",
- "votesAddress": "<0>{{votes}}0> to <2>{{name}}2>",
- "validators": "Validators",
- "redelegated": "Redelegated",
- "redelegatedFrom": "Redelegated from",
- "redelegatedTo": "Redelegated to",
- "redelegatedAmount": "Redelegated amount",
- "undelegated": "Undelegated",
- "undelegatedFrom": "Undelegated from",
- "undelegatedAmount": "Undelegated amount",
- "rewardFrom": "Reward from",
- "memo": "Memo",
- "assetId": "Asset ID",
- "rewards": "Earned rewards",
- "bondedAmount": "Bonded Amount",
- "unbondedAmount": "Unbonded Amount",
- "withdrawUnbondedAmount": "Withdrawn Amount",
- "palletMethod": "Method",
- "transferAmount": "Transfer Amount",
- "validatorsCount": "Validators ({{number}})"
- }
- },
- "operationList": {
- "noMoreOperations": "That's all"
- },
- "DeviceAction": {
- "allowAppPermission": "Open the {{wording}} app on your device",
- "allowAppPermissionSubtitleToken": "to manage your {{token}} tokens",
- "allowManagerPermission": "Allow {{wording}} on your device",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "connectAndUnlockDevice": "Connect and unlock your device",
- "unlockDevice": "Unlock your device",
- "unlockDeviceAfterFirmwareUpdate": "Wait for the firmware to update and unlock your device with your PIN",
- "quitApp": "Quit the application on your device",
- "appNotInstalledTitle": "Missing required app",
- "appNotInstalledTitle_plural": "Missing required apps",
- "appNotInstalled": "The {{appName}} app is required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install it on your device",
- "appNotInstalled_plural": "The {{appName}} apps are required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install them on your device",
- "openManager": "Open Manager",
- "openOnboarding": "Setup device",
- "outdated": "App version outdated",
- "outdatedDesc": "An important update is available for the {{appName}} application on your device. Please go to the Manager to update it.",
- "installApp": "{{appName}} App installation",
- "installAppDescription": "Please wait until the installation is finished",
- "listApps": "Checking App dependencies",
- "listAppsDescription": "Please wait while we make sure you have all the required apps",
- "swap": {
- "notice": "Verify the Swap details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Swap transaction",
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "amountReceivedFloat": "Amount to receive before service fees",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "payoutNetworkFees": "Payout fees",
- "payoutNetworkFeesTooltip": "This amount will not be shown on your device"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "fees": "Network Fees",
- "sourceAccount": "Source Account",
- "targetAccount": "Target Account"
- },
- "sell": {
- "notice": "Verify the Sell details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Sell transaction"
- },
- "fund": {
- "notice": "Verify the Fund details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don't have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Fund transaction"
- }
- },
- "manager": {
- "tabs": {
- "appCatalog": "App catalog",
- "appCatalogSearch": "Search app in catalog...",
- "appsOnDevice": "Apps installed",
- "appOnDeviceSearch": "Search installed apps..."
- },
- "disconnected": {
- "title": "Looks like an app is open on your device",
- "subtitle": "Reopening the Manager will quit the app on your device",
- "ctaReopen": "Reopen Manager",
- "ctaPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio"
- },
- "deviceStorage": {
- "freeSpace": "<0>{{space}}0> free",
- "noFreeSpace": "No storage left",
- "installed": "Apps",
- "capacity": "Capacity",
- "used": "Used",
- "firmwareAvailable": "Firmware is outdated:",
- "firmwareUpToDate": "Firmware is up to date:",
- "genuine": "Device is genuine",
- "incomplete": "Some apps were not recognized. Please uninstall, then reinstall them."
- },
- "applist": {
- "placeholder": "No match for the search with the selected filters",
- "placeholderNoAppsInstalled": "No apps installed on your device",
- "placeholderGoToCatalog": "Go to the App catalog to install apps",
- "noResultsFound": "No results found",
- "noResultsDesc": "Please verify the spelling and try again",
- "filter": {
- "title": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "supported": "Supported in Live",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "not_installed": "Not installed"
- },
- "sort": {
- "title": "Sort",
- "name_asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name_desc": "Name Z-A",
- "marketcap_desc": "Market cap"
- },
- "installSuccess": {
- "title": "App installed successfully. You can now add your {{app}} accounts",
- "title_plural": "Apps installed successfully. You can now add your accounts",
- "manageAccount": "Manage my accounts"
- },
- "updatable": {
- "title": "Update available",
- "title_plural": "Updates available",
- "progressTitle": "{{number}} App update",
- "progressTitle_plural": "{{number}} App updates",
- "progressWarning": "Do not quit Manager during update.",
- "progress": "Updating all..."
- },
- "item": {
- "version": "Version {{version}}",
- "installing": "Installing...",
- "uninstalling": "Uninstalling...",
- "updating": "Updating...",
- "scheduled": "Queued",
- "update": "Update available",
- "updateAll": "Update all",
- "updateAllOutOfMemory": "Not enough storage. Please uninstall some apps",
- "install": "Install",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "updated": "Updated",
- "uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "notEnoughSpace": "Not enough storage",
- "supported": "Ledger Live supported",
- "not_supported": "Requires 3rd-party wallet",
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "addAccountTooltip": "Add {{appName}} account",
- "addAccountWarn": "Please wait for the app updates to finish",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "learnMoreTooltip": "Learn more about {{appName}}",
- "removeTooltip": "Uninstall {{appName}}",
- "useAppForToken": "Looking to manage {{tokenType}} tokens?",
- "tokenAppDisclaimer": "To manage {{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens, <1>install the {{appName}} app1> and please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "tokenAppDisclaimerInstalled": "To manage <1>{{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens1>, please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "goToAccounts": "Go to accounts",
- "intallParentApp": "Install {{appName}} app",
- "plugin": "Go to app",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "tool": "Learn more",
- "app": "Learn more"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Uninstall all",
- "subtitle": "Uninstall all apps?",
- "description": "Don't worry, uninstalling apps does not affect your crypto assets. You can reinstall apps in the App catalog."
- }
- },
- "apps": {
- "dependencyInstall": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app is required",
- "description": "The {{dependency}} app will also be installed because the {{app}} app needs it.",
- "confirm": "Install apps"
- },
- "dependencyUninstall": {
- "title": " Uninstall {{app}} and its related apps?",
- "showAll": "Show apps to uninstall",
- "description": "Some of your installed apps are linked to {{app}} app. They will be uninstalled as well.",
- "confirm": "Uninstall {{app}} and other apps"
- }
- },
- "firmware": {
- "updateLater": "Cancel",
- "seedReady": "I have my recovery phrase",
- "dontHaveSeed": "Don't have your recovery phrase? ",
- "followTheGuide": "Follow our step by step update guide",
- "removeApps": "Uninstall all apps before updating",
- "update": "Firmware update",
- "updateBtn": "Update firmware",
- "banner": {
- "warning": "Update Firmware to {{latestFirmware}} is available",
- "cta": "Go to manager",
- "old": {
- "warning": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "cta": "Contact support"
- },
- "cta2": "Update firmware"
- },
- "latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
- "contactSupport": "Contact support",
- "deprecated": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "prepareSeed": "Ensure your 24-word recovery phrase is written down on the Recovery sheet and it is available, as a precaution.",
- "disclaimerTitle": "You are about to install <1>firmware version {{version}}1>.",
- "downloadingUpdateDesc": "Please wait for the update installer to be downloaded"
- },
- "modal": {
- "steps": {
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateMCU": "Firmware update",
- "updating": "Firmware update",
- "reset": "Prepare device",
- "osu": "Installing OSU...",
- "flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
- "flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
- "firmware": "Firmware updating...",
- "flash": "Preparing your device..."
- },
- "confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
- "confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Confirm and enter your PIN code if requested.",
- "identifier": "Identifier",
- "preparation": "Preparation",
- "newFirmware": "New firmware {{version}}",
- "confirmUpdate": "Please confirm the update on your device",
- "mcuTitle": "Finalize update",
- "mcuFirst": "Disconnect the USB cable from your device",
- "mcuSecond": "Press the left button and hold it while you reconnect the USB cable until the <1><0>{{repairProcessing}}0>1> screen appears",
- "mcuPin": "Please wait for the update to finish",
- "mcuSecondNanoX": "Press and hold the left button until <1><0>{{bootloaderOption}}0>1> appears. Press both buttons to confirm and reconnect your device.",
- "mcuBlueFirst": "Press and hold the side button for 10 seconds to turn off the device. Release the button.",
- "mcuBlueSecond": "Press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds until the Boot Options are displayed. Tap Bootloader Mode",
- "successTitle": "Firmware updated",
- "successTextApps": "Please re-install the apps on your device",
- "successTextNoApps": "You can now install apps on your device",
- "sucessCTAApps": "Re-install apps",
- "SuccessCTANoApps": "Install apps",
- "cancelReinstallCTA": "Install update",
- "resetSteps": {
- "first": "1. Reset your device",
- "connect": "Connect the {{deviceName}} to your computer using the USB cable.",
- "turnOn": "Press the button on the device to turn it on.",
- "falsePin": "Enter three wrong PINs to reset the device.",
- "turnOff": "Press and hold the side button until {{action}} is displayed.",
- "confirmTurnOff": "Tap {{action}} to confirm.",
- "second": "2. Boot in {{mode}} mode",
- "boot": "Press and hold the side button until {{option}} is displayed",
- "recoveryMode": "Tap {{mode}} Mode. Wait until the dashboard appears.",
- "third": "3. Uninstall all apps",
- "openLive": "Open the Manager in Ledger Live.",
- "uninstall": "Click on the grey trash icon for all apps currently installed on the {{deviceName}}. This makes room for the firmware installer.",
- "disclaimer": "Note: Your funds are not affected by this operation, the private keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Recovery sheet."
- }
- }
- },
- "claimReward": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "rewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned <1>{{amount}}1> by voting for validators.",
- "info": "Rewards can be claimed once every 24 hours."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards claimed",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance.",
- "cta": "View details",
- "done": "Done"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "resourceInfo": "Bandwidth or Energy?",
- "bandwidthDescription": "Bandwidth points are used to make transactions without paying TRX for network fees. Choose Bandwidth to increase your daily free transactions.",
- "energyDescription": "Energy points are required to execute smart contracts. If you don't run any smart contracts, there is no need to choose rewards in Energy.",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to freeze",
- "available": "Available: {{amountAvailable}}",
- "info": "Frozen assets cannot be sent for 3 days."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction is awaiting validation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a minute before being able to vote"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "textNRG": "You will start earning Energy once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "text": "You will start earning Bandwidth once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "votePending": "Vote in {{time}}",
- "vote": "Vote",
- "later": "Vote later"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "info": "Unfreezing will decrease your {{resource}} and will cancel your votes."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "text": "Your assets were unfrozen successfully. Your {{resource}} points will be decreased, and your votes will be cancelled.",
- "continue": "Continue"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "titleExisting": "Manage votes",
- "steps": {
- "castVotes": {
- "max": "MAX",
- "title": "Vote",
- "search": "Search by name or address...",
- "totalVotes": "Total votes: {{total}}",
- "selected": "Selected: {{total}}",
- "maxSelected": "Max selected: {{total}}",
- "allVotesAreUsed": "All assets are distributed",
- "maxUsed": "Insufficient assets",
- "validators": "Validators ({{total}})",
- "votes": "Available assets: {{total}}",
- "noResults": "No validator found for \"<0>{{search}}0>\"."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Your votes were cast successfully.",
- "text": "",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "buy": {
- "title": "Buy",
- "titleCrypto": "Buy {{currency}}",
- "buyCTA": "Buy {{currencyTicker}}",
- "withoutDevice": "Continue without my device",
- "connectWithoutDevice": "It's better to use your device for optimal security.",
- "skipConnect": "Continue without my device"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "Sell",
- "titleCrypto": "Sell {{currency}}"
- },
- "receive": {
- "title": "Receive",
- "successTitle": "Address shared securely",
- "steps": {
- "chooseAccount": {
- "title": "Account",
- "label": "Account to credit",
- "parentAccount": "1. Select {{currencyName}} account",
- "token": "2. Select a token",
- "verifyTokenType": "Please verify that <0>{{token}}0> is an <0>{{tokenType}}0> token. Any other crypto asset sent to an {{currency}} account may be lost.",
- "warningTokenType": "Please only send <0>{{ticker}}0> or <0>{{tokenType}}0> tokens to {{currency}} accounts. Sending other crypto assets may result in the permanent loss of funds."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device",
- "withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
- },
- "receiveFunds": {
- "title": "Receive"
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount received on a delegated account will be added to the total staked amount. Choose another account if you want to avoid this."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "send": {
- "title": "Send",
- "titleNft": "Send NFT",
- "totalSpent": "Total to debit",
- "steps": {
- "recipient": {
- "title": "Recipient",
- "nftRecipient": "NFT to send"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "banner": "Maximum spendable amount is",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "details": {
- "utxoLag": "This transaction may take long to verify and sign because the account has a significant number of coins.",
- "subaccountsWarning": "You will need to refill this account with {{ currency }} in order to send the tokens of this account",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
- "recipientAddress": "Recipient address",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "fees": "Network fees",
- "sendMax": "Send Max",
- "rippleTag": "Tag",
- "rippleTagPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "ethereumGasLimit": "Gas limit",
- "ethereumGasPrice": "Gas price",
- "unitPerByte": "{{unit}} per byte",
- "nft": "NFT",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "verification": {
- "streaming": {
- "accurate": "Loading... ({{percentage}})",
- "inaccurate": "Loading..."
- }
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount to be sent will be deducted from the balance of your delegated account."
- }
- }
- },
- "footer": {
- "estimatedFees": "Network fees"
- }
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Sign transaction"
- },
- "releaseNotes": {
- "title": "Release notes",
- "version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
- },
- "systemLanguageAvailable": {
- "title": "Change your app's language?",
- "description": {
- "newSupport": "Good news! our teams have been working hard and Ledger Live now supports {{language}}.",
- "advice": "You can always change your language back later in the settings."
- },
- "switchButton": "Switch to {{language}}",
- "no": "I prefer not to"
- },
- "distribution": {
- "asset": "Asset",
- "price": "Price",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "showAll": "Show all",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "header": "Asset allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "accountDistribution": {
- "account": "Account",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "header": "Account allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "elrond": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by MultiversX",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "MultiversX integration",
- "title": "MultiversX eGold (EGLD) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now safely secure your eGold (EGLD) tokens and manage them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The MultiversX eGold (EGLD) Token is native to the MultiversX Network and will be used for everything from transactions, staking, smart contracts, governance and validator rewards.",
- "description3": "We are actively working with the MultiversX team to add more functionality, such as staking, native ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token) support, and more.",
- "website": "The Internet Scale Blockchain"
- }
- }
- },
- "tron": {
- "voting": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can now earn rewards by freezing and voting.",
- "info": "How voting works",
- "votesDesc": "Cast your votes for one or more representatives to start earning staking rewards.",
- "vote": "Cast votes",
- "voteExisting": "Manage votes"
- },
- "manageTP": "Manage assets",
- "warnEarnRewards": "You need at least {{amount}} to start earning rewards",
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "nextRewardsDate": "Rewards can be claimed {{date}}",
- "claimAvailableRewards": "Claim {{amount}}",
- "header": "Votes",
- "percentageTP": "% of votes cast",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "remainingVotes": {
- "title": "You still have {{amount}} votes remaining",
- "description": "You can cast your remaining votes to earn more rewards",
- "button": "Vote now"
- },
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated assets stay yours.",
- "access": "You can unfreeze your assets after 3 days.",
- "ledger": "Freeze and vote securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "help": "How voting works",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your super representative."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze",
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn Bandwidth or Energy. You'll also be able to vote for Super Representatives."
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "description": "Unfreeze TRX to have them back in your available balance. You will no longer earn rewards."
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Vote",
- "description": "Cast votes for Super Representatives to earn rewards.",
- "steps": {
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "description": "Vote for one or more Super Representatives to start earning rewards.",
- "footer": {
- "doNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "next": "Cast Votes"
- },
- "info": {
- "message": "SR or Candidates?",
- "superRepresentative": {
- "title": "Super Representatives (SR)",
- "description": "Super Representatives play a key role in governing the TRON community by ensuring basic functions, e.g. block generation and bookkeeping."
- },
- "candidates": {
- "title": "Candidates",
- "description": "127 individuals elected through voting by the entire token holder community. Votes are updated once every 6 hours."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "bitcoin": {
- "inputSelected": "SELECTED",
- "toSpend": "Coins to spend",
- "toReturn": "Change to return",
- "modalTitle": "Coin control",
- "coincontrol": "Coin control",
- "advanced": "Advanced options",
- "ctaDisabled": "This account has no UTXO",
- "whatIs": "What is coin selection?",
- "rbf": "Allow the transaction to be replaced (Replace-By-Fee).",
- "strategy": "Coin selection strategy",
- "selected": "Coins selected for strategy",
- "amount": "Amount to send:",
- "replaceable": "replaceable",
- "cannotSelect": {
- "unconfirmed": "You cannot select coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "last": "You need at least one selected"
- },
- "pending": "pending",
- "pickUnconfirmedRBF": "Include coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "pickingStrategy": "UTXO picking strategy",
- "pickingStrategyLabels": {
- "DEEP_OUTPUTS_FIRST": "Oldest coins first (FIFO)",
- "OPTIMIZE_SIZE": "Minimize fees (optimize size)",
- "MERGE_OUTPUTS": "Minimize future fees (merge coins)"
- }
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "delegation": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn ATOM rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "header": "Delegation(s)",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "undelegate": "Undelegate",
- "redelegate": "Redelegate",
- "redelegateDisabledTooltip": "You can redelegate again <0>{{days}}0>",
- "redelegateMaxDisabledTooltip": "You cannot redelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "undelegateDisabledTooltip": "You cannot undelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "reward": "Claim rewards",
- "currentDelegation": "Delegated: <0>{{amount}}0>",
- "estYield": "est. yield",
- "activeTooltip": "Delegated amounts generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards",
- "minSafeWarning": "Not enough funds",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your ATOM assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available 21 days after undelegation"
- ],
- "warning": {
- "description": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- }
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validators"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "claimRewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "compound": "Compound",
- "claim": "Cash in",
- "compoundOrClaim": "Compound or cash in",
- "compoundDescription": "Rewards will be added to delegated amount",
- "claimDescription": "Rewards will be added to the available balance",
- "compoundInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0>. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically delegated to the same validator.",
- "claimInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> from the validator below. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically added to the available balance.",
- "selectLabel": "Select a delegation"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards cashed in successfully",
- "titleCompound": "Rewards compounded successfully",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "textCompound": "Your rewards <0>{{amount}}0> were automatically delegated to <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "redelegation": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Redelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Redelegation",
- "description": "Use redelegation to easily change from one validator to another. But if you change your mind again, you will then have to wait because redelegation triggers a 21-day timelock.",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately. You can have a maximum of <0>7 pending redelegations0>.",
- "howDelegationWorks": "How delegation works?"
- },
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "currentDelegation": "Current delegation",
- "newDelegation": "New delegation",
- "chooseValidator": "Choose a validator",
- "warning": "You will have to wait <0>21 days0> to redelegate from the new validator, if you change your mind again"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully redelegated your assets",
- "text": "The redelegation will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "undelegation": {
- "header": "Undelegation(s)",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 21-day timelock",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Undelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "subtitle": "The undelegation process takes <0>21 days0> to finalize.",
- "warning": "Rewards will be immediately cashed in. The undelegated amount will be back in the available balance after the <0>21-day timelock0>.",
- "fields": {
- "validator": "Validator",
- "amount": "Amount to undelegate"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully undelegated your assets.",
- "description": "<0>{{amount}}0> were undelegated from <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "algorand": {
- "operationHasRewards": "Rewards earned",
- "operationEarnedRewards": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> rewards.",
- "operationDetailsAmountBreakDown": "{{initialAmount}} (<0>+{{reward}}0> earned rewards)",
- "optIn": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Add ASA (Asset)",
- "steps": {
- "assets": {
- "title": "ASA (Asset)",
- "info": "Adding an asset requires sending a transaction with minimum fees. This will appear on your transaction history",
- "selectLabel": "Choose an ASA (Asset)",
- "disabledTooltip": "You already have this ASA (Asset) in your Algorand account"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "{{token}} asset successfully added",
- "text": "You can now receive and send <0>{{token}}0> assets on your Algorand account.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "header": "Rewards",
- "tooltip": "Algorand rewards are distributed regularly and are claimed automatically when you do a transaction.",
- "cta": "Claim rewards",
- "rewardsDisabledTooltip": "You don’t have any rewards. Algorand rewards are claimed automatically when you do a transaction. Receive ALGO to start earning rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Receive Algorand rewards simply for holding Algorand control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "A minimum balance of 1 ALGO is required to receive rewards.",
- "access": "Increase the account’s balance to increase rewards.",
- "ledger": "Perform a transaction to or from the account to claim rewards."
- },
- "learnMore": "How Algorand rewards work?",
- "button": {
- "cta": "Receive Algo"
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned {{amount}}. Click on Continue to claim your rewards",
- "info": "You will be prompted to generate an empty transaction to your account. This will add your current rewards to your balance at the minimal cost of the transaction fees."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards successfully claimed!",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "polkadot": {
- "lockedBalance": "Bonded",
- "lockedTooltip": "Assets must be bonded to nominated validators before earning rewards.",
- "unlockingBalance": "Unbonding",
- "unlockingTooltip": "Unbonding assets stay locked for 28 days before they can be withdrawn.",
- "unlockedBalance": "Unbonded",
- "unlockedTooltip": "Unbonded assets can now be moved using the withdraw operation.",
- "networkFees": "Network fees are automatically set by the Polkadot consensus, you won't be able to review them on your device",
- "bondedBalanceBelowMinimum": "Your bonded balance is below the current minimum of {{minimumBondBalance}}. Your nominations are at risk of being removed.",
- "nomination": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn rewards by bonding assets and then nominating your validator(s).",
- "info": "How nominations work"
- },
- "header": "Nominations",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "setController": "Change Controller",
- "chill": "Clear nominations",
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "amount": "Bonded Amount",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "This validator is elected and is collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "inactiveTooltip": "This validator is elected but is not collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "waiting": "Unelected",
- "waitingTooltip": "This validator is not elected, therefore is not collecting rewards.",
- "notValidator": "Not a validator",
- "notValidatorTooltip": "This address is no longer a validator",
- "elected": "Elected",
- "nominatorsCount": "{{nominatorsCount}} nominators",
- "nominatorsTooltip": "This validator is currently elected by {{count}} nominators.",
- "oversubscribed": "Oversubscribed ({{nominatorsCount}})",
- "oversubscribedTooltip": "Only the top {{maxNominatorRewardedPerValidator}} nominators with the highest bonded amount earn rewards",
- "hasPendingBondOperation": "A bond operation is still pending confirmation",
- "electionOpen": "The election of new validators is currently ongoing. As such, staking operations are not available for 15 minutes at most.",
- "electionOpenTooltip": "This operation is disabled during the election of validators",
- "externalControllerTooltip": "This account is controlled by another account.",
- "externalControllerUnsupported": "<0>This stash account is controlled by a separate account whose address is <0>{{controllerAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set this stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "externalStashTooltip": "This account controls another account.",
- "externalStashUnsupported": "<0>This account is the controller of a separate stash account whose address is <0>{{stashAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set your stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "showInactiveNominations": "Show all nominations ({{count}})",
- "hideInactiveNominations": "Show active nominations only",
- "noActiveNominations": "There are no active nominations.",
- "showAllUnlockings": "Show all unbonding amounts ({{count}})",
- "hideAllUnlockings": "Hide unbonding amounts"
- },
- "unlockings": {
- "header": "Unbonding",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 28-day unbonding period",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Withdraw ({{amount}})",
- "withdrawTooltip": "The unbonded amount will be credited to your available balance.",
- "noUnlockedWarning": "No unbonded balance to withdraw yet.",
- "rebond": "Rebond",
- "unbonded": "Unbonded"
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond",
- "description": "To earn rewards, first bond an amount. Then you must nominate your validator(s)."
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond",
- "description": "To make a bonded amount available again, first you need to unbond it. You can withdraw it after the 28-day unbonding period."
- },
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "To retrieve an unbonded amount back to the available balance, you need to withdraw it manually."
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "description": "Choose up to 16 validators. Ensure nominations are Active to earn rewards."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Remove all nominations. You will stop earning rewards. Your bonded amount remains bonded."
- }
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "steps": {
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "notValidatorsRemoved": "You have nominated {{count}} addresses who are no longer validators. They will automatically be removed from your nominate transaction.",
- "maybeChill": "Clear nominations instead"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully nominated validators",
- "text": "You will start earning rewards when your assets are bonded to your elected validator(s).",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond assets",
- "rewardDestination": {
- "label": "Rewards Destination",
- "stash": "Available Balance",
- "stashDescription": "Rewards are credited to your available balance.",
- "staked": "Bonded Balance",
- "stakedDescription": "Rewards are credited to your bonded balance for compound earning.",
- "optionTitle": "Note",
- "optionDescription": "Once set, the option is fixed for the lifetime of this bond. If you change your mind, please read the article down below"
- },
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by bonding your assets and then nominate your validators.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of bonded assets",
- "Nominate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available again, 28 days after unbonding"
- ],
- "help": "How nominations work",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your bonded assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to bond",
- "availableLabel": "Available",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Bonded assets can be unbonded at any time, but unbonding takes 28 days.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction awaiting confirmation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a moment before nominating"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully bonded",
- "text": "You can nominate validators once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "textNominate": "You will be able to nominate validators once the network has confirmed your transaction.",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "later": "Nominate later"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Bonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "rebond": {
- "title": "Rebond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to rebond",
- "availableLabel": "Unbonding",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Rebonded assets are immediately added to the bonded amount.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully rebonded",
- "text": "Your account balance will update once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Rebonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to unbond",
- "availableLabel": "Bonded",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn after the 28-day unbonding period.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Unbond transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn in 28 days.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Unbonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "simpleOperation": {
- "modes": {
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "After the 28-day unbonding period you can withdraw unbonded assets.",
- "info": "You can then withdraw unbonded assets to your available balance."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Clears all nominations and stops earning rewards.",
- "info": "Bonded assets will remain bonded. If you unbond them, they will be available after 28 days."
- },
- "setController": {
- "title": "Change Controller",
- "description": "Set this Ledger account as its own controller",
- "info": "Ledger Live doesn't support operations on separate stash and controller accounts."
- }
- },
- "steps": {
- "info": {
- "title": "Info"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "You will see your operation in history soon.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "solana": {
- "common": {
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation"
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "listHeader": "Delegations",
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "Active amount generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Inactive amount does not generate rewards",
- "delegatedInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is delegated to validators.",
- "withdrawableInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is withdrawable from delegations.",
- "withdrawableTitle": "Withdrawable",
- "statusUpdateNotice": "The status of the delegation will be updated when the transaction is confirmed.",
- "ledgerByFigmentTC": "Ledger by Figment T&Cs",
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn SOL rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "earnRewards": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your SOL assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": {
- "0": "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "1": "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "2": "Assets will be available after undelegation"
- },
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validator"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully withdrawn your assets.",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the transaction is confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "activate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Activate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully activated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "reactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Reactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully reactivated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "deactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Deactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully deactivated your delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "title": "Earn rewards",
- "header": "Delegation",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "yield": "Est. Yield",
- "address": "Address",
- "transactionID": "Transaction ID",
- "value": "Value",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "delegated": "Delegated",
- "completionDate": "Completion date",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "duration": "Duration",
- "durationJustStarted": "Just started",
- "durationDays": "{{count}} day",
- "durationDays_plural": "{{count}} days",
- "howItWorks": "How delegation works",
- "delegationEarn": "You can now earn {{name}} staking rewards by delegating your account.",
- "earnRewards": "Earn rewards",
- "overdelegated": "Overdelegated",
- "status": "Status",
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Earn staking rewards",
- "description": "Delegate your Tezos account to a third-party validator to earn staking rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated accounts stay yours.",
- "access": "You can access your assets at any time.",
- "ledger": "Delegate securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "button": {
- "cta": "Delegate to earn rewards"
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Account",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Summary",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate",
- "toUndelegate": "Account to undelegate",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "select": "Select",
- "yield": "Est. Yield {{amount}}",
- "randomly": "Randomly chosen validator",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your validator."
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Select validator",
- "description": "You can select a validator by comparing the estimated reward rates",
- "customValidator": "Custom validator",
- "providedBy": "Yield rates provided by <1><0>{{name}}0>1>"
- },
- "custom": {
- "title": "Custom validator",
- "text": "Please enter the address of the custom validator to delegate your account to.",
- "button": "Use validator"
- },
- "undelegate": {
- "title": "Undelegate account"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Delegation sent",
- "titleUndelegated": "End delegation",
- "text": "Delegation transaction broadcasted successfully. You should earn your first rewards within around 40 days, depending on the validator.",
- "textUndelegated": "Your account delegation will end once the operation is confirmed. You can delegate your account again at any time."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "topUp": "Receive more",
- "redelegate": "Change validator",
- "stopDelegation": "End delegation"
- }
- },
- "asset": {
- "notice": "Summary of all {{currency}} accounts"
- },
- "carousel": {
- "hidden": {
- "close": "Confirm",
- "undo": "Show again",
- "disclaimer": "This banner will not show up again until there is a new announcement"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Settings",
- "discreet": "Toggle discreet mode",
- "helpButton": "Help",
- "tabs": {
- "display": "General",
- "currencies": "Crypto assets",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About",
- "experimental": "Experimental features",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "developer": "Developer"
- },
- "export": {
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Export accounts",
- "desc": "Add your accounts in Ledger Live mobile. Your accounts will only synchronize with the blockchain, not between your mobile and desktop apps.",
- "button": "Export"
- },
- "operations": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Save a CSV file of your account operations on your computer."
- },
- "modal": {
- "button": "Done",
- "title": "Scan to export to mobile",
- "listTitle": "On the Ledger Live mobile app:",
- "step1": "Tap the + button in accounts",
- "step2": "Tap Import desktop accounts",
- "step3": "Scan the LiveQR code until the loader hits 100%"
- }
- },
- "display": {
- "language": "Display language",
- "languageDesc": "Set the language displayed in Ledger Live.",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "themeDesc": "Select the theme.",
- "counterValue": "Preferred currency",
- "counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
- "region": "Region",
- "regionDesc": "Choose your region to update formats of dates, time and currencies.",
- "stock": "Regional market indicator",
- "stockDesc": "Choose Western to display market increases in blue or Eastern to display them in red.",
- "carouselVisibility": "Carousel visibility",
- "carouselVisibilityDesc": "Enable visibility of the carousel on Portfolio"
- },
- "developer": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "You are now a developer !",
- "text": "Welcome to wonderland"
- },
- "debugApps": "Allow debug apps",
- "debugAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening debug tagged platform apps.",
- "experimentalApps": "Allow experimental apps",
- "experimentalAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening experimental tagged platform apps.",
- "catalogServer": "Set the catalog provider",
- "catalogServerDesc": "Switch between multiple platform apps sources",
- "enablePlatformDevTools": "Enable platform dev tools",
- "enablePlatformDevToolsDesc": "Enable opening platform apps dev tools window",
- "addLocalApp": "Add a local app",
- "addLocalAppDesc": "Browse local files and add a local app using a local manifest",
- "addLocalAppButton": "Browse",
- "runLocalAppDeleteButton": "Delete",
- "runLocalAppOpenButton": "Open",
- "enableLearnStagingUrl": "Learn page staging URL",
- "enableLearnStagingUrlDesc": "Enable the staging URL for the learn page."
- },
- "currencies": {
- "selectPlaceholder": "Select crypto asset",
- "desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
- "placeholder": "No settings for this asset",
- "confirmationsNb": "Number of confirmations",
- "confirmationsNbDesc": "Set the number of network confirmations for a transaction to be marked as confirmed."
- },
- "profile": {
- "password": "Password lock",
- "passwordDesc": "Set a password to secure the Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
- "passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
- "passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live when inactive.",
- "changePassword": "Change password",
- "softResetTitle": "Clear cache",
- "softResetDesc": "Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain.",
- "softReset": "Clear",
- "resetKYC": "Reset KYC data",
- "resetKYCDesc": "Erase all your Know your Customer data stored locally used to access third-party transaction provider.",
- "hardResetTitle": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction histories and settings.",
- "hardReset": "Reset",
- "analytics": "Analytics",
- "analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, the Ledger device type and firmware.",
- "reportErrors": "Bug reports",
- "reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger improve its products.",
- "launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
- "launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up a new device or restore an existing device. Accounts and settings are kept."
- },
- "help": {
- "version": "Version",
- "releaseNotesBtn": "Details",
- "termsBtn": "Read",
- "faq": "Ledger Support",
- "faqDesc": "If you have a problem, get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
- "terms": "Terms of Use",
- "termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
- "privacy": "Privacy Policy",
- "privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use them."
- },
- "experimental": {
- "disclaimer": "These are experimental features we provide on an \"as is\" basis for our tech savvy community to test. They may change, break or be removed at any time. By enabling them, you agree to use them at your own risk.",
- "features": {
- "experimentalCurrencies": {
- "title": "Experimental integrations",
- "description": "Use available experimental crypto assets integrations."
- },
- "experimentalLanguages": {
- "title": "Translation testing",
- "description": "Adds unreleased languages to the language list in the general settings tab."
- },
- "managerDevMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
- "description": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager."
- },
- "scanForInvalidPaths": {
- "title": "Extended account search",
- "description": "Scan for accounts with erroneous derivation paths. Please send potentially found assets to a regular account."
- },
- "experimentalExplorers": {
- "title": "Experimental Explorers API",
- "description": "Try an upcoming version of Ledger's blockchain explorers. Changing this setting may affect the account balance and synchronization as well as the send feature.\n(<0>0>)"
- },
- "keychainObservableRange": {
- "title": "Custom gap limit",
- "description": "Custom gap limit for all accounts. Increasing this value above its default value (20) scans more unused public addresses for coins. Advanced users only, this may break compatibility when restoring your accounts."
- },
- "forceProvider": {
- "title": "Manager provider",
- "description": "Changing the app provider in the Manager may make it impossible to install or uninstall apps on your Ledger device."
- },
- "testAnimations": {
- "title": "Test Lottie animations",
- "description": "Test all animations used in Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "hardResetModal": {
- "title": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "desc": "Reset Ledger Live to erase all settings and accounts on your computer. You can then choose your password and add your accounts back with your Ledger device. The private keys giving access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and are backed up by your recovery phrase.",
- "warning": "Resetting Ledger Live will erase your swap transaction history for all your accounts."
- },
- "softResetModal": {
- "title": "Clear cache",
- "desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys to access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
- },
- "resetFallbackModal": {
- "title": "User action required",
- "part1": "Could not delete cache folder. Please delete the folder manually:",
- "part2": "Click the Open folder button, the ",
- "part3": "app will close",
- "part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
- "part5": "Then you can restart the app normally."
- },
- "removeAccountModal": {
- "title": "Remove account",
- "desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Existing accounts can always be added again.",
- "delete": "Remove from Portfolio",
- "warning": "Removing this account will erase your swap transaction history associated to it."
- },
- "openUserDataDirectory": {
- "title": "View user data",
- "desc": "View the user data stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
- "btn": "View"
- },
- "repairDevice": {
- "title": "Repair your Ledger device",
- "descSettings": "Use this to restore your Ledger device if it froze during a firmware update.",
- "desc": "For Ledger Nano S users, please select the state displayed on your device. For Nano X and Blue users kindly refer to the help center.",
- "button": "Repair"
- },
- "exportLogs": {
- "title": "Save logs",
- "desc": "Saving Ledger Live logs may be needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
- "btn": "Save"
- },
- "accounts": {
- "hideEmptyTokens": {
- "title": "Hide empty token accounts",
- "desc": "Hide token accounts with zero balance on the Accounts page."
- },
- "tokenBlacklist": {
- "title": "Hidden tokens",
- "desc": "You can hide tokens by going to the parent account then right-clicking on the token and selecting 'Hide token'.",
- "count": "{{count}} token",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} tokens"
- },
- "hiddenNftCollections": {
- "title": "Hidden NFT Collections",
- "desc": "You can hide NFT Collections by right-clicking on the collection name and selecting 'Hide NFT Collection'.",
- "count": "{{count}} collection",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} collections"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "desc": "Set up your Bitcoin full node to synchronize and send transactions without using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- },
- "password": {
- "inputFields": {
- "newPassword": {
- "label": "New password"
- },
- "confirmPassword": {
- "label": "Confirm password"
- },
- "currentPassword": {
- "label": "Current password"
- }
- },
- "changePassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Change your password"
- },
- "setPassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Set the password",
- "desc": "Keep your password safe. Losing it means resetting Ledger Live and adding the accounts again."
- },
- "disablePassword": {
- "title": "Disable password lock",
- "desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
- }
- },
- "update": {
- "downloadInProgress": "Downloading update...",
- "downloadProgress": "{{progress}}% completed",
- "checking": "Checking update...",
- "checkSuccess": "Update ready to install",
- "quitAndInstall": "Install now",
- "updateAvailable": "Update to Ledger Live version {{version}} is available",
- "error": "Error during update. Please download again",
- "reDownload": "Download again",
- "nightlyWarning": "This version cannot auto-update. Please install the latest version manually",
- "downloadNow": "Download update"
- },
- "crash": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check our support articles for possible solutions. If the problem persists, save the logs using the button below and provide them to Ledger Support.",
- "troubleshooting": "Click here for possible solutions",
- "logs": "Save logs",
- "dataFolder": "View user data"
- },
- "exportOperationsModal": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Select the accounts for which to save the operation history",
- "descSuccess": "The CSV file of your operation history was saved successfully in the selected folder",
- "titleSuccess": "Operation history saved successfully",
- "cta": "Save",
- "ctaSuccess": "Done",
- "noAccounts": "No accounts to export",
- "selectedAccounts": "Accounts to be included",
- "selectedAccounts_plural": "Accounts to be included ({{count}})",
- "disclaimer": "The countervalues in the export is provided for information purposes only. Do not rely on such data for accounting, tax, regulation or legal purposes, as they only represent an estimation of the price of the assets at the time of transactions and export, under the valuation methods provided by our service provider, Kaiko"
- },
- "language": {
- "system": "Use system language",
- "switcher": {
- "en": "English",
- "fr": "French",
- "ru": "Russian",
- "es": "Spanish",
- "zh": "Chinese",
- "de": "German"
- }
- },
- "theme": {
- "system": "Select the system theme",
- "light": "Light",
- "dusk": "Dusk",
- "dark": "Dark"
- },
- "toastOverlay": {
- "toastType": {
- "announcement": "News",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "achievement": "Achievement Unlocked"
- },
- "groupedToast": {
- "text": "You have {{count}} unread notifications",
- "cta": "See details"
- }
- },
- "informationCenter": {
- "tooltip": "Information center",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip": "There is {{count}} ongoing incident",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip_plural": "There are {{count}} ongoing incidents",
- "tabs": {
- "announcements": "News",
- "announcementsUnseen": "News ({{unseenCount}})",
- "serviceStatus": "Status",
- "serviceStatusIncidentsOngoing": "Status ({{incidentCount}})"
- },
- "serviceStatus": {
- "statusOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is up and running",
- "description": "Having trouble ? Go on our <0>help page0>"
- },
- "statusNotOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is experiencing issues",
- "learnMore": "Learn more"
- }
- },
- "announcement": {
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No news for the moment",
- "desc": "You will find here all the news related to Ledger and Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "onboarding": {
- "drawers": {
- "pinHelp": {
- "title": "Secure your PIN code",
- "intro": "During the setup process you choose a PIN code.",
- "rules": {
- "1": "<0>Always0> choose a PIN code yourself.",
- "2": "<0>Always0> enter your PIN code out of sight.",
- "3": "You can change your PIN code if needed.",
- "4": "Three wrong PIN code entries in a row will reset the device.",
- "5": "<0>Never0> use an easy PIN code like 0000, 123456, or 55555555.",
- "6": "<0>Never0> share your PIN code with someone else. Not even with Ledger.",
- "7": "<0>Never0> use a PIN code you did not choose yourself.",
- "8": "<0>Never0> store your PIN code on a computer or phone."
- }
- },
- "recoverySeed": {
- "title1": "How does a recovery phrase work?",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase works like a unique master key. Your Ledger device uses it to calculate private keys for every crypto asset you own.",
- "paragraph2": "To restore access to your crypto, any wallet can calculate the same private keys from your recovery phrase.",
- "link": "More about the recovery phrase",
- "title2": "What happens if I lose access to my Nano?",
- "paragraph3": "Don't worry and follow these steps:",
- "points": {
- "1": "Get a new hardware wallet.",
- "2": "Select “Restore recovery phrase on a new device” in the Ledger app",
- "3": "Enter your recovery phrase on your new device to restore access to your crypto."
- }
- },
- "whereToHide": {
- "title": "Where should I keep my recovery phrase?",
- "points": {
- "1": "<0>NEVER0> enter it on a computer, smartphone or any other device. Don't take a picture of it.",
- "2": "<0>NEVER0> share your 24 words with anyone.",
- "3": "<0>ALWAYS0> store it in a secure place, out of sight.",
- "4": "Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.",
- "5": "If any person or application asks for it, assume it is a scam!"
- }
- }
- },
- "modals": {
- "recoverySeedWarning": {
- "contactSupportCTA": "Contact Support",
- "continueCTA": "Continue",
- "title": "Please check the box contents",
- "description": "If your {{device}} came with a PIN code or recovery phrase, it’s not safe to use and you should contact Ledger Support.",
- "alert": "Only use a recovery phrase that your device displayed when it was set up"
- }
- },
- "alerts": {
- "beCareful": {
- "title": "Please be careful",
- "descr": "Make sure you follow the instructions on this app at every step of the process.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- },
- "useLedgerSeeds": {
- "title": "We recommend Ledger recovery phrases only",
- "descr": "Ledger cannot guarantee the security of external recovery phrases. We recommend setting up your Nano as a new device if your recovery phrase was not generated by a Ledger.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "screens": {
- "welcome": {
- "title": "Welcome to Ledger",
- "description": "Safely manage your crypto from your computer.",
- "cta": "Get started",
- "noDevice": "No device? <0>Buy a Ledger Nano X0>",
- "languageWarning": {
- "title": "Get started in {{language}}",
- "desc": "We are introducing additional languages in order to help your onboarding with Ledger. Please be aware that the rest of the Ledger experience is currently only available in English.",
- "cta": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "selectDevice": {
- "title": "What's your device?"
- },
- "selectUseCase": {
- "greetings": "Hello!",
- "hasNoRecovery": "First time using your {{deviceName}}?",
- "hasRecovery": "Already have a recovery phrase?",
- "separator": "or",
- "switchDevice": "Switch device",
- "options": {
- "1": {
- "heading": "First use",
- "title": "Set up a new {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Let’s start and set up your device!"
- },
- "2": {
- "heading": "Connect device",
- "title": "Connect your {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Is your device already set up? Connect it to the app!"
- },
- "3": {
- "heading": "Restore device",
- "title": "Restore your recovery phrase on a new device",
- "description": "Use an existing recovery phrase to restore your private keys on a new {{deviceName}}!"
- }
- }
- },
- "tutorial": {
- "steps": {
- "getStarted": "Get started",
- "pinCode": "Pin code",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery phrase",
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase",
- "pairNano": "Connect nano"
- },
- "screens": {
- "importYourRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Restore from recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Restore your Nano from your recovery phrase to restore, replace or back up your Ledger hardware wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano will restore your private keys and you will be able to access and manage your crypto.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "howToGetStarted": {
- "title": "The best way to get you started:",
- "rules": {
- "1": "Plan 30 minutes and take your time.",
- "2": "Grab a pen to write with.",
- "3": "Stay alone, and choose a safe and quiet environment."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Set up as new device”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo2": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Enter your recovery phrase”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "pinCode": {
- "title": "PIN code",
- "paragraph": "Your PIN code is the first layer of security. It physically secures access to your private key and your Nano. Your PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that I must choose my PIN code myself and keep it private.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Set up PIN code",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizSuccess": {
- "title": "Already a pro!",
- "paragraph": "You are ready to safely manage your crypto.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizFailure": {
- "title": "You will soon become a pro...",
- "paragraph": "Don’t worry, Ledger is here to guide you through your journey. You will soon feel extra comfortable about your crypto safety.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "pinCodeHowTo": {
- "setUp": {
- "title": "Choose PIN code",
- "descr": "Press the left or right button to change digits. Press both buttons to validate a digit. Select <0>0> to confirm your PIN code. Select <1>1> to erase a digit."
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm PIN code",
- "descr": "Enter your PIN code again to confirm it."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "existingRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is the secret list of words that you backed up when you first set up your wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Ledger does not keep a copy of your recovery phrase.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose my recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Enter recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- },
- "warning": {
- "title": "Do not use a recovery phrase that you have not generated yourself.",
- "desc": "Your Ledger hardware wallet’s pin code and recovery phrase should be initialized by you and only you. If you have received a device with a pre-existing seed word or an already initialized pin code do not use the product and contact our customer support.",
- "supportLink": "Contact customer support"
- }
- },
- "useRecoverySheet": {
- "takeYourRecoverySheet": {
- "title": "Take your recovery sheet",
- "descr": "Grab a blank Recovery sheet, included with your Nano. Please reach out to Ledger Support if the Recovery sheet did not come blank."
- },
- "writeDownWords": {
- "title": "Write down 24 words",
- "descr": "Write Word #1 displayed on your Nano in position 1 of your Recovery sheet. Then press right on your Nano to display Word #2 and write it down in position 2.\n\nRepeat the process for all words while carefully respecting the order and spelling. Press left on your Nano to check for any mistakes."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "newRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is a secret list of 24 words that backs up your private keys.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano generates a unique recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep a copy of it.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose this recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo": {
- "grabRecovery": {
- "title": "Grab your recovery phrase"
- },
- "selectLength": {
- "title": "Select recovery phrase length",
- "descr": "Your recovery phrases can have 12, 18 or 24 words. You must enter all words to access your crypto."
- },
- "enterWord": {
- "title": "Enter Word #1...",
- "descr": "Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter."
- },
- "validateWord": {
- "title": "Validate Word #1...",
- "descr": "Choose Word #1 from the suggestions. Press both buttons to validate."
- },
- "andNext": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo3": {
- "reEnterWord": {
- "title": "Confirm your recovery phrase",
- "descr": "Scroll through the words until you find Word #1 by pressing the right button. Validate by pressing both buttons."
- },
- "repeat": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "genuineCheck": {
- "success": {
- "title": "All good!",
- "desc": "Your Ledger {{deviceName}} is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Continue",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Hide your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph": "Your recovery phrase is your last chance to access your crypto if you cannot use your Nano. You must keep it in a safe place.",
- "keepItOffline": "Enter these words on a hardware wallet only, not on computers or smartphones.",
- "neverShowToAnyone": "Never share your 24 words with anyone, not even with Ledger.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I'm done!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help",
- "learn": "Learn how to hide it"
- }
- },
- "pairMyNano": {
- "title": "Genuine check",
- "paragraph": "We'll verify whether your Nano is genuine. This should be quick and easy!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Check my Nano",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "pedagogy": {
- "heading": "basics",
- "screens": {
- "accessYourCoins": {
- "title": "Access your crypto",
- "description": "Your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You need a private key to access and manage them."
- },
- "ownYourPrivateKey": {
- "title": "Own your private key",
- "description": "Your private key is stored within your Nano. You must be the only one to own it to be in control of your money."
- },
- "stayOffline": {
- "title": "Stay offline",
- "description": "Your Nano works as a \"cold storage\" wallet. This means that it never exposes your private key online, even when using the app."
- },
- "validateTransactions": {
- "title": "Validate transactions",
- "description": "Ledger Live allows you to buy, sell, manage, exchange and earn crypto while remaining protected. You will validate every crypto transaction with your Nano."
- },
- "setUpNanoWallet": {
- "title": "Let’s set up your Nano!",
- "description": "We'll start by setting up your Nano security.",
- "CTA": "Let’s do this!"
- }
- }
- },
- "quizz": {
- "heading": "Quiz",
- "title": "Now game on!",
- "descr": "Answer 3 simple questions to avoid common misconceptions about your hardware wallet.",
- "buttons": {
- "start": "Let’s take the quiz",
- "next": "Next question",
- "finish": "Finish quiz"
- },
- "questions": {
- "1": {
- "text": "As a Ledger user, my crypto is stored:",
- "answers": {
- "1": "On my Nano",
- "2": "On the blockchain"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "text": "If my recovery phrase is no longer secure or private...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "No problem, Ledger can send me a copy",
- "2": "My crypto is no longer safe and I need to transfer them to a secure place"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "text": "When I connect my Nano to the Ledger app, my private key is...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "Still offline",
- "2": "Briefly connected to the internet"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "connectTroubleshooting": {
- "desc": "Having trouble connecting your device?",
- "cta": "Fix it",
- "solution": "Solution #{{number}}",
- "applesInstructions": "Apple’s instructions",
- "nextSolution": "Next solution",
- "previousSolution": "Previous solution",
- "followSteps": "Follow these steps",
- "supportArticle": "Support article",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "connected": "Connected!",
- "backToPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio",
- "steps": {
- "entry": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot USB connection",
- "desc": "There seems to be a problem connecting to your device. Don’t worry, you can try different solutions one by one until your device connects!",
- "cta": "Let’s fix it!",
- "back": "Go back"
- },
- "1": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Run Ledger Live as Administrator",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Quit Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Right-click the Ledger Live application.",
- "2": "Select “Run as Administrator”.",
- "3": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "linux": {
- "title": "Update the udev rules on Linux",
- "desc": "Click the button below to add the udev rules. Then connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "cta": "Set Rules",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Enter the following command in a terminal to automatically add the rules and reload udev.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "usbPort": {
- "title": "Try different USB ports",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Change the USB port used on your computer.",
- "1": "Remove any USB dongles.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "usbCable": {
- "title": "Change the USB cable",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Use the original USB cable if possible.",
- "1": "Try a different USB cable, making sure it supports data transfer.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "restart": {
- "title": "Restart your computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Restart your computer.",
- "1": "Start Ledger Live.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "antiVirus": {
- "title": "Turn off Anti-virus and VPN",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Turn off any anti-virus, firewall, and VPN software.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "2": "Whitelist Ledger Live in your anti-virus if that worked."
- }
- },
- "anotherComputer": {
- "title": "Try another computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Go to <0>{{link}}0> on another computer to download and install Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Update the USB device drivers",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Visit this <0>{{link}}0>",
- "1": "Follow the instructions to update USB device drivers.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it's detected."
- }
- },
- "mac": {
- "0": {
- "title": "Enable Full Disk Access",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Open “System Preferences”.",
- "1": "Go to “Security & Privacy”.",
- "2": "In the “Privacy” tab, go to “Full Disk Access” in the left column.",
- "3": "Add “Ledger Live”.",
- "4": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "1": {
- "title": "Reset NVRAM",
- "link": "Apple’s instructions",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "If your Mac has an intel processor, follow <0>{{link}}0> to reset the NVRAM.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "4": {
- "deviceSelection": {
- "title": "What’s your device?",
- "desc": "If you have a Nano S, you can try repairing your devices Firmware. For Nano X and Blue users, kindly contact Ledger support"
- },
- "notFixed": {
- "title": " USB connection problem still not fixed?",
- "desc": "If you've tried every possible solution, please reach out to Ledger Support. Otherwise, please follow the instructions of any solution you haven’t tried yet.",
- "back": "Back to portfolio",
- "cta": "Contact Support"
- },
- "repair": {
- "title": "Repair your Nano S",
- "desc": "What is the message displayed on your device?",
- "mcuOutdated": "MCU firmware is outdated",
- "mcuNotGenuine": "MCU firmware is not genuine",
- "repairInstructions": "Follow device repair instructions",
- "updateInstructions": "Follow device update instructions",
- "somethingElse": "Something else"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "SignMessageConfirm": {
- "stringHash": "Message Hash",
- "domainHash": "Domain Hash",
- "messageHash": "Message Hash",
- "message": "Message"
- },
- "TransactionConfirm": {
- "title": "Please confirm the operation on your device to finalize it",
- "warning": "Always verify the address displayed on your device exactly matches the one given by the {{recipientWording}}",
- "secureContract": "Verify the deposit details on your device before sending it. The contract address is provided securely so you don’t have to verify it.",
- "verifyData": "Always verify the operation details on your device.",
- "warningWording": {},
- "titleWording": {
- "send": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimReward": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "freeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unfreeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "vote": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "delegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "undelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "redelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimRewardCompound": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "nominate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "chill": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "bond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unbond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "rebond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "setController": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation"
- },
- "recipientWording": {
- "send": "recipient",
- "delegate": "validator",
- "undelegate": "validator",
- "claimReward": "rewards recipient",
- "optIn": "recipient",
- "nominate": "validator",
- "erc721": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- },
- "erc1155": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- }
- },
- "votes": "Votes ({{count}})"
- },
- "RecipientField": {
- "placeholder": "Enter {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "Terms": {
- "title": "Terms of use",
- "description": "Please take some time to review our Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "termsLabel": "Terms of service",
- "privacyLabel": "Privacy policy",
- "switchLabel": "I have read and accept the Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "cta": "Enter Ledger app"
- },
- "families": {
- "stellar": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoType": {
- "MEMO_TEXT": "Memo Text",
- "NO_MEMO": "No Memo",
- "MEMO_ID": "Memo ID",
- "MEMO_HASH": "Memo Hash",
- "MEMO_RETURN": "Memo Return"
- },
- "memoWarningText": "When using a Memo, carefully verify the type used with the recipient"
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- },
- "solana": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional"
- }
- },
- "errors": {
- "NoSuchAppOnProvider": {
- "title": "The {{appName}} app cannot be found for your specific configuration.",
- "description": "Try reinstalling the app from the Manager"
- },
- "countervaluesUnavailable": {
- "title": "We're not able to provide a countervalue for this asset at the moment"
- },
- "generic": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "AccountAwaitingSendPendingOperations": {
- "title": "There is a pending operation for this account.",
- "description": "Wait for the operation to go through."
- },
- "AccountNameRequired": {
- "title": "An account name is required",
- "description": "Please enter an account name"
- },
- "AccountNeedResync": {
- "title": "Please try again",
- "description": "Account is outdated. A synchronisation is needed"
- },
- "AccountNotSupported": {
- "title": "Account not supported.",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Support ({{reason}})"
- },
- "AlgorandASANotOptInInRecipient": {
- "title": "Recipient account has not opted in the selected ASA."
- },
- "AmountRequired": {
- "title": "Amount required"
- },
- "NoAccessToCamera": {
- "title": "Please ensure your system has a camera, that it is not in use by another application and that Ledger Live has permission to use it.",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ClaimRewardsFeesWarning": {
- "title": "The rewards are smaller than the estimated fees to claim them",
- "description": ""
- },
- "CompoundLowerAllowanceOfActiveAccountError": {
- "title": "You cannot reduce the amount approved while having an active deposit."
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInternal": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #1)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTxDecode": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #2)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidSequence": {
- "title": "Invalid sequence",
- "description": "Please try the operation again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnauthorized": {
- "title": "Unauthorized signature",
- "description": "This account is not authorized to sign this transaction"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFunds": {
- "title": "Insufficient funds",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownRequest": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #6)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Invalid address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidPubKey": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #8)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownAddress": {
- "title": "Unknown address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientCoins": {
- "title": "Insufficient coins",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidCoins": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #11)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeOutOfGas": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #12)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeMemoTooLarge": {
- "title": "The Memo field is too long",
- "description": "Please reduce the size of the memo text and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFee": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #14)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTooManySignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #15)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeGasOverflow": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #16)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeNoSignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #17)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CurrencyNotSupported": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} is not supported",
- "description": "This crypto asset is not yet supported. Please contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "DeviceNotGenuine": {
- "title": "Possibly not genuine",
- "description": "Request assistance from Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
- "description": null
- },
- "DeviceInOSUExpected": {
- "title": "Sorry, update failed",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceHalted": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again"
- },
- "DeviceNotOnboarded": {
- "title": "Your device is not ready to use yet",
- "description": "Set up your device before using it with Ledger Live."
- },
- "DeviceSocketFail": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. ({{message}})"
- },
- "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
- "title": "The connection failed",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "EnpointConfig": {
- "title": "Invalid endpoint",
- "description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
- },
- "FeeEstimationFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
- "description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
- },
- "FirmwareOrAppUpdateRequired": {
- "title": "Firmware or app update required",
- "description": "Please use the Manager to uninstall all apps then check if a firmware update is available before reinstalling them"
- },
- "LatestFirmwareVersionRequired": {
- "title": "Update Nano Firmware",
- "description": "Please update your devices Firmware to the latest version to access this feature"
- },
- "FirmwareNotRecognized": {
- "title": "Device firmware is not recognized",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "HardResetFail": {
- "title": "Sorry, could not reset",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
- "title": "Sorry, there's nothing to update",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support if you cannot use your device."
- },
- "LedgerAPI4xx": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please check your connection and try again or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "LedgerAPI5xx": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again.",
- "description": "The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {{message}}"
- },
- "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
- "title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
- "title": "Sorry, that's already installed",
- "description": "Please check which apps are already installed on your device."
- },
- "ManagerAppDepInstallRequired": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app required",
- "description": "If the {{dependency}} app is already installed, please reinstall it with the latest version"
- },
- "ManagerAppDepUninstallRequired": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "You must first uninstall all apps that require the {{appName}} app"
- },
- "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
- "title": "Your device is locked",
- "description": "Please unlock it"
- },
- "ManagerFirmwareNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Uninstall all apps from your device",
- "description": "The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device and must be backed up on your Recovery sheet."
- },
- "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Sorry, not enough storage left",
- "description": "Uninstall some apps to free up space. The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device."
- },
- "ManagerQuitPage": {
- "install": {
- "title": "Finish app installation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app installation. Please finish the installation to install the apps in the queue.",
- "stay": "Finish install"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Finish app uninstallation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app uninstallations in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish uninstalling"
- },
- "update": {
- "title": "Finish app updates in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app updates in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish updates"
- },
- "quit": "Quit Manager"
- },
- "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
- },
- "NetworkDown": {
- "title": "Sorry, internet seems to be down",
- "description": "Please check your internet connection."
- },
- "NoAddressesFound": {
- "title": "Sorry, no accounts were found",
- "description": "Something went wrong with the address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalance": {
- "title": "Sorry, insufficient funds",
- "description": "Please make sure the account has enough funds."
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
- "title": "Recipient address is inactive. Send at least {{minimalAmount}} to activate it"
- },
- "NotEnoughGas": {
- "title": "The parent account balance is insufficient for network fees"
- },
- "PasswordsDontMatch": {
- "title": "The Passwords don't match",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "PasswordIncorrect": {
- "title": "The password entered is incorrect",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "QuantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "The quantity needs to be greater than 0"
- },
- "RPCHostRequired": {
- "title": "Host is required."
- },
- "RPCHostInvalid": {
- "title": "Enter valid host."
- },
- "RPCUserRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Username is required"
- },
- "RPCPassRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Password is required"
- },
- "SatStackAccessDown": {
- "title": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack and your node are running. Check the full node setup in the Settings if the problem persists."
- },
- "SatStackStillSyncing": {
- "title": "Node sync in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait while your node is syncing. Sending is not possible since your Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect."
- },
- "SatStackVersionTooOld": {
- "title": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "SatStackDescriptorNotImported": {
- "title": "Account not scanned by full node",
- "description": "Please configure your full node to scan for the accounts associated with this device. Your full node must first scan the blockchain for this account before you can add it to your portfolio."
- },
- "SwapGenericAPIError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "The exchange transaction did not go through. Please try again or contact support."
- },
- "TimeoutError": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "TimeoutTagged": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond ({{tag}})",
- "description": "Timeout occurred."
- },
- "TransportError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportRaceCondition": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportStatusError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "DeviceShouldStayInApp": {
- "title": "Please open the {{appName}} app",
- "description": "Keep the {{appName}} app open while we find your accounts"
- },
- "UnexpectedBootloader": {
- "title": "Sorry, your device must not be in Bootloader mode",
- "description": "Please restart your device without touching the buttons when the logo appears. Contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "UserRefusedAllowManager": {
- "title": "Manager denied on device"
- },
- "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
- "title": "Update cancelled on device",
- "description": "All apps on your device have been uninstalled. Keep your device up to date to benefit from improvements in security and functionality."
- },
- "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Action rejected",
- "description": "User rejected the operation on the device"
- },
- "TransactionRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Operation denied on device",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UserRefusedAddress": {
- "title": "Receive address rejected",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UpdateYourApp": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "DeviceOnDashboardExpected": {
- "title": "Return to the Dashboard",
- "description": "Please navigate back to the Dashboard on your device"
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionError": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection error)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection closed)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check that your hardware wallet is set up with the recovery phrase or passphrase associated to the selected account."
- },
- "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "InvalidAddress": {
- "title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseAlreadyDelegated": {
- "title": "Your account is already delegated to this validator"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseDestinationIsAlsoSource": {
- "title": "Recipient address is the same as the sender address"
- },
- "CantOpenDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, connection failed",
- "description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "ETHAddressNonEIP": {
- "title": "Auto-verification not available: carefully verify the address",
- "description": null
- },
- "EthAppNftNotSupported": {
- "title": "Operation not available for this device",
- "description": "Send NFT feature is only available for Nano X. Please visit our customer support platform to know how to send a NFT with a Nano S."
- },
- "CantScanQRCode": {
- "title": "Couldn't scan this QR code: auto-verification not supported by this address"
- },
- "FeeNotLoaded": {
- "title": "Couldn't load fee rates. Please set manual fees"
- },
- "FeeRequired": {
- "title": "Fees are required"
- },
- "GasLessThanEstimate": {
- "title": "This may be too low. Please increase"
- },
- "UnknownMCU": {
- "title": "Unknown MCU version",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "MCUNotGenuineToDashboard": {
- "title": "Access dashboard to update",
- "description": "",
- "list": {
- "1": "Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable without pressing any buttons.",
- "2": "Press both buttons together three times to display the Dashboard.",
- "3": "Open the Manager and click Update firmware."
- }
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountReceive": {
- "title": "Cannot receive in subaccounts",
- "description": "If you want to receive funds, please use the parent account"
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountSend": {
- "title": "Cannot send from subaccounts yet",
- "description": "This feature will be added at a later stage due to changes recently introduced by the Babylon update."
- },
- "RecommendUndelegation": {
- "title": "Please undelegate the account before emptying it"
- },
- "RecommendSubAccountsToEmpty": {
- "title": "Please empty all subaccounts first"
- },
- "NotSupportedLegacyAddress": {
- "title": "This legacy address format is no longer supported"
- },
- "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
- "title": "That's the wrong app",
- "description": "Open the '{{managerAppName}}' app on your device"
- },
- "DeviceNameInvalid": {
- "title": "Please choose a device name without '{{invalidCharacters}}'"
- },
- "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
- "title": "Bitcoin and Ethereum apps required",
- "description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first."
- },
- "UserRefusedDeviceNameChange": {
- "title": "Rename cancelled on device",
- "description": "Try again and allow renaming on your device"
- },
- "SyncError": {
- "title": "Synchronization error",
- "description": "Some accounts could not be synchronized."
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForBandwidth": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Bandwidth"
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForEnergy": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Energy"
- },
- "TronUnfreezeNotExpired": {
- "title": "Unfreeze is not available yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 3 days after your last Freeze operation"
- },
- "TronVoteRequired": {
- "title": "At least 1 vote is needed"
- },
- "TronInvalidVoteCount": {
- "title": "Vote format is incorrect",
- "description": "You can only vote using round numbers"
- },
- "TronRewardNotAvailable": {
- "title": "Reward is not claimable yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 24 hours between claims"
- },
- "TronNoReward": {
- "title": "There is no reward to claim"
- },
- "TronInvalidFreezeAmount": {
- "title": "Amount to freeze cannot be lower than 1"
- },
- "TronSendTrc20ToNewAccountForbidden": {
- "title": "Sending TRC20 to a new account won't activate it",
- "description": "The recipient account must be activated prior to sending TRC20 to it. Send either TRX or TRC10 to an account to activate it."
- },
- "TronUnexpectedFees": {
- "title": "Additional fees may be applied"
- },
- "TronNotEnoughTronPower": {
- "title": "Not enough votes available"
- },
- "TronTransactionExpired": {
- "title": "Transaction has expired",
- "description": "Signature must be applied within 30 seconds. Please try again."
- },
- "TronNotEnoughEnergy": {
- "title": "Not enough Energy to send this token"
- },
- "PairingFailed": {
- "title": "Pairing unsuccessful",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "GenuineCheckFailed": {
- "title": "Genuine check failed",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "EthAppPleaseEnableContractData": {
- "title": "Please enable contract data in the Ethereum app settings"
- },
- "InvalidXRPTag": {
- "title": "Invalid XRP Destination tag"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceToDelegate": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughDelegationBalance": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceInParentAccount": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance in the parent account"
- },
- "quantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "Quantity needs to be at least 1"
- },
- "NotEnoughSpendableBalance": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumAmount}}"
- },
- "WrongAppForCurrency": {
- "title": "Please open the {{expected}} app"
- },
- "FeeTooHigh": {
- "title": "Network fees are above 10% of the amount"
- },
- "StellarWrongMemoFormat": {
- "title": "Memo format is wrong"
- },
- "SourceHasMultiSign": {
- "title": "Please disable multisign to send {{currencyName}}"
- },
- "StellarMemoRecommended": {
- "title": "A memo may be required when sending to this recipient"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooLow": {
- "title": "Amount must be at least {{minAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooHigh": {
- "title": "Amount must be less than {{maxAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "PolkadotElectionClosed": {
- "title": "Validators election must be closed"
- },
- "PolkadotNotValidator": {
- "title": "Some selected addresses are not validators"
- },
- "PolkadotLowBondedBalance": {
- "title": "All bonded assets will be unbonded if < 1 DOT"
- },
- "PolkadotNoUnlockedBalance": {
- "title": "You have no unbonded assets"
- },
- "PolkadotNoNominations": {
- "title": "You have no nominations"
- },
- "PolkadotAllFundsWarning": {
- "title": "Ensure you have enough balance left for future transaction fees"
- },
- "PolkadotDoMaxSendInstead": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumBalance}}. Send max to empty account."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmount": {
- "title": "You must bond at least {{minimumBondAmount}}."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmountWarning": {
- "title": "You bonded balance should be at least {{minimumBondBalance}}."
- },
- "PolkadotMaxUnbonding": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the unbond limit"
- },
- "PolkadotValidatorsRequired": {
- "title": "You must select at least one validator"
- },
- "ServiceStatusWarning": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": ""
- },
- "TaprootNotActivated": {
- "title": "Sending to a taproot address is unsafe before mainnet activation"
- },
- "SolanaAccountNotFunded": {
- "title": "Account not funded"
- },
- "SolanaMemoIsTooLong": {
- "title": "Memo is too long. Max length is {{maxLength}}"
- },
- "SolanaAddressOfEd25519": {
- "title": "Address off ed25519 curve"
- },
- "NotEnoughNftOwned": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the number of available tokens"
- }
- },
- "cryptoOrg": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by Crypto.org",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "Crypto.org integration",
- "title": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now start to manage your Crypto.org (CRO) tokens and secure them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is native to the Crypto.org chain and is used for everything from transactions, staking and many upcoming features.",
- "website": "Cryptocurrency in every wallet"
- }
- },
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- }
diff --git a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/hu/app.json b/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/hu/app.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 623c7f8dfc5e..000000000000
--- a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/hu/app.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4340 +0,0 @@
- "calendar": {
- "today": "Today",
- "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "transactionDate": "Transaction date"
- },
- "platform": {
- "flows": {
- "requestAccount": {
- "title": "Select an account"
- },
- "broadcast": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "Transaction sent !",
- "text": "Click here to see operation details"
- }
- }
- },
- "app": {
- "informations": {
- "title": "Information",
- "website": "Website"
- }
- },
- "catalog": {
- "title": "Discover",
- "branch": {
- "soon": "coming soon",
- "experimental": "experimental",
- "debug": "debug"
- },
- "banner": {
- "title": "Discover our Live Apps Catalog",
- "description": "We're working hard to bring you access to the world of DeFi, NFTs and more, securely, right inside Ledger Live!"
- },
- "twitterBanner": {
- "description": "Tell us what’s the next service you want to see on Ledger Live with the hashtag",
- "tweetText": "The next Ledger App should be..."
- },
- "pollCTA": {
- "title": "Poll",
- "description": "Which service do you want to see in Ledger Live?",
- "button": "Let’s vote!"
- },
- "developerCTA": {
- "title": "For Developers",
- "description": "All the information you need to integrate your applications on Ledger Live.",
- "button": "Go to portal"
- }
- },
- "disclaimer": {
- "title": "External Application",
- "description": "You are about to be redirected to an application not operated by Ledger.",
- "legalAdvice": "This application is not operated by Ledger. Ledger is not responsible for any loss of funds or quality of service of such application.\n\nAlways make sure to carefully verify the information displayed on your device.",
- "checkbox": "Do not remind me again.",
- "CTA": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "never": "Soha",
- "apply": "Alkalmaz",
- "done": "Kész",
- "confirm": "Megerősítés",
- "reject": "Reject",
- "cancel": "Mégsem",
- "getSupport": "Támogatás kérése",
- "delete": "Remove account from portfolio",
- "launch": "Indít",
- "continue": "Folytatás",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "learnMore": "Tudj meg többet",
- "help": "Segítség",
- "needHelp": "Segítségre van szükséged?",
- "areYouSure": "Biztos vagy benne?",
- "selectAccount": "Válassz ki egy számlát",
- "selectAccountNoOption": "Nincs megfelelő számla \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectCurrency": "Válassz egy Kriptovalutát",
- "selectCurrencyNoOption": "Nincsenek kriptovaluták {{currencyName}}",
- "selectValidatorNoOption": "No validator matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectNoResults": "No results found matching \"{{query}}\"",
- "sortBy": "Rendezési szempont",
- "save": "Mentés",
- "lock": "Lezár",
- "showMore": "Mutass többet",
- "back": "Vissza",
- "reset": "Visszaállítás",
- "retry": "Újra",
- "range": "Időszak",
- "stop": "Állj",
- "updateNow": "Frissítés most",
- "close": "Bezár",
- "eastern": "Keleti",
- "western": "Nyugati",
- "reverify": "Újra megerősít",
- "verify": "Megerősít",
- "verifyMyAddress": "Verify my address",
- "copy": "Másolás",
- "copied": "Másolva",
- "addressCopied": "Cím másolva",
- "addressCopiedSuspicious": "A másolt, és a vágólapon lévő cím nem egyezik.",
- "experimentalFeature": "Kísérleti funkciók",
- "information": "Információ",
- "search": "Keresés...",
- "searchWithoutEllipsis": "Search",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Üdv újra",
- "subTitle": null,
- "description": "A folytatáshoz írd be a jelszavad",
- "inputPlaceholder": "Írd be a jelszavad",
- "lostPassword": "Elfelejtettem a jelszavam"
- },
- "sync": {
- "syncing": "Szinkronizálás...",
- "upToDate": "Szinkronizálva",
- "outdated": "Szünetel",
- "needsMigration": "Kattints a számlád frissítéséhez",
- "error": "Szinkronizálási hiba",
- "refresh": "Frissítés",
- "devTools": "Dev tools"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "info": "Info",
- "connectDevice": "Connect your device"
- },
- "devices": {
- "nanoS": "Nano S",
- "nanoSP": "Nano S Plus",
- "nanoX": "Nano X",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "operation": {
- "type": {
- "IN": "Fogadott",
- "OUT": "Küldött",
- "NFT_IN": "NFT Received",
- "NFT_OUT": "NFT Sent",
- "CREATE": "Készítve",
- "REVEAL": "Feltárva",
- "DELEGATE": "Delegated",
- "REDELEGATE": "Redelegated",
- "UNDELEGATE": "Undelegated",
- "SUPPLY": "Deposited",
- "REDEEM": "Withdrawn",
- "APPROVE": "Approved",
- "VOTE": "Szavazott",
- "FREEZE": "Befagyasztott",
- "UNFREEZE": "Kiolvasztott",
- "REWARD": "Begyűjtött jutalom",
- "FEES": "Fees",
- "OPT_IN": "Opt in",
- "OPT_OUT": "Opt out",
- "CLOSE_ACCOUNT": "Close account",
- "BOND": "Bond",
- "UNBOND": "Unbond",
- "REWARD_PAYOUT": "Reward",
- "SLASH": "Slash",
- "WITHDRAW_UNBONDED": "Withdrawal",
- "NOMINATE": "Nomination",
- "CHILL": "Clear nominations",
- "SET_CONTROLLER": "Set controller"
- }
- },
- "byteSize": {
- "bytes": "{{size}} bájt",
- "kbUnit": "{{size}} KB",
- "mbUnit": "{{size}} MB"
- },
- "time": {
- "minute": "Perc",
- "minute_plural": "Perc",
- "hour": "Óra",
- "hour_plural": "Órák",
- "range": {
- "day": "1D",
- "week": "1 Hét",
- "month": "1 Hónap",
- "year": "1 Év",
- "all": "ALL"
- }
- },
- "fees": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "custom": "Egyedi",
- "fast": "Gyors",
- "high": "Magas",
- "low": "Alacsony",
- "slow": "Lassú",
- "standard": "Általános",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "feesAmount": "Fees Amount"
- },
- "sidebar": {
- "card": "Card",
- "learn": "Learn",
- "menu": "Menü",
- "stars": "Csillagozott számlák",
- "accounts": "Számlák",
- "manager": "Eszközkezelő",
- "exchange": "Buy / Sell",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "lend": "Lend",
- "catalog": "Discover",
- "market": "Market"
- },
- "stars": {
- "placeholder": "Star an account to display it here.",
- "tooltip": "Számla csillagozása"
- },
- "bridge": {
- "modalTitle": "Open Device Bridge",
- "openHeader": "Expose your Device accounts through WebSocket",
- "openDescription": "Opening a bridge exposes all of your accounts to third party applications.",
- "openedHeader": "{{appName}} bridge opened",
- "openedDescription": "You can now access your {{appName}} account on third party web application through WebSocket.",
- "completeHeader": "Bridge session completed",
- "completeDescription": "The websocket bridge is now closed.",
- "openButton": "Open",
- "disconnectButton": "Disconnect"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History",
- "kyc": "KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "ratesDrawer": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "quote": "Quote",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "details": {
- "label": {
- "provider": "provider",
- "rate": "rate",
- "fees": "network fees",
- "target": "target account"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "provider": "lorem ipsum",
- "rate": "lorem ipsum",
- "fees": "lorem ipsum"
- },
- "noAccount": "Create an account to receive {{name}}",
- "noAccountCTA": "Add account"
- },
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "max": "Max",
- "accountPlaceholder": "Select source",
- "currencyDisabledTooltip": "This currency is not available for swap yet"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To"
- },
- "notAvailable": {
- "title": "Swap is not available yet in your area",
- "content": "Have a little more patience,
we will launch this feature very soon"
- },
- "providers": {
- "kyc": {
- "required": "You need to complete your KYC",
- "complete": "Complete KYC",
- "update": "Refresh KYC",
- "rejected": "KYC rejected, start the verification again",
- "status": {
- "pending": "KYC pending",
- "approved": "KYC approved",
- "closed": "KYC rejected"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- },
- "export": "Export operations",
- "exporting": "Exporting..."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Your information has been submitted for approval",
- "subtitle": "It usually takes a few minutes for the review to be completed.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC",
- "info": "Identity verification: Submitted"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "exchangeDrawer": {
- "title": "Confirm your Exchange",
- "completed": {
- "title": "Transaction broadcast successfully",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed and for the provider to process and send your {{targetCurrency}}.",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "seeDetails": "See details"
- }
- }
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "titleCrypto": "Swap {{currency}}",
- "whatIsSwap": "What is Swap",
- "paraswap": {
- "cta": " Check it out",
- "description": "Looking for Paraswap? It has been moved to the Discover tab."
- },
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- }
- },
- "landing": {
- "title": "Swap your assets",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "sorry": "Service temporarily unavailable, or not available in your country"
- },
- "missingApp": {
- "title": "Please install the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and install {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "outdatedApp": {
- "title": "Please update the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and update {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "providers": {
- "title": "Choose a provider to swap crypto",
- "learnMore": "What is Swap?",
- "kycRequired": "KYC Required",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "kyc": {
- "notAvailable": "{{provider}} is unavailable in your location",
- "status": {
- "required": "KYC Required",
- "pending": "KYC Pending",
- "approved": "KYC Approved!",
- "closed": "KYC Rejected"
- }
- }
- },
- "ip": {
- "title": "Welcome to Swap",
- "subtitle": "Exchange crypto assets directly from your Ledger device.",
- "disclaimer": "By continuing, you accept that your location data will be shared with third party service providers in order for them to comply with their AML/KYC procedures."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Pending approval",
- "subtitle": "Your information was submitted for approval by Wyre.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "form": {
- "resetKYC": "Reset your KYC and Update Live to Swap with Wyre",
- "resetKYCCTA": "Reset KYC",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to send",
- "currency": "Crypto asset"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to receive",
- "currency": "Crypto asset",
- "addAccountCTA": "Add new account"
- },
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "floatUnavailable": "Floating rate not supported for this pair",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate",
- "fixedUnavailable": "Fixed rate not supported for this pair",
- "floatDesc": "Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.",
- "fixedDesc": "Your amount will stay the same even if the market changes. Updates every 60 seconds.",
- "by": "Provided by"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "helpCTA": "What is Swap?",
- "bubble": "We use a fixed rate, this is the exact amount you will receive.",
- "noAccounts": "You don't have {{currencyName}} accounts with balance",
- "noApp": "{{currencyName}} app not installed.",
- "outdatedApp": "{{currencyName}} app update available.",
- "loadingRates": "Loading rates..."
- },
- "unauthorizedRatesModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live needs an update",
- "subtitle": "Please update Ledger Live to the latest version, and re verify your identity to swap with wyre",
- "cta": "Reset verification"
- },
- "resetKYCModal": {
- "title": "Delete your KYC",
- "subtitle": "Delete your KYC to erase all tokens stored locally on your computer. You will have to resubmit your KYC to access services provided by our partners.",
- "cta": "Confirm"
- },
- "modal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "toExchange": "Amount to send",
- "toReceive": "Amount to receive",
- "terms": "Terms & Conditions",
- "disclaimer": {
- "description": "By clicking \"Confirm\", I acknowledge and accept that this service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s",
- "acceptedDescription": "This service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s"
- },
- "details": {
- "provider": "Provider",
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Type",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate"
- },
- "address": "Address"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "title": "App checks"
- },
- "finished": {
- "title": "Pending",
- "subtitle": "Swap broadcast successfully ",
- "swap": "Your Swap ID:",
- "seeDetails": "See details",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. It may take up to an hour before you receive your {{targetCurrency}}."
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetailsModal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "txid": "Swap ID",
- "status": "Status",
- "statusTooltips": {
- "expired": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "refunded": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "pending": "Please wait while the swap provider is processing the transaction.",
- "onhold": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID to solve the situation.",
- "finished": "Your swap was completed successfully."
- },
- "date": "Date",
- "from": "From",
- "fromAddress": "Origin address",
- "fromAddress_plural": "Origin addresses",
- "to": "To",
- "toProvider": "Provider address",
- "initialAmount": "Initial amount",
- "creditedAmount": "Credited amount"
- }
- },
- "lottieDebugger": {
- "buttonTitle": "Test"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "status": "Status",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "checkNodeSettings": "Verify node settings",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "modal": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect full node",
- "steps": {
- "landing": {
- "header": "Start your full node. Don’t trust, verify.",
- "description": "A Bitcoin full node validates all transactions and blocks, allowing you to use Bitcoin in a trustless way while contributing to the Bitcoin network.",
- "list": {
- "item1": "Set up Bitcoin Core on a device with sufficient resources.",
- "item2": "Wait for your node to fully synchronize.",
- "item3": "Make note of your node RPC credentials, IP address, and port number."
- },
- "disclaimer": "Running a full node requires a computer with sufficient resources and a broadband connection without data restrictions."
- },
- "node": {
- "title": "Node",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Enter your node parameters",
- "disclaimer": "Your full node must be fully synchronized before connecting Ledger Live.",
- "fields": {
- "nodeHost": {
- "title": "Host",
- "tooltip": "Leave as default if node runs on this computer, or replace the node IP address and port number."
- },
- "rpcCredentials": {
- "title": "RPC Credentials",
- "tooltip": "Enter the RPC username and password of your node, found in the bitcoin.conf file.",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
- },
- "tls": {
- "title": "Use TLS",
- "tooltip": "Enable Transport Layer Security, for example, when using a hosted node solution."
- }
- }
- },
- "connecting": {
- "header": "Testing node connection",
- "description": "Please wait while we check if your full node is responding."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Full node connection successful",
- "description": "You can now configure your full node to scan for your accounts on the blockchain."
- },
- "failure": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please ensure your node is fully synchronized and verify its connection settings."
- }
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "pending": {
- "header": "Getting accounts from device",
- "description": "Please wait while the accounts to scan are added to the node configuration file."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Accounts added to node configuration",
- "description": "A configuration file was saved to the user data folder. It enables Ledger SatStack to connect to your full node and let it scan for your accounts on the blockchain.",
- "cta": "View user data"
- }
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "existing": "Existing accounts to scan",
- "toScan": "Accounts to scan",
- "toScanDescription": "Accounts to scan for each address type",
- "toScanTooltip": "Increase only if you have 10+ BTC accounts. Initial scan will be slower. "
- },
- "satstack": {
- "title": "SatStack",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Download and run Ledger SatStack",
- "description": "Ledger SatStack is a small application enabling Ledger Live to talk to your full node. Please download and run it before you continue.",
- "disclaimer": "SatStack must be running for Ledger Live to connect to your full node. Consider setting it to launch automatically when your computer boots.",
- "cta": "Download SatStack"
- },
- "satstack-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach SatStack",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack is running on this computer."
- },
- "satstack-outdated": {
- "header": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "node-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that your node is reachable and that the connection settings you entered are correct."
- },
- "invalid-chain": {
- "header": "invalid-chain title",
- "description": "invalid-chain description for tooltip"
- },
- "initializing": {
- "header": "Loading",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ready": {
- "header": "Ready",
- "description": "The full node is fully synced. Your Bitcoin account balances are now correct."
- },
- "syncing": {
- "header": "Node sync in progress…",
- "description": "Recent transactions may not yet be visible, so Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect. If possible, run your node continuously to keep it in sync."
- },
- "scanning": {
- "header": "Account scan in progress...",
- "description": "You can add your accounts once the account scan is completed. Any Bitcoin accounts previously added through Ledger's explorers were removed."
- }
- }
- },
- "disconnect": {
- "cta": "Disconnect",
- "description": "Are you sure? Disconnecting the full node will remove all Bitcoin accounts. You can add your accounts again using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "lastOperations": "Latest operations",
- "contractAddress": "Szerződés:",
- "openInExplorer": "Megnyitás felfedezőben",
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "Nem rendelkezel még kriptovalutával?",
- "desc": "Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy a(z) <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> alkalmazás telepítve van és kezdj fogadni",
- "descToken": "Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy a(z) <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> alkalmazás telepítve van és kezdj el fogadni <3><0>{{ticker}}0>3> és <5><0>{{tokenList}}0> tokeneket5>",
- "buttons": {
- "receiveFunds": "Fogadás",
- "buy": "Buy"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Számla szerkesztése",
- "advancedLogs": "Advanced",
- "advancedTips": "Your xpub is privacy-sensitive data. Use with caution, especially when disclosing to third parties.",
- "accountName": {
- "title": "Számla neve",
- "desc": "Description of the account"
- },
- "unit": {
- "title": "Egység",
- "desc": "Choose the unit to be used"
- }
- },
- "availableBalance": "Elérhető egyenleg",
- "frozenAssets": "Befagyasztott eszközök",
- "bandwidth": "Sávszélesség",
- "energy": "Energia",
- "stake": "Stake",
- "delegatedAssets": "Delegated assets",
- "undelegating": "Undelegating",
- "availableBalanceTooltip": "This amount is disposable.",
- "frozenAssetsTooltip": "A befagyasztott eszközeid a Tron szavazási folyamatban használhatod. Ez képviseli az összes rendelkezésedre álló szavazatod.",
- "bandwidthTooltip": "Fagyassz le eszközöket, hogy sávszélességet gyűjts",
- "energyTooltip": "Fagyassz le eszközöket, hogy energiát gyűjts",
- "delegatedAssetsTooltip": "Delegated assets are used in the Cosmos voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "undelegatingTooltip": "Undelegated assets are in a timelock of 21 days, before being available."
- },
- "exchange": {
- "chooseProvider": "Choose from {{providerCount}} provider",
- "chooseProviders": "Choose from {{providerCount}} providers",
- "title": "Buy and sell crypto",
- "reset": "Reset flow",
- "verifyAddress": "Please confirm the address displayed exactly matches the one shown on your device",
- "buy": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Choose a provider to buy crypto",
- "buyFrom": "Buy from anywhere",
- "cryptoSupported": "crypto supported",
- "payWith": "Pay with card or SEPA",
- "tab": "Buy",
- "coinify": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with {{provider}}",
- "title": "Buy crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "addAccount": "Add account"
- }
- },
- "sell": {
- "header": "Sell crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Sell crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "tab": "Sell",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "lend": {
- "title": "Lend crypto",
- "tabs": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "opened": "Opened loans",
- "closed": "Closed loans",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "assets": "Assets to lend",
- "active": "Approved accounts",
- "lendAsset": "Lend",
- "account": {
- "amountSupplied": "Amount deposited",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount lent to the network",
- "currencyAPY": "Currency APY",
- "currencyAPYTooltip": "Yearly return rate of a deposit that’s continuously compounded",
- "accruedInterests": "Accrued interest",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest generated on your lent assets",
- "interestEarned": "Interest earned",
- "interestEarnedTooltip": "Interest you have earned after withdrawal",
- "openLoans": "Open loans",
- "closedLoans": "Closed loans",
- "amountRedeemed": "Amount withdrawn",
- "date": "Date",
- "info": "You can lend assets directly from your {{currency}} account and earn interest.",
- "howCompoundWorks": "How does lending on Compound work?",
- "lend": "Deposit {{currency}}"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "active": {
- "title": "Lending",
- "description": "You can lend assets directly from your Ethereum accounts and earn interest.",
- "cta": "How does lending on Compound work?"
- },
- "closed": {
- "title": "Your closed loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "opened": {
- "title": "Your opened loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "history": {
- "title": "History",
- "description": "View the history of all your loan transactions.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- }
- },
- "headers": {
- "active": {
- "accounts": "Account",
- "amountSupplied": "Open loan",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount deposited in the network",
- "accruedInterests": "Interest balance",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest being earned on loans",
- "status": "Account status",
- "actions": "Actions"
- },
- "status": {
- "enablingTooltip": "Your transaction is broadcasting",
- "toSupplyTooltip": "You can now supply your assets"
- },
- "types": {
- "enabling": "Enabling",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "supplying": "Supplying",
- "earning": "Earning"
- },
- "closed": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amountRedeemed": "Withdrawal amount",
- "interestsEarned": "Interest earned",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "opened": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "accruedInterest": "Accrued interest",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "rates": {
- "allAssets": "Asset",
- "totalBalance": "Asset balance",
- "totalBalanceTooltip": "Amount available to lend",
- "currentAPY": "Deposit APY",
- "currentAPYTooltip": "Annual return rate earned on a continuously compounded deposit",
- "actions": "Actions"
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "cta": "Manage lending",
- "title": "Manage loan",
- "enable": {
- "approve": "Approve",
- "manageLimit": "Manage limit",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "info": "You have approved <0>{{amount}}0> on this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "infoNoLimit": "You have fully approved this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "approvedWithLimit": "You have approved <0>{{value}}0> on this account.",
- "enabling": "You can deposit assets once the account approval is confirmed.",
- "notEnabled": "You need to approve this account before being able to lend assets.",
- "notEnoughApproved": "You must increase the limit approved on your account to lend."
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit",
- "description": "Enter the amount of assets to lend to the protocol."
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "Withdraw assets from the protocol to your Ledger account."
- }
- },
- "enable": {
- "title": "Approve account",
- "steps": {
- "selectAccount": {
- "title": "Select account",
- "selectLabel": "Account to lend from",
- "cta": "Approve",
- "alreadyEnabled": "This account is approved"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "summary": "I grant access to <0>{{contractName}}0> smart contract on my account <0>{{accountName}}0> for a <0>{{amount}}0> amount",
- "limit": "limited {{amount}}",
- "noLimit": "no limit {{assetName}}",
- "contractName": "Compound {{currencyName}}",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to approve",
- "amountLabelTooltip": "This limits the amount available to the smart contract."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Operation sent successfully",
- "text": "The approval was sent to the network for confirmation. You’ll be able to issue loans once it is confirmed.",
- "done": "Close",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountToWithdraw": "Amount to withdraw",
- "withdrawAll": "Withdraw Max",
- "placeholder": "Withdraw Max",
- "maxWithdrawble": "Maximum amount to withdraw is"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Withdrawal sent successfully",
- "text": "Your assets will be available once the network has confirmed the withdrawal.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "tooltip": {
- "amountWithdrawn": "The amount withdrawn is displayed in {{ tokenName }}. {{ tokenName }} are ERC20 tokens that you earn after lending assets."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "terms": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "subtitle": "Lend assets on the Compound protocol",
- "description": "The Compound protocol allows you to lend and borrow assets on the Ethereum network. You can lend assets and earn interest directly from your Ledger acccount.",
- "switchLabel": "<1>I have read and agree with the 1><0>Terms of Use0><1>.1>"
- },
- "steps": {
- "title": "Step <0>{{step}} / {{total}}0>",
- "1": {
- "subtitle": "Approve an account to allow the protocol to",
- "subtitle2": "process future loans.",
- "description": "You need to authorize the Compound smart contract to transfer up to a certain amount of assets to the protocol. Approving an account gives permission to the protocol to process future loans."
- },
- "2": {
- "subtitle": "Supply assets to earn interest",
- "description": "Once an account is approved, you can select the amount of assets you want to lend and issue a transaction to the protocol. Interests accrue immediately after the transaction is confirmed."
- },
- "3": {
- "subtitle": "Withdraw assets at any time",
- "description": "You can withdraw your assets and earned interest at any time, partially or entirely, directly from your Ledger account."
- }
- }
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountToSupply": "Amount to deposit",
- "maxSupply": "Maximum amount to lend is"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Deposit sent successfully",
- "text": "You will start earning interest once the network has confirmed the deposit.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "noEthAccount": {
- "title": "Please create an ETH account",
- "description": "<0>{{ asset }}({{ ticker }})0> is an Ethereum ERC-20 token. To lend {{ ticker }}, install the Ethereum app and create an Ethereum account",
- "cta": "Add account"
- },
- "emptyAccountDeposit": {
- "title": "You don't have a {{ asset }} account.",
- "description": "In order to deposit funds and lend crypto you need a {{ asset }} account. Please Receive funds on your Ethereum address.",
- "ctaBuy": "Buy {{ asset }}",
- "ctaReceive": "Receive {{ asset }}"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Számlák",
- "noResultFound": "Nem találhatók számlák.",
- "order": {
- "name|asc": "Név A-Z",
- "name|desc": "Név Z-A",
- "balance|asc": "Legalacsonyabb Egyenleg",
- "balance|desc": "Legmagasabb Egyenleg"
- },
- "range": {
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Hét",
- "month": "Hónap",
- "year": "Év",
- "all": "All"
- },
- "optionsMenu": {
- "title": "Opciók",
- "exportOperations": "Tevékenységnapló exportálása",
- "exportToMobile": "Exportálás mobilra"
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "star": "Csillag",
- "receive": "Fogadás",
- "send": "Küldés",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "buy": "Buy",
- "sell": "Sell",
- "edit": "Számla szerkesztése",
- "hideToken": "Token elrejtése"
- }
- },
- "help": {
- "title": "Help & Support",
- "gettingStarted": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "desc": "Start here"
- },
- "status": {
- "title": "Ledger Status",
- "desc": "Check our system status"
- },
- "helpCenter": {
- "title": "Ledger Support",
- "desc": "Get help"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "desc": "Learn crypto"
- },
- "facebook": {
- "title": "Facebook",
- "desc": "Like our page"
- },
- "twitter": {
- "title": "Twitter",
- "desc": "Follow us"
- },
- "github": {
- "title": "Github",
- "desc": "Review our code"
- }
- },
- "blacklistToken": {
- "title": "Token elrejtése",
- "desc": "This action will hide all <1><0>{{tokenName}}0>1> accounts, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Token elrejtése"
- },
- "hideNftCollection": {
- "title": "Hide NFT Colection",
- "desc": "This action will hide all NFTs from the <1><0>{{collectionName}}0>1> collection, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide NFT Collection"
- },
- "banners": {
- "cleanCache": {
- "title": "Modification of experimental settings require a clear cache",
- "cta": "Clear cache"
- },
- "migrate": "Ledger Live számlák frissítése lehetséges",
- "genericTerminatedCrypto": "{{coinName}} többé nem támogatott",
- "valentine": {
- "title": "Valentine’s day",
- "description": "As a proof of our love, Ledger is reducing buy & sell fees on Ledger Live"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "description": "Everything you need to know about blockchain, security, cryptocurrency and your Ledger device",
- "cta": "Start learning"
- },
- "stakeCosmos": {
- "title": "Staking with COSMOS",
- "description": "Delegate your ATOM coins through the account page and earn rewards today",
- "cta": "Stake Cosmos now"
- },
- "buyCrypto": {
- "title": "Buy Crypto",
- "description": "Purchase crypto assets through our partner and receive them directly in your Ledger account",
- "cta": "Buy now"
- },
- "familyPack": {
- "title": "Family pack",
- "description": "Get your family and friends into crypto with 3 Nano S at a discounted price",
- "cta": "Buy family pack"
- },
- "polkaStake": {
- "title": "POLKADOT staking",
- "description": "You can now stake, secure and manage your DOT directly in Ledger Live"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "sell crypto",
- "description": "Sell Bitcoin with our partner directly from Ledger Live"
- },
- "stakeAlgorand": {
- "title": "Staking with ALGORAND",
- "description": "Make the most of your ALGO. Simply add funds to your accounts and earn staking rewards today."
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap crypto",
- "description": "Exchange one crypto for another from Ledger Live with our partner."
- },
- "lending": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "description": "Lend stablecoins to the Compound protocol and earn interests today"
- },
- "blackfriday": {
- "title": "BLACK FRIDAY ",
- "description": "Enjoy 40% off Ledger hardware wallets with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY20"
- }
- },
- "signmessage": {
- "title": "Sign message",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Device"
- }
- }
- },
- "walletconnect": {
- "titleAccount": "Wallet Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "connected": "Connected",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "invalidAccount": "Invalid account id",
- "steps": {
- "paste": {
- "title": "Paste link",
- "label": "Wallet Connect address",
- "placeholder": "Paste Wallet Connect Link"
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Connect",
- "details": "Wants to connect to the following account through your wallet :",
- "deeplinkDetails": "Wants to connect to Ledger Live. Choose your account:",
- "noAccount": "You don't have any compatible account. Please add an compatible account to use Wallet Connect.",
- "alreadyConnected": "You are trying to connect to a dApp while having another one already connected. Please disconnect from the connected dApp before reconnecting Live with a new dApp."
- }
- },
- "connectedscreen": {
- "info": "You can now access the {{name}} dApp on your web browser.",
- "warning": "Sharing receive addresses from dApps is not secure. Always use Ledger Live when sharing your address to receive funds.",
- "disconnected": "There is a connection problem between the dApp, WalletConnect and Ledger Live. Wait a few moments or relaunch the connection"
- }
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Portfólio",
- "emptyAccountTile": {
- "desc": "Add accounts to manage other crypto assets",
- "createAccount": "Számla hozzáadása"
- },
- "recentActivity": "Latest operations",
- "totalBalance": "Összes egyenleg",
- "transactionsPendingConfirmation": "Some transactions are not confirmed yet. These will be reflected in your balance and useable after being confirmed."
- },
- "currentAddress": {
- "title": "Jelenlegi cím",
- "for": "Cím <1><0>{{name}}0>1> -hoz",
- "messageIfUnverified": "Verify that the shared address exactly matches the one on your device",
- "messageIfSkipped": "Your {{name}} address was not confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for security.",
- "showQrCode": "Show QR Code",
- "taprootWarning": "Make sure the sender supports taproot"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Install apps on your device",
- "desc": "Lépj az Eszközkezelőbe, hogy alkalmazásokat telepíts az eszközödre. Hozzá tudsz adni számlákat, ha már vannak telepített alkalmazások az eszközödön.",
- "buttons": {
- "installApp": "Lépj az Eszközkezelőbe",
- "help": "Segítség"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "A kezdéshez adj hozzá egy számlát",
- "desc": "Add an account to start managing your crypto assets. You must have the app for your crypto asset installed on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "addAccount": "Számla hozzáadása",
- "installApp": "Lépj az Eszközkezelőbe alkalmazások telepítéséhez",
- "help": "Segítség"
- }
- }
- },
- "genuinecheck": {
- "deviceInBootloader": "Az eszköz Bootloader módban. Kattints a <1>Folytatásra1> a frissítéshez."
- },
- "learn": {
- "title": "Learn",
- "noConnection": "No connection",
- "noConnectionDesc": "It seems you don't have access to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.",
- "sectionShows": "Shows",
- "sectionVideo": "Video",
- "sectionPodcast": "Podcast",
- "sectionArticles": "Articles"
- },
- "market": {
- "title": "Market",
- "currency": "Currency",
- "rangeLabel": "Time",
- "goBack": "Go back",
- "filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
- "show": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "isLedgerCompatible": "Ledger Live Compatible",
- "isFavorite": "Starred Assets",
- "applyFilters": "Apply filters",
- "clearAll": "Clear all"
- },
- "marketList": {
- "crypto": "Crypto",
- "price": "Price",
- "change": "Change",
- "marketCap": "Market cap",
- "last7d": "Last 7 days"
- },
- "detailsPage": {
- "priceStatistics": "Price stats",
- "tradingVolume": "Trading volume",
- "24hLowHight": "24h Low / 24h High",
- "7dLowHigh": "7d Low / 7d High",
- "allTimeHigh": "All time high",
- "allTimeLow": "All time low",
- "marketCapRank": "Market cap rank",
- "marketCapDominance": "Market cap dominance",
- "supply": "Supply",
- "circulatingSupply": "Circulating supply",
- "totalSupply": "Total supply",
- "maxSupply": "Max supply",
- "assetNotSupportedOnLedgerLive": "This asset is not supported on Ledger Live.",
- "supportedCoinsAndTokens": "Supported coins & Tokens"
- },
- "range": {
- "1H_label": "1H",
- "1D_label": "1D",
- "1W_label": "1W",
- "1M_label": "1M",
- "1Y_label": "1Y",
- "1h": "1h",
- "24h": "24h",
- "7d": "7d",
- "30d": "30d",
- "1y": "1y",
- "1H_selectorLabel": "Last 1 hour",
- "1D_selectorLabel": "Last 24 hours",
- "1W_selectorLabel": "last week",
- "1M_selectorLabel": "Last month",
- "1Y_selectorLabel": "Last year"
- },
- "warnings": {
- "connectionError": "Connection Error",
- "ledgerUnableToRetrieveData": "Ledger Live is unable to retrieve data.",
- "checkInternetAndReload": "Please check your internet connection and reload this page.",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "noCryptosFound": "No coins found",
- "noSearchResultsFor": "Sorry, we did not find any coins for <0>{{search}}0>. Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "noSearchResults": "Sorry, we did not find any search results.",
- "retrySearchKeyword": "Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "retrySearchParams": "Please retry the search with another parameters.",
- "trackFavAssets": "Track your favourite",
- "clickOnStarIcon": "Clicking on the star icon next to an asset will automatically add them to your favorites.",
- "browseAssets": "Browse assets"
- }
- },
- "NFT": {
- "viewer": {
- "actions": {
- "send": "Send",
- "open": "Open in {{viewer}}"
- },
- "attributes": {
- "properties": "Properties",
- "description": "Description",
- "tokenAddress": "Token Address",
- "tokenId": "Token ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- }
- },
- "collections": {
- "title": "NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Collections",
- "receiveCTA": "Receive NFT",
- "galleryCTA": "See Gallery",
- "seeMore": "See more collections",
- "seeAll": "See all collections",
- "seeLess": "See less"
- },
- "gallery": {
- "title": "All NFT",
- "collection": {
- "header": {
- "sendCTA": "Send",
- "contract": "Contract: {{contract}}"
- },
- "operationList": {
- "header": "Latest Operations",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "IN": "Received"
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "item": {
- "tokenId": "ID: {{tokenId}}"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "title": "Tokenek",
- "cta": "Token hozzáadása",
- "placeholder": "To add tokens, simply send them to your {{currencyName}} address.",
- "link": "Tudj meg többet",
- "seeTokens": "Tokenek megjelenítése ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Tokenek elrejtése ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 token",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} tokenek",
- "algorand": {
- "title": "ASA (Assets)",
- "cta": "Add ASA",
- "placeholder": "You can add assets to your {{currencyName}} account.",
- "link": "How Assets (ASA) works?",
- "seeTokens": "Show ASA ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide ASA ({{tokenCount}})"
- }
- },
- "subAccounts": {
- "title": "Alszámlák",
- "seeSubAccounts": "Alszámlák megjelenítése ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideSubAccounts": "Alszámlák elrejtése ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 alszámla",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} alszámla"
- },
- "migrateAccounts": {
- "overview": {
- "title": "Ledger Live számlák frissítése",
- "successTitle": "Számlák sikeresen frissítve",
- "successDescPlu": "A(z) {{assets}} számláid frissítve, és készen állnak a használatra",
- "successDesc": "A(z) {{assets}} számlád frissítve, és készen áll a használatra",
- "mobileTitle": "Számlák exportálása mobilra",
- "mobileDesc": "Klikkelj az alább található gombra, hogy exportáld a frissített számláid a Ledger Live mobilalkalmazásba.",
- "mobileCTA": "Exportálás mobilra",
- "description": "Új funkciók a Ledger Live-ban a számláid frissítését igénylik.",
- "currency": "1 {{currency}} számla frissítése szükséges:",
- "currency_plural": "{{count}} {{currency}} számlák frissítése szükséges:",
- "footer": "Szükséged van a Ledger eszközödre a frissítés befejezéséhez",
- "pendingDevices": "1 számlát nem lehet frissíteni. Kérlek, csatlakoztasd az eszközt, társítva az alábbi fiókhoz",
- "pendingDevices_plural": "{{totalMigratableAccounts}} számlákat nem lehet frissíteni. Kérlek, csatlakoztasd az eszközt, társítva az alábbi fiókhoz",
- "doItLaterBtn": "Későbbre halasztás"
- },
- "progress": {
- "finished": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} frissítés befejezve",
- "description": ""
- },
- "scanning": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} frissítés folyamatban...",
- "description": "Please wait for your accounts to be updated"
- },
- "finished-empty": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} frissítés nincs befejezve",
- "description": "Nincs frissíthető {{currencyName}} számla"
- }
- },
- "cta": {
- "startUpdate": "Frissítés indítása",
- "nextCurrency": "Folytatás a(z) {{currency}} frissítésével"
- }
- },
- "addAccounts": {
- "title": "Számlák hozzáadása",
- "breadcrumb": {
- "informations": "Kriptovaluta",
- "connectDevice": "Eszköz",
- "import": "Számlák",
- "finish": "Megerősítés"
- },
- "fullNodeReadyInfo": "Accounts will be added using your Bitcoin full node.",
- "fullNodeConfigure": "Configure node",
- "tokensTip": "{{token}} ({{ticker}}) egy {{tokenType}} token. Közvetlenül tudsz tokeneket fogadni a(z) {{currency}} számlán.",
- "accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Meglévő számlák hozzáadása",
- "selectAll": "Összes kiválasztása ({{count}})",
- "unselectAll": "Összes kiválasztásának megszűntetése ({{count}})",
- "noAccountToImport": "Nincs meglévő {{currencyName}} számla amit hozzá tudnál adni",
- "success": "Account added successfully",
- "success_plural": "Accounts added successfully",
- "successDescription": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "successDescription_plural": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "createNewAccount": {
- "noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received assets on your <1><0>{{accountName}}0>1> account",
- "noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}0>1> account was found to be created",
- "showAllAddressTypes": "Show all address types",
- "showAllAddressTypesTooltip": "Only change the address type if you need to receive {{family}} on other address formats."
- },
- "supportLinks": {
- "segwit_or_native_segwit": "Segwit or Native Segwit?"
- },
- "cta": {
- "addMore": "Több hozzáadása",
- "add": "Számla hozzáadása",
- "add_plural": "Számlák hozzáadása",
- "addAccountName": "Add {{currencyName}} account",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "sections": {
- "importable": {
- "title": "Meglévő számla hozzáadása"
- },
- "creatable": {
- "title": "Új számla hozzáadása"
- },
- "imported": {
- "title": "Jelenleg a portfólióban lévő számlák ({{count}})"
- },
- "migrate": {
- "title": "Frissíthető számlák"
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetails": {
- "whatIsThis": "Mi ez a művelet?",
- "title": "Művelet részletei",
- "type": "Type",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "account": "Számla",
- "date": "Dátum",
- "currentValue": "Current value",
- "status": "Státusz",
- "confirmed": "Megerősítve",
- "failed": "Sikertelen",
- "notConfirmed": "Nem megerősített",
- "fees": "Fee",
- "noFees": "Nincsenek díjak",
- "from": "Innen",
- "to": "Ide",
- "identifier": "Tranzakció azonosító",
- "viewOperation": "Megtekintés felfedezőben",
- "showMore": "Mutass {{recipients}} többet",
- "showLess": "Mutass kevesebbet",
- "tokenOperations": "Token műveletek",
- "subAccountOperations": "Alszámla műveletek",
- "tokenTooltip": "Ez a művelet a következő token műveletekhez kapcsolódik",
- "subAccountTooltip": "Ez a művelet a következő alszámla műveletekhez kapcsolódik",
- "internalOperations": "Belső műveletek",
- "internalOpTooltip": "Ennek a műveletnek belső műveletei vannak",
- "details": "{{ currency }} részletek",
- "multipleAddresses": "Miért van több cím?",
- "nft": {
- "name": "Token Name",
- "contract": "Token Contract",
- "id": "Token (NFT) ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "extra": {
- "frozenAmount": "Befagyasztott mennyiség",
- "unfreezeAmount": "Kiolvasztott mennyiség",
- "votes": "Szavazatok ({{number}})",
- "votesAddress": "<0>{{votes}}0> a <2>{{name}}2>",
- "validators": "Validators",
- "redelegated": "Redelegated",
- "redelegatedFrom": "Redelegated from",
- "redelegatedTo": "Redelegated to",
- "redelegatedAmount": "Redelegated amount",
- "undelegated": "Undelegated",
- "undelegatedFrom": "Undelegated from",
- "undelegatedAmount": "Undelegated amount",
- "rewardFrom": "Reward from",
- "memo": "Memo",
- "assetId": "Asset ID",
- "rewards": "Earned rewards",
- "bondedAmount": "Bonded Amount",
- "unbondedAmount": "Unbonded Amount",
- "withdrawUnbondedAmount": "Withdrawn Amount",
- "palletMethod": "Method",
- "transferAmount": "Transfer Amount",
- "validatorsCount": "Validators ({{number}})"
- }
- },
- "operationList": {
- "noMoreOperations": "Ez minden"
- },
- "DeviceAction": {
- "allowAppPermission": "Nyisd meg a(z) {{wording}} alkalmazást az eszközödön",
- "allowAppPermissionSubtitleToken": "a {{token}} tokenjeid kezeléséhez",
- "allowManagerPermission": "Allow {{wording}} on your device",
- "loading": "Betöltés...",
- "connectAndUnlockDevice": "Csatlakoztasd, és old fel az eszközöd",
- "unlockDevice": "Old fel az eszközöd",
- "unlockDeviceAfterFirmwareUpdate": "Wait for the firmware to update and unlock your device with your PIN",
- "quitApp": "Lépj ki az alkalmazásból az eszközödön",
- "appNotInstalledTitle": "Missing required app",
- "appNotInstalledTitle_plural": "Missing required apps",
- "appNotInstalled": "The {{appName}} app is required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install it on your device",
- "appNotInstalled_plural": "The {{appName}} apps are required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install them on your device",
- "openManager": "Eszközkezelő megnyitása",
- "openOnboarding": "Setup device",
- "outdated": "App version outdated",
- "outdatedDesc": "An important update is available for the {{appName}} application on your device. Please go to the Manager to update it.",
- "installApp": "{{appName}} App installation",
- "installAppDescription": "Please wait until the installation is finished",
- "listApps": "Checking App dependencies",
- "listAppsDescription": "Please wait while we make sure you have all the required apps",
- "swap": {
- "notice": "Verify the Swap details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Swap transaction",
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "amountReceivedFloat": "Amount to receive before service fees",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "payoutNetworkFees": "Payout fees",
- "payoutNetworkFeesTooltip": "This amount will not be shown on your device"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "fees": "Network Fees",
- "sourceAccount": "Source Account",
- "targetAccount": "Target Account"
- },
- "sell": {
- "notice": "Verify the Sell details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Sell transaction"
- },
- "fund": {
- "notice": "Verify the Fund details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don't have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Fund transaction"
- }
- },
- "manager": {
- "tabs": {
- "appCatalog": "Alkalmazások listája",
- "appCatalogSearch": "Alkalmazás keresése a listában...",
- "appsOnDevice": "Telepített alkalmazások",
- "appOnDeviceSearch": "Telepített alkalmazások keresése..."
- },
- "disconnected": {
- "title": "Looks like an app is open on your device",
- "subtitle": "Reopening the Manager will quit the app on your device",
- "ctaReopen": "Reopen Manager",
- "ctaPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio"
- },
- "deviceStorage": {
- "freeSpace": "<0>{{space}}0> szabad",
- "noFreeSpace": "Nincs elég hely",
- "installed": "Alkalmazások",
- "capacity": "Kapacitás",
- "used": "Felhasznált",
- "firmwareAvailable": "Firmware is outdated:",
- "firmwareUpToDate": "Firmware is up to date:",
- "genuine": "Az eszköz eredeti",
- "incomplete": "Some apps were not recognized. Please uninstall, then reinstall them."
- },
- "applist": {
- "placeholder": "No match for the search with the selected filters",
- "placeholderNoAppsInstalled": "Nincsenek telepített alkalmazások az eszközödön",
- "placeholderGoToCatalog": "Nyisd meg az Alkalmazás katalógust alkalmazások telepítéséhez",
- "noResultsFound": "Nincs találat",
- "noResultsDesc": "Kérjük, ellenőrizd a helyesírást, és próbáld újra",
- "filter": {
- "title": "Mutat",
- "all": "Összes",
- "supported": "Live által támogatott",
- "installed": "Telepített",
- "not_installed": "Nincs telepítve"
- },
- "sort": {
- "title": "Rendezés",
- "name_asc": "Név A-Z",
- "name_desc": "Név Z-A",
- "marketcap_desc": "Piaci Kapitalizáció"
- },
- "installSuccess": {
- "title": "App installed successfully. You can now add your {{app}} accounts",
- "title_plural": "Apps installed successfully. You can now add your accounts",
- "manageAccount": "Számláim kezelése"
- },
- "updatable": {
- "title": "Update available",
- "title_plural": "Updates available",
- "progressTitle": "{{number}} App update",
- "progressTitle_plural": "{{number}} App updates",
- "progressWarning": "Ne zárd be az eszközkezelőt a frissítés alatt.",
- "progress": "Összes frissítése..."
- },
- "item": {
- "version": "Verzió {{version}}",
- "installing": "Telepítés...",
- "uninstalling": "Törlés...",
- "updating": "Frissítés...",
- "scheduled": "Sorban áll",
- "update": "Frissítés elérhető",
- "updateAll": "Összes frissítése",
- "updateAllOutOfMemory": "Not enough storage. Please uninstall some apps",
- "install": "Telepítés",
- "installed": "Telepített",
- "updated": "Frissítve",
- "uninstall": "Törlés",
- "notEnoughSpace": "Nincs elég hely",
- "supported": "Ledger Live által támogatott",
- "not_supported": "Requires 3rd-party wallet",
- "addAccount": "Számla hozzáadása",
- "addAccountTooltip": "{{appName}} számla hozzáadása",
- "addAccountWarn": "Kérlek várj az alkalmazásfrissítés befejezéséig",
- "learnMore": "Tudj meg többet",
- "learnMoreTooltip": "Tudj meg többet a(z) {{appName}} alkalmazásról",
- "removeTooltip": "{{appName}} törlése",
- "useAppForToken": "Looking to manage {{tokenType}} tokens?",
- "tokenAppDisclaimer": "To manage {{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens, <1>install the {{appName}} app1> and please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "tokenAppDisclaimerInstalled": "To manage <1>{{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens1>, please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "goToAccounts": "Irány a számlákhoz",
- "intallParentApp": "{{appName}} alkalmazás telepítése",
- "plugin": "Go to app",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "tool": "Learn more",
- "app": "Learn more"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Összes törlése",
- "subtitle": "Minden alkalmazás törlése?",
- "description": "Don't worry, uninstalling apps does not affect your crypto assets. You can reinstall apps in the App catalog."
- }
- },
- "apps": {
- "dependencyInstall": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} alkalmazás szükséges",
- "description": "A(z) {{dependency}} alkalmazás is telepítve lesz, mert a(z) {{app}} -hoz szükséges.",
- "confirm": "Alkalmazások telepítése"
- },
- "dependencyUninstall": {
- "title": " {{app}} és vele összefüggő alkalmazások törlése?",
- "showAll": "Eltávolítandó alkalmazások megjelenítése",
- "description": "Pár telepített alkalmazásod társítva van a(z) {{app}} alkalmazáshoz. Ezek is el lesznek távolítva.",
- "confirm": "{{app}} és egyéb alkalmazások törlése"
- }
- },
- "firmware": {
- "updateLater": "Mégsem",
- "seedReady": "I have my recovery phrase",
- "dontHaveSeed": "Don't have your recovery phrase? ",
- "followTheGuide": "Kövesd a lépésről-lépésre történő frissítési útmutatónkat",
- "removeApps": "Töröld az összes alkalmazást a frissítés előtt",
- "update": "Szoftverfrissítés",
- "updateBtn": "Szoftver frissítése",
- "banner": {
- "warning": "Update Firmware to {{latestFirmware}} is available",
- "cta": "Go to manager",
- "old": {
- "warning": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "cta": "Contact support"
- },
- "cta2": "Update firmware"
- },
- "latest": "{{version}} Szoftververzió elérhető",
- "contactSupport": "Contact support",
- "deprecated": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "prepareSeed": "Ensure your 24-word recovery phrase is written down on the Recovery sheet and it is available, as a precaution.",
- "disclaimerTitle": "Telepíteni készülsz a <1>szoftververziót {{version}}1>.",
- "downloadingUpdateDesc": "Please wait for the update installer to be downloaded"
- },
- "modal": {
- "steps": {
- "downloadingUpdate": "Frissítés letöltése",
- "updateMCU": "Szoftverfrissítés",
- "updating": "Firmware update",
- "reset": "Eszköz előkészítése",
- "osu": "OSU telepítése...",
- "flash-mcu": "MCU frissítése...",
- "flash-bootloader": "Bootloader frissítése...",
- "firmware": "Szoftver frissítése...",
- "flash": "Eszköz előkészítése..."
- },
- "confirmIdentifier": "Azonosító ellenőrzése",
- "confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Confirm and enter your PIN code if requested.",
- "identifier": "Azonosító",
- "preparation": "Preparation",
- "newFirmware": "New firmware {{version}}",
- "confirmUpdate": "Please confirm the update on your device",
- "mcuTitle": "Frissítés befejezése",
- "mcuFirst": "Válaszd le az USB kábelt az eszközödről",
- "mcuSecond": "Nyomd meg a bal gombot, és tartsd nyomva miközben újracsatlakoztatod az USB kábelt, míg a <1><0>{{repairProcessing}}0>1> meg nem jelenik",
- "mcuPin": "Please wait for the update to finish",
- "mcuSecondNanoX": "Press and hold the left button until <1><0>{{bootloaderOption}}0>1> appears. Press both buttons to confirm and reconnect your device.",
- "mcuBlueFirst": "Nyomd meg, és tartsd lenyomva 10 másodpercig az oldalsó gombot az eszköz kikapcsolásához. Engedd el a gombot.",
- "mcuBlueSecond": "Nyomd meg, és tartsd lenyomva a gombot minimum 5 másodpercig, amíg a Boot Options meg nem jelenig. Nyomj a Bootloader Mode-ra",
- "successTitle": "Szoftver frissítve",
- "successTextApps": "Please re-install the apps on your device",
- "successTextNoApps": "You can now install apps on your device",
- "sucessCTAApps": "Re-install apps",
- "SuccessCTANoApps": "Install apps",
- "cancelReinstallCTA": "Install update",
- "resetSteps": {
- "first": "1. Indítsd újra az eszközöd",
- "connect": "Csatlakoztasd a {{deviceName}} -t a számítógépedhez az USB kábelt használva.",
- "turnOn": "Nyomd meg a gombot az eszközön a bekapcsoláshoz.",
- "falsePin": "Enter three wrong PINs to reset the device.",
- "turnOff": "Nyomd meg, és tartsd lenyomva az oldalsó gombot míg a(z) {{action}} meg nem jelenik.",
- "confirmTurnOff": "Nyomj rá a {{action}} -ra a megerősítéshez.",
- "second": "2. Bootolás {{mode}} módban",
- "boot": "Nyomd meg, és tartsd lenyomva az oldalsó gombot míg a(z) {{option}} meg nem jelenik",
- "recoveryMode": "Nyomj rá a {{mode}} módra. Várj, míg a főképernyő megjelenik.",
- "third": "3. Minden alkalmazás törlése",
- "openLive": "Nyisd meg az Eszközkezelőt a Ledger Live-ban.",
- "uninstall": "Kattints a szürke kuka ikonra minden jelenleg telepített alkalmazás törléséhez a {{deviceName}} eszközön. Ez tárhelyet szabadít fel a szoftverfrissítés számára.",
- "disclaimer": "Note: Your funds are not affected by this operation, the private keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Recovery sheet."
- }
- }
- },
- "claimReward": {
- "title": "Jutalmak begyűjtése",
- "steps": {
- "rewards": {
- "title": "Jutalmak",
- "description": "Gratulálok! Elértél <1>{{amount}}1> a megerősítőkre történő szavazással.",
- "info": "24 óránkét tudod begyűjteni a jutalmaid."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Eszköz"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Megerősítés",
- "success": {
- "title": "Jutalmak begyűjtve",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance.",
- "cta": "Részletek megtekintése",
- "done": "Kész"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Eszközök befagyasztása",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Mennyiség",
- "resourceInfo": "Bandwidth or Energy?",
- "bandwidthDescription": "Sávszélesség pontok felhasználhatók tranzakciók küldéséhez anélkül, hogy TRX-et költenél a hálózati díjak fedezésére. Válassz sávszélességet a napi ingyenes tranzakciók növeléséhez.",
- "energyDescription": "Energia pontok szükségesek az okosszerződések végrehajtásához. Ha nem futtatsz semmilyen okosszerződést, nem szükséges, hogy a jutalmaid Energiában kérd.",
- "amountLabel": "Befagyasztandó mennyiség",
- "available": "Elérhető: {{amountAvailable}}",
- "info": "Befagyasztott eszközöket nem lehet küldeni 3 napig."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Eszköz"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction is awaiting validation",
- "desc": "Várnod kell egy percet mielőtt szavazni tudsz"
- },
- "title": "Megerősítés",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "textNRG": "Energiát kezdesz el gyűjteni, ha a hálózat megerősítette a befagyasztást. Rövidesen szavazhatsz a Szuper Képviselőkre, hogy jutalmakat kapj.",
- "text": "Sávszélességet kezdesz el gyűjteni, ha a hálózat megerősítette a befagyasztást. Rövidesen szavazhatsz a Szuper Képviselőkre, hogy jutalmakat kapj.",
- "votePending": "Szavazás {{time}}",
- "vote": "Szavazás",
- "later": "Szavazás később"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Eszközök kiolvasztása",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Kiolvasztás",
- "info": "A kiolvasztás csökkenteni fogja a {{resource}} és törli a szavazataid."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Eszköz"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Megerősítés",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "text": "Your assets were unfrozen successfully. Your {{resource}} points will be decreased, and your votes will be cancelled.",
- "continue": "Folytatás"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Leadott szavazatok",
- "titleExisting": "Szavazatok kezelése",
- "steps": {
- "castVotes": {
- "max": "MAX",
- "title": "Szavazás",
- "search": "Keresés név vagy cím alapján...",
- "totalVotes": "Összes szavazat: {{total}}",
- "selected": "Kiválasztott: {{total}}",
- "maxSelected": "Max kiválasztott: {{total}}",
- "allVotesAreUsed": "All assets are distributed",
- "maxUsed": "Insufficient assets",
- "validators": "Megerősítők ({{total}})",
- "votes": "Available assets: {{total}}",
- "noResults": "No validator found for \"<0>{{search}}0>\"."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Eszköz"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Megerősítés",
- "success": {
- "title": "A szavazataid sikeresen leadtad.",
- "text": "",
- "cta": "Részletek megtekintése"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "buy": {
- "title": "Buy",
- "titleCrypto": "Buy {{currency}}",
- "buyCTA": "Buy {{currencyTicker}}",
- "withoutDevice": "Continue without my device",
- "connectWithoutDevice": "It's better to use your device for optimal security.",
- "skipConnect": "Continue without my device"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "Sell",
- "titleCrypto": "Sell {{currency}}"
- },
- "receive": {
- "title": "Fogadás",
- "successTitle": "A cím biztonságosan megosztva",
- "steps": {
- "chooseAccount": {
- "title": "Számla",
- "label": "Jóváírandó számla",
- "parentAccount": "1. Válassz ki egy {{currencyName}} számlát",
- "token": "2. Válassz egy tokent",
- "verifyTokenType": "Please verify that <0>{{token}}0> is an <0>{{tokenType}}0> token. Any other crypto asset sent to an {{currency}} account may be lost.",
- "warningTokenType": "Please only send <0>{{ticker}}0> or <0>{{tokenType}}0> tokens to {{currency}} accounts. Sending other crypto assets may result in the permanent loss of funds."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Eszköz",
- "withoutDevice": "Nincs nálad az eszközöd?"
- },
- "receiveFunds": {
- "title": "Fogadás"
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "Az megjelölt számlára kapott összeget hozzáadjuk a teljes összeghez. Válassz másik számlát ha el szeretnéd ezt kerülni."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "send": {
- "title": "Küldés",
- "titleNft": "Send NFT",
- "totalSpent": "Összesen jóváírandó",
- "steps": {
- "recipient": {
- "title": "Fogadó",
- "nftRecipient": "NFT to send"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Mennyiség",
- "banner": "Maximum elkölthető mennyiség",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Összegzés"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Eszköz"
- },
- "details": {
- "utxoLag": "This transaction may take long to verify and sign because the account has a significant number of coins.",
- "subaccountsWarning": "You will need to refill this account with {{ currency }} in order to send the tokens of this account",
- "from": "Innen",
- "to": "Ide",
- "selectAccountDebit": "Használni kívánt számla",
- "recipientAddress": "Fogadó címe",
- "amount": "Mennyiség",
- "fees": "Hálózati díjak",
- "sendMax": "Összes küldése",
- "rippleTag": "Címke",
- "rippleTagPlaceholder": "Opcionális",
- "ethereumGasLimit": "Gas határ",
- "ethereumGasPrice": "Gas ár",
- "unitPerByte": "{{unit}} byte-onként",
- "nft": "NFT",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "verification": {
- "streaming": {
- "accurate": "Betöltés... ({{percentage}})",
- "inaccurate": "Betöltés..."
- }
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Megerősítés",
- "success": {
- "title": "Tranzakció elküldve",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction",
- "cta": "Részletek megtekintése"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Tranzakció küldése folyamatban..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "Az elküldendő összeg le lesz vonva a számlád egyenlegéből."
- }
- }
- },
- "footer": {
- "estimatedFees": "Hálózati díjak"
- }
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Sign transaction"
- },
- "releaseNotes": {
- "title": "Kiadási megjegyzések",
- "version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
- },
- "systemLanguageAvailable": {
- "title": "Change your app's language?",
- "description": {
- "newSupport": "Good news! our teams have been working hard and Ledger Live now supports {{language}}.",
- "advice": "You can always change your language back later in the settings."
- },
- "switchButton": "Switch to {{language}}",
- "no": "I prefer not to"
- },
- "distribution": {
- "asset": "Kriptovaluta",
- "price": "Ár",
- "distribution": "Arány",
- "amount": "Mennyiség",
- "value": "Érték",
- "showAll": "Összes megjelenítése",
- "showLess": "Mutass kevesebbet",
- "header": "Eszközátruházás ({{count}})"
- },
- "accountDistribution": {
- "account": "Számla",
- "distribution": "Átruházás",
- "amount": "Mennyiség",
- "value": "Érték",
- "header": "Számlaátruházás ({{count}})"
- },
- "elrond": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by MultiversX",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "MultiversX integration",
- "title": "MultiversX eGold (EGLD) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now safely secure your eGold (EGLD) tokens and manage them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The MultiversX eGold (EGLD) Token is native to the MultiversX Network and will be used for everything from transactions, staking, smart contracts, governance and validator rewards.",
- "description3": "We are actively working with the MultiversX team to add more functionality, such as staking, native ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token) support, and more.",
- "website": "The Internet Scale Blockchain"
- }
- }
- },
- "tron": {
- "voting": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "Most már kaphatsz jutalmakat lefagyasztással és szavazással.",
- "info": "Hogy működik a szavazás",
- "votesDesc": "Add le szavazataid egy vagy több képviselő számára, hogy tárolási jutalmakat szerezz.",
- "vote": "Szavazatok leadása",
- "voteExisting": "Szavazatok kezelése"
- },
- "manageTP": "Eszközök kezelése",
- "warnEarnRewards": "Szükséged van minimum {{amount}}, hogy jutalmakat kezdj kapni",
- "claimRewards": "Jutalmak begyűjtése",
- "nextRewardsDate": "A jutalmak begyűjthetők {{date}}",
- "claimAvailableRewards": "{{amount}} begyűjtése",
- "header": "Szavazatok",
- "percentageTP": "%-a a leadott szavazatoknak",
- "noRewards": "Nincs elérhető jutalom",
- "remainingVotes": {
- "title": "Még van {{amount}} szavazatod",
- "description": "Leadhatod a fennmaradó szavazataid, hogy további jutalmakat szerezz",
- "button": "Szavazz most"
- },
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegált eszközeid a tieid maradnak.",
- "access": "3 nap után olvaszthatod ki eszközeid.",
- "ledger": "Fagyassz le és szavazz biztonságosan a Ledger eszközöddel."
- },
- "help": "Hogy működik a szavazás",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your super representative."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Eszközök kezelése",
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Befagyasztás",
- "description": "Fagyassz be TRX-et, hogy sávszélességhez, vagy energiához juss. Továbbá lehetőséged lesz Szuper Képviselőkre szavazni."
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Kiolvasztás",
- "description": "Unfreeze TRX to have them back in your available balance. You will no longer earn rewards."
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Szavazás",
- "description": "Add le szavazataid a Szuper Képviselőkre hogy jutalmakat kapj.",
- "steps": {
- "vote": {
- "title": "Szavazatok leadása",
- "description": "Szavazz egy vagy több Szuper Képviselőre hogy elkezdj jutalmakat kapni.",
- "footer": {
- "doNotShowAgain": "Ne mutasd újra",
- "next": "Szavazatok leadása"
- },
- "info": {
- "message": "SR vagy Jelöltek?",
- "superRepresentative": {
- "title": "Szuper Képviselõk (SR)",
- "description": "A szuper képviselők kulcsszerepet játszanak a TRON közösség irányításában, és az alapvető funkciók ellátásában, pl. blokkok generálása és könyvelése."
- },
- "candidates": {
- "title": "Jelöltek",
- "description": "127 egyént választott meg a teljes token-birtokos közösség szavazás útján. A szavazatok minden 6 órában egyszer frissülnek."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "bitcoin": {
- "inputSelected": "SELECTED",
- "toSpend": "Coins to spend",
- "toReturn": "Change to return",
- "modalTitle": "Coin control",
- "coincontrol": "Coin control",
- "advanced": "Advanced options",
- "ctaDisabled": "This account has no UTXO",
- "whatIs": "What is coin selection?",
- "rbf": "Allow the transaction to be replaced (Replace-By-Fee).",
- "strategy": "Coin selection strategy",
- "selected": "Coins selected for strategy",
- "amount": "Amount to send:",
- "replaceable": "replaceable",
- "cannotSelect": {
- "unconfirmed": "You cannot select coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "last": "You need at least one selected"
- },
- "pending": "pending",
- "pickUnconfirmedRBF": "Include coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "pickingStrategy": "UTXO picking strategy",
- "pickingStrategyLabels": {
- "DEEP_OUTPUTS_FIRST": "Oldest coins first (FIFO)",
- "OPTIMIZE_SIZE": "Minimize fees (optimize size)",
- "MERGE_OUTPUTS": "Minimize future fees (merge coins)"
- }
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "delegation": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn ATOM rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "header": "Delegation(s)",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "undelegate": "Undelegate",
- "redelegate": "Redelegate",
- "redelegateDisabledTooltip": "You can redelegate again <0>{{days}}0>",
- "redelegateMaxDisabledTooltip": "You cannot redelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "undelegateDisabledTooltip": "You cannot undelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "reward": "Claim rewards",
- "currentDelegation": "Delegated: <0>{{amount}}0>",
- "estYield": "est. yield",
- "activeTooltip": "Delegated amounts generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards",
- "minSafeWarning": "Not enough funds",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your ATOM assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available 21 days after undelegation"
- ],
- "warning": {
- "description": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- }
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validators"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "claimRewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "compound": "Compound",
- "claim": "Cash in",
- "compoundOrClaim": "Compound or cash in",
- "compoundDescription": "Rewards will be added to delegated amount",
- "claimDescription": "Rewards will be added to the available balance",
- "compoundInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0>. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically delegated to the same validator.",
- "claimInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> from the validator below. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically added to the available balance.",
- "selectLabel": "Select a delegation"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards cashed in successfully",
- "titleCompound": "Rewards compounded successfully",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "textCompound": "Your rewards <0>{{amount}}0> were automatically delegated to <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "redelegation": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Redelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Redelegation",
- "description": "Use redelegation to easily change from one validator to another. But if you change your mind again, you will then have to wait because redelegation triggers a 21-day timelock.",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately. You can have a maximum of <0>7 pending redelegations0>.",
- "howDelegationWorks": "How delegation works?"
- },
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "currentDelegation": "Current delegation",
- "newDelegation": "New delegation",
- "chooseValidator": "Choose a validator",
- "warning": "You will have to wait <0>21 days0> to redelegate from the new validator, if you change your mind again"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully redelegated your assets",
- "text": "The redelegation will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "undelegation": {
- "header": "Undelegation(s)",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 21-day timelock",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Undelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "subtitle": "The undelegation process takes <0>21 days0> to finalize.",
- "warning": "Rewards will be immediately cashed in. The undelegated amount will be back in the available balance after the <0>21-day timelock0>.",
- "fields": {
- "validator": "Validator",
- "amount": "Amount to undelegate"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully undelegated your assets.",
- "description": "<0>{{amount}}0> were undelegated from <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "algorand": {
- "operationHasRewards": "Rewards earned",
- "operationEarnedRewards": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> rewards.",
- "operationDetailsAmountBreakDown": "{{initialAmount}} (<0>+{{reward}}0> earned rewards)",
- "optIn": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Add ASA (Asset)",
- "steps": {
- "assets": {
- "title": "ASA (Asset)",
- "info": "Adding an asset requires sending a transaction with minimum fees. This will appear on your transaction history",
- "selectLabel": "Choose an ASA (Asset)",
- "disabledTooltip": "You already have this ASA (Asset) in your Algorand account"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "{{token}} asset successfully added",
- "text": "You can now receive and send <0>{{token}}0> assets on your Algorand account.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "header": "Rewards",
- "tooltip": "Algorand rewards are distributed regularly and are claimed automatically when you do a transaction.",
- "cta": "Claim rewards",
- "rewardsDisabledTooltip": "You don’t have any rewards. Algorand rewards are claimed automatically when you do a transaction. Receive ALGO to start earning rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Receive Algorand rewards simply for holding Algorand control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "A minimum balance of 1 ALGO is required to receive rewards.",
- "access": "Increase the account’s balance to increase rewards.",
- "ledger": "Perform a transaction to or from the account to claim rewards."
- },
- "learnMore": "How Algorand rewards work?",
- "button": {
- "cta": "Receive Algo"
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned {{amount}}. Click on Continue to claim your rewards",
- "info": "You will be prompted to generate an empty transaction to your account. This will add your current rewards to your balance at the minimal cost of the transaction fees."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards successfully claimed!",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "polkadot": {
- "lockedBalance": "Bonded",
- "lockedTooltip": "Assets must be bonded to nominated validators before earning rewards.",
- "unlockingBalance": "Unbonding",
- "unlockingTooltip": "Unbonding assets stay locked for 28 days before they can be withdrawn.",
- "unlockedBalance": "Unbonded",
- "unlockedTooltip": "Unbonded assets can now be moved using the withdraw operation.",
- "networkFees": "Network fees are automatically set by the Polkadot consensus, you won't be able to review them on your device",
- "bondedBalanceBelowMinimum": "Your bonded balance is below the current minimum of {{minimumBondBalance}}. Your nominations are at risk of being removed.",
- "nomination": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn rewards by bonding assets and then nominating your validator(s).",
- "info": "How nominations work"
- },
- "header": "Nominations",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "setController": "Change Controller",
- "chill": "Clear nominations",
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "amount": "Bonded Amount",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "This validator is elected and is collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "inactiveTooltip": "This validator is elected but is not collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "waiting": "Unelected",
- "waitingTooltip": "This validator is not elected, therefore is not collecting rewards.",
- "notValidator": "Not a validator",
- "notValidatorTooltip": "This address is no longer a validator",
- "elected": "Elected",
- "nominatorsCount": "{{nominatorsCount}} nominators",
- "nominatorsTooltip": "This validator is currently elected by {{count}} nominators.",
- "oversubscribed": "Oversubscribed ({{nominatorsCount}})",
- "oversubscribedTooltip": "Only the top {{maxNominatorRewardedPerValidator}} nominators with the highest bonded amount earn rewards",
- "hasPendingBondOperation": "A bond operation is still pending confirmation",
- "electionOpen": "The election of new validators is currently ongoing. As such, staking operations are not available for 15 minutes at most.",
- "electionOpenTooltip": "This operation is disabled during the election of validators",
- "externalControllerTooltip": "This account is controlled by another account.",
- "externalControllerUnsupported": "<0>This stash account is controlled by a separate account whose address is <0>{{controllerAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set this stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "externalStashTooltip": "This account controls another account.",
- "externalStashUnsupported": "<0>This account is the controller of a separate stash account whose address is <0>{{stashAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set your stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "showInactiveNominations": "Show all nominations ({{count}})",
- "hideInactiveNominations": "Show active nominations only",
- "noActiveNominations": "There are no active nominations.",
- "showAllUnlockings": "Show all unbonding amounts ({{count}})",
- "hideAllUnlockings": "Hide unbonding amounts"
- },
- "unlockings": {
- "header": "Unbonding",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 28-day unbonding period",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Withdraw ({{amount}})",
- "withdrawTooltip": "The unbonded amount will be credited to your available balance.",
- "noUnlockedWarning": "No unbonded balance to withdraw yet.",
- "rebond": "Rebond",
- "unbonded": "Unbonded"
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond",
- "description": "To earn rewards, first bond an amount. Then you must nominate your validator(s)."
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond",
- "description": "To make a bonded amount available again, first you need to unbond it. You can withdraw it after the 28-day unbonding period."
- },
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "To retrieve an unbonded amount back to the available balance, you need to withdraw it manually."
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "description": "Choose up to 16 validators. Ensure nominations are Active to earn rewards."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Remove all nominations. You will stop earning rewards. Your bonded amount remains bonded."
- }
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "steps": {
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "notValidatorsRemoved": "You have nominated {{count}} addresses who are no longer validators. They will automatically be removed from your nominate transaction.",
- "maybeChill": "Clear nominations instead"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully nominated validators",
- "text": "You will start earning rewards when your assets are bonded to your elected validator(s).",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond assets",
- "rewardDestination": {
- "label": "Rewards Destination",
- "stash": "Available Balance",
- "stashDescription": "Rewards are credited to your available balance.",
- "staked": "Bonded Balance",
- "stakedDescription": "Rewards are credited to your bonded balance for compound earning.",
- "optionTitle": "Note",
- "optionDescription": "Once set, the option is fixed for the lifetime of this bond. If you change your mind, please read the article down below"
- },
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by bonding your assets and then nominate your validators.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of bonded assets",
- "Nominate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available again, 28 days after unbonding"
- ],
- "help": "How nominations work",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your bonded assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to bond",
- "availableLabel": "Available",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Bonded assets can be unbonded at any time, but unbonding takes 28 days.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction awaiting confirmation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a moment before nominating"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully bonded",
- "text": "You can nominate validators once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "textNominate": "You will be able to nominate validators once the network has confirmed your transaction.",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "later": "Nominate later"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Bonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "rebond": {
- "title": "Rebond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to rebond",
- "availableLabel": "Unbonding",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Rebonded assets are immediately added to the bonded amount.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully rebonded",
- "text": "Your account balance will update once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Rebonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to unbond",
- "availableLabel": "Bonded",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn after the 28-day unbonding period.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Unbond transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn in 28 days.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Unbonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "simpleOperation": {
- "modes": {
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "After the 28-day unbonding period you can withdraw unbonded assets.",
- "info": "You can then withdraw unbonded assets to your available balance."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Clears all nominations and stops earning rewards.",
- "info": "Bonded assets will remain bonded. If you unbond them, they will be available after 28 days."
- },
- "setController": {
- "title": "Change Controller",
- "description": "Set this Ledger account as its own controller",
- "info": "Ledger Live doesn't support operations on separate stash and controller accounts."
- }
- },
- "steps": {
- "info": {
- "title": "Info"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "You will see your operation in history soon.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "solana": {
- "common": {
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation"
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "listHeader": "Delegations",
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "Active amount generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Inactive amount does not generate rewards",
- "delegatedInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is delegated to validators.",
- "withdrawableInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is withdrawable from delegations.",
- "withdrawableTitle": "Withdrawable",
- "statusUpdateNotice": "The status of the delegation will be updated when the transaction is confirmed.",
- "ledgerByFigmentTC": "Ledger by Figment T&Cs",
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn SOL rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "earnRewards": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your SOL assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": {
- "0": "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "1": "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "2": "Assets will be available after undelegation"
- },
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validator"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully withdrawn your assets.",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the transaction is confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "activate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Activate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully activated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "reactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Reactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully reactivated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "deactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Deactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully deactivated your delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "title": "Érj el jutalmakat",
- "header": "Delegálás",
- "validator": "Érvényesítő",
- "yield": "Kb. Hozam",
- "address": "Cím",
- "transactionID": "Tranzakció azonosító",
- "value": "Érték",
- "amount": "Mennyiség",
- "delegated": "Delegated",
- "completionDate": "Completion date",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "duration": "Tartam",
- "durationJustStarted": "Most kezdődött",
- "durationDays": "{{count}} nap",
- "durationDays_plural": "{{count}} napok",
- "howItWorks": "Hogyan működik a delegálás",
- "delegationEarn": "Mostantól részesülhetsz {{name}} tárolási jutalmakban a számlád delegálásával.",
- "earnRewards": "Kapj jutalmakat",
- "overdelegated": "Túlhalmozott",
- "status": "Status",
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Kapj tárolási jutalmakat",
- "description": "Delegate your Tezos account to a third-party validator to earn staking rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegált számláid a tieid maradnak.",
- "access": "You can access your assets at any time.",
- "ledger": "Delegálj biztonságosan a Ledger eszközöd segítségével."
- },
- "button": {
- "cta": "Delegálj, hogy jutalmakat kapj"
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "title": "Számla delegálása",
- "label": "Számla",
- "toDelegate": "Delegálandó számla"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Számla delegálása",
- "label": "Összegzés",
- "toDelegate": "Delegálandó számla",
- "toUndelegate": "Delegálás visszavonása erről a számláról",
- "validator": "Érvényesítő",
- "select": "Kiválaszt",
- "yield": "Kb. Hozam {{amount}}",
- "randomly": "Véletlenszerűen választott hitelesítő",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your validator."
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Válassz hitelesítőt",
- "description": "Választhatsz hitelesítőt a becsült jutalom mértékének összehasonlításával",
- "customValidator": "Egyedi érvényesítő",
- "providedBy": "Yield rates provided by <1><0>{{name}}0>1>"
- },
- "custom": {
- "title": "Egyedi megerősítő",
- "text": "Kérlek, írd be az egyedi megerősítő címét a számlád delegálásához.",
- "button": "Megerősítő használata"
- },
- "undelegate": {
- "title": "Számlád delegálásának visszavonása"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Megerősítés",
- "label": "Megerősítés",
- "success": {
- "title": "Delegálás elküldve",
- "titleUndelegated": "Delegálás visszavonása",
- "text": "Delegation transaction broadcasted successfully. You should earn your first rewards within around 40 days, depending on the validator.",
- "textUndelegated": "Fiókod átruházása akkor fejeződik be, amikor a művelet megerősítésre kerül. A számlád bármikor újra átruházhatod."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "topUp": "Fogadj többet",
- "redelegate": "Érvényesítő cseréje",
- "stopDelegation": "Delegálás befejezése"
- }
- },
- "asset": {
- "notice": "Összefoglaló minden {{currency}} számláról"
- },
- "carousel": {
- "hidden": {
- "close": "Confirm",
- "undo": "Show again",
- "disclaimer": "This banner will not show up again until there is a new announcement"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Beállítások",
- "discreet": "Váltás diszkrét módra",
- "helpButton": "Help",
- "tabs": {
- "display": "Általános",
- "currencies": "Kriptovaluták",
- "help": "Segítség",
- "about": "Rólunk",
- "experimental": "Kísérleti funkciók",
- "accounts": "Számlák",
- "developer": "Developer"
- },
- "export": {
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Számlák exportálása",
- "desc": "Add hozzá számláid a Ledger Live mobilhoz. Számláid csak a bloklánccal lesznek szonkronizálva, nem pedig a mobil és asztali alkalmazás között.",
- "button": "Exportálás"
- },
- "operations": {
- "title": "Műveleti előzmények",
- "desc": "Mentsd egy CSV fileba a számláidon végrehajtott műveleteket a számítógépeden."
- },
- "modal": {
- "button": "Kész",
- "title": "Olvasd be a mobilra torténő exportáláshoz",
- "listTitle": "A Ledger Live mobilalkalmazásban:",
- "step1": "Tap the + button in accounts",
- "step2": "Tap Import desktop accounts",
- "step3": "Scan the LiveQR code until the loader hits 100%"
- }
- },
- "display": {
- "language": "Megjelenítés nyelve",
- "languageDesc": "Állítsd be a Ledger Live-ban megjeleníteni kívánt nyelvet.",
- "theme": "Téma",
- "themeDesc": "Téma kiválasztása.",
- "counterValue": "Preferred currency",
- "counterValueDesc": "Válaszd ki az egyenleged, és a műveleteid mellett megjelenő valutát.",
- "region": "Régió",
- "regionDesc": "Choose your region to update formats of dates, time and currencies.",
- "stock": "Regionális piaci mutató",
- "stockDesc": "Choose Western to display market increases in blue or Eastern to display them in red.",
- "carouselVisibility": "Carousel visibility",
- "carouselVisibilityDesc": "Enable visibility of the carousel on Portfolio"
- },
- "developer": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "You are now a developer !",
- "text": "Welcome to wonderland"
- },
- "debugApps": "Allow debug apps",
- "debugAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening debug tagged platform apps.",
- "experimentalApps": "Allow experimental apps",
- "experimentalAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening experimental tagged platform apps.",
- "catalogServer": "Set the catalog provider",
- "catalogServerDesc": "Switch between multiple platform apps sources",
- "enablePlatformDevTools": "Enable platform dev tools",
- "enablePlatformDevToolsDesc": "Enable opening platform apps dev tools window",
- "addLocalApp": "Add a local app",
- "addLocalAppDesc": "Browse local files and add a local app using a local manifest",
- "addLocalAppButton": "Browse",
- "runLocalAppDeleteButton": "Delete",
- "runLocalAppOpenButton": "Open",
- "enableLearnStagingUrl": "Learn page staging URL",
- "enableLearnStagingUrlDesc": "Enable the staging URL for the learn page."
- },
- "currencies": {
- "selectPlaceholder": "Select crypto asset",
- "desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
- "placeholder": "Ehhez az eszközhöz nincsenek beállítások",
- "confirmationsNb": "Megerősítések száma",
- "confirmationsNbDesc": "Állítsd be, hogy hány megerősített tranzakció szükséges ahhoz, hogy egy tranzakció megerősítettként legyen megjelenítve."
- },
- "profile": {
- "password": "Jelszavas védelem",
- "passwordDesc": "Set a password to secure the Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
- "passwordAutoLock": "Automatikus lezárás",
- "passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live when inactive.",
- "changePassword": "Jelszó megváltoztatása",
- "softResetTitle": "Sütik törlése",
- "softResetDesc": "Ledger Live sütik törlése a blokklánccal való szinkronizálás kényszerítésének érdekében.",
- "softReset": "Törlés",
- "resetKYC": "Reset KYC data",
- "resetKYCDesc": "Erase all your Know your Customer data stored locally used to access third-party transaction provider.",
- "hardResetTitle": "Ledger Live alaphelyzetbe állítása",
- "hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction histories and settings.",
- "hardReset": "Alaphelyzetbe állítás",
- "analytics": "Elemzések",
- "analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, the Ledger device type and firmware.",
- "reportErrors": "Hibajelentések",
- "reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger improve its products.",
- "launchOnboarding": "Eszköz beállítása",
- "launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up a new device or restore an existing device. Accounts and settings are kept."
- },
- "help": {
- "version": "Verzió",
- "releaseNotesBtn": "Részletek",
- "termsBtn": "Olvasás",
- "faq": "Ledger Támogatás",
- "faqDesc": "If you have a problem, get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
- "terms": "Felhasználási feltételek",
- "termsDesc": "A Ledger Live használatával elfogadod a felhasználási feltételeinket.",
- "privacy": "Adatvédelmi irányelvek",
- "privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use them."
- },
- "experimental": {
- "disclaimer": "These are experimental features we provide on an \"as is\" basis for our tech savvy community to test. They may change, break or be removed at any time. By enabling them, you agree to use them at your own risk.",
- "features": {
- "experimentalCurrencies": {
- "title": "Experimental integrations",
- "description": "Use available experimental crypto assets integrations."
- },
- "experimentalLanguages": {
- "title": "Translation testing",
- "description": "Adds unreleased languages to the language list in the general settings tab."
- },
- "managerDevMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
- "description": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager."
- },
- "scanForInvalidPaths": {
- "title": "Extended account search",
- "description": "Scan for accounts with erroneous derivation paths. Please send potentially found assets to a regular account."
- },
- "experimentalExplorers": {
- "title": "Experimental Explorers API",
- "description": "Try an upcoming version of Ledger's blockchain explorers. Changing this setting may affect the account balance and synchronization as well as the send feature.\n(<0>0>)"
- },
- "keychainObservableRange": {
- "title": "Custom gap limit",
- "description": "Custom gap limit for all accounts. Increasing this value above its default value (20) scans more unused public addresses for coins. Advanced users only, this may break compatibility when restoring your accounts."
- },
- "forceProvider": {
- "title": "Manager provider",
- "description": "Changing the app provider in the Manager may make it impossible to install or uninstall apps on your Ledger device."
- },
- "testAnimations": {
- "title": "Test Lottie animations",
- "description": "Test all animations used in Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "hardResetModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live alaphelyzetbe állítása",
- "desc": "Reset Ledger Live to erase all settings and accounts on your computer. You can then choose your password and add your accounts back with your Ledger device. The private keys giving access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and are backed up by your recovery phrase.",
- "warning": "Resetting Ledger Live will erase your swap transaction history for all your accounts."
- },
- "softResetModal": {
- "title": "Sütik törlése",
- "desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys to access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
- },
- "resetFallbackModal": {
- "title": "Felhasználói beavatkozás szükséges",
- "part1": "Sütik mappa nem törölhető. Kérlek, töröld a mappát manuálisan:",
- "part2": "Kattints a mappa megnyitása gombra, a(z) ",
- "part3": "az alkalmazás be lesz zárva",
- "part4": ", és manuálisan törli a \"sqlite\" mappát.",
- "part5": "Ezután újra tudod indítani az alkalmazást a megszokott módon."
- },
- "removeAccountModal": {
- "title": "Számla eltávolítása",
- "desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Existing accounts can always be added again.",
- "delete": "Remove from Portfolio",
- "warning": "Removing this account will erase your swap transaction history associated to it."
- },
- "openUserDataDirectory": {
- "title": "Felhasználói adatok megtekintése",
- "desc": "View the user data stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
- "btn": "Megtekintés"
- },
- "repairDevice": {
- "title": "Ledger eszközöd javítása",
- "descSettings": "Use this to restore your Ledger device if it froze during a firmware update.",
- "desc": "For Ledger Nano S users, please select the state displayed on your device. For Nano X and Blue users kindly refer to the help center.",
- "button": "Javítás"
- },
- "exportLogs": {
- "title": "Naplók mentése",
- "desc": "Saving Ledger Live logs may be needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
- "btn": "Mentés"
- },
- "accounts": {
- "hideEmptyTokens": {
- "title": "Üres token számlák elrejtése",
- "desc": "Hide token accounts with zero balance on the Accounts page."
- },
- "tokenBlacklist": {
- "title": "Hidden tokens",
- "desc": "You can hide tokens by going to the parent account then right-clicking on the token and selecting 'Hide token'.",
- "count": "{{count}} token",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} tokens"
- },
- "hiddenNftCollections": {
- "title": "Hidden NFT Collections",
- "desc": "You can hide NFT Collections by right-clicking on the collection name and selecting 'Hide NFT Collection'.",
- "count": "{{count}} collection",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} collections"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "desc": "Set up your Bitcoin full node to synchronize and send transactions without using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- },
- "password": {
- "inputFields": {
- "newPassword": {
- "label": "Új jelszó"
- },
- "confirmPassword": {
- "label": "Jelszó megerősítése"
- },
- "currentPassword": {
- "label": "Jelenlegi jelszó"
- }
- },
- "changePassword": {
- "title": "Jelszavas védelem",
- "subTitle": "Változtasd meg a jelszavad"
- },
- "setPassword": {
- "title": "Jelszavas védelem",
- "subTitle": "Set the password",
- "desc": "Keep your password safe. Losing it means resetting Ledger Live and adding the accounts again."
- },
- "disablePassword": {
- "title": "Jelszavas védelem kikapcsolása",
- "desc": "A Ledger Live adatai titkosítatlanul lesznek tárolva a számítógépeden. Beleértve a számlák neveit, tranzakciókat, és nyilvános címeket."
- }
- },
- "update": {
- "downloadInProgress": "Frissítés letöltése...",
- "downloadProgress": "{{progress}}% letöltve",
- "checking": "Frissítés ellenőrzése...",
- "checkSuccess": "A frissítés készen áll a telepítésre",
- "quitAndInstall": "Telepítés most",
- "updateAvailable": "Update to Ledger Live version {{version}} is available",
- "error": "Hiba történt a frissítés során. Kérlek, töltsd le újra",
- "reDownload": "Letöltés újra",
- "nightlyWarning": "This version cannot auto-update. Please install the latest version manually",
- "downloadNow": "Download update"
- },
- "crash": {
- "title": "Valami hiba történt",
- "description": "Please check our support articles for possible solutions. If the problem persists, save the logs using the button below and provide them to Ledger Support.",
- "troubleshooting": "Kattints ide a lehetséges megoldásokért",
- "logs": "Naplók mentése",
- "dataFolder": "Felhasználói adatok megtekintése"
- },
- "exportOperationsModal": {
- "title": "Műveleti előzmények",
- "desc": "Válaszd ki, hogy mely számlák műveleti előzményeit szeretnéd menteni",
- "descSuccess": "The CSV file of your operation history was saved successfully in the selected folder",
- "titleSuccess": "Operation history saved successfully",
- "cta": "Mentés",
- "ctaSuccess": "Kész",
- "noAccounts": "Nincsenek exportálható számlák",
- "selectedAccounts": "Accounts to be included",
- "selectedAccounts_plural": "Accounts to be included ({{count}})",
- "disclaimer": "The countervalues in the export is provided for information purposes only. Do not rely on such data for accounting, tax, regulation or legal purposes, as they only represent an estimation of the price of the assets at the time of transactions and export, under the valuation methods provided by our service provider, Kaiko"
- },
- "language": {
- "system": "Használja a rendszer nyelvét",
- "switcher": {
- "en": "English",
- "fr": "French",
- "ru": "Russian",
- "es": "Spanish",
- "zh": "Chinese",
- "de": "German"
- }
- },
- "theme": {
- "system": "Select the system theme",
- "light": "Világos",
- "dusk": "Szürkés",
- "dark": "Sötét"
- },
- "toastOverlay": {
- "toastType": {
- "announcement": "News",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "achievement": "Achievement Unlocked"
- },
- "groupedToast": {
- "text": "You have {{count}} unread notifications",
- "cta": "See details"
- }
- },
- "informationCenter": {
- "tooltip": "Information center",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip": "There is {{count}} ongoing incident",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip_plural": "There are {{count}} ongoing incidents",
- "tabs": {
- "announcements": "News",
- "announcementsUnseen": "News ({{unseenCount}})",
- "serviceStatus": "Status",
- "serviceStatusIncidentsOngoing": "Status ({{incidentCount}})"
- },
- "serviceStatus": {
- "statusOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is up and running",
- "description": "Having trouble ? Go on our <0>help page0>"
- },
- "statusNotOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is experiencing issues",
- "learnMore": "Learn more"
- }
- },
- "announcement": {
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No news for the moment",
- "desc": "You will find here all the news related to Ledger and Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "onboarding": {
- "drawers": {
- "pinHelp": {
- "title": "Secure your PIN code",
- "intro": "During the setup process you choose a PIN code.",
- "rules": {
- "1": "<0>Always0> choose a PIN code yourself.",
- "2": "<0>Always0> enter your PIN code out of sight.",
- "3": "You can change your PIN code if needed.",
- "4": "Three wrong PIN code entries in a row will reset the device.",
- "5": "<0>Never0> use an easy PIN code like 0000, 123456, or 55555555.",
- "6": "<0>Never0> share your PIN code with someone else. Not even with Ledger.",
- "7": "<0>Never0> use a PIN code you did not choose yourself.",
- "8": "<0>Never0> store your PIN code on a computer or phone."
- }
- },
- "recoverySeed": {
- "title1": "How does a recovery phrase work?",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase works like a unique master key. Your Ledger device uses it to calculate private keys for every crypto asset you own.",
- "paragraph2": "To restore access to your crypto, any wallet can calculate the same private keys from your recovery phrase.",
- "link": "More about the recovery phrase",
- "title2": "What happens if I lose access to my Nano?",
- "paragraph3": "Don't worry and follow these steps:",
- "points": {
- "1": "Get a new hardware wallet.",
- "2": "Select “Restore recovery phrase on a new device” in the Ledger app",
- "3": "Enter your recovery phrase on your new device to restore access to your crypto."
- }
- },
- "whereToHide": {
- "title": "Where should I keep my recovery phrase?",
- "points": {
- "1": "<0>NEVER0> enter it on a computer, smartphone or any other device. Don't take a picture of it.",
- "2": "<0>NEVER0> share your 24 words with anyone.",
- "3": "<0>ALWAYS0> store it in a secure place, out of sight.",
- "4": "Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.",
- "5": "If any person or application asks for it, assume it is a scam!"
- }
- }
- },
- "modals": {
- "recoverySeedWarning": {
- "contactSupportCTA": "Contact Support",
- "continueCTA": "Continue",
- "title": "Please check the box contents",
- "description": "If your {{device}} came with a PIN code or recovery phrase, it’s not safe to use and you should contact Ledger Support.",
- "alert": "Only use a recovery phrase that your device displayed when it was set up"
- }
- },
- "alerts": {
- "beCareful": {
- "title": "Please be careful",
- "descr": "Make sure you follow the instructions on this app at every step of the process.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- },
- "useLedgerSeeds": {
- "title": "We recommend Ledger recovery phrases only",
- "descr": "Ledger cannot guarantee the security of external recovery phrases. We recommend setting up your Nano as a new device if your recovery phrase was not generated by a Ledger.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "screens": {
- "welcome": {
- "title": "Welcome to Ledger",
- "description": "Safely manage your crypto from your computer.",
- "cta": "Get started",
- "noDevice": "No device? <0>Buy a Ledger Nano X0>",
- "languageWarning": {
- "title": "Get started in {{language}}",
- "desc": "We are introducing additional languages in order to help your onboarding with Ledger. Please be aware that the rest of the Ledger experience is currently only available in English.",
- "cta": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "selectDevice": {
- "title": "What's your device?"
- },
- "selectUseCase": {
- "greetings": "Hello!",
- "hasNoRecovery": "First time using your {{deviceName}}?",
- "hasRecovery": "Already have a recovery phrase?",
- "separator": "or",
- "switchDevice": "Switch device",
- "options": {
- "1": {
- "heading": "First use",
- "title": "Set up a new {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Let’s start and set up your device!"
- },
- "2": {
- "heading": "Connect device",
- "title": "Connect your {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Is your device already set up? Connect it to the app!"
- },
- "3": {
- "heading": "Restore device",
- "title": "Restore your recovery phrase on a new device",
- "description": "Use an existing recovery phrase to restore your private keys on a new {{deviceName}}!"
- }
- }
- },
- "tutorial": {
- "steps": {
- "getStarted": "Get started",
- "pinCode": "Pin code",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery phrase",
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase",
- "pairNano": "Connect nano"
- },
- "screens": {
- "importYourRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Restore from recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Restore your Nano from your recovery phrase to restore, replace or back up your Ledger hardware wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano will restore your private keys and you will be able to access and manage your crypto.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "howToGetStarted": {
- "title": "The best way to get you started:",
- "rules": {
- "1": "Plan 30 minutes and take your time.",
- "2": "Grab a pen to write with.",
- "3": "Stay alone, and choose a safe and quiet environment."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Set up as new device”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo2": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Enter your recovery phrase”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "pinCode": {
- "title": "PIN code",
- "paragraph": "Your PIN code is the first layer of security. It physically secures access to your private key and your Nano. Your PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that I must choose my PIN code myself and keep it private.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Set up PIN code",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizSuccess": {
- "title": "Already a pro!",
- "paragraph": "You are ready to safely manage your crypto.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizFailure": {
- "title": "You will soon become a pro...",
- "paragraph": "Don’t worry, Ledger is here to guide you through your journey. You will soon feel extra comfortable about your crypto safety.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "pinCodeHowTo": {
- "setUp": {
- "title": "Choose PIN code",
- "descr": "Press the left or right button to change digits. Press both buttons to validate a digit. Select <0>0> to confirm your PIN code. Select <1>1> to erase a digit."
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm PIN code",
- "descr": "Enter your PIN code again to confirm it."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "existingRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is the secret list of words that you backed up when you first set up your wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Ledger does not keep a copy of your recovery phrase.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose my recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Enter recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- },
- "warning": {
- "title": "Do not use a recovery phrase that you have not generated yourself.",
- "desc": "Your Ledger hardware wallet’s pin code and recovery phrase should be initialized by you and only you. If you have received a device with a pre-existing seed word or an already initialized pin code do not use the product and contact our customer support.",
- "supportLink": "Contact customer support"
- }
- },
- "useRecoverySheet": {
- "takeYourRecoverySheet": {
- "title": "Take your recovery sheet",
- "descr": "Grab a blank Recovery sheet, included with your Nano. Please reach out to Ledger Support if the Recovery sheet did not come blank."
- },
- "writeDownWords": {
- "title": "Write down 24 words",
- "descr": "Write Word #1 displayed on your Nano in position 1 of your Recovery sheet. Then press right on your Nano to display Word #2 and write it down in position 2.\n\nRepeat the process for all words while carefully respecting the order and spelling. Press left on your Nano to check for any mistakes."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "newRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is a secret list of 24 words that backs up your private keys.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano generates a unique recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep a copy of it.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose this recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo": {
- "grabRecovery": {
- "title": "Grab your recovery phrase"
- },
- "selectLength": {
- "title": "Select recovery phrase length",
- "descr": "Your recovery phrases can have 12, 18 or 24 words. You must enter all words to access your crypto."
- },
- "enterWord": {
- "title": "Enter Word #1...",
- "descr": "Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter."
- },
- "validateWord": {
- "title": "Validate Word #1...",
- "descr": "Choose Word #1 from the suggestions. Press both buttons to validate."
- },
- "andNext": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo3": {
- "reEnterWord": {
- "title": "Confirm your recovery phrase",
- "descr": "Scroll through the words until you find Word #1 by pressing the right button. Validate by pressing both buttons."
- },
- "repeat": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "genuineCheck": {
- "success": {
- "title": "All good!",
- "desc": "Your Ledger {{deviceName}} is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Continue",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Hide your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph": "Your recovery phrase is your last chance to access your crypto if you cannot use your Nano. You must keep it in a safe place.",
- "keepItOffline": "Enter these words on a hardware wallet only, not on computers or smartphones.",
- "neverShowToAnyone": "Never share your 24 words with anyone, not even with Ledger.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I'm done!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help",
- "learn": "Learn how to hide it"
- }
- },
- "pairMyNano": {
- "title": "Genuine check",
- "paragraph": "We'll verify whether your Nano is genuine. This should be quick and easy!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Check my Nano",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "pedagogy": {
- "heading": "basics",
- "screens": {
- "accessYourCoins": {
- "title": "Access your crypto",
- "description": "Your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You need a private key to access and manage them."
- },
- "ownYourPrivateKey": {
- "title": "Own your private key",
- "description": "Your private key is stored within your Nano. You must be the only one to own it to be in control of your money."
- },
- "stayOffline": {
- "title": "Stay offline",
- "description": "Your Nano works as a \"cold storage\" wallet. This means that it never exposes your private key online, even when using the app."
- },
- "validateTransactions": {
- "title": "Validate transactions",
- "description": "Ledger Live allows you to buy, sell, manage, exchange and earn crypto while remaining protected. You will validate every crypto transaction with your Nano."
- },
- "setUpNanoWallet": {
- "title": "Let’s set up your Nano!",
- "description": "We'll start by setting up your Nano security.",
- "CTA": "Let’s do this!"
- }
- }
- },
- "quizz": {
- "heading": "Quiz",
- "title": "Now game on!",
- "descr": "Answer 3 simple questions to avoid common misconceptions about your hardware wallet.",
- "buttons": {
- "start": "Let’s take the quiz",
- "next": "Next question",
- "finish": "Finish quiz"
- },
- "questions": {
- "1": {
- "text": "As a Ledger user, my crypto is stored:",
- "answers": {
- "1": "On my Nano",
- "2": "On the blockchain"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "text": "If my recovery phrase is no longer secure or private...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "No problem, Ledger can send me a copy",
- "2": "My crypto is no longer safe and I need to transfer them to a secure place"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "text": "When I connect my Nano to the Ledger app, my private key is...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "Still offline",
- "2": "Briefly connected to the internet"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "connectTroubleshooting": {
- "desc": "Having trouble connecting your device?",
- "cta": "Fix it",
- "solution": "Solution #{{number}}",
- "applesInstructions": "Apple’s instructions",
- "nextSolution": "Next solution",
- "previousSolution": "Previous solution",
- "followSteps": "Follow these steps",
- "supportArticle": "Support article",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "connected": "Connected!",
- "backToPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio",
- "steps": {
- "entry": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot USB connection",
- "desc": "There seems to be a problem connecting to your device. Don’t worry, you can try different solutions one by one until your device connects!",
- "cta": "Let’s fix it!",
- "back": "Go back"
- },
- "1": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Run Ledger Live as Administrator",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Quit Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Right-click the Ledger Live application.",
- "2": "Select “Run as Administrator”.",
- "3": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "linux": {
- "title": "Update the udev rules on Linux",
- "desc": "Click the button below to add the udev rules. Then connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "cta": "Set Rules",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Enter the following command in a terminal to automatically add the rules and reload udev.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "usbPort": {
- "title": "Try different USB ports",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Change the USB port used on your computer.",
- "1": "Remove any USB dongles.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "usbCable": {
- "title": "Change the USB cable",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Use the original USB cable if possible.",
- "1": "Try a different USB cable, making sure it supports data transfer.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "restart": {
- "title": "Restart your computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Restart your computer.",
- "1": "Start Ledger Live.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "antiVirus": {
- "title": "Turn off Anti-virus and VPN",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Turn off any anti-virus, firewall, and VPN software.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "2": "Whitelist Ledger Live in your anti-virus if that worked."
- }
- },
- "anotherComputer": {
- "title": "Try another computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Go to <0>{{link}}0> on another computer to download and install Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Update the USB device drivers",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Visit this <0>{{link}}0>",
- "1": "Follow the instructions to update USB device drivers.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it's detected."
- }
- },
- "mac": {
- "0": {
- "title": "Enable Full Disk Access",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Open “System Preferences”.",
- "1": "Go to “Security & Privacy”.",
- "2": "In the “Privacy” tab, go to “Full Disk Access” in the left column.",
- "3": "Add “Ledger Live”.",
- "4": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "1": {
- "title": "Reset NVRAM",
- "link": "Apple’s instructions",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "If your Mac has an intel processor, follow <0>{{link}}0> to reset the NVRAM.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "4": {
- "deviceSelection": {
- "title": "What’s your device?",
- "desc": "If you have a Nano S, you can try repairing your devices Firmware. For Nano X and Blue users, kindly contact Ledger support"
- },
- "notFixed": {
- "title": " USB connection problem still not fixed?",
- "desc": "If you've tried every possible solution, please reach out to Ledger Support. Otherwise, please follow the instructions of any solution you haven’t tried yet.",
- "back": "Back to portfolio",
- "cta": "Contact Support"
- },
- "repair": {
- "title": "Repair your Nano S",
- "desc": "What is the message displayed on your device?",
- "mcuOutdated": "MCU firmware is outdated",
- "mcuNotGenuine": "MCU firmware is not genuine",
- "repairInstructions": "Follow device repair instructions",
- "updateInstructions": "Follow device update instructions",
- "somethingElse": "Something else"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "SignMessageConfirm": {
- "stringHash": "Message Hash",
- "domainHash": "Domain Hash",
- "messageHash": "Message Hash",
- "message": "Message"
- },
- "TransactionConfirm": {
- "title": "Please confirm the operation on your device to finalize it",
- "warning": "Always verify the address displayed on your device exactly matches the one given by the {{recipientWording}}",
- "secureContract": "Verify the deposit details on your device before sending it. The contract address is provided securely so you don’t have to verify it.",
- "verifyData": "Always verify the operation details on your device.",
- "warningWording": {},
- "titleWording": {
- "send": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimReward": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "freeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unfreeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "vote": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "delegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "undelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "redelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimRewardCompound": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "nominate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "chill": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "bond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unbond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "rebond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "setController": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation"
- },
- "recipientWording": {
- "send": "fogadó",
- "delegate": "megerősítő",
- "undelegate": "megerősítő",
- "claimReward": "rewards recipient",
- "optIn": "recipient",
- "nominate": "validator",
- "erc721": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- },
- "erc1155": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- }
- },
- "votes": "Szavazatok ({{count}})"
- },
- "RecipientField": {
- "placeholder": "Írd be a(z) {{currencyName}} címet"
- },
- "Terms": {
- "title": "Terms of use",
- "description": "Please take some time to review our Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "termsLabel": "Terms of service",
- "privacyLabel": "Privacy policy",
- "switchLabel": "I have read and accept the Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "cta": "Enter Ledger app"
- },
- "families": {
- "stellar": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoType": {
- "MEMO_TEXT": "Memo Text",
- "NO_MEMO": "No Memo",
- "MEMO_ID": "Memo ID",
- "MEMO_HASH": "Memo Hash",
- "MEMO_RETURN": "Memo Return"
- },
- "memoWarningText": "When using a Memo, carefully verify the type used with the recipient"
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- },
- "solana": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional"
- }
- },
- "errors": {
- "NoSuchAppOnProvider": {
- "title": "The {{appName}} app cannot be found for your specific configuration.",
- "description": "Try reinstalling the app from the Manager"
- },
- "countervaluesUnavailable": {
- "title": "We're not able to provide a countervalue for this asset at the moment"
- },
- "generic": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "AccountAwaitingSendPendingOperations": {
- "title": "There is a pending operation for this account.",
- "description": "Wait for the operation to go through."
- },
- "AccountNameRequired": {
- "title": "Egy számlanév szükséges",
- "description": "Please enter an account name"
- },
- "AccountNeedResync": {
- "title": "Please try again",
- "description": "Account is outdated. A synchronisation is needed"
- },
- "AccountNotSupported": {
- "title": "Számla nem támogatott.",
- "description": "Kérlek, próbáld meg újra, vagy lépj kapcsolatba az ügyféltámogatással ({{reason}})"
- },
- "AlgorandASANotOptInInRecipient": {
- "title": "Recipient account has not opted in the selected ASA."
- },
- "AmountRequired": {
- "title": "Amount required"
- },
- "NoAccessToCamera": {
- "title": "Please ensure your system has a camera, that it is not in use by another application and that Ledger Live has permission to use it.",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ClaimRewardsFeesWarning": {
- "title": "The rewards are smaller than the estimated fees to claim them",
- "description": ""
- },
- "CompoundLowerAllowanceOfActiveAccountError": {
- "title": "You cannot reduce the amount approved while having an active deposit."
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInternal": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #1)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTxDecode": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #2)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidSequence": {
- "title": "Invalid sequence",
- "description": "Please try the operation again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnauthorized": {
- "title": "Unauthorized signature",
- "description": "This account is not authorized to sign this transaction"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFunds": {
- "title": "Insufficient funds",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownRequest": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #6)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Invalid address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidPubKey": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #8)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownAddress": {
- "title": "Unknown address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientCoins": {
- "title": "Insufficient coins",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidCoins": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #11)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeOutOfGas": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #12)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeMemoTooLarge": {
- "title": "The Memo field is too long",
- "description": "Please reduce the size of the memo text and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFee": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #14)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTooManySignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #15)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeGasOverflow": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #16)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeNoSignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #17)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CurrencyNotSupported": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} nem támogatott",
- "description": "This crypto asset is not yet supported. Please contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "DeviceNotGenuine": {
- "title": "Lehetséges, hogy nem eredeti",
- "description": "Request assistance from Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, próbáld meg újra (genuine-close)",
- "description": null
- },
- "DeviceInOSUExpected": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, a frissítés sikertelen",
- "description": "Kérlek, próbáld meg újra, vagy vedd fel a kapcsolatot a Ledger ügyfélszolgálattal"
- },
- "DeviceHalted": {
- "title": "Kérlek, indítsd újra a Ledger eszközöd, és próbáld meg újra",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again"
- },
- "DeviceNotOnboarded": {
- "title": "Your device is not ready to use yet",
- "description": "Set up your device before using it with Ledger Live."
- },
- "DeviceSocketFail": {
- "title": "Kérlek, indítsd újra a Ledger eszközöd, és próbáld meg újra",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. ({{message}})"
- },
- "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
- "title": "The connection failed",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "EnpointConfig": {
- "title": "Érvénytelen végpont",
- "description": "Kérlek, adj meg egy érvényes végpontot"
- },
- "FeeEstimationFailed": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, a díjbecslés sikertelen",
- "description": "Próbálj meg beállítani egyedi díjat (státusz: {{status}})"
- },
- "FirmwareOrAppUpdateRequired": {
- "title": "Szoftver vagy alkalmazás frissítés szükséges",
- "description": "Please use the Manager to uninstall all apps then check if a firmware update is available before reinstalling them"
- },
- "LatestFirmwareVersionRequired": {
- "title": "Update Nano Firmware",
- "description": "Please update your devices Firmware to the latest version to access this feature"
- },
- "FirmwareNotRecognized": {
- "title": "Az Eszközszoftver nem lett felismerve",
- "description": "Kérlek, lépj kapcsolatba a Ledger ügyféltámogatással"
- },
- "HardResetFail": {
- "title": "Sorry, could not reset",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
- "title": "Sorry, there's nothing to update",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support if you cannot use your device."
- },
- "LedgerAPI4xx": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Kérlek, ellenőrizd a kapcsolatot, és próbáld meg újra, vagy lépj kapcsolatba a Ledger ügyfélszolgálatával."
- },
- "LedgerAPI5xx": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, próbáld meg újra.",
- "description": "The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {{message}}"
- },
- "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, a(z) {{currencyName}} szolgáltatások nem elérhetőek",
- "description": "Kérlek, próbáld meg újra, vagy vedd fel a kapcsolatot a Ledger ügyfélszolgálatával"
- },
- "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
- "title": "Sorry, that's already installed",
- "description": "Please check which apps are already installed on your device."
- },
- "ManagerAppDepInstallRequired": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} alkalmazás szükséges",
- "description": "If the {{dependency}} app is already installed, please reinstall it with the latest version"
- },
- "ManagerAppDepUninstallRequired": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, ez az alkalmazás szükséges",
- "description": "Először el kell távolítanod az összes alkalmazást amelyek szükségesek a(z) {{appName}} alkalmazáshoz"
- },
- "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
- "title": "Your device is locked",
- "description": "Please unlock it"
- },
- "ManagerFirmwareNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Távolítsd el az összes alkalmazást az eszközödről",
- "description": "The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device and must be backed up on your Recovery sheet."
- },
- "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, nincs elegendő tárhely",
- "description": "Uninstall some apps to free up space. The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device."
- },
- "ManagerQuitPage": {
- "install": {
- "title": "Alkalmazás telepítési folyamat befejezése?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app installation. Please finish the installation to install the apps in the queue.",
- "stay": "Telepítés befejezése"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Folyamatban lévő alkalmazás törlés befejezése?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app uninstallations in progress.",
- "stay": "Törlés befejezése"
- },
- "update": {
- "title": "Folyamatban lévő alkalmazás frissítések megszakítása?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app updates in progress.",
- "stay": "Frissítés befejezése"
- },
- "quit": "Eszközkezelő bezárása"
- },
- "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, ez az alkalmazás szükséges",
- "description": "A Bitcoin vagy Ethereum alkalmazást utoljára távolítsd el"
- },
- "NetworkDown": {
- "title": "Sorry, internet seems to be down",
- "description": "Please check your internet connection."
- },
- "NoAddressesFound": {
- "title": "Sorry, no accounts were found",
- "description": "Something went wrong with the address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalance": {
- "title": "Sorry, insufficient funds",
- "description": "Please make sure the account has enough funds."
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
- "title": "A fogadó cím inaktív. Küldj minimum {{minimalAmount}} mennyiséget az aktiválásához"
- },
- "NotEnoughGas": {
- "title": "The parent account balance is insufficient for network fees"
- },
- "PasswordsDontMatch": {
- "title": "The Passwords don't match",
- "description": "Kérlek, próbáld meg újra"
- },
- "PasswordIncorrect": {
- "title": "The password entered is incorrect",
- "description": "Kérlek, próbáld meg újra"
- },
- "QuantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "The quantity needs to be greater than 0"
- },
- "RPCHostRequired": {
- "title": "Host is required."
- },
- "RPCHostInvalid": {
- "title": "Enter valid host."
- },
- "RPCUserRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Username is required"
- },
- "RPCPassRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Password is required"
- },
- "SatStackAccessDown": {
- "title": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack and your node are running. Check the full node setup in the Settings if the problem persists."
- },
- "SatStackStillSyncing": {
- "title": "Node sync in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait while your node is syncing. Sending is not possible since your Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect."
- },
- "SatStackVersionTooOld": {
- "title": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "SatStackDescriptorNotImported": {
- "title": "Account not scanned by full node",
- "description": "Please configure your full node to scan for the accounts associated with this device. Your full node must first scan the blockchain for this account before you can add it to your portfolio."
- },
- "SwapGenericAPIError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "The exchange transaction did not go through. Please try again or contact support."
- },
- "TimeoutError": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "TimeoutTagged": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond ({{tag}})",
- "description": "Timeout occurred."
- },
- "TransportError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportRaceCondition": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportStatusError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "DeviceShouldStayInApp": {
- "title": "Kérlek, nyisd meg a(z) {{appName}} alkalmazást",
- "description": "Keep the {{appName}} app open while we find your accounts"
- },
- "UnexpectedBootloader": {
- "title": "Sorry, your device must not be in Bootloader mode",
- "description": "Please restart your device without touching the buttons when the logo appears. Contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "UserRefusedAllowManager": {
- "title": "Az eszközkezelő meg lett tagadva az eszközön"
- },
- "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
- "title": "Update cancelled on device",
- "description": "All apps on your device have been uninstalled. Keep your device up to date to benefit from improvements in security and functionality."
- },
- "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Action rejected",
- "description": "User rejected the operation on the device"
- },
- "TransactionRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "A művelet megtagadva az eszközön",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UserRefusedAddress": {
- "title": "A fogadó cím elutasítva",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UpdateYourApp": {
- "title": "Az alkalmazás frissítése szükséges",
- "description": "Távolítsd el és telepítsd újra a(z) {{managerAppName}} alkalmazást az eszközkezelőben"
- },
- "DeviceOnDashboardExpected": {
- "title": "Return to the Dashboard",
- "description": "Please navigate back to the Dashboard on your device"
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionError": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, próbáld meg újra (kapcsolati hiba)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
- "title": "Sajnáljuk, próbáld meg újra (kapcsolat bezárva)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
- "title": "Valami hiba történt",
- "description": "Please check that your hardware wallet is set up with the recovery phrase or passphrase associated to the selected account."
- },
- "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
- "title": "Az alkalmazás frissítése szükséges",
- "description": "Töröld és telepítsd újra a(z) {{managerAppName}} alkalmazást az eszközkezelőben"
- },
- "InvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Ez nem egy valós {{currencyName}} cím"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseAlreadyDelegated": {
- "title": "Your account is already delegated to this validator"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseDestinationIsAlsoSource": {
- "title": "A fogadó cím megegyezik a küldő címmel"
- },
- "CantOpenDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, connection failed",
- "description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "ETHAddressNonEIP": {
- "title": "Az automatikus ellenőrzés nem elérhető: gondosan ellenőrizd a címet",
- "description": null
- },
- "EthAppNftNotSupported": {
- "title": "Operation not available for this device",
- "description": "Send NFT feature is only available for Nano X. Please visit our customer support platform to know how to send a NFT with a Nano S."
- },
- "CantScanQRCode": {
- "title": "Nem sikerült beolvasni ezt a QR-kódot: az automatikus hitelesítés nem támogatott ennél a címnél"
- },
- "FeeNotLoaded": {
- "title": "Couldn't load fee rates. Please set manual fees"
- },
- "FeeRequired": {
- "title": "Díjak szükségesek"
- },
- "GasLessThanEstimate": {
- "title": "This may be too low. Please increase"
- },
- "UnknownMCU": {
- "title": "Ismeretlen MCU verzió",
- "description": "Kérlek, lépj kapcsolatba a Ledger ügyféltámogatással"
- },
- "MCUNotGenuineToDashboard": {
- "title": "Lépj a főoldalra a frissítéshez",
- "description": "",
- "list": {
- "1": "Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable without pressing any buttons.",
- "2": "Press both buttons together three times to display the Dashboard.",
- "3": "Nyisd meg az eszközkezelőt és kattints a szoftver frissítésére."
- }
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountReceive": {
- "title": "Cannot receive in subaccounts",
- "description": "Ha pénzt szeretnél fogadni, kérlek, használd a főszámlát"
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountSend": {
- "title": "Az alszámlákról még nem lehet küldeni",
- "description": "Ez a funkció később lesz hozzáadva a Babylon frissítés által nemrégiben bevezetett változtatások miatt."
- },
- "RecommendUndelegation": {
- "title": "Please undelegate the account before emptying it"
- },
- "RecommendSubAccountsToEmpty": {
- "title": "Kérlek, először üríts ki minden alszámlát"
- },
- "NotSupportedLegacyAddress": {
- "title": "Ez a régi címformátum már nem támogatott"
- },
- "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
- "title": "Ez a rossz alkalmazás",
- "description": "Open the '{{managerAppName}}' app on your device"
- },
- "DeviceNameInvalid": {
- "title": "Kérlek, válaszd ki az eszköz nevét '{{invalidCharacters}}' karakterek nélkül"
- },
- "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Kérlek, próbáld meg újra, vagy vedd fel a kapcsolatot a Ledger ügyfélszolgálatával."
- },
- "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
- "title": "Bitcoin és Ethereum alkalmazások szükségesek",
- "description": "Először telepítsd a legfrissebb Bitcoin és Ethereum alkalmazásokat."
- },
- "UserRefusedDeviceNameChange": {
- "title": "Rename cancelled on device",
- "description": "Próbáld meg újra, és fogadd el az átnevezést az eszközödön"
- },
- "SyncError": {
- "title": "Szinkronizálási hiba",
- "description": "Some accounts could not be synchronized."
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForBandwidth": {
- "title": "Nincsenek kiolvasztható eszközök",
- "description": "Nincsenek a Sávszélességhez kapcsolódó kiolvasztható eszközök"
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForEnergy": {
- "title": "Nincsenek kiolvasztható eszközök",
- "description": "Nincsenek az Energiához kapcsolódó kiolvasztható eszközök"
- },
- "TronUnfreezeNotExpired": {
- "title": "Kiolvasztás még nem lehetséges",
- "description": "Várnod kell 3 napot az utolsó Befagyasztás művelet után"
- },
- "TronVoteRequired": {
- "title": "Legalább 1 szavazat szükséges"
- },
- "TronInvalidVoteCount": {
- "title": "A szavazási formátum helytelen",
- "description": "Csak kerek számokat megadva szavazhatsz"
- },
- "TronRewardNotAvailable": {
- "title": "A jutalom még nem begyűjthető",
- "description": "24 órát kell várnod a begyűjtések között"
- },
- "TronNoReward": {
- "title": "Nincs begyűjthető jutalom"
- },
- "TronInvalidFreezeAmount": {
- "title": "A befagyasztandó mennyiség nem lehet kevesebb, mint 1"
- },
- "TronSendTrc20ToNewAccountForbidden": {
- "title": "TRC20 küldése egy új számlára nem aktiválja azt",
- "description": "A fogadó számlát aktiválni kell TRC20 küldése előtt. Küldj TRX-et vagy TRC10-et a számla aktiváláshoz."
- },
- "TronUnexpectedFees": {
- "title": "További díjak merülhetnek fel"
- },
- "TronNotEnoughTronPower": {
- "title": "Nincs elég elérhető szavazat"
- },
- "TronTransactionExpired": {
- "title": "Az tranzakció lejárt",
- "description": "Az aláírást 30 másodpercen belül kell alkalmazni. Kérlek próbáld újra."
- },
- "TronNotEnoughEnergy": {
- "title": "Nincs elég Energia ennek a tokennek az elküldéséhez"
- },
- "PairingFailed": {
- "title": "Párosítás sikertelen",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "GenuineCheckFailed": {
- "title": "Eredetiség ellenőrzése sikertelen",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "EthAppPleaseEnableContractData": {
- "title": "Kérlek, engedélyezd a szerződéses adatokat az Ethereum alkalmazás beállításaiban"
- },
- "InvalidXRPTag": {
- "title": "Érvénytelen XRP célcímke"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceToDelegate": {
- "title": "Nincs elegendő egyenleg a delegáláshoz"
- },
- "NotEnoughDelegationBalance": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceInParentAccount": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance in the parent account"
- },
- "quantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "Quantity needs to be at least 1"
- },
- "NotEnoughSpendableBalance": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumAmount}}"
- },
- "WrongAppForCurrency": {
- "title": "Kérlek, nyisd meg a(z) {{expected}} alkalmazást"
- },
- "FeeTooHigh": {
- "title": "Network fees are above 10% of the amount"
- },
- "StellarWrongMemoFormat": {
- "title": "Memo format is wrong"
- },
- "SourceHasMultiSign": {
- "title": "Please disable multisign to send {{currencyName}}"
- },
- "StellarMemoRecommended": {
- "title": "A memo may be required when sending to this recipient"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooLow": {
- "title": "Amount must be at least {{minAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooHigh": {
- "title": "Amount must be less than {{maxAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "PolkadotElectionClosed": {
- "title": "Validators election must be closed"
- },
- "PolkadotNotValidator": {
- "title": "Some selected addresses are not validators"
- },
- "PolkadotLowBondedBalance": {
- "title": "All bonded assets will be unbonded if < 1 DOT"
- },
- "PolkadotNoUnlockedBalance": {
- "title": "You have no unbonded assets"
- },
- "PolkadotNoNominations": {
- "title": "You have no nominations"
- },
- "PolkadotAllFundsWarning": {
- "title": "Ensure you have enough balance left for future transaction fees"
- },
- "PolkadotDoMaxSendInstead": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumBalance}}. Send max to empty account."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmount": {
- "title": "You must bond at least {{minimumBondAmount}}."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmountWarning": {
- "title": "You bonded balance should be at least {{minimumBondBalance}}."
- },
- "PolkadotMaxUnbonding": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the unbond limit"
- },
- "PolkadotValidatorsRequired": {
- "title": "You must select at least one validator"
- },
- "ServiceStatusWarning": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": ""
- },
- "TaprootNotActivated": {
- "title": "Sending to a taproot address is unsafe before mainnet activation"
- },
- "SolanaAccountNotFunded": {
- "title": "Account not funded"
- },
- "SolanaMemoIsTooLong": {
- "title": "Memo is too long. Max length is {{maxLength}}"
- },
- "SolanaAddressOfEd25519": {
- "title": "Address off ed25519 curve"
- },
- "NotEnoughNftOwned": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the number of available tokens"
- }
- },
- "cryptoOrg": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by Crypto.org",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "Crypto.org integration",
- "title": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now start to manage your Crypto.org (CRO) tokens and secure them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is native to the Crypto.org chain and is used for everything from transactions, staking and many upcoming features.",
- "website": "Cryptocurrency in every wallet"
- }
- },
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- }
diff --git a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/it/app.json b/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/it/app.json
deleted file mode 100644
index df2f81a1de16..000000000000
--- a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/it/app.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4340 +0,0 @@
- "calendar": {
- "today": "Today",
- "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "transactionDate": "Transaction date"
- },
- "platform": {
- "flows": {
- "requestAccount": {
- "title": "Select an account"
- },
- "broadcast": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "Transaction sent !",
- "text": "Click here to see operation details"
- }
- }
- },
- "app": {
- "informations": {
- "title": "Information",
- "website": "Website"
- }
- },
- "catalog": {
- "title": "Discover",
- "branch": {
- "soon": "coming soon",
- "experimental": "experimental",
- "debug": "debug"
- },
- "banner": {
- "title": "Discover our Live Apps Catalog",
- "description": "We're working hard to bring you access to the world of DeFi, NFTs and more, securely, right inside Ledger Live!"
- },
- "twitterBanner": {
- "description": "Tell us what’s the next service you want to see on Ledger Live with the hashtag",
- "tweetText": "The next Ledger App should be..."
- },
- "pollCTA": {
- "title": "Poll",
- "description": "Which service do you want to see in Ledger Live?",
- "button": "Let’s vote!"
- },
- "developerCTA": {
- "title": "For Developers",
- "description": "All the information you need to integrate your applications on Ledger Live.",
- "button": "Go to portal"
- }
- },
- "disclaimer": {
- "title": "External Application",
- "description": "You are about to be redirected to an application not operated by Ledger.",
- "legalAdvice": "This application is not operated by Ledger. Ledger is not responsible for any loss of funds or quality of service of such application.\n\nAlways make sure to carefully verify the information displayed on your device.",
- "checkbox": "Do not remind me again.",
- "CTA": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "never": "Never",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "done": "Done",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "reject": "Reject",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "getSupport": "Get support",
- "delete": "Remove account from portfolio",
- "launch": "Launch",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "help": "Help",
- "needHelp": "Need help?",
- "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
- "selectAccount": "Select an account",
- "selectAccountNoOption": "No account matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectCurrency": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectCurrencyNoOption": "No crypto asset \"{{currencyName}}\"",
- "selectValidatorNoOption": "No validator matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectNoResults": "No results found matching \"{{query}}\"",
- "sortBy": "Sort by",
- "save": "Save",
- "lock": "Lock",
- "showMore": "Show more",
- "back": "Back",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "retry": "Retry",
- "range": "Range",
- "stop": "Stop",
- "updateNow": "Update now",
- "close": "Close",
- "eastern": "Eastern",
- "western": "Western",
- "reverify": "Re-verify",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "verifyMyAddress": "Verify my address",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "addressCopied": "Address copied",
- "addressCopiedSuspicious": "Mismatch between the copied address and the one in the clipboard.",
- "experimentalFeature": "Experimental",
- "information": "Information",
- "search": "Search...",
- "searchWithoutEllipsis": "Search",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Welcome back",
- "subTitle": null,
- "description": "Enter your password to continue",
- "inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
- "lostPassword": "I lost my password"
- },
- "sync": {
- "syncing": "Synchronizing...",
- "upToDate": "Synchronized",
- "outdated": "Paused",
- "needsMigration": "Click to update account",
- "error": "Synchronization error",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "devTools": "Dev tools"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "info": "Info",
- "connectDevice": "Connect your device"
- },
- "devices": {
- "nanoS": "Nano S",
- "nanoSP": "Nano S Plus",
- "nanoX": "Nano X",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "operation": {
- "type": {
- "IN": "Received",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "NFT_IN": "NFT Received",
- "NFT_OUT": "NFT Sent",
- "CREATE": "Created",
- "REVEAL": "Revealed",
- "DELEGATE": "Delegated",
- "REDELEGATE": "Redelegated",
- "UNDELEGATE": "Undelegated",
- "SUPPLY": "Deposited",
- "REDEEM": "Withdrawn",
- "APPROVE": "Approved",
- "VOTE": "Voted",
- "FREEZE": "Frozen",
- "UNFREEZE": "Unfrozen",
- "REWARD": "Claimed reward",
- "FEES": "Fees",
- "OPT_IN": "Opt in",
- "OPT_OUT": "Opt out",
- "CLOSE_ACCOUNT": "Close account",
- "BOND": "Bond",
- "UNBOND": "Unbond",
- "REWARD_PAYOUT": "Reward",
- "SLASH": "Slash",
- "WITHDRAW_UNBONDED": "Withdrawal",
- "NOMINATE": "Nomination",
- "CHILL": "Clear nominations",
- "SET_CONTROLLER": "Set controller"
- }
- },
- "byteSize": {
- "bytes": "{{size}} bytes",
- "kbUnit": "{{size}} KB",
- "mbUnit": "{{size}} MB"
- },
- "time": {
- "minute": "Minute",
- "minute_plural": "Minutes",
- "hour": "Hour",
- "hour_plural": "Hours",
- "range": {
- "day": "1D",
- "week": "1W",
- "month": "1M",
- "year": "1Y",
- "all": "ALL"
- }
- },
- "fees": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "fast": "Fast",
- "high": "High",
- "low": "Low",
- "slow": "Slow",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "feesAmount": "Fees Amount"
- },
- "sidebar": {
- "card": "Card",
- "learn": "Learn",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "stars": "Starred accounts",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "manager": "Manager",
- "exchange": "Buy / Sell",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "lend": "Lend",
- "catalog": "Discover",
- "market": "Market"
- },
- "stars": {
- "placeholder": "Star an account to display it here.",
- "tooltip": "Star account"
- },
- "bridge": {
- "modalTitle": "Open Device Bridge",
- "openHeader": "Expose your Device accounts through WebSocket",
- "openDescription": "Opening a bridge exposes all of your accounts to third party applications.",
- "openedHeader": "{{appName}} bridge opened",
- "openedDescription": "You can now access your {{appName}} account on third party web application through WebSocket.",
- "completeHeader": "Bridge session completed",
- "completeDescription": "The websocket bridge is now closed.",
- "openButton": "Open",
- "disconnectButton": "Disconnect"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History",
- "kyc": "KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "ratesDrawer": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "quote": "Quote",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "details": {
- "label": {
- "provider": "provider",
- "rate": "rate",
- "fees": "network fees",
- "target": "target account"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "provider": "lorem ipsum",
- "rate": "lorem ipsum",
- "fees": "lorem ipsum"
- },
- "noAccount": "Create an account to receive {{name}}",
- "noAccountCTA": "Add account"
- },
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "max": "Max",
- "accountPlaceholder": "Select source",
- "currencyDisabledTooltip": "This currency is not available for swap yet"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To"
- },
- "notAvailable": {
- "title": "Swap is not available yet in your area",
- "content": "Have a little more patience,
we will launch this feature very soon"
- },
- "providers": {
- "kyc": {
- "required": "You need to complete your KYC",
- "complete": "Complete KYC",
- "update": "Refresh KYC",
- "rejected": "KYC rejected, start the verification again",
- "status": {
- "pending": "KYC pending",
- "approved": "KYC approved",
- "closed": "KYC rejected"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- },
- "export": "Export operations",
- "exporting": "Exporting..."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Your information has been submitted for approval",
- "subtitle": "It usually takes a few minutes for the review to be completed.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC",
- "info": "Identity verification: Submitted"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "exchangeDrawer": {
- "title": "Confirm your Exchange",
- "completed": {
- "title": "Transaction broadcast successfully",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed and for the provider to process and send your {{targetCurrency}}.",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "seeDetails": "See details"
- }
- }
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "titleCrypto": "Swap {{currency}}",
- "whatIsSwap": "What is Swap",
- "paraswap": {
- "cta": " Check it out",
- "description": "Looking for Paraswap? It has been moved to the Discover tab."
- },
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- }
- },
- "landing": {
- "title": "Swap your assets",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "sorry": "Service temporarily unavailable, or not available in your country"
- },
- "missingApp": {
- "title": "Please install the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and install {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "outdatedApp": {
- "title": "Please update the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and update {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "providers": {
- "title": "Choose a provider to swap crypto",
- "learnMore": "What is Swap?",
- "kycRequired": "KYC Required",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "kyc": {
- "notAvailable": "{{provider}} is unavailable in your location",
- "status": {
- "required": "KYC Required",
- "pending": "KYC Pending",
- "approved": "KYC Approved!",
- "closed": "KYC Rejected"
- }
- }
- },
- "ip": {
- "title": "Welcome to Swap",
- "subtitle": "Exchange crypto assets directly from your Ledger device.",
- "disclaimer": "By continuing, you accept that your location data will be shared with third party service providers in order for them to comply with their AML/KYC procedures."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Pending approval",
- "subtitle": "Your information was submitted for approval by Wyre.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "form": {
- "resetKYC": "Reset your KYC and Update Live to Swap with Wyre",
- "resetKYCCTA": "Reset KYC",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to send",
- "currency": "Crypto asset"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to receive",
- "currency": "Crypto asset",
- "addAccountCTA": "Add new account"
- },
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "floatUnavailable": "Floating rate not supported for this pair",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate",
- "fixedUnavailable": "Fixed rate not supported for this pair",
- "floatDesc": "Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.",
- "fixedDesc": "Your amount will stay the same even if the market changes. Updates every 60 seconds.",
- "by": "Provided by"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "helpCTA": "What is Swap?",
- "bubble": "We use a fixed rate, this is the exact amount you will receive.",
- "noAccounts": "You don't have {{currencyName}} accounts with balance",
- "noApp": "{{currencyName}} app not installed.",
- "outdatedApp": "{{currencyName}} app update available.",
- "loadingRates": "Loading rates..."
- },
- "unauthorizedRatesModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live needs an update",
- "subtitle": "Please update Ledger Live to the latest version, and re verify your identity to swap with wyre",
- "cta": "Reset verification"
- },
- "resetKYCModal": {
- "title": "Delete your KYC",
- "subtitle": "Delete your KYC to erase all tokens stored locally on your computer. You will have to resubmit your KYC to access services provided by our partners.",
- "cta": "Confirm"
- },
- "modal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "toExchange": "Amount to send",
- "toReceive": "Amount to receive",
- "terms": "Terms & Conditions",
- "disclaimer": {
- "description": "By clicking \"Confirm\", I acknowledge and accept that this service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s",
- "acceptedDescription": "This service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s"
- },
- "details": {
- "provider": "Provider",
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Type",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate"
- },
- "address": "Address"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "title": "App checks"
- },
- "finished": {
- "title": "Pending",
- "subtitle": "Swap broadcast successfully ",
- "swap": "Your Swap ID:",
- "seeDetails": "See details",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. It may take up to an hour before you receive your {{targetCurrency}}."
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetailsModal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "txid": "Swap ID",
- "status": "Status",
- "statusTooltips": {
- "expired": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "refunded": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "pending": "Please wait while the swap provider is processing the transaction.",
- "onhold": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID to solve the situation.",
- "finished": "Your swap was completed successfully."
- },
- "date": "Date",
- "from": "From",
- "fromAddress": "Origin address",
- "fromAddress_plural": "Origin addresses",
- "to": "To",
- "toProvider": "Provider address",
- "initialAmount": "Initial amount",
- "creditedAmount": "Credited amount"
- }
- },
- "lottieDebugger": {
- "buttonTitle": "Test"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "status": "Status",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "checkNodeSettings": "Verify node settings",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "modal": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect full node",
- "steps": {
- "landing": {
- "header": "Start your full node. Don’t trust, verify.",
- "description": "A Bitcoin full node validates all transactions and blocks, allowing you to use Bitcoin in a trustless way while contributing to the Bitcoin network.",
- "list": {
- "item1": "Set up Bitcoin Core on a device with sufficient resources.",
- "item2": "Wait for your node to fully synchronize.",
- "item3": "Make note of your node RPC credentials, IP address, and port number."
- },
- "disclaimer": "Running a full node requires a computer with sufficient resources and a broadband connection without data restrictions."
- },
- "node": {
- "title": "Node",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Enter your node parameters",
- "disclaimer": "Your full node must be fully synchronized before connecting Ledger Live.",
- "fields": {
- "nodeHost": {
- "title": "Host",
- "tooltip": "Leave as default if node runs on this computer, or replace the node IP address and port number."
- },
- "rpcCredentials": {
- "title": "RPC Credentials",
- "tooltip": "Enter the RPC username and password of your node, found in the bitcoin.conf file.",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
- },
- "tls": {
- "title": "Use TLS",
- "tooltip": "Enable Transport Layer Security, for example, when using a hosted node solution."
- }
- }
- },
- "connecting": {
- "header": "Testing node connection",
- "description": "Please wait while we check if your full node is responding."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Full node connection successful",
- "description": "You can now configure your full node to scan for your accounts on the blockchain."
- },
- "failure": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please ensure your node is fully synchronized and verify its connection settings."
- }
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "pending": {
- "header": "Getting accounts from device",
- "description": "Please wait while the accounts to scan are added to the node configuration file."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Accounts added to node configuration",
- "description": "A configuration file was saved to the user data folder. It enables Ledger SatStack to connect to your full node and let it scan for your accounts on the blockchain.",
- "cta": "View user data"
- }
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "existing": "Existing accounts to scan",
- "toScan": "Accounts to scan",
- "toScanDescription": "Accounts to scan for each address type",
- "toScanTooltip": "Increase only if you have 10+ BTC accounts. Initial scan will be slower. "
- },
- "satstack": {
- "title": "SatStack",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Download and run Ledger SatStack",
- "description": "Ledger SatStack is a small application enabling Ledger Live to talk to your full node. Please download and run it before you continue.",
- "disclaimer": "SatStack must be running for Ledger Live to connect to your full node. Consider setting it to launch automatically when your computer boots.",
- "cta": "Download SatStack"
- },
- "satstack-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach SatStack",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack is running on this computer."
- },
- "satstack-outdated": {
- "header": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "node-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that your node is reachable and that the connection settings you entered are correct."
- },
- "invalid-chain": {
- "header": "invalid-chain title",
- "description": "invalid-chain description for tooltip"
- },
- "initializing": {
- "header": "Loading",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ready": {
- "header": "Ready",
- "description": "The full node is fully synced. Your Bitcoin account balances are now correct."
- },
- "syncing": {
- "header": "Node sync in progress…",
- "description": "Recent transactions may not yet be visible, so Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect. If possible, run your node continuously to keep it in sync."
- },
- "scanning": {
- "header": "Account scan in progress...",
- "description": "You can add your accounts once the account scan is completed. Any Bitcoin accounts previously added through Ledger's explorers were removed."
- }
- }
- },
- "disconnect": {
- "cta": "Disconnect",
- "description": "Are you sure? Disconnecting the full node will remove all Bitcoin accounts. You can add your accounts again using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "lastOperations": "Latest operations",
- "contractAddress": "Contract:",
- "openInExplorer": "Open in explorer",
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No crypto assets yet?",
- "desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving",
- "descToken": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving <3><0>{{ticker}}0>3> and <5><0>{{tokenList}}0> tokens5>",
- "buttons": {
- "receiveFunds": "Receive",
- "buy": "Buy"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Edit account",
- "advancedLogs": "Advanced",
- "advancedTips": "Your xpub is privacy-sensitive data. Use with caution, especially when disclosing to third parties.",
- "accountName": {
- "title": "Account name",
- "desc": "Description of the account"
- },
- "unit": {
- "title": "Unit",
- "desc": "Choose the unit to be used"
- }
- },
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "frozenAssets": "Frozen assets",
- "bandwidth": "Bandwidth",
- "energy": "Energy",
- "stake": "Stake",
- "delegatedAssets": "Delegated assets",
- "undelegating": "Undelegating",
- "availableBalanceTooltip": "This amount is disposable.",
- "frozenAssetsTooltip": "Frozen assets are used in the Tron voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "bandwidthTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain bandwidth",
- "energyTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain energy",
- "delegatedAssetsTooltip": "Delegated assets are used in the Cosmos voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "undelegatingTooltip": "Undelegated assets are in a timelock of 21 days, before being available."
- },
- "exchange": {
- "chooseProvider": "Choose from {{providerCount}} provider",
- "chooseProviders": "Choose from {{providerCount}} providers",
- "title": "Buy and sell crypto",
- "reset": "Reset flow",
- "verifyAddress": "Please confirm the address displayed exactly matches the one shown on your device",
- "buy": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Choose a provider to buy crypto",
- "buyFrom": "Buy from anywhere",
- "cryptoSupported": "crypto supported",
- "payWith": "Pay with card or SEPA",
- "tab": "Buy",
- "coinify": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with {{provider}}",
- "title": "Buy crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "addAccount": "Add account"
- }
- },
- "sell": {
- "header": "Sell crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Sell crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "tab": "Sell",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "lend": {
- "title": "Lend crypto",
- "tabs": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "opened": "Opened loans",
- "closed": "Closed loans",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "assets": "Assets to lend",
- "active": "Approved accounts",
- "lendAsset": "Lend",
- "account": {
- "amountSupplied": "Amount deposited",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount lent to the network",
- "currencyAPY": "Currency APY",
- "currencyAPYTooltip": "Yearly return rate of a deposit that’s continuously compounded",
- "accruedInterests": "Accrued interest",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest generated on your lent assets",
- "interestEarned": "Interest earned",
- "interestEarnedTooltip": "Interest you have earned after withdrawal",
- "openLoans": "Open loans",
- "closedLoans": "Closed loans",
- "amountRedeemed": "Amount withdrawn",
- "date": "Date",
- "info": "You can lend assets directly from your {{currency}} account and earn interest.",
- "howCompoundWorks": "How does lending on Compound work?",
- "lend": "Deposit {{currency}}"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "active": {
- "title": "Lending",
- "description": "You can lend assets directly from your Ethereum accounts and earn interest.",
- "cta": "How does lending on Compound work?"
- },
- "closed": {
- "title": "Your closed loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "opened": {
- "title": "Your opened loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "history": {
- "title": "History",
- "description": "View the history of all your loan transactions.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- }
- },
- "headers": {
- "active": {
- "accounts": "Account",
- "amountSupplied": "Open loan",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount deposited in the network",
- "accruedInterests": "Interest balance",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest being earned on loans",
- "status": "Account status",
- "actions": "Actions"
- },
- "status": {
- "enablingTooltip": "Your transaction is broadcasting",
- "toSupplyTooltip": "You can now supply your assets"
- },
- "types": {
- "enabling": "Enabling",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "supplying": "Supplying",
- "earning": "Earning"
- },
- "closed": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amountRedeemed": "Withdrawal amount",
- "interestsEarned": "Interest earned",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "opened": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "accruedInterest": "Accrued interest",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "rates": {
- "allAssets": "Asset",
- "totalBalance": "Asset balance",
- "totalBalanceTooltip": "Amount available to lend",
- "currentAPY": "Deposit APY",
- "currentAPYTooltip": "Annual return rate earned on a continuously compounded deposit",
- "actions": "Actions"
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "cta": "Manage lending",
- "title": "Manage loan",
- "enable": {
- "approve": "Approve",
- "manageLimit": "Manage limit",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "info": "You have approved <0>{{amount}}0> on this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "infoNoLimit": "You have fully approved this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "approvedWithLimit": "You have approved <0>{{value}}0> on this account.",
- "enabling": "You can deposit assets once the account approval is confirmed.",
- "notEnabled": "You need to approve this account before being able to lend assets.",
- "notEnoughApproved": "You must increase the limit approved on your account to lend."
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit",
- "description": "Enter the amount of assets to lend to the protocol."
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "Withdraw assets from the protocol to your Ledger account."
- }
- },
- "enable": {
- "title": "Approve account",
- "steps": {
- "selectAccount": {
- "title": "Select account",
- "selectLabel": "Account to lend from",
- "cta": "Approve",
- "alreadyEnabled": "This account is approved"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "summary": "I grant access to <0>{{contractName}}0> smart contract on my account <0>{{accountName}}0> for a <0>{{amount}}0> amount",
- "limit": "limited {{amount}}",
- "noLimit": "no limit {{assetName}}",
- "contractName": "Compound {{currencyName}}",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to approve",
- "amountLabelTooltip": "This limits the amount available to the smart contract."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Operation sent successfully",
- "text": "The approval was sent to the network for confirmation. You’ll be able to issue loans once it is confirmed.",
- "done": "Close",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountToWithdraw": "Amount to withdraw",
- "withdrawAll": "Withdraw Max",
- "placeholder": "Withdraw Max",
- "maxWithdrawble": "Maximum amount to withdraw is"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Withdrawal sent successfully",
- "text": "Your assets will be available once the network has confirmed the withdrawal.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "tooltip": {
- "amountWithdrawn": "The amount withdrawn is displayed in {{ tokenName }}. {{ tokenName }} are ERC20 tokens that you earn after lending assets."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "terms": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "subtitle": "Lend assets on the Compound protocol",
- "description": "The Compound protocol allows you to lend and borrow assets on the Ethereum network. You can lend assets and earn interest directly from your Ledger acccount.",
- "switchLabel": "<1>I have read and agree with the 1><0>Terms of Use0><1>.1>"
- },
- "steps": {
- "title": "Step <0>{{step}} / {{total}}0>",
- "1": {
- "subtitle": "Approve an account to allow the protocol to",
- "subtitle2": "process future loans.",
- "description": "You need to authorize the Compound smart contract to transfer up to a certain amount of assets to the protocol. Approving an account gives permission to the protocol to process future loans."
- },
- "2": {
- "subtitle": "Supply assets to earn interest",
- "description": "Once an account is approved, you can select the amount of assets you want to lend and issue a transaction to the protocol. Interests accrue immediately after the transaction is confirmed."
- },
- "3": {
- "subtitle": "Withdraw assets at any time",
- "description": "You can withdraw your assets and earned interest at any time, partially or entirely, directly from your Ledger account."
- }
- }
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountToSupply": "Amount to deposit",
- "maxSupply": "Maximum amount to lend is"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Deposit sent successfully",
- "text": "You will start earning interest once the network has confirmed the deposit.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "noEthAccount": {
- "title": "Please create an ETH account",
- "description": "<0>{{ asset }}({{ ticker }})0> is an Ethereum ERC-20 token. To lend {{ ticker }}, install the Ethereum app and create an Ethereum account",
- "cta": "Add account"
- },
- "emptyAccountDeposit": {
- "title": "You don't have a {{ asset }} account.",
- "description": "In order to deposit funds and lend crypto you need a {{ asset }} account. Please Receive funds on your Ethereum address.",
- "ctaBuy": "Buy {{ asset }}",
- "ctaReceive": "Receive {{ asset }}"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "noResultFound": "No accounts found.",
- "order": {
- "name|asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name|desc": "Name Z-A",
- "balance|asc": "Lowest Balance",
- "balance|desc": "Highest Balance"
- },
- "range": {
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "all": "All"
- },
- "optionsMenu": {
- "title": "Options",
- "exportOperations": "Export operation history",
- "exportToMobile": "Export to mobile"
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "star": "Star",
- "receive": "Receive",
- "send": "Send",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "buy": "Buy",
- "sell": "Sell",
- "edit": "Edit account",
- "hideToken": "Hide token"
- }
- },
- "help": {
- "title": "Help & Support",
- "gettingStarted": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "desc": "Start here"
- },
- "status": {
- "title": "Ledger Status",
- "desc": "Check our system status"
- },
- "helpCenter": {
- "title": "Ledger Support",
- "desc": "Get help"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "desc": "Learn crypto"
- },
- "facebook": {
- "title": "Facebook",
- "desc": "Like our page"
- },
- "twitter": {
- "title": "Twitter",
- "desc": "Follow us"
- },
- "github": {
- "title": "Github",
- "desc": "Review our code"
- }
- },
- "blacklistToken": {
- "title": "Hide token",
- "desc": "This action will hide all <1><0>{{tokenName}}0>1> accounts, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide token"
- },
- "hideNftCollection": {
- "title": "Hide NFT Colection",
- "desc": "This action will hide all NFTs from the <1><0>{{collectionName}}0>1> collection, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide NFT Collection"
- },
- "banners": {
- "cleanCache": {
- "title": "Modification of experimental settings require a clear cache",
- "cta": "Clear cache"
- },
- "migrate": "Ledger Live accounts update available",
- "genericTerminatedCrypto": "{{coinName}} is not supported anymore",
- "valentine": {
- "title": "Valentine’s day",
- "description": "As a proof of our love, Ledger is reducing buy & sell fees on Ledger Live"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "description": "Everything you need to know about blockchain, security, cryptocurrency and your Ledger device",
- "cta": "Start learning"
- },
- "stakeCosmos": {
- "title": "Staking with COSMOS",
- "description": "Delegate your ATOM coins through the account page and earn rewards today",
- "cta": "Stake Cosmos now"
- },
- "buyCrypto": {
- "title": "Buy Crypto",
- "description": "Purchase crypto assets through our partner and receive them directly in your Ledger account",
- "cta": "Buy now"
- },
- "familyPack": {
- "title": "Family pack",
- "description": "Get your family and friends into crypto with 3 Nano S at a discounted price",
- "cta": "Buy family pack"
- },
- "polkaStake": {
- "title": "POLKADOT staking",
- "description": "You can now stake, secure and manage your DOT directly in Ledger Live"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "sell crypto",
- "description": "Sell Bitcoin with our partner directly from Ledger Live"
- },
- "stakeAlgorand": {
- "title": "Staking with ALGORAND",
- "description": "Make the most of your ALGO. Simply add funds to your accounts and earn staking rewards today."
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap crypto",
- "description": "Exchange one crypto for another from Ledger Live with our partner."
- },
- "lending": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "description": "Lend stablecoins to the Compound protocol and earn interests today"
- },
- "blackfriday": {
- "title": "BLACK FRIDAY ",
- "description": "Enjoy 40% off Ledger hardware wallets with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY20"
- }
- },
- "signmessage": {
- "title": "Sign message",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Device"
- }
- }
- },
- "walletconnect": {
- "titleAccount": "Wallet Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "connected": "Connected",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "invalidAccount": "Invalid account id",
- "steps": {
- "paste": {
- "title": "Paste link",
- "label": "Wallet Connect address",
- "placeholder": "Paste Wallet Connect Link"
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Connect",
- "details": "Wants to connect to the following account through your wallet :",
- "deeplinkDetails": "Wants to connect to Ledger Live. Choose your account:",
- "noAccount": "You don't have any compatible account. Please add an compatible account to use Wallet Connect.",
- "alreadyConnected": "You are trying to connect to a dApp while having another one already connected. Please disconnect from the connected dApp before reconnecting Live with a new dApp."
- }
- },
- "connectedscreen": {
- "info": "You can now access the {{name}} dApp on your web browser.",
- "warning": "Sharing receive addresses from dApps is not secure. Always use Ledger Live when sharing your address to receive funds.",
- "disconnected": "There is a connection problem between the dApp, WalletConnect and Ledger Live. Wait a few moments or relaunch the connection"
- }
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Portfolio",
- "emptyAccountTile": {
- "desc": "Add accounts to manage other crypto assets",
- "createAccount": "Add account"
- },
- "recentActivity": "Latest operations",
- "totalBalance": "Total balance",
- "transactionsPendingConfirmation": "Some transactions are not confirmed yet. These will be reflected in your balance and useable after being confirmed."
- },
- "currentAddress": {
- "title": "Current address",
- "for": "Address for <1><0>{{name}}0>1>",
- "messageIfUnverified": "Verify that the shared address exactly matches the one on your device",
- "messageIfSkipped": "Your {{name}} address was not confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for security.",
- "showQrCode": "Show QR Code",
- "taprootWarning": "Make sure the sender supports taproot"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Install apps on your device",
- "desc": "Go to the Manager to install apps on your device. You can add accounts once you have apps on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "installApp": "Go to Manager",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Add an account to get started",
- "desc": "Add an account to start managing your crypto assets. You must have the app for your crypto asset installed on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "installApp": "Go to Manager to install apps",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- }
- },
- "genuinecheck": {
- "deviceInBootloader": "Device in Bootloader mode. Click on <1>Continue1> to update it."
- },
- "learn": {
- "title": "Learn",
- "noConnection": "No connection",
- "noConnectionDesc": "It seems you don't have access to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.",
- "sectionShows": "Shows",
- "sectionVideo": "Video",
- "sectionPodcast": "Podcast",
- "sectionArticles": "Articles"
- },
- "market": {
- "title": "Market",
- "currency": "Currency",
- "rangeLabel": "Time",
- "goBack": "Go back",
- "filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
- "show": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "isLedgerCompatible": "Ledger Live Compatible",
- "isFavorite": "Starred Assets",
- "applyFilters": "Apply filters",
- "clearAll": "Clear all"
- },
- "marketList": {
- "crypto": "Crypto",
- "price": "Price",
- "change": "Change",
- "marketCap": "Market cap",
- "last7d": "Last 7 days"
- },
- "detailsPage": {
- "priceStatistics": "Price stats",
- "tradingVolume": "Trading volume",
- "24hLowHight": "24h Low / 24h High",
- "7dLowHigh": "7d Low / 7d High",
- "allTimeHigh": "All time high",
- "allTimeLow": "All time low",
- "marketCapRank": "Market cap rank",
- "marketCapDominance": "Market cap dominance",
- "supply": "Supply",
- "circulatingSupply": "Circulating supply",
- "totalSupply": "Total supply",
- "maxSupply": "Max supply",
- "assetNotSupportedOnLedgerLive": "This asset is not supported on Ledger Live.",
- "supportedCoinsAndTokens": "Supported coins & Tokens"
- },
- "range": {
- "1H_label": "1H",
- "1D_label": "1D",
- "1W_label": "1W",
- "1M_label": "1M",
- "1Y_label": "1Y",
- "1h": "1h",
- "24h": "24h",
- "7d": "7d",
- "30d": "30d",
- "1y": "1y",
- "1H_selectorLabel": "Last 1 hour",
- "1D_selectorLabel": "Last 24 hours",
- "1W_selectorLabel": "last week",
- "1M_selectorLabel": "Last month",
- "1Y_selectorLabel": "Last year"
- },
- "warnings": {
- "connectionError": "Connection Error",
- "ledgerUnableToRetrieveData": "Ledger Live is unable to retrieve data.",
- "checkInternetAndReload": "Please check your internet connection and reload this page.",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "noCryptosFound": "No coins found",
- "noSearchResultsFor": "Sorry, we did not find any coins for <0>{{search}}0>. Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "noSearchResults": "Sorry, we did not find any search results.",
- "retrySearchKeyword": "Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "retrySearchParams": "Please retry the search with another parameters.",
- "trackFavAssets": "Track your favourite",
- "clickOnStarIcon": "Clicking on the star icon next to an asset will automatically add them to your favorites.",
- "browseAssets": "Browse assets"
- }
- },
- "NFT": {
- "viewer": {
- "actions": {
- "send": "Send",
- "open": "Open in {{viewer}}"
- },
- "attributes": {
- "properties": "Properties",
- "description": "Description",
- "tokenAddress": "Token Address",
- "tokenId": "Token ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- }
- },
- "collections": {
- "title": "NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Collections",
- "receiveCTA": "Receive NFT",
- "galleryCTA": "See Gallery",
- "seeMore": "See more collections",
- "seeAll": "See all collections",
- "seeLess": "See less"
- },
- "gallery": {
- "title": "All NFT",
- "collection": {
- "header": {
- "sendCTA": "Send",
- "contract": "Contract: {{contract}}"
- },
- "operationList": {
- "header": "Latest Operations",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "IN": "Received"
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "item": {
- "tokenId": "ID: {{tokenId}}"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "title": "Tokens",
- "cta": "Add token",
- "placeholder": "To add tokens, simply send them to your {{currencyName}} address.",
- "link": "Learn more",
- "seeTokens": "Show tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 token",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} tokens",
- "algorand": {
- "title": "ASA (Assets)",
- "cta": "Add ASA",
- "placeholder": "You can add assets to your {{currencyName}} account.",
- "link": "How Assets (ASA) works?",
- "seeTokens": "Show ASA ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide ASA ({{tokenCount}})"
- }
- },
- "subAccounts": {
- "title": "Subaccounts",
- "seeSubAccounts": "Show subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideSubAccounts": "Hide subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 subaccount",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} subaccounts"
- },
- "migrateAccounts": {
- "overview": {
- "title": "Ledger Live accounts update",
- "successTitle": "Accounts updated successfully",
- "successDescPlu": "Your {{assets}} accounts are now updated and ready to use",
- "successDesc": "Your {{assets}} account is now updated and ready to use",
- "mobileTitle": "Export accounts to mobile",
- "mobileDesc": "Click the button below to export your updated accounts to the Ledger Live mobile app.",
- "mobileCTA": "Export to mobile",
- "description": "New features in Ledger Live require an update of your accounts.",
- "currency": "1 {{currency}} account needs to be updated:",
- "currency_plural": "{{count}} {{currency}} accounts need to be updated:",
- "footer": "You need your Ledger Device to complete the update",
- "pendingDevices": "1 account could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "pendingDevices_plural": "{{totalMigratableAccounts}} accounts could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "doItLaterBtn": "Do it later"
- },
- "progress": {
- "finished": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update completed",
- "description": ""
- },
- "scanning": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait for your accounts to be updated"
- },
- "finished-empty": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update incomplete",
- "description": "No {{currencyName}} accounts to update"
- }
- },
- "cta": {
- "startUpdate": "Start update",
- "nextCurrency": "Continue with {{currency}} update"
- }
- },
- "addAccounts": {
- "title": "Add accounts",
- "breadcrumb": {
- "informations": "Crypto asset",
- "connectDevice": "Device",
- "import": "Accounts",
- "finish": "Confirmation"
- },
- "fullNodeReadyInfo": "Accounts will be added using your Bitcoin full node.",
- "fullNodeConfigure": "Configure node",
- "tokensTip": "{{token}} ({{ticker}}) is an {{tokenType}} token. You can receive tokens directly on an {{currency}} account.",
- "accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Add existing accounts",
- "selectAll": "Select all ({{count}})",
- "unselectAll": "Deselect all ({{count}})",
- "noAccountToImport": "No existing {{currencyName}} accounts to add",
- "success": "Account added successfully",
- "success_plural": "Accounts added successfully",
- "successDescription": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "successDescription_plural": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "createNewAccount": {
- "noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received assets on your <1><0>{{accountName}}0>1> account",
- "noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}0>1> account was found to be created",
- "showAllAddressTypes": "Show all address types",
- "showAllAddressTypesTooltip": "Only change the address type if you need to receive {{family}} on other address formats."
- },
- "supportLinks": {
- "segwit_or_native_segwit": "Segwit or Native Segwit?"
- },
- "cta": {
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "add": "Add account",
- "add_plural": "Add accounts",
- "addAccountName": "Add {{currencyName}} account",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "sections": {
- "importable": {
- "title": "Add existing account"
- },
- "creatable": {
- "title": "Add new account"
- },
- "imported": {
- "title": "Accounts already in portfolio ({{count}})"
- },
- "migrate": {
- "title": "Accounts to update"
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetails": {
- "whatIsThis": "What is this operation?",
- "title": "Operation details",
- "type": "Type",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "account": "Account",
- "date": "Date",
- "currentValue": "Current value",
- "status": "Status",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "failed": "Failed",
- "notConfirmed": "Not confirmed",
- "fees": "Fee",
- "noFees": "No fee",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "identifier": "Transaction ID",
- "viewOperation": "View in explorer",
- "showMore": "Show {{recipients}} more",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "tokenOperations": "Token operations",
- "subAccountOperations": "Subaccount operations",
- "tokenTooltip": "This operation is related to the following token operations",
- "subAccountTooltip": "This operation is related to the following subaccount operations",
- "internalOperations": "Internal operations",
- "internalOpTooltip": "This operation has internal operations",
- "details": "{{ currency }} details",
- "multipleAddresses": "Why multiple addresses?",
- "nft": {
- "name": "Token Name",
- "contract": "Token Contract",
- "id": "Token (NFT) ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "extra": {
- "frozenAmount": "Frozen amount",
- "unfreezeAmount": "Unfreeze amount",
- "votes": "Votes ({{number}})",
- "votesAddress": "<0>{{votes}}0> to <2>{{name}}2>",
- "validators": "Validators",
- "redelegated": "Redelegated",
- "redelegatedFrom": "Redelegated from",
- "redelegatedTo": "Redelegated to",
- "redelegatedAmount": "Redelegated amount",
- "undelegated": "Undelegated",
- "undelegatedFrom": "Undelegated from",
- "undelegatedAmount": "Undelegated amount",
- "rewardFrom": "Reward from",
- "memo": "Memo",
- "assetId": "Asset ID",
- "rewards": "Earned rewards",
- "bondedAmount": "Bonded Amount",
- "unbondedAmount": "Unbonded Amount",
- "withdrawUnbondedAmount": "Withdrawn Amount",
- "palletMethod": "Method",
- "transferAmount": "Transfer Amount",
- "validatorsCount": "Validators ({{number}})"
- }
- },
- "operationList": {
- "noMoreOperations": "That's all"
- },
- "DeviceAction": {
- "allowAppPermission": "Open the {{wording}} app on your device",
- "allowAppPermissionSubtitleToken": "to manage your {{token}} tokens",
- "allowManagerPermission": "Allow {{wording}} on your device",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "connectAndUnlockDevice": "Connect and unlock your device",
- "unlockDevice": "Unlock your device",
- "unlockDeviceAfterFirmwareUpdate": "Wait for the firmware to update and unlock your device with your PIN",
- "quitApp": "Quit the application on your device",
- "appNotInstalledTitle": "Missing required app",
- "appNotInstalledTitle_plural": "Missing required apps",
- "appNotInstalled": "The {{appName}} app is required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install it on your device",
- "appNotInstalled_plural": "The {{appName}} apps are required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install them on your device",
- "openManager": "Open Manager",
- "openOnboarding": "Setup device",
- "outdated": "App version outdated",
- "outdatedDesc": "An important update is available for the {{appName}} application on your device. Please go to the Manager to update it.",
- "installApp": "{{appName}} App installation",
- "installAppDescription": "Please wait until the installation is finished",
- "listApps": "Checking App dependencies",
- "listAppsDescription": "Please wait while we make sure you have all the required apps",
- "swap": {
- "notice": "Verify the Swap details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Swap transaction",
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "amountReceivedFloat": "Amount to receive before service fees",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "payoutNetworkFees": "Payout fees",
- "payoutNetworkFeesTooltip": "This amount will not be shown on your device"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "fees": "Network Fees",
- "sourceAccount": "Source Account",
- "targetAccount": "Target Account"
- },
- "sell": {
- "notice": "Verify the Sell details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Sell transaction"
- },
- "fund": {
- "notice": "Verify the Fund details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don't have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Fund transaction"
- }
- },
- "manager": {
- "tabs": {
- "appCatalog": "App catalog",
- "appCatalogSearch": "Search app in catalog...",
- "appsOnDevice": "Apps installed",
- "appOnDeviceSearch": "Search installed apps..."
- },
- "disconnected": {
- "title": "Looks like an app is open on your device",
- "subtitle": "Reopening the Manager will quit the app on your device",
- "ctaReopen": "Reopen Manager",
- "ctaPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio"
- },
- "deviceStorage": {
- "freeSpace": "<0>{{space}}0> free",
- "noFreeSpace": "No storage left",
- "installed": "Apps",
- "capacity": "Capacity",
- "used": "Used",
- "firmwareAvailable": "Firmware is outdated:",
- "firmwareUpToDate": "Firmware is up to date:",
- "genuine": "Device is genuine",
- "incomplete": "Some apps were not recognized. Please uninstall, then reinstall them."
- },
- "applist": {
- "placeholder": "No match for the search with the selected filters",
- "placeholderNoAppsInstalled": "No apps installed on your device",
- "placeholderGoToCatalog": "Go to the App catalog to install apps",
- "noResultsFound": "No results found",
- "noResultsDesc": "Please verify the spelling and try again",
- "filter": {
- "title": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "supported": "Supported in Live",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "not_installed": "Not installed"
- },
- "sort": {
- "title": "Sort",
- "name_asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name_desc": "Name Z-A",
- "marketcap_desc": "Market cap"
- },
- "installSuccess": {
- "title": "App installed successfully. You can now add your {{app}} accounts",
- "title_plural": "Apps installed successfully. You can now add your accounts",
- "manageAccount": "Manage my accounts"
- },
- "updatable": {
- "title": "Update available",
- "title_plural": "Updates available",
- "progressTitle": "{{number}} App update",
- "progressTitle_plural": "{{number}} App updates",
- "progressWarning": "Do not quit Manager during update.",
- "progress": "Updating all..."
- },
- "item": {
- "version": "Version {{version}}",
- "installing": "Installing...",
- "uninstalling": "Uninstalling...",
- "updating": "Updating...",
- "scheduled": "Queued",
- "update": "Update available",
- "updateAll": "Update all",
- "updateAllOutOfMemory": "Not enough storage. Please uninstall some apps",
- "install": "Install",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "updated": "Updated",
- "uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "notEnoughSpace": "Not enough storage",
- "supported": "Ledger Live supported",
- "not_supported": "Requires 3rd-party wallet",
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "addAccountTooltip": "Add {{appName}} account",
- "addAccountWarn": "Please wait for the app updates to finish",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "learnMoreTooltip": "Learn more about {{appName}}",
- "removeTooltip": "Uninstall {{appName}}",
- "useAppForToken": "Looking to manage {{tokenType}} tokens?",
- "tokenAppDisclaimer": "To manage {{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens, <1>install the {{appName}} app1> and please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "tokenAppDisclaimerInstalled": "To manage <1>{{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens1>, please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "goToAccounts": "Go to accounts",
- "intallParentApp": "Install {{appName}} app",
- "plugin": "Go to app",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "tool": "Learn more",
- "app": "Learn more"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Uninstall all",
- "subtitle": "Uninstall all apps?",
- "description": "Don't worry, uninstalling apps does not affect your crypto assets. You can reinstall apps in the App catalog."
- }
- },
- "apps": {
- "dependencyInstall": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app is required",
- "description": "The {{dependency}} app will also be installed because the {{app}} app needs it.",
- "confirm": "Install apps"
- },
- "dependencyUninstall": {
- "title": " Uninstall {{app}} and its related apps?",
- "showAll": "Show apps to uninstall",
- "description": "Some of your installed apps are linked to {{app}} app. They will be uninstalled as well.",
- "confirm": "Uninstall {{app}} and other apps"
- }
- },
- "firmware": {
- "updateLater": "Cancel",
- "seedReady": "I have my recovery phrase",
- "dontHaveSeed": "Don't have your recovery phrase? ",
- "followTheGuide": "Follow our step by step update guide",
- "removeApps": "Uninstall all apps before updating",
- "update": "Firmware update",
- "updateBtn": "Update firmware",
- "banner": {
- "warning": "Update Firmware to {{latestFirmware}} is available",
- "cta": "Go to manager",
- "old": {
- "warning": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "cta": "Contact support"
- },
- "cta2": "Update firmware"
- },
- "latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
- "contactSupport": "Contact support",
- "deprecated": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "prepareSeed": "Ensure your 24-word recovery phrase is written down on the Recovery sheet and it is available, as a precaution.",
- "disclaimerTitle": "You are about to install <1>firmware version {{version}}1>.",
- "downloadingUpdateDesc": "Please wait for the update installer to be downloaded"
- },
- "modal": {
- "steps": {
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateMCU": "Firmware update",
- "updating": "Firmware update",
- "reset": "Prepare device",
- "osu": "Installing OSU...",
- "flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
- "flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
- "firmware": "Firmware updating...",
- "flash": "Preparing your device..."
- },
- "confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
- "confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Confirm and enter your PIN code if requested.",
- "identifier": "Identifier",
- "preparation": "Preparation",
- "newFirmware": "New firmware {{version}}",
- "confirmUpdate": "Please confirm the update on your device",
- "mcuTitle": "Finalize update",
- "mcuFirst": "Disconnect the USB cable from your device",
- "mcuSecond": "Press the left button and hold it while you reconnect the USB cable until the <1><0>{{repairProcessing}}0>1> screen appears",
- "mcuPin": "Please wait for the update to finish",
- "mcuSecondNanoX": "Press and hold the left button until <1><0>{{bootloaderOption}}0>1> appears. Press both buttons to confirm and reconnect your device.",
- "mcuBlueFirst": "Press and hold the side button for 10 seconds to turn off the device. Release the button.",
- "mcuBlueSecond": "Press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds until the Boot Options are displayed. Tap Bootloader Mode",
- "successTitle": "Firmware updated",
- "successTextApps": "Please re-install the apps on your device",
- "successTextNoApps": "You can now install apps on your device",
- "sucessCTAApps": "Re-install apps",
- "SuccessCTANoApps": "Install apps",
- "cancelReinstallCTA": "Install update",
- "resetSteps": {
- "first": "1. Reset your device",
- "connect": "Connect the {{deviceName}} to your computer using the USB cable.",
- "turnOn": "Press the button on the device to turn it on.",
- "falsePin": "Enter three wrong PINs to reset the device.",
- "turnOff": "Press and hold the side button until {{action}} is displayed.",
- "confirmTurnOff": "Tap {{action}} to confirm.",
- "second": "2. Boot in {{mode}} mode",
- "boot": "Press and hold the side button until {{option}} is displayed",
- "recoveryMode": "Tap {{mode}} Mode. Wait until the dashboard appears.",
- "third": "3. Uninstall all apps",
- "openLive": "Open the Manager in Ledger Live.",
- "uninstall": "Click on the grey trash icon for all apps currently installed on the {{deviceName}}. This makes room for the firmware installer.",
- "disclaimer": "Note: Your funds are not affected by this operation, the private keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Recovery sheet."
- }
- }
- },
- "claimReward": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "rewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned <1>{{amount}}1> by voting for validators.",
- "info": "Rewards can be claimed once every 24 hours."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards claimed",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance.",
- "cta": "View details",
- "done": "Done"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "resourceInfo": "Bandwidth or Energy?",
- "bandwidthDescription": "Bandwidth points are used to make transactions without paying TRX for network fees. Choose Bandwidth to increase your daily free transactions.",
- "energyDescription": "Energy points are required to execute smart contracts. If you don't run any smart contracts, there is no need to choose rewards in Energy.",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to freeze",
- "available": "Available: {{amountAvailable}}",
- "info": "Frozen assets cannot be sent for 3 days."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction is awaiting validation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a minute before being able to vote"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "textNRG": "You will start earning Energy once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "text": "You will start earning Bandwidth once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "votePending": "Vote in {{time}}",
- "vote": "Vote",
- "later": "Vote later"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "info": "Unfreezing will decrease your {{resource}} and will cancel your votes."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "text": "Your assets were unfrozen successfully. Your {{resource}} points will be decreased, and your votes will be cancelled.",
- "continue": "Continue"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "titleExisting": "Manage votes",
- "steps": {
- "castVotes": {
- "max": "MAX",
- "title": "Vote",
- "search": "Search by name or address...",
- "totalVotes": "Total votes: {{total}}",
- "selected": "Selected: {{total}}",
- "maxSelected": "Max selected: {{total}}",
- "allVotesAreUsed": "All assets are distributed",
- "maxUsed": "Insufficient assets",
- "validators": "Validators ({{total}})",
- "votes": "Available assets: {{total}}",
- "noResults": "No validator found for \"<0>{{search}}0>\"."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Your votes were cast successfully.",
- "text": "",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "buy": {
- "title": "Buy",
- "titleCrypto": "Buy {{currency}}",
- "buyCTA": "Buy {{currencyTicker}}",
- "withoutDevice": "Continue without my device",
- "connectWithoutDevice": "It's better to use your device for optimal security.",
- "skipConnect": "Continue without my device"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "Sell",
- "titleCrypto": "Sell {{currency}}"
- },
- "receive": {
- "title": "Receive",
- "successTitle": "Address shared securely",
- "steps": {
- "chooseAccount": {
- "title": "Account",
- "label": "Account to credit",
- "parentAccount": "1. Select {{currencyName}} account",
- "token": "2. Select a token",
- "verifyTokenType": "Please verify that <0>{{token}}0> is an <0>{{tokenType}}0> token. Any other crypto asset sent to an {{currency}} account may be lost.",
- "warningTokenType": "Please only send <0>{{ticker}}0> or <0>{{tokenType}}0> tokens to {{currency}} accounts. Sending other crypto assets may result in the permanent loss of funds."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device",
- "withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
- },
- "receiveFunds": {
- "title": "Receive"
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount received on a delegated account will be added to the total staked amount. Choose another account if you want to avoid this."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "send": {
- "title": "Send",
- "titleNft": "Send NFT",
- "totalSpent": "Total to debit",
- "steps": {
- "recipient": {
- "title": "Recipient",
- "nftRecipient": "NFT to send"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "banner": "Maximum spendable amount is",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "details": {
- "utxoLag": "This transaction may take long to verify and sign because the account has a significant number of coins.",
- "subaccountsWarning": "You will need to refill this account with {{ currency }} in order to send the tokens of this account",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
- "recipientAddress": "Recipient address",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "fees": "Network fees",
- "sendMax": "Send Max",
- "rippleTag": "Tag",
- "rippleTagPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "ethereumGasLimit": "Gas limit",
- "ethereumGasPrice": "Gas price",
- "unitPerByte": "{{unit}} per byte",
- "nft": "NFT",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "verification": {
- "streaming": {
- "accurate": "Loading... ({{percentage}})",
- "inaccurate": "Loading..."
- }
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount to be sent will be deducted from the balance of your delegated account."
- }
- }
- },
- "footer": {
- "estimatedFees": "Network fees"
- }
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Sign transaction"
- },
- "releaseNotes": {
- "title": "Release notes",
- "version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
- },
- "systemLanguageAvailable": {
- "title": "Change your app's language?",
- "description": {
- "newSupport": "Good news! our teams have been working hard and Ledger Live now supports {{language}}.",
- "advice": "You can always change your language back later in the settings."
- },
- "switchButton": "Switch to {{language}}",
- "no": "I prefer not to"
- },
- "distribution": {
- "asset": "Asset",
- "price": "Price",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "showAll": "Show all",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "header": "Asset allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "accountDistribution": {
- "account": "Account",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "header": "Account allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "elrond": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by MultiversX",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "MultiversX integration",
- "title": "MultiversX eGold (EGLD) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now safely secure your eGold (EGLD) tokens and manage them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The MultiversX eGold (EGLD) Token is native to the MultiversX Network and will be used for everything from transactions, staking, smart contracts, governance and validator rewards.",
- "description3": "We are actively working with the MultiversX team to add more functionality, such as staking, native ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token) support, and more.",
- "website": "The Internet Scale Blockchain"
- }
- }
- },
- "tron": {
- "voting": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can now earn rewards by freezing and voting.",
- "info": "How voting works",
- "votesDesc": "Cast your votes for one or more representatives to start earning staking rewards.",
- "vote": "Cast votes",
- "voteExisting": "Manage votes"
- },
- "manageTP": "Manage assets",
- "warnEarnRewards": "You need at least {{amount}} to start earning rewards",
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "nextRewardsDate": "Rewards can be claimed {{date}}",
- "claimAvailableRewards": "Claim {{amount}}",
- "header": "Votes",
- "percentageTP": "% of votes cast",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "remainingVotes": {
- "title": "You still have {{amount}} votes remaining",
- "description": "You can cast your remaining votes to earn more rewards",
- "button": "Vote now"
- },
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated assets stay yours.",
- "access": "You can unfreeze your assets after 3 days.",
- "ledger": "Freeze and vote securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "help": "How voting works",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your super representative."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze",
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn Bandwidth or Energy. You'll also be able to vote for Super Representatives."
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "description": "Unfreeze TRX to have them back in your available balance. You will no longer earn rewards."
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Vote",
- "description": "Cast votes for Super Representatives to earn rewards.",
- "steps": {
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "description": "Vote for one or more Super Representatives to start earning rewards.",
- "footer": {
- "doNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "next": "Cast Votes"
- },
- "info": {
- "message": "SR or Candidates?",
- "superRepresentative": {
- "title": "Super Representatives (SR)",
- "description": "Super Representatives play a key role in governing the TRON community by ensuring basic functions, e.g. block generation and bookkeeping."
- },
- "candidates": {
- "title": "Candidates",
- "description": "127 individuals elected through voting by the entire token holder community. Votes are updated once every 6 hours."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "bitcoin": {
- "inputSelected": "SELECTED",
- "toSpend": "Coins to spend",
- "toReturn": "Change to return",
- "modalTitle": "Coin control",
- "coincontrol": "Coin control",
- "advanced": "Advanced options",
- "ctaDisabled": "This account has no UTXO",
- "whatIs": "What is coin selection?",
- "rbf": "Allow the transaction to be replaced (Replace-By-Fee).",
- "strategy": "Coin selection strategy",
- "selected": "Coins selected for strategy",
- "amount": "Amount to send:",
- "replaceable": "replaceable",
- "cannotSelect": {
- "unconfirmed": "You cannot select coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "last": "You need at least one selected"
- },
- "pending": "pending",
- "pickUnconfirmedRBF": "Include coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "pickingStrategy": "UTXO picking strategy",
- "pickingStrategyLabels": {
- "DEEP_OUTPUTS_FIRST": "Oldest coins first (FIFO)",
- "OPTIMIZE_SIZE": "Minimize fees (optimize size)",
- "MERGE_OUTPUTS": "Minimize future fees (merge coins)"
- }
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "delegation": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn ATOM rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "header": "Delegation(s)",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "undelegate": "Undelegate",
- "redelegate": "Redelegate",
- "redelegateDisabledTooltip": "You can redelegate again <0>{{days}}0>",
- "redelegateMaxDisabledTooltip": "You cannot redelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "undelegateDisabledTooltip": "You cannot undelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "reward": "Claim rewards",
- "currentDelegation": "Delegated: <0>{{amount}}0>",
- "estYield": "est. yield",
- "activeTooltip": "Delegated amounts generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards",
- "minSafeWarning": "Not enough funds",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your ATOM assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available 21 days after undelegation"
- ],
- "warning": {
- "description": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- }
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validators"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "claimRewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "compound": "Compound",
- "claim": "Cash in",
- "compoundOrClaim": "Compound or cash in",
- "compoundDescription": "Rewards will be added to delegated amount",
- "claimDescription": "Rewards will be added to the available balance",
- "compoundInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0>. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically delegated to the same validator.",
- "claimInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> from the validator below. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically added to the available balance.",
- "selectLabel": "Select a delegation"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards cashed in successfully",
- "titleCompound": "Rewards compounded successfully",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "textCompound": "Your rewards <0>{{amount}}0> were automatically delegated to <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "redelegation": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Redelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Redelegation",
- "description": "Use redelegation to easily change from one validator to another. But if you change your mind again, you will then have to wait because redelegation triggers a 21-day timelock.",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately. You can have a maximum of <0>7 pending redelegations0>.",
- "howDelegationWorks": "How delegation works?"
- },
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "currentDelegation": "Current delegation",
- "newDelegation": "New delegation",
- "chooseValidator": "Choose a validator",
- "warning": "You will have to wait <0>21 days0> to redelegate from the new validator, if you change your mind again"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully redelegated your assets",
- "text": "The redelegation will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "undelegation": {
- "header": "Undelegation(s)",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 21-day timelock",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Undelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "subtitle": "The undelegation process takes <0>21 days0> to finalize.",
- "warning": "Rewards will be immediately cashed in. The undelegated amount will be back in the available balance after the <0>21-day timelock0>.",
- "fields": {
- "validator": "Validator",
- "amount": "Amount to undelegate"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully undelegated your assets.",
- "description": "<0>{{amount}}0> were undelegated from <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "algorand": {
- "operationHasRewards": "Rewards earned",
- "operationEarnedRewards": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> rewards.",
- "operationDetailsAmountBreakDown": "{{initialAmount}} (<0>+{{reward}}0> earned rewards)",
- "optIn": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Add ASA (Asset)",
- "steps": {
- "assets": {
- "title": "ASA (Asset)",
- "info": "Adding an asset requires sending a transaction with minimum fees. This will appear on your transaction history",
- "selectLabel": "Choose an ASA (Asset)",
- "disabledTooltip": "You already have this ASA (Asset) in your Algorand account"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "{{token}} asset successfully added",
- "text": "You can now receive and send <0>{{token}}0> assets on your Algorand account.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "header": "Rewards",
- "tooltip": "Algorand rewards are distributed regularly and are claimed automatically when you do a transaction.",
- "cta": "Claim rewards",
- "rewardsDisabledTooltip": "You don’t have any rewards. Algorand rewards are claimed automatically when you do a transaction. Receive ALGO to start earning rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Receive Algorand rewards simply for holding Algorand control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "A minimum balance of 1 ALGO is required to receive rewards.",
- "access": "Increase the account’s balance to increase rewards.",
- "ledger": "Perform a transaction to or from the account to claim rewards."
- },
- "learnMore": "How Algorand rewards work?",
- "button": {
- "cta": "Receive Algo"
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned {{amount}}. Click on Continue to claim your rewards",
- "info": "You will be prompted to generate an empty transaction to your account. This will add your current rewards to your balance at the minimal cost of the transaction fees."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards successfully claimed!",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "polkadot": {
- "lockedBalance": "Bonded",
- "lockedTooltip": "Assets must be bonded to nominated validators before earning rewards.",
- "unlockingBalance": "Unbonding",
- "unlockingTooltip": "Unbonding assets stay locked for 28 days before they can be withdrawn.",
- "unlockedBalance": "Unbonded",
- "unlockedTooltip": "Unbonded assets can now be moved using the withdraw operation.",
- "networkFees": "Network fees are automatically set by the Polkadot consensus, you won't be able to review them on your device",
- "bondedBalanceBelowMinimum": "Your bonded balance is below the current minimum of {{minimumBondBalance}}. Your nominations are at risk of being removed.",
- "nomination": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn rewards by bonding assets and then nominating your validator(s).",
- "info": "How nominations work"
- },
- "header": "Nominations",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "setController": "Change Controller",
- "chill": "Clear nominations",
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "amount": "Bonded Amount",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "This validator is elected and is collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "inactiveTooltip": "This validator is elected but is not collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "waiting": "Unelected",
- "waitingTooltip": "This validator is not elected, therefore is not collecting rewards.",
- "notValidator": "Not a validator",
- "notValidatorTooltip": "This address is no longer a validator",
- "elected": "Elected",
- "nominatorsCount": "{{nominatorsCount}} nominators",
- "nominatorsTooltip": "This validator is currently elected by {{count}} nominators.",
- "oversubscribed": "Oversubscribed ({{nominatorsCount}})",
- "oversubscribedTooltip": "Only the top {{maxNominatorRewardedPerValidator}} nominators with the highest bonded amount earn rewards",
- "hasPendingBondOperation": "A bond operation is still pending confirmation",
- "electionOpen": "The election of new validators is currently ongoing. As such, staking operations are not available for 15 minutes at most.",
- "electionOpenTooltip": "This operation is disabled during the election of validators",
- "externalControllerTooltip": "This account is controlled by another account.",
- "externalControllerUnsupported": "<0>This stash account is controlled by a separate account whose address is <0>{{controllerAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set this stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "externalStashTooltip": "This account controls another account.",
- "externalStashUnsupported": "<0>This account is the controller of a separate stash account whose address is <0>{{stashAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set your stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "showInactiveNominations": "Show all nominations ({{count}})",
- "hideInactiveNominations": "Show active nominations only",
- "noActiveNominations": "There are no active nominations.",
- "showAllUnlockings": "Show all unbonding amounts ({{count}})",
- "hideAllUnlockings": "Hide unbonding amounts"
- },
- "unlockings": {
- "header": "Unbonding",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 28-day unbonding period",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Withdraw ({{amount}})",
- "withdrawTooltip": "The unbonded amount will be credited to your available balance.",
- "noUnlockedWarning": "No unbonded balance to withdraw yet.",
- "rebond": "Rebond",
- "unbonded": "Unbonded"
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond",
- "description": "To earn rewards, first bond an amount. Then you must nominate your validator(s)."
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond",
- "description": "To make a bonded amount available again, first you need to unbond it. You can withdraw it after the 28-day unbonding period."
- },
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "To retrieve an unbonded amount back to the available balance, you need to withdraw it manually."
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "description": "Choose up to 16 validators. Ensure nominations are Active to earn rewards."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Remove all nominations. You will stop earning rewards. Your bonded amount remains bonded."
- }
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "steps": {
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "notValidatorsRemoved": "You have nominated {{count}} addresses who are no longer validators. They will automatically be removed from your nominate transaction.",
- "maybeChill": "Clear nominations instead"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully nominated validators",
- "text": "You will start earning rewards when your assets are bonded to your elected validator(s).",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond assets",
- "rewardDestination": {
- "label": "Rewards Destination",
- "stash": "Available Balance",
- "stashDescription": "Rewards are credited to your available balance.",
- "staked": "Bonded Balance",
- "stakedDescription": "Rewards are credited to your bonded balance for compound earning.",
- "optionTitle": "Note",
- "optionDescription": "Once set, the option is fixed for the lifetime of this bond. If you change your mind, please read the article down below"
- },
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by bonding your assets and then nominate your validators.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of bonded assets",
- "Nominate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available again, 28 days after unbonding"
- ],
- "help": "How nominations work",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your bonded assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to bond",
- "availableLabel": "Available",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Bonded assets can be unbonded at any time, but unbonding takes 28 days.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction awaiting confirmation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a moment before nominating"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully bonded",
- "text": "You can nominate validators once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "textNominate": "You will be able to nominate validators once the network has confirmed your transaction.",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "later": "Nominate later"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Bonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "rebond": {
- "title": "Rebond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to rebond",
- "availableLabel": "Unbonding",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Rebonded assets are immediately added to the bonded amount.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully rebonded",
- "text": "Your account balance will update once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Rebonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to unbond",
- "availableLabel": "Bonded",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn after the 28-day unbonding period.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Unbond transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn in 28 days.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Unbonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "simpleOperation": {
- "modes": {
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "After the 28-day unbonding period you can withdraw unbonded assets.",
- "info": "You can then withdraw unbonded assets to your available balance."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Clears all nominations and stops earning rewards.",
- "info": "Bonded assets will remain bonded. If you unbond them, they will be available after 28 days."
- },
- "setController": {
- "title": "Change Controller",
- "description": "Set this Ledger account as its own controller",
- "info": "Ledger Live doesn't support operations on separate stash and controller accounts."
- }
- },
- "steps": {
- "info": {
- "title": "Info"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "You will see your operation in history soon.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "solana": {
- "common": {
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation"
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "listHeader": "Delegations",
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "Active amount generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Inactive amount does not generate rewards",
- "delegatedInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is delegated to validators.",
- "withdrawableInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is withdrawable from delegations.",
- "withdrawableTitle": "Withdrawable",
- "statusUpdateNotice": "The status of the delegation will be updated when the transaction is confirmed.",
- "ledgerByFigmentTC": "Ledger by Figment T&Cs",
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn SOL rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "earnRewards": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your SOL assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": {
- "0": "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "1": "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "2": "Assets will be available after undelegation"
- },
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validator"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully withdrawn your assets.",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the transaction is confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "activate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Activate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully activated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "reactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Reactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully reactivated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "deactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Deactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully deactivated your delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "title": "Earn rewards",
- "header": "Delegation",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "yield": "Est. Yield",
- "address": "Address",
- "transactionID": "Transaction ID",
- "value": "Value",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "delegated": "Delegated",
- "completionDate": "Completion date",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "duration": "Duration",
- "durationJustStarted": "Just started",
- "durationDays": "{{count}} day",
- "durationDays_plural": "{{count}} days",
- "howItWorks": "How delegation works",
- "delegationEarn": "You can now earn {{name}} staking rewards by delegating your account.",
- "earnRewards": "Earn rewards",
- "overdelegated": "Overdelegated",
- "status": "Status",
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Earn staking rewards",
- "description": "Delegate your Tezos account to a third-party validator to earn staking rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated accounts stay yours.",
- "access": "You can access your assets at any time.",
- "ledger": "Delegate securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "button": {
- "cta": "Delegate to earn rewards"
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Account",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Summary",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate",
- "toUndelegate": "Account to undelegate",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "select": "Select",
- "yield": "Est. Yield {{amount}}",
- "randomly": "Randomly chosen validator",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your validator."
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Select validator",
- "description": "You can select a validator by comparing the estimated reward rates",
- "customValidator": "Custom validator",
- "providedBy": "Yield rates provided by <1><0>{{name}}0>1>"
- },
- "custom": {
- "title": "Custom validator",
- "text": "Please enter the address of the custom validator to delegate your account to.",
- "button": "Use validator"
- },
- "undelegate": {
- "title": "Undelegate account"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Delegation sent",
- "titleUndelegated": "End delegation",
- "text": "Delegation transaction broadcasted successfully. You should earn your first rewards within around 40 days, depending on the validator.",
- "textUndelegated": "Your account delegation will end once the operation is confirmed. You can delegate your account again at any time."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "topUp": "Receive more",
- "redelegate": "Change validator",
- "stopDelegation": "End delegation"
- }
- },
- "asset": {
- "notice": "Summary of all {{currency}} accounts"
- },
- "carousel": {
- "hidden": {
- "close": "Confirm",
- "undo": "Show again",
- "disclaimer": "This banner will not show up again until there is a new announcement"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Settings",
- "discreet": "Toggle discreet mode",
- "helpButton": "Help",
- "tabs": {
- "display": "General",
- "currencies": "Crypto assets",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About",
- "experimental": "Experimental features",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "developer": "Developer"
- },
- "export": {
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Export accounts",
- "desc": "Add your accounts in Ledger Live mobile. Your accounts will only synchronize with the blockchain, not between your mobile and desktop apps.",
- "button": "Export"
- },
- "operations": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Save a CSV file of your account operations on your computer."
- },
- "modal": {
- "button": "Done",
- "title": "Scan to export to mobile",
- "listTitle": "On the Ledger Live mobile app:",
- "step1": "Tap the + button in accounts",
- "step2": "Tap Import desktop accounts",
- "step3": "Scan the LiveQR code until the loader hits 100%"
- }
- },
- "display": {
- "language": "Display language",
- "languageDesc": "Set the language displayed in Ledger Live.",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "themeDesc": "Select the theme.",
- "counterValue": "Preferred currency",
- "counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
- "region": "Region",
- "regionDesc": "Choose your region to update formats of dates, time and currencies.",
- "stock": "Regional market indicator",
- "stockDesc": "Choose Western to display market increases in blue or Eastern to display them in red.",
- "carouselVisibility": "Carousel visibility",
- "carouselVisibilityDesc": "Enable visibility of the carousel on Portfolio"
- },
- "developer": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "You are now a developer !",
- "text": "Welcome to wonderland"
- },
- "debugApps": "Allow debug apps",
- "debugAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening debug tagged platform apps.",
- "experimentalApps": "Allow experimental apps",
- "experimentalAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening experimental tagged platform apps.",
- "catalogServer": "Set the catalog provider",
- "catalogServerDesc": "Switch between multiple platform apps sources",
- "enablePlatformDevTools": "Enable platform dev tools",
- "enablePlatformDevToolsDesc": "Enable opening platform apps dev tools window",
- "addLocalApp": "Add a local app",
- "addLocalAppDesc": "Browse local files and add a local app using a local manifest",
- "addLocalAppButton": "Browse",
- "runLocalAppDeleteButton": "Delete",
- "runLocalAppOpenButton": "Open",
- "enableLearnStagingUrl": "Learn page staging URL",
- "enableLearnStagingUrlDesc": "Enable the staging URL for the learn page."
- },
- "currencies": {
- "selectPlaceholder": "Select crypto asset",
- "desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
- "placeholder": "No settings for this asset",
- "confirmationsNb": "Number of confirmations",
- "confirmationsNbDesc": "Set the number of network confirmations for a transaction to be marked as confirmed."
- },
- "profile": {
- "password": "Password lock",
- "passwordDesc": "Set a password to secure the Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
- "passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
- "passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live when inactive.",
- "changePassword": "Change password",
- "softResetTitle": "Clear cache",
- "softResetDesc": "Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain.",
- "softReset": "Clear",
- "resetKYC": "Reset KYC data",
- "resetKYCDesc": "Erase all your Know your Customer data stored locally used to access third-party transaction provider.",
- "hardResetTitle": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction histories and settings.",
- "hardReset": "Reset",
- "analytics": "Analytics",
- "analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, the Ledger device type and firmware.",
- "reportErrors": "Bug reports",
- "reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger improve its products.",
- "launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
- "launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up a new device or restore an existing device. Accounts and settings are kept."
- },
- "help": {
- "version": "Version",
- "releaseNotesBtn": "Details",
- "termsBtn": "Read",
- "faq": "Ledger Support",
- "faqDesc": "If you have a problem, get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
- "terms": "Terms of Use",
- "termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
- "privacy": "Privacy Policy",
- "privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use them."
- },
- "experimental": {
- "disclaimer": "These are experimental features we provide on an \"as is\" basis for our tech savvy community to test. They may change, break or be removed at any time. By enabling them, you agree to use them at your own risk.",
- "features": {
- "experimentalCurrencies": {
- "title": "Experimental integrations",
- "description": "Use available experimental crypto assets integrations."
- },
- "experimentalLanguages": {
- "title": "Translation testing",
- "description": "Adds unreleased languages to the language list in the general settings tab."
- },
- "managerDevMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
- "description": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager."
- },
- "scanForInvalidPaths": {
- "title": "Extended account search",
- "description": "Scan for accounts with erroneous derivation paths. Please send potentially found assets to a regular account."
- },
- "experimentalExplorers": {
- "title": "Experimental Explorers API",
- "description": "Try an upcoming version of Ledger's blockchain explorers. Changing this setting may affect the account balance and synchronization as well as the send feature.\n(<0>0>)"
- },
- "keychainObservableRange": {
- "title": "Custom gap limit",
- "description": "Custom gap limit for all accounts. Increasing this value above its default value (20) scans more unused public addresses for coins. Advanced users only, this may break compatibility when restoring your accounts."
- },
- "forceProvider": {
- "title": "Manager provider",
- "description": "Changing the app provider in the Manager may make it impossible to install or uninstall apps on your Ledger device."
- },
- "testAnimations": {
- "title": "Test Lottie animations",
- "description": "Test all animations used in Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "hardResetModal": {
- "title": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "desc": "Reset Ledger Live to erase all settings and accounts on your computer. You can then choose your password and add your accounts back with your Ledger device. The private keys giving access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and are backed up by your recovery phrase.",
- "warning": "Resetting Ledger Live will erase your swap transaction history for all your accounts."
- },
- "softResetModal": {
- "title": "Clear cache",
- "desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys to access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
- },
- "resetFallbackModal": {
- "title": "User action required",
- "part1": "Could not delete cache folder. Please delete the folder manually:",
- "part2": "Click the Open folder button, the ",
- "part3": "app will close",
- "part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
- "part5": "Then you can restart the app normally."
- },
- "removeAccountModal": {
- "title": "Remove account",
- "desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Existing accounts can always be added again.",
- "delete": "Remove from Portfolio",
- "warning": "Removing this account will erase your swap transaction history associated to it."
- },
- "openUserDataDirectory": {
- "title": "View user data",
- "desc": "View the user data stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
- "btn": "View"
- },
- "repairDevice": {
- "title": "Repair your Ledger device",
- "descSettings": "Use this to restore your Ledger device if it froze during a firmware update.",
- "desc": "For Ledger Nano S users, please select the state displayed on your device. For Nano X and Blue users kindly refer to the help center.",
- "button": "Repair"
- },
- "exportLogs": {
- "title": "Save logs",
- "desc": "Saving Ledger Live logs may be needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
- "btn": "Save"
- },
- "accounts": {
- "hideEmptyTokens": {
- "title": "Hide empty token accounts",
- "desc": "Hide token accounts with zero balance on the Accounts page."
- },
- "tokenBlacklist": {
- "title": "Hidden tokens",
- "desc": "You can hide tokens by going to the parent account then right-clicking on the token and selecting 'Hide token'.",
- "count": "{{count}} token",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} tokens"
- },
- "hiddenNftCollections": {
- "title": "Hidden NFT Collections",
- "desc": "You can hide NFT Collections by right-clicking on the collection name and selecting 'Hide NFT Collection'.",
- "count": "{{count}} collection",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} collections"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "desc": "Set up your Bitcoin full node to synchronize and send transactions without using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- },
- "password": {
- "inputFields": {
- "newPassword": {
- "label": "New password"
- },
- "confirmPassword": {
- "label": "Confirm password"
- },
- "currentPassword": {
- "label": "Current password"
- }
- },
- "changePassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Change your password"
- },
- "setPassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Set the password",
- "desc": "Keep your password safe. Losing it means resetting Ledger Live and adding the accounts again."
- },
- "disablePassword": {
- "title": "Disable password lock",
- "desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
- }
- },
- "update": {
- "downloadInProgress": "Downloading update...",
- "downloadProgress": "{{progress}}% completed",
- "checking": "Checking update...",
- "checkSuccess": "Update ready to install",
- "quitAndInstall": "Install now",
- "updateAvailable": "Update to Ledger Live version {{version}} is available",
- "error": "Error during update. Please download again",
- "reDownload": "Download again",
- "nightlyWarning": "This version cannot auto-update. Please install the latest version manually",
- "downloadNow": "Download update"
- },
- "crash": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check our support articles for possible solutions. If the problem persists, save the logs using the button below and provide them to Ledger Support.",
- "troubleshooting": "Click here for possible solutions",
- "logs": "Save logs",
- "dataFolder": "View user data"
- },
- "exportOperationsModal": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Select the accounts for which to save the operation history",
- "descSuccess": "The CSV file of your operation history was saved successfully in the selected folder",
- "titleSuccess": "Operation history saved successfully",
- "cta": "Save",
- "ctaSuccess": "Done",
- "noAccounts": "No accounts to export",
- "selectedAccounts": "Accounts to be included",
- "selectedAccounts_plural": "Accounts to be included ({{count}})",
- "disclaimer": "The countervalues in the export is provided for information purposes only. Do not rely on such data for accounting, tax, regulation or legal purposes, as they only represent an estimation of the price of the assets at the time of transactions and export, under the valuation methods provided by our service provider, Kaiko"
- },
- "language": {
- "system": "Use system language",
- "switcher": {
- "en": "English",
- "fr": "French",
- "ru": "Russian",
- "es": "Spanish",
- "zh": "Chinese",
- "de": "German"
- }
- },
- "theme": {
- "system": "Select the system theme",
- "light": "Light",
- "dusk": "Dusk",
- "dark": "Dark"
- },
- "toastOverlay": {
- "toastType": {
- "announcement": "News",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "achievement": "Achievement Unlocked"
- },
- "groupedToast": {
- "text": "You have {{count}} unread notifications",
- "cta": "See details"
- }
- },
- "informationCenter": {
- "tooltip": "Information center",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip": "There is {{count}} ongoing incident",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip_plural": "There are {{count}} ongoing incidents",
- "tabs": {
- "announcements": "News",
- "announcementsUnseen": "News ({{unseenCount}})",
- "serviceStatus": "Status",
- "serviceStatusIncidentsOngoing": "Status ({{incidentCount}})"
- },
- "serviceStatus": {
- "statusOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is up and running",
- "description": "Having trouble ? Go on our <0>help page0>"
- },
- "statusNotOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is experiencing issues",
- "learnMore": "Learn more"
- }
- },
- "announcement": {
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No news for the moment",
- "desc": "You will find here all the news related to Ledger and Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "onboarding": {
- "drawers": {
- "pinHelp": {
- "title": "Secure your PIN code",
- "intro": "During the setup process you choose a PIN code.",
- "rules": {
- "1": "<0>Always0> choose a PIN code yourself.",
- "2": "<0>Always0> enter your PIN code out of sight.",
- "3": "You can change your PIN code if needed.",
- "4": "Three wrong PIN code entries in a row will reset the device.",
- "5": "<0>Never0> use an easy PIN code like 0000, 123456, or 55555555.",
- "6": "<0>Never0> share your PIN code with someone else. Not even with Ledger.",
- "7": "<0>Never0> use a PIN code you did not choose yourself.",
- "8": "<0>Never0> store your PIN code on a computer or phone."
- }
- },
- "recoverySeed": {
- "title1": "How does a recovery phrase work?",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase works like a unique master key. Your Ledger device uses it to calculate private keys for every crypto asset you own.",
- "paragraph2": "To restore access to your crypto, any wallet can calculate the same private keys from your recovery phrase.",
- "link": "More about the recovery phrase",
- "title2": "What happens if I lose access to my Nano?",
- "paragraph3": "Don't worry and follow these steps:",
- "points": {
- "1": "Get a new hardware wallet.",
- "2": "Select “Restore recovery phrase on a new device” in the Ledger app",
- "3": "Enter your recovery phrase on your new device to restore access to your crypto."
- }
- },
- "whereToHide": {
- "title": "Where should I keep my recovery phrase?",
- "points": {
- "1": "<0>NEVER0> enter it on a computer, smartphone or any other device. Don't take a picture of it.",
- "2": "<0>NEVER0> share your 24 words with anyone.",
- "3": "<0>ALWAYS0> store it in a secure place, out of sight.",
- "4": "Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.",
- "5": "If any person or application asks for it, assume it is a scam!"
- }
- }
- },
- "modals": {
- "recoverySeedWarning": {
- "contactSupportCTA": "Contact Support",
- "continueCTA": "Continue",
- "title": "Please check the box contents",
- "description": "If your {{device}} came with a PIN code or recovery phrase, it’s not safe to use and you should contact Ledger Support.",
- "alert": "Only use a recovery phrase that your device displayed when it was set up"
- }
- },
- "alerts": {
- "beCareful": {
- "title": "Please be careful",
- "descr": "Make sure you follow the instructions on this app at every step of the process.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- },
- "useLedgerSeeds": {
- "title": "We recommend Ledger recovery phrases only",
- "descr": "Ledger cannot guarantee the security of external recovery phrases. We recommend setting up your Nano as a new device if your recovery phrase was not generated by a Ledger.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "screens": {
- "welcome": {
- "title": "Welcome to Ledger",
- "description": "Safely manage your crypto from your computer.",
- "cta": "Get started",
- "noDevice": "No device? <0>Buy a Ledger Nano X0>",
- "languageWarning": {
- "title": "Get started in {{language}}",
- "desc": "We are introducing additional languages in order to help your onboarding with Ledger. Please be aware that the rest of the Ledger experience is currently only available in English.",
- "cta": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "selectDevice": {
- "title": "What's your device?"
- },
- "selectUseCase": {
- "greetings": "Hello!",
- "hasNoRecovery": "First time using your {{deviceName}}?",
- "hasRecovery": "Already have a recovery phrase?",
- "separator": "or",
- "switchDevice": "Switch device",
- "options": {
- "1": {
- "heading": "First use",
- "title": "Set up a new {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Let’s start and set up your device!"
- },
- "2": {
- "heading": "Connect device",
- "title": "Connect your {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Is your device already set up? Connect it to the app!"
- },
- "3": {
- "heading": "Restore device",
- "title": "Restore your recovery phrase on a new device",
- "description": "Use an existing recovery phrase to restore your private keys on a new {{deviceName}}!"
- }
- }
- },
- "tutorial": {
- "steps": {
- "getStarted": "Get started",
- "pinCode": "Pin code",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery phrase",
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase",
- "pairNano": "Connect nano"
- },
- "screens": {
- "importYourRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Restore from recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Restore your Nano from your recovery phrase to restore, replace or back up your Ledger hardware wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano will restore your private keys and you will be able to access and manage your crypto.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "howToGetStarted": {
- "title": "The best way to get you started:",
- "rules": {
- "1": "Plan 30 minutes and take your time.",
- "2": "Grab a pen to write with.",
- "3": "Stay alone, and choose a safe and quiet environment."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Set up as new device”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo2": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Enter your recovery phrase”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "pinCode": {
- "title": "PIN code",
- "paragraph": "Your PIN code is the first layer of security. It physically secures access to your private key and your Nano. Your PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that I must choose my PIN code myself and keep it private.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Set up PIN code",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizSuccess": {
- "title": "Already a pro!",
- "paragraph": "You are ready to safely manage your crypto.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizFailure": {
- "title": "You will soon become a pro...",
- "paragraph": "Don’t worry, Ledger is here to guide you through your journey. You will soon feel extra comfortable about your crypto safety.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "pinCodeHowTo": {
- "setUp": {
- "title": "Choose PIN code",
- "descr": "Press the left or right button to change digits. Press both buttons to validate a digit. Select <0>0> to confirm your PIN code. Select <1>1> to erase a digit."
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm PIN code",
- "descr": "Enter your PIN code again to confirm it."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "existingRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is the secret list of words that you backed up when you first set up your wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Ledger does not keep a copy of your recovery phrase.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose my recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Enter recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- },
- "warning": {
- "title": "Do not use a recovery phrase that you have not generated yourself.",
- "desc": "Your Ledger hardware wallet’s pin code and recovery phrase should be initialized by you and only you. If you have received a device with a pre-existing seed word or an already initialized pin code do not use the product and contact our customer support.",
- "supportLink": "Contact customer support"
- }
- },
- "useRecoverySheet": {
- "takeYourRecoverySheet": {
- "title": "Take your recovery sheet",
- "descr": "Grab a blank Recovery sheet, included with your Nano. Please reach out to Ledger Support if the Recovery sheet did not come blank."
- },
- "writeDownWords": {
- "title": "Write down 24 words",
- "descr": "Write Word #1 displayed on your Nano in position 1 of your Recovery sheet. Then press right on your Nano to display Word #2 and write it down in position 2.\n\nRepeat the process for all words while carefully respecting the order and spelling. Press left on your Nano to check for any mistakes."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "newRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is a secret list of 24 words that backs up your private keys.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano generates a unique recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep a copy of it.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose this recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo": {
- "grabRecovery": {
- "title": "Grab your recovery phrase"
- },
- "selectLength": {
- "title": "Select recovery phrase length",
- "descr": "Your recovery phrases can have 12, 18 or 24 words. You must enter all words to access your crypto."
- },
- "enterWord": {
- "title": "Enter Word #1...",
- "descr": "Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter."
- },
- "validateWord": {
- "title": "Validate Word #1...",
- "descr": "Choose Word #1 from the suggestions. Press both buttons to validate."
- },
- "andNext": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo3": {
- "reEnterWord": {
- "title": "Confirm your recovery phrase",
- "descr": "Scroll through the words until you find Word #1 by pressing the right button. Validate by pressing both buttons."
- },
- "repeat": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "genuineCheck": {
- "success": {
- "title": "All good!",
- "desc": "Your Ledger {{deviceName}} is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Continue",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Hide your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph": "Your recovery phrase is your last chance to access your crypto if you cannot use your Nano. You must keep it in a safe place.",
- "keepItOffline": "Enter these words on a hardware wallet only, not on computers or smartphones.",
- "neverShowToAnyone": "Never share your 24 words with anyone, not even with Ledger.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I'm done!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help",
- "learn": "Learn how to hide it"
- }
- },
- "pairMyNano": {
- "title": "Genuine check",
- "paragraph": "We'll verify whether your Nano is genuine. This should be quick and easy!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Check my Nano",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "pedagogy": {
- "heading": "basics",
- "screens": {
- "accessYourCoins": {
- "title": "Access your crypto",
- "description": "Your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You need a private key to access and manage them."
- },
- "ownYourPrivateKey": {
- "title": "Own your private key",
- "description": "Your private key is stored within your Nano. You must be the only one to own it to be in control of your money."
- },
- "stayOffline": {
- "title": "Stay offline",
- "description": "Your Nano works as a \"cold storage\" wallet. This means that it never exposes your private key online, even when using the app."
- },
- "validateTransactions": {
- "title": "Validate transactions",
- "description": "Ledger Live allows you to buy, sell, manage, exchange and earn crypto while remaining protected. You will validate every crypto transaction with your Nano."
- },
- "setUpNanoWallet": {
- "title": "Let’s set up your Nano!",
- "description": "We'll start by setting up your Nano security.",
- "CTA": "Let’s do this!"
- }
- }
- },
- "quizz": {
- "heading": "Quiz",
- "title": "Now game on!",
- "descr": "Answer 3 simple questions to avoid common misconceptions about your hardware wallet.",
- "buttons": {
- "start": "Let’s take the quiz",
- "next": "Next question",
- "finish": "Finish quiz"
- },
- "questions": {
- "1": {
- "text": "As a Ledger user, my crypto is stored:",
- "answers": {
- "1": "On my Nano",
- "2": "On the blockchain"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "text": "If my recovery phrase is no longer secure or private...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "No problem, Ledger can send me a copy",
- "2": "My crypto is no longer safe and I need to transfer them to a secure place"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "text": "When I connect my Nano to the Ledger app, my private key is...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "Still offline",
- "2": "Briefly connected to the internet"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "connectTroubleshooting": {
- "desc": "Having trouble connecting your device?",
- "cta": "Fix it",
- "solution": "Solution #{{number}}",
- "applesInstructions": "Apple’s instructions",
- "nextSolution": "Next solution",
- "previousSolution": "Previous solution",
- "followSteps": "Follow these steps",
- "supportArticle": "Support article",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "connected": "Connected!",
- "backToPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio",
- "steps": {
- "entry": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot USB connection",
- "desc": "There seems to be a problem connecting to your device. Don’t worry, you can try different solutions one by one until your device connects!",
- "cta": "Let’s fix it!",
- "back": "Go back"
- },
- "1": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Run Ledger Live as Administrator",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Quit Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Right-click the Ledger Live application.",
- "2": "Select “Run as Administrator”.",
- "3": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "linux": {
- "title": "Update the udev rules on Linux",
- "desc": "Click the button below to add the udev rules. Then connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "cta": "Set Rules",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Enter the following command in a terminal to automatically add the rules and reload udev.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "usbPort": {
- "title": "Try different USB ports",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Change the USB port used on your computer.",
- "1": "Remove any USB dongles.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "usbCable": {
- "title": "Change the USB cable",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Use the original USB cable if possible.",
- "1": "Try a different USB cable, making sure it supports data transfer.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "restart": {
- "title": "Restart your computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Restart your computer.",
- "1": "Start Ledger Live.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "antiVirus": {
- "title": "Turn off Anti-virus and VPN",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Turn off any anti-virus, firewall, and VPN software.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "2": "Whitelist Ledger Live in your anti-virus if that worked."
- }
- },
- "anotherComputer": {
- "title": "Try another computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Go to <0>{{link}}0> on another computer to download and install Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Update the USB device drivers",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Visit this <0>{{link}}0>",
- "1": "Follow the instructions to update USB device drivers.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it's detected."
- }
- },
- "mac": {
- "0": {
- "title": "Enable Full Disk Access",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Open “System Preferences”.",
- "1": "Go to “Security & Privacy”.",
- "2": "In the “Privacy” tab, go to “Full Disk Access” in the left column.",
- "3": "Add “Ledger Live”.",
- "4": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "1": {
- "title": "Reset NVRAM",
- "link": "Apple’s instructions",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "If your Mac has an intel processor, follow <0>{{link}}0> to reset the NVRAM.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "4": {
- "deviceSelection": {
- "title": "What’s your device?",
- "desc": "If you have a Nano S, you can try repairing your devices Firmware. For Nano X and Blue users, kindly contact Ledger support"
- },
- "notFixed": {
- "title": " USB connection problem still not fixed?",
- "desc": "If you've tried every possible solution, please reach out to Ledger Support. Otherwise, please follow the instructions of any solution you haven’t tried yet.",
- "back": "Back to portfolio",
- "cta": "Contact Support"
- },
- "repair": {
- "title": "Repair your Nano S",
- "desc": "What is the message displayed on your device?",
- "mcuOutdated": "MCU firmware is outdated",
- "mcuNotGenuine": "MCU firmware is not genuine",
- "repairInstructions": "Follow device repair instructions",
- "updateInstructions": "Follow device update instructions",
- "somethingElse": "Something else"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "SignMessageConfirm": {
- "stringHash": "Message Hash",
- "domainHash": "Domain Hash",
- "messageHash": "Message Hash",
- "message": "Message"
- },
- "TransactionConfirm": {
- "title": "Please confirm the operation on your device to finalize it",
- "warning": "Always verify the address displayed on your device exactly matches the one given by the {{recipientWording}}",
- "secureContract": "Verify the deposit details on your device before sending it. The contract address is provided securely so you don’t have to verify it.",
- "verifyData": "Always verify the operation details on your device.",
- "warningWording": {},
- "titleWording": {
- "send": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimReward": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "freeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unfreeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "vote": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "delegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "undelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "redelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimRewardCompound": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "nominate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "chill": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "bond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unbond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "rebond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "setController": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation"
- },
- "recipientWording": {
- "send": "recipient",
- "delegate": "validator",
- "undelegate": "validator",
- "claimReward": "rewards recipient",
- "optIn": "recipient",
- "nominate": "validator",
- "erc721": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- },
- "erc1155": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- }
- },
- "votes": "Votes ({{count}})"
- },
- "RecipientField": {
- "placeholder": "Enter {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "Terms": {
- "title": "Terms of use",
- "description": "Please take some time to review our Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "termsLabel": "Terms of service",
- "privacyLabel": "Privacy policy",
- "switchLabel": "I have read and accept the Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "cta": "Enter Ledger app"
- },
- "families": {
- "stellar": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoType": {
- "MEMO_TEXT": "Memo Text",
- "NO_MEMO": "No Memo",
- "MEMO_ID": "Memo ID",
- "MEMO_HASH": "Memo Hash",
- "MEMO_RETURN": "Memo Return"
- },
- "memoWarningText": "When using a Memo, carefully verify the type used with the recipient"
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- },
- "solana": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional"
- }
- },
- "errors": {
- "NoSuchAppOnProvider": {
- "title": "The {{appName}} app cannot be found for your specific configuration.",
- "description": "Try reinstalling the app from the Manager"
- },
- "countervaluesUnavailable": {
- "title": "We're not able to provide a countervalue for this asset at the moment"
- },
- "generic": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "AccountAwaitingSendPendingOperations": {
- "title": "There is a pending operation for this account.",
- "description": "Wait for the operation to go through."
- },
- "AccountNameRequired": {
- "title": "An account name is required",
- "description": "Please enter an account name"
- },
- "AccountNeedResync": {
- "title": "Please try again",
- "description": "Account is outdated. A synchronisation is needed"
- },
- "AccountNotSupported": {
- "title": "Account not supported.",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Support ({{reason}})"
- },
- "AlgorandASANotOptInInRecipient": {
- "title": "Recipient account has not opted in the selected ASA."
- },
- "AmountRequired": {
- "title": "Amount required"
- },
- "NoAccessToCamera": {
- "title": "Please ensure your system has a camera, that it is not in use by another application and that Ledger Live has permission to use it.",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ClaimRewardsFeesWarning": {
- "title": "The rewards are smaller than the estimated fees to claim them",
- "description": ""
- },
- "CompoundLowerAllowanceOfActiveAccountError": {
- "title": "You cannot reduce the amount approved while having an active deposit."
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInternal": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #1)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTxDecode": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #2)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidSequence": {
- "title": "Invalid sequence",
- "description": "Please try the operation again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnauthorized": {
- "title": "Unauthorized signature",
- "description": "This account is not authorized to sign this transaction"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFunds": {
- "title": "Insufficient funds",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownRequest": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #6)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Invalid address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidPubKey": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #8)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownAddress": {
- "title": "Unknown address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientCoins": {
- "title": "Insufficient coins",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidCoins": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #11)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeOutOfGas": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #12)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeMemoTooLarge": {
- "title": "The Memo field is too long",
- "description": "Please reduce the size of the memo text and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFee": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #14)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTooManySignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #15)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeGasOverflow": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #16)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeNoSignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #17)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CurrencyNotSupported": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} is not supported",
- "description": "This crypto asset is not yet supported. Please contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "DeviceNotGenuine": {
- "title": "Possibly not genuine",
- "description": "Request assistance from Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
- "description": null
- },
- "DeviceInOSUExpected": {
- "title": "Sorry, update failed",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceHalted": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again"
- },
- "DeviceNotOnboarded": {
- "title": "Your device is not ready to use yet",
- "description": "Set up your device before using it with Ledger Live."
- },
- "DeviceSocketFail": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. ({{message}})"
- },
- "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
- "title": "The connection failed",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "EnpointConfig": {
- "title": "Invalid endpoint",
- "description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
- },
- "FeeEstimationFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
- "description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
- },
- "FirmwareOrAppUpdateRequired": {
- "title": "Firmware or app update required",
- "description": "Please use the Manager to uninstall all apps then check if a firmware update is available before reinstalling them"
- },
- "LatestFirmwareVersionRequired": {
- "title": "Update Nano Firmware",
- "description": "Please update your devices Firmware to the latest version to access this feature"
- },
- "FirmwareNotRecognized": {
- "title": "Device firmware is not recognized",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "HardResetFail": {
- "title": "Sorry, could not reset",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
- "title": "Sorry, there's nothing to update",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support if you cannot use your device."
- },
- "LedgerAPI4xx": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please check your connection and try again or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "LedgerAPI5xx": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again.",
- "description": "The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {{message}}"
- },
- "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
- "title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
- "title": "Sorry, that's already installed",
- "description": "Please check which apps are already installed on your device."
- },
- "ManagerAppDepInstallRequired": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app required",
- "description": "If the {{dependency}} app is already installed, please reinstall it with the latest version"
- },
- "ManagerAppDepUninstallRequired": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "You must first uninstall all apps that require the {{appName}} app"
- },
- "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
- "title": "Your device is locked",
- "description": "Please unlock it"
- },
- "ManagerFirmwareNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Uninstall all apps from your device",
- "description": "The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device and must be backed up on your Recovery sheet."
- },
- "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Sorry, not enough storage left",
- "description": "Uninstall some apps to free up space. The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device."
- },
- "ManagerQuitPage": {
- "install": {
- "title": "Finish app installation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app installation. Please finish the installation to install the apps in the queue.",
- "stay": "Finish install"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Finish app uninstallation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app uninstallations in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish uninstalling"
- },
- "update": {
- "title": "Finish app updates in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app updates in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish updates"
- },
- "quit": "Quit Manager"
- },
- "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
- },
- "NetworkDown": {
- "title": "Sorry, internet seems to be down",
- "description": "Please check your internet connection."
- },
- "NoAddressesFound": {
- "title": "Sorry, no accounts were found",
- "description": "Something went wrong with the address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalance": {
- "title": "Sorry, insufficient funds",
- "description": "Please make sure the account has enough funds."
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
- "title": "Recipient address is inactive. Send at least {{minimalAmount}} to activate it"
- },
- "NotEnoughGas": {
- "title": "The parent account balance is insufficient for network fees"
- },
- "PasswordsDontMatch": {
- "title": "The Passwords don't match",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "PasswordIncorrect": {
- "title": "The password entered is incorrect",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "QuantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "The quantity needs to be greater than 0"
- },
- "RPCHostRequired": {
- "title": "Host is required."
- },
- "RPCHostInvalid": {
- "title": "Enter valid host."
- },
- "RPCUserRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Username is required"
- },
- "RPCPassRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Password is required"
- },
- "SatStackAccessDown": {
- "title": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack and your node are running. Check the full node setup in the Settings if the problem persists."
- },
- "SatStackStillSyncing": {
- "title": "Node sync in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait while your node is syncing. Sending is not possible since your Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect."
- },
- "SatStackVersionTooOld": {
- "title": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "SatStackDescriptorNotImported": {
- "title": "Account not scanned by full node",
- "description": "Please configure your full node to scan for the accounts associated with this device. Your full node must first scan the blockchain for this account before you can add it to your portfolio."
- },
- "SwapGenericAPIError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "The exchange transaction did not go through. Please try again or contact support."
- },
- "TimeoutError": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "TimeoutTagged": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond ({{tag}})",
- "description": "Timeout occurred."
- },
- "TransportError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportRaceCondition": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportStatusError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "DeviceShouldStayInApp": {
- "title": "Please open the {{appName}} app",
- "description": "Keep the {{appName}} app open while we find your accounts"
- },
- "UnexpectedBootloader": {
- "title": "Sorry, your device must not be in Bootloader mode",
- "description": "Please restart your device without touching the buttons when the logo appears. Contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "UserRefusedAllowManager": {
- "title": "Manager denied on device"
- },
- "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
- "title": "Update cancelled on device",
- "description": "All apps on your device have been uninstalled. Keep your device up to date to benefit from improvements in security and functionality."
- },
- "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Action rejected",
- "description": "User rejected the operation on the device"
- },
- "TransactionRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Operation denied on device",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UserRefusedAddress": {
- "title": "Receive address rejected",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UpdateYourApp": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "DeviceOnDashboardExpected": {
- "title": "Return to the Dashboard",
- "description": "Please navigate back to the Dashboard on your device"
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionError": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection error)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection closed)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check that your hardware wallet is set up with the recovery phrase or passphrase associated to the selected account."
- },
- "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "InvalidAddress": {
- "title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseAlreadyDelegated": {
- "title": "Your account is already delegated to this validator"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseDestinationIsAlsoSource": {
- "title": "Recipient address is the same as the sender address"
- },
- "CantOpenDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, connection failed",
- "description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "ETHAddressNonEIP": {
- "title": "Auto-verification not available: carefully verify the address",
- "description": null
- },
- "EthAppNftNotSupported": {
- "title": "Operation not available for this device",
- "description": "Send NFT feature is only available for Nano X. Please visit our customer support platform to know how to send a NFT with a Nano S."
- },
- "CantScanQRCode": {
- "title": "Couldn't scan this QR code: auto-verification not supported by this address"
- },
- "FeeNotLoaded": {
- "title": "Couldn't load fee rates. Please set manual fees"
- },
- "FeeRequired": {
- "title": "Fees are required"
- },
- "GasLessThanEstimate": {
- "title": "This may be too low. Please increase"
- },
- "UnknownMCU": {
- "title": "Unknown MCU version",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "MCUNotGenuineToDashboard": {
- "title": "Access dashboard to update",
- "description": "",
- "list": {
- "1": "Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable without pressing any buttons.",
- "2": "Press both buttons together three times to display the Dashboard.",
- "3": "Open the Manager and click Update firmware."
- }
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountReceive": {
- "title": "Cannot receive in subaccounts",
- "description": "If you want to receive funds, please use the parent account"
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountSend": {
- "title": "Cannot send from subaccounts yet",
- "description": "This feature will be added at a later stage due to changes recently introduced by the Babylon update."
- },
- "RecommendUndelegation": {
- "title": "Please undelegate the account before emptying it"
- },
- "RecommendSubAccountsToEmpty": {
- "title": "Please empty all subaccounts first"
- },
- "NotSupportedLegacyAddress": {
- "title": "This legacy address format is no longer supported"
- },
- "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
- "title": "That's the wrong app",
- "description": "Open the '{{managerAppName}}' app on your device"
- },
- "DeviceNameInvalid": {
- "title": "Please choose a device name without '{{invalidCharacters}}'"
- },
- "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
- "title": "Bitcoin and Ethereum apps required",
- "description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first."
- },
- "UserRefusedDeviceNameChange": {
- "title": "Rename cancelled on device",
- "description": "Try again and allow renaming on your device"
- },
- "SyncError": {
- "title": "Synchronization error",
- "description": "Some accounts could not be synchronized."
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForBandwidth": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Bandwidth"
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForEnergy": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Energy"
- },
- "TronUnfreezeNotExpired": {
- "title": "Unfreeze is not available yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 3 days after your last Freeze operation"
- },
- "TronVoteRequired": {
- "title": "At least 1 vote is needed"
- },
- "TronInvalidVoteCount": {
- "title": "Vote format is incorrect",
- "description": "You can only vote using round numbers"
- },
- "TronRewardNotAvailable": {
- "title": "Reward is not claimable yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 24 hours between claims"
- },
- "TronNoReward": {
- "title": "There is no reward to claim"
- },
- "TronInvalidFreezeAmount": {
- "title": "Amount to freeze cannot be lower than 1"
- },
- "TronSendTrc20ToNewAccountForbidden": {
- "title": "Sending TRC20 to a new account won't activate it",
- "description": "The recipient account must be activated prior to sending TRC20 to it. Send either TRX or TRC10 to an account to activate it."
- },
- "TronUnexpectedFees": {
- "title": "Additional fees may be applied"
- },
- "TronNotEnoughTronPower": {
- "title": "Not enough votes available"
- },
- "TronTransactionExpired": {
- "title": "Transaction has expired",
- "description": "Signature must be applied within 30 seconds. Please try again."
- },
- "TronNotEnoughEnergy": {
- "title": "Not enough Energy to send this token"
- },
- "PairingFailed": {
- "title": "Pairing unsuccessful",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "GenuineCheckFailed": {
- "title": "Genuine check failed",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "EthAppPleaseEnableContractData": {
- "title": "Please enable contract data in the Ethereum app settings"
- },
- "InvalidXRPTag": {
- "title": "Invalid XRP Destination tag"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceToDelegate": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughDelegationBalance": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceInParentAccount": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance in the parent account"
- },
- "quantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "Quantity needs to be at least 1"
- },
- "NotEnoughSpendableBalance": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumAmount}}"
- },
- "WrongAppForCurrency": {
- "title": "Please open the {{expected}} app"
- },
- "FeeTooHigh": {
- "title": "Network fees are above 10% of the amount"
- },
- "StellarWrongMemoFormat": {
- "title": "Memo format is wrong"
- },
- "SourceHasMultiSign": {
- "title": "Please disable multisign to send {{currencyName}}"
- },
- "StellarMemoRecommended": {
- "title": "A memo may be required when sending to this recipient"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooLow": {
- "title": "Amount must be at least {{minAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooHigh": {
- "title": "Amount must be less than {{maxAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "PolkadotElectionClosed": {
- "title": "Validators election must be closed"
- },
- "PolkadotNotValidator": {
- "title": "Some selected addresses are not validators"
- },
- "PolkadotLowBondedBalance": {
- "title": "All bonded assets will be unbonded if < 1 DOT"
- },
- "PolkadotNoUnlockedBalance": {
- "title": "You have no unbonded assets"
- },
- "PolkadotNoNominations": {
- "title": "You have no nominations"
- },
- "PolkadotAllFundsWarning": {
- "title": "Ensure you have enough balance left for future transaction fees"
- },
- "PolkadotDoMaxSendInstead": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumBalance}}. Send max to empty account."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmount": {
- "title": "You must bond at least {{minimumBondAmount}}."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmountWarning": {
- "title": "You bonded balance should be at least {{minimumBondBalance}}."
- },
- "PolkadotMaxUnbonding": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the unbond limit"
- },
- "PolkadotValidatorsRequired": {
- "title": "You must select at least one validator"
- },
- "ServiceStatusWarning": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": ""
- },
- "TaprootNotActivated": {
- "title": "Sending to a taproot address is unsafe before mainnet activation"
- },
- "SolanaAccountNotFunded": {
- "title": "Account not funded"
- },
- "SolanaMemoIsTooLong": {
- "title": "Memo is too long. Max length is {{maxLength}}"
- },
- "SolanaAddressOfEd25519": {
- "title": "Address off ed25519 curve"
- },
- "NotEnoughNftOwned": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the number of available tokens"
- }
- },
- "cryptoOrg": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by Crypto.org",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "Crypto.org integration",
- "title": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now start to manage your Crypto.org (CRO) tokens and secure them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is native to the Crypto.org chain and is used for everything from transactions, staking and many upcoming features.",
- "website": "Cryptocurrency in every wallet"
- }
- },
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- }
diff --git a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/nl/app.json b/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/nl/app.json
deleted file mode 100644
index df2f81a1de16..000000000000
--- a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/nl/app.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4340 +0,0 @@
- "calendar": {
- "today": "Today",
- "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "transactionDate": "Transaction date"
- },
- "platform": {
- "flows": {
- "requestAccount": {
- "title": "Select an account"
- },
- "broadcast": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "Transaction sent !",
- "text": "Click here to see operation details"
- }
- }
- },
- "app": {
- "informations": {
- "title": "Information",
- "website": "Website"
- }
- },
- "catalog": {
- "title": "Discover",
- "branch": {
- "soon": "coming soon",
- "experimental": "experimental",
- "debug": "debug"
- },
- "banner": {
- "title": "Discover our Live Apps Catalog",
- "description": "We're working hard to bring you access to the world of DeFi, NFTs and more, securely, right inside Ledger Live!"
- },
- "twitterBanner": {
- "description": "Tell us what’s the next service you want to see on Ledger Live with the hashtag",
- "tweetText": "The next Ledger App should be..."
- },
- "pollCTA": {
- "title": "Poll",
- "description": "Which service do you want to see in Ledger Live?",
- "button": "Let’s vote!"
- },
- "developerCTA": {
- "title": "For Developers",
- "description": "All the information you need to integrate your applications on Ledger Live.",
- "button": "Go to portal"
- }
- },
- "disclaimer": {
- "title": "External Application",
- "description": "You are about to be redirected to an application not operated by Ledger.",
- "legalAdvice": "This application is not operated by Ledger. Ledger is not responsible for any loss of funds or quality of service of such application.\n\nAlways make sure to carefully verify the information displayed on your device.",
- "checkbox": "Do not remind me again.",
- "CTA": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "never": "Never",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "done": "Done",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "reject": "Reject",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "getSupport": "Get support",
- "delete": "Remove account from portfolio",
- "launch": "Launch",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "help": "Help",
- "needHelp": "Need help?",
- "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
- "selectAccount": "Select an account",
- "selectAccountNoOption": "No account matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectCurrency": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectCurrencyNoOption": "No crypto asset \"{{currencyName}}\"",
- "selectValidatorNoOption": "No validator matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectNoResults": "No results found matching \"{{query}}\"",
- "sortBy": "Sort by",
- "save": "Save",
- "lock": "Lock",
- "showMore": "Show more",
- "back": "Back",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "retry": "Retry",
- "range": "Range",
- "stop": "Stop",
- "updateNow": "Update now",
- "close": "Close",
- "eastern": "Eastern",
- "western": "Western",
- "reverify": "Re-verify",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "verifyMyAddress": "Verify my address",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "addressCopied": "Address copied",
- "addressCopiedSuspicious": "Mismatch between the copied address and the one in the clipboard.",
- "experimentalFeature": "Experimental",
- "information": "Information",
- "search": "Search...",
- "searchWithoutEllipsis": "Search",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Welcome back",
- "subTitle": null,
- "description": "Enter your password to continue",
- "inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
- "lostPassword": "I lost my password"
- },
- "sync": {
- "syncing": "Synchronizing...",
- "upToDate": "Synchronized",
- "outdated": "Paused",
- "needsMigration": "Click to update account",
- "error": "Synchronization error",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "devTools": "Dev tools"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "info": "Info",
- "connectDevice": "Connect your device"
- },
- "devices": {
- "nanoS": "Nano S",
- "nanoSP": "Nano S Plus",
- "nanoX": "Nano X",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "operation": {
- "type": {
- "IN": "Received",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "NFT_IN": "NFT Received",
- "NFT_OUT": "NFT Sent",
- "CREATE": "Created",
- "REVEAL": "Revealed",
- "DELEGATE": "Delegated",
- "REDELEGATE": "Redelegated",
- "UNDELEGATE": "Undelegated",
- "SUPPLY": "Deposited",
- "REDEEM": "Withdrawn",
- "APPROVE": "Approved",
- "VOTE": "Voted",
- "FREEZE": "Frozen",
- "UNFREEZE": "Unfrozen",
- "REWARD": "Claimed reward",
- "FEES": "Fees",
- "OPT_IN": "Opt in",
- "OPT_OUT": "Opt out",
- "CLOSE_ACCOUNT": "Close account",
- "BOND": "Bond",
- "UNBOND": "Unbond",
- "REWARD_PAYOUT": "Reward",
- "SLASH": "Slash",
- "WITHDRAW_UNBONDED": "Withdrawal",
- "NOMINATE": "Nomination",
- "CHILL": "Clear nominations",
- "SET_CONTROLLER": "Set controller"
- }
- },
- "byteSize": {
- "bytes": "{{size}} bytes",
- "kbUnit": "{{size}} KB",
- "mbUnit": "{{size}} MB"
- },
- "time": {
- "minute": "Minute",
- "minute_plural": "Minutes",
- "hour": "Hour",
- "hour_plural": "Hours",
- "range": {
- "day": "1D",
- "week": "1W",
- "month": "1M",
- "year": "1Y",
- "all": "ALL"
- }
- },
- "fees": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "fast": "Fast",
- "high": "High",
- "low": "Low",
- "slow": "Slow",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "feesAmount": "Fees Amount"
- },
- "sidebar": {
- "card": "Card",
- "learn": "Learn",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "stars": "Starred accounts",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "manager": "Manager",
- "exchange": "Buy / Sell",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "lend": "Lend",
- "catalog": "Discover",
- "market": "Market"
- },
- "stars": {
- "placeholder": "Star an account to display it here.",
- "tooltip": "Star account"
- },
- "bridge": {
- "modalTitle": "Open Device Bridge",
- "openHeader": "Expose your Device accounts through WebSocket",
- "openDescription": "Opening a bridge exposes all of your accounts to third party applications.",
- "openedHeader": "{{appName}} bridge opened",
- "openedDescription": "You can now access your {{appName}} account on third party web application through WebSocket.",
- "completeHeader": "Bridge session completed",
- "completeDescription": "The websocket bridge is now closed.",
- "openButton": "Open",
- "disconnectButton": "Disconnect"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History",
- "kyc": "KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "ratesDrawer": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "quote": "Quote",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "details": {
- "label": {
- "provider": "provider",
- "rate": "rate",
- "fees": "network fees",
- "target": "target account"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "provider": "lorem ipsum",
- "rate": "lorem ipsum",
- "fees": "lorem ipsum"
- },
- "noAccount": "Create an account to receive {{name}}",
- "noAccountCTA": "Add account"
- },
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "max": "Max",
- "accountPlaceholder": "Select source",
- "currencyDisabledTooltip": "This currency is not available for swap yet"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To"
- },
- "notAvailable": {
- "title": "Swap is not available yet in your area",
- "content": "Have a little more patience,
we will launch this feature very soon"
- },
- "providers": {
- "kyc": {
- "required": "You need to complete your KYC",
- "complete": "Complete KYC",
- "update": "Refresh KYC",
- "rejected": "KYC rejected, start the verification again",
- "status": {
- "pending": "KYC pending",
- "approved": "KYC approved",
- "closed": "KYC rejected"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- },
- "export": "Export operations",
- "exporting": "Exporting..."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Your information has been submitted for approval",
- "subtitle": "It usually takes a few minutes for the review to be completed.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC",
- "info": "Identity verification: Submitted"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "exchangeDrawer": {
- "title": "Confirm your Exchange",
- "completed": {
- "title": "Transaction broadcast successfully",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed and for the provider to process and send your {{targetCurrency}}.",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "seeDetails": "See details"
- }
- }
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "titleCrypto": "Swap {{currency}}",
- "whatIsSwap": "What is Swap",
- "paraswap": {
- "cta": " Check it out",
- "description": "Looking for Paraswap? It has been moved to the Discover tab."
- },
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- }
- },
- "landing": {
- "title": "Swap your assets",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "sorry": "Service temporarily unavailable, or not available in your country"
- },
- "missingApp": {
- "title": "Please install the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and install {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "outdatedApp": {
- "title": "Please update the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and update {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "providers": {
- "title": "Choose a provider to swap crypto",
- "learnMore": "What is Swap?",
- "kycRequired": "KYC Required",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "kyc": {
- "notAvailable": "{{provider}} is unavailable in your location",
- "status": {
- "required": "KYC Required",
- "pending": "KYC Pending",
- "approved": "KYC Approved!",
- "closed": "KYC Rejected"
- }
- }
- },
- "ip": {
- "title": "Welcome to Swap",
- "subtitle": "Exchange crypto assets directly from your Ledger device.",
- "disclaimer": "By continuing, you accept that your location data will be shared with third party service providers in order for them to comply with their AML/KYC procedures."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Pending approval",
- "subtitle": "Your information was submitted for approval by Wyre.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "form": {
- "resetKYC": "Reset your KYC and Update Live to Swap with Wyre",
- "resetKYCCTA": "Reset KYC",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to send",
- "currency": "Crypto asset"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to receive",
- "currency": "Crypto asset",
- "addAccountCTA": "Add new account"
- },
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "floatUnavailable": "Floating rate not supported for this pair",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate",
- "fixedUnavailable": "Fixed rate not supported for this pair",
- "floatDesc": "Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.",
- "fixedDesc": "Your amount will stay the same even if the market changes. Updates every 60 seconds.",
- "by": "Provided by"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "helpCTA": "What is Swap?",
- "bubble": "We use a fixed rate, this is the exact amount you will receive.",
- "noAccounts": "You don't have {{currencyName}} accounts with balance",
- "noApp": "{{currencyName}} app not installed.",
- "outdatedApp": "{{currencyName}} app update available.",
- "loadingRates": "Loading rates..."
- },
- "unauthorizedRatesModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live needs an update",
- "subtitle": "Please update Ledger Live to the latest version, and re verify your identity to swap with wyre",
- "cta": "Reset verification"
- },
- "resetKYCModal": {
- "title": "Delete your KYC",
- "subtitle": "Delete your KYC to erase all tokens stored locally on your computer. You will have to resubmit your KYC to access services provided by our partners.",
- "cta": "Confirm"
- },
- "modal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "toExchange": "Amount to send",
- "toReceive": "Amount to receive",
- "terms": "Terms & Conditions",
- "disclaimer": {
- "description": "By clicking \"Confirm\", I acknowledge and accept that this service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s",
- "acceptedDescription": "This service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s"
- },
- "details": {
- "provider": "Provider",
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Type",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate"
- },
- "address": "Address"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "title": "App checks"
- },
- "finished": {
- "title": "Pending",
- "subtitle": "Swap broadcast successfully ",
- "swap": "Your Swap ID:",
- "seeDetails": "See details",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. It may take up to an hour before you receive your {{targetCurrency}}."
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetailsModal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "txid": "Swap ID",
- "status": "Status",
- "statusTooltips": {
- "expired": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "refunded": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "pending": "Please wait while the swap provider is processing the transaction.",
- "onhold": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID to solve the situation.",
- "finished": "Your swap was completed successfully."
- },
- "date": "Date",
- "from": "From",
- "fromAddress": "Origin address",
- "fromAddress_plural": "Origin addresses",
- "to": "To",
- "toProvider": "Provider address",
- "initialAmount": "Initial amount",
- "creditedAmount": "Credited amount"
- }
- },
- "lottieDebugger": {
- "buttonTitle": "Test"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "status": "Status",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "checkNodeSettings": "Verify node settings",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "modal": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect full node",
- "steps": {
- "landing": {
- "header": "Start your full node. Don’t trust, verify.",
- "description": "A Bitcoin full node validates all transactions and blocks, allowing you to use Bitcoin in a trustless way while contributing to the Bitcoin network.",
- "list": {
- "item1": "Set up Bitcoin Core on a device with sufficient resources.",
- "item2": "Wait for your node to fully synchronize.",
- "item3": "Make note of your node RPC credentials, IP address, and port number."
- },
- "disclaimer": "Running a full node requires a computer with sufficient resources and a broadband connection without data restrictions."
- },
- "node": {
- "title": "Node",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Enter your node parameters",
- "disclaimer": "Your full node must be fully synchronized before connecting Ledger Live.",
- "fields": {
- "nodeHost": {
- "title": "Host",
- "tooltip": "Leave as default if node runs on this computer, or replace the node IP address and port number."
- },
- "rpcCredentials": {
- "title": "RPC Credentials",
- "tooltip": "Enter the RPC username and password of your node, found in the bitcoin.conf file.",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
- },
- "tls": {
- "title": "Use TLS",
- "tooltip": "Enable Transport Layer Security, for example, when using a hosted node solution."
- }
- }
- },
- "connecting": {
- "header": "Testing node connection",
- "description": "Please wait while we check if your full node is responding."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Full node connection successful",
- "description": "You can now configure your full node to scan for your accounts on the blockchain."
- },
- "failure": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please ensure your node is fully synchronized and verify its connection settings."
- }
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "pending": {
- "header": "Getting accounts from device",
- "description": "Please wait while the accounts to scan are added to the node configuration file."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Accounts added to node configuration",
- "description": "A configuration file was saved to the user data folder. It enables Ledger SatStack to connect to your full node and let it scan for your accounts on the blockchain.",
- "cta": "View user data"
- }
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "existing": "Existing accounts to scan",
- "toScan": "Accounts to scan",
- "toScanDescription": "Accounts to scan for each address type",
- "toScanTooltip": "Increase only if you have 10+ BTC accounts. Initial scan will be slower. "
- },
- "satstack": {
- "title": "SatStack",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Download and run Ledger SatStack",
- "description": "Ledger SatStack is a small application enabling Ledger Live to talk to your full node. Please download and run it before you continue.",
- "disclaimer": "SatStack must be running for Ledger Live to connect to your full node. Consider setting it to launch automatically when your computer boots.",
- "cta": "Download SatStack"
- },
- "satstack-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach SatStack",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack is running on this computer."
- },
- "satstack-outdated": {
- "header": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "node-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that your node is reachable and that the connection settings you entered are correct."
- },
- "invalid-chain": {
- "header": "invalid-chain title",
- "description": "invalid-chain description for tooltip"
- },
- "initializing": {
- "header": "Loading",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ready": {
- "header": "Ready",
- "description": "The full node is fully synced. Your Bitcoin account balances are now correct."
- },
- "syncing": {
- "header": "Node sync in progress…",
- "description": "Recent transactions may not yet be visible, so Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect. If possible, run your node continuously to keep it in sync."
- },
- "scanning": {
- "header": "Account scan in progress...",
- "description": "You can add your accounts once the account scan is completed. Any Bitcoin accounts previously added through Ledger's explorers were removed."
- }
- }
- },
- "disconnect": {
- "cta": "Disconnect",
- "description": "Are you sure? Disconnecting the full node will remove all Bitcoin accounts. You can add your accounts again using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "lastOperations": "Latest operations",
- "contractAddress": "Contract:",
- "openInExplorer": "Open in explorer",
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No crypto assets yet?",
- "desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving",
- "descToken": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving <3><0>{{ticker}}0>3> and <5><0>{{tokenList}}0> tokens5>",
- "buttons": {
- "receiveFunds": "Receive",
- "buy": "Buy"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Edit account",
- "advancedLogs": "Advanced",
- "advancedTips": "Your xpub is privacy-sensitive data. Use with caution, especially when disclosing to third parties.",
- "accountName": {
- "title": "Account name",
- "desc": "Description of the account"
- },
- "unit": {
- "title": "Unit",
- "desc": "Choose the unit to be used"
- }
- },
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "frozenAssets": "Frozen assets",
- "bandwidth": "Bandwidth",
- "energy": "Energy",
- "stake": "Stake",
- "delegatedAssets": "Delegated assets",
- "undelegating": "Undelegating",
- "availableBalanceTooltip": "This amount is disposable.",
- "frozenAssetsTooltip": "Frozen assets are used in the Tron voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "bandwidthTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain bandwidth",
- "energyTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain energy",
- "delegatedAssetsTooltip": "Delegated assets are used in the Cosmos voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "undelegatingTooltip": "Undelegated assets are in a timelock of 21 days, before being available."
- },
- "exchange": {
- "chooseProvider": "Choose from {{providerCount}} provider",
- "chooseProviders": "Choose from {{providerCount}} providers",
- "title": "Buy and sell crypto",
- "reset": "Reset flow",
- "verifyAddress": "Please confirm the address displayed exactly matches the one shown on your device",
- "buy": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Choose a provider to buy crypto",
- "buyFrom": "Buy from anywhere",
- "cryptoSupported": "crypto supported",
- "payWith": "Pay with card or SEPA",
- "tab": "Buy",
- "coinify": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with {{provider}}",
- "title": "Buy crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "addAccount": "Add account"
- }
- },
- "sell": {
- "header": "Sell crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Sell crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "tab": "Sell",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "lend": {
- "title": "Lend crypto",
- "tabs": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "opened": "Opened loans",
- "closed": "Closed loans",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "assets": "Assets to lend",
- "active": "Approved accounts",
- "lendAsset": "Lend",
- "account": {
- "amountSupplied": "Amount deposited",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount lent to the network",
- "currencyAPY": "Currency APY",
- "currencyAPYTooltip": "Yearly return rate of a deposit that’s continuously compounded",
- "accruedInterests": "Accrued interest",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest generated on your lent assets",
- "interestEarned": "Interest earned",
- "interestEarnedTooltip": "Interest you have earned after withdrawal",
- "openLoans": "Open loans",
- "closedLoans": "Closed loans",
- "amountRedeemed": "Amount withdrawn",
- "date": "Date",
- "info": "You can lend assets directly from your {{currency}} account and earn interest.",
- "howCompoundWorks": "How does lending on Compound work?",
- "lend": "Deposit {{currency}}"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "active": {
- "title": "Lending",
- "description": "You can lend assets directly from your Ethereum accounts and earn interest.",
- "cta": "How does lending on Compound work?"
- },
- "closed": {
- "title": "Your closed loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "opened": {
- "title": "Your opened loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "history": {
- "title": "History",
- "description": "View the history of all your loan transactions.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- }
- },
- "headers": {
- "active": {
- "accounts": "Account",
- "amountSupplied": "Open loan",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount deposited in the network",
- "accruedInterests": "Interest balance",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest being earned on loans",
- "status": "Account status",
- "actions": "Actions"
- },
- "status": {
- "enablingTooltip": "Your transaction is broadcasting",
- "toSupplyTooltip": "You can now supply your assets"
- },
- "types": {
- "enabling": "Enabling",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "supplying": "Supplying",
- "earning": "Earning"
- },
- "closed": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amountRedeemed": "Withdrawal amount",
- "interestsEarned": "Interest earned",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "opened": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "accruedInterest": "Accrued interest",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "rates": {
- "allAssets": "Asset",
- "totalBalance": "Asset balance",
- "totalBalanceTooltip": "Amount available to lend",
- "currentAPY": "Deposit APY",
- "currentAPYTooltip": "Annual return rate earned on a continuously compounded deposit",
- "actions": "Actions"
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "cta": "Manage lending",
- "title": "Manage loan",
- "enable": {
- "approve": "Approve",
- "manageLimit": "Manage limit",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "info": "You have approved <0>{{amount}}0> on this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "infoNoLimit": "You have fully approved this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "approvedWithLimit": "You have approved <0>{{value}}0> on this account.",
- "enabling": "You can deposit assets once the account approval is confirmed.",
- "notEnabled": "You need to approve this account before being able to lend assets.",
- "notEnoughApproved": "You must increase the limit approved on your account to lend."
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit",
- "description": "Enter the amount of assets to lend to the protocol."
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "Withdraw assets from the protocol to your Ledger account."
- }
- },
- "enable": {
- "title": "Approve account",
- "steps": {
- "selectAccount": {
- "title": "Select account",
- "selectLabel": "Account to lend from",
- "cta": "Approve",
- "alreadyEnabled": "This account is approved"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "summary": "I grant access to <0>{{contractName}}0> smart contract on my account <0>{{accountName}}0> for a <0>{{amount}}0> amount",
- "limit": "limited {{amount}}",
- "noLimit": "no limit {{assetName}}",
- "contractName": "Compound {{currencyName}}",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to approve",
- "amountLabelTooltip": "This limits the amount available to the smart contract."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Operation sent successfully",
- "text": "The approval was sent to the network for confirmation. You’ll be able to issue loans once it is confirmed.",
- "done": "Close",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountToWithdraw": "Amount to withdraw",
- "withdrawAll": "Withdraw Max",
- "placeholder": "Withdraw Max",
- "maxWithdrawble": "Maximum amount to withdraw is"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Withdrawal sent successfully",
- "text": "Your assets will be available once the network has confirmed the withdrawal.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "tooltip": {
- "amountWithdrawn": "The amount withdrawn is displayed in {{ tokenName }}. {{ tokenName }} are ERC20 tokens that you earn after lending assets."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "terms": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "subtitle": "Lend assets on the Compound protocol",
- "description": "The Compound protocol allows you to lend and borrow assets on the Ethereum network. You can lend assets and earn interest directly from your Ledger acccount.",
- "switchLabel": "<1>I have read and agree with the 1><0>Terms of Use0><1>.1>"
- },
- "steps": {
- "title": "Step <0>{{step}} / {{total}}0>",
- "1": {
- "subtitle": "Approve an account to allow the protocol to",
- "subtitle2": "process future loans.",
- "description": "You need to authorize the Compound smart contract to transfer up to a certain amount of assets to the protocol. Approving an account gives permission to the protocol to process future loans."
- },
- "2": {
- "subtitle": "Supply assets to earn interest",
- "description": "Once an account is approved, you can select the amount of assets you want to lend and issue a transaction to the protocol. Interests accrue immediately after the transaction is confirmed."
- },
- "3": {
- "subtitle": "Withdraw assets at any time",
- "description": "You can withdraw your assets and earned interest at any time, partially or entirely, directly from your Ledger account."
- }
- }
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountToSupply": "Amount to deposit",
- "maxSupply": "Maximum amount to lend is"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Deposit sent successfully",
- "text": "You will start earning interest once the network has confirmed the deposit.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "noEthAccount": {
- "title": "Please create an ETH account",
- "description": "<0>{{ asset }}({{ ticker }})0> is an Ethereum ERC-20 token. To lend {{ ticker }}, install the Ethereum app and create an Ethereum account",
- "cta": "Add account"
- },
- "emptyAccountDeposit": {
- "title": "You don't have a {{ asset }} account.",
- "description": "In order to deposit funds and lend crypto you need a {{ asset }} account. Please Receive funds on your Ethereum address.",
- "ctaBuy": "Buy {{ asset }}",
- "ctaReceive": "Receive {{ asset }}"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "noResultFound": "No accounts found.",
- "order": {
- "name|asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name|desc": "Name Z-A",
- "balance|asc": "Lowest Balance",
- "balance|desc": "Highest Balance"
- },
- "range": {
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "all": "All"
- },
- "optionsMenu": {
- "title": "Options",
- "exportOperations": "Export operation history",
- "exportToMobile": "Export to mobile"
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "star": "Star",
- "receive": "Receive",
- "send": "Send",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "buy": "Buy",
- "sell": "Sell",
- "edit": "Edit account",
- "hideToken": "Hide token"
- }
- },
- "help": {
- "title": "Help & Support",
- "gettingStarted": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "desc": "Start here"
- },
- "status": {
- "title": "Ledger Status",
- "desc": "Check our system status"
- },
- "helpCenter": {
- "title": "Ledger Support",
- "desc": "Get help"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "desc": "Learn crypto"
- },
- "facebook": {
- "title": "Facebook",
- "desc": "Like our page"
- },
- "twitter": {
- "title": "Twitter",
- "desc": "Follow us"
- },
- "github": {
- "title": "Github",
- "desc": "Review our code"
- }
- },
- "blacklistToken": {
- "title": "Hide token",
- "desc": "This action will hide all <1><0>{{tokenName}}0>1> accounts, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide token"
- },
- "hideNftCollection": {
- "title": "Hide NFT Colection",
- "desc": "This action will hide all NFTs from the <1><0>{{collectionName}}0>1> collection, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide NFT Collection"
- },
- "banners": {
- "cleanCache": {
- "title": "Modification of experimental settings require a clear cache",
- "cta": "Clear cache"
- },
- "migrate": "Ledger Live accounts update available",
- "genericTerminatedCrypto": "{{coinName}} is not supported anymore",
- "valentine": {
- "title": "Valentine’s day",
- "description": "As a proof of our love, Ledger is reducing buy & sell fees on Ledger Live"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "description": "Everything you need to know about blockchain, security, cryptocurrency and your Ledger device",
- "cta": "Start learning"
- },
- "stakeCosmos": {
- "title": "Staking with COSMOS",
- "description": "Delegate your ATOM coins through the account page and earn rewards today",
- "cta": "Stake Cosmos now"
- },
- "buyCrypto": {
- "title": "Buy Crypto",
- "description": "Purchase crypto assets through our partner and receive them directly in your Ledger account",
- "cta": "Buy now"
- },
- "familyPack": {
- "title": "Family pack",
- "description": "Get your family and friends into crypto with 3 Nano S at a discounted price",
- "cta": "Buy family pack"
- },
- "polkaStake": {
- "title": "POLKADOT staking",
- "description": "You can now stake, secure and manage your DOT directly in Ledger Live"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "sell crypto",
- "description": "Sell Bitcoin with our partner directly from Ledger Live"
- },
- "stakeAlgorand": {
- "title": "Staking with ALGORAND",
- "description": "Make the most of your ALGO. Simply add funds to your accounts and earn staking rewards today."
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap crypto",
- "description": "Exchange one crypto for another from Ledger Live with our partner."
- },
- "lending": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "description": "Lend stablecoins to the Compound protocol and earn interests today"
- },
- "blackfriday": {
- "title": "BLACK FRIDAY ",
- "description": "Enjoy 40% off Ledger hardware wallets with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY20"
- }
- },
- "signmessage": {
- "title": "Sign message",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Device"
- }
- }
- },
- "walletconnect": {
- "titleAccount": "Wallet Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "connected": "Connected",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "invalidAccount": "Invalid account id",
- "steps": {
- "paste": {
- "title": "Paste link",
- "label": "Wallet Connect address",
- "placeholder": "Paste Wallet Connect Link"
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Connect",
- "details": "Wants to connect to the following account through your wallet :",
- "deeplinkDetails": "Wants to connect to Ledger Live. Choose your account:",
- "noAccount": "You don't have any compatible account. Please add an compatible account to use Wallet Connect.",
- "alreadyConnected": "You are trying to connect to a dApp while having another one already connected. Please disconnect from the connected dApp before reconnecting Live with a new dApp."
- }
- },
- "connectedscreen": {
- "info": "You can now access the {{name}} dApp on your web browser.",
- "warning": "Sharing receive addresses from dApps is not secure. Always use Ledger Live when sharing your address to receive funds.",
- "disconnected": "There is a connection problem between the dApp, WalletConnect and Ledger Live. Wait a few moments or relaunch the connection"
- }
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Portfolio",
- "emptyAccountTile": {
- "desc": "Add accounts to manage other crypto assets",
- "createAccount": "Add account"
- },
- "recentActivity": "Latest operations",
- "totalBalance": "Total balance",
- "transactionsPendingConfirmation": "Some transactions are not confirmed yet. These will be reflected in your balance and useable after being confirmed."
- },
- "currentAddress": {
- "title": "Current address",
- "for": "Address for <1><0>{{name}}0>1>",
- "messageIfUnverified": "Verify that the shared address exactly matches the one on your device",
- "messageIfSkipped": "Your {{name}} address was not confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for security.",
- "showQrCode": "Show QR Code",
- "taprootWarning": "Make sure the sender supports taproot"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Install apps on your device",
- "desc": "Go to the Manager to install apps on your device. You can add accounts once you have apps on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "installApp": "Go to Manager",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Add an account to get started",
- "desc": "Add an account to start managing your crypto assets. You must have the app for your crypto asset installed on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "installApp": "Go to Manager to install apps",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- }
- },
- "genuinecheck": {
- "deviceInBootloader": "Device in Bootloader mode. Click on <1>Continue1> to update it."
- },
- "learn": {
- "title": "Learn",
- "noConnection": "No connection",
- "noConnectionDesc": "It seems you don't have access to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.",
- "sectionShows": "Shows",
- "sectionVideo": "Video",
- "sectionPodcast": "Podcast",
- "sectionArticles": "Articles"
- },
- "market": {
- "title": "Market",
- "currency": "Currency",
- "rangeLabel": "Time",
- "goBack": "Go back",
- "filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
- "show": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "isLedgerCompatible": "Ledger Live Compatible",
- "isFavorite": "Starred Assets",
- "applyFilters": "Apply filters",
- "clearAll": "Clear all"
- },
- "marketList": {
- "crypto": "Crypto",
- "price": "Price",
- "change": "Change",
- "marketCap": "Market cap",
- "last7d": "Last 7 days"
- },
- "detailsPage": {
- "priceStatistics": "Price stats",
- "tradingVolume": "Trading volume",
- "24hLowHight": "24h Low / 24h High",
- "7dLowHigh": "7d Low / 7d High",
- "allTimeHigh": "All time high",
- "allTimeLow": "All time low",
- "marketCapRank": "Market cap rank",
- "marketCapDominance": "Market cap dominance",
- "supply": "Supply",
- "circulatingSupply": "Circulating supply",
- "totalSupply": "Total supply",
- "maxSupply": "Max supply",
- "assetNotSupportedOnLedgerLive": "This asset is not supported on Ledger Live.",
- "supportedCoinsAndTokens": "Supported coins & Tokens"
- },
- "range": {
- "1H_label": "1H",
- "1D_label": "1D",
- "1W_label": "1W",
- "1M_label": "1M",
- "1Y_label": "1Y",
- "1h": "1h",
- "24h": "24h",
- "7d": "7d",
- "30d": "30d",
- "1y": "1y",
- "1H_selectorLabel": "Last 1 hour",
- "1D_selectorLabel": "Last 24 hours",
- "1W_selectorLabel": "last week",
- "1M_selectorLabel": "Last month",
- "1Y_selectorLabel": "Last year"
- },
- "warnings": {
- "connectionError": "Connection Error",
- "ledgerUnableToRetrieveData": "Ledger Live is unable to retrieve data.",
- "checkInternetAndReload": "Please check your internet connection and reload this page.",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "noCryptosFound": "No coins found",
- "noSearchResultsFor": "Sorry, we did not find any coins for <0>{{search}}0>. Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "noSearchResults": "Sorry, we did not find any search results.",
- "retrySearchKeyword": "Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "retrySearchParams": "Please retry the search with another parameters.",
- "trackFavAssets": "Track your favourite",
- "clickOnStarIcon": "Clicking on the star icon next to an asset will automatically add them to your favorites.",
- "browseAssets": "Browse assets"
- }
- },
- "NFT": {
- "viewer": {
- "actions": {
- "send": "Send",
- "open": "Open in {{viewer}}"
- },
- "attributes": {
- "properties": "Properties",
- "description": "Description",
- "tokenAddress": "Token Address",
- "tokenId": "Token ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- }
- },
- "collections": {
- "title": "NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Collections",
- "receiveCTA": "Receive NFT",
- "galleryCTA": "See Gallery",
- "seeMore": "See more collections",
- "seeAll": "See all collections",
- "seeLess": "See less"
- },
- "gallery": {
- "title": "All NFT",
- "collection": {
- "header": {
- "sendCTA": "Send",
- "contract": "Contract: {{contract}}"
- },
- "operationList": {
- "header": "Latest Operations",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "IN": "Received"
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "item": {
- "tokenId": "ID: {{tokenId}}"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "title": "Tokens",
- "cta": "Add token",
- "placeholder": "To add tokens, simply send them to your {{currencyName}} address.",
- "link": "Learn more",
- "seeTokens": "Show tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 token",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} tokens",
- "algorand": {
- "title": "ASA (Assets)",
- "cta": "Add ASA",
- "placeholder": "You can add assets to your {{currencyName}} account.",
- "link": "How Assets (ASA) works?",
- "seeTokens": "Show ASA ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide ASA ({{tokenCount}})"
- }
- },
- "subAccounts": {
- "title": "Subaccounts",
- "seeSubAccounts": "Show subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideSubAccounts": "Hide subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 subaccount",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} subaccounts"
- },
- "migrateAccounts": {
- "overview": {
- "title": "Ledger Live accounts update",
- "successTitle": "Accounts updated successfully",
- "successDescPlu": "Your {{assets}} accounts are now updated and ready to use",
- "successDesc": "Your {{assets}} account is now updated and ready to use",
- "mobileTitle": "Export accounts to mobile",
- "mobileDesc": "Click the button below to export your updated accounts to the Ledger Live mobile app.",
- "mobileCTA": "Export to mobile",
- "description": "New features in Ledger Live require an update of your accounts.",
- "currency": "1 {{currency}} account needs to be updated:",
- "currency_plural": "{{count}} {{currency}} accounts need to be updated:",
- "footer": "You need your Ledger Device to complete the update",
- "pendingDevices": "1 account could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "pendingDevices_plural": "{{totalMigratableAccounts}} accounts could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "doItLaterBtn": "Do it later"
- },
- "progress": {
- "finished": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update completed",
- "description": ""
- },
- "scanning": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait for your accounts to be updated"
- },
- "finished-empty": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update incomplete",
- "description": "No {{currencyName}} accounts to update"
- }
- },
- "cta": {
- "startUpdate": "Start update",
- "nextCurrency": "Continue with {{currency}} update"
- }
- },
- "addAccounts": {
- "title": "Add accounts",
- "breadcrumb": {
- "informations": "Crypto asset",
- "connectDevice": "Device",
- "import": "Accounts",
- "finish": "Confirmation"
- },
- "fullNodeReadyInfo": "Accounts will be added using your Bitcoin full node.",
- "fullNodeConfigure": "Configure node",
- "tokensTip": "{{token}} ({{ticker}}) is an {{tokenType}} token. You can receive tokens directly on an {{currency}} account.",
- "accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Add existing accounts",
- "selectAll": "Select all ({{count}})",
- "unselectAll": "Deselect all ({{count}})",
- "noAccountToImport": "No existing {{currencyName}} accounts to add",
- "success": "Account added successfully",
- "success_plural": "Accounts added successfully",
- "successDescription": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "successDescription_plural": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "createNewAccount": {
- "noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received assets on your <1><0>{{accountName}}0>1> account",
- "noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}0>1> account was found to be created",
- "showAllAddressTypes": "Show all address types",
- "showAllAddressTypesTooltip": "Only change the address type if you need to receive {{family}} on other address formats."
- },
- "supportLinks": {
- "segwit_or_native_segwit": "Segwit or Native Segwit?"
- },
- "cta": {
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "add": "Add account",
- "add_plural": "Add accounts",
- "addAccountName": "Add {{currencyName}} account",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "sections": {
- "importable": {
- "title": "Add existing account"
- },
- "creatable": {
- "title": "Add new account"
- },
- "imported": {
- "title": "Accounts already in portfolio ({{count}})"
- },
- "migrate": {
- "title": "Accounts to update"
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetails": {
- "whatIsThis": "What is this operation?",
- "title": "Operation details",
- "type": "Type",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "account": "Account",
- "date": "Date",
- "currentValue": "Current value",
- "status": "Status",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "failed": "Failed",
- "notConfirmed": "Not confirmed",
- "fees": "Fee",
- "noFees": "No fee",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "identifier": "Transaction ID",
- "viewOperation": "View in explorer",
- "showMore": "Show {{recipients}} more",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "tokenOperations": "Token operations",
- "subAccountOperations": "Subaccount operations",
- "tokenTooltip": "This operation is related to the following token operations",
- "subAccountTooltip": "This operation is related to the following subaccount operations",
- "internalOperations": "Internal operations",
- "internalOpTooltip": "This operation has internal operations",
- "details": "{{ currency }} details",
- "multipleAddresses": "Why multiple addresses?",
- "nft": {
- "name": "Token Name",
- "contract": "Token Contract",
- "id": "Token (NFT) ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "extra": {
- "frozenAmount": "Frozen amount",
- "unfreezeAmount": "Unfreeze amount",
- "votes": "Votes ({{number}})",
- "votesAddress": "<0>{{votes}}0> to <2>{{name}}2>",
- "validators": "Validators",
- "redelegated": "Redelegated",
- "redelegatedFrom": "Redelegated from",
- "redelegatedTo": "Redelegated to",
- "redelegatedAmount": "Redelegated amount",
- "undelegated": "Undelegated",
- "undelegatedFrom": "Undelegated from",
- "undelegatedAmount": "Undelegated amount",
- "rewardFrom": "Reward from",
- "memo": "Memo",
- "assetId": "Asset ID",
- "rewards": "Earned rewards",
- "bondedAmount": "Bonded Amount",
- "unbondedAmount": "Unbonded Amount",
- "withdrawUnbondedAmount": "Withdrawn Amount",
- "palletMethod": "Method",
- "transferAmount": "Transfer Amount",
- "validatorsCount": "Validators ({{number}})"
- }
- },
- "operationList": {
- "noMoreOperations": "That's all"
- },
- "DeviceAction": {
- "allowAppPermission": "Open the {{wording}} app on your device",
- "allowAppPermissionSubtitleToken": "to manage your {{token}} tokens",
- "allowManagerPermission": "Allow {{wording}} on your device",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "connectAndUnlockDevice": "Connect and unlock your device",
- "unlockDevice": "Unlock your device",
- "unlockDeviceAfterFirmwareUpdate": "Wait for the firmware to update and unlock your device with your PIN",
- "quitApp": "Quit the application on your device",
- "appNotInstalledTitle": "Missing required app",
- "appNotInstalledTitle_plural": "Missing required apps",
- "appNotInstalled": "The {{appName}} app is required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install it on your device",
- "appNotInstalled_plural": "The {{appName}} apps are required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install them on your device",
- "openManager": "Open Manager",
- "openOnboarding": "Setup device",
- "outdated": "App version outdated",
- "outdatedDesc": "An important update is available for the {{appName}} application on your device. Please go to the Manager to update it.",
- "installApp": "{{appName}} App installation",
- "installAppDescription": "Please wait until the installation is finished",
- "listApps": "Checking App dependencies",
- "listAppsDescription": "Please wait while we make sure you have all the required apps",
- "swap": {
- "notice": "Verify the Swap details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Swap transaction",
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "amountReceivedFloat": "Amount to receive before service fees",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "payoutNetworkFees": "Payout fees",
- "payoutNetworkFeesTooltip": "This amount will not be shown on your device"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "fees": "Network Fees",
- "sourceAccount": "Source Account",
- "targetAccount": "Target Account"
- },
- "sell": {
- "notice": "Verify the Sell details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Sell transaction"
- },
- "fund": {
- "notice": "Verify the Fund details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don't have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Fund transaction"
- }
- },
- "manager": {
- "tabs": {
- "appCatalog": "App catalog",
- "appCatalogSearch": "Search app in catalog...",
- "appsOnDevice": "Apps installed",
- "appOnDeviceSearch": "Search installed apps..."
- },
- "disconnected": {
- "title": "Looks like an app is open on your device",
- "subtitle": "Reopening the Manager will quit the app on your device",
- "ctaReopen": "Reopen Manager",
- "ctaPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio"
- },
- "deviceStorage": {
- "freeSpace": "<0>{{space}}0> free",
- "noFreeSpace": "No storage left",
- "installed": "Apps",
- "capacity": "Capacity",
- "used": "Used",
- "firmwareAvailable": "Firmware is outdated:",
- "firmwareUpToDate": "Firmware is up to date:",
- "genuine": "Device is genuine",
- "incomplete": "Some apps were not recognized. Please uninstall, then reinstall them."
- },
- "applist": {
- "placeholder": "No match for the search with the selected filters",
- "placeholderNoAppsInstalled": "No apps installed on your device",
- "placeholderGoToCatalog": "Go to the App catalog to install apps",
- "noResultsFound": "No results found",
- "noResultsDesc": "Please verify the spelling and try again",
- "filter": {
- "title": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "supported": "Supported in Live",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "not_installed": "Not installed"
- },
- "sort": {
- "title": "Sort",
- "name_asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name_desc": "Name Z-A",
- "marketcap_desc": "Market cap"
- },
- "installSuccess": {
- "title": "App installed successfully. You can now add your {{app}} accounts",
- "title_plural": "Apps installed successfully. You can now add your accounts",
- "manageAccount": "Manage my accounts"
- },
- "updatable": {
- "title": "Update available",
- "title_plural": "Updates available",
- "progressTitle": "{{number}} App update",
- "progressTitle_plural": "{{number}} App updates",
- "progressWarning": "Do not quit Manager during update.",
- "progress": "Updating all..."
- },
- "item": {
- "version": "Version {{version}}",
- "installing": "Installing...",
- "uninstalling": "Uninstalling...",
- "updating": "Updating...",
- "scheduled": "Queued",
- "update": "Update available",
- "updateAll": "Update all",
- "updateAllOutOfMemory": "Not enough storage. Please uninstall some apps",
- "install": "Install",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "updated": "Updated",
- "uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "notEnoughSpace": "Not enough storage",
- "supported": "Ledger Live supported",
- "not_supported": "Requires 3rd-party wallet",
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "addAccountTooltip": "Add {{appName}} account",
- "addAccountWarn": "Please wait for the app updates to finish",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "learnMoreTooltip": "Learn more about {{appName}}",
- "removeTooltip": "Uninstall {{appName}}",
- "useAppForToken": "Looking to manage {{tokenType}} tokens?",
- "tokenAppDisclaimer": "To manage {{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens, <1>install the {{appName}} app1> and please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "tokenAppDisclaimerInstalled": "To manage <1>{{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens1>, please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "goToAccounts": "Go to accounts",
- "intallParentApp": "Install {{appName}} app",
- "plugin": "Go to app",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "tool": "Learn more",
- "app": "Learn more"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Uninstall all",
- "subtitle": "Uninstall all apps?",
- "description": "Don't worry, uninstalling apps does not affect your crypto assets. You can reinstall apps in the App catalog."
- }
- },
- "apps": {
- "dependencyInstall": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app is required",
- "description": "The {{dependency}} app will also be installed because the {{app}} app needs it.",
- "confirm": "Install apps"
- },
- "dependencyUninstall": {
- "title": " Uninstall {{app}} and its related apps?",
- "showAll": "Show apps to uninstall",
- "description": "Some of your installed apps are linked to {{app}} app. They will be uninstalled as well.",
- "confirm": "Uninstall {{app}} and other apps"
- }
- },
- "firmware": {
- "updateLater": "Cancel",
- "seedReady": "I have my recovery phrase",
- "dontHaveSeed": "Don't have your recovery phrase? ",
- "followTheGuide": "Follow our step by step update guide",
- "removeApps": "Uninstall all apps before updating",
- "update": "Firmware update",
- "updateBtn": "Update firmware",
- "banner": {
- "warning": "Update Firmware to {{latestFirmware}} is available",
- "cta": "Go to manager",
- "old": {
- "warning": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "cta": "Contact support"
- },
- "cta2": "Update firmware"
- },
- "latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
- "contactSupport": "Contact support",
- "deprecated": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "prepareSeed": "Ensure your 24-word recovery phrase is written down on the Recovery sheet and it is available, as a precaution.",
- "disclaimerTitle": "You are about to install <1>firmware version {{version}}1>.",
- "downloadingUpdateDesc": "Please wait for the update installer to be downloaded"
- },
- "modal": {
- "steps": {
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateMCU": "Firmware update",
- "updating": "Firmware update",
- "reset": "Prepare device",
- "osu": "Installing OSU...",
- "flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
- "flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
- "firmware": "Firmware updating...",
- "flash": "Preparing your device..."
- },
- "confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
- "confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Confirm and enter your PIN code if requested.",
- "identifier": "Identifier",
- "preparation": "Preparation",
- "newFirmware": "New firmware {{version}}",
- "confirmUpdate": "Please confirm the update on your device",
- "mcuTitle": "Finalize update",
- "mcuFirst": "Disconnect the USB cable from your device",
- "mcuSecond": "Press the left button and hold it while you reconnect the USB cable until the <1><0>{{repairProcessing}}0>1> screen appears",
- "mcuPin": "Please wait for the update to finish",
- "mcuSecondNanoX": "Press and hold the left button until <1><0>{{bootloaderOption}}0>1> appears. Press both buttons to confirm and reconnect your device.",
- "mcuBlueFirst": "Press and hold the side button for 10 seconds to turn off the device. Release the button.",
- "mcuBlueSecond": "Press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds until the Boot Options are displayed. Tap Bootloader Mode",
- "successTitle": "Firmware updated",
- "successTextApps": "Please re-install the apps on your device",
- "successTextNoApps": "You can now install apps on your device",
- "sucessCTAApps": "Re-install apps",
- "SuccessCTANoApps": "Install apps",
- "cancelReinstallCTA": "Install update",
- "resetSteps": {
- "first": "1. Reset your device",
- "connect": "Connect the {{deviceName}} to your computer using the USB cable.",
- "turnOn": "Press the button on the device to turn it on.",
- "falsePin": "Enter three wrong PINs to reset the device.",
- "turnOff": "Press and hold the side button until {{action}} is displayed.",
- "confirmTurnOff": "Tap {{action}} to confirm.",
- "second": "2. Boot in {{mode}} mode",
- "boot": "Press and hold the side button until {{option}} is displayed",
- "recoveryMode": "Tap {{mode}} Mode. Wait until the dashboard appears.",
- "third": "3. Uninstall all apps",
- "openLive": "Open the Manager in Ledger Live.",
- "uninstall": "Click on the grey trash icon for all apps currently installed on the {{deviceName}}. This makes room for the firmware installer.",
- "disclaimer": "Note: Your funds are not affected by this operation, the private keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Recovery sheet."
- }
- }
- },
- "claimReward": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "rewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned <1>{{amount}}1> by voting for validators.",
- "info": "Rewards can be claimed once every 24 hours."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards claimed",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance.",
- "cta": "View details",
- "done": "Done"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "resourceInfo": "Bandwidth or Energy?",
- "bandwidthDescription": "Bandwidth points are used to make transactions without paying TRX for network fees. Choose Bandwidth to increase your daily free transactions.",
- "energyDescription": "Energy points are required to execute smart contracts. If you don't run any smart contracts, there is no need to choose rewards in Energy.",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to freeze",
- "available": "Available: {{amountAvailable}}",
- "info": "Frozen assets cannot be sent for 3 days."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction is awaiting validation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a minute before being able to vote"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "textNRG": "You will start earning Energy once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "text": "You will start earning Bandwidth once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "votePending": "Vote in {{time}}",
- "vote": "Vote",
- "later": "Vote later"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "info": "Unfreezing will decrease your {{resource}} and will cancel your votes."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "text": "Your assets were unfrozen successfully. Your {{resource}} points will be decreased, and your votes will be cancelled.",
- "continue": "Continue"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "titleExisting": "Manage votes",
- "steps": {
- "castVotes": {
- "max": "MAX",
- "title": "Vote",
- "search": "Search by name or address...",
- "totalVotes": "Total votes: {{total}}",
- "selected": "Selected: {{total}}",
- "maxSelected": "Max selected: {{total}}",
- "allVotesAreUsed": "All assets are distributed",
- "maxUsed": "Insufficient assets",
- "validators": "Validators ({{total}})",
- "votes": "Available assets: {{total}}",
- "noResults": "No validator found for \"<0>{{search}}0>\"."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Your votes were cast successfully.",
- "text": "",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "buy": {
- "title": "Buy",
- "titleCrypto": "Buy {{currency}}",
- "buyCTA": "Buy {{currencyTicker}}",
- "withoutDevice": "Continue without my device",
- "connectWithoutDevice": "It's better to use your device for optimal security.",
- "skipConnect": "Continue without my device"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "Sell",
- "titleCrypto": "Sell {{currency}}"
- },
- "receive": {
- "title": "Receive",
- "successTitle": "Address shared securely",
- "steps": {
- "chooseAccount": {
- "title": "Account",
- "label": "Account to credit",
- "parentAccount": "1. Select {{currencyName}} account",
- "token": "2. Select a token",
- "verifyTokenType": "Please verify that <0>{{token}}0> is an <0>{{tokenType}}0> token. Any other crypto asset sent to an {{currency}} account may be lost.",
- "warningTokenType": "Please only send <0>{{ticker}}0> or <0>{{tokenType}}0> tokens to {{currency}} accounts. Sending other crypto assets may result in the permanent loss of funds."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device",
- "withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
- },
- "receiveFunds": {
- "title": "Receive"
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount received on a delegated account will be added to the total staked amount. Choose another account if you want to avoid this."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "send": {
- "title": "Send",
- "titleNft": "Send NFT",
- "totalSpent": "Total to debit",
- "steps": {
- "recipient": {
- "title": "Recipient",
- "nftRecipient": "NFT to send"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "banner": "Maximum spendable amount is",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "details": {
- "utxoLag": "This transaction may take long to verify and sign because the account has a significant number of coins.",
- "subaccountsWarning": "You will need to refill this account with {{ currency }} in order to send the tokens of this account",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
- "recipientAddress": "Recipient address",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "fees": "Network fees",
- "sendMax": "Send Max",
- "rippleTag": "Tag",
- "rippleTagPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "ethereumGasLimit": "Gas limit",
- "ethereumGasPrice": "Gas price",
- "unitPerByte": "{{unit}} per byte",
- "nft": "NFT",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "verification": {
- "streaming": {
- "accurate": "Loading... ({{percentage}})",
- "inaccurate": "Loading..."
- }
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount to be sent will be deducted from the balance of your delegated account."
- }
- }
- },
- "footer": {
- "estimatedFees": "Network fees"
- }
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Sign transaction"
- },
- "releaseNotes": {
- "title": "Release notes",
- "version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
- },
- "systemLanguageAvailable": {
- "title": "Change your app's language?",
- "description": {
- "newSupport": "Good news! our teams have been working hard and Ledger Live now supports {{language}}.",
- "advice": "You can always change your language back later in the settings."
- },
- "switchButton": "Switch to {{language}}",
- "no": "I prefer not to"
- },
- "distribution": {
- "asset": "Asset",
- "price": "Price",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "showAll": "Show all",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "header": "Asset allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "accountDistribution": {
- "account": "Account",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "header": "Account allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "elrond": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by MultiversX",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "MultiversX integration",
- "title": "MultiversX eGold (EGLD) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now safely secure your eGold (EGLD) tokens and manage them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The MultiversX eGold (EGLD) Token is native to the MultiversX Network and will be used for everything from transactions, staking, smart contracts, governance and validator rewards.",
- "description3": "We are actively working with the MultiversX team to add more functionality, such as staking, native ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token) support, and more.",
- "website": "The Internet Scale Blockchain"
- }
- }
- },
- "tron": {
- "voting": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can now earn rewards by freezing and voting.",
- "info": "How voting works",
- "votesDesc": "Cast your votes for one or more representatives to start earning staking rewards.",
- "vote": "Cast votes",
- "voteExisting": "Manage votes"
- },
- "manageTP": "Manage assets",
- "warnEarnRewards": "You need at least {{amount}} to start earning rewards",
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "nextRewardsDate": "Rewards can be claimed {{date}}",
- "claimAvailableRewards": "Claim {{amount}}",
- "header": "Votes",
- "percentageTP": "% of votes cast",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "remainingVotes": {
- "title": "You still have {{amount}} votes remaining",
- "description": "You can cast your remaining votes to earn more rewards",
- "button": "Vote now"
- },
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated assets stay yours.",
- "access": "You can unfreeze your assets after 3 days.",
- "ledger": "Freeze and vote securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "help": "How voting works",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your super representative."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze",
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn Bandwidth or Energy. You'll also be able to vote for Super Representatives."
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "description": "Unfreeze TRX to have them back in your available balance. You will no longer earn rewards."
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Vote",
- "description": "Cast votes for Super Representatives to earn rewards.",
- "steps": {
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "description": "Vote for one or more Super Representatives to start earning rewards.",
- "footer": {
- "doNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "next": "Cast Votes"
- },
- "info": {
- "message": "SR or Candidates?",
- "superRepresentative": {
- "title": "Super Representatives (SR)",
- "description": "Super Representatives play a key role in governing the TRON community by ensuring basic functions, e.g. block generation and bookkeeping."
- },
- "candidates": {
- "title": "Candidates",
- "description": "127 individuals elected through voting by the entire token holder community. Votes are updated once every 6 hours."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "bitcoin": {
- "inputSelected": "SELECTED",
- "toSpend": "Coins to spend",
- "toReturn": "Change to return",
- "modalTitle": "Coin control",
- "coincontrol": "Coin control",
- "advanced": "Advanced options",
- "ctaDisabled": "This account has no UTXO",
- "whatIs": "What is coin selection?",
- "rbf": "Allow the transaction to be replaced (Replace-By-Fee).",
- "strategy": "Coin selection strategy",
- "selected": "Coins selected for strategy",
- "amount": "Amount to send:",
- "replaceable": "replaceable",
- "cannotSelect": {
- "unconfirmed": "You cannot select coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "last": "You need at least one selected"
- },
- "pending": "pending",
- "pickUnconfirmedRBF": "Include coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "pickingStrategy": "UTXO picking strategy",
- "pickingStrategyLabels": {
- "DEEP_OUTPUTS_FIRST": "Oldest coins first (FIFO)",
- "OPTIMIZE_SIZE": "Minimize fees (optimize size)",
- "MERGE_OUTPUTS": "Minimize future fees (merge coins)"
- }
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "delegation": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn ATOM rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "header": "Delegation(s)",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "undelegate": "Undelegate",
- "redelegate": "Redelegate",
- "redelegateDisabledTooltip": "You can redelegate again <0>{{days}}0>",
- "redelegateMaxDisabledTooltip": "You cannot redelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "undelegateDisabledTooltip": "You cannot undelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "reward": "Claim rewards",
- "currentDelegation": "Delegated: <0>{{amount}}0>",
- "estYield": "est. yield",
- "activeTooltip": "Delegated amounts generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards",
- "minSafeWarning": "Not enough funds",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your ATOM assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available 21 days after undelegation"
- ],
- "warning": {
- "description": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- }
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validators"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "claimRewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "compound": "Compound",
- "claim": "Cash in",
- "compoundOrClaim": "Compound or cash in",
- "compoundDescription": "Rewards will be added to delegated amount",
- "claimDescription": "Rewards will be added to the available balance",
- "compoundInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0>. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically delegated to the same validator.",
- "claimInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> from the validator below. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically added to the available balance.",
- "selectLabel": "Select a delegation"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards cashed in successfully",
- "titleCompound": "Rewards compounded successfully",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "textCompound": "Your rewards <0>{{amount}}0> were automatically delegated to <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "redelegation": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Redelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Redelegation",
- "description": "Use redelegation to easily change from one validator to another. But if you change your mind again, you will then have to wait because redelegation triggers a 21-day timelock.",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately. You can have a maximum of <0>7 pending redelegations0>.",
- "howDelegationWorks": "How delegation works?"
- },
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "currentDelegation": "Current delegation",
- "newDelegation": "New delegation",
- "chooseValidator": "Choose a validator",
- "warning": "You will have to wait <0>21 days0> to redelegate from the new validator, if you change your mind again"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully redelegated your assets",
- "text": "The redelegation will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "undelegation": {
- "header": "Undelegation(s)",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 21-day timelock",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Undelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "subtitle": "The undelegation process takes <0>21 days0> to finalize.",
- "warning": "Rewards will be immediately cashed in. The undelegated amount will be back in the available balance after the <0>21-day timelock0>.",
- "fields": {
- "validator": "Validator",
- "amount": "Amount to undelegate"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully undelegated your assets.",
- "description": "<0>{{amount}}0> were undelegated from <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "algorand": {
- "operationHasRewards": "Rewards earned",
- "operationEarnedRewards": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> rewards.",
- "operationDetailsAmountBreakDown": "{{initialAmount}} (<0>+{{reward}}0> earned rewards)",
- "optIn": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Add ASA (Asset)",
- "steps": {
- "assets": {
- "title": "ASA (Asset)",
- "info": "Adding an asset requires sending a transaction with minimum fees. This will appear on your transaction history",
- "selectLabel": "Choose an ASA (Asset)",
- "disabledTooltip": "You already have this ASA (Asset) in your Algorand account"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "{{token}} asset successfully added",
- "text": "You can now receive and send <0>{{token}}0> assets on your Algorand account.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "header": "Rewards",
- "tooltip": "Algorand rewards are distributed regularly and are claimed automatically when you do a transaction.",
- "cta": "Claim rewards",
- "rewardsDisabledTooltip": "You don’t have any rewards. Algorand rewards are claimed automatically when you do a transaction. Receive ALGO to start earning rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Receive Algorand rewards simply for holding Algorand control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "A minimum balance of 1 ALGO is required to receive rewards.",
- "access": "Increase the account’s balance to increase rewards.",
- "ledger": "Perform a transaction to or from the account to claim rewards."
- },
- "learnMore": "How Algorand rewards work?",
- "button": {
- "cta": "Receive Algo"
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned {{amount}}. Click on Continue to claim your rewards",
- "info": "You will be prompted to generate an empty transaction to your account. This will add your current rewards to your balance at the minimal cost of the transaction fees."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards successfully claimed!",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "polkadot": {
- "lockedBalance": "Bonded",
- "lockedTooltip": "Assets must be bonded to nominated validators before earning rewards.",
- "unlockingBalance": "Unbonding",
- "unlockingTooltip": "Unbonding assets stay locked for 28 days before they can be withdrawn.",
- "unlockedBalance": "Unbonded",
- "unlockedTooltip": "Unbonded assets can now be moved using the withdraw operation.",
- "networkFees": "Network fees are automatically set by the Polkadot consensus, you won't be able to review them on your device",
- "bondedBalanceBelowMinimum": "Your bonded balance is below the current minimum of {{minimumBondBalance}}. Your nominations are at risk of being removed.",
- "nomination": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn rewards by bonding assets and then nominating your validator(s).",
- "info": "How nominations work"
- },
- "header": "Nominations",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "setController": "Change Controller",
- "chill": "Clear nominations",
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "amount": "Bonded Amount",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "This validator is elected and is collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "inactiveTooltip": "This validator is elected but is not collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "waiting": "Unelected",
- "waitingTooltip": "This validator is not elected, therefore is not collecting rewards.",
- "notValidator": "Not a validator",
- "notValidatorTooltip": "This address is no longer a validator",
- "elected": "Elected",
- "nominatorsCount": "{{nominatorsCount}} nominators",
- "nominatorsTooltip": "This validator is currently elected by {{count}} nominators.",
- "oversubscribed": "Oversubscribed ({{nominatorsCount}})",
- "oversubscribedTooltip": "Only the top {{maxNominatorRewardedPerValidator}} nominators with the highest bonded amount earn rewards",
- "hasPendingBondOperation": "A bond operation is still pending confirmation",
- "electionOpen": "The election of new validators is currently ongoing. As such, staking operations are not available for 15 minutes at most.",
- "electionOpenTooltip": "This operation is disabled during the election of validators",
- "externalControllerTooltip": "This account is controlled by another account.",
- "externalControllerUnsupported": "<0>This stash account is controlled by a separate account whose address is <0>{{controllerAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set this stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "externalStashTooltip": "This account controls another account.",
- "externalStashUnsupported": "<0>This account is the controller of a separate stash account whose address is <0>{{stashAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set your stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "showInactiveNominations": "Show all nominations ({{count}})",
- "hideInactiveNominations": "Show active nominations only",
- "noActiveNominations": "There are no active nominations.",
- "showAllUnlockings": "Show all unbonding amounts ({{count}})",
- "hideAllUnlockings": "Hide unbonding amounts"
- },
- "unlockings": {
- "header": "Unbonding",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 28-day unbonding period",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Withdraw ({{amount}})",
- "withdrawTooltip": "The unbonded amount will be credited to your available balance.",
- "noUnlockedWarning": "No unbonded balance to withdraw yet.",
- "rebond": "Rebond",
- "unbonded": "Unbonded"
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond",
- "description": "To earn rewards, first bond an amount. Then you must nominate your validator(s)."
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond",
- "description": "To make a bonded amount available again, first you need to unbond it. You can withdraw it after the 28-day unbonding period."
- },
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "To retrieve an unbonded amount back to the available balance, you need to withdraw it manually."
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "description": "Choose up to 16 validators. Ensure nominations are Active to earn rewards."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Remove all nominations. You will stop earning rewards. Your bonded amount remains bonded."
- }
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "steps": {
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "notValidatorsRemoved": "You have nominated {{count}} addresses who are no longer validators. They will automatically be removed from your nominate transaction.",
- "maybeChill": "Clear nominations instead"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully nominated validators",
- "text": "You will start earning rewards when your assets are bonded to your elected validator(s).",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond assets",
- "rewardDestination": {
- "label": "Rewards Destination",
- "stash": "Available Balance",
- "stashDescription": "Rewards are credited to your available balance.",
- "staked": "Bonded Balance",
- "stakedDescription": "Rewards are credited to your bonded balance for compound earning.",
- "optionTitle": "Note",
- "optionDescription": "Once set, the option is fixed for the lifetime of this bond. If you change your mind, please read the article down below"
- },
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by bonding your assets and then nominate your validators.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of bonded assets",
- "Nominate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available again, 28 days after unbonding"
- ],
- "help": "How nominations work",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your bonded assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to bond",
- "availableLabel": "Available",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Bonded assets can be unbonded at any time, but unbonding takes 28 days.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction awaiting confirmation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a moment before nominating"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully bonded",
- "text": "You can nominate validators once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "textNominate": "You will be able to nominate validators once the network has confirmed your transaction.",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "later": "Nominate later"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Bonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "rebond": {
- "title": "Rebond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to rebond",
- "availableLabel": "Unbonding",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Rebonded assets are immediately added to the bonded amount.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully rebonded",
- "text": "Your account balance will update once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Rebonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to unbond",
- "availableLabel": "Bonded",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn after the 28-day unbonding period.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Unbond transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn in 28 days.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Unbonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "simpleOperation": {
- "modes": {
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "After the 28-day unbonding period you can withdraw unbonded assets.",
- "info": "You can then withdraw unbonded assets to your available balance."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Clears all nominations and stops earning rewards.",
- "info": "Bonded assets will remain bonded. If you unbond them, they will be available after 28 days."
- },
- "setController": {
- "title": "Change Controller",
- "description": "Set this Ledger account as its own controller",
- "info": "Ledger Live doesn't support operations on separate stash and controller accounts."
- }
- },
- "steps": {
- "info": {
- "title": "Info"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "You will see your operation in history soon.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "solana": {
- "common": {
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation"
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "listHeader": "Delegations",
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "Active amount generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Inactive amount does not generate rewards",
- "delegatedInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is delegated to validators.",
- "withdrawableInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is withdrawable from delegations.",
- "withdrawableTitle": "Withdrawable",
- "statusUpdateNotice": "The status of the delegation will be updated when the transaction is confirmed.",
- "ledgerByFigmentTC": "Ledger by Figment T&Cs",
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn SOL rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "earnRewards": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your SOL assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": {
- "0": "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "1": "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "2": "Assets will be available after undelegation"
- },
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validator"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully withdrawn your assets.",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the transaction is confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "activate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Activate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully activated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "reactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Reactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully reactivated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "deactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Deactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully deactivated your delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "title": "Earn rewards",
- "header": "Delegation",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "yield": "Est. Yield",
- "address": "Address",
- "transactionID": "Transaction ID",
- "value": "Value",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "delegated": "Delegated",
- "completionDate": "Completion date",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "duration": "Duration",
- "durationJustStarted": "Just started",
- "durationDays": "{{count}} day",
- "durationDays_plural": "{{count}} days",
- "howItWorks": "How delegation works",
- "delegationEarn": "You can now earn {{name}} staking rewards by delegating your account.",
- "earnRewards": "Earn rewards",
- "overdelegated": "Overdelegated",
- "status": "Status",
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Earn staking rewards",
- "description": "Delegate your Tezos account to a third-party validator to earn staking rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated accounts stay yours.",
- "access": "You can access your assets at any time.",
- "ledger": "Delegate securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "button": {
- "cta": "Delegate to earn rewards"
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Account",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Summary",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate",
- "toUndelegate": "Account to undelegate",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "select": "Select",
- "yield": "Est. Yield {{amount}}",
- "randomly": "Randomly chosen validator",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your validator."
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Select validator",
- "description": "You can select a validator by comparing the estimated reward rates",
- "customValidator": "Custom validator",
- "providedBy": "Yield rates provided by <1><0>{{name}}0>1>"
- },
- "custom": {
- "title": "Custom validator",
- "text": "Please enter the address of the custom validator to delegate your account to.",
- "button": "Use validator"
- },
- "undelegate": {
- "title": "Undelegate account"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Delegation sent",
- "titleUndelegated": "End delegation",
- "text": "Delegation transaction broadcasted successfully. You should earn your first rewards within around 40 days, depending on the validator.",
- "textUndelegated": "Your account delegation will end once the operation is confirmed. You can delegate your account again at any time."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "topUp": "Receive more",
- "redelegate": "Change validator",
- "stopDelegation": "End delegation"
- }
- },
- "asset": {
- "notice": "Summary of all {{currency}} accounts"
- },
- "carousel": {
- "hidden": {
- "close": "Confirm",
- "undo": "Show again",
- "disclaimer": "This banner will not show up again until there is a new announcement"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Settings",
- "discreet": "Toggle discreet mode",
- "helpButton": "Help",
- "tabs": {
- "display": "General",
- "currencies": "Crypto assets",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About",
- "experimental": "Experimental features",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "developer": "Developer"
- },
- "export": {
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Export accounts",
- "desc": "Add your accounts in Ledger Live mobile. Your accounts will only synchronize with the blockchain, not between your mobile and desktop apps.",
- "button": "Export"
- },
- "operations": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Save a CSV file of your account operations on your computer."
- },
- "modal": {
- "button": "Done",
- "title": "Scan to export to mobile",
- "listTitle": "On the Ledger Live mobile app:",
- "step1": "Tap the + button in accounts",
- "step2": "Tap Import desktop accounts",
- "step3": "Scan the LiveQR code until the loader hits 100%"
- }
- },
- "display": {
- "language": "Display language",
- "languageDesc": "Set the language displayed in Ledger Live.",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "themeDesc": "Select the theme.",
- "counterValue": "Preferred currency",
- "counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
- "region": "Region",
- "regionDesc": "Choose your region to update formats of dates, time and currencies.",
- "stock": "Regional market indicator",
- "stockDesc": "Choose Western to display market increases in blue or Eastern to display them in red.",
- "carouselVisibility": "Carousel visibility",
- "carouselVisibilityDesc": "Enable visibility of the carousel on Portfolio"
- },
- "developer": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "You are now a developer !",
- "text": "Welcome to wonderland"
- },
- "debugApps": "Allow debug apps",
- "debugAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening debug tagged platform apps.",
- "experimentalApps": "Allow experimental apps",
- "experimentalAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening experimental tagged platform apps.",
- "catalogServer": "Set the catalog provider",
- "catalogServerDesc": "Switch between multiple platform apps sources",
- "enablePlatformDevTools": "Enable platform dev tools",
- "enablePlatformDevToolsDesc": "Enable opening platform apps dev tools window",
- "addLocalApp": "Add a local app",
- "addLocalAppDesc": "Browse local files and add a local app using a local manifest",
- "addLocalAppButton": "Browse",
- "runLocalAppDeleteButton": "Delete",
- "runLocalAppOpenButton": "Open",
- "enableLearnStagingUrl": "Learn page staging URL",
- "enableLearnStagingUrlDesc": "Enable the staging URL for the learn page."
- },
- "currencies": {
- "selectPlaceholder": "Select crypto asset",
- "desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
- "placeholder": "No settings for this asset",
- "confirmationsNb": "Number of confirmations",
- "confirmationsNbDesc": "Set the number of network confirmations for a transaction to be marked as confirmed."
- },
- "profile": {
- "password": "Password lock",
- "passwordDesc": "Set a password to secure the Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
- "passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
- "passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live when inactive.",
- "changePassword": "Change password",
- "softResetTitle": "Clear cache",
- "softResetDesc": "Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain.",
- "softReset": "Clear",
- "resetKYC": "Reset KYC data",
- "resetKYCDesc": "Erase all your Know your Customer data stored locally used to access third-party transaction provider.",
- "hardResetTitle": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction histories and settings.",
- "hardReset": "Reset",
- "analytics": "Analytics",
- "analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, the Ledger device type and firmware.",
- "reportErrors": "Bug reports",
- "reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger improve its products.",
- "launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
- "launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up a new device or restore an existing device. Accounts and settings are kept."
- },
- "help": {
- "version": "Version",
- "releaseNotesBtn": "Details",
- "termsBtn": "Read",
- "faq": "Ledger Support",
- "faqDesc": "If you have a problem, get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
- "terms": "Terms of Use",
- "termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
- "privacy": "Privacy Policy",
- "privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use them."
- },
- "experimental": {
- "disclaimer": "These are experimental features we provide on an \"as is\" basis for our tech savvy community to test. They may change, break or be removed at any time. By enabling them, you agree to use them at your own risk.",
- "features": {
- "experimentalCurrencies": {
- "title": "Experimental integrations",
- "description": "Use available experimental crypto assets integrations."
- },
- "experimentalLanguages": {
- "title": "Translation testing",
- "description": "Adds unreleased languages to the language list in the general settings tab."
- },
- "managerDevMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
- "description": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager."
- },
- "scanForInvalidPaths": {
- "title": "Extended account search",
- "description": "Scan for accounts with erroneous derivation paths. Please send potentially found assets to a regular account."
- },
- "experimentalExplorers": {
- "title": "Experimental Explorers API",
- "description": "Try an upcoming version of Ledger's blockchain explorers. Changing this setting may affect the account balance and synchronization as well as the send feature.\n(<0>0>)"
- },
- "keychainObservableRange": {
- "title": "Custom gap limit",
- "description": "Custom gap limit for all accounts. Increasing this value above its default value (20) scans more unused public addresses for coins. Advanced users only, this may break compatibility when restoring your accounts."
- },
- "forceProvider": {
- "title": "Manager provider",
- "description": "Changing the app provider in the Manager may make it impossible to install or uninstall apps on your Ledger device."
- },
- "testAnimations": {
- "title": "Test Lottie animations",
- "description": "Test all animations used in Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "hardResetModal": {
- "title": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "desc": "Reset Ledger Live to erase all settings and accounts on your computer. You can then choose your password and add your accounts back with your Ledger device. The private keys giving access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and are backed up by your recovery phrase.",
- "warning": "Resetting Ledger Live will erase your swap transaction history for all your accounts."
- },
- "softResetModal": {
- "title": "Clear cache",
- "desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys to access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
- },
- "resetFallbackModal": {
- "title": "User action required",
- "part1": "Could not delete cache folder. Please delete the folder manually:",
- "part2": "Click the Open folder button, the ",
- "part3": "app will close",
- "part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
- "part5": "Then you can restart the app normally."
- },
- "removeAccountModal": {
- "title": "Remove account",
- "desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Existing accounts can always be added again.",
- "delete": "Remove from Portfolio",
- "warning": "Removing this account will erase your swap transaction history associated to it."
- },
- "openUserDataDirectory": {
- "title": "View user data",
- "desc": "View the user data stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
- "btn": "View"
- },
- "repairDevice": {
- "title": "Repair your Ledger device",
- "descSettings": "Use this to restore your Ledger device if it froze during a firmware update.",
- "desc": "For Ledger Nano S users, please select the state displayed on your device. For Nano X and Blue users kindly refer to the help center.",
- "button": "Repair"
- },
- "exportLogs": {
- "title": "Save logs",
- "desc": "Saving Ledger Live logs may be needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
- "btn": "Save"
- },
- "accounts": {
- "hideEmptyTokens": {
- "title": "Hide empty token accounts",
- "desc": "Hide token accounts with zero balance on the Accounts page."
- },
- "tokenBlacklist": {
- "title": "Hidden tokens",
- "desc": "You can hide tokens by going to the parent account then right-clicking on the token and selecting 'Hide token'.",
- "count": "{{count}} token",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} tokens"
- },
- "hiddenNftCollections": {
- "title": "Hidden NFT Collections",
- "desc": "You can hide NFT Collections by right-clicking on the collection name and selecting 'Hide NFT Collection'.",
- "count": "{{count}} collection",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} collections"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "desc": "Set up your Bitcoin full node to synchronize and send transactions without using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- },
- "password": {
- "inputFields": {
- "newPassword": {
- "label": "New password"
- },
- "confirmPassword": {
- "label": "Confirm password"
- },
- "currentPassword": {
- "label": "Current password"
- }
- },
- "changePassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Change your password"
- },
- "setPassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Set the password",
- "desc": "Keep your password safe. Losing it means resetting Ledger Live and adding the accounts again."
- },
- "disablePassword": {
- "title": "Disable password lock",
- "desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
- }
- },
- "update": {
- "downloadInProgress": "Downloading update...",
- "downloadProgress": "{{progress}}% completed",
- "checking": "Checking update...",
- "checkSuccess": "Update ready to install",
- "quitAndInstall": "Install now",
- "updateAvailable": "Update to Ledger Live version {{version}} is available",
- "error": "Error during update. Please download again",
- "reDownload": "Download again",
- "nightlyWarning": "This version cannot auto-update. Please install the latest version manually",
- "downloadNow": "Download update"
- },
- "crash": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check our support articles for possible solutions. If the problem persists, save the logs using the button below and provide them to Ledger Support.",
- "troubleshooting": "Click here for possible solutions",
- "logs": "Save logs",
- "dataFolder": "View user data"
- },
- "exportOperationsModal": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Select the accounts for which to save the operation history",
- "descSuccess": "The CSV file of your operation history was saved successfully in the selected folder",
- "titleSuccess": "Operation history saved successfully",
- "cta": "Save",
- "ctaSuccess": "Done",
- "noAccounts": "No accounts to export",
- "selectedAccounts": "Accounts to be included",
- "selectedAccounts_plural": "Accounts to be included ({{count}})",
- "disclaimer": "The countervalues in the export is provided for information purposes only. Do not rely on such data for accounting, tax, regulation or legal purposes, as they only represent an estimation of the price of the assets at the time of transactions and export, under the valuation methods provided by our service provider, Kaiko"
- },
- "language": {
- "system": "Use system language",
- "switcher": {
- "en": "English",
- "fr": "French",
- "ru": "Russian",
- "es": "Spanish",
- "zh": "Chinese",
- "de": "German"
- }
- },
- "theme": {
- "system": "Select the system theme",
- "light": "Light",
- "dusk": "Dusk",
- "dark": "Dark"
- },
- "toastOverlay": {
- "toastType": {
- "announcement": "News",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "achievement": "Achievement Unlocked"
- },
- "groupedToast": {
- "text": "You have {{count}} unread notifications",
- "cta": "See details"
- }
- },
- "informationCenter": {
- "tooltip": "Information center",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip": "There is {{count}} ongoing incident",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip_plural": "There are {{count}} ongoing incidents",
- "tabs": {
- "announcements": "News",
- "announcementsUnseen": "News ({{unseenCount}})",
- "serviceStatus": "Status",
- "serviceStatusIncidentsOngoing": "Status ({{incidentCount}})"
- },
- "serviceStatus": {
- "statusOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is up and running",
- "description": "Having trouble ? Go on our <0>help page0>"
- },
- "statusNotOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is experiencing issues",
- "learnMore": "Learn more"
- }
- },
- "announcement": {
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No news for the moment",
- "desc": "You will find here all the news related to Ledger and Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "onboarding": {
- "drawers": {
- "pinHelp": {
- "title": "Secure your PIN code",
- "intro": "During the setup process you choose a PIN code.",
- "rules": {
- "1": "<0>Always0> choose a PIN code yourself.",
- "2": "<0>Always0> enter your PIN code out of sight.",
- "3": "You can change your PIN code if needed.",
- "4": "Three wrong PIN code entries in a row will reset the device.",
- "5": "<0>Never0> use an easy PIN code like 0000, 123456, or 55555555.",
- "6": "<0>Never0> share your PIN code with someone else. Not even with Ledger.",
- "7": "<0>Never0> use a PIN code you did not choose yourself.",
- "8": "<0>Never0> store your PIN code on a computer or phone."
- }
- },
- "recoverySeed": {
- "title1": "How does a recovery phrase work?",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase works like a unique master key. Your Ledger device uses it to calculate private keys for every crypto asset you own.",
- "paragraph2": "To restore access to your crypto, any wallet can calculate the same private keys from your recovery phrase.",
- "link": "More about the recovery phrase",
- "title2": "What happens if I lose access to my Nano?",
- "paragraph3": "Don't worry and follow these steps:",
- "points": {
- "1": "Get a new hardware wallet.",
- "2": "Select “Restore recovery phrase on a new device” in the Ledger app",
- "3": "Enter your recovery phrase on your new device to restore access to your crypto."
- }
- },
- "whereToHide": {
- "title": "Where should I keep my recovery phrase?",
- "points": {
- "1": "<0>NEVER0> enter it on a computer, smartphone or any other device. Don't take a picture of it.",
- "2": "<0>NEVER0> share your 24 words with anyone.",
- "3": "<0>ALWAYS0> store it in a secure place, out of sight.",
- "4": "Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.",
- "5": "If any person or application asks for it, assume it is a scam!"
- }
- }
- },
- "modals": {
- "recoverySeedWarning": {
- "contactSupportCTA": "Contact Support",
- "continueCTA": "Continue",
- "title": "Please check the box contents",
- "description": "If your {{device}} came with a PIN code or recovery phrase, it’s not safe to use and you should contact Ledger Support.",
- "alert": "Only use a recovery phrase that your device displayed when it was set up"
- }
- },
- "alerts": {
- "beCareful": {
- "title": "Please be careful",
- "descr": "Make sure you follow the instructions on this app at every step of the process.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- },
- "useLedgerSeeds": {
- "title": "We recommend Ledger recovery phrases only",
- "descr": "Ledger cannot guarantee the security of external recovery phrases. We recommend setting up your Nano as a new device if your recovery phrase was not generated by a Ledger.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "screens": {
- "welcome": {
- "title": "Welcome to Ledger",
- "description": "Safely manage your crypto from your computer.",
- "cta": "Get started",
- "noDevice": "No device? <0>Buy a Ledger Nano X0>",
- "languageWarning": {
- "title": "Get started in {{language}}",
- "desc": "We are introducing additional languages in order to help your onboarding with Ledger. Please be aware that the rest of the Ledger experience is currently only available in English.",
- "cta": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "selectDevice": {
- "title": "What's your device?"
- },
- "selectUseCase": {
- "greetings": "Hello!",
- "hasNoRecovery": "First time using your {{deviceName}}?",
- "hasRecovery": "Already have a recovery phrase?",
- "separator": "or",
- "switchDevice": "Switch device",
- "options": {
- "1": {
- "heading": "First use",
- "title": "Set up a new {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Let’s start and set up your device!"
- },
- "2": {
- "heading": "Connect device",
- "title": "Connect your {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Is your device already set up? Connect it to the app!"
- },
- "3": {
- "heading": "Restore device",
- "title": "Restore your recovery phrase on a new device",
- "description": "Use an existing recovery phrase to restore your private keys on a new {{deviceName}}!"
- }
- }
- },
- "tutorial": {
- "steps": {
- "getStarted": "Get started",
- "pinCode": "Pin code",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery phrase",
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase",
- "pairNano": "Connect nano"
- },
- "screens": {
- "importYourRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Restore from recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Restore your Nano from your recovery phrase to restore, replace or back up your Ledger hardware wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano will restore your private keys and you will be able to access and manage your crypto.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "howToGetStarted": {
- "title": "The best way to get you started:",
- "rules": {
- "1": "Plan 30 minutes and take your time.",
- "2": "Grab a pen to write with.",
- "3": "Stay alone, and choose a safe and quiet environment."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Set up as new device”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo2": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Enter your recovery phrase”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "pinCode": {
- "title": "PIN code",
- "paragraph": "Your PIN code is the first layer of security. It physically secures access to your private key and your Nano. Your PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that I must choose my PIN code myself and keep it private.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Set up PIN code",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizSuccess": {
- "title": "Already a pro!",
- "paragraph": "You are ready to safely manage your crypto.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizFailure": {
- "title": "You will soon become a pro...",
- "paragraph": "Don’t worry, Ledger is here to guide you through your journey. You will soon feel extra comfortable about your crypto safety.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "pinCodeHowTo": {
- "setUp": {
- "title": "Choose PIN code",
- "descr": "Press the left or right button to change digits. Press both buttons to validate a digit. Select <0>0> to confirm your PIN code. Select <1>1> to erase a digit."
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm PIN code",
- "descr": "Enter your PIN code again to confirm it."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "existingRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is the secret list of words that you backed up when you first set up your wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Ledger does not keep a copy of your recovery phrase.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose my recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Enter recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- },
- "warning": {
- "title": "Do not use a recovery phrase that you have not generated yourself.",
- "desc": "Your Ledger hardware wallet’s pin code and recovery phrase should be initialized by you and only you. If you have received a device with a pre-existing seed word or an already initialized pin code do not use the product and contact our customer support.",
- "supportLink": "Contact customer support"
- }
- },
- "useRecoverySheet": {
- "takeYourRecoverySheet": {
- "title": "Take your recovery sheet",
- "descr": "Grab a blank Recovery sheet, included with your Nano. Please reach out to Ledger Support if the Recovery sheet did not come blank."
- },
- "writeDownWords": {
- "title": "Write down 24 words",
- "descr": "Write Word #1 displayed on your Nano in position 1 of your Recovery sheet. Then press right on your Nano to display Word #2 and write it down in position 2.\n\nRepeat the process for all words while carefully respecting the order and spelling. Press left on your Nano to check for any mistakes."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "newRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is a secret list of 24 words that backs up your private keys.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano generates a unique recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep a copy of it.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose this recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo": {
- "grabRecovery": {
- "title": "Grab your recovery phrase"
- },
- "selectLength": {
- "title": "Select recovery phrase length",
- "descr": "Your recovery phrases can have 12, 18 or 24 words. You must enter all words to access your crypto."
- },
- "enterWord": {
- "title": "Enter Word #1...",
- "descr": "Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter."
- },
- "validateWord": {
- "title": "Validate Word #1...",
- "descr": "Choose Word #1 from the suggestions. Press both buttons to validate."
- },
- "andNext": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo3": {
- "reEnterWord": {
- "title": "Confirm your recovery phrase",
- "descr": "Scroll through the words until you find Word #1 by pressing the right button. Validate by pressing both buttons."
- },
- "repeat": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "genuineCheck": {
- "success": {
- "title": "All good!",
- "desc": "Your Ledger {{deviceName}} is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Continue",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Hide your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph": "Your recovery phrase is your last chance to access your crypto if you cannot use your Nano. You must keep it in a safe place.",
- "keepItOffline": "Enter these words on a hardware wallet only, not on computers or smartphones.",
- "neverShowToAnyone": "Never share your 24 words with anyone, not even with Ledger.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I'm done!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help",
- "learn": "Learn how to hide it"
- }
- },
- "pairMyNano": {
- "title": "Genuine check",
- "paragraph": "We'll verify whether your Nano is genuine. This should be quick and easy!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Check my Nano",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "pedagogy": {
- "heading": "basics",
- "screens": {
- "accessYourCoins": {
- "title": "Access your crypto",
- "description": "Your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You need a private key to access and manage them."
- },
- "ownYourPrivateKey": {
- "title": "Own your private key",
- "description": "Your private key is stored within your Nano. You must be the only one to own it to be in control of your money."
- },
- "stayOffline": {
- "title": "Stay offline",
- "description": "Your Nano works as a \"cold storage\" wallet. This means that it never exposes your private key online, even when using the app."
- },
- "validateTransactions": {
- "title": "Validate transactions",
- "description": "Ledger Live allows you to buy, sell, manage, exchange and earn crypto while remaining protected. You will validate every crypto transaction with your Nano."
- },
- "setUpNanoWallet": {
- "title": "Let’s set up your Nano!",
- "description": "We'll start by setting up your Nano security.",
- "CTA": "Let’s do this!"
- }
- }
- },
- "quizz": {
- "heading": "Quiz",
- "title": "Now game on!",
- "descr": "Answer 3 simple questions to avoid common misconceptions about your hardware wallet.",
- "buttons": {
- "start": "Let’s take the quiz",
- "next": "Next question",
- "finish": "Finish quiz"
- },
- "questions": {
- "1": {
- "text": "As a Ledger user, my crypto is stored:",
- "answers": {
- "1": "On my Nano",
- "2": "On the blockchain"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "text": "If my recovery phrase is no longer secure or private...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "No problem, Ledger can send me a copy",
- "2": "My crypto is no longer safe and I need to transfer them to a secure place"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "text": "When I connect my Nano to the Ledger app, my private key is...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "Still offline",
- "2": "Briefly connected to the internet"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "connectTroubleshooting": {
- "desc": "Having trouble connecting your device?",
- "cta": "Fix it",
- "solution": "Solution #{{number}}",
- "applesInstructions": "Apple’s instructions",
- "nextSolution": "Next solution",
- "previousSolution": "Previous solution",
- "followSteps": "Follow these steps",
- "supportArticle": "Support article",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "connected": "Connected!",
- "backToPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio",
- "steps": {
- "entry": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot USB connection",
- "desc": "There seems to be a problem connecting to your device. Don’t worry, you can try different solutions one by one until your device connects!",
- "cta": "Let’s fix it!",
- "back": "Go back"
- },
- "1": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Run Ledger Live as Administrator",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Quit Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Right-click the Ledger Live application.",
- "2": "Select “Run as Administrator”.",
- "3": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "linux": {
- "title": "Update the udev rules on Linux",
- "desc": "Click the button below to add the udev rules. Then connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "cta": "Set Rules",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Enter the following command in a terminal to automatically add the rules and reload udev.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "usbPort": {
- "title": "Try different USB ports",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Change the USB port used on your computer.",
- "1": "Remove any USB dongles.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "usbCable": {
- "title": "Change the USB cable",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Use the original USB cable if possible.",
- "1": "Try a different USB cable, making sure it supports data transfer.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "restart": {
- "title": "Restart your computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Restart your computer.",
- "1": "Start Ledger Live.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "antiVirus": {
- "title": "Turn off Anti-virus and VPN",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Turn off any anti-virus, firewall, and VPN software.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "2": "Whitelist Ledger Live in your anti-virus if that worked."
- }
- },
- "anotherComputer": {
- "title": "Try another computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Go to <0>{{link}}0> on another computer to download and install Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Update the USB device drivers",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Visit this <0>{{link}}0>",
- "1": "Follow the instructions to update USB device drivers.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it's detected."
- }
- },
- "mac": {
- "0": {
- "title": "Enable Full Disk Access",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Open “System Preferences”.",
- "1": "Go to “Security & Privacy”.",
- "2": "In the “Privacy” tab, go to “Full Disk Access” in the left column.",
- "3": "Add “Ledger Live”.",
- "4": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "1": {
- "title": "Reset NVRAM",
- "link": "Apple’s instructions",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "If your Mac has an intel processor, follow <0>{{link}}0> to reset the NVRAM.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "4": {
- "deviceSelection": {
- "title": "What’s your device?",
- "desc": "If you have a Nano S, you can try repairing your devices Firmware. For Nano X and Blue users, kindly contact Ledger support"
- },
- "notFixed": {
- "title": " USB connection problem still not fixed?",
- "desc": "If you've tried every possible solution, please reach out to Ledger Support. Otherwise, please follow the instructions of any solution you haven’t tried yet.",
- "back": "Back to portfolio",
- "cta": "Contact Support"
- },
- "repair": {
- "title": "Repair your Nano S",
- "desc": "What is the message displayed on your device?",
- "mcuOutdated": "MCU firmware is outdated",
- "mcuNotGenuine": "MCU firmware is not genuine",
- "repairInstructions": "Follow device repair instructions",
- "updateInstructions": "Follow device update instructions",
- "somethingElse": "Something else"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "SignMessageConfirm": {
- "stringHash": "Message Hash",
- "domainHash": "Domain Hash",
- "messageHash": "Message Hash",
- "message": "Message"
- },
- "TransactionConfirm": {
- "title": "Please confirm the operation on your device to finalize it",
- "warning": "Always verify the address displayed on your device exactly matches the one given by the {{recipientWording}}",
- "secureContract": "Verify the deposit details on your device before sending it. The contract address is provided securely so you don’t have to verify it.",
- "verifyData": "Always verify the operation details on your device.",
- "warningWording": {},
- "titleWording": {
- "send": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimReward": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "freeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unfreeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "vote": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "delegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "undelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "redelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimRewardCompound": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "nominate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "chill": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "bond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unbond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "rebond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "setController": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation"
- },
- "recipientWording": {
- "send": "recipient",
- "delegate": "validator",
- "undelegate": "validator",
- "claimReward": "rewards recipient",
- "optIn": "recipient",
- "nominate": "validator",
- "erc721": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- },
- "erc1155": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- }
- },
- "votes": "Votes ({{count}})"
- },
- "RecipientField": {
- "placeholder": "Enter {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "Terms": {
- "title": "Terms of use",
- "description": "Please take some time to review our Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "termsLabel": "Terms of service",
- "privacyLabel": "Privacy policy",
- "switchLabel": "I have read and accept the Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "cta": "Enter Ledger app"
- },
- "families": {
- "stellar": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoType": {
- "MEMO_TEXT": "Memo Text",
- "NO_MEMO": "No Memo",
- "MEMO_ID": "Memo ID",
- "MEMO_HASH": "Memo Hash",
- "MEMO_RETURN": "Memo Return"
- },
- "memoWarningText": "When using a Memo, carefully verify the type used with the recipient"
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- },
- "solana": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional"
- }
- },
- "errors": {
- "NoSuchAppOnProvider": {
- "title": "The {{appName}} app cannot be found for your specific configuration.",
- "description": "Try reinstalling the app from the Manager"
- },
- "countervaluesUnavailable": {
- "title": "We're not able to provide a countervalue for this asset at the moment"
- },
- "generic": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "AccountAwaitingSendPendingOperations": {
- "title": "There is a pending operation for this account.",
- "description": "Wait for the operation to go through."
- },
- "AccountNameRequired": {
- "title": "An account name is required",
- "description": "Please enter an account name"
- },
- "AccountNeedResync": {
- "title": "Please try again",
- "description": "Account is outdated. A synchronisation is needed"
- },
- "AccountNotSupported": {
- "title": "Account not supported.",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Support ({{reason}})"
- },
- "AlgorandASANotOptInInRecipient": {
- "title": "Recipient account has not opted in the selected ASA."
- },
- "AmountRequired": {
- "title": "Amount required"
- },
- "NoAccessToCamera": {
- "title": "Please ensure your system has a camera, that it is not in use by another application and that Ledger Live has permission to use it.",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ClaimRewardsFeesWarning": {
- "title": "The rewards are smaller than the estimated fees to claim them",
- "description": ""
- },
- "CompoundLowerAllowanceOfActiveAccountError": {
- "title": "You cannot reduce the amount approved while having an active deposit."
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInternal": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #1)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTxDecode": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #2)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidSequence": {
- "title": "Invalid sequence",
- "description": "Please try the operation again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnauthorized": {
- "title": "Unauthorized signature",
- "description": "This account is not authorized to sign this transaction"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFunds": {
- "title": "Insufficient funds",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownRequest": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #6)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Invalid address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidPubKey": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #8)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownAddress": {
- "title": "Unknown address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientCoins": {
- "title": "Insufficient coins",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidCoins": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #11)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeOutOfGas": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #12)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeMemoTooLarge": {
- "title": "The Memo field is too long",
- "description": "Please reduce the size of the memo text and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFee": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #14)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTooManySignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #15)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeGasOverflow": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #16)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeNoSignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #17)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CurrencyNotSupported": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} is not supported",
- "description": "This crypto asset is not yet supported. Please contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "DeviceNotGenuine": {
- "title": "Possibly not genuine",
- "description": "Request assistance from Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
- "description": null
- },
- "DeviceInOSUExpected": {
- "title": "Sorry, update failed",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceHalted": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again"
- },
- "DeviceNotOnboarded": {
- "title": "Your device is not ready to use yet",
- "description": "Set up your device before using it with Ledger Live."
- },
- "DeviceSocketFail": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. ({{message}})"
- },
- "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
- "title": "The connection failed",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "EnpointConfig": {
- "title": "Invalid endpoint",
- "description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
- },
- "FeeEstimationFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
- "description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
- },
- "FirmwareOrAppUpdateRequired": {
- "title": "Firmware or app update required",
- "description": "Please use the Manager to uninstall all apps then check if a firmware update is available before reinstalling them"
- },
- "LatestFirmwareVersionRequired": {
- "title": "Update Nano Firmware",
- "description": "Please update your devices Firmware to the latest version to access this feature"
- },
- "FirmwareNotRecognized": {
- "title": "Device firmware is not recognized",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "HardResetFail": {
- "title": "Sorry, could not reset",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
- "title": "Sorry, there's nothing to update",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support if you cannot use your device."
- },
- "LedgerAPI4xx": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please check your connection and try again or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "LedgerAPI5xx": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again.",
- "description": "The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {{message}}"
- },
- "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
- "title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
- "title": "Sorry, that's already installed",
- "description": "Please check which apps are already installed on your device."
- },
- "ManagerAppDepInstallRequired": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app required",
- "description": "If the {{dependency}} app is already installed, please reinstall it with the latest version"
- },
- "ManagerAppDepUninstallRequired": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "You must first uninstall all apps that require the {{appName}} app"
- },
- "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
- "title": "Your device is locked",
- "description": "Please unlock it"
- },
- "ManagerFirmwareNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Uninstall all apps from your device",
- "description": "The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device and must be backed up on your Recovery sheet."
- },
- "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Sorry, not enough storage left",
- "description": "Uninstall some apps to free up space. The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device."
- },
- "ManagerQuitPage": {
- "install": {
- "title": "Finish app installation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app installation. Please finish the installation to install the apps in the queue.",
- "stay": "Finish install"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Finish app uninstallation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app uninstallations in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish uninstalling"
- },
- "update": {
- "title": "Finish app updates in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app updates in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish updates"
- },
- "quit": "Quit Manager"
- },
- "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
- },
- "NetworkDown": {
- "title": "Sorry, internet seems to be down",
- "description": "Please check your internet connection."
- },
- "NoAddressesFound": {
- "title": "Sorry, no accounts were found",
- "description": "Something went wrong with the address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalance": {
- "title": "Sorry, insufficient funds",
- "description": "Please make sure the account has enough funds."
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
- "title": "Recipient address is inactive. Send at least {{minimalAmount}} to activate it"
- },
- "NotEnoughGas": {
- "title": "The parent account balance is insufficient for network fees"
- },
- "PasswordsDontMatch": {
- "title": "The Passwords don't match",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "PasswordIncorrect": {
- "title": "The password entered is incorrect",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "QuantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "The quantity needs to be greater than 0"
- },
- "RPCHostRequired": {
- "title": "Host is required."
- },
- "RPCHostInvalid": {
- "title": "Enter valid host."
- },
- "RPCUserRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Username is required"
- },
- "RPCPassRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Password is required"
- },
- "SatStackAccessDown": {
- "title": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack and your node are running. Check the full node setup in the Settings if the problem persists."
- },
- "SatStackStillSyncing": {
- "title": "Node sync in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait while your node is syncing. Sending is not possible since your Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect."
- },
- "SatStackVersionTooOld": {
- "title": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "SatStackDescriptorNotImported": {
- "title": "Account not scanned by full node",
- "description": "Please configure your full node to scan for the accounts associated with this device. Your full node must first scan the blockchain for this account before you can add it to your portfolio."
- },
- "SwapGenericAPIError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "The exchange transaction did not go through. Please try again or contact support."
- },
- "TimeoutError": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "TimeoutTagged": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond ({{tag}})",
- "description": "Timeout occurred."
- },
- "TransportError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportRaceCondition": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportStatusError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "DeviceShouldStayInApp": {
- "title": "Please open the {{appName}} app",
- "description": "Keep the {{appName}} app open while we find your accounts"
- },
- "UnexpectedBootloader": {
- "title": "Sorry, your device must not be in Bootloader mode",
- "description": "Please restart your device without touching the buttons when the logo appears. Contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "UserRefusedAllowManager": {
- "title": "Manager denied on device"
- },
- "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
- "title": "Update cancelled on device",
- "description": "All apps on your device have been uninstalled. Keep your device up to date to benefit from improvements in security and functionality."
- },
- "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Action rejected",
- "description": "User rejected the operation on the device"
- },
- "TransactionRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Operation denied on device",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UserRefusedAddress": {
- "title": "Receive address rejected",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UpdateYourApp": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "DeviceOnDashboardExpected": {
- "title": "Return to the Dashboard",
- "description": "Please navigate back to the Dashboard on your device"
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionError": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection error)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection closed)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check that your hardware wallet is set up with the recovery phrase or passphrase associated to the selected account."
- },
- "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "InvalidAddress": {
- "title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseAlreadyDelegated": {
- "title": "Your account is already delegated to this validator"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseDestinationIsAlsoSource": {
- "title": "Recipient address is the same as the sender address"
- },
- "CantOpenDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, connection failed",
- "description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "ETHAddressNonEIP": {
- "title": "Auto-verification not available: carefully verify the address",
- "description": null
- },
- "EthAppNftNotSupported": {
- "title": "Operation not available for this device",
- "description": "Send NFT feature is only available for Nano X. Please visit our customer support platform to know how to send a NFT with a Nano S."
- },
- "CantScanQRCode": {
- "title": "Couldn't scan this QR code: auto-verification not supported by this address"
- },
- "FeeNotLoaded": {
- "title": "Couldn't load fee rates. Please set manual fees"
- },
- "FeeRequired": {
- "title": "Fees are required"
- },
- "GasLessThanEstimate": {
- "title": "This may be too low. Please increase"
- },
- "UnknownMCU": {
- "title": "Unknown MCU version",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "MCUNotGenuineToDashboard": {
- "title": "Access dashboard to update",
- "description": "",
- "list": {
- "1": "Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable without pressing any buttons.",
- "2": "Press both buttons together three times to display the Dashboard.",
- "3": "Open the Manager and click Update firmware."
- }
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountReceive": {
- "title": "Cannot receive in subaccounts",
- "description": "If you want to receive funds, please use the parent account"
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountSend": {
- "title": "Cannot send from subaccounts yet",
- "description": "This feature will be added at a later stage due to changes recently introduced by the Babylon update."
- },
- "RecommendUndelegation": {
- "title": "Please undelegate the account before emptying it"
- },
- "RecommendSubAccountsToEmpty": {
- "title": "Please empty all subaccounts first"
- },
- "NotSupportedLegacyAddress": {
- "title": "This legacy address format is no longer supported"
- },
- "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
- "title": "That's the wrong app",
- "description": "Open the '{{managerAppName}}' app on your device"
- },
- "DeviceNameInvalid": {
- "title": "Please choose a device name without '{{invalidCharacters}}'"
- },
- "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
- "title": "Bitcoin and Ethereum apps required",
- "description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first."
- },
- "UserRefusedDeviceNameChange": {
- "title": "Rename cancelled on device",
- "description": "Try again and allow renaming on your device"
- },
- "SyncError": {
- "title": "Synchronization error",
- "description": "Some accounts could not be synchronized."
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForBandwidth": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Bandwidth"
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForEnergy": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Energy"
- },
- "TronUnfreezeNotExpired": {
- "title": "Unfreeze is not available yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 3 days after your last Freeze operation"
- },
- "TronVoteRequired": {
- "title": "At least 1 vote is needed"
- },
- "TronInvalidVoteCount": {
- "title": "Vote format is incorrect",
- "description": "You can only vote using round numbers"
- },
- "TronRewardNotAvailable": {
- "title": "Reward is not claimable yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 24 hours between claims"
- },
- "TronNoReward": {
- "title": "There is no reward to claim"
- },
- "TronInvalidFreezeAmount": {
- "title": "Amount to freeze cannot be lower than 1"
- },
- "TronSendTrc20ToNewAccountForbidden": {
- "title": "Sending TRC20 to a new account won't activate it",
- "description": "The recipient account must be activated prior to sending TRC20 to it. Send either TRX or TRC10 to an account to activate it."
- },
- "TronUnexpectedFees": {
- "title": "Additional fees may be applied"
- },
- "TronNotEnoughTronPower": {
- "title": "Not enough votes available"
- },
- "TronTransactionExpired": {
- "title": "Transaction has expired",
- "description": "Signature must be applied within 30 seconds. Please try again."
- },
- "TronNotEnoughEnergy": {
- "title": "Not enough Energy to send this token"
- },
- "PairingFailed": {
- "title": "Pairing unsuccessful",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "GenuineCheckFailed": {
- "title": "Genuine check failed",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "EthAppPleaseEnableContractData": {
- "title": "Please enable contract data in the Ethereum app settings"
- },
- "InvalidXRPTag": {
- "title": "Invalid XRP Destination tag"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceToDelegate": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughDelegationBalance": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceInParentAccount": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance in the parent account"
- },
- "quantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "Quantity needs to be at least 1"
- },
- "NotEnoughSpendableBalance": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumAmount}}"
- },
- "WrongAppForCurrency": {
- "title": "Please open the {{expected}} app"
- },
- "FeeTooHigh": {
- "title": "Network fees are above 10% of the amount"
- },
- "StellarWrongMemoFormat": {
- "title": "Memo format is wrong"
- },
- "SourceHasMultiSign": {
- "title": "Please disable multisign to send {{currencyName}}"
- },
- "StellarMemoRecommended": {
- "title": "A memo may be required when sending to this recipient"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooLow": {
- "title": "Amount must be at least {{minAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooHigh": {
- "title": "Amount must be less than {{maxAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "PolkadotElectionClosed": {
- "title": "Validators election must be closed"
- },
- "PolkadotNotValidator": {
- "title": "Some selected addresses are not validators"
- },
- "PolkadotLowBondedBalance": {
- "title": "All bonded assets will be unbonded if < 1 DOT"
- },
- "PolkadotNoUnlockedBalance": {
- "title": "You have no unbonded assets"
- },
- "PolkadotNoNominations": {
- "title": "You have no nominations"
- },
- "PolkadotAllFundsWarning": {
- "title": "Ensure you have enough balance left for future transaction fees"
- },
- "PolkadotDoMaxSendInstead": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumBalance}}. Send max to empty account."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmount": {
- "title": "You must bond at least {{minimumBondAmount}}."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmountWarning": {
- "title": "You bonded balance should be at least {{minimumBondBalance}}."
- },
- "PolkadotMaxUnbonding": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the unbond limit"
- },
- "PolkadotValidatorsRequired": {
- "title": "You must select at least one validator"
- },
- "ServiceStatusWarning": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": ""
- },
- "TaprootNotActivated": {
- "title": "Sending to a taproot address is unsafe before mainnet activation"
- },
- "SolanaAccountNotFunded": {
- "title": "Account not funded"
- },
- "SolanaMemoIsTooLong": {
- "title": "Memo is too long. Max length is {{maxLength}}"
- },
- "SolanaAddressOfEd25519": {
- "title": "Address off ed25519 curve"
- },
- "NotEnoughNftOwned": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the number of available tokens"
- }
- },
- "cryptoOrg": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by Crypto.org",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "Crypto.org integration",
- "title": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now start to manage your Crypto.org (CRO) tokens and secure them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is native to the Crypto.org chain and is used for everything from transactions, staking and many upcoming features.",
- "website": "Cryptocurrency in every wallet"
- }
- },
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- }
diff --git a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/no/app.json b/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/no/app.json
deleted file mode 100644
index df2f81a1de16..000000000000
--- a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/no/app.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4340 +0,0 @@
- "calendar": {
- "today": "Today",
- "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "transactionDate": "Transaction date"
- },
- "platform": {
- "flows": {
- "requestAccount": {
- "title": "Select an account"
- },
- "broadcast": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "Transaction sent !",
- "text": "Click here to see operation details"
- }
- }
- },
- "app": {
- "informations": {
- "title": "Information",
- "website": "Website"
- }
- },
- "catalog": {
- "title": "Discover",
- "branch": {
- "soon": "coming soon",
- "experimental": "experimental",
- "debug": "debug"
- },
- "banner": {
- "title": "Discover our Live Apps Catalog",
- "description": "We're working hard to bring you access to the world of DeFi, NFTs and more, securely, right inside Ledger Live!"
- },
- "twitterBanner": {
- "description": "Tell us what’s the next service you want to see on Ledger Live with the hashtag",
- "tweetText": "The next Ledger App should be..."
- },
- "pollCTA": {
- "title": "Poll",
- "description": "Which service do you want to see in Ledger Live?",
- "button": "Let’s vote!"
- },
- "developerCTA": {
- "title": "For Developers",
- "description": "All the information you need to integrate your applications on Ledger Live.",
- "button": "Go to portal"
- }
- },
- "disclaimer": {
- "title": "External Application",
- "description": "You are about to be redirected to an application not operated by Ledger.",
- "legalAdvice": "This application is not operated by Ledger. Ledger is not responsible for any loss of funds or quality of service of such application.\n\nAlways make sure to carefully verify the information displayed on your device.",
- "checkbox": "Do not remind me again.",
- "CTA": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "never": "Never",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "done": "Done",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "reject": "Reject",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "getSupport": "Get support",
- "delete": "Remove account from portfolio",
- "launch": "Launch",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "help": "Help",
- "needHelp": "Need help?",
- "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
- "selectAccount": "Select an account",
- "selectAccountNoOption": "No account matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectCurrency": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectCurrencyNoOption": "No crypto asset \"{{currencyName}}\"",
- "selectValidatorNoOption": "No validator matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectNoResults": "No results found matching \"{{query}}\"",
- "sortBy": "Sort by",
- "save": "Save",
- "lock": "Lock",
- "showMore": "Show more",
- "back": "Back",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "retry": "Retry",
- "range": "Range",
- "stop": "Stop",
- "updateNow": "Update now",
- "close": "Close",
- "eastern": "Eastern",
- "western": "Western",
- "reverify": "Re-verify",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "verifyMyAddress": "Verify my address",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "addressCopied": "Address copied",
- "addressCopiedSuspicious": "Mismatch between the copied address and the one in the clipboard.",
- "experimentalFeature": "Experimental",
- "information": "Information",
- "search": "Search...",
- "searchWithoutEllipsis": "Search",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Welcome back",
- "subTitle": null,
- "description": "Enter your password to continue",
- "inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
- "lostPassword": "I lost my password"
- },
- "sync": {
- "syncing": "Synchronizing...",
- "upToDate": "Synchronized",
- "outdated": "Paused",
- "needsMigration": "Click to update account",
- "error": "Synchronization error",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "devTools": "Dev tools"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "info": "Info",
- "connectDevice": "Connect your device"
- },
- "devices": {
- "nanoS": "Nano S",
- "nanoSP": "Nano S Plus",
- "nanoX": "Nano X",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "operation": {
- "type": {
- "IN": "Received",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "NFT_IN": "NFT Received",
- "NFT_OUT": "NFT Sent",
- "CREATE": "Created",
- "REVEAL": "Revealed",
- "DELEGATE": "Delegated",
- "REDELEGATE": "Redelegated",
- "UNDELEGATE": "Undelegated",
- "SUPPLY": "Deposited",
- "REDEEM": "Withdrawn",
- "APPROVE": "Approved",
- "VOTE": "Voted",
- "FREEZE": "Frozen",
- "UNFREEZE": "Unfrozen",
- "REWARD": "Claimed reward",
- "FEES": "Fees",
- "OPT_IN": "Opt in",
- "OPT_OUT": "Opt out",
- "CLOSE_ACCOUNT": "Close account",
- "BOND": "Bond",
- "UNBOND": "Unbond",
- "REWARD_PAYOUT": "Reward",
- "SLASH": "Slash",
- "WITHDRAW_UNBONDED": "Withdrawal",
- "NOMINATE": "Nomination",
- "CHILL": "Clear nominations",
- "SET_CONTROLLER": "Set controller"
- }
- },
- "byteSize": {
- "bytes": "{{size}} bytes",
- "kbUnit": "{{size}} KB",
- "mbUnit": "{{size}} MB"
- },
- "time": {
- "minute": "Minute",
- "minute_plural": "Minutes",
- "hour": "Hour",
- "hour_plural": "Hours",
- "range": {
- "day": "1D",
- "week": "1W",
- "month": "1M",
- "year": "1Y",
- "all": "ALL"
- }
- },
- "fees": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "fast": "Fast",
- "high": "High",
- "low": "Low",
- "slow": "Slow",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "feesAmount": "Fees Amount"
- },
- "sidebar": {
- "card": "Card",
- "learn": "Learn",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "stars": "Starred accounts",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "manager": "Manager",
- "exchange": "Buy / Sell",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "lend": "Lend",
- "catalog": "Discover",
- "market": "Market"
- },
- "stars": {
- "placeholder": "Star an account to display it here.",
- "tooltip": "Star account"
- },
- "bridge": {
- "modalTitle": "Open Device Bridge",
- "openHeader": "Expose your Device accounts through WebSocket",
- "openDescription": "Opening a bridge exposes all of your accounts to third party applications.",
- "openedHeader": "{{appName}} bridge opened",
- "openedDescription": "You can now access your {{appName}} account on third party web application through WebSocket.",
- "completeHeader": "Bridge session completed",
- "completeDescription": "The websocket bridge is now closed.",
- "openButton": "Open",
- "disconnectButton": "Disconnect"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History",
- "kyc": "KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "ratesDrawer": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "quote": "Quote",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "details": {
- "label": {
- "provider": "provider",
- "rate": "rate",
- "fees": "network fees",
- "target": "target account"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "provider": "lorem ipsum",
- "rate": "lorem ipsum",
- "fees": "lorem ipsum"
- },
- "noAccount": "Create an account to receive {{name}}",
- "noAccountCTA": "Add account"
- },
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "max": "Max",
- "accountPlaceholder": "Select source",
- "currencyDisabledTooltip": "This currency is not available for swap yet"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To"
- },
- "notAvailable": {
- "title": "Swap is not available yet in your area",
- "content": "Have a little more patience,
we will launch this feature very soon"
- },
- "providers": {
- "kyc": {
- "required": "You need to complete your KYC",
- "complete": "Complete KYC",
- "update": "Refresh KYC",
- "rejected": "KYC rejected, start the verification again",
- "status": {
- "pending": "KYC pending",
- "approved": "KYC approved",
- "closed": "KYC rejected"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- },
- "export": "Export operations",
- "exporting": "Exporting..."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Your information has been submitted for approval",
- "subtitle": "It usually takes a few minutes for the review to be completed.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC",
- "info": "Identity verification: Submitted"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "exchangeDrawer": {
- "title": "Confirm your Exchange",
- "completed": {
- "title": "Transaction broadcast successfully",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed and for the provider to process and send your {{targetCurrency}}.",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "seeDetails": "See details"
- }
- }
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "titleCrypto": "Swap {{currency}}",
- "whatIsSwap": "What is Swap",
- "paraswap": {
- "cta": " Check it out",
- "description": "Looking for Paraswap? It has been moved to the Discover tab."
- },
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- }
- },
- "landing": {
- "title": "Swap your assets",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "sorry": "Service temporarily unavailable, or not available in your country"
- },
- "missingApp": {
- "title": "Please install the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and install {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "outdatedApp": {
- "title": "Please update the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and update {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "providers": {
- "title": "Choose a provider to swap crypto",
- "learnMore": "What is Swap?",
- "kycRequired": "KYC Required",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "kyc": {
- "notAvailable": "{{provider}} is unavailable in your location",
- "status": {
- "required": "KYC Required",
- "pending": "KYC Pending",
- "approved": "KYC Approved!",
- "closed": "KYC Rejected"
- }
- }
- },
- "ip": {
- "title": "Welcome to Swap",
- "subtitle": "Exchange crypto assets directly from your Ledger device.",
- "disclaimer": "By continuing, you accept that your location data will be shared with third party service providers in order for them to comply with their AML/KYC procedures."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Pending approval",
- "subtitle": "Your information was submitted for approval by Wyre.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "form": {
- "resetKYC": "Reset your KYC and Update Live to Swap with Wyre",
- "resetKYCCTA": "Reset KYC",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to send",
- "currency": "Crypto asset"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to receive",
- "currency": "Crypto asset",
- "addAccountCTA": "Add new account"
- },
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "floatUnavailable": "Floating rate not supported for this pair",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate",
- "fixedUnavailable": "Fixed rate not supported for this pair",
- "floatDesc": "Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.",
- "fixedDesc": "Your amount will stay the same even if the market changes. Updates every 60 seconds.",
- "by": "Provided by"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "helpCTA": "What is Swap?",
- "bubble": "We use a fixed rate, this is the exact amount you will receive.",
- "noAccounts": "You don't have {{currencyName}} accounts with balance",
- "noApp": "{{currencyName}} app not installed.",
- "outdatedApp": "{{currencyName}} app update available.",
- "loadingRates": "Loading rates..."
- },
- "unauthorizedRatesModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live needs an update",
- "subtitle": "Please update Ledger Live to the latest version, and re verify your identity to swap with wyre",
- "cta": "Reset verification"
- },
- "resetKYCModal": {
- "title": "Delete your KYC",
- "subtitle": "Delete your KYC to erase all tokens stored locally on your computer. You will have to resubmit your KYC to access services provided by our partners.",
- "cta": "Confirm"
- },
- "modal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "toExchange": "Amount to send",
- "toReceive": "Amount to receive",
- "terms": "Terms & Conditions",
- "disclaimer": {
- "description": "By clicking \"Confirm\", I acknowledge and accept that this service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s",
- "acceptedDescription": "This service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s"
- },
- "details": {
- "provider": "Provider",
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Type",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate"
- },
- "address": "Address"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "title": "App checks"
- },
- "finished": {
- "title": "Pending",
- "subtitle": "Swap broadcast successfully ",
- "swap": "Your Swap ID:",
- "seeDetails": "See details",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. It may take up to an hour before you receive your {{targetCurrency}}."
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetailsModal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "txid": "Swap ID",
- "status": "Status",
- "statusTooltips": {
- "expired": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "refunded": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "pending": "Please wait while the swap provider is processing the transaction.",
- "onhold": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID to solve the situation.",
- "finished": "Your swap was completed successfully."
- },
- "date": "Date",
- "from": "From",
- "fromAddress": "Origin address",
- "fromAddress_plural": "Origin addresses",
- "to": "To",
- "toProvider": "Provider address",
- "initialAmount": "Initial amount",
- "creditedAmount": "Credited amount"
- }
- },
- "lottieDebugger": {
- "buttonTitle": "Test"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "status": "Status",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "checkNodeSettings": "Verify node settings",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "modal": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect full node",
- "steps": {
- "landing": {
- "header": "Start your full node. Don’t trust, verify.",
- "description": "A Bitcoin full node validates all transactions and blocks, allowing you to use Bitcoin in a trustless way while contributing to the Bitcoin network.",
- "list": {
- "item1": "Set up Bitcoin Core on a device with sufficient resources.",
- "item2": "Wait for your node to fully synchronize.",
- "item3": "Make note of your node RPC credentials, IP address, and port number."
- },
- "disclaimer": "Running a full node requires a computer with sufficient resources and a broadband connection without data restrictions."
- },
- "node": {
- "title": "Node",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Enter your node parameters",
- "disclaimer": "Your full node must be fully synchronized before connecting Ledger Live.",
- "fields": {
- "nodeHost": {
- "title": "Host",
- "tooltip": "Leave as default if node runs on this computer, or replace the node IP address and port number."
- },
- "rpcCredentials": {
- "title": "RPC Credentials",
- "tooltip": "Enter the RPC username and password of your node, found in the bitcoin.conf file.",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
- },
- "tls": {
- "title": "Use TLS",
- "tooltip": "Enable Transport Layer Security, for example, when using a hosted node solution."
- }
- }
- },
- "connecting": {
- "header": "Testing node connection",
- "description": "Please wait while we check if your full node is responding."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Full node connection successful",
- "description": "You can now configure your full node to scan for your accounts on the blockchain."
- },
- "failure": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please ensure your node is fully synchronized and verify its connection settings."
- }
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "pending": {
- "header": "Getting accounts from device",
- "description": "Please wait while the accounts to scan are added to the node configuration file."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Accounts added to node configuration",
- "description": "A configuration file was saved to the user data folder. It enables Ledger SatStack to connect to your full node and let it scan for your accounts on the blockchain.",
- "cta": "View user data"
- }
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "existing": "Existing accounts to scan",
- "toScan": "Accounts to scan",
- "toScanDescription": "Accounts to scan for each address type",
- "toScanTooltip": "Increase only if you have 10+ BTC accounts. Initial scan will be slower. "
- },
- "satstack": {
- "title": "SatStack",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Download and run Ledger SatStack",
- "description": "Ledger SatStack is a small application enabling Ledger Live to talk to your full node. Please download and run it before you continue.",
- "disclaimer": "SatStack must be running for Ledger Live to connect to your full node. Consider setting it to launch automatically when your computer boots.",
- "cta": "Download SatStack"
- },
- "satstack-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach SatStack",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack is running on this computer."
- },
- "satstack-outdated": {
- "header": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "node-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that your node is reachable and that the connection settings you entered are correct."
- },
- "invalid-chain": {
- "header": "invalid-chain title",
- "description": "invalid-chain description for tooltip"
- },
- "initializing": {
- "header": "Loading",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ready": {
- "header": "Ready",
- "description": "The full node is fully synced. Your Bitcoin account balances are now correct."
- },
- "syncing": {
- "header": "Node sync in progress…",
- "description": "Recent transactions may not yet be visible, so Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect. If possible, run your node continuously to keep it in sync."
- },
- "scanning": {
- "header": "Account scan in progress...",
- "description": "You can add your accounts once the account scan is completed. Any Bitcoin accounts previously added through Ledger's explorers were removed."
- }
- }
- },
- "disconnect": {
- "cta": "Disconnect",
- "description": "Are you sure? Disconnecting the full node will remove all Bitcoin accounts. You can add your accounts again using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "lastOperations": "Latest operations",
- "contractAddress": "Contract:",
- "openInExplorer": "Open in explorer",
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No crypto assets yet?",
- "desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving",
- "descToken": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving <3><0>{{ticker}}0>3> and <5><0>{{tokenList}}0> tokens5>",
- "buttons": {
- "receiveFunds": "Receive",
- "buy": "Buy"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Edit account",
- "advancedLogs": "Advanced",
- "advancedTips": "Your xpub is privacy-sensitive data. Use with caution, especially when disclosing to third parties.",
- "accountName": {
- "title": "Account name",
- "desc": "Description of the account"
- },
- "unit": {
- "title": "Unit",
- "desc": "Choose the unit to be used"
- }
- },
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "frozenAssets": "Frozen assets",
- "bandwidth": "Bandwidth",
- "energy": "Energy",
- "stake": "Stake",
- "delegatedAssets": "Delegated assets",
- "undelegating": "Undelegating",
- "availableBalanceTooltip": "This amount is disposable.",
- "frozenAssetsTooltip": "Frozen assets are used in the Tron voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "bandwidthTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain bandwidth",
- "energyTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain energy",
- "delegatedAssetsTooltip": "Delegated assets are used in the Cosmos voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "undelegatingTooltip": "Undelegated assets are in a timelock of 21 days, before being available."
- },
- "exchange": {
- "chooseProvider": "Choose from {{providerCount}} provider",
- "chooseProviders": "Choose from {{providerCount}} providers",
- "title": "Buy and sell crypto",
- "reset": "Reset flow",
- "verifyAddress": "Please confirm the address displayed exactly matches the one shown on your device",
- "buy": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Choose a provider to buy crypto",
- "buyFrom": "Buy from anywhere",
- "cryptoSupported": "crypto supported",
- "payWith": "Pay with card or SEPA",
- "tab": "Buy",
- "coinify": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with {{provider}}",
- "title": "Buy crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "addAccount": "Add account"
- }
- },
- "sell": {
- "header": "Sell crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Sell crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "tab": "Sell",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "lend": {
- "title": "Lend crypto",
- "tabs": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "opened": "Opened loans",
- "closed": "Closed loans",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "assets": "Assets to lend",
- "active": "Approved accounts",
- "lendAsset": "Lend",
- "account": {
- "amountSupplied": "Amount deposited",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount lent to the network",
- "currencyAPY": "Currency APY",
- "currencyAPYTooltip": "Yearly return rate of a deposit that’s continuously compounded",
- "accruedInterests": "Accrued interest",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest generated on your lent assets",
- "interestEarned": "Interest earned",
- "interestEarnedTooltip": "Interest you have earned after withdrawal",
- "openLoans": "Open loans",
- "closedLoans": "Closed loans",
- "amountRedeemed": "Amount withdrawn",
- "date": "Date",
- "info": "You can lend assets directly from your {{currency}} account and earn interest.",
- "howCompoundWorks": "How does lending on Compound work?",
- "lend": "Deposit {{currency}}"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "active": {
- "title": "Lending",
- "description": "You can lend assets directly from your Ethereum accounts and earn interest.",
- "cta": "How does lending on Compound work?"
- },
- "closed": {
- "title": "Your closed loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "opened": {
- "title": "Your opened loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "history": {
- "title": "History",
- "description": "View the history of all your loan transactions.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- }
- },
- "headers": {
- "active": {
- "accounts": "Account",
- "amountSupplied": "Open loan",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount deposited in the network",
- "accruedInterests": "Interest balance",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest being earned on loans",
- "status": "Account status",
- "actions": "Actions"
- },
- "status": {
- "enablingTooltip": "Your transaction is broadcasting",
- "toSupplyTooltip": "You can now supply your assets"
- },
- "types": {
- "enabling": "Enabling",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "supplying": "Supplying",
- "earning": "Earning"
- },
- "closed": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amountRedeemed": "Withdrawal amount",
- "interestsEarned": "Interest earned",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "opened": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "accruedInterest": "Accrued interest",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "rates": {
- "allAssets": "Asset",
- "totalBalance": "Asset balance",
- "totalBalanceTooltip": "Amount available to lend",
- "currentAPY": "Deposit APY",
- "currentAPYTooltip": "Annual return rate earned on a continuously compounded deposit",
- "actions": "Actions"
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "cta": "Manage lending",
- "title": "Manage loan",
- "enable": {
- "approve": "Approve",
- "manageLimit": "Manage limit",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "info": "You have approved <0>{{amount}}0> on this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "infoNoLimit": "You have fully approved this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "approvedWithLimit": "You have approved <0>{{value}}0> on this account.",
- "enabling": "You can deposit assets once the account approval is confirmed.",
- "notEnabled": "You need to approve this account before being able to lend assets.",
- "notEnoughApproved": "You must increase the limit approved on your account to lend."
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit",
- "description": "Enter the amount of assets to lend to the protocol."
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "Withdraw assets from the protocol to your Ledger account."
- }
- },
- "enable": {
- "title": "Approve account",
- "steps": {
- "selectAccount": {
- "title": "Select account",
- "selectLabel": "Account to lend from",
- "cta": "Approve",
- "alreadyEnabled": "This account is approved"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "summary": "I grant access to <0>{{contractName}}0> smart contract on my account <0>{{accountName}}0> for a <0>{{amount}}0> amount",
- "limit": "limited {{amount}}",
- "noLimit": "no limit {{assetName}}",
- "contractName": "Compound {{currencyName}}",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to approve",
- "amountLabelTooltip": "This limits the amount available to the smart contract."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Operation sent successfully",
- "text": "The approval was sent to the network for confirmation. You’ll be able to issue loans once it is confirmed.",
- "done": "Close",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountToWithdraw": "Amount to withdraw",
- "withdrawAll": "Withdraw Max",
- "placeholder": "Withdraw Max",
- "maxWithdrawble": "Maximum amount to withdraw is"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Withdrawal sent successfully",
- "text": "Your assets will be available once the network has confirmed the withdrawal.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "tooltip": {
- "amountWithdrawn": "The amount withdrawn is displayed in {{ tokenName }}. {{ tokenName }} are ERC20 tokens that you earn after lending assets."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "terms": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "subtitle": "Lend assets on the Compound protocol",
- "description": "The Compound protocol allows you to lend and borrow assets on the Ethereum network. You can lend assets and earn interest directly from your Ledger acccount.",
- "switchLabel": "<1>I have read and agree with the 1><0>Terms of Use0><1>.1>"
- },
- "steps": {
- "title": "Step <0>{{step}} / {{total}}0>",
- "1": {
- "subtitle": "Approve an account to allow the protocol to",
- "subtitle2": "process future loans.",
- "description": "You need to authorize the Compound smart contract to transfer up to a certain amount of assets to the protocol. Approving an account gives permission to the protocol to process future loans."
- },
- "2": {
- "subtitle": "Supply assets to earn interest",
- "description": "Once an account is approved, you can select the amount of assets you want to lend and issue a transaction to the protocol. Interests accrue immediately after the transaction is confirmed."
- },
- "3": {
- "subtitle": "Withdraw assets at any time",
- "description": "You can withdraw your assets and earned interest at any time, partially or entirely, directly from your Ledger account."
- }
- }
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountToSupply": "Amount to deposit",
- "maxSupply": "Maximum amount to lend is"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Deposit sent successfully",
- "text": "You will start earning interest once the network has confirmed the deposit.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "noEthAccount": {
- "title": "Please create an ETH account",
- "description": "<0>{{ asset }}({{ ticker }})0> is an Ethereum ERC-20 token. To lend {{ ticker }}, install the Ethereum app and create an Ethereum account",
- "cta": "Add account"
- },
- "emptyAccountDeposit": {
- "title": "You don't have a {{ asset }} account.",
- "description": "In order to deposit funds and lend crypto you need a {{ asset }} account. Please Receive funds on your Ethereum address.",
- "ctaBuy": "Buy {{ asset }}",
- "ctaReceive": "Receive {{ asset }}"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "noResultFound": "No accounts found.",
- "order": {
- "name|asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name|desc": "Name Z-A",
- "balance|asc": "Lowest Balance",
- "balance|desc": "Highest Balance"
- },
- "range": {
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "all": "All"
- },
- "optionsMenu": {
- "title": "Options",
- "exportOperations": "Export operation history",
- "exportToMobile": "Export to mobile"
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "star": "Star",
- "receive": "Receive",
- "send": "Send",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "buy": "Buy",
- "sell": "Sell",
- "edit": "Edit account",
- "hideToken": "Hide token"
- }
- },
- "help": {
- "title": "Help & Support",
- "gettingStarted": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "desc": "Start here"
- },
- "status": {
- "title": "Ledger Status",
- "desc": "Check our system status"
- },
- "helpCenter": {
- "title": "Ledger Support",
- "desc": "Get help"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "desc": "Learn crypto"
- },
- "facebook": {
- "title": "Facebook",
- "desc": "Like our page"
- },
- "twitter": {
- "title": "Twitter",
- "desc": "Follow us"
- },
- "github": {
- "title": "Github",
- "desc": "Review our code"
- }
- },
- "blacklistToken": {
- "title": "Hide token",
- "desc": "This action will hide all <1><0>{{tokenName}}0>1> accounts, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide token"
- },
- "hideNftCollection": {
- "title": "Hide NFT Colection",
- "desc": "This action will hide all NFTs from the <1><0>{{collectionName}}0>1> collection, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide NFT Collection"
- },
- "banners": {
- "cleanCache": {
- "title": "Modification of experimental settings require a clear cache",
- "cta": "Clear cache"
- },
- "migrate": "Ledger Live accounts update available",
- "genericTerminatedCrypto": "{{coinName}} is not supported anymore",
- "valentine": {
- "title": "Valentine’s day",
- "description": "As a proof of our love, Ledger is reducing buy & sell fees on Ledger Live"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "description": "Everything you need to know about blockchain, security, cryptocurrency and your Ledger device",
- "cta": "Start learning"
- },
- "stakeCosmos": {
- "title": "Staking with COSMOS",
- "description": "Delegate your ATOM coins through the account page and earn rewards today",
- "cta": "Stake Cosmos now"
- },
- "buyCrypto": {
- "title": "Buy Crypto",
- "description": "Purchase crypto assets through our partner and receive them directly in your Ledger account",
- "cta": "Buy now"
- },
- "familyPack": {
- "title": "Family pack",
- "description": "Get your family and friends into crypto with 3 Nano S at a discounted price",
- "cta": "Buy family pack"
- },
- "polkaStake": {
- "title": "POLKADOT staking",
- "description": "You can now stake, secure and manage your DOT directly in Ledger Live"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "sell crypto",
- "description": "Sell Bitcoin with our partner directly from Ledger Live"
- },
- "stakeAlgorand": {
- "title": "Staking with ALGORAND",
- "description": "Make the most of your ALGO. Simply add funds to your accounts and earn staking rewards today."
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap crypto",
- "description": "Exchange one crypto for another from Ledger Live with our partner."
- },
- "lending": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "description": "Lend stablecoins to the Compound protocol and earn interests today"
- },
- "blackfriday": {
- "title": "BLACK FRIDAY ",
- "description": "Enjoy 40% off Ledger hardware wallets with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY20"
- }
- },
- "signmessage": {
- "title": "Sign message",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Device"
- }
- }
- },
- "walletconnect": {
- "titleAccount": "Wallet Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "connected": "Connected",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "invalidAccount": "Invalid account id",
- "steps": {
- "paste": {
- "title": "Paste link",
- "label": "Wallet Connect address",
- "placeholder": "Paste Wallet Connect Link"
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Connect",
- "details": "Wants to connect to the following account through your wallet :",
- "deeplinkDetails": "Wants to connect to Ledger Live. Choose your account:",
- "noAccount": "You don't have any compatible account. Please add an compatible account to use Wallet Connect.",
- "alreadyConnected": "You are trying to connect to a dApp while having another one already connected. Please disconnect from the connected dApp before reconnecting Live with a new dApp."
- }
- },
- "connectedscreen": {
- "info": "You can now access the {{name}} dApp on your web browser.",
- "warning": "Sharing receive addresses from dApps is not secure. Always use Ledger Live when sharing your address to receive funds.",
- "disconnected": "There is a connection problem between the dApp, WalletConnect and Ledger Live. Wait a few moments or relaunch the connection"
- }
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Portfolio",
- "emptyAccountTile": {
- "desc": "Add accounts to manage other crypto assets",
- "createAccount": "Add account"
- },
- "recentActivity": "Latest operations",
- "totalBalance": "Total balance",
- "transactionsPendingConfirmation": "Some transactions are not confirmed yet. These will be reflected in your balance and useable after being confirmed."
- },
- "currentAddress": {
- "title": "Current address",
- "for": "Address for <1><0>{{name}}0>1>",
- "messageIfUnverified": "Verify that the shared address exactly matches the one on your device",
- "messageIfSkipped": "Your {{name}} address was not confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for security.",
- "showQrCode": "Show QR Code",
- "taprootWarning": "Make sure the sender supports taproot"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Install apps on your device",
- "desc": "Go to the Manager to install apps on your device. You can add accounts once you have apps on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "installApp": "Go to Manager",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Add an account to get started",
- "desc": "Add an account to start managing your crypto assets. You must have the app for your crypto asset installed on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "installApp": "Go to Manager to install apps",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- }
- },
- "genuinecheck": {
- "deviceInBootloader": "Device in Bootloader mode. Click on <1>Continue1> to update it."
- },
- "learn": {
- "title": "Learn",
- "noConnection": "No connection",
- "noConnectionDesc": "It seems you don't have access to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.",
- "sectionShows": "Shows",
- "sectionVideo": "Video",
- "sectionPodcast": "Podcast",
- "sectionArticles": "Articles"
- },
- "market": {
- "title": "Market",
- "currency": "Currency",
- "rangeLabel": "Time",
- "goBack": "Go back",
- "filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
- "show": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "isLedgerCompatible": "Ledger Live Compatible",
- "isFavorite": "Starred Assets",
- "applyFilters": "Apply filters",
- "clearAll": "Clear all"
- },
- "marketList": {
- "crypto": "Crypto",
- "price": "Price",
- "change": "Change",
- "marketCap": "Market cap",
- "last7d": "Last 7 days"
- },
- "detailsPage": {
- "priceStatistics": "Price stats",
- "tradingVolume": "Trading volume",
- "24hLowHight": "24h Low / 24h High",
- "7dLowHigh": "7d Low / 7d High",
- "allTimeHigh": "All time high",
- "allTimeLow": "All time low",
- "marketCapRank": "Market cap rank",
- "marketCapDominance": "Market cap dominance",
- "supply": "Supply",
- "circulatingSupply": "Circulating supply",
- "totalSupply": "Total supply",
- "maxSupply": "Max supply",
- "assetNotSupportedOnLedgerLive": "This asset is not supported on Ledger Live.",
- "supportedCoinsAndTokens": "Supported coins & Tokens"
- },
- "range": {
- "1H_label": "1H",
- "1D_label": "1D",
- "1W_label": "1W",
- "1M_label": "1M",
- "1Y_label": "1Y",
- "1h": "1h",
- "24h": "24h",
- "7d": "7d",
- "30d": "30d",
- "1y": "1y",
- "1H_selectorLabel": "Last 1 hour",
- "1D_selectorLabel": "Last 24 hours",
- "1W_selectorLabel": "last week",
- "1M_selectorLabel": "Last month",
- "1Y_selectorLabel": "Last year"
- },
- "warnings": {
- "connectionError": "Connection Error",
- "ledgerUnableToRetrieveData": "Ledger Live is unable to retrieve data.",
- "checkInternetAndReload": "Please check your internet connection and reload this page.",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "noCryptosFound": "No coins found",
- "noSearchResultsFor": "Sorry, we did not find any coins for <0>{{search}}0>. Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "noSearchResults": "Sorry, we did not find any search results.",
- "retrySearchKeyword": "Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "retrySearchParams": "Please retry the search with another parameters.",
- "trackFavAssets": "Track your favourite",
- "clickOnStarIcon": "Clicking on the star icon next to an asset will automatically add them to your favorites.",
- "browseAssets": "Browse assets"
- }
- },
- "NFT": {
- "viewer": {
- "actions": {
- "send": "Send",
- "open": "Open in {{viewer}}"
- },
- "attributes": {
- "properties": "Properties",
- "description": "Description",
- "tokenAddress": "Token Address",
- "tokenId": "Token ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- }
- },
- "collections": {
- "title": "NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Collections",
- "receiveCTA": "Receive NFT",
- "galleryCTA": "See Gallery",
- "seeMore": "See more collections",
- "seeAll": "See all collections",
- "seeLess": "See less"
- },
- "gallery": {
- "title": "All NFT",
- "collection": {
- "header": {
- "sendCTA": "Send",
- "contract": "Contract: {{contract}}"
- },
- "operationList": {
- "header": "Latest Operations",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "IN": "Received"
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "item": {
- "tokenId": "ID: {{tokenId}}"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "title": "Tokens",
- "cta": "Add token",
- "placeholder": "To add tokens, simply send them to your {{currencyName}} address.",
- "link": "Learn more",
- "seeTokens": "Show tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 token",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} tokens",
- "algorand": {
- "title": "ASA (Assets)",
- "cta": "Add ASA",
- "placeholder": "You can add assets to your {{currencyName}} account.",
- "link": "How Assets (ASA) works?",
- "seeTokens": "Show ASA ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide ASA ({{tokenCount}})"
- }
- },
- "subAccounts": {
- "title": "Subaccounts",
- "seeSubAccounts": "Show subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideSubAccounts": "Hide subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 subaccount",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} subaccounts"
- },
- "migrateAccounts": {
- "overview": {
- "title": "Ledger Live accounts update",
- "successTitle": "Accounts updated successfully",
- "successDescPlu": "Your {{assets}} accounts are now updated and ready to use",
- "successDesc": "Your {{assets}} account is now updated and ready to use",
- "mobileTitle": "Export accounts to mobile",
- "mobileDesc": "Click the button below to export your updated accounts to the Ledger Live mobile app.",
- "mobileCTA": "Export to mobile",
- "description": "New features in Ledger Live require an update of your accounts.",
- "currency": "1 {{currency}} account needs to be updated:",
- "currency_plural": "{{count}} {{currency}} accounts need to be updated:",
- "footer": "You need your Ledger Device to complete the update",
- "pendingDevices": "1 account could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "pendingDevices_plural": "{{totalMigratableAccounts}} accounts could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "doItLaterBtn": "Do it later"
- },
- "progress": {
- "finished": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update completed",
- "description": ""
- },
- "scanning": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait for your accounts to be updated"
- },
- "finished-empty": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update incomplete",
- "description": "No {{currencyName}} accounts to update"
- }
- },
- "cta": {
- "startUpdate": "Start update",
- "nextCurrency": "Continue with {{currency}} update"
- }
- },
- "addAccounts": {
- "title": "Add accounts",
- "breadcrumb": {
- "informations": "Crypto asset",
- "connectDevice": "Device",
- "import": "Accounts",
- "finish": "Confirmation"
- },
- "fullNodeReadyInfo": "Accounts will be added using your Bitcoin full node.",
- "fullNodeConfigure": "Configure node",
- "tokensTip": "{{token}} ({{ticker}}) is an {{tokenType}} token. You can receive tokens directly on an {{currency}} account.",
- "accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Add existing accounts",
- "selectAll": "Select all ({{count}})",
- "unselectAll": "Deselect all ({{count}})",
- "noAccountToImport": "No existing {{currencyName}} accounts to add",
- "success": "Account added successfully",
- "success_plural": "Accounts added successfully",
- "successDescription": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "successDescription_plural": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "createNewAccount": {
- "noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received assets on your <1><0>{{accountName}}0>1> account",
- "noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}0>1> account was found to be created",
- "showAllAddressTypes": "Show all address types",
- "showAllAddressTypesTooltip": "Only change the address type if you need to receive {{family}} on other address formats."
- },
- "supportLinks": {
- "segwit_or_native_segwit": "Segwit or Native Segwit?"
- },
- "cta": {
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "add": "Add account",
- "add_plural": "Add accounts",
- "addAccountName": "Add {{currencyName}} account",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "sections": {
- "importable": {
- "title": "Add existing account"
- },
- "creatable": {
- "title": "Add new account"
- },
- "imported": {
- "title": "Accounts already in portfolio ({{count}})"
- },
- "migrate": {
- "title": "Accounts to update"
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetails": {
- "whatIsThis": "What is this operation?",
- "title": "Operation details",
- "type": "Type",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "account": "Account",
- "date": "Date",
- "currentValue": "Current value",
- "status": "Status",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "failed": "Failed",
- "notConfirmed": "Not confirmed",
- "fees": "Fee",
- "noFees": "No fee",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "identifier": "Transaction ID",
- "viewOperation": "View in explorer",
- "showMore": "Show {{recipients}} more",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "tokenOperations": "Token operations",
- "subAccountOperations": "Subaccount operations",
- "tokenTooltip": "This operation is related to the following token operations",
- "subAccountTooltip": "This operation is related to the following subaccount operations",
- "internalOperations": "Internal operations",
- "internalOpTooltip": "This operation has internal operations",
- "details": "{{ currency }} details",
- "multipleAddresses": "Why multiple addresses?",
- "nft": {
- "name": "Token Name",
- "contract": "Token Contract",
- "id": "Token (NFT) ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "extra": {
- "frozenAmount": "Frozen amount",
- "unfreezeAmount": "Unfreeze amount",
- "votes": "Votes ({{number}})",
- "votesAddress": "<0>{{votes}}0> to <2>{{name}}2>",
- "validators": "Validators",
- "redelegated": "Redelegated",
- "redelegatedFrom": "Redelegated from",
- "redelegatedTo": "Redelegated to",
- "redelegatedAmount": "Redelegated amount",
- "undelegated": "Undelegated",
- "undelegatedFrom": "Undelegated from",
- "undelegatedAmount": "Undelegated amount",
- "rewardFrom": "Reward from",
- "memo": "Memo",
- "assetId": "Asset ID",
- "rewards": "Earned rewards",
- "bondedAmount": "Bonded Amount",
- "unbondedAmount": "Unbonded Amount",
- "withdrawUnbondedAmount": "Withdrawn Amount",
- "palletMethod": "Method",
- "transferAmount": "Transfer Amount",
- "validatorsCount": "Validators ({{number}})"
- }
- },
- "operationList": {
- "noMoreOperations": "That's all"
- },
- "DeviceAction": {
- "allowAppPermission": "Open the {{wording}} app on your device",
- "allowAppPermissionSubtitleToken": "to manage your {{token}} tokens",
- "allowManagerPermission": "Allow {{wording}} on your device",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "connectAndUnlockDevice": "Connect and unlock your device",
- "unlockDevice": "Unlock your device",
- "unlockDeviceAfterFirmwareUpdate": "Wait for the firmware to update and unlock your device with your PIN",
- "quitApp": "Quit the application on your device",
- "appNotInstalledTitle": "Missing required app",
- "appNotInstalledTitle_plural": "Missing required apps",
- "appNotInstalled": "The {{appName}} app is required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install it on your device",
- "appNotInstalled_plural": "The {{appName}} apps are required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install them on your device",
- "openManager": "Open Manager",
- "openOnboarding": "Setup device",
- "outdated": "App version outdated",
- "outdatedDesc": "An important update is available for the {{appName}} application on your device. Please go to the Manager to update it.",
- "installApp": "{{appName}} App installation",
- "installAppDescription": "Please wait until the installation is finished",
- "listApps": "Checking App dependencies",
- "listAppsDescription": "Please wait while we make sure you have all the required apps",
- "swap": {
- "notice": "Verify the Swap details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Swap transaction",
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "amountReceivedFloat": "Amount to receive before service fees",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "payoutNetworkFees": "Payout fees",
- "payoutNetworkFeesTooltip": "This amount will not be shown on your device"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "fees": "Network Fees",
- "sourceAccount": "Source Account",
- "targetAccount": "Target Account"
- },
- "sell": {
- "notice": "Verify the Sell details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Sell transaction"
- },
- "fund": {
- "notice": "Verify the Fund details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don't have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Fund transaction"
- }
- },
- "manager": {
- "tabs": {
- "appCatalog": "App catalog",
- "appCatalogSearch": "Search app in catalog...",
- "appsOnDevice": "Apps installed",
- "appOnDeviceSearch": "Search installed apps..."
- },
- "disconnected": {
- "title": "Looks like an app is open on your device",
- "subtitle": "Reopening the Manager will quit the app on your device",
- "ctaReopen": "Reopen Manager",
- "ctaPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio"
- },
- "deviceStorage": {
- "freeSpace": "<0>{{space}}0> free",
- "noFreeSpace": "No storage left",
- "installed": "Apps",
- "capacity": "Capacity",
- "used": "Used",
- "firmwareAvailable": "Firmware is outdated:",
- "firmwareUpToDate": "Firmware is up to date:",
- "genuine": "Device is genuine",
- "incomplete": "Some apps were not recognized. Please uninstall, then reinstall them."
- },
- "applist": {
- "placeholder": "No match for the search with the selected filters",
- "placeholderNoAppsInstalled": "No apps installed on your device",
- "placeholderGoToCatalog": "Go to the App catalog to install apps",
- "noResultsFound": "No results found",
- "noResultsDesc": "Please verify the spelling and try again",
- "filter": {
- "title": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "supported": "Supported in Live",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "not_installed": "Not installed"
- },
- "sort": {
- "title": "Sort",
- "name_asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name_desc": "Name Z-A",
- "marketcap_desc": "Market cap"
- },
- "installSuccess": {
- "title": "App installed successfully. You can now add your {{app}} accounts",
- "title_plural": "Apps installed successfully. You can now add your accounts",
- "manageAccount": "Manage my accounts"
- },
- "updatable": {
- "title": "Update available",
- "title_plural": "Updates available",
- "progressTitle": "{{number}} App update",
- "progressTitle_plural": "{{number}} App updates",
- "progressWarning": "Do not quit Manager during update.",
- "progress": "Updating all..."
- },
- "item": {
- "version": "Version {{version}}",
- "installing": "Installing...",
- "uninstalling": "Uninstalling...",
- "updating": "Updating...",
- "scheduled": "Queued",
- "update": "Update available",
- "updateAll": "Update all",
- "updateAllOutOfMemory": "Not enough storage. Please uninstall some apps",
- "install": "Install",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "updated": "Updated",
- "uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "notEnoughSpace": "Not enough storage",
- "supported": "Ledger Live supported",
- "not_supported": "Requires 3rd-party wallet",
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "addAccountTooltip": "Add {{appName}} account",
- "addAccountWarn": "Please wait for the app updates to finish",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "learnMoreTooltip": "Learn more about {{appName}}",
- "removeTooltip": "Uninstall {{appName}}",
- "useAppForToken": "Looking to manage {{tokenType}} tokens?",
- "tokenAppDisclaimer": "To manage {{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens, <1>install the {{appName}} app1> and please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "tokenAppDisclaimerInstalled": "To manage <1>{{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens1>, please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "goToAccounts": "Go to accounts",
- "intallParentApp": "Install {{appName}} app",
- "plugin": "Go to app",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "tool": "Learn more",
- "app": "Learn more"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Uninstall all",
- "subtitle": "Uninstall all apps?",
- "description": "Don't worry, uninstalling apps does not affect your crypto assets. You can reinstall apps in the App catalog."
- }
- },
- "apps": {
- "dependencyInstall": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app is required",
- "description": "The {{dependency}} app will also be installed because the {{app}} app needs it.",
- "confirm": "Install apps"
- },
- "dependencyUninstall": {
- "title": " Uninstall {{app}} and its related apps?",
- "showAll": "Show apps to uninstall",
- "description": "Some of your installed apps are linked to {{app}} app. They will be uninstalled as well.",
- "confirm": "Uninstall {{app}} and other apps"
- }
- },
- "firmware": {
- "updateLater": "Cancel",
- "seedReady": "I have my recovery phrase",
- "dontHaveSeed": "Don't have your recovery phrase? ",
- "followTheGuide": "Follow our step by step update guide",
- "removeApps": "Uninstall all apps before updating",
- "update": "Firmware update",
- "updateBtn": "Update firmware",
- "banner": {
- "warning": "Update Firmware to {{latestFirmware}} is available",
- "cta": "Go to manager",
- "old": {
- "warning": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "cta": "Contact support"
- },
- "cta2": "Update firmware"
- },
- "latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
- "contactSupport": "Contact support",
- "deprecated": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "prepareSeed": "Ensure your 24-word recovery phrase is written down on the Recovery sheet and it is available, as a precaution.",
- "disclaimerTitle": "You are about to install <1>firmware version {{version}}1>.",
- "downloadingUpdateDesc": "Please wait for the update installer to be downloaded"
- },
- "modal": {
- "steps": {
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateMCU": "Firmware update",
- "updating": "Firmware update",
- "reset": "Prepare device",
- "osu": "Installing OSU...",
- "flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
- "flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
- "firmware": "Firmware updating...",
- "flash": "Preparing your device..."
- },
- "confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
- "confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Confirm and enter your PIN code if requested.",
- "identifier": "Identifier",
- "preparation": "Preparation",
- "newFirmware": "New firmware {{version}}",
- "confirmUpdate": "Please confirm the update on your device",
- "mcuTitle": "Finalize update",
- "mcuFirst": "Disconnect the USB cable from your device",
- "mcuSecond": "Press the left button and hold it while you reconnect the USB cable until the <1><0>{{repairProcessing}}0>1> screen appears",
- "mcuPin": "Please wait for the update to finish",
- "mcuSecondNanoX": "Press and hold the left button until <1><0>{{bootloaderOption}}0>1> appears. Press both buttons to confirm and reconnect your device.",
- "mcuBlueFirst": "Press and hold the side button for 10 seconds to turn off the device. Release the button.",
- "mcuBlueSecond": "Press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds until the Boot Options are displayed. Tap Bootloader Mode",
- "successTitle": "Firmware updated",
- "successTextApps": "Please re-install the apps on your device",
- "successTextNoApps": "You can now install apps on your device",
- "sucessCTAApps": "Re-install apps",
- "SuccessCTANoApps": "Install apps",
- "cancelReinstallCTA": "Install update",
- "resetSteps": {
- "first": "1. Reset your device",
- "connect": "Connect the {{deviceName}} to your computer using the USB cable.",
- "turnOn": "Press the button on the device to turn it on.",
- "falsePin": "Enter three wrong PINs to reset the device.",
- "turnOff": "Press and hold the side button until {{action}} is displayed.",
- "confirmTurnOff": "Tap {{action}} to confirm.",
- "second": "2. Boot in {{mode}} mode",
- "boot": "Press and hold the side button until {{option}} is displayed",
- "recoveryMode": "Tap {{mode}} Mode. Wait until the dashboard appears.",
- "third": "3. Uninstall all apps",
- "openLive": "Open the Manager in Ledger Live.",
- "uninstall": "Click on the grey trash icon for all apps currently installed on the {{deviceName}}. This makes room for the firmware installer.",
- "disclaimer": "Note: Your funds are not affected by this operation, the private keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Recovery sheet."
- }
- }
- },
- "claimReward": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "rewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned <1>{{amount}}1> by voting for validators.",
- "info": "Rewards can be claimed once every 24 hours."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards claimed",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance.",
- "cta": "View details",
- "done": "Done"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "resourceInfo": "Bandwidth or Energy?",
- "bandwidthDescription": "Bandwidth points are used to make transactions without paying TRX for network fees. Choose Bandwidth to increase your daily free transactions.",
- "energyDescription": "Energy points are required to execute smart contracts. If you don't run any smart contracts, there is no need to choose rewards in Energy.",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to freeze",
- "available": "Available: {{amountAvailable}}",
- "info": "Frozen assets cannot be sent for 3 days."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction is awaiting validation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a minute before being able to vote"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "textNRG": "You will start earning Energy once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "text": "You will start earning Bandwidth once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "votePending": "Vote in {{time}}",
- "vote": "Vote",
- "later": "Vote later"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "info": "Unfreezing will decrease your {{resource}} and will cancel your votes."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "text": "Your assets were unfrozen successfully. Your {{resource}} points will be decreased, and your votes will be cancelled.",
- "continue": "Continue"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "titleExisting": "Manage votes",
- "steps": {
- "castVotes": {
- "max": "MAX",
- "title": "Vote",
- "search": "Search by name or address...",
- "totalVotes": "Total votes: {{total}}",
- "selected": "Selected: {{total}}",
- "maxSelected": "Max selected: {{total}}",
- "allVotesAreUsed": "All assets are distributed",
- "maxUsed": "Insufficient assets",
- "validators": "Validators ({{total}})",
- "votes": "Available assets: {{total}}",
- "noResults": "No validator found for \"<0>{{search}}0>\"."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Your votes were cast successfully.",
- "text": "",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "buy": {
- "title": "Buy",
- "titleCrypto": "Buy {{currency}}",
- "buyCTA": "Buy {{currencyTicker}}",
- "withoutDevice": "Continue without my device",
- "connectWithoutDevice": "It's better to use your device for optimal security.",
- "skipConnect": "Continue without my device"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "Sell",
- "titleCrypto": "Sell {{currency}}"
- },
- "receive": {
- "title": "Receive",
- "successTitle": "Address shared securely",
- "steps": {
- "chooseAccount": {
- "title": "Account",
- "label": "Account to credit",
- "parentAccount": "1. Select {{currencyName}} account",
- "token": "2. Select a token",
- "verifyTokenType": "Please verify that <0>{{token}}0> is an <0>{{tokenType}}0> token. Any other crypto asset sent to an {{currency}} account may be lost.",
- "warningTokenType": "Please only send <0>{{ticker}}0> or <0>{{tokenType}}0> tokens to {{currency}} accounts. Sending other crypto assets may result in the permanent loss of funds."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device",
- "withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
- },
- "receiveFunds": {
- "title": "Receive"
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount received on a delegated account will be added to the total staked amount. Choose another account if you want to avoid this."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "send": {
- "title": "Send",
- "titleNft": "Send NFT",
- "totalSpent": "Total to debit",
- "steps": {
- "recipient": {
- "title": "Recipient",
- "nftRecipient": "NFT to send"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "banner": "Maximum spendable amount is",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "details": {
- "utxoLag": "This transaction may take long to verify and sign because the account has a significant number of coins.",
- "subaccountsWarning": "You will need to refill this account with {{ currency }} in order to send the tokens of this account",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
- "recipientAddress": "Recipient address",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "fees": "Network fees",
- "sendMax": "Send Max",
- "rippleTag": "Tag",
- "rippleTagPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "ethereumGasLimit": "Gas limit",
- "ethereumGasPrice": "Gas price",
- "unitPerByte": "{{unit}} per byte",
- "nft": "NFT",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "verification": {
- "streaming": {
- "accurate": "Loading... ({{percentage}})",
- "inaccurate": "Loading..."
- }
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount to be sent will be deducted from the balance of your delegated account."
- }
- }
- },
- "footer": {
- "estimatedFees": "Network fees"
- }
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Sign transaction"
- },
- "releaseNotes": {
- "title": "Release notes",
- "version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
- },
- "systemLanguageAvailable": {
- "title": "Change your app's language?",
- "description": {
- "newSupport": "Good news! our teams have been working hard and Ledger Live now supports {{language}}.",
- "advice": "You can always change your language back later in the settings."
- },
- "switchButton": "Switch to {{language}}",
- "no": "I prefer not to"
- },
- "distribution": {
- "asset": "Asset",
- "price": "Price",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "showAll": "Show all",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "header": "Asset allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "accountDistribution": {
- "account": "Account",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "header": "Account allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "elrond": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by MultiversX",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "MultiversX integration",
- "title": "MultiversX eGold (EGLD) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now safely secure your eGold (EGLD) tokens and manage them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The MultiversX eGold (EGLD) Token is native to the MultiversX Network and will be used for everything from transactions, staking, smart contracts, governance and validator rewards.",
- "description3": "We are actively working with the MultiversX team to add more functionality, such as staking, native ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token) support, and more.",
- "website": "The Internet Scale Blockchain"
- }
- }
- },
- "tron": {
- "voting": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can now earn rewards by freezing and voting.",
- "info": "How voting works",
- "votesDesc": "Cast your votes for one or more representatives to start earning staking rewards.",
- "vote": "Cast votes",
- "voteExisting": "Manage votes"
- },
- "manageTP": "Manage assets",
- "warnEarnRewards": "You need at least {{amount}} to start earning rewards",
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "nextRewardsDate": "Rewards can be claimed {{date}}",
- "claimAvailableRewards": "Claim {{amount}}",
- "header": "Votes",
- "percentageTP": "% of votes cast",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "remainingVotes": {
- "title": "You still have {{amount}} votes remaining",
- "description": "You can cast your remaining votes to earn more rewards",
- "button": "Vote now"
- },
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated assets stay yours.",
- "access": "You can unfreeze your assets after 3 days.",
- "ledger": "Freeze and vote securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "help": "How voting works",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your super representative."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze",
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn Bandwidth or Energy. You'll also be able to vote for Super Representatives."
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "description": "Unfreeze TRX to have them back in your available balance. You will no longer earn rewards."
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Vote",
- "description": "Cast votes for Super Representatives to earn rewards.",
- "steps": {
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "description": "Vote for one or more Super Representatives to start earning rewards.",
- "footer": {
- "doNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "next": "Cast Votes"
- },
- "info": {
- "message": "SR or Candidates?",
- "superRepresentative": {
- "title": "Super Representatives (SR)",
- "description": "Super Representatives play a key role in governing the TRON community by ensuring basic functions, e.g. block generation and bookkeeping."
- },
- "candidates": {
- "title": "Candidates",
- "description": "127 individuals elected through voting by the entire token holder community. Votes are updated once every 6 hours."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "bitcoin": {
- "inputSelected": "SELECTED",
- "toSpend": "Coins to spend",
- "toReturn": "Change to return",
- "modalTitle": "Coin control",
- "coincontrol": "Coin control",
- "advanced": "Advanced options",
- "ctaDisabled": "This account has no UTXO",
- "whatIs": "What is coin selection?",
- "rbf": "Allow the transaction to be replaced (Replace-By-Fee).",
- "strategy": "Coin selection strategy",
- "selected": "Coins selected for strategy",
- "amount": "Amount to send:",
- "replaceable": "replaceable",
- "cannotSelect": {
- "unconfirmed": "You cannot select coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "last": "You need at least one selected"
- },
- "pending": "pending",
- "pickUnconfirmedRBF": "Include coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "pickingStrategy": "UTXO picking strategy",
- "pickingStrategyLabels": {
- "DEEP_OUTPUTS_FIRST": "Oldest coins first (FIFO)",
- "OPTIMIZE_SIZE": "Minimize fees (optimize size)",
- "MERGE_OUTPUTS": "Minimize future fees (merge coins)"
- }
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "delegation": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn ATOM rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "header": "Delegation(s)",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "undelegate": "Undelegate",
- "redelegate": "Redelegate",
- "redelegateDisabledTooltip": "You can redelegate again <0>{{days}}0>",
- "redelegateMaxDisabledTooltip": "You cannot redelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "undelegateDisabledTooltip": "You cannot undelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "reward": "Claim rewards",
- "currentDelegation": "Delegated: <0>{{amount}}0>",
- "estYield": "est. yield",
- "activeTooltip": "Delegated amounts generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards",
- "minSafeWarning": "Not enough funds",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your ATOM assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available 21 days after undelegation"
- ],
- "warning": {
- "description": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- }
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validators"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "claimRewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "compound": "Compound",
- "claim": "Cash in",
- "compoundOrClaim": "Compound or cash in",
- "compoundDescription": "Rewards will be added to delegated amount",
- "claimDescription": "Rewards will be added to the available balance",
- "compoundInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0>. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically delegated to the same validator.",
- "claimInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> from the validator below. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically added to the available balance.",
- "selectLabel": "Select a delegation"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards cashed in successfully",
- "titleCompound": "Rewards compounded successfully",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "textCompound": "Your rewards <0>{{amount}}0> were automatically delegated to <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "redelegation": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Redelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Redelegation",
- "description": "Use redelegation to easily change from one validator to another. But if you change your mind again, you will then have to wait because redelegation triggers a 21-day timelock.",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately. You can have a maximum of <0>7 pending redelegations0>.",
- "howDelegationWorks": "How delegation works?"
- },
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "currentDelegation": "Current delegation",
- "newDelegation": "New delegation",
- "chooseValidator": "Choose a validator",
- "warning": "You will have to wait <0>21 days0> to redelegate from the new validator, if you change your mind again"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully redelegated your assets",
- "text": "The redelegation will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "undelegation": {
- "header": "Undelegation(s)",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 21-day timelock",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Undelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "subtitle": "The undelegation process takes <0>21 days0> to finalize.",
- "warning": "Rewards will be immediately cashed in. The undelegated amount will be back in the available balance after the <0>21-day timelock0>.",
- "fields": {
- "validator": "Validator",
- "amount": "Amount to undelegate"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully undelegated your assets.",
- "description": "<0>{{amount}}0> were undelegated from <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "algorand": {
- "operationHasRewards": "Rewards earned",
- "operationEarnedRewards": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> rewards.",
- "operationDetailsAmountBreakDown": "{{initialAmount}} (<0>+{{reward}}0> earned rewards)",
- "optIn": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Add ASA (Asset)",
- "steps": {
- "assets": {
- "title": "ASA (Asset)",
- "info": "Adding an asset requires sending a transaction with minimum fees. This will appear on your transaction history",
- "selectLabel": "Choose an ASA (Asset)",
- "disabledTooltip": "You already have this ASA (Asset) in your Algorand account"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "{{token}} asset successfully added",
- "text": "You can now receive and send <0>{{token}}0> assets on your Algorand account.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "header": "Rewards",
- "tooltip": "Algorand rewards are distributed regularly and are claimed automatically when you do a transaction.",
- "cta": "Claim rewards",
- "rewardsDisabledTooltip": "You don’t have any rewards. Algorand rewards are claimed automatically when you do a transaction. Receive ALGO to start earning rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Receive Algorand rewards simply for holding Algorand control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "A minimum balance of 1 ALGO is required to receive rewards.",
- "access": "Increase the account’s balance to increase rewards.",
- "ledger": "Perform a transaction to or from the account to claim rewards."
- },
- "learnMore": "How Algorand rewards work?",
- "button": {
- "cta": "Receive Algo"
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned {{amount}}. Click on Continue to claim your rewards",
- "info": "You will be prompted to generate an empty transaction to your account. This will add your current rewards to your balance at the minimal cost of the transaction fees."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards successfully claimed!",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "polkadot": {
- "lockedBalance": "Bonded",
- "lockedTooltip": "Assets must be bonded to nominated validators before earning rewards.",
- "unlockingBalance": "Unbonding",
- "unlockingTooltip": "Unbonding assets stay locked for 28 days before they can be withdrawn.",
- "unlockedBalance": "Unbonded",
- "unlockedTooltip": "Unbonded assets can now be moved using the withdraw operation.",
- "networkFees": "Network fees are automatically set by the Polkadot consensus, you won't be able to review them on your device",
- "bondedBalanceBelowMinimum": "Your bonded balance is below the current minimum of {{minimumBondBalance}}. Your nominations are at risk of being removed.",
- "nomination": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn rewards by bonding assets and then nominating your validator(s).",
- "info": "How nominations work"
- },
- "header": "Nominations",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "setController": "Change Controller",
- "chill": "Clear nominations",
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "amount": "Bonded Amount",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "This validator is elected and is collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "inactiveTooltip": "This validator is elected but is not collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "waiting": "Unelected",
- "waitingTooltip": "This validator is not elected, therefore is not collecting rewards.",
- "notValidator": "Not a validator",
- "notValidatorTooltip": "This address is no longer a validator",
- "elected": "Elected",
- "nominatorsCount": "{{nominatorsCount}} nominators",
- "nominatorsTooltip": "This validator is currently elected by {{count}} nominators.",
- "oversubscribed": "Oversubscribed ({{nominatorsCount}})",
- "oversubscribedTooltip": "Only the top {{maxNominatorRewardedPerValidator}} nominators with the highest bonded amount earn rewards",
- "hasPendingBondOperation": "A bond operation is still pending confirmation",
- "electionOpen": "The election of new validators is currently ongoing. As such, staking operations are not available for 15 minutes at most.",
- "electionOpenTooltip": "This operation is disabled during the election of validators",
- "externalControllerTooltip": "This account is controlled by another account.",
- "externalControllerUnsupported": "<0>This stash account is controlled by a separate account whose address is <0>{{controllerAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set this stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "externalStashTooltip": "This account controls another account.",
- "externalStashUnsupported": "<0>This account is the controller of a separate stash account whose address is <0>{{stashAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set your stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "showInactiveNominations": "Show all nominations ({{count}})",
- "hideInactiveNominations": "Show active nominations only",
- "noActiveNominations": "There are no active nominations.",
- "showAllUnlockings": "Show all unbonding amounts ({{count}})",
- "hideAllUnlockings": "Hide unbonding amounts"
- },
- "unlockings": {
- "header": "Unbonding",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 28-day unbonding period",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Withdraw ({{amount}})",
- "withdrawTooltip": "The unbonded amount will be credited to your available balance.",
- "noUnlockedWarning": "No unbonded balance to withdraw yet.",
- "rebond": "Rebond",
- "unbonded": "Unbonded"
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond",
- "description": "To earn rewards, first bond an amount. Then you must nominate your validator(s)."
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond",
- "description": "To make a bonded amount available again, first you need to unbond it. You can withdraw it after the 28-day unbonding period."
- },
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "To retrieve an unbonded amount back to the available balance, you need to withdraw it manually."
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "description": "Choose up to 16 validators. Ensure nominations are Active to earn rewards."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Remove all nominations. You will stop earning rewards. Your bonded amount remains bonded."
- }
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "steps": {
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "notValidatorsRemoved": "You have nominated {{count}} addresses who are no longer validators. They will automatically be removed from your nominate transaction.",
- "maybeChill": "Clear nominations instead"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully nominated validators",
- "text": "You will start earning rewards when your assets are bonded to your elected validator(s).",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond assets",
- "rewardDestination": {
- "label": "Rewards Destination",
- "stash": "Available Balance",
- "stashDescription": "Rewards are credited to your available balance.",
- "staked": "Bonded Balance",
- "stakedDescription": "Rewards are credited to your bonded balance for compound earning.",
- "optionTitle": "Note",
- "optionDescription": "Once set, the option is fixed for the lifetime of this bond. If you change your mind, please read the article down below"
- },
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by bonding your assets and then nominate your validators.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of bonded assets",
- "Nominate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available again, 28 days after unbonding"
- ],
- "help": "How nominations work",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your bonded assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to bond",
- "availableLabel": "Available",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Bonded assets can be unbonded at any time, but unbonding takes 28 days.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction awaiting confirmation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a moment before nominating"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully bonded",
- "text": "You can nominate validators once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "textNominate": "You will be able to nominate validators once the network has confirmed your transaction.",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "later": "Nominate later"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Bonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "rebond": {
- "title": "Rebond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to rebond",
- "availableLabel": "Unbonding",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Rebonded assets are immediately added to the bonded amount.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully rebonded",
- "text": "Your account balance will update once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Rebonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to unbond",
- "availableLabel": "Bonded",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn after the 28-day unbonding period.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Unbond transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn in 28 days.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Unbonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "simpleOperation": {
- "modes": {
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "After the 28-day unbonding period you can withdraw unbonded assets.",
- "info": "You can then withdraw unbonded assets to your available balance."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Clears all nominations and stops earning rewards.",
- "info": "Bonded assets will remain bonded. If you unbond them, they will be available after 28 days."
- },
- "setController": {
- "title": "Change Controller",
- "description": "Set this Ledger account as its own controller",
- "info": "Ledger Live doesn't support operations on separate stash and controller accounts."
- }
- },
- "steps": {
- "info": {
- "title": "Info"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "You will see your operation in history soon.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "solana": {
- "common": {
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation"
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "listHeader": "Delegations",
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "Active amount generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Inactive amount does not generate rewards",
- "delegatedInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is delegated to validators.",
- "withdrawableInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is withdrawable from delegations.",
- "withdrawableTitle": "Withdrawable",
- "statusUpdateNotice": "The status of the delegation will be updated when the transaction is confirmed.",
- "ledgerByFigmentTC": "Ledger by Figment T&Cs",
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn SOL rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "earnRewards": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your SOL assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": {
- "0": "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "1": "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "2": "Assets will be available after undelegation"
- },
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validator"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully withdrawn your assets.",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the transaction is confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "activate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Activate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully activated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "reactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Reactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully reactivated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "deactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Deactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully deactivated your delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "title": "Earn rewards",
- "header": "Delegation",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "yield": "Est. Yield",
- "address": "Address",
- "transactionID": "Transaction ID",
- "value": "Value",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "delegated": "Delegated",
- "completionDate": "Completion date",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "duration": "Duration",
- "durationJustStarted": "Just started",
- "durationDays": "{{count}} day",
- "durationDays_plural": "{{count}} days",
- "howItWorks": "How delegation works",
- "delegationEarn": "You can now earn {{name}} staking rewards by delegating your account.",
- "earnRewards": "Earn rewards",
- "overdelegated": "Overdelegated",
- "status": "Status",
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Earn staking rewards",
- "description": "Delegate your Tezos account to a third-party validator to earn staking rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated accounts stay yours.",
- "access": "You can access your assets at any time.",
- "ledger": "Delegate securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "button": {
- "cta": "Delegate to earn rewards"
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Account",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Summary",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate",
- "toUndelegate": "Account to undelegate",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "select": "Select",
- "yield": "Est. Yield {{amount}}",
- "randomly": "Randomly chosen validator",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your validator."
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Select validator",
- "description": "You can select a validator by comparing the estimated reward rates",
- "customValidator": "Custom validator",
- "providedBy": "Yield rates provided by <1><0>{{name}}0>1>"
- },
- "custom": {
- "title": "Custom validator",
- "text": "Please enter the address of the custom validator to delegate your account to.",
- "button": "Use validator"
- },
- "undelegate": {
- "title": "Undelegate account"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Delegation sent",
- "titleUndelegated": "End delegation",
- "text": "Delegation transaction broadcasted successfully. You should earn your first rewards within around 40 days, depending on the validator.",
- "textUndelegated": "Your account delegation will end once the operation is confirmed. You can delegate your account again at any time."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "topUp": "Receive more",
- "redelegate": "Change validator",
- "stopDelegation": "End delegation"
- }
- },
- "asset": {
- "notice": "Summary of all {{currency}} accounts"
- },
- "carousel": {
- "hidden": {
- "close": "Confirm",
- "undo": "Show again",
- "disclaimer": "This banner will not show up again until there is a new announcement"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Settings",
- "discreet": "Toggle discreet mode",
- "helpButton": "Help",
- "tabs": {
- "display": "General",
- "currencies": "Crypto assets",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About",
- "experimental": "Experimental features",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "developer": "Developer"
- },
- "export": {
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Export accounts",
- "desc": "Add your accounts in Ledger Live mobile. Your accounts will only synchronize with the blockchain, not between your mobile and desktop apps.",
- "button": "Export"
- },
- "operations": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Save a CSV file of your account operations on your computer."
- },
- "modal": {
- "button": "Done",
- "title": "Scan to export to mobile",
- "listTitle": "On the Ledger Live mobile app:",
- "step1": "Tap the + button in accounts",
- "step2": "Tap Import desktop accounts",
- "step3": "Scan the LiveQR code until the loader hits 100%"
- }
- },
- "display": {
- "language": "Display language",
- "languageDesc": "Set the language displayed in Ledger Live.",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "themeDesc": "Select the theme.",
- "counterValue": "Preferred currency",
- "counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
- "region": "Region",
- "regionDesc": "Choose your region to update formats of dates, time and currencies.",
- "stock": "Regional market indicator",
- "stockDesc": "Choose Western to display market increases in blue or Eastern to display them in red.",
- "carouselVisibility": "Carousel visibility",
- "carouselVisibilityDesc": "Enable visibility of the carousel on Portfolio"
- },
- "developer": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "You are now a developer !",
- "text": "Welcome to wonderland"
- },
- "debugApps": "Allow debug apps",
- "debugAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening debug tagged platform apps.",
- "experimentalApps": "Allow experimental apps",
- "experimentalAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening experimental tagged platform apps.",
- "catalogServer": "Set the catalog provider",
- "catalogServerDesc": "Switch between multiple platform apps sources",
- "enablePlatformDevTools": "Enable platform dev tools",
- "enablePlatformDevToolsDesc": "Enable opening platform apps dev tools window",
- "addLocalApp": "Add a local app",
- "addLocalAppDesc": "Browse local files and add a local app using a local manifest",
- "addLocalAppButton": "Browse",
- "runLocalAppDeleteButton": "Delete",
- "runLocalAppOpenButton": "Open",
- "enableLearnStagingUrl": "Learn page staging URL",
- "enableLearnStagingUrlDesc": "Enable the staging URL for the learn page."
- },
- "currencies": {
- "selectPlaceholder": "Select crypto asset",
- "desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
- "placeholder": "No settings for this asset",
- "confirmationsNb": "Number of confirmations",
- "confirmationsNbDesc": "Set the number of network confirmations for a transaction to be marked as confirmed."
- },
- "profile": {
- "password": "Password lock",
- "passwordDesc": "Set a password to secure the Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
- "passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
- "passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live when inactive.",
- "changePassword": "Change password",
- "softResetTitle": "Clear cache",
- "softResetDesc": "Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain.",
- "softReset": "Clear",
- "resetKYC": "Reset KYC data",
- "resetKYCDesc": "Erase all your Know your Customer data stored locally used to access third-party transaction provider.",
- "hardResetTitle": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction histories and settings.",
- "hardReset": "Reset",
- "analytics": "Analytics",
- "analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, the Ledger device type and firmware.",
- "reportErrors": "Bug reports",
- "reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger improve its products.",
- "launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
- "launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up a new device or restore an existing device. Accounts and settings are kept."
- },
- "help": {
- "version": "Version",
- "releaseNotesBtn": "Details",
- "termsBtn": "Read",
- "faq": "Ledger Support",
- "faqDesc": "If you have a problem, get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
- "terms": "Terms of Use",
- "termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
- "privacy": "Privacy Policy",
- "privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use them."
- },
- "experimental": {
- "disclaimer": "These are experimental features we provide on an \"as is\" basis for our tech savvy community to test. They may change, break or be removed at any time. By enabling them, you agree to use them at your own risk.",
- "features": {
- "experimentalCurrencies": {
- "title": "Experimental integrations",
- "description": "Use available experimental crypto assets integrations."
- },
- "experimentalLanguages": {
- "title": "Translation testing",
- "description": "Adds unreleased languages to the language list in the general settings tab."
- },
- "managerDevMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
- "description": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager."
- },
- "scanForInvalidPaths": {
- "title": "Extended account search",
- "description": "Scan for accounts with erroneous derivation paths. Please send potentially found assets to a regular account."
- },
- "experimentalExplorers": {
- "title": "Experimental Explorers API",
- "description": "Try an upcoming version of Ledger's blockchain explorers. Changing this setting may affect the account balance and synchronization as well as the send feature.\n(<0>0>)"
- },
- "keychainObservableRange": {
- "title": "Custom gap limit",
- "description": "Custom gap limit for all accounts. Increasing this value above its default value (20) scans more unused public addresses for coins. Advanced users only, this may break compatibility when restoring your accounts."
- },
- "forceProvider": {
- "title": "Manager provider",
- "description": "Changing the app provider in the Manager may make it impossible to install or uninstall apps on your Ledger device."
- },
- "testAnimations": {
- "title": "Test Lottie animations",
- "description": "Test all animations used in Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "hardResetModal": {
- "title": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "desc": "Reset Ledger Live to erase all settings and accounts on your computer. You can then choose your password and add your accounts back with your Ledger device. The private keys giving access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and are backed up by your recovery phrase.",
- "warning": "Resetting Ledger Live will erase your swap transaction history for all your accounts."
- },
- "softResetModal": {
- "title": "Clear cache",
- "desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys to access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
- },
- "resetFallbackModal": {
- "title": "User action required",
- "part1": "Could not delete cache folder. Please delete the folder manually:",
- "part2": "Click the Open folder button, the ",
- "part3": "app will close",
- "part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
- "part5": "Then you can restart the app normally."
- },
- "removeAccountModal": {
- "title": "Remove account",
- "desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Existing accounts can always be added again.",
- "delete": "Remove from Portfolio",
- "warning": "Removing this account will erase your swap transaction history associated to it."
- },
- "openUserDataDirectory": {
- "title": "View user data",
- "desc": "View the user data stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
- "btn": "View"
- },
- "repairDevice": {
- "title": "Repair your Ledger device",
- "descSettings": "Use this to restore your Ledger device if it froze during a firmware update.",
- "desc": "For Ledger Nano S users, please select the state displayed on your device. For Nano X and Blue users kindly refer to the help center.",
- "button": "Repair"
- },
- "exportLogs": {
- "title": "Save logs",
- "desc": "Saving Ledger Live logs may be needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
- "btn": "Save"
- },
- "accounts": {
- "hideEmptyTokens": {
- "title": "Hide empty token accounts",
- "desc": "Hide token accounts with zero balance on the Accounts page."
- },
- "tokenBlacklist": {
- "title": "Hidden tokens",
- "desc": "You can hide tokens by going to the parent account then right-clicking on the token and selecting 'Hide token'.",
- "count": "{{count}} token",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} tokens"
- },
- "hiddenNftCollections": {
- "title": "Hidden NFT Collections",
- "desc": "You can hide NFT Collections by right-clicking on the collection name and selecting 'Hide NFT Collection'.",
- "count": "{{count}} collection",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} collections"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "desc": "Set up your Bitcoin full node to synchronize and send transactions without using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- },
- "password": {
- "inputFields": {
- "newPassword": {
- "label": "New password"
- },
- "confirmPassword": {
- "label": "Confirm password"
- },
- "currentPassword": {
- "label": "Current password"
- }
- },
- "changePassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Change your password"
- },
- "setPassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Set the password",
- "desc": "Keep your password safe. Losing it means resetting Ledger Live and adding the accounts again."
- },
- "disablePassword": {
- "title": "Disable password lock",
- "desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
- }
- },
- "update": {
- "downloadInProgress": "Downloading update...",
- "downloadProgress": "{{progress}}% completed",
- "checking": "Checking update...",
- "checkSuccess": "Update ready to install",
- "quitAndInstall": "Install now",
- "updateAvailable": "Update to Ledger Live version {{version}} is available",
- "error": "Error during update. Please download again",
- "reDownload": "Download again",
- "nightlyWarning": "This version cannot auto-update. Please install the latest version manually",
- "downloadNow": "Download update"
- },
- "crash": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check our support articles for possible solutions. If the problem persists, save the logs using the button below and provide them to Ledger Support.",
- "troubleshooting": "Click here for possible solutions",
- "logs": "Save logs",
- "dataFolder": "View user data"
- },
- "exportOperationsModal": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Select the accounts for which to save the operation history",
- "descSuccess": "The CSV file of your operation history was saved successfully in the selected folder",
- "titleSuccess": "Operation history saved successfully",
- "cta": "Save",
- "ctaSuccess": "Done",
- "noAccounts": "No accounts to export",
- "selectedAccounts": "Accounts to be included",
- "selectedAccounts_plural": "Accounts to be included ({{count}})",
- "disclaimer": "The countervalues in the export is provided for information purposes only. Do not rely on such data for accounting, tax, regulation or legal purposes, as they only represent an estimation of the price of the assets at the time of transactions and export, under the valuation methods provided by our service provider, Kaiko"
- },
- "language": {
- "system": "Use system language",
- "switcher": {
- "en": "English",
- "fr": "French",
- "ru": "Russian",
- "es": "Spanish",
- "zh": "Chinese",
- "de": "German"
- }
- },
- "theme": {
- "system": "Select the system theme",
- "light": "Light",
- "dusk": "Dusk",
- "dark": "Dark"
- },
- "toastOverlay": {
- "toastType": {
- "announcement": "News",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "achievement": "Achievement Unlocked"
- },
- "groupedToast": {
- "text": "You have {{count}} unread notifications",
- "cta": "See details"
- }
- },
- "informationCenter": {
- "tooltip": "Information center",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip": "There is {{count}} ongoing incident",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip_plural": "There are {{count}} ongoing incidents",
- "tabs": {
- "announcements": "News",
- "announcementsUnseen": "News ({{unseenCount}})",
- "serviceStatus": "Status",
- "serviceStatusIncidentsOngoing": "Status ({{incidentCount}})"
- },
- "serviceStatus": {
- "statusOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is up and running",
- "description": "Having trouble ? Go on our <0>help page0>"
- },
- "statusNotOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is experiencing issues",
- "learnMore": "Learn more"
- }
- },
- "announcement": {
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No news for the moment",
- "desc": "You will find here all the news related to Ledger and Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "onboarding": {
- "drawers": {
- "pinHelp": {
- "title": "Secure your PIN code",
- "intro": "During the setup process you choose a PIN code.",
- "rules": {
- "1": "<0>Always0> choose a PIN code yourself.",
- "2": "<0>Always0> enter your PIN code out of sight.",
- "3": "You can change your PIN code if needed.",
- "4": "Three wrong PIN code entries in a row will reset the device.",
- "5": "<0>Never0> use an easy PIN code like 0000, 123456, or 55555555.",
- "6": "<0>Never0> share your PIN code with someone else. Not even with Ledger.",
- "7": "<0>Never0> use a PIN code you did not choose yourself.",
- "8": "<0>Never0> store your PIN code on a computer or phone."
- }
- },
- "recoverySeed": {
- "title1": "How does a recovery phrase work?",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase works like a unique master key. Your Ledger device uses it to calculate private keys for every crypto asset you own.",
- "paragraph2": "To restore access to your crypto, any wallet can calculate the same private keys from your recovery phrase.",
- "link": "More about the recovery phrase",
- "title2": "What happens if I lose access to my Nano?",
- "paragraph3": "Don't worry and follow these steps:",
- "points": {
- "1": "Get a new hardware wallet.",
- "2": "Select “Restore recovery phrase on a new device” in the Ledger app",
- "3": "Enter your recovery phrase on your new device to restore access to your crypto."
- }
- },
- "whereToHide": {
- "title": "Where should I keep my recovery phrase?",
- "points": {
- "1": "<0>NEVER0> enter it on a computer, smartphone or any other device. Don't take a picture of it.",
- "2": "<0>NEVER0> share your 24 words with anyone.",
- "3": "<0>ALWAYS0> store it in a secure place, out of sight.",
- "4": "Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.",
- "5": "If any person or application asks for it, assume it is a scam!"
- }
- }
- },
- "modals": {
- "recoverySeedWarning": {
- "contactSupportCTA": "Contact Support",
- "continueCTA": "Continue",
- "title": "Please check the box contents",
- "description": "If your {{device}} came with a PIN code or recovery phrase, it’s not safe to use and you should contact Ledger Support.",
- "alert": "Only use a recovery phrase that your device displayed when it was set up"
- }
- },
- "alerts": {
- "beCareful": {
- "title": "Please be careful",
- "descr": "Make sure you follow the instructions on this app at every step of the process.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- },
- "useLedgerSeeds": {
- "title": "We recommend Ledger recovery phrases only",
- "descr": "Ledger cannot guarantee the security of external recovery phrases. We recommend setting up your Nano as a new device if your recovery phrase was not generated by a Ledger.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "screens": {
- "welcome": {
- "title": "Welcome to Ledger",
- "description": "Safely manage your crypto from your computer.",
- "cta": "Get started",
- "noDevice": "No device? <0>Buy a Ledger Nano X0>",
- "languageWarning": {
- "title": "Get started in {{language}}",
- "desc": "We are introducing additional languages in order to help your onboarding with Ledger. Please be aware that the rest of the Ledger experience is currently only available in English.",
- "cta": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "selectDevice": {
- "title": "What's your device?"
- },
- "selectUseCase": {
- "greetings": "Hello!",
- "hasNoRecovery": "First time using your {{deviceName}}?",
- "hasRecovery": "Already have a recovery phrase?",
- "separator": "or",
- "switchDevice": "Switch device",
- "options": {
- "1": {
- "heading": "First use",
- "title": "Set up a new {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Let’s start and set up your device!"
- },
- "2": {
- "heading": "Connect device",
- "title": "Connect your {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Is your device already set up? Connect it to the app!"
- },
- "3": {
- "heading": "Restore device",
- "title": "Restore your recovery phrase on a new device",
- "description": "Use an existing recovery phrase to restore your private keys on a new {{deviceName}}!"
- }
- }
- },
- "tutorial": {
- "steps": {
- "getStarted": "Get started",
- "pinCode": "Pin code",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery phrase",
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase",
- "pairNano": "Connect nano"
- },
- "screens": {
- "importYourRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Restore from recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Restore your Nano from your recovery phrase to restore, replace or back up your Ledger hardware wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano will restore your private keys and you will be able to access and manage your crypto.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "howToGetStarted": {
- "title": "The best way to get you started:",
- "rules": {
- "1": "Plan 30 minutes and take your time.",
- "2": "Grab a pen to write with.",
- "3": "Stay alone, and choose a safe and quiet environment."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Set up as new device”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo2": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Enter your recovery phrase”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "pinCode": {
- "title": "PIN code",
- "paragraph": "Your PIN code is the first layer of security. It physically secures access to your private key and your Nano. Your PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that I must choose my PIN code myself and keep it private.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Set up PIN code",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizSuccess": {
- "title": "Already a pro!",
- "paragraph": "You are ready to safely manage your crypto.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizFailure": {
- "title": "You will soon become a pro...",
- "paragraph": "Don’t worry, Ledger is here to guide you through your journey. You will soon feel extra comfortable about your crypto safety.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "pinCodeHowTo": {
- "setUp": {
- "title": "Choose PIN code",
- "descr": "Press the left or right button to change digits. Press both buttons to validate a digit. Select <0>0> to confirm your PIN code. Select <1>1> to erase a digit."
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm PIN code",
- "descr": "Enter your PIN code again to confirm it."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "existingRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is the secret list of words that you backed up when you first set up your wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Ledger does not keep a copy of your recovery phrase.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose my recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Enter recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- },
- "warning": {
- "title": "Do not use a recovery phrase that you have not generated yourself.",
- "desc": "Your Ledger hardware wallet’s pin code and recovery phrase should be initialized by you and only you. If you have received a device with a pre-existing seed word or an already initialized pin code do not use the product and contact our customer support.",
- "supportLink": "Contact customer support"
- }
- },
- "useRecoverySheet": {
- "takeYourRecoverySheet": {
- "title": "Take your recovery sheet",
- "descr": "Grab a blank Recovery sheet, included with your Nano. Please reach out to Ledger Support if the Recovery sheet did not come blank."
- },
- "writeDownWords": {
- "title": "Write down 24 words",
- "descr": "Write Word #1 displayed on your Nano in position 1 of your Recovery sheet. Then press right on your Nano to display Word #2 and write it down in position 2.\n\nRepeat the process for all words while carefully respecting the order and spelling. Press left on your Nano to check for any mistakes."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "newRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is a secret list of 24 words that backs up your private keys.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano generates a unique recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep a copy of it.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose this recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo": {
- "grabRecovery": {
- "title": "Grab your recovery phrase"
- },
- "selectLength": {
- "title": "Select recovery phrase length",
- "descr": "Your recovery phrases can have 12, 18 or 24 words. You must enter all words to access your crypto."
- },
- "enterWord": {
- "title": "Enter Word #1...",
- "descr": "Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter."
- },
- "validateWord": {
- "title": "Validate Word #1...",
- "descr": "Choose Word #1 from the suggestions. Press both buttons to validate."
- },
- "andNext": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo3": {
- "reEnterWord": {
- "title": "Confirm your recovery phrase",
- "descr": "Scroll through the words until you find Word #1 by pressing the right button. Validate by pressing both buttons."
- },
- "repeat": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "genuineCheck": {
- "success": {
- "title": "All good!",
- "desc": "Your Ledger {{deviceName}} is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Continue",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Hide your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph": "Your recovery phrase is your last chance to access your crypto if you cannot use your Nano. You must keep it in a safe place.",
- "keepItOffline": "Enter these words on a hardware wallet only, not on computers or smartphones.",
- "neverShowToAnyone": "Never share your 24 words with anyone, not even with Ledger.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I'm done!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help",
- "learn": "Learn how to hide it"
- }
- },
- "pairMyNano": {
- "title": "Genuine check",
- "paragraph": "We'll verify whether your Nano is genuine. This should be quick and easy!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Check my Nano",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "pedagogy": {
- "heading": "basics",
- "screens": {
- "accessYourCoins": {
- "title": "Access your crypto",
- "description": "Your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You need a private key to access and manage them."
- },
- "ownYourPrivateKey": {
- "title": "Own your private key",
- "description": "Your private key is stored within your Nano. You must be the only one to own it to be in control of your money."
- },
- "stayOffline": {
- "title": "Stay offline",
- "description": "Your Nano works as a \"cold storage\" wallet. This means that it never exposes your private key online, even when using the app."
- },
- "validateTransactions": {
- "title": "Validate transactions",
- "description": "Ledger Live allows you to buy, sell, manage, exchange and earn crypto while remaining protected. You will validate every crypto transaction with your Nano."
- },
- "setUpNanoWallet": {
- "title": "Let’s set up your Nano!",
- "description": "We'll start by setting up your Nano security.",
- "CTA": "Let’s do this!"
- }
- }
- },
- "quizz": {
- "heading": "Quiz",
- "title": "Now game on!",
- "descr": "Answer 3 simple questions to avoid common misconceptions about your hardware wallet.",
- "buttons": {
- "start": "Let’s take the quiz",
- "next": "Next question",
- "finish": "Finish quiz"
- },
- "questions": {
- "1": {
- "text": "As a Ledger user, my crypto is stored:",
- "answers": {
- "1": "On my Nano",
- "2": "On the blockchain"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "text": "If my recovery phrase is no longer secure or private...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "No problem, Ledger can send me a copy",
- "2": "My crypto is no longer safe and I need to transfer them to a secure place"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "text": "When I connect my Nano to the Ledger app, my private key is...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "Still offline",
- "2": "Briefly connected to the internet"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "connectTroubleshooting": {
- "desc": "Having trouble connecting your device?",
- "cta": "Fix it",
- "solution": "Solution #{{number}}",
- "applesInstructions": "Apple’s instructions",
- "nextSolution": "Next solution",
- "previousSolution": "Previous solution",
- "followSteps": "Follow these steps",
- "supportArticle": "Support article",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "connected": "Connected!",
- "backToPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio",
- "steps": {
- "entry": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot USB connection",
- "desc": "There seems to be a problem connecting to your device. Don’t worry, you can try different solutions one by one until your device connects!",
- "cta": "Let’s fix it!",
- "back": "Go back"
- },
- "1": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Run Ledger Live as Administrator",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Quit Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Right-click the Ledger Live application.",
- "2": "Select “Run as Administrator”.",
- "3": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "linux": {
- "title": "Update the udev rules on Linux",
- "desc": "Click the button below to add the udev rules. Then connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "cta": "Set Rules",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Enter the following command in a terminal to automatically add the rules and reload udev.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "usbPort": {
- "title": "Try different USB ports",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Change the USB port used on your computer.",
- "1": "Remove any USB dongles.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "usbCable": {
- "title": "Change the USB cable",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Use the original USB cable if possible.",
- "1": "Try a different USB cable, making sure it supports data transfer.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "restart": {
- "title": "Restart your computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Restart your computer.",
- "1": "Start Ledger Live.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "antiVirus": {
- "title": "Turn off Anti-virus and VPN",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Turn off any anti-virus, firewall, and VPN software.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "2": "Whitelist Ledger Live in your anti-virus if that worked."
- }
- },
- "anotherComputer": {
- "title": "Try another computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Go to <0>{{link}}0> on another computer to download and install Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Update the USB device drivers",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Visit this <0>{{link}}0>",
- "1": "Follow the instructions to update USB device drivers.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it's detected."
- }
- },
- "mac": {
- "0": {
- "title": "Enable Full Disk Access",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Open “System Preferences”.",
- "1": "Go to “Security & Privacy”.",
- "2": "In the “Privacy” tab, go to “Full Disk Access” in the left column.",
- "3": "Add “Ledger Live”.",
- "4": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "1": {
- "title": "Reset NVRAM",
- "link": "Apple’s instructions",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "If your Mac has an intel processor, follow <0>{{link}}0> to reset the NVRAM.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "4": {
- "deviceSelection": {
- "title": "What’s your device?",
- "desc": "If you have a Nano S, you can try repairing your devices Firmware. For Nano X and Blue users, kindly contact Ledger support"
- },
- "notFixed": {
- "title": " USB connection problem still not fixed?",
- "desc": "If you've tried every possible solution, please reach out to Ledger Support. Otherwise, please follow the instructions of any solution you haven’t tried yet.",
- "back": "Back to portfolio",
- "cta": "Contact Support"
- },
- "repair": {
- "title": "Repair your Nano S",
- "desc": "What is the message displayed on your device?",
- "mcuOutdated": "MCU firmware is outdated",
- "mcuNotGenuine": "MCU firmware is not genuine",
- "repairInstructions": "Follow device repair instructions",
- "updateInstructions": "Follow device update instructions",
- "somethingElse": "Something else"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "SignMessageConfirm": {
- "stringHash": "Message Hash",
- "domainHash": "Domain Hash",
- "messageHash": "Message Hash",
- "message": "Message"
- },
- "TransactionConfirm": {
- "title": "Please confirm the operation on your device to finalize it",
- "warning": "Always verify the address displayed on your device exactly matches the one given by the {{recipientWording}}",
- "secureContract": "Verify the deposit details on your device before sending it. The contract address is provided securely so you don’t have to verify it.",
- "verifyData": "Always verify the operation details on your device.",
- "warningWording": {},
- "titleWording": {
- "send": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimReward": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "freeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unfreeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "vote": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "delegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "undelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "redelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimRewardCompound": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "nominate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "chill": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "bond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unbond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "rebond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "setController": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation"
- },
- "recipientWording": {
- "send": "recipient",
- "delegate": "validator",
- "undelegate": "validator",
- "claimReward": "rewards recipient",
- "optIn": "recipient",
- "nominate": "validator",
- "erc721": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- },
- "erc1155": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- }
- },
- "votes": "Votes ({{count}})"
- },
- "RecipientField": {
- "placeholder": "Enter {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "Terms": {
- "title": "Terms of use",
- "description": "Please take some time to review our Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "termsLabel": "Terms of service",
- "privacyLabel": "Privacy policy",
- "switchLabel": "I have read and accept the Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "cta": "Enter Ledger app"
- },
- "families": {
- "stellar": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoType": {
- "MEMO_TEXT": "Memo Text",
- "NO_MEMO": "No Memo",
- "MEMO_ID": "Memo ID",
- "MEMO_HASH": "Memo Hash",
- "MEMO_RETURN": "Memo Return"
- },
- "memoWarningText": "When using a Memo, carefully verify the type used with the recipient"
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- },
- "solana": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional"
- }
- },
- "errors": {
- "NoSuchAppOnProvider": {
- "title": "The {{appName}} app cannot be found for your specific configuration.",
- "description": "Try reinstalling the app from the Manager"
- },
- "countervaluesUnavailable": {
- "title": "We're not able to provide a countervalue for this asset at the moment"
- },
- "generic": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "AccountAwaitingSendPendingOperations": {
- "title": "There is a pending operation for this account.",
- "description": "Wait for the operation to go through."
- },
- "AccountNameRequired": {
- "title": "An account name is required",
- "description": "Please enter an account name"
- },
- "AccountNeedResync": {
- "title": "Please try again",
- "description": "Account is outdated. A synchronisation is needed"
- },
- "AccountNotSupported": {
- "title": "Account not supported.",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Support ({{reason}})"
- },
- "AlgorandASANotOptInInRecipient": {
- "title": "Recipient account has not opted in the selected ASA."
- },
- "AmountRequired": {
- "title": "Amount required"
- },
- "NoAccessToCamera": {
- "title": "Please ensure your system has a camera, that it is not in use by another application and that Ledger Live has permission to use it.",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ClaimRewardsFeesWarning": {
- "title": "The rewards are smaller than the estimated fees to claim them",
- "description": ""
- },
- "CompoundLowerAllowanceOfActiveAccountError": {
- "title": "You cannot reduce the amount approved while having an active deposit."
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInternal": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #1)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTxDecode": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #2)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidSequence": {
- "title": "Invalid sequence",
- "description": "Please try the operation again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnauthorized": {
- "title": "Unauthorized signature",
- "description": "This account is not authorized to sign this transaction"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFunds": {
- "title": "Insufficient funds",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownRequest": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #6)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Invalid address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidPubKey": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #8)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownAddress": {
- "title": "Unknown address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientCoins": {
- "title": "Insufficient coins",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidCoins": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #11)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeOutOfGas": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #12)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeMemoTooLarge": {
- "title": "The Memo field is too long",
- "description": "Please reduce the size of the memo text and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFee": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #14)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTooManySignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #15)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeGasOverflow": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #16)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeNoSignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #17)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CurrencyNotSupported": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} is not supported",
- "description": "This crypto asset is not yet supported. Please contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "DeviceNotGenuine": {
- "title": "Possibly not genuine",
- "description": "Request assistance from Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
- "description": null
- },
- "DeviceInOSUExpected": {
- "title": "Sorry, update failed",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceHalted": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again"
- },
- "DeviceNotOnboarded": {
- "title": "Your device is not ready to use yet",
- "description": "Set up your device before using it with Ledger Live."
- },
- "DeviceSocketFail": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. ({{message}})"
- },
- "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
- "title": "The connection failed",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "EnpointConfig": {
- "title": "Invalid endpoint",
- "description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
- },
- "FeeEstimationFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
- "description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
- },
- "FirmwareOrAppUpdateRequired": {
- "title": "Firmware or app update required",
- "description": "Please use the Manager to uninstall all apps then check if a firmware update is available before reinstalling them"
- },
- "LatestFirmwareVersionRequired": {
- "title": "Update Nano Firmware",
- "description": "Please update your devices Firmware to the latest version to access this feature"
- },
- "FirmwareNotRecognized": {
- "title": "Device firmware is not recognized",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "HardResetFail": {
- "title": "Sorry, could not reset",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
- "title": "Sorry, there's nothing to update",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support if you cannot use your device."
- },
- "LedgerAPI4xx": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please check your connection and try again or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "LedgerAPI5xx": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again.",
- "description": "The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {{message}}"
- },
- "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
- "title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
- "title": "Sorry, that's already installed",
- "description": "Please check which apps are already installed on your device."
- },
- "ManagerAppDepInstallRequired": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app required",
- "description": "If the {{dependency}} app is already installed, please reinstall it with the latest version"
- },
- "ManagerAppDepUninstallRequired": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "You must first uninstall all apps that require the {{appName}} app"
- },
- "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
- "title": "Your device is locked",
- "description": "Please unlock it"
- },
- "ManagerFirmwareNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Uninstall all apps from your device",
- "description": "The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device and must be backed up on your Recovery sheet."
- },
- "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Sorry, not enough storage left",
- "description": "Uninstall some apps to free up space. The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device."
- },
- "ManagerQuitPage": {
- "install": {
- "title": "Finish app installation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app installation. Please finish the installation to install the apps in the queue.",
- "stay": "Finish install"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Finish app uninstallation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app uninstallations in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish uninstalling"
- },
- "update": {
- "title": "Finish app updates in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app updates in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish updates"
- },
- "quit": "Quit Manager"
- },
- "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
- },
- "NetworkDown": {
- "title": "Sorry, internet seems to be down",
- "description": "Please check your internet connection."
- },
- "NoAddressesFound": {
- "title": "Sorry, no accounts were found",
- "description": "Something went wrong with the address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalance": {
- "title": "Sorry, insufficient funds",
- "description": "Please make sure the account has enough funds."
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
- "title": "Recipient address is inactive. Send at least {{minimalAmount}} to activate it"
- },
- "NotEnoughGas": {
- "title": "The parent account balance is insufficient for network fees"
- },
- "PasswordsDontMatch": {
- "title": "The Passwords don't match",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "PasswordIncorrect": {
- "title": "The password entered is incorrect",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "QuantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "The quantity needs to be greater than 0"
- },
- "RPCHostRequired": {
- "title": "Host is required."
- },
- "RPCHostInvalid": {
- "title": "Enter valid host."
- },
- "RPCUserRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Username is required"
- },
- "RPCPassRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Password is required"
- },
- "SatStackAccessDown": {
- "title": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack and your node are running. Check the full node setup in the Settings if the problem persists."
- },
- "SatStackStillSyncing": {
- "title": "Node sync in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait while your node is syncing. Sending is not possible since your Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect."
- },
- "SatStackVersionTooOld": {
- "title": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "SatStackDescriptorNotImported": {
- "title": "Account not scanned by full node",
- "description": "Please configure your full node to scan for the accounts associated with this device. Your full node must first scan the blockchain for this account before you can add it to your portfolio."
- },
- "SwapGenericAPIError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "The exchange transaction did not go through. Please try again or contact support."
- },
- "TimeoutError": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "TimeoutTagged": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond ({{tag}})",
- "description": "Timeout occurred."
- },
- "TransportError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportRaceCondition": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportStatusError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "DeviceShouldStayInApp": {
- "title": "Please open the {{appName}} app",
- "description": "Keep the {{appName}} app open while we find your accounts"
- },
- "UnexpectedBootloader": {
- "title": "Sorry, your device must not be in Bootloader mode",
- "description": "Please restart your device without touching the buttons when the logo appears. Contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "UserRefusedAllowManager": {
- "title": "Manager denied on device"
- },
- "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
- "title": "Update cancelled on device",
- "description": "All apps on your device have been uninstalled. Keep your device up to date to benefit from improvements in security and functionality."
- },
- "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Action rejected",
- "description": "User rejected the operation on the device"
- },
- "TransactionRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Operation denied on device",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UserRefusedAddress": {
- "title": "Receive address rejected",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UpdateYourApp": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "DeviceOnDashboardExpected": {
- "title": "Return to the Dashboard",
- "description": "Please navigate back to the Dashboard on your device"
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionError": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection error)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection closed)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check that your hardware wallet is set up with the recovery phrase or passphrase associated to the selected account."
- },
- "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "InvalidAddress": {
- "title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseAlreadyDelegated": {
- "title": "Your account is already delegated to this validator"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseDestinationIsAlsoSource": {
- "title": "Recipient address is the same as the sender address"
- },
- "CantOpenDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, connection failed",
- "description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "ETHAddressNonEIP": {
- "title": "Auto-verification not available: carefully verify the address",
- "description": null
- },
- "EthAppNftNotSupported": {
- "title": "Operation not available for this device",
- "description": "Send NFT feature is only available for Nano X. Please visit our customer support platform to know how to send a NFT with a Nano S."
- },
- "CantScanQRCode": {
- "title": "Couldn't scan this QR code: auto-verification not supported by this address"
- },
- "FeeNotLoaded": {
- "title": "Couldn't load fee rates. Please set manual fees"
- },
- "FeeRequired": {
- "title": "Fees are required"
- },
- "GasLessThanEstimate": {
- "title": "This may be too low. Please increase"
- },
- "UnknownMCU": {
- "title": "Unknown MCU version",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "MCUNotGenuineToDashboard": {
- "title": "Access dashboard to update",
- "description": "",
- "list": {
- "1": "Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable without pressing any buttons.",
- "2": "Press both buttons together three times to display the Dashboard.",
- "3": "Open the Manager and click Update firmware."
- }
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountReceive": {
- "title": "Cannot receive in subaccounts",
- "description": "If you want to receive funds, please use the parent account"
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountSend": {
- "title": "Cannot send from subaccounts yet",
- "description": "This feature will be added at a later stage due to changes recently introduced by the Babylon update."
- },
- "RecommendUndelegation": {
- "title": "Please undelegate the account before emptying it"
- },
- "RecommendSubAccountsToEmpty": {
- "title": "Please empty all subaccounts first"
- },
- "NotSupportedLegacyAddress": {
- "title": "This legacy address format is no longer supported"
- },
- "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
- "title": "That's the wrong app",
- "description": "Open the '{{managerAppName}}' app on your device"
- },
- "DeviceNameInvalid": {
- "title": "Please choose a device name without '{{invalidCharacters}}'"
- },
- "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
- "title": "Bitcoin and Ethereum apps required",
- "description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first."
- },
- "UserRefusedDeviceNameChange": {
- "title": "Rename cancelled on device",
- "description": "Try again and allow renaming on your device"
- },
- "SyncError": {
- "title": "Synchronization error",
- "description": "Some accounts could not be synchronized."
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForBandwidth": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Bandwidth"
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForEnergy": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Energy"
- },
- "TronUnfreezeNotExpired": {
- "title": "Unfreeze is not available yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 3 days after your last Freeze operation"
- },
- "TronVoteRequired": {
- "title": "At least 1 vote is needed"
- },
- "TronInvalidVoteCount": {
- "title": "Vote format is incorrect",
- "description": "You can only vote using round numbers"
- },
- "TronRewardNotAvailable": {
- "title": "Reward is not claimable yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 24 hours between claims"
- },
- "TronNoReward": {
- "title": "There is no reward to claim"
- },
- "TronInvalidFreezeAmount": {
- "title": "Amount to freeze cannot be lower than 1"
- },
- "TronSendTrc20ToNewAccountForbidden": {
- "title": "Sending TRC20 to a new account won't activate it",
- "description": "The recipient account must be activated prior to sending TRC20 to it. Send either TRX or TRC10 to an account to activate it."
- },
- "TronUnexpectedFees": {
- "title": "Additional fees may be applied"
- },
- "TronNotEnoughTronPower": {
- "title": "Not enough votes available"
- },
- "TronTransactionExpired": {
- "title": "Transaction has expired",
- "description": "Signature must be applied within 30 seconds. Please try again."
- },
- "TronNotEnoughEnergy": {
- "title": "Not enough Energy to send this token"
- },
- "PairingFailed": {
- "title": "Pairing unsuccessful",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "GenuineCheckFailed": {
- "title": "Genuine check failed",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "EthAppPleaseEnableContractData": {
- "title": "Please enable contract data in the Ethereum app settings"
- },
- "InvalidXRPTag": {
- "title": "Invalid XRP Destination tag"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceToDelegate": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughDelegationBalance": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceInParentAccount": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance in the parent account"
- },
- "quantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "Quantity needs to be at least 1"
- },
- "NotEnoughSpendableBalance": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumAmount}}"
- },
- "WrongAppForCurrency": {
- "title": "Please open the {{expected}} app"
- },
- "FeeTooHigh": {
- "title": "Network fees are above 10% of the amount"
- },
- "StellarWrongMemoFormat": {
- "title": "Memo format is wrong"
- },
- "SourceHasMultiSign": {
- "title": "Please disable multisign to send {{currencyName}}"
- },
- "StellarMemoRecommended": {
- "title": "A memo may be required when sending to this recipient"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooLow": {
- "title": "Amount must be at least {{minAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooHigh": {
- "title": "Amount must be less than {{maxAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "PolkadotElectionClosed": {
- "title": "Validators election must be closed"
- },
- "PolkadotNotValidator": {
- "title": "Some selected addresses are not validators"
- },
- "PolkadotLowBondedBalance": {
- "title": "All bonded assets will be unbonded if < 1 DOT"
- },
- "PolkadotNoUnlockedBalance": {
- "title": "You have no unbonded assets"
- },
- "PolkadotNoNominations": {
- "title": "You have no nominations"
- },
- "PolkadotAllFundsWarning": {
- "title": "Ensure you have enough balance left for future transaction fees"
- },
- "PolkadotDoMaxSendInstead": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumBalance}}. Send max to empty account."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmount": {
- "title": "You must bond at least {{minimumBondAmount}}."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmountWarning": {
- "title": "You bonded balance should be at least {{minimumBondBalance}}."
- },
- "PolkadotMaxUnbonding": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the unbond limit"
- },
- "PolkadotValidatorsRequired": {
- "title": "You must select at least one validator"
- },
- "ServiceStatusWarning": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": ""
- },
- "TaprootNotActivated": {
- "title": "Sending to a taproot address is unsafe before mainnet activation"
- },
- "SolanaAccountNotFunded": {
- "title": "Account not funded"
- },
- "SolanaMemoIsTooLong": {
- "title": "Memo is too long. Max length is {{maxLength}}"
- },
- "SolanaAddressOfEd25519": {
- "title": "Address off ed25519 curve"
- },
- "NotEnoughNftOwned": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the number of available tokens"
- }
- },
- "cryptoOrg": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by Crypto.org",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "Crypto.org integration",
- "title": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now start to manage your Crypto.org (CRO) tokens and secure them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is native to the Crypto.org chain and is used for everything from transactions, staking and many upcoming features.",
- "website": "Cryptocurrency in every wallet"
- }
- },
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- }
diff --git a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/pl/app.json b/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/pl/app.json
deleted file mode 100644
index df2f81a1de16..000000000000
--- a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/pl/app.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4340 +0,0 @@
- "calendar": {
- "today": "Today",
- "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "transactionDate": "Transaction date"
- },
- "platform": {
- "flows": {
- "requestAccount": {
- "title": "Select an account"
- },
- "broadcast": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "Transaction sent !",
- "text": "Click here to see operation details"
- }
- }
- },
- "app": {
- "informations": {
- "title": "Information",
- "website": "Website"
- }
- },
- "catalog": {
- "title": "Discover",
- "branch": {
- "soon": "coming soon",
- "experimental": "experimental",
- "debug": "debug"
- },
- "banner": {
- "title": "Discover our Live Apps Catalog",
- "description": "We're working hard to bring you access to the world of DeFi, NFTs and more, securely, right inside Ledger Live!"
- },
- "twitterBanner": {
- "description": "Tell us what’s the next service you want to see on Ledger Live with the hashtag",
- "tweetText": "The next Ledger App should be..."
- },
- "pollCTA": {
- "title": "Poll",
- "description": "Which service do you want to see in Ledger Live?",
- "button": "Let’s vote!"
- },
- "developerCTA": {
- "title": "For Developers",
- "description": "All the information you need to integrate your applications on Ledger Live.",
- "button": "Go to portal"
- }
- },
- "disclaimer": {
- "title": "External Application",
- "description": "You are about to be redirected to an application not operated by Ledger.",
- "legalAdvice": "This application is not operated by Ledger. Ledger is not responsible for any loss of funds or quality of service of such application.\n\nAlways make sure to carefully verify the information displayed on your device.",
- "checkbox": "Do not remind me again.",
- "CTA": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "never": "Never",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "done": "Done",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "reject": "Reject",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "getSupport": "Get support",
- "delete": "Remove account from portfolio",
- "launch": "Launch",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "help": "Help",
- "needHelp": "Need help?",
- "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
- "selectAccount": "Select an account",
- "selectAccountNoOption": "No account matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectCurrency": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectCurrencyNoOption": "No crypto asset \"{{currencyName}}\"",
- "selectValidatorNoOption": "No validator matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectNoResults": "No results found matching \"{{query}}\"",
- "sortBy": "Sort by",
- "save": "Save",
- "lock": "Lock",
- "showMore": "Show more",
- "back": "Back",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "retry": "Retry",
- "range": "Range",
- "stop": "Stop",
- "updateNow": "Update now",
- "close": "Close",
- "eastern": "Eastern",
- "western": "Western",
- "reverify": "Re-verify",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "verifyMyAddress": "Verify my address",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "addressCopied": "Address copied",
- "addressCopiedSuspicious": "Mismatch between the copied address and the one in the clipboard.",
- "experimentalFeature": "Experimental",
- "information": "Information",
- "search": "Search...",
- "searchWithoutEllipsis": "Search",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Welcome back",
- "subTitle": null,
- "description": "Enter your password to continue",
- "inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
- "lostPassword": "I lost my password"
- },
- "sync": {
- "syncing": "Synchronizing...",
- "upToDate": "Synchronized",
- "outdated": "Paused",
- "needsMigration": "Click to update account",
- "error": "Synchronization error",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "devTools": "Dev tools"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "info": "Info",
- "connectDevice": "Connect your device"
- },
- "devices": {
- "nanoS": "Nano S",
- "nanoSP": "Nano S Plus",
- "nanoX": "Nano X",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "operation": {
- "type": {
- "IN": "Received",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "NFT_IN": "NFT Received",
- "NFT_OUT": "NFT Sent",
- "CREATE": "Created",
- "REVEAL": "Revealed",
- "DELEGATE": "Delegated",
- "REDELEGATE": "Redelegated",
- "UNDELEGATE": "Undelegated",
- "SUPPLY": "Deposited",
- "REDEEM": "Withdrawn",
- "APPROVE": "Approved",
- "VOTE": "Voted",
- "FREEZE": "Frozen",
- "UNFREEZE": "Unfrozen",
- "REWARD": "Claimed reward",
- "FEES": "Fees",
- "OPT_IN": "Opt in",
- "OPT_OUT": "Opt out",
- "CLOSE_ACCOUNT": "Close account",
- "BOND": "Bond",
- "UNBOND": "Unbond",
- "REWARD_PAYOUT": "Reward",
- "SLASH": "Slash",
- "WITHDRAW_UNBONDED": "Withdrawal",
- "NOMINATE": "Nomination",
- "CHILL": "Clear nominations",
- "SET_CONTROLLER": "Set controller"
- }
- },
- "byteSize": {
- "bytes": "{{size}} bytes",
- "kbUnit": "{{size}} KB",
- "mbUnit": "{{size}} MB"
- },
- "time": {
- "minute": "Minute",
- "minute_plural": "Minutes",
- "hour": "Hour",
- "hour_plural": "Hours",
- "range": {
- "day": "1D",
- "week": "1W",
- "month": "1M",
- "year": "1Y",
- "all": "ALL"
- }
- },
- "fees": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "fast": "Fast",
- "high": "High",
- "low": "Low",
- "slow": "Slow",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "feesAmount": "Fees Amount"
- },
- "sidebar": {
- "card": "Card",
- "learn": "Learn",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "stars": "Starred accounts",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "manager": "Manager",
- "exchange": "Buy / Sell",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "lend": "Lend",
- "catalog": "Discover",
- "market": "Market"
- },
- "stars": {
- "placeholder": "Star an account to display it here.",
- "tooltip": "Star account"
- },
- "bridge": {
- "modalTitle": "Open Device Bridge",
- "openHeader": "Expose your Device accounts through WebSocket",
- "openDescription": "Opening a bridge exposes all of your accounts to third party applications.",
- "openedHeader": "{{appName}} bridge opened",
- "openedDescription": "You can now access your {{appName}} account on third party web application through WebSocket.",
- "completeHeader": "Bridge session completed",
- "completeDescription": "The websocket bridge is now closed.",
- "openButton": "Open",
- "disconnectButton": "Disconnect"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History",
- "kyc": "KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "ratesDrawer": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "quote": "Quote",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "details": {
- "label": {
- "provider": "provider",
- "rate": "rate",
- "fees": "network fees",
- "target": "target account"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "provider": "lorem ipsum",
- "rate": "lorem ipsum",
- "fees": "lorem ipsum"
- },
- "noAccount": "Create an account to receive {{name}}",
- "noAccountCTA": "Add account"
- },
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "max": "Max",
- "accountPlaceholder": "Select source",
- "currencyDisabledTooltip": "This currency is not available for swap yet"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To"
- },
- "notAvailable": {
- "title": "Swap is not available yet in your area",
- "content": "Have a little more patience,
we will launch this feature very soon"
- },
- "providers": {
- "kyc": {
- "required": "You need to complete your KYC",
- "complete": "Complete KYC",
- "update": "Refresh KYC",
- "rejected": "KYC rejected, start the verification again",
- "status": {
- "pending": "KYC pending",
- "approved": "KYC approved",
- "closed": "KYC rejected"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- },
- "export": "Export operations",
- "exporting": "Exporting..."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Your information has been submitted for approval",
- "subtitle": "It usually takes a few minutes for the review to be completed.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC",
- "info": "Identity verification: Submitted"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "exchangeDrawer": {
- "title": "Confirm your Exchange",
- "completed": {
- "title": "Transaction broadcast successfully",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed and for the provider to process and send your {{targetCurrency}}.",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "seeDetails": "See details"
- }
- }
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "titleCrypto": "Swap {{currency}}",
- "whatIsSwap": "What is Swap",
- "paraswap": {
- "cta": " Check it out",
- "description": "Looking for Paraswap? It has been moved to the Discover tab."
- },
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- }
- },
- "landing": {
- "title": "Swap your assets",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "sorry": "Service temporarily unavailable, or not available in your country"
- },
- "missingApp": {
- "title": "Please install the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and install {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "outdatedApp": {
- "title": "Please update the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and update {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "providers": {
- "title": "Choose a provider to swap crypto",
- "learnMore": "What is Swap?",
- "kycRequired": "KYC Required",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "kyc": {
- "notAvailable": "{{provider}} is unavailable in your location",
- "status": {
- "required": "KYC Required",
- "pending": "KYC Pending",
- "approved": "KYC Approved!",
- "closed": "KYC Rejected"
- }
- }
- },
- "ip": {
- "title": "Welcome to Swap",
- "subtitle": "Exchange crypto assets directly from your Ledger device.",
- "disclaimer": "By continuing, you accept that your location data will be shared with third party service providers in order for them to comply with their AML/KYC procedures."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Pending approval",
- "subtitle": "Your information was submitted for approval by Wyre.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "form": {
- "resetKYC": "Reset your KYC and Update Live to Swap with Wyre",
- "resetKYCCTA": "Reset KYC",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to send",
- "currency": "Crypto asset"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to receive",
- "currency": "Crypto asset",
- "addAccountCTA": "Add new account"
- },
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "floatUnavailable": "Floating rate not supported for this pair",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate",
- "fixedUnavailable": "Fixed rate not supported for this pair",
- "floatDesc": "Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.",
- "fixedDesc": "Your amount will stay the same even if the market changes. Updates every 60 seconds.",
- "by": "Provided by"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "helpCTA": "What is Swap?",
- "bubble": "We use a fixed rate, this is the exact amount you will receive.",
- "noAccounts": "You don't have {{currencyName}} accounts with balance",
- "noApp": "{{currencyName}} app not installed.",
- "outdatedApp": "{{currencyName}} app update available.",
- "loadingRates": "Loading rates..."
- },
- "unauthorizedRatesModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live needs an update",
- "subtitle": "Please update Ledger Live to the latest version, and re verify your identity to swap with wyre",
- "cta": "Reset verification"
- },
- "resetKYCModal": {
- "title": "Delete your KYC",
- "subtitle": "Delete your KYC to erase all tokens stored locally on your computer. You will have to resubmit your KYC to access services provided by our partners.",
- "cta": "Confirm"
- },
- "modal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "toExchange": "Amount to send",
- "toReceive": "Amount to receive",
- "terms": "Terms & Conditions",
- "disclaimer": {
- "description": "By clicking \"Confirm\", I acknowledge and accept that this service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s",
- "acceptedDescription": "This service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s"
- },
- "details": {
- "provider": "Provider",
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Type",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate"
- },
- "address": "Address"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "title": "App checks"
- },
- "finished": {
- "title": "Pending",
- "subtitle": "Swap broadcast successfully ",
- "swap": "Your Swap ID:",
- "seeDetails": "See details",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. It may take up to an hour before you receive your {{targetCurrency}}."
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetailsModal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "txid": "Swap ID",
- "status": "Status",
- "statusTooltips": {
- "expired": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "refunded": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "pending": "Please wait while the swap provider is processing the transaction.",
- "onhold": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID to solve the situation.",
- "finished": "Your swap was completed successfully."
- },
- "date": "Date",
- "from": "From",
- "fromAddress": "Origin address",
- "fromAddress_plural": "Origin addresses",
- "to": "To",
- "toProvider": "Provider address",
- "initialAmount": "Initial amount",
- "creditedAmount": "Credited amount"
- }
- },
- "lottieDebugger": {
- "buttonTitle": "Test"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "status": "Status",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "checkNodeSettings": "Verify node settings",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "modal": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect full node",
- "steps": {
- "landing": {
- "header": "Start your full node. Don’t trust, verify.",
- "description": "A Bitcoin full node validates all transactions and blocks, allowing you to use Bitcoin in a trustless way while contributing to the Bitcoin network.",
- "list": {
- "item1": "Set up Bitcoin Core on a device with sufficient resources.",
- "item2": "Wait for your node to fully synchronize.",
- "item3": "Make note of your node RPC credentials, IP address, and port number."
- },
- "disclaimer": "Running a full node requires a computer with sufficient resources and a broadband connection without data restrictions."
- },
- "node": {
- "title": "Node",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Enter your node parameters",
- "disclaimer": "Your full node must be fully synchronized before connecting Ledger Live.",
- "fields": {
- "nodeHost": {
- "title": "Host",
- "tooltip": "Leave as default if node runs on this computer, or replace the node IP address and port number."
- },
- "rpcCredentials": {
- "title": "RPC Credentials",
- "tooltip": "Enter the RPC username and password of your node, found in the bitcoin.conf file.",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
- },
- "tls": {
- "title": "Use TLS",
- "tooltip": "Enable Transport Layer Security, for example, when using a hosted node solution."
- }
- }
- },
- "connecting": {
- "header": "Testing node connection",
- "description": "Please wait while we check if your full node is responding."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Full node connection successful",
- "description": "You can now configure your full node to scan for your accounts on the blockchain."
- },
- "failure": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please ensure your node is fully synchronized and verify its connection settings."
- }
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "pending": {
- "header": "Getting accounts from device",
- "description": "Please wait while the accounts to scan are added to the node configuration file."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Accounts added to node configuration",
- "description": "A configuration file was saved to the user data folder. It enables Ledger SatStack to connect to your full node and let it scan for your accounts on the blockchain.",
- "cta": "View user data"
- }
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "existing": "Existing accounts to scan",
- "toScan": "Accounts to scan",
- "toScanDescription": "Accounts to scan for each address type",
- "toScanTooltip": "Increase only if you have 10+ BTC accounts. Initial scan will be slower. "
- },
- "satstack": {
- "title": "SatStack",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Download and run Ledger SatStack",
- "description": "Ledger SatStack is a small application enabling Ledger Live to talk to your full node. Please download and run it before you continue.",
- "disclaimer": "SatStack must be running for Ledger Live to connect to your full node. Consider setting it to launch automatically when your computer boots.",
- "cta": "Download SatStack"
- },
- "satstack-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach SatStack",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack is running on this computer."
- },
- "satstack-outdated": {
- "header": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "node-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that your node is reachable and that the connection settings you entered are correct."
- },
- "invalid-chain": {
- "header": "invalid-chain title",
- "description": "invalid-chain description for tooltip"
- },
- "initializing": {
- "header": "Loading",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ready": {
- "header": "Ready",
- "description": "The full node is fully synced. Your Bitcoin account balances are now correct."
- },
- "syncing": {
- "header": "Node sync in progress…",
- "description": "Recent transactions may not yet be visible, so Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect. If possible, run your node continuously to keep it in sync."
- },
- "scanning": {
- "header": "Account scan in progress...",
- "description": "You can add your accounts once the account scan is completed. Any Bitcoin accounts previously added through Ledger's explorers were removed."
- }
- }
- },
- "disconnect": {
- "cta": "Disconnect",
- "description": "Are you sure? Disconnecting the full node will remove all Bitcoin accounts. You can add your accounts again using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "lastOperations": "Latest operations",
- "contractAddress": "Contract:",
- "openInExplorer": "Open in explorer",
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No crypto assets yet?",
- "desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving",
- "descToken": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving <3><0>{{ticker}}0>3> and <5><0>{{tokenList}}0> tokens5>",
- "buttons": {
- "receiveFunds": "Receive",
- "buy": "Buy"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Edit account",
- "advancedLogs": "Advanced",
- "advancedTips": "Your xpub is privacy-sensitive data. Use with caution, especially when disclosing to third parties.",
- "accountName": {
- "title": "Account name",
- "desc": "Description of the account"
- },
- "unit": {
- "title": "Unit",
- "desc": "Choose the unit to be used"
- }
- },
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "frozenAssets": "Frozen assets",
- "bandwidth": "Bandwidth",
- "energy": "Energy",
- "stake": "Stake",
- "delegatedAssets": "Delegated assets",
- "undelegating": "Undelegating",
- "availableBalanceTooltip": "This amount is disposable.",
- "frozenAssetsTooltip": "Frozen assets are used in the Tron voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "bandwidthTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain bandwidth",
- "energyTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain energy",
- "delegatedAssetsTooltip": "Delegated assets are used in the Cosmos voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "undelegatingTooltip": "Undelegated assets are in a timelock of 21 days, before being available."
- },
- "exchange": {
- "chooseProvider": "Choose from {{providerCount}} provider",
- "chooseProviders": "Choose from {{providerCount}} providers",
- "title": "Buy and sell crypto",
- "reset": "Reset flow",
- "verifyAddress": "Please confirm the address displayed exactly matches the one shown on your device",
- "buy": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Choose a provider to buy crypto",
- "buyFrom": "Buy from anywhere",
- "cryptoSupported": "crypto supported",
- "payWith": "Pay with card or SEPA",
- "tab": "Buy",
- "coinify": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with {{provider}}",
- "title": "Buy crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "addAccount": "Add account"
- }
- },
- "sell": {
- "header": "Sell crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Sell crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "tab": "Sell",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "lend": {
- "title": "Lend crypto",
- "tabs": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "opened": "Opened loans",
- "closed": "Closed loans",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "assets": "Assets to lend",
- "active": "Approved accounts",
- "lendAsset": "Lend",
- "account": {
- "amountSupplied": "Amount deposited",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount lent to the network",
- "currencyAPY": "Currency APY",
- "currencyAPYTooltip": "Yearly return rate of a deposit that’s continuously compounded",
- "accruedInterests": "Accrued interest",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest generated on your lent assets",
- "interestEarned": "Interest earned",
- "interestEarnedTooltip": "Interest you have earned after withdrawal",
- "openLoans": "Open loans",
- "closedLoans": "Closed loans",
- "amountRedeemed": "Amount withdrawn",
- "date": "Date",
- "info": "You can lend assets directly from your {{currency}} account and earn interest.",
- "howCompoundWorks": "How does lending on Compound work?",
- "lend": "Deposit {{currency}}"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "active": {
- "title": "Lending",
- "description": "You can lend assets directly from your Ethereum accounts and earn interest.",
- "cta": "How does lending on Compound work?"
- },
- "closed": {
- "title": "Your closed loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "opened": {
- "title": "Your opened loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "history": {
- "title": "History",
- "description": "View the history of all your loan transactions.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- }
- },
- "headers": {
- "active": {
- "accounts": "Account",
- "amountSupplied": "Open loan",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount deposited in the network",
- "accruedInterests": "Interest balance",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest being earned on loans",
- "status": "Account status",
- "actions": "Actions"
- },
- "status": {
- "enablingTooltip": "Your transaction is broadcasting",
- "toSupplyTooltip": "You can now supply your assets"
- },
- "types": {
- "enabling": "Enabling",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "supplying": "Supplying",
- "earning": "Earning"
- },
- "closed": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amountRedeemed": "Withdrawal amount",
- "interestsEarned": "Interest earned",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "opened": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "accruedInterest": "Accrued interest",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "rates": {
- "allAssets": "Asset",
- "totalBalance": "Asset balance",
- "totalBalanceTooltip": "Amount available to lend",
- "currentAPY": "Deposit APY",
- "currentAPYTooltip": "Annual return rate earned on a continuously compounded deposit",
- "actions": "Actions"
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "cta": "Manage lending",
- "title": "Manage loan",
- "enable": {
- "approve": "Approve",
- "manageLimit": "Manage limit",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "info": "You have approved <0>{{amount}}0> on this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "infoNoLimit": "You have fully approved this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "approvedWithLimit": "You have approved <0>{{value}}0> on this account.",
- "enabling": "You can deposit assets once the account approval is confirmed.",
- "notEnabled": "You need to approve this account before being able to lend assets.",
- "notEnoughApproved": "You must increase the limit approved on your account to lend."
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit",
- "description": "Enter the amount of assets to lend to the protocol."
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "Withdraw assets from the protocol to your Ledger account."
- }
- },
- "enable": {
- "title": "Approve account",
- "steps": {
- "selectAccount": {
- "title": "Select account",
- "selectLabel": "Account to lend from",
- "cta": "Approve",
- "alreadyEnabled": "This account is approved"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "summary": "I grant access to <0>{{contractName}}0> smart contract on my account <0>{{accountName}}0> for a <0>{{amount}}0> amount",
- "limit": "limited {{amount}}",
- "noLimit": "no limit {{assetName}}",
- "contractName": "Compound {{currencyName}}",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to approve",
- "amountLabelTooltip": "This limits the amount available to the smart contract."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Operation sent successfully",
- "text": "The approval was sent to the network for confirmation. You’ll be able to issue loans once it is confirmed.",
- "done": "Close",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountToWithdraw": "Amount to withdraw",
- "withdrawAll": "Withdraw Max",
- "placeholder": "Withdraw Max",
- "maxWithdrawble": "Maximum amount to withdraw is"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Withdrawal sent successfully",
- "text": "Your assets will be available once the network has confirmed the withdrawal.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "tooltip": {
- "amountWithdrawn": "The amount withdrawn is displayed in {{ tokenName }}. {{ tokenName }} are ERC20 tokens that you earn after lending assets."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "terms": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "subtitle": "Lend assets on the Compound protocol",
- "description": "The Compound protocol allows you to lend and borrow assets on the Ethereum network. You can lend assets and earn interest directly from your Ledger acccount.",
- "switchLabel": "<1>I have read and agree with the 1><0>Terms of Use0><1>.1>"
- },
- "steps": {
- "title": "Step <0>{{step}} / {{total}}0>",
- "1": {
- "subtitle": "Approve an account to allow the protocol to",
- "subtitle2": "process future loans.",
- "description": "You need to authorize the Compound smart contract to transfer up to a certain amount of assets to the protocol. Approving an account gives permission to the protocol to process future loans."
- },
- "2": {
- "subtitle": "Supply assets to earn interest",
- "description": "Once an account is approved, you can select the amount of assets you want to lend and issue a transaction to the protocol. Interests accrue immediately after the transaction is confirmed."
- },
- "3": {
- "subtitle": "Withdraw assets at any time",
- "description": "You can withdraw your assets and earned interest at any time, partially or entirely, directly from your Ledger account."
- }
- }
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountToSupply": "Amount to deposit",
- "maxSupply": "Maximum amount to lend is"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Deposit sent successfully",
- "text": "You will start earning interest once the network has confirmed the deposit.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "noEthAccount": {
- "title": "Please create an ETH account",
- "description": "<0>{{ asset }}({{ ticker }})0> is an Ethereum ERC-20 token. To lend {{ ticker }}, install the Ethereum app and create an Ethereum account",
- "cta": "Add account"
- },
- "emptyAccountDeposit": {
- "title": "You don't have a {{ asset }} account.",
- "description": "In order to deposit funds and lend crypto you need a {{ asset }} account. Please Receive funds on your Ethereum address.",
- "ctaBuy": "Buy {{ asset }}",
- "ctaReceive": "Receive {{ asset }}"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "noResultFound": "No accounts found.",
- "order": {
- "name|asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name|desc": "Name Z-A",
- "balance|asc": "Lowest Balance",
- "balance|desc": "Highest Balance"
- },
- "range": {
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "all": "All"
- },
- "optionsMenu": {
- "title": "Options",
- "exportOperations": "Export operation history",
- "exportToMobile": "Export to mobile"
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "star": "Star",
- "receive": "Receive",
- "send": "Send",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "buy": "Buy",
- "sell": "Sell",
- "edit": "Edit account",
- "hideToken": "Hide token"
- }
- },
- "help": {
- "title": "Help & Support",
- "gettingStarted": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "desc": "Start here"
- },
- "status": {
- "title": "Ledger Status",
- "desc": "Check our system status"
- },
- "helpCenter": {
- "title": "Ledger Support",
- "desc": "Get help"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "desc": "Learn crypto"
- },
- "facebook": {
- "title": "Facebook",
- "desc": "Like our page"
- },
- "twitter": {
- "title": "Twitter",
- "desc": "Follow us"
- },
- "github": {
- "title": "Github",
- "desc": "Review our code"
- }
- },
- "blacklistToken": {
- "title": "Hide token",
- "desc": "This action will hide all <1><0>{{tokenName}}0>1> accounts, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide token"
- },
- "hideNftCollection": {
- "title": "Hide NFT Colection",
- "desc": "This action will hide all NFTs from the <1><0>{{collectionName}}0>1> collection, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide NFT Collection"
- },
- "banners": {
- "cleanCache": {
- "title": "Modification of experimental settings require a clear cache",
- "cta": "Clear cache"
- },
- "migrate": "Ledger Live accounts update available",
- "genericTerminatedCrypto": "{{coinName}} is not supported anymore",
- "valentine": {
- "title": "Valentine’s day",
- "description": "As a proof of our love, Ledger is reducing buy & sell fees on Ledger Live"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "description": "Everything you need to know about blockchain, security, cryptocurrency and your Ledger device",
- "cta": "Start learning"
- },
- "stakeCosmos": {
- "title": "Staking with COSMOS",
- "description": "Delegate your ATOM coins through the account page and earn rewards today",
- "cta": "Stake Cosmos now"
- },
- "buyCrypto": {
- "title": "Buy Crypto",
- "description": "Purchase crypto assets through our partner and receive them directly in your Ledger account",
- "cta": "Buy now"
- },
- "familyPack": {
- "title": "Family pack",
- "description": "Get your family and friends into crypto with 3 Nano S at a discounted price",
- "cta": "Buy family pack"
- },
- "polkaStake": {
- "title": "POLKADOT staking",
- "description": "You can now stake, secure and manage your DOT directly in Ledger Live"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "sell crypto",
- "description": "Sell Bitcoin with our partner directly from Ledger Live"
- },
- "stakeAlgorand": {
- "title": "Staking with ALGORAND",
- "description": "Make the most of your ALGO. Simply add funds to your accounts and earn staking rewards today."
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap crypto",
- "description": "Exchange one crypto for another from Ledger Live with our partner."
- },
- "lending": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "description": "Lend stablecoins to the Compound protocol and earn interests today"
- },
- "blackfriday": {
- "title": "BLACK FRIDAY ",
- "description": "Enjoy 40% off Ledger hardware wallets with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY20"
- }
- },
- "signmessage": {
- "title": "Sign message",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Device"
- }
- }
- },
- "walletconnect": {
- "titleAccount": "Wallet Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "connected": "Connected",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "invalidAccount": "Invalid account id",
- "steps": {
- "paste": {
- "title": "Paste link",
- "label": "Wallet Connect address",
- "placeholder": "Paste Wallet Connect Link"
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Connect",
- "details": "Wants to connect to the following account through your wallet :",
- "deeplinkDetails": "Wants to connect to Ledger Live. Choose your account:",
- "noAccount": "You don't have any compatible account. Please add an compatible account to use Wallet Connect.",
- "alreadyConnected": "You are trying to connect to a dApp while having another one already connected. Please disconnect from the connected dApp before reconnecting Live with a new dApp."
- }
- },
- "connectedscreen": {
- "info": "You can now access the {{name}} dApp on your web browser.",
- "warning": "Sharing receive addresses from dApps is not secure. Always use Ledger Live when sharing your address to receive funds.",
- "disconnected": "There is a connection problem between the dApp, WalletConnect and Ledger Live. Wait a few moments or relaunch the connection"
- }
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Portfolio",
- "emptyAccountTile": {
- "desc": "Add accounts to manage other crypto assets",
- "createAccount": "Add account"
- },
- "recentActivity": "Latest operations",
- "totalBalance": "Total balance",
- "transactionsPendingConfirmation": "Some transactions are not confirmed yet. These will be reflected in your balance and useable after being confirmed."
- },
- "currentAddress": {
- "title": "Current address",
- "for": "Address for <1><0>{{name}}0>1>",
- "messageIfUnverified": "Verify that the shared address exactly matches the one on your device",
- "messageIfSkipped": "Your {{name}} address was not confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for security.",
- "showQrCode": "Show QR Code",
- "taprootWarning": "Make sure the sender supports taproot"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Install apps on your device",
- "desc": "Go to the Manager to install apps on your device. You can add accounts once you have apps on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "installApp": "Go to Manager",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Add an account to get started",
- "desc": "Add an account to start managing your crypto assets. You must have the app for your crypto asset installed on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "installApp": "Go to Manager to install apps",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- }
- },
- "genuinecheck": {
- "deviceInBootloader": "Device in Bootloader mode. Click on <1>Continue1> to update it."
- },
- "learn": {
- "title": "Learn",
- "noConnection": "No connection",
- "noConnectionDesc": "It seems you don't have access to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.",
- "sectionShows": "Shows",
- "sectionVideo": "Video",
- "sectionPodcast": "Podcast",
- "sectionArticles": "Articles"
- },
- "market": {
- "title": "Market",
- "currency": "Currency",
- "rangeLabel": "Time",
- "goBack": "Go back",
- "filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
- "show": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "isLedgerCompatible": "Ledger Live Compatible",
- "isFavorite": "Starred Assets",
- "applyFilters": "Apply filters",
- "clearAll": "Clear all"
- },
- "marketList": {
- "crypto": "Crypto",
- "price": "Price",
- "change": "Change",
- "marketCap": "Market cap",
- "last7d": "Last 7 days"
- },
- "detailsPage": {
- "priceStatistics": "Price stats",
- "tradingVolume": "Trading volume",
- "24hLowHight": "24h Low / 24h High",
- "7dLowHigh": "7d Low / 7d High",
- "allTimeHigh": "All time high",
- "allTimeLow": "All time low",
- "marketCapRank": "Market cap rank",
- "marketCapDominance": "Market cap dominance",
- "supply": "Supply",
- "circulatingSupply": "Circulating supply",
- "totalSupply": "Total supply",
- "maxSupply": "Max supply",
- "assetNotSupportedOnLedgerLive": "This asset is not supported on Ledger Live.",
- "supportedCoinsAndTokens": "Supported coins & Tokens"
- },
- "range": {
- "1H_label": "1H",
- "1D_label": "1D",
- "1W_label": "1W",
- "1M_label": "1M",
- "1Y_label": "1Y",
- "1h": "1h",
- "24h": "24h",
- "7d": "7d",
- "30d": "30d",
- "1y": "1y",
- "1H_selectorLabel": "Last 1 hour",
- "1D_selectorLabel": "Last 24 hours",
- "1W_selectorLabel": "last week",
- "1M_selectorLabel": "Last month",
- "1Y_selectorLabel": "Last year"
- },
- "warnings": {
- "connectionError": "Connection Error",
- "ledgerUnableToRetrieveData": "Ledger Live is unable to retrieve data.",
- "checkInternetAndReload": "Please check your internet connection and reload this page.",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "noCryptosFound": "No coins found",
- "noSearchResultsFor": "Sorry, we did not find any coins for <0>{{search}}0>. Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "noSearchResults": "Sorry, we did not find any search results.",
- "retrySearchKeyword": "Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "retrySearchParams": "Please retry the search with another parameters.",
- "trackFavAssets": "Track your favourite",
- "clickOnStarIcon": "Clicking on the star icon next to an asset will automatically add them to your favorites.",
- "browseAssets": "Browse assets"
- }
- },
- "NFT": {
- "viewer": {
- "actions": {
- "send": "Send",
- "open": "Open in {{viewer}}"
- },
- "attributes": {
- "properties": "Properties",
- "description": "Description",
- "tokenAddress": "Token Address",
- "tokenId": "Token ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- }
- },
- "collections": {
- "title": "NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Collections",
- "receiveCTA": "Receive NFT",
- "galleryCTA": "See Gallery",
- "seeMore": "See more collections",
- "seeAll": "See all collections",
- "seeLess": "See less"
- },
- "gallery": {
- "title": "All NFT",
- "collection": {
- "header": {
- "sendCTA": "Send",
- "contract": "Contract: {{contract}}"
- },
- "operationList": {
- "header": "Latest Operations",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "IN": "Received"
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "item": {
- "tokenId": "ID: {{tokenId}}"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "title": "Tokens",
- "cta": "Add token",
- "placeholder": "To add tokens, simply send them to your {{currencyName}} address.",
- "link": "Learn more",
- "seeTokens": "Show tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 token",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} tokens",
- "algorand": {
- "title": "ASA (Assets)",
- "cta": "Add ASA",
- "placeholder": "You can add assets to your {{currencyName}} account.",
- "link": "How Assets (ASA) works?",
- "seeTokens": "Show ASA ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide ASA ({{tokenCount}})"
- }
- },
- "subAccounts": {
- "title": "Subaccounts",
- "seeSubAccounts": "Show subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideSubAccounts": "Hide subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 subaccount",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} subaccounts"
- },
- "migrateAccounts": {
- "overview": {
- "title": "Ledger Live accounts update",
- "successTitle": "Accounts updated successfully",
- "successDescPlu": "Your {{assets}} accounts are now updated and ready to use",
- "successDesc": "Your {{assets}} account is now updated and ready to use",
- "mobileTitle": "Export accounts to mobile",
- "mobileDesc": "Click the button below to export your updated accounts to the Ledger Live mobile app.",
- "mobileCTA": "Export to mobile",
- "description": "New features in Ledger Live require an update of your accounts.",
- "currency": "1 {{currency}} account needs to be updated:",
- "currency_plural": "{{count}} {{currency}} accounts need to be updated:",
- "footer": "You need your Ledger Device to complete the update",
- "pendingDevices": "1 account could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "pendingDevices_plural": "{{totalMigratableAccounts}} accounts could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "doItLaterBtn": "Do it later"
- },
- "progress": {
- "finished": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update completed",
- "description": ""
- },
- "scanning": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait for your accounts to be updated"
- },
- "finished-empty": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update incomplete",
- "description": "No {{currencyName}} accounts to update"
- }
- },
- "cta": {
- "startUpdate": "Start update",
- "nextCurrency": "Continue with {{currency}} update"
- }
- },
- "addAccounts": {
- "title": "Add accounts",
- "breadcrumb": {
- "informations": "Crypto asset",
- "connectDevice": "Device",
- "import": "Accounts",
- "finish": "Confirmation"
- },
- "fullNodeReadyInfo": "Accounts will be added using your Bitcoin full node.",
- "fullNodeConfigure": "Configure node",
- "tokensTip": "{{token}} ({{ticker}}) is an {{tokenType}} token. You can receive tokens directly on an {{currency}} account.",
- "accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Add existing accounts",
- "selectAll": "Select all ({{count}})",
- "unselectAll": "Deselect all ({{count}})",
- "noAccountToImport": "No existing {{currencyName}} accounts to add",
- "success": "Account added successfully",
- "success_plural": "Accounts added successfully",
- "successDescription": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "successDescription_plural": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "createNewAccount": {
- "noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received assets on your <1><0>{{accountName}}0>1> account",
- "noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}0>1> account was found to be created",
- "showAllAddressTypes": "Show all address types",
- "showAllAddressTypesTooltip": "Only change the address type if you need to receive {{family}} on other address formats."
- },
- "supportLinks": {
- "segwit_or_native_segwit": "Segwit or Native Segwit?"
- },
- "cta": {
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "add": "Add account",
- "add_plural": "Add accounts",
- "addAccountName": "Add {{currencyName}} account",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "sections": {
- "importable": {
- "title": "Add existing account"
- },
- "creatable": {
- "title": "Add new account"
- },
- "imported": {
- "title": "Accounts already in portfolio ({{count}})"
- },
- "migrate": {
- "title": "Accounts to update"
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetails": {
- "whatIsThis": "What is this operation?",
- "title": "Operation details",
- "type": "Type",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "account": "Account",
- "date": "Date",
- "currentValue": "Current value",
- "status": "Status",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "failed": "Failed",
- "notConfirmed": "Not confirmed",
- "fees": "Fee",
- "noFees": "No fee",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "identifier": "Transaction ID",
- "viewOperation": "View in explorer",
- "showMore": "Show {{recipients}} more",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "tokenOperations": "Token operations",
- "subAccountOperations": "Subaccount operations",
- "tokenTooltip": "This operation is related to the following token operations",
- "subAccountTooltip": "This operation is related to the following subaccount operations",
- "internalOperations": "Internal operations",
- "internalOpTooltip": "This operation has internal operations",
- "details": "{{ currency }} details",
- "multipleAddresses": "Why multiple addresses?",
- "nft": {
- "name": "Token Name",
- "contract": "Token Contract",
- "id": "Token (NFT) ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "extra": {
- "frozenAmount": "Frozen amount",
- "unfreezeAmount": "Unfreeze amount",
- "votes": "Votes ({{number}})",
- "votesAddress": "<0>{{votes}}0> to <2>{{name}}2>",
- "validators": "Validators",
- "redelegated": "Redelegated",
- "redelegatedFrom": "Redelegated from",
- "redelegatedTo": "Redelegated to",
- "redelegatedAmount": "Redelegated amount",
- "undelegated": "Undelegated",
- "undelegatedFrom": "Undelegated from",
- "undelegatedAmount": "Undelegated amount",
- "rewardFrom": "Reward from",
- "memo": "Memo",
- "assetId": "Asset ID",
- "rewards": "Earned rewards",
- "bondedAmount": "Bonded Amount",
- "unbondedAmount": "Unbonded Amount",
- "withdrawUnbondedAmount": "Withdrawn Amount",
- "palletMethod": "Method",
- "transferAmount": "Transfer Amount",
- "validatorsCount": "Validators ({{number}})"
- }
- },
- "operationList": {
- "noMoreOperations": "That's all"
- },
- "DeviceAction": {
- "allowAppPermission": "Open the {{wording}} app on your device",
- "allowAppPermissionSubtitleToken": "to manage your {{token}} tokens",
- "allowManagerPermission": "Allow {{wording}} on your device",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "connectAndUnlockDevice": "Connect and unlock your device",
- "unlockDevice": "Unlock your device",
- "unlockDeviceAfterFirmwareUpdate": "Wait for the firmware to update and unlock your device with your PIN",
- "quitApp": "Quit the application on your device",
- "appNotInstalledTitle": "Missing required app",
- "appNotInstalledTitle_plural": "Missing required apps",
- "appNotInstalled": "The {{appName}} app is required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install it on your device",
- "appNotInstalled_plural": "The {{appName}} apps are required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install them on your device",
- "openManager": "Open Manager",
- "openOnboarding": "Setup device",
- "outdated": "App version outdated",
- "outdatedDesc": "An important update is available for the {{appName}} application on your device. Please go to the Manager to update it.",
- "installApp": "{{appName}} App installation",
- "installAppDescription": "Please wait until the installation is finished",
- "listApps": "Checking App dependencies",
- "listAppsDescription": "Please wait while we make sure you have all the required apps",
- "swap": {
- "notice": "Verify the Swap details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Swap transaction",
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "amountReceivedFloat": "Amount to receive before service fees",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "payoutNetworkFees": "Payout fees",
- "payoutNetworkFeesTooltip": "This amount will not be shown on your device"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "fees": "Network Fees",
- "sourceAccount": "Source Account",
- "targetAccount": "Target Account"
- },
- "sell": {
- "notice": "Verify the Sell details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Sell transaction"
- },
- "fund": {
- "notice": "Verify the Fund details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don't have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Fund transaction"
- }
- },
- "manager": {
- "tabs": {
- "appCatalog": "App catalog",
- "appCatalogSearch": "Search app in catalog...",
- "appsOnDevice": "Apps installed",
- "appOnDeviceSearch": "Search installed apps..."
- },
- "disconnected": {
- "title": "Looks like an app is open on your device",
- "subtitle": "Reopening the Manager will quit the app on your device",
- "ctaReopen": "Reopen Manager",
- "ctaPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio"
- },
- "deviceStorage": {
- "freeSpace": "<0>{{space}}0> free",
- "noFreeSpace": "No storage left",
- "installed": "Apps",
- "capacity": "Capacity",
- "used": "Used",
- "firmwareAvailable": "Firmware is outdated:",
- "firmwareUpToDate": "Firmware is up to date:",
- "genuine": "Device is genuine",
- "incomplete": "Some apps were not recognized. Please uninstall, then reinstall them."
- },
- "applist": {
- "placeholder": "No match for the search with the selected filters",
- "placeholderNoAppsInstalled": "No apps installed on your device",
- "placeholderGoToCatalog": "Go to the App catalog to install apps",
- "noResultsFound": "No results found",
- "noResultsDesc": "Please verify the spelling and try again",
- "filter": {
- "title": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "supported": "Supported in Live",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "not_installed": "Not installed"
- },
- "sort": {
- "title": "Sort",
- "name_asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name_desc": "Name Z-A",
- "marketcap_desc": "Market cap"
- },
- "installSuccess": {
- "title": "App installed successfully. You can now add your {{app}} accounts",
- "title_plural": "Apps installed successfully. You can now add your accounts",
- "manageAccount": "Manage my accounts"
- },
- "updatable": {
- "title": "Update available",
- "title_plural": "Updates available",
- "progressTitle": "{{number}} App update",
- "progressTitle_plural": "{{number}} App updates",
- "progressWarning": "Do not quit Manager during update.",
- "progress": "Updating all..."
- },
- "item": {
- "version": "Version {{version}}",
- "installing": "Installing...",
- "uninstalling": "Uninstalling...",
- "updating": "Updating...",
- "scheduled": "Queued",
- "update": "Update available",
- "updateAll": "Update all",
- "updateAllOutOfMemory": "Not enough storage. Please uninstall some apps",
- "install": "Install",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "updated": "Updated",
- "uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "notEnoughSpace": "Not enough storage",
- "supported": "Ledger Live supported",
- "not_supported": "Requires 3rd-party wallet",
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "addAccountTooltip": "Add {{appName}} account",
- "addAccountWarn": "Please wait for the app updates to finish",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "learnMoreTooltip": "Learn more about {{appName}}",
- "removeTooltip": "Uninstall {{appName}}",
- "useAppForToken": "Looking to manage {{tokenType}} tokens?",
- "tokenAppDisclaimer": "To manage {{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens, <1>install the {{appName}} app1> and please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "tokenAppDisclaimerInstalled": "To manage <1>{{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens1>, please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "goToAccounts": "Go to accounts",
- "intallParentApp": "Install {{appName}} app",
- "plugin": "Go to app",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "tool": "Learn more",
- "app": "Learn more"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Uninstall all",
- "subtitle": "Uninstall all apps?",
- "description": "Don't worry, uninstalling apps does not affect your crypto assets. You can reinstall apps in the App catalog."
- }
- },
- "apps": {
- "dependencyInstall": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app is required",
- "description": "The {{dependency}} app will also be installed because the {{app}} app needs it.",
- "confirm": "Install apps"
- },
- "dependencyUninstall": {
- "title": " Uninstall {{app}} and its related apps?",
- "showAll": "Show apps to uninstall",
- "description": "Some of your installed apps are linked to {{app}} app. They will be uninstalled as well.",
- "confirm": "Uninstall {{app}} and other apps"
- }
- },
- "firmware": {
- "updateLater": "Cancel",
- "seedReady": "I have my recovery phrase",
- "dontHaveSeed": "Don't have your recovery phrase? ",
- "followTheGuide": "Follow our step by step update guide",
- "removeApps": "Uninstall all apps before updating",
- "update": "Firmware update",
- "updateBtn": "Update firmware",
- "banner": {
- "warning": "Update Firmware to {{latestFirmware}} is available",
- "cta": "Go to manager",
- "old": {
- "warning": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "cta": "Contact support"
- },
- "cta2": "Update firmware"
- },
- "latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
- "contactSupport": "Contact support",
- "deprecated": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "prepareSeed": "Ensure your 24-word recovery phrase is written down on the Recovery sheet and it is available, as a precaution.",
- "disclaimerTitle": "You are about to install <1>firmware version {{version}}1>.",
- "downloadingUpdateDesc": "Please wait for the update installer to be downloaded"
- },
- "modal": {
- "steps": {
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateMCU": "Firmware update",
- "updating": "Firmware update",
- "reset": "Prepare device",
- "osu": "Installing OSU...",
- "flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
- "flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
- "firmware": "Firmware updating...",
- "flash": "Preparing your device..."
- },
- "confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
- "confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Confirm and enter your PIN code if requested.",
- "identifier": "Identifier",
- "preparation": "Preparation",
- "newFirmware": "New firmware {{version}}",
- "confirmUpdate": "Please confirm the update on your device",
- "mcuTitle": "Finalize update",
- "mcuFirst": "Disconnect the USB cable from your device",
- "mcuSecond": "Press the left button and hold it while you reconnect the USB cable until the <1><0>{{repairProcessing}}0>1> screen appears",
- "mcuPin": "Please wait for the update to finish",
- "mcuSecondNanoX": "Press and hold the left button until <1><0>{{bootloaderOption}}0>1> appears. Press both buttons to confirm and reconnect your device.",
- "mcuBlueFirst": "Press and hold the side button for 10 seconds to turn off the device. Release the button.",
- "mcuBlueSecond": "Press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds until the Boot Options are displayed. Tap Bootloader Mode",
- "successTitle": "Firmware updated",
- "successTextApps": "Please re-install the apps on your device",
- "successTextNoApps": "You can now install apps on your device",
- "sucessCTAApps": "Re-install apps",
- "SuccessCTANoApps": "Install apps",
- "cancelReinstallCTA": "Install update",
- "resetSteps": {
- "first": "1. Reset your device",
- "connect": "Connect the {{deviceName}} to your computer using the USB cable.",
- "turnOn": "Press the button on the device to turn it on.",
- "falsePin": "Enter three wrong PINs to reset the device.",
- "turnOff": "Press and hold the side button until {{action}} is displayed.",
- "confirmTurnOff": "Tap {{action}} to confirm.",
- "second": "2. Boot in {{mode}} mode",
- "boot": "Press and hold the side button until {{option}} is displayed",
- "recoveryMode": "Tap {{mode}} Mode. Wait until the dashboard appears.",
- "third": "3. Uninstall all apps",
- "openLive": "Open the Manager in Ledger Live.",
- "uninstall": "Click on the grey trash icon for all apps currently installed on the {{deviceName}}. This makes room for the firmware installer.",
- "disclaimer": "Note: Your funds are not affected by this operation, the private keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Recovery sheet."
- }
- }
- },
- "claimReward": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "rewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned <1>{{amount}}1> by voting for validators.",
- "info": "Rewards can be claimed once every 24 hours."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards claimed",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance.",
- "cta": "View details",
- "done": "Done"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "resourceInfo": "Bandwidth or Energy?",
- "bandwidthDescription": "Bandwidth points are used to make transactions without paying TRX for network fees. Choose Bandwidth to increase your daily free transactions.",
- "energyDescription": "Energy points are required to execute smart contracts. If you don't run any smart contracts, there is no need to choose rewards in Energy.",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to freeze",
- "available": "Available: {{amountAvailable}}",
- "info": "Frozen assets cannot be sent for 3 days."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction is awaiting validation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a minute before being able to vote"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "textNRG": "You will start earning Energy once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "text": "You will start earning Bandwidth once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "votePending": "Vote in {{time}}",
- "vote": "Vote",
- "later": "Vote later"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "info": "Unfreezing will decrease your {{resource}} and will cancel your votes."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "text": "Your assets were unfrozen successfully. Your {{resource}} points will be decreased, and your votes will be cancelled.",
- "continue": "Continue"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "titleExisting": "Manage votes",
- "steps": {
- "castVotes": {
- "max": "MAX",
- "title": "Vote",
- "search": "Search by name or address...",
- "totalVotes": "Total votes: {{total}}",
- "selected": "Selected: {{total}}",
- "maxSelected": "Max selected: {{total}}",
- "allVotesAreUsed": "All assets are distributed",
- "maxUsed": "Insufficient assets",
- "validators": "Validators ({{total}})",
- "votes": "Available assets: {{total}}",
- "noResults": "No validator found for \"<0>{{search}}0>\"."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Your votes were cast successfully.",
- "text": "",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "buy": {
- "title": "Buy",
- "titleCrypto": "Buy {{currency}}",
- "buyCTA": "Buy {{currencyTicker}}",
- "withoutDevice": "Continue without my device",
- "connectWithoutDevice": "It's better to use your device for optimal security.",
- "skipConnect": "Continue without my device"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "Sell",
- "titleCrypto": "Sell {{currency}}"
- },
- "receive": {
- "title": "Receive",
- "successTitle": "Address shared securely",
- "steps": {
- "chooseAccount": {
- "title": "Account",
- "label": "Account to credit",
- "parentAccount": "1. Select {{currencyName}} account",
- "token": "2. Select a token",
- "verifyTokenType": "Please verify that <0>{{token}}0> is an <0>{{tokenType}}0> token. Any other crypto asset sent to an {{currency}} account may be lost.",
- "warningTokenType": "Please only send <0>{{ticker}}0> or <0>{{tokenType}}0> tokens to {{currency}} accounts. Sending other crypto assets may result in the permanent loss of funds."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device",
- "withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
- },
- "receiveFunds": {
- "title": "Receive"
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount received on a delegated account will be added to the total staked amount. Choose another account if you want to avoid this."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "send": {
- "title": "Send",
- "titleNft": "Send NFT",
- "totalSpent": "Total to debit",
- "steps": {
- "recipient": {
- "title": "Recipient",
- "nftRecipient": "NFT to send"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "banner": "Maximum spendable amount is",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "details": {
- "utxoLag": "This transaction may take long to verify and sign because the account has a significant number of coins.",
- "subaccountsWarning": "You will need to refill this account with {{ currency }} in order to send the tokens of this account",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
- "recipientAddress": "Recipient address",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "fees": "Network fees",
- "sendMax": "Send Max",
- "rippleTag": "Tag",
- "rippleTagPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "ethereumGasLimit": "Gas limit",
- "ethereumGasPrice": "Gas price",
- "unitPerByte": "{{unit}} per byte",
- "nft": "NFT",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "verification": {
- "streaming": {
- "accurate": "Loading... ({{percentage}})",
- "inaccurate": "Loading..."
- }
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount to be sent will be deducted from the balance of your delegated account."
- }
- }
- },
- "footer": {
- "estimatedFees": "Network fees"
- }
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Sign transaction"
- },
- "releaseNotes": {
- "title": "Release notes",
- "version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
- },
- "systemLanguageAvailable": {
- "title": "Change your app's language?",
- "description": {
- "newSupport": "Good news! our teams have been working hard and Ledger Live now supports {{language}}.",
- "advice": "You can always change your language back later in the settings."
- },
- "switchButton": "Switch to {{language}}",
- "no": "I prefer not to"
- },
- "distribution": {
- "asset": "Asset",
- "price": "Price",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "showAll": "Show all",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "header": "Asset allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "accountDistribution": {
- "account": "Account",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "header": "Account allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "elrond": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by MultiversX",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "MultiversX integration",
- "title": "MultiversX eGold (EGLD) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now safely secure your eGold (EGLD) tokens and manage them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The MultiversX eGold (EGLD) Token is native to the MultiversX Network and will be used for everything from transactions, staking, smart contracts, governance and validator rewards.",
- "description3": "We are actively working with the MultiversX team to add more functionality, such as staking, native ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token) support, and more.",
- "website": "The Internet Scale Blockchain"
- }
- }
- },
- "tron": {
- "voting": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can now earn rewards by freezing and voting.",
- "info": "How voting works",
- "votesDesc": "Cast your votes for one or more representatives to start earning staking rewards.",
- "vote": "Cast votes",
- "voteExisting": "Manage votes"
- },
- "manageTP": "Manage assets",
- "warnEarnRewards": "You need at least {{amount}} to start earning rewards",
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "nextRewardsDate": "Rewards can be claimed {{date}}",
- "claimAvailableRewards": "Claim {{amount}}",
- "header": "Votes",
- "percentageTP": "% of votes cast",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "remainingVotes": {
- "title": "You still have {{amount}} votes remaining",
- "description": "You can cast your remaining votes to earn more rewards",
- "button": "Vote now"
- },
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated assets stay yours.",
- "access": "You can unfreeze your assets after 3 days.",
- "ledger": "Freeze and vote securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "help": "How voting works",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your super representative."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze",
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn Bandwidth or Energy. You'll also be able to vote for Super Representatives."
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "description": "Unfreeze TRX to have them back in your available balance. You will no longer earn rewards."
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Vote",
- "description": "Cast votes for Super Representatives to earn rewards.",
- "steps": {
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "description": "Vote for one or more Super Representatives to start earning rewards.",
- "footer": {
- "doNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "next": "Cast Votes"
- },
- "info": {
- "message": "SR or Candidates?",
- "superRepresentative": {
- "title": "Super Representatives (SR)",
- "description": "Super Representatives play a key role in governing the TRON community by ensuring basic functions, e.g. block generation and bookkeeping."
- },
- "candidates": {
- "title": "Candidates",
- "description": "127 individuals elected through voting by the entire token holder community. Votes are updated once every 6 hours."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "bitcoin": {
- "inputSelected": "SELECTED",
- "toSpend": "Coins to spend",
- "toReturn": "Change to return",
- "modalTitle": "Coin control",
- "coincontrol": "Coin control",
- "advanced": "Advanced options",
- "ctaDisabled": "This account has no UTXO",
- "whatIs": "What is coin selection?",
- "rbf": "Allow the transaction to be replaced (Replace-By-Fee).",
- "strategy": "Coin selection strategy",
- "selected": "Coins selected for strategy",
- "amount": "Amount to send:",
- "replaceable": "replaceable",
- "cannotSelect": {
- "unconfirmed": "You cannot select coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "last": "You need at least one selected"
- },
- "pending": "pending",
- "pickUnconfirmedRBF": "Include coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "pickingStrategy": "UTXO picking strategy",
- "pickingStrategyLabels": {
- "DEEP_OUTPUTS_FIRST": "Oldest coins first (FIFO)",
- "OPTIMIZE_SIZE": "Minimize fees (optimize size)",
- "MERGE_OUTPUTS": "Minimize future fees (merge coins)"
- }
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "delegation": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn ATOM rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "header": "Delegation(s)",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "undelegate": "Undelegate",
- "redelegate": "Redelegate",
- "redelegateDisabledTooltip": "You can redelegate again <0>{{days}}0>",
- "redelegateMaxDisabledTooltip": "You cannot redelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "undelegateDisabledTooltip": "You cannot undelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "reward": "Claim rewards",
- "currentDelegation": "Delegated: <0>{{amount}}0>",
- "estYield": "est. yield",
- "activeTooltip": "Delegated amounts generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards",
- "minSafeWarning": "Not enough funds",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your ATOM assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available 21 days after undelegation"
- ],
- "warning": {
- "description": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- }
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validators"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "claimRewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "compound": "Compound",
- "claim": "Cash in",
- "compoundOrClaim": "Compound or cash in",
- "compoundDescription": "Rewards will be added to delegated amount",
- "claimDescription": "Rewards will be added to the available balance",
- "compoundInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0>. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically delegated to the same validator.",
- "claimInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> from the validator below. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically added to the available balance.",
- "selectLabel": "Select a delegation"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards cashed in successfully",
- "titleCompound": "Rewards compounded successfully",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "textCompound": "Your rewards <0>{{amount}}0> were automatically delegated to <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "redelegation": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Redelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Redelegation",
- "description": "Use redelegation to easily change from one validator to another. But if you change your mind again, you will then have to wait because redelegation triggers a 21-day timelock.",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately. You can have a maximum of <0>7 pending redelegations0>.",
- "howDelegationWorks": "How delegation works?"
- },
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "currentDelegation": "Current delegation",
- "newDelegation": "New delegation",
- "chooseValidator": "Choose a validator",
- "warning": "You will have to wait <0>21 days0> to redelegate from the new validator, if you change your mind again"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully redelegated your assets",
- "text": "The redelegation will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "undelegation": {
- "header": "Undelegation(s)",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 21-day timelock",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Undelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "subtitle": "The undelegation process takes <0>21 days0> to finalize.",
- "warning": "Rewards will be immediately cashed in. The undelegated amount will be back in the available balance after the <0>21-day timelock0>.",
- "fields": {
- "validator": "Validator",
- "amount": "Amount to undelegate"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully undelegated your assets.",
- "description": "<0>{{amount}}0> were undelegated from <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "algorand": {
- "operationHasRewards": "Rewards earned",
- "operationEarnedRewards": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> rewards.",
- "operationDetailsAmountBreakDown": "{{initialAmount}} (<0>+{{reward}}0> earned rewards)",
- "optIn": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Add ASA (Asset)",
- "steps": {
- "assets": {
- "title": "ASA (Asset)",
- "info": "Adding an asset requires sending a transaction with minimum fees. This will appear on your transaction history",
- "selectLabel": "Choose an ASA (Asset)",
- "disabledTooltip": "You already have this ASA (Asset) in your Algorand account"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "{{token}} asset successfully added",
- "text": "You can now receive and send <0>{{token}}0> assets on your Algorand account.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "header": "Rewards",
- "tooltip": "Algorand rewards are distributed regularly and are claimed automatically when you do a transaction.",
- "cta": "Claim rewards",
- "rewardsDisabledTooltip": "You don’t have any rewards. Algorand rewards are claimed automatically when you do a transaction. Receive ALGO to start earning rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Receive Algorand rewards simply for holding Algorand control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "A minimum balance of 1 ALGO is required to receive rewards.",
- "access": "Increase the account’s balance to increase rewards.",
- "ledger": "Perform a transaction to or from the account to claim rewards."
- },
- "learnMore": "How Algorand rewards work?",
- "button": {
- "cta": "Receive Algo"
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned {{amount}}. Click on Continue to claim your rewards",
- "info": "You will be prompted to generate an empty transaction to your account. This will add your current rewards to your balance at the minimal cost of the transaction fees."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards successfully claimed!",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "polkadot": {
- "lockedBalance": "Bonded",
- "lockedTooltip": "Assets must be bonded to nominated validators before earning rewards.",
- "unlockingBalance": "Unbonding",
- "unlockingTooltip": "Unbonding assets stay locked for 28 days before they can be withdrawn.",
- "unlockedBalance": "Unbonded",
- "unlockedTooltip": "Unbonded assets can now be moved using the withdraw operation.",
- "networkFees": "Network fees are automatically set by the Polkadot consensus, you won't be able to review them on your device",
- "bondedBalanceBelowMinimum": "Your bonded balance is below the current minimum of {{minimumBondBalance}}. Your nominations are at risk of being removed.",
- "nomination": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn rewards by bonding assets and then nominating your validator(s).",
- "info": "How nominations work"
- },
- "header": "Nominations",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "setController": "Change Controller",
- "chill": "Clear nominations",
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "amount": "Bonded Amount",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "This validator is elected and is collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "inactiveTooltip": "This validator is elected but is not collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "waiting": "Unelected",
- "waitingTooltip": "This validator is not elected, therefore is not collecting rewards.",
- "notValidator": "Not a validator",
- "notValidatorTooltip": "This address is no longer a validator",
- "elected": "Elected",
- "nominatorsCount": "{{nominatorsCount}} nominators",
- "nominatorsTooltip": "This validator is currently elected by {{count}} nominators.",
- "oversubscribed": "Oversubscribed ({{nominatorsCount}})",
- "oversubscribedTooltip": "Only the top {{maxNominatorRewardedPerValidator}} nominators with the highest bonded amount earn rewards",
- "hasPendingBondOperation": "A bond operation is still pending confirmation",
- "electionOpen": "The election of new validators is currently ongoing. As such, staking operations are not available for 15 minutes at most.",
- "electionOpenTooltip": "This operation is disabled during the election of validators",
- "externalControllerTooltip": "This account is controlled by another account.",
- "externalControllerUnsupported": "<0>This stash account is controlled by a separate account whose address is <0>{{controllerAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set this stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "externalStashTooltip": "This account controls another account.",
- "externalStashUnsupported": "<0>This account is the controller of a separate stash account whose address is <0>{{stashAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set your stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "showInactiveNominations": "Show all nominations ({{count}})",
- "hideInactiveNominations": "Show active nominations only",
- "noActiveNominations": "There are no active nominations.",
- "showAllUnlockings": "Show all unbonding amounts ({{count}})",
- "hideAllUnlockings": "Hide unbonding amounts"
- },
- "unlockings": {
- "header": "Unbonding",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 28-day unbonding period",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Withdraw ({{amount}})",
- "withdrawTooltip": "The unbonded amount will be credited to your available balance.",
- "noUnlockedWarning": "No unbonded balance to withdraw yet.",
- "rebond": "Rebond",
- "unbonded": "Unbonded"
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond",
- "description": "To earn rewards, first bond an amount. Then you must nominate your validator(s)."
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond",
- "description": "To make a bonded amount available again, first you need to unbond it. You can withdraw it after the 28-day unbonding period."
- },
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "To retrieve an unbonded amount back to the available balance, you need to withdraw it manually."
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "description": "Choose up to 16 validators. Ensure nominations are Active to earn rewards."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Remove all nominations. You will stop earning rewards. Your bonded amount remains bonded."
- }
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "steps": {
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "notValidatorsRemoved": "You have nominated {{count}} addresses who are no longer validators. They will automatically be removed from your nominate transaction.",
- "maybeChill": "Clear nominations instead"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully nominated validators",
- "text": "You will start earning rewards when your assets are bonded to your elected validator(s).",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond assets",
- "rewardDestination": {
- "label": "Rewards Destination",
- "stash": "Available Balance",
- "stashDescription": "Rewards are credited to your available balance.",
- "staked": "Bonded Balance",
- "stakedDescription": "Rewards are credited to your bonded balance for compound earning.",
- "optionTitle": "Note",
- "optionDescription": "Once set, the option is fixed for the lifetime of this bond. If you change your mind, please read the article down below"
- },
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by bonding your assets and then nominate your validators.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of bonded assets",
- "Nominate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available again, 28 days after unbonding"
- ],
- "help": "How nominations work",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your bonded assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to bond",
- "availableLabel": "Available",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Bonded assets can be unbonded at any time, but unbonding takes 28 days.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction awaiting confirmation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a moment before nominating"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully bonded",
- "text": "You can nominate validators once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "textNominate": "You will be able to nominate validators once the network has confirmed your transaction.",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "later": "Nominate later"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Bonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "rebond": {
- "title": "Rebond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to rebond",
- "availableLabel": "Unbonding",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Rebonded assets are immediately added to the bonded amount.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully rebonded",
- "text": "Your account balance will update once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Rebonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to unbond",
- "availableLabel": "Bonded",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn after the 28-day unbonding period.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Unbond transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn in 28 days.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Unbonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "simpleOperation": {
- "modes": {
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "After the 28-day unbonding period you can withdraw unbonded assets.",
- "info": "You can then withdraw unbonded assets to your available balance."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Clears all nominations and stops earning rewards.",
- "info": "Bonded assets will remain bonded. If you unbond them, they will be available after 28 days."
- },
- "setController": {
- "title": "Change Controller",
- "description": "Set this Ledger account as its own controller",
- "info": "Ledger Live doesn't support operations on separate stash and controller accounts."
- }
- },
- "steps": {
- "info": {
- "title": "Info"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "You will see your operation in history soon.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "solana": {
- "common": {
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation"
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "listHeader": "Delegations",
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "Active amount generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Inactive amount does not generate rewards",
- "delegatedInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is delegated to validators.",
- "withdrawableInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is withdrawable from delegations.",
- "withdrawableTitle": "Withdrawable",
- "statusUpdateNotice": "The status of the delegation will be updated when the transaction is confirmed.",
- "ledgerByFigmentTC": "Ledger by Figment T&Cs",
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn SOL rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "earnRewards": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your SOL assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": {
- "0": "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "1": "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "2": "Assets will be available after undelegation"
- },
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validator"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully withdrawn your assets.",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the transaction is confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "activate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Activate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully activated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "reactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Reactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully reactivated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "deactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Deactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully deactivated your delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "title": "Earn rewards",
- "header": "Delegation",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "yield": "Est. Yield",
- "address": "Address",
- "transactionID": "Transaction ID",
- "value": "Value",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "delegated": "Delegated",
- "completionDate": "Completion date",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "duration": "Duration",
- "durationJustStarted": "Just started",
- "durationDays": "{{count}} day",
- "durationDays_plural": "{{count}} days",
- "howItWorks": "How delegation works",
- "delegationEarn": "You can now earn {{name}} staking rewards by delegating your account.",
- "earnRewards": "Earn rewards",
- "overdelegated": "Overdelegated",
- "status": "Status",
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Earn staking rewards",
- "description": "Delegate your Tezos account to a third-party validator to earn staking rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated accounts stay yours.",
- "access": "You can access your assets at any time.",
- "ledger": "Delegate securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "button": {
- "cta": "Delegate to earn rewards"
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Account",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Summary",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate",
- "toUndelegate": "Account to undelegate",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "select": "Select",
- "yield": "Est. Yield {{amount}}",
- "randomly": "Randomly chosen validator",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your validator."
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Select validator",
- "description": "You can select a validator by comparing the estimated reward rates",
- "customValidator": "Custom validator",
- "providedBy": "Yield rates provided by <1><0>{{name}}0>1>"
- },
- "custom": {
- "title": "Custom validator",
- "text": "Please enter the address of the custom validator to delegate your account to.",
- "button": "Use validator"
- },
- "undelegate": {
- "title": "Undelegate account"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Delegation sent",
- "titleUndelegated": "End delegation",
- "text": "Delegation transaction broadcasted successfully. You should earn your first rewards within around 40 days, depending on the validator.",
- "textUndelegated": "Your account delegation will end once the operation is confirmed. You can delegate your account again at any time."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "topUp": "Receive more",
- "redelegate": "Change validator",
- "stopDelegation": "End delegation"
- }
- },
- "asset": {
- "notice": "Summary of all {{currency}} accounts"
- },
- "carousel": {
- "hidden": {
- "close": "Confirm",
- "undo": "Show again",
- "disclaimer": "This banner will not show up again until there is a new announcement"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Settings",
- "discreet": "Toggle discreet mode",
- "helpButton": "Help",
- "tabs": {
- "display": "General",
- "currencies": "Crypto assets",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About",
- "experimental": "Experimental features",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "developer": "Developer"
- },
- "export": {
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Export accounts",
- "desc": "Add your accounts in Ledger Live mobile. Your accounts will only synchronize with the blockchain, not between your mobile and desktop apps.",
- "button": "Export"
- },
- "operations": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Save a CSV file of your account operations on your computer."
- },
- "modal": {
- "button": "Done",
- "title": "Scan to export to mobile",
- "listTitle": "On the Ledger Live mobile app:",
- "step1": "Tap the + button in accounts",
- "step2": "Tap Import desktop accounts",
- "step3": "Scan the LiveQR code until the loader hits 100%"
- }
- },
- "display": {
- "language": "Display language",
- "languageDesc": "Set the language displayed in Ledger Live.",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "themeDesc": "Select the theme.",
- "counterValue": "Preferred currency",
- "counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
- "region": "Region",
- "regionDesc": "Choose your region to update formats of dates, time and currencies.",
- "stock": "Regional market indicator",
- "stockDesc": "Choose Western to display market increases in blue or Eastern to display them in red.",
- "carouselVisibility": "Carousel visibility",
- "carouselVisibilityDesc": "Enable visibility of the carousel on Portfolio"
- },
- "developer": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "You are now a developer !",
- "text": "Welcome to wonderland"
- },
- "debugApps": "Allow debug apps",
- "debugAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening debug tagged platform apps.",
- "experimentalApps": "Allow experimental apps",
- "experimentalAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening experimental tagged platform apps.",
- "catalogServer": "Set the catalog provider",
- "catalogServerDesc": "Switch between multiple platform apps sources",
- "enablePlatformDevTools": "Enable platform dev tools",
- "enablePlatformDevToolsDesc": "Enable opening platform apps dev tools window",
- "addLocalApp": "Add a local app",
- "addLocalAppDesc": "Browse local files and add a local app using a local manifest",
- "addLocalAppButton": "Browse",
- "runLocalAppDeleteButton": "Delete",
- "runLocalAppOpenButton": "Open",
- "enableLearnStagingUrl": "Learn page staging URL",
- "enableLearnStagingUrlDesc": "Enable the staging URL for the learn page."
- },
- "currencies": {
- "selectPlaceholder": "Select crypto asset",
- "desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
- "placeholder": "No settings for this asset",
- "confirmationsNb": "Number of confirmations",
- "confirmationsNbDesc": "Set the number of network confirmations for a transaction to be marked as confirmed."
- },
- "profile": {
- "password": "Password lock",
- "passwordDesc": "Set a password to secure the Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
- "passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
- "passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live when inactive.",
- "changePassword": "Change password",
- "softResetTitle": "Clear cache",
- "softResetDesc": "Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain.",
- "softReset": "Clear",
- "resetKYC": "Reset KYC data",
- "resetKYCDesc": "Erase all your Know your Customer data stored locally used to access third-party transaction provider.",
- "hardResetTitle": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction histories and settings.",
- "hardReset": "Reset",
- "analytics": "Analytics",
- "analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, the Ledger device type and firmware.",
- "reportErrors": "Bug reports",
- "reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger improve its products.",
- "launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
- "launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up a new device or restore an existing device. Accounts and settings are kept."
- },
- "help": {
- "version": "Version",
- "releaseNotesBtn": "Details",
- "termsBtn": "Read",
- "faq": "Ledger Support",
- "faqDesc": "If you have a problem, get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
- "terms": "Terms of Use",
- "termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
- "privacy": "Privacy Policy",
- "privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use them."
- },
- "experimental": {
- "disclaimer": "These are experimental features we provide on an \"as is\" basis for our tech savvy community to test. They may change, break or be removed at any time. By enabling them, you agree to use them at your own risk.",
- "features": {
- "experimentalCurrencies": {
- "title": "Experimental integrations",
- "description": "Use available experimental crypto assets integrations."
- },
- "experimentalLanguages": {
- "title": "Translation testing",
- "description": "Adds unreleased languages to the language list in the general settings tab."
- },
- "managerDevMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
- "description": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager."
- },
- "scanForInvalidPaths": {
- "title": "Extended account search",
- "description": "Scan for accounts with erroneous derivation paths. Please send potentially found assets to a regular account."
- },
- "experimentalExplorers": {
- "title": "Experimental Explorers API",
- "description": "Try an upcoming version of Ledger's blockchain explorers. Changing this setting may affect the account balance and synchronization as well as the send feature.\n(<0>0>)"
- },
- "keychainObservableRange": {
- "title": "Custom gap limit",
- "description": "Custom gap limit for all accounts. Increasing this value above its default value (20) scans more unused public addresses for coins. Advanced users only, this may break compatibility when restoring your accounts."
- },
- "forceProvider": {
- "title": "Manager provider",
- "description": "Changing the app provider in the Manager may make it impossible to install or uninstall apps on your Ledger device."
- },
- "testAnimations": {
- "title": "Test Lottie animations",
- "description": "Test all animations used in Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "hardResetModal": {
- "title": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "desc": "Reset Ledger Live to erase all settings and accounts on your computer. You can then choose your password and add your accounts back with your Ledger device. The private keys giving access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and are backed up by your recovery phrase.",
- "warning": "Resetting Ledger Live will erase your swap transaction history for all your accounts."
- },
- "softResetModal": {
- "title": "Clear cache",
- "desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys to access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
- },
- "resetFallbackModal": {
- "title": "User action required",
- "part1": "Could not delete cache folder. Please delete the folder manually:",
- "part2": "Click the Open folder button, the ",
- "part3": "app will close",
- "part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
- "part5": "Then you can restart the app normally."
- },
- "removeAccountModal": {
- "title": "Remove account",
- "desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Existing accounts can always be added again.",
- "delete": "Remove from Portfolio",
- "warning": "Removing this account will erase your swap transaction history associated to it."
- },
- "openUserDataDirectory": {
- "title": "View user data",
- "desc": "View the user data stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
- "btn": "View"
- },
- "repairDevice": {
- "title": "Repair your Ledger device",
- "descSettings": "Use this to restore your Ledger device if it froze during a firmware update.",
- "desc": "For Ledger Nano S users, please select the state displayed on your device. For Nano X and Blue users kindly refer to the help center.",
- "button": "Repair"
- },
- "exportLogs": {
- "title": "Save logs",
- "desc": "Saving Ledger Live logs may be needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
- "btn": "Save"
- },
- "accounts": {
- "hideEmptyTokens": {
- "title": "Hide empty token accounts",
- "desc": "Hide token accounts with zero balance on the Accounts page."
- },
- "tokenBlacklist": {
- "title": "Hidden tokens",
- "desc": "You can hide tokens by going to the parent account then right-clicking on the token and selecting 'Hide token'.",
- "count": "{{count}} token",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} tokens"
- },
- "hiddenNftCollections": {
- "title": "Hidden NFT Collections",
- "desc": "You can hide NFT Collections by right-clicking on the collection name and selecting 'Hide NFT Collection'.",
- "count": "{{count}} collection",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} collections"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "desc": "Set up your Bitcoin full node to synchronize and send transactions without using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- },
- "password": {
- "inputFields": {
- "newPassword": {
- "label": "New password"
- },
- "confirmPassword": {
- "label": "Confirm password"
- },
- "currentPassword": {
- "label": "Current password"
- }
- },
- "changePassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Change your password"
- },
- "setPassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Set the password",
- "desc": "Keep your password safe. Losing it means resetting Ledger Live and adding the accounts again."
- },
- "disablePassword": {
- "title": "Disable password lock",
- "desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
- }
- },
- "update": {
- "downloadInProgress": "Downloading update...",
- "downloadProgress": "{{progress}}% completed",
- "checking": "Checking update...",
- "checkSuccess": "Update ready to install",
- "quitAndInstall": "Install now",
- "updateAvailable": "Update to Ledger Live version {{version}} is available",
- "error": "Error during update. Please download again",
- "reDownload": "Download again",
- "nightlyWarning": "This version cannot auto-update. Please install the latest version manually",
- "downloadNow": "Download update"
- },
- "crash": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check our support articles for possible solutions. If the problem persists, save the logs using the button below and provide them to Ledger Support.",
- "troubleshooting": "Click here for possible solutions",
- "logs": "Save logs",
- "dataFolder": "View user data"
- },
- "exportOperationsModal": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Select the accounts for which to save the operation history",
- "descSuccess": "The CSV file of your operation history was saved successfully in the selected folder",
- "titleSuccess": "Operation history saved successfully",
- "cta": "Save",
- "ctaSuccess": "Done",
- "noAccounts": "No accounts to export",
- "selectedAccounts": "Accounts to be included",
- "selectedAccounts_plural": "Accounts to be included ({{count}})",
- "disclaimer": "The countervalues in the export is provided for information purposes only. Do not rely on such data for accounting, tax, regulation or legal purposes, as they only represent an estimation of the price of the assets at the time of transactions and export, under the valuation methods provided by our service provider, Kaiko"
- },
- "language": {
- "system": "Use system language",
- "switcher": {
- "en": "English",
- "fr": "French",
- "ru": "Russian",
- "es": "Spanish",
- "zh": "Chinese",
- "de": "German"
- }
- },
- "theme": {
- "system": "Select the system theme",
- "light": "Light",
- "dusk": "Dusk",
- "dark": "Dark"
- },
- "toastOverlay": {
- "toastType": {
- "announcement": "News",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "achievement": "Achievement Unlocked"
- },
- "groupedToast": {
- "text": "You have {{count}} unread notifications",
- "cta": "See details"
- }
- },
- "informationCenter": {
- "tooltip": "Information center",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip": "There is {{count}} ongoing incident",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip_plural": "There are {{count}} ongoing incidents",
- "tabs": {
- "announcements": "News",
- "announcementsUnseen": "News ({{unseenCount}})",
- "serviceStatus": "Status",
- "serviceStatusIncidentsOngoing": "Status ({{incidentCount}})"
- },
- "serviceStatus": {
- "statusOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is up and running",
- "description": "Having trouble ? Go on our <0>help page0>"
- },
- "statusNotOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is experiencing issues",
- "learnMore": "Learn more"
- }
- },
- "announcement": {
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No news for the moment",
- "desc": "You will find here all the news related to Ledger and Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "onboarding": {
- "drawers": {
- "pinHelp": {
- "title": "Secure your PIN code",
- "intro": "During the setup process you choose a PIN code.",
- "rules": {
- "1": "<0>Always0> choose a PIN code yourself.",
- "2": "<0>Always0> enter your PIN code out of sight.",
- "3": "You can change your PIN code if needed.",
- "4": "Three wrong PIN code entries in a row will reset the device.",
- "5": "<0>Never0> use an easy PIN code like 0000, 123456, or 55555555.",
- "6": "<0>Never0> share your PIN code with someone else. Not even with Ledger.",
- "7": "<0>Never0> use a PIN code you did not choose yourself.",
- "8": "<0>Never0> store your PIN code on a computer or phone."
- }
- },
- "recoverySeed": {
- "title1": "How does a recovery phrase work?",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase works like a unique master key. Your Ledger device uses it to calculate private keys for every crypto asset you own.",
- "paragraph2": "To restore access to your crypto, any wallet can calculate the same private keys from your recovery phrase.",
- "link": "More about the recovery phrase",
- "title2": "What happens if I lose access to my Nano?",
- "paragraph3": "Don't worry and follow these steps:",
- "points": {
- "1": "Get a new hardware wallet.",
- "2": "Select “Restore recovery phrase on a new device” in the Ledger app",
- "3": "Enter your recovery phrase on your new device to restore access to your crypto."
- }
- },
- "whereToHide": {
- "title": "Where should I keep my recovery phrase?",
- "points": {
- "1": "<0>NEVER0> enter it on a computer, smartphone or any other device. Don't take a picture of it.",
- "2": "<0>NEVER0> share your 24 words with anyone.",
- "3": "<0>ALWAYS0> store it in a secure place, out of sight.",
- "4": "Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.",
- "5": "If any person or application asks for it, assume it is a scam!"
- }
- }
- },
- "modals": {
- "recoverySeedWarning": {
- "contactSupportCTA": "Contact Support",
- "continueCTA": "Continue",
- "title": "Please check the box contents",
- "description": "If your {{device}} came with a PIN code or recovery phrase, it’s not safe to use and you should contact Ledger Support.",
- "alert": "Only use a recovery phrase that your device displayed when it was set up"
- }
- },
- "alerts": {
- "beCareful": {
- "title": "Please be careful",
- "descr": "Make sure you follow the instructions on this app at every step of the process.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- },
- "useLedgerSeeds": {
- "title": "We recommend Ledger recovery phrases only",
- "descr": "Ledger cannot guarantee the security of external recovery phrases. We recommend setting up your Nano as a new device if your recovery phrase was not generated by a Ledger.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "screens": {
- "welcome": {
- "title": "Welcome to Ledger",
- "description": "Safely manage your crypto from your computer.",
- "cta": "Get started",
- "noDevice": "No device? <0>Buy a Ledger Nano X0>",
- "languageWarning": {
- "title": "Get started in {{language}}",
- "desc": "We are introducing additional languages in order to help your onboarding with Ledger. Please be aware that the rest of the Ledger experience is currently only available in English.",
- "cta": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "selectDevice": {
- "title": "What's your device?"
- },
- "selectUseCase": {
- "greetings": "Hello!",
- "hasNoRecovery": "First time using your {{deviceName}}?",
- "hasRecovery": "Already have a recovery phrase?",
- "separator": "or",
- "switchDevice": "Switch device",
- "options": {
- "1": {
- "heading": "First use",
- "title": "Set up a new {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Let’s start and set up your device!"
- },
- "2": {
- "heading": "Connect device",
- "title": "Connect your {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Is your device already set up? Connect it to the app!"
- },
- "3": {
- "heading": "Restore device",
- "title": "Restore your recovery phrase on a new device",
- "description": "Use an existing recovery phrase to restore your private keys on a new {{deviceName}}!"
- }
- }
- },
- "tutorial": {
- "steps": {
- "getStarted": "Get started",
- "pinCode": "Pin code",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery phrase",
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase",
- "pairNano": "Connect nano"
- },
- "screens": {
- "importYourRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Restore from recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Restore your Nano from your recovery phrase to restore, replace or back up your Ledger hardware wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano will restore your private keys and you will be able to access and manage your crypto.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "howToGetStarted": {
- "title": "The best way to get you started:",
- "rules": {
- "1": "Plan 30 minutes and take your time.",
- "2": "Grab a pen to write with.",
- "3": "Stay alone, and choose a safe and quiet environment."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Set up as new device”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo2": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Enter your recovery phrase”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "pinCode": {
- "title": "PIN code",
- "paragraph": "Your PIN code is the first layer of security. It physically secures access to your private key and your Nano. Your PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that I must choose my PIN code myself and keep it private.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Set up PIN code",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizSuccess": {
- "title": "Already a pro!",
- "paragraph": "You are ready to safely manage your crypto.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizFailure": {
- "title": "You will soon become a pro...",
- "paragraph": "Don’t worry, Ledger is here to guide you through your journey. You will soon feel extra comfortable about your crypto safety.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "pinCodeHowTo": {
- "setUp": {
- "title": "Choose PIN code",
- "descr": "Press the left or right button to change digits. Press both buttons to validate a digit. Select <0>0> to confirm your PIN code. Select <1>1> to erase a digit."
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm PIN code",
- "descr": "Enter your PIN code again to confirm it."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "existingRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is the secret list of words that you backed up when you first set up your wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Ledger does not keep a copy of your recovery phrase.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose my recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Enter recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- },
- "warning": {
- "title": "Do not use a recovery phrase that you have not generated yourself.",
- "desc": "Your Ledger hardware wallet’s pin code and recovery phrase should be initialized by you and only you. If you have received a device with a pre-existing seed word or an already initialized pin code do not use the product and contact our customer support.",
- "supportLink": "Contact customer support"
- }
- },
- "useRecoverySheet": {
- "takeYourRecoverySheet": {
- "title": "Take your recovery sheet",
- "descr": "Grab a blank Recovery sheet, included with your Nano. Please reach out to Ledger Support if the Recovery sheet did not come blank."
- },
- "writeDownWords": {
- "title": "Write down 24 words",
- "descr": "Write Word #1 displayed on your Nano in position 1 of your Recovery sheet. Then press right on your Nano to display Word #2 and write it down in position 2.\n\nRepeat the process for all words while carefully respecting the order and spelling. Press left on your Nano to check for any mistakes."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "newRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is a secret list of 24 words that backs up your private keys.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano generates a unique recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep a copy of it.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose this recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo": {
- "grabRecovery": {
- "title": "Grab your recovery phrase"
- },
- "selectLength": {
- "title": "Select recovery phrase length",
- "descr": "Your recovery phrases can have 12, 18 or 24 words. You must enter all words to access your crypto."
- },
- "enterWord": {
- "title": "Enter Word #1...",
- "descr": "Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter."
- },
- "validateWord": {
- "title": "Validate Word #1...",
- "descr": "Choose Word #1 from the suggestions. Press both buttons to validate."
- },
- "andNext": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo3": {
- "reEnterWord": {
- "title": "Confirm your recovery phrase",
- "descr": "Scroll through the words until you find Word #1 by pressing the right button. Validate by pressing both buttons."
- },
- "repeat": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "genuineCheck": {
- "success": {
- "title": "All good!",
- "desc": "Your Ledger {{deviceName}} is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Continue",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Hide your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph": "Your recovery phrase is your last chance to access your crypto if you cannot use your Nano. You must keep it in a safe place.",
- "keepItOffline": "Enter these words on a hardware wallet only, not on computers or smartphones.",
- "neverShowToAnyone": "Never share your 24 words with anyone, not even with Ledger.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I'm done!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help",
- "learn": "Learn how to hide it"
- }
- },
- "pairMyNano": {
- "title": "Genuine check",
- "paragraph": "We'll verify whether your Nano is genuine. This should be quick and easy!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Check my Nano",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "pedagogy": {
- "heading": "basics",
- "screens": {
- "accessYourCoins": {
- "title": "Access your crypto",
- "description": "Your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You need a private key to access and manage them."
- },
- "ownYourPrivateKey": {
- "title": "Own your private key",
- "description": "Your private key is stored within your Nano. You must be the only one to own it to be in control of your money."
- },
- "stayOffline": {
- "title": "Stay offline",
- "description": "Your Nano works as a \"cold storage\" wallet. This means that it never exposes your private key online, even when using the app."
- },
- "validateTransactions": {
- "title": "Validate transactions",
- "description": "Ledger Live allows you to buy, sell, manage, exchange and earn crypto while remaining protected. You will validate every crypto transaction with your Nano."
- },
- "setUpNanoWallet": {
- "title": "Let’s set up your Nano!",
- "description": "We'll start by setting up your Nano security.",
- "CTA": "Let’s do this!"
- }
- }
- },
- "quizz": {
- "heading": "Quiz",
- "title": "Now game on!",
- "descr": "Answer 3 simple questions to avoid common misconceptions about your hardware wallet.",
- "buttons": {
- "start": "Let’s take the quiz",
- "next": "Next question",
- "finish": "Finish quiz"
- },
- "questions": {
- "1": {
- "text": "As a Ledger user, my crypto is stored:",
- "answers": {
- "1": "On my Nano",
- "2": "On the blockchain"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "text": "If my recovery phrase is no longer secure or private...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "No problem, Ledger can send me a copy",
- "2": "My crypto is no longer safe and I need to transfer them to a secure place"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "text": "When I connect my Nano to the Ledger app, my private key is...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "Still offline",
- "2": "Briefly connected to the internet"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "connectTroubleshooting": {
- "desc": "Having trouble connecting your device?",
- "cta": "Fix it",
- "solution": "Solution #{{number}}",
- "applesInstructions": "Apple’s instructions",
- "nextSolution": "Next solution",
- "previousSolution": "Previous solution",
- "followSteps": "Follow these steps",
- "supportArticle": "Support article",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "connected": "Connected!",
- "backToPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio",
- "steps": {
- "entry": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot USB connection",
- "desc": "There seems to be a problem connecting to your device. Don’t worry, you can try different solutions one by one until your device connects!",
- "cta": "Let’s fix it!",
- "back": "Go back"
- },
- "1": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Run Ledger Live as Administrator",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Quit Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Right-click the Ledger Live application.",
- "2": "Select “Run as Administrator”.",
- "3": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "linux": {
- "title": "Update the udev rules on Linux",
- "desc": "Click the button below to add the udev rules. Then connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "cta": "Set Rules",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Enter the following command in a terminal to automatically add the rules and reload udev.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "usbPort": {
- "title": "Try different USB ports",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Change the USB port used on your computer.",
- "1": "Remove any USB dongles.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "usbCable": {
- "title": "Change the USB cable",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Use the original USB cable if possible.",
- "1": "Try a different USB cable, making sure it supports data transfer.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "restart": {
- "title": "Restart your computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Restart your computer.",
- "1": "Start Ledger Live.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "antiVirus": {
- "title": "Turn off Anti-virus and VPN",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Turn off any anti-virus, firewall, and VPN software.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "2": "Whitelist Ledger Live in your anti-virus if that worked."
- }
- },
- "anotherComputer": {
- "title": "Try another computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Go to <0>{{link}}0> on another computer to download and install Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Update the USB device drivers",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Visit this <0>{{link}}0>",
- "1": "Follow the instructions to update USB device drivers.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it's detected."
- }
- },
- "mac": {
- "0": {
- "title": "Enable Full Disk Access",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Open “System Preferences”.",
- "1": "Go to “Security & Privacy”.",
- "2": "In the “Privacy” tab, go to “Full Disk Access” in the left column.",
- "3": "Add “Ledger Live”.",
- "4": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "1": {
- "title": "Reset NVRAM",
- "link": "Apple’s instructions",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "If your Mac has an intel processor, follow <0>{{link}}0> to reset the NVRAM.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "4": {
- "deviceSelection": {
- "title": "What’s your device?",
- "desc": "If you have a Nano S, you can try repairing your devices Firmware. For Nano X and Blue users, kindly contact Ledger support"
- },
- "notFixed": {
- "title": " USB connection problem still not fixed?",
- "desc": "If you've tried every possible solution, please reach out to Ledger Support. Otherwise, please follow the instructions of any solution you haven’t tried yet.",
- "back": "Back to portfolio",
- "cta": "Contact Support"
- },
- "repair": {
- "title": "Repair your Nano S",
- "desc": "What is the message displayed on your device?",
- "mcuOutdated": "MCU firmware is outdated",
- "mcuNotGenuine": "MCU firmware is not genuine",
- "repairInstructions": "Follow device repair instructions",
- "updateInstructions": "Follow device update instructions",
- "somethingElse": "Something else"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "SignMessageConfirm": {
- "stringHash": "Message Hash",
- "domainHash": "Domain Hash",
- "messageHash": "Message Hash",
- "message": "Message"
- },
- "TransactionConfirm": {
- "title": "Please confirm the operation on your device to finalize it",
- "warning": "Always verify the address displayed on your device exactly matches the one given by the {{recipientWording}}",
- "secureContract": "Verify the deposit details on your device before sending it. The contract address is provided securely so you don’t have to verify it.",
- "verifyData": "Always verify the operation details on your device.",
- "warningWording": {},
- "titleWording": {
- "send": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimReward": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "freeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unfreeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "vote": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "delegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "undelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "redelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimRewardCompound": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "nominate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "chill": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "bond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unbond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "rebond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "setController": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation"
- },
- "recipientWording": {
- "send": "recipient",
- "delegate": "validator",
- "undelegate": "validator",
- "claimReward": "rewards recipient",
- "optIn": "recipient",
- "nominate": "validator",
- "erc721": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- },
- "erc1155": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- }
- },
- "votes": "Votes ({{count}})"
- },
- "RecipientField": {
- "placeholder": "Enter {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "Terms": {
- "title": "Terms of use",
- "description": "Please take some time to review our Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "termsLabel": "Terms of service",
- "privacyLabel": "Privacy policy",
- "switchLabel": "I have read and accept the Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "cta": "Enter Ledger app"
- },
- "families": {
- "stellar": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoType": {
- "MEMO_TEXT": "Memo Text",
- "NO_MEMO": "No Memo",
- "MEMO_ID": "Memo ID",
- "MEMO_HASH": "Memo Hash",
- "MEMO_RETURN": "Memo Return"
- },
- "memoWarningText": "When using a Memo, carefully verify the type used with the recipient"
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- },
- "solana": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional"
- }
- },
- "errors": {
- "NoSuchAppOnProvider": {
- "title": "The {{appName}} app cannot be found for your specific configuration.",
- "description": "Try reinstalling the app from the Manager"
- },
- "countervaluesUnavailable": {
- "title": "We're not able to provide a countervalue for this asset at the moment"
- },
- "generic": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "AccountAwaitingSendPendingOperations": {
- "title": "There is a pending operation for this account.",
- "description": "Wait for the operation to go through."
- },
- "AccountNameRequired": {
- "title": "An account name is required",
- "description": "Please enter an account name"
- },
- "AccountNeedResync": {
- "title": "Please try again",
- "description": "Account is outdated. A synchronisation is needed"
- },
- "AccountNotSupported": {
- "title": "Account not supported.",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Support ({{reason}})"
- },
- "AlgorandASANotOptInInRecipient": {
- "title": "Recipient account has not opted in the selected ASA."
- },
- "AmountRequired": {
- "title": "Amount required"
- },
- "NoAccessToCamera": {
- "title": "Please ensure your system has a camera, that it is not in use by another application and that Ledger Live has permission to use it.",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ClaimRewardsFeesWarning": {
- "title": "The rewards are smaller than the estimated fees to claim them",
- "description": ""
- },
- "CompoundLowerAllowanceOfActiveAccountError": {
- "title": "You cannot reduce the amount approved while having an active deposit."
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInternal": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #1)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTxDecode": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #2)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidSequence": {
- "title": "Invalid sequence",
- "description": "Please try the operation again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnauthorized": {
- "title": "Unauthorized signature",
- "description": "This account is not authorized to sign this transaction"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFunds": {
- "title": "Insufficient funds",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownRequest": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #6)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Invalid address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidPubKey": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #8)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownAddress": {
- "title": "Unknown address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientCoins": {
- "title": "Insufficient coins",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidCoins": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #11)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeOutOfGas": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #12)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeMemoTooLarge": {
- "title": "The Memo field is too long",
- "description": "Please reduce the size of the memo text and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFee": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #14)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTooManySignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #15)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeGasOverflow": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #16)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeNoSignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #17)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CurrencyNotSupported": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} is not supported",
- "description": "This crypto asset is not yet supported. Please contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "DeviceNotGenuine": {
- "title": "Possibly not genuine",
- "description": "Request assistance from Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
- "description": null
- },
- "DeviceInOSUExpected": {
- "title": "Sorry, update failed",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceHalted": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again"
- },
- "DeviceNotOnboarded": {
- "title": "Your device is not ready to use yet",
- "description": "Set up your device before using it with Ledger Live."
- },
- "DeviceSocketFail": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. ({{message}})"
- },
- "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
- "title": "The connection failed",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "EnpointConfig": {
- "title": "Invalid endpoint",
- "description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
- },
- "FeeEstimationFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
- "description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
- },
- "FirmwareOrAppUpdateRequired": {
- "title": "Firmware or app update required",
- "description": "Please use the Manager to uninstall all apps then check if a firmware update is available before reinstalling them"
- },
- "LatestFirmwareVersionRequired": {
- "title": "Update Nano Firmware",
- "description": "Please update your devices Firmware to the latest version to access this feature"
- },
- "FirmwareNotRecognized": {
- "title": "Device firmware is not recognized",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "HardResetFail": {
- "title": "Sorry, could not reset",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
- "title": "Sorry, there's nothing to update",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support if you cannot use your device."
- },
- "LedgerAPI4xx": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please check your connection and try again or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "LedgerAPI5xx": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again.",
- "description": "The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {{message}}"
- },
- "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
- "title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
- "title": "Sorry, that's already installed",
- "description": "Please check which apps are already installed on your device."
- },
- "ManagerAppDepInstallRequired": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app required",
- "description": "If the {{dependency}} app is already installed, please reinstall it with the latest version"
- },
- "ManagerAppDepUninstallRequired": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "You must first uninstall all apps that require the {{appName}} app"
- },
- "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
- "title": "Your device is locked",
- "description": "Please unlock it"
- },
- "ManagerFirmwareNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Uninstall all apps from your device",
- "description": "The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device and must be backed up on your Recovery sheet."
- },
- "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Sorry, not enough storage left",
- "description": "Uninstall some apps to free up space. The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device."
- },
- "ManagerQuitPage": {
- "install": {
- "title": "Finish app installation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app installation. Please finish the installation to install the apps in the queue.",
- "stay": "Finish install"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Finish app uninstallation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app uninstallations in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish uninstalling"
- },
- "update": {
- "title": "Finish app updates in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app updates in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish updates"
- },
- "quit": "Quit Manager"
- },
- "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
- },
- "NetworkDown": {
- "title": "Sorry, internet seems to be down",
- "description": "Please check your internet connection."
- },
- "NoAddressesFound": {
- "title": "Sorry, no accounts were found",
- "description": "Something went wrong with the address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalance": {
- "title": "Sorry, insufficient funds",
- "description": "Please make sure the account has enough funds."
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
- "title": "Recipient address is inactive. Send at least {{minimalAmount}} to activate it"
- },
- "NotEnoughGas": {
- "title": "The parent account balance is insufficient for network fees"
- },
- "PasswordsDontMatch": {
- "title": "The Passwords don't match",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "PasswordIncorrect": {
- "title": "The password entered is incorrect",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "QuantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "The quantity needs to be greater than 0"
- },
- "RPCHostRequired": {
- "title": "Host is required."
- },
- "RPCHostInvalid": {
- "title": "Enter valid host."
- },
- "RPCUserRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Username is required"
- },
- "RPCPassRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Password is required"
- },
- "SatStackAccessDown": {
- "title": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack and your node are running. Check the full node setup in the Settings if the problem persists."
- },
- "SatStackStillSyncing": {
- "title": "Node sync in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait while your node is syncing. Sending is not possible since your Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect."
- },
- "SatStackVersionTooOld": {
- "title": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "SatStackDescriptorNotImported": {
- "title": "Account not scanned by full node",
- "description": "Please configure your full node to scan for the accounts associated with this device. Your full node must first scan the blockchain for this account before you can add it to your portfolio."
- },
- "SwapGenericAPIError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "The exchange transaction did not go through. Please try again or contact support."
- },
- "TimeoutError": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "TimeoutTagged": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond ({{tag}})",
- "description": "Timeout occurred."
- },
- "TransportError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportRaceCondition": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportStatusError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "DeviceShouldStayInApp": {
- "title": "Please open the {{appName}} app",
- "description": "Keep the {{appName}} app open while we find your accounts"
- },
- "UnexpectedBootloader": {
- "title": "Sorry, your device must not be in Bootloader mode",
- "description": "Please restart your device without touching the buttons when the logo appears. Contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "UserRefusedAllowManager": {
- "title": "Manager denied on device"
- },
- "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
- "title": "Update cancelled on device",
- "description": "All apps on your device have been uninstalled. Keep your device up to date to benefit from improvements in security and functionality."
- },
- "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Action rejected",
- "description": "User rejected the operation on the device"
- },
- "TransactionRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Operation denied on device",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UserRefusedAddress": {
- "title": "Receive address rejected",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UpdateYourApp": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "DeviceOnDashboardExpected": {
- "title": "Return to the Dashboard",
- "description": "Please navigate back to the Dashboard on your device"
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionError": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection error)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection closed)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check that your hardware wallet is set up with the recovery phrase or passphrase associated to the selected account."
- },
- "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "InvalidAddress": {
- "title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseAlreadyDelegated": {
- "title": "Your account is already delegated to this validator"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseDestinationIsAlsoSource": {
- "title": "Recipient address is the same as the sender address"
- },
- "CantOpenDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, connection failed",
- "description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "ETHAddressNonEIP": {
- "title": "Auto-verification not available: carefully verify the address",
- "description": null
- },
- "EthAppNftNotSupported": {
- "title": "Operation not available for this device",
- "description": "Send NFT feature is only available for Nano X. Please visit our customer support platform to know how to send a NFT with a Nano S."
- },
- "CantScanQRCode": {
- "title": "Couldn't scan this QR code: auto-verification not supported by this address"
- },
- "FeeNotLoaded": {
- "title": "Couldn't load fee rates. Please set manual fees"
- },
- "FeeRequired": {
- "title": "Fees are required"
- },
- "GasLessThanEstimate": {
- "title": "This may be too low. Please increase"
- },
- "UnknownMCU": {
- "title": "Unknown MCU version",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "MCUNotGenuineToDashboard": {
- "title": "Access dashboard to update",
- "description": "",
- "list": {
- "1": "Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable without pressing any buttons.",
- "2": "Press both buttons together three times to display the Dashboard.",
- "3": "Open the Manager and click Update firmware."
- }
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountReceive": {
- "title": "Cannot receive in subaccounts",
- "description": "If you want to receive funds, please use the parent account"
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountSend": {
- "title": "Cannot send from subaccounts yet",
- "description": "This feature will be added at a later stage due to changes recently introduced by the Babylon update."
- },
- "RecommendUndelegation": {
- "title": "Please undelegate the account before emptying it"
- },
- "RecommendSubAccountsToEmpty": {
- "title": "Please empty all subaccounts first"
- },
- "NotSupportedLegacyAddress": {
- "title": "This legacy address format is no longer supported"
- },
- "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
- "title": "That's the wrong app",
- "description": "Open the '{{managerAppName}}' app on your device"
- },
- "DeviceNameInvalid": {
- "title": "Please choose a device name without '{{invalidCharacters}}'"
- },
- "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
- "title": "Bitcoin and Ethereum apps required",
- "description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first."
- },
- "UserRefusedDeviceNameChange": {
- "title": "Rename cancelled on device",
- "description": "Try again and allow renaming on your device"
- },
- "SyncError": {
- "title": "Synchronization error",
- "description": "Some accounts could not be synchronized."
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForBandwidth": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Bandwidth"
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForEnergy": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Energy"
- },
- "TronUnfreezeNotExpired": {
- "title": "Unfreeze is not available yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 3 days after your last Freeze operation"
- },
- "TronVoteRequired": {
- "title": "At least 1 vote is needed"
- },
- "TronInvalidVoteCount": {
- "title": "Vote format is incorrect",
- "description": "You can only vote using round numbers"
- },
- "TronRewardNotAvailable": {
- "title": "Reward is not claimable yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 24 hours between claims"
- },
- "TronNoReward": {
- "title": "There is no reward to claim"
- },
- "TronInvalidFreezeAmount": {
- "title": "Amount to freeze cannot be lower than 1"
- },
- "TronSendTrc20ToNewAccountForbidden": {
- "title": "Sending TRC20 to a new account won't activate it",
- "description": "The recipient account must be activated prior to sending TRC20 to it. Send either TRX or TRC10 to an account to activate it."
- },
- "TronUnexpectedFees": {
- "title": "Additional fees may be applied"
- },
- "TronNotEnoughTronPower": {
- "title": "Not enough votes available"
- },
- "TronTransactionExpired": {
- "title": "Transaction has expired",
- "description": "Signature must be applied within 30 seconds. Please try again."
- },
- "TronNotEnoughEnergy": {
- "title": "Not enough Energy to send this token"
- },
- "PairingFailed": {
- "title": "Pairing unsuccessful",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "GenuineCheckFailed": {
- "title": "Genuine check failed",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "EthAppPleaseEnableContractData": {
- "title": "Please enable contract data in the Ethereum app settings"
- },
- "InvalidXRPTag": {
- "title": "Invalid XRP Destination tag"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceToDelegate": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughDelegationBalance": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceInParentAccount": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance in the parent account"
- },
- "quantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "Quantity needs to be at least 1"
- },
- "NotEnoughSpendableBalance": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumAmount}}"
- },
- "WrongAppForCurrency": {
- "title": "Please open the {{expected}} app"
- },
- "FeeTooHigh": {
- "title": "Network fees are above 10% of the amount"
- },
- "StellarWrongMemoFormat": {
- "title": "Memo format is wrong"
- },
- "SourceHasMultiSign": {
- "title": "Please disable multisign to send {{currencyName}}"
- },
- "StellarMemoRecommended": {
- "title": "A memo may be required when sending to this recipient"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooLow": {
- "title": "Amount must be at least {{minAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooHigh": {
- "title": "Amount must be less than {{maxAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "PolkadotElectionClosed": {
- "title": "Validators election must be closed"
- },
- "PolkadotNotValidator": {
- "title": "Some selected addresses are not validators"
- },
- "PolkadotLowBondedBalance": {
- "title": "All bonded assets will be unbonded if < 1 DOT"
- },
- "PolkadotNoUnlockedBalance": {
- "title": "You have no unbonded assets"
- },
- "PolkadotNoNominations": {
- "title": "You have no nominations"
- },
- "PolkadotAllFundsWarning": {
- "title": "Ensure you have enough balance left for future transaction fees"
- },
- "PolkadotDoMaxSendInstead": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumBalance}}. Send max to empty account."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmount": {
- "title": "You must bond at least {{minimumBondAmount}}."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmountWarning": {
- "title": "You bonded balance should be at least {{minimumBondBalance}}."
- },
- "PolkadotMaxUnbonding": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the unbond limit"
- },
- "PolkadotValidatorsRequired": {
- "title": "You must select at least one validator"
- },
- "ServiceStatusWarning": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": ""
- },
- "TaprootNotActivated": {
- "title": "Sending to a taproot address is unsafe before mainnet activation"
- },
- "SolanaAccountNotFunded": {
- "title": "Account not funded"
- },
- "SolanaMemoIsTooLong": {
- "title": "Memo is too long. Max length is {{maxLength}}"
- },
- "SolanaAddressOfEd25519": {
- "title": "Address off ed25519 curve"
- },
- "NotEnoughNftOwned": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the number of available tokens"
- }
- },
- "cryptoOrg": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by Crypto.org",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "Crypto.org integration",
- "title": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now start to manage your Crypto.org (CRO) tokens and secure them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is native to the Crypto.org chain and is used for everything from transactions, staking and many upcoming features.",
- "website": "Cryptocurrency in every wallet"
- }
- },
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- }
diff --git a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/sr/app.json b/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/sr/app.json
deleted file mode 100644
index df2f81a1de16..000000000000
--- a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/sr/app.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4340 +0,0 @@
- "calendar": {
- "today": "Today",
- "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "transactionDate": "Transaction date"
- },
- "platform": {
- "flows": {
- "requestAccount": {
- "title": "Select an account"
- },
- "broadcast": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "Transaction sent !",
- "text": "Click here to see operation details"
- }
- }
- },
- "app": {
- "informations": {
- "title": "Information",
- "website": "Website"
- }
- },
- "catalog": {
- "title": "Discover",
- "branch": {
- "soon": "coming soon",
- "experimental": "experimental",
- "debug": "debug"
- },
- "banner": {
- "title": "Discover our Live Apps Catalog",
- "description": "We're working hard to bring you access to the world of DeFi, NFTs and more, securely, right inside Ledger Live!"
- },
- "twitterBanner": {
- "description": "Tell us what’s the next service you want to see on Ledger Live with the hashtag",
- "tweetText": "The next Ledger App should be..."
- },
- "pollCTA": {
- "title": "Poll",
- "description": "Which service do you want to see in Ledger Live?",
- "button": "Let’s vote!"
- },
- "developerCTA": {
- "title": "For Developers",
- "description": "All the information you need to integrate your applications on Ledger Live.",
- "button": "Go to portal"
- }
- },
- "disclaimer": {
- "title": "External Application",
- "description": "You are about to be redirected to an application not operated by Ledger.",
- "legalAdvice": "This application is not operated by Ledger. Ledger is not responsible for any loss of funds or quality of service of such application.\n\nAlways make sure to carefully verify the information displayed on your device.",
- "checkbox": "Do not remind me again.",
- "CTA": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "never": "Never",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "done": "Done",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "reject": "Reject",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "getSupport": "Get support",
- "delete": "Remove account from portfolio",
- "launch": "Launch",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "help": "Help",
- "needHelp": "Need help?",
- "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
- "selectAccount": "Select an account",
- "selectAccountNoOption": "No account matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectCurrency": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectCurrencyNoOption": "No crypto asset \"{{currencyName}}\"",
- "selectValidatorNoOption": "No validator matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectNoResults": "No results found matching \"{{query}}\"",
- "sortBy": "Sort by",
- "save": "Save",
- "lock": "Lock",
- "showMore": "Show more",
- "back": "Back",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "retry": "Retry",
- "range": "Range",
- "stop": "Stop",
- "updateNow": "Update now",
- "close": "Close",
- "eastern": "Eastern",
- "western": "Western",
- "reverify": "Re-verify",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "verifyMyAddress": "Verify my address",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "addressCopied": "Address copied",
- "addressCopiedSuspicious": "Mismatch between the copied address and the one in the clipboard.",
- "experimentalFeature": "Experimental",
- "information": "Information",
- "search": "Search...",
- "searchWithoutEllipsis": "Search",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Welcome back",
- "subTitle": null,
- "description": "Enter your password to continue",
- "inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
- "lostPassword": "I lost my password"
- },
- "sync": {
- "syncing": "Synchronizing...",
- "upToDate": "Synchronized",
- "outdated": "Paused",
- "needsMigration": "Click to update account",
- "error": "Synchronization error",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "devTools": "Dev tools"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "info": "Info",
- "connectDevice": "Connect your device"
- },
- "devices": {
- "nanoS": "Nano S",
- "nanoSP": "Nano S Plus",
- "nanoX": "Nano X",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "operation": {
- "type": {
- "IN": "Received",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "NFT_IN": "NFT Received",
- "NFT_OUT": "NFT Sent",
- "CREATE": "Created",
- "REVEAL": "Revealed",
- "DELEGATE": "Delegated",
- "REDELEGATE": "Redelegated",
- "UNDELEGATE": "Undelegated",
- "SUPPLY": "Deposited",
- "REDEEM": "Withdrawn",
- "APPROVE": "Approved",
- "VOTE": "Voted",
- "FREEZE": "Frozen",
- "UNFREEZE": "Unfrozen",
- "REWARD": "Claimed reward",
- "FEES": "Fees",
- "OPT_IN": "Opt in",
- "OPT_OUT": "Opt out",
- "CLOSE_ACCOUNT": "Close account",
- "BOND": "Bond",
- "UNBOND": "Unbond",
- "REWARD_PAYOUT": "Reward",
- "SLASH": "Slash",
- "WITHDRAW_UNBONDED": "Withdrawal",
- "NOMINATE": "Nomination",
- "CHILL": "Clear nominations",
- "SET_CONTROLLER": "Set controller"
- }
- },
- "byteSize": {
- "bytes": "{{size}} bytes",
- "kbUnit": "{{size}} KB",
- "mbUnit": "{{size}} MB"
- },
- "time": {
- "minute": "Minute",
- "minute_plural": "Minutes",
- "hour": "Hour",
- "hour_plural": "Hours",
- "range": {
- "day": "1D",
- "week": "1W",
- "month": "1M",
- "year": "1Y",
- "all": "ALL"
- }
- },
- "fees": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "fast": "Fast",
- "high": "High",
- "low": "Low",
- "slow": "Slow",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "feesAmount": "Fees Amount"
- },
- "sidebar": {
- "card": "Card",
- "learn": "Learn",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "stars": "Starred accounts",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "manager": "Manager",
- "exchange": "Buy / Sell",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "lend": "Lend",
- "catalog": "Discover",
- "market": "Market"
- },
- "stars": {
- "placeholder": "Star an account to display it here.",
- "tooltip": "Star account"
- },
- "bridge": {
- "modalTitle": "Open Device Bridge",
- "openHeader": "Expose your Device accounts through WebSocket",
- "openDescription": "Opening a bridge exposes all of your accounts to third party applications.",
- "openedHeader": "{{appName}} bridge opened",
- "openedDescription": "You can now access your {{appName}} account on third party web application through WebSocket.",
- "completeHeader": "Bridge session completed",
- "completeDescription": "The websocket bridge is now closed.",
- "openButton": "Open",
- "disconnectButton": "Disconnect"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History",
- "kyc": "KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "ratesDrawer": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "quote": "Quote",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "details": {
- "label": {
- "provider": "provider",
- "rate": "rate",
- "fees": "network fees",
- "target": "target account"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "provider": "lorem ipsum",
- "rate": "lorem ipsum",
- "fees": "lorem ipsum"
- },
- "noAccount": "Create an account to receive {{name}}",
- "noAccountCTA": "Add account"
- },
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "max": "Max",
- "accountPlaceholder": "Select source",
- "currencyDisabledTooltip": "This currency is not available for swap yet"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To"
- },
- "notAvailable": {
- "title": "Swap is not available yet in your area",
- "content": "Have a little more patience,
we will launch this feature very soon"
- },
- "providers": {
- "kyc": {
- "required": "You need to complete your KYC",
- "complete": "Complete KYC",
- "update": "Refresh KYC",
- "rejected": "KYC rejected, start the verification again",
- "status": {
- "pending": "KYC pending",
- "approved": "KYC approved",
- "closed": "KYC rejected"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- },
- "export": "Export operations",
- "exporting": "Exporting..."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Your information has been submitted for approval",
- "subtitle": "It usually takes a few minutes for the review to be completed.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC",
- "info": "Identity verification: Submitted"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "exchangeDrawer": {
- "title": "Confirm your Exchange",
- "completed": {
- "title": "Transaction broadcast successfully",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed and for the provider to process and send your {{targetCurrency}}.",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "seeDetails": "See details"
- }
- }
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "titleCrypto": "Swap {{currency}}",
- "whatIsSwap": "What is Swap",
- "paraswap": {
- "cta": " Check it out",
- "description": "Looking for Paraswap? It has been moved to the Discover tab."
- },
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- }
- },
- "landing": {
- "title": "Swap your assets",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "sorry": "Service temporarily unavailable, or not available in your country"
- },
- "missingApp": {
- "title": "Please install the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and install {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "outdatedApp": {
- "title": "Please update the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and update {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "providers": {
- "title": "Choose a provider to swap crypto",
- "learnMore": "What is Swap?",
- "kycRequired": "KYC Required",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "kyc": {
- "notAvailable": "{{provider}} is unavailable in your location",
- "status": {
- "required": "KYC Required",
- "pending": "KYC Pending",
- "approved": "KYC Approved!",
- "closed": "KYC Rejected"
- }
- }
- },
- "ip": {
- "title": "Welcome to Swap",
- "subtitle": "Exchange crypto assets directly from your Ledger device.",
- "disclaimer": "By continuing, you accept that your location data will be shared with third party service providers in order for them to comply with their AML/KYC procedures."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Pending approval",
- "subtitle": "Your information was submitted for approval by Wyre.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "form": {
- "resetKYC": "Reset your KYC and Update Live to Swap with Wyre",
- "resetKYCCTA": "Reset KYC",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to send",
- "currency": "Crypto asset"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to receive",
- "currency": "Crypto asset",
- "addAccountCTA": "Add new account"
- },
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "floatUnavailable": "Floating rate not supported for this pair",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate",
- "fixedUnavailable": "Fixed rate not supported for this pair",
- "floatDesc": "Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.",
- "fixedDesc": "Your amount will stay the same even if the market changes. Updates every 60 seconds.",
- "by": "Provided by"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "helpCTA": "What is Swap?",
- "bubble": "We use a fixed rate, this is the exact amount you will receive.",
- "noAccounts": "You don't have {{currencyName}} accounts with balance",
- "noApp": "{{currencyName}} app not installed.",
- "outdatedApp": "{{currencyName}} app update available.",
- "loadingRates": "Loading rates..."
- },
- "unauthorizedRatesModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live needs an update",
- "subtitle": "Please update Ledger Live to the latest version, and re verify your identity to swap with wyre",
- "cta": "Reset verification"
- },
- "resetKYCModal": {
- "title": "Delete your KYC",
- "subtitle": "Delete your KYC to erase all tokens stored locally on your computer. You will have to resubmit your KYC to access services provided by our partners.",
- "cta": "Confirm"
- },
- "modal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "toExchange": "Amount to send",
- "toReceive": "Amount to receive",
- "terms": "Terms & Conditions",
- "disclaimer": {
- "description": "By clicking \"Confirm\", I acknowledge and accept that this service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s",
- "acceptedDescription": "This service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s"
- },
- "details": {
- "provider": "Provider",
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Type",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate"
- },
- "address": "Address"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "title": "App checks"
- },
- "finished": {
- "title": "Pending",
- "subtitle": "Swap broadcast successfully ",
- "swap": "Your Swap ID:",
- "seeDetails": "See details",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. It may take up to an hour before you receive your {{targetCurrency}}."
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetailsModal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "txid": "Swap ID",
- "status": "Status",
- "statusTooltips": {
- "expired": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "refunded": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "pending": "Please wait while the swap provider is processing the transaction.",
- "onhold": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID to solve the situation.",
- "finished": "Your swap was completed successfully."
- },
- "date": "Date",
- "from": "From",
- "fromAddress": "Origin address",
- "fromAddress_plural": "Origin addresses",
- "to": "To",
- "toProvider": "Provider address",
- "initialAmount": "Initial amount",
- "creditedAmount": "Credited amount"
- }
- },
- "lottieDebugger": {
- "buttonTitle": "Test"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "status": "Status",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "checkNodeSettings": "Verify node settings",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "modal": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect full node",
- "steps": {
- "landing": {
- "header": "Start your full node. Don’t trust, verify.",
- "description": "A Bitcoin full node validates all transactions and blocks, allowing you to use Bitcoin in a trustless way while contributing to the Bitcoin network.",
- "list": {
- "item1": "Set up Bitcoin Core on a device with sufficient resources.",
- "item2": "Wait for your node to fully synchronize.",
- "item3": "Make note of your node RPC credentials, IP address, and port number."
- },
- "disclaimer": "Running a full node requires a computer with sufficient resources and a broadband connection without data restrictions."
- },
- "node": {
- "title": "Node",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Enter your node parameters",
- "disclaimer": "Your full node must be fully synchronized before connecting Ledger Live.",
- "fields": {
- "nodeHost": {
- "title": "Host",
- "tooltip": "Leave as default if node runs on this computer, or replace the node IP address and port number."
- },
- "rpcCredentials": {
- "title": "RPC Credentials",
- "tooltip": "Enter the RPC username and password of your node, found in the bitcoin.conf file.",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
- },
- "tls": {
- "title": "Use TLS",
- "tooltip": "Enable Transport Layer Security, for example, when using a hosted node solution."
- }
- }
- },
- "connecting": {
- "header": "Testing node connection",
- "description": "Please wait while we check if your full node is responding."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Full node connection successful",
- "description": "You can now configure your full node to scan for your accounts on the blockchain."
- },
- "failure": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please ensure your node is fully synchronized and verify its connection settings."
- }
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "pending": {
- "header": "Getting accounts from device",
- "description": "Please wait while the accounts to scan are added to the node configuration file."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Accounts added to node configuration",
- "description": "A configuration file was saved to the user data folder. It enables Ledger SatStack to connect to your full node and let it scan for your accounts on the blockchain.",
- "cta": "View user data"
- }
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "existing": "Existing accounts to scan",
- "toScan": "Accounts to scan",
- "toScanDescription": "Accounts to scan for each address type",
- "toScanTooltip": "Increase only if you have 10+ BTC accounts. Initial scan will be slower. "
- },
- "satstack": {
- "title": "SatStack",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Download and run Ledger SatStack",
- "description": "Ledger SatStack is a small application enabling Ledger Live to talk to your full node. Please download and run it before you continue.",
- "disclaimer": "SatStack must be running for Ledger Live to connect to your full node. Consider setting it to launch automatically when your computer boots.",
- "cta": "Download SatStack"
- },
- "satstack-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach SatStack",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack is running on this computer."
- },
- "satstack-outdated": {
- "header": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "node-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that your node is reachable and that the connection settings you entered are correct."
- },
- "invalid-chain": {
- "header": "invalid-chain title",
- "description": "invalid-chain description for tooltip"
- },
- "initializing": {
- "header": "Loading",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ready": {
- "header": "Ready",
- "description": "The full node is fully synced. Your Bitcoin account balances are now correct."
- },
- "syncing": {
- "header": "Node sync in progress…",
- "description": "Recent transactions may not yet be visible, so Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect. If possible, run your node continuously to keep it in sync."
- },
- "scanning": {
- "header": "Account scan in progress...",
- "description": "You can add your accounts once the account scan is completed. Any Bitcoin accounts previously added through Ledger's explorers were removed."
- }
- }
- },
- "disconnect": {
- "cta": "Disconnect",
- "description": "Are you sure? Disconnecting the full node will remove all Bitcoin accounts. You can add your accounts again using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "lastOperations": "Latest operations",
- "contractAddress": "Contract:",
- "openInExplorer": "Open in explorer",
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No crypto assets yet?",
- "desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving",
- "descToken": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving <3><0>{{ticker}}0>3> and <5><0>{{tokenList}}0> tokens5>",
- "buttons": {
- "receiveFunds": "Receive",
- "buy": "Buy"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Edit account",
- "advancedLogs": "Advanced",
- "advancedTips": "Your xpub is privacy-sensitive data. Use with caution, especially when disclosing to third parties.",
- "accountName": {
- "title": "Account name",
- "desc": "Description of the account"
- },
- "unit": {
- "title": "Unit",
- "desc": "Choose the unit to be used"
- }
- },
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "frozenAssets": "Frozen assets",
- "bandwidth": "Bandwidth",
- "energy": "Energy",
- "stake": "Stake",
- "delegatedAssets": "Delegated assets",
- "undelegating": "Undelegating",
- "availableBalanceTooltip": "This amount is disposable.",
- "frozenAssetsTooltip": "Frozen assets are used in the Tron voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "bandwidthTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain bandwidth",
- "energyTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain energy",
- "delegatedAssetsTooltip": "Delegated assets are used in the Cosmos voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "undelegatingTooltip": "Undelegated assets are in a timelock of 21 days, before being available."
- },
- "exchange": {
- "chooseProvider": "Choose from {{providerCount}} provider",
- "chooseProviders": "Choose from {{providerCount}} providers",
- "title": "Buy and sell crypto",
- "reset": "Reset flow",
- "verifyAddress": "Please confirm the address displayed exactly matches the one shown on your device",
- "buy": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Choose a provider to buy crypto",
- "buyFrom": "Buy from anywhere",
- "cryptoSupported": "crypto supported",
- "payWith": "Pay with card or SEPA",
- "tab": "Buy",
- "coinify": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with {{provider}}",
- "title": "Buy crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "addAccount": "Add account"
- }
- },
- "sell": {
- "header": "Sell crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Sell crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "tab": "Sell",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "lend": {
- "title": "Lend crypto",
- "tabs": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "opened": "Opened loans",
- "closed": "Closed loans",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "assets": "Assets to lend",
- "active": "Approved accounts",
- "lendAsset": "Lend",
- "account": {
- "amountSupplied": "Amount deposited",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount lent to the network",
- "currencyAPY": "Currency APY",
- "currencyAPYTooltip": "Yearly return rate of a deposit that’s continuously compounded",
- "accruedInterests": "Accrued interest",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest generated on your lent assets",
- "interestEarned": "Interest earned",
- "interestEarnedTooltip": "Interest you have earned after withdrawal",
- "openLoans": "Open loans",
- "closedLoans": "Closed loans",
- "amountRedeemed": "Amount withdrawn",
- "date": "Date",
- "info": "You can lend assets directly from your {{currency}} account and earn interest.",
- "howCompoundWorks": "How does lending on Compound work?",
- "lend": "Deposit {{currency}}"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "active": {
- "title": "Lending",
- "description": "You can lend assets directly from your Ethereum accounts and earn interest.",
- "cta": "How does lending on Compound work?"
- },
- "closed": {
- "title": "Your closed loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "opened": {
- "title": "Your opened loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "history": {
- "title": "History",
- "description": "View the history of all your loan transactions.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- }
- },
- "headers": {
- "active": {
- "accounts": "Account",
- "amountSupplied": "Open loan",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount deposited in the network",
- "accruedInterests": "Interest balance",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest being earned on loans",
- "status": "Account status",
- "actions": "Actions"
- },
- "status": {
- "enablingTooltip": "Your transaction is broadcasting",
- "toSupplyTooltip": "You can now supply your assets"
- },
- "types": {
- "enabling": "Enabling",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "supplying": "Supplying",
- "earning": "Earning"
- },
- "closed": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amountRedeemed": "Withdrawal amount",
- "interestsEarned": "Interest earned",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "opened": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "accruedInterest": "Accrued interest",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "rates": {
- "allAssets": "Asset",
- "totalBalance": "Asset balance",
- "totalBalanceTooltip": "Amount available to lend",
- "currentAPY": "Deposit APY",
- "currentAPYTooltip": "Annual return rate earned on a continuously compounded deposit",
- "actions": "Actions"
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "cta": "Manage lending",
- "title": "Manage loan",
- "enable": {
- "approve": "Approve",
- "manageLimit": "Manage limit",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "info": "You have approved <0>{{amount}}0> on this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "infoNoLimit": "You have fully approved this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "approvedWithLimit": "You have approved <0>{{value}}0> on this account.",
- "enabling": "You can deposit assets once the account approval is confirmed.",
- "notEnabled": "You need to approve this account before being able to lend assets.",
- "notEnoughApproved": "You must increase the limit approved on your account to lend."
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit",
- "description": "Enter the amount of assets to lend to the protocol."
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "Withdraw assets from the protocol to your Ledger account."
- }
- },
- "enable": {
- "title": "Approve account",
- "steps": {
- "selectAccount": {
- "title": "Select account",
- "selectLabel": "Account to lend from",
- "cta": "Approve",
- "alreadyEnabled": "This account is approved"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "summary": "I grant access to <0>{{contractName}}0> smart contract on my account <0>{{accountName}}0> for a <0>{{amount}}0> amount",
- "limit": "limited {{amount}}",
- "noLimit": "no limit {{assetName}}",
- "contractName": "Compound {{currencyName}}",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to approve",
- "amountLabelTooltip": "This limits the amount available to the smart contract."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Operation sent successfully",
- "text": "The approval was sent to the network for confirmation. You’ll be able to issue loans once it is confirmed.",
- "done": "Close",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountToWithdraw": "Amount to withdraw",
- "withdrawAll": "Withdraw Max",
- "placeholder": "Withdraw Max",
- "maxWithdrawble": "Maximum amount to withdraw is"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Withdrawal sent successfully",
- "text": "Your assets will be available once the network has confirmed the withdrawal.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "tooltip": {
- "amountWithdrawn": "The amount withdrawn is displayed in {{ tokenName }}. {{ tokenName }} are ERC20 tokens that you earn after lending assets."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "terms": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "subtitle": "Lend assets on the Compound protocol",
- "description": "The Compound protocol allows you to lend and borrow assets on the Ethereum network. You can lend assets and earn interest directly from your Ledger acccount.",
- "switchLabel": "<1>I have read and agree with the 1><0>Terms of Use0><1>.1>"
- },
- "steps": {
- "title": "Step <0>{{step}} / {{total}}0>",
- "1": {
- "subtitle": "Approve an account to allow the protocol to",
- "subtitle2": "process future loans.",
- "description": "You need to authorize the Compound smart contract to transfer up to a certain amount of assets to the protocol. Approving an account gives permission to the protocol to process future loans."
- },
- "2": {
- "subtitle": "Supply assets to earn interest",
- "description": "Once an account is approved, you can select the amount of assets you want to lend and issue a transaction to the protocol. Interests accrue immediately after the transaction is confirmed."
- },
- "3": {
- "subtitle": "Withdraw assets at any time",
- "description": "You can withdraw your assets and earned interest at any time, partially or entirely, directly from your Ledger account."
- }
- }
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountToSupply": "Amount to deposit",
- "maxSupply": "Maximum amount to lend is"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Deposit sent successfully",
- "text": "You will start earning interest once the network has confirmed the deposit.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "noEthAccount": {
- "title": "Please create an ETH account",
- "description": "<0>{{ asset }}({{ ticker }})0> is an Ethereum ERC-20 token. To lend {{ ticker }}, install the Ethereum app and create an Ethereum account",
- "cta": "Add account"
- },
- "emptyAccountDeposit": {
- "title": "You don't have a {{ asset }} account.",
- "description": "In order to deposit funds and lend crypto you need a {{ asset }} account. Please Receive funds on your Ethereum address.",
- "ctaBuy": "Buy {{ asset }}",
- "ctaReceive": "Receive {{ asset }}"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "noResultFound": "No accounts found.",
- "order": {
- "name|asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name|desc": "Name Z-A",
- "balance|asc": "Lowest Balance",
- "balance|desc": "Highest Balance"
- },
- "range": {
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "all": "All"
- },
- "optionsMenu": {
- "title": "Options",
- "exportOperations": "Export operation history",
- "exportToMobile": "Export to mobile"
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "star": "Star",
- "receive": "Receive",
- "send": "Send",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "buy": "Buy",
- "sell": "Sell",
- "edit": "Edit account",
- "hideToken": "Hide token"
- }
- },
- "help": {
- "title": "Help & Support",
- "gettingStarted": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "desc": "Start here"
- },
- "status": {
- "title": "Ledger Status",
- "desc": "Check our system status"
- },
- "helpCenter": {
- "title": "Ledger Support",
- "desc": "Get help"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "desc": "Learn crypto"
- },
- "facebook": {
- "title": "Facebook",
- "desc": "Like our page"
- },
- "twitter": {
- "title": "Twitter",
- "desc": "Follow us"
- },
- "github": {
- "title": "Github",
- "desc": "Review our code"
- }
- },
- "blacklistToken": {
- "title": "Hide token",
- "desc": "This action will hide all <1><0>{{tokenName}}0>1> accounts, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide token"
- },
- "hideNftCollection": {
- "title": "Hide NFT Colection",
- "desc": "This action will hide all NFTs from the <1><0>{{collectionName}}0>1> collection, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide NFT Collection"
- },
- "banners": {
- "cleanCache": {
- "title": "Modification of experimental settings require a clear cache",
- "cta": "Clear cache"
- },
- "migrate": "Ledger Live accounts update available",
- "genericTerminatedCrypto": "{{coinName}} is not supported anymore",
- "valentine": {
- "title": "Valentine’s day",
- "description": "As a proof of our love, Ledger is reducing buy & sell fees on Ledger Live"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "description": "Everything you need to know about blockchain, security, cryptocurrency and your Ledger device",
- "cta": "Start learning"
- },
- "stakeCosmos": {
- "title": "Staking with COSMOS",
- "description": "Delegate your ATOM coins through the account page and earn rewards today",
- "cta": "Stake Cosmos now"
- },
- "buyCrypto": {
- "title": "Buy Crypto",
- "description": "Purchase crypto assets through our partner and receive them directly in your Ledger account",
- "cta": "Buy now"
- },
- "familyPack": {
- "title": "Family pack",
- "description": "Get your family and friends into crypto with 3 Nano S at a discounted price",
- "cta": "Buy family pack"
- },
- "polkaStake": {
- "title": "POLKADOT staking",
- "description": "You can now stake, secure and manage your DOT directly in Ledger Live"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "sell crypto",
- "description": "Sell Bitcoin with our partner directly from Ledger Live"
- },
- "stakeAlgorand": {
- "title": "Staking with ALGORAND",
- "description": "Make the most of your ALGO. Simply add funds to your accounts and earn staking rewards today."
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap crypto",
- "description": "Exchange one crypto for another from Ledger Live with our partner."
- },
- "lending": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "description": "Lend stablecoins to the Compound protocol and earn interests today"
- },
- "blackfriday": {
- "title": "BLACK FRIDAY ",
- "description": "Enjoy 40% off Ledger hardware wallets with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY20"
- }
- },
- "signmessage": {
- "title": "Sign message",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Device"
- }
- }
- },
- "walletconnect": {
- "titleAccount": "Wallet Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "connected": "Connected",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "invalidAccount": "Invalid account id",
- "steps": {
- "paste": {
- "title": "Paste link",
- "label": "Wallet Connect address",
- "placeholder": "Paste Wallet Connect Link"
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Connect",
- "details": "Wants to connect to the following account through your wallet :",
- "deeplinkDetails": "Wants to connect to Ledger Live. Choose your account:",
- "noAccount": "You don't have any compatible account. Please add an compatible account to use Wallet Connect.",
- "alreadyConnected": "You are trying to connect to a dApp while having another one already connected. Please disconnect from the connected dApp before reconnecting Live with a new dApp."
- }
- },
- "connectedscreen": {
- "info": "You can now access the {{name}} dApp on your web browser.",
- "warning": "Sharing receive addresses from dApps is not secure. Always use Ledger Live when sharing your address to receive funds.",
- "disconnected": "There is a connection problem between the dApp, WalletConnect and Ledger Live. Wait a few moments or relaunch the connection"
- }
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Portfolio",
- "emptyAccountTile": {
- "desc": "Add accounts to manage other crypto assets",
- "createAccount": "Add account"
- },
- "recentActivity": "Latest operations",
- "totalBalance": "Total balance",
- "transactionsPendingConfirmation": "Some transactions are not confirmed yet. These will be reflected in your balance and useable after being confirmed."
- },
- "currentAddress": {
- "title": "Current address",
- "for": "Address for <1><0>{{name}}0>1>",
- "messageIfUnverified": "Verify that the shared address exactly matches the one on your device",
- "messageIfSkipped": "Your {{name}} address was not confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for security.",
- "showQrCode": "Show QR Code",
- "taprootWarning": "Make sure the sender supports taproot"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Install apps on your device",
- "desc": "Go to the Manager to install apps on your device. You can add accounts once you have apps on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "installApp": "Go to Manager",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Add an account to get started",
- "desc": "Add an account to start managing your crypto assets. You must have the app for your crypto asset installed on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "installApp": "Go to Manager to install apps",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- }
- },
- "genuinecheck": {
- "deviceInBootloader": "Device in Bootloader mode. Click on <1>Continue1> to update it."
- },
- "learn": {
- "title": "Learn",
- "noConnection": "No connection",
- "noConnectionDesc": "It seems you don't have access to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.",
- "sectionShows": "Shows",
- "sectionVideo": "Video",
- "sectionPodcast": "Podcast",
- "sectionArticles": "Articles"
- },
- "market": {
- "title": "Market",
- "currency": "Currency",
- "rangeLabel": "Time",
- "goBack": "Go back",
- "filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
- "show": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "isLedgerCompatible": "Ledger Live Compatible",
- "isFavorite": "Starred Assets",
- "applyFilters": "Apply filters",
- "clearAll": "Clear all"
- },
- "marketList": {
- "crypto": "Crypto",
- "price": "Price",
- "change": "Change",
- "marketCap": "Market cap",
- "last7d": "Last 7 days"
- },
- "detailsPage": {
- "priceStatistics": "Price stats",
- "tradingVolume": "Trading volume",
- "24hLowHight": "24h Low / 24h High",
- "7dLowHigh": "7d Low / 7d High",
- "allTimeHigh": "All time high",
- "allTimeLow": "All time low",
- "marketCapRank": "Market cap rank",
- "marketCapDominance": "Market cap dominance",
- "supply": "Supply",
- "circulatingSupply": "Circulating supply",
- "totalSupply": "Total supply",
- "maxSupply": "Max supply",
- "assetNotSupportedOnLedgerLive": "This asset is not supported on Ledger Live.",
- "supportedCoinsAndTokens": "Supported coins & Tokens"
- },
- "range": {
- "1H_label": "1H",
- "1D_label": "1D",
- "1W_label": "1W",
- "1M_label": "1M",
- "1Y_label": "1Y",
- "1h": "1h",
- "24h": "24h",
- "7d": "7d",
- "30d": "30d",
- "1y": "1y",
- "1H_selectorLabel": "Last 1 hour",
- "1D_selectorLabel": "Last 24 hours",
- "1W_selectorLabel": "last week",
- "1M_selectorLabel": "Last month",
- "1Y_selectorLabel": "Last year"
- },
- "warnings": {
- "connectionError": "Connection Error",
- "ledgerUnableToRetrieveData": "Ledger Live is unable to retrieve data.",
- "checkInternetAndReload": "Please check your internet connection and reload this page.",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "noCryptosFound": "No coins found",
- "noSearchResultsFor": "Sorry, we did not find any coins for <0>{{search}}0>. Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "noSearchResults": "Sorry, we did not find any search results.",
- "retrySearchKeyword": "Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "retrySearchParams": "Please retry the search with another parameters.",
- "trackFavAssets": "Track your favourite",
- "clickOnStarIcon": "Clicking on the star icon next to an asset will automatically add them to your favorites.",
- "browseAssets": "Browse assets"
- }
- },
- "NFT": {
- "viewer": {
- "actions": {
- "send": "Send",
- "open": "Open in {{viewer}}"
- },
- "attributes": {
- "properties": "Properties",
- "description": "Description",
- "tokenAddress": "Token Address",
- "tokenId": "Token ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- }
- },
- "collections": {
- "title": "NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Collections",
- "receiveCTA": "Receive NFT",
- "galleryCTA": "See Gallery",
- "seeMore": "See more collections",
- "seeAll": "See all collections",
- "seeLess": "See less"
- },
- "gallery": {
- "title": "All NFT",
- "collection": {
- "header": {
- "sendCTA": "Send",
- "contract": "Contract: {{contract}}"
- },
- "operationList": {
- "header": "Latest Operations",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "IN": "Received"
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "item": {
- "tokenId": "ID: {{tokenId}}"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "title": "Tokens",
- "cta": "Add token",
- "placeholder": "To add tokens, simply send them to your {{currencyName}} address.",
- "link": "Learn more",
- "seeTokens": "Show tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 token",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} tokens",
- "algorand": {
- "title": "ASA (Assets)",
- "cta": "Add ASA",
- "placeholder": "You can add assets to your {{currencyName}} account.",
- "link": "How Assets (ASA) works?",
- "seeTokens": "Show ASA ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide ASA ({{tokenCount}})"
- }
- },
- "subAccounts": {
- "title": "Subaccounts",
- "seeSubAccounts": "Show subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideSubAccounts": "Hide subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 subaccount",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} subaccounts"
- },
- "migrateAccounts": {
- "overview": {
- "title": "Ledger Live accounts update",
- "successTitle": "Accounts updated successfully",
- "successDescPlu": "Your {{assets}} accounts are now updated and ready to use",
- "successDesc": "Your {{assets}} account is now updated and ready to use",
- "mobileTitle": "Export accounts to mobile",
- "mobileDesc": "Click the button below to export your updated accounts to the Ledger Live mobile app.",
- "mobileCTA": "Export to mobile",
- "description": "New features in Ledger Live require an update of your accounts.",
- "currency": "1 {{currency}} account needs to be updated:",
- "currency_plural": "{{count}} {{currency}} accounts need to be updated:",
- "footer": "You need your Ledger Device to complete the update",
- "pendingDevices": "1 account could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "pendingDevices_plural": "{{totalMigratableAccounts}} accounts could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "doItLaterBtn": "Do it later"
- },
- "progress": {
- "finished": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update completed",
- "description": ""
- },
- "scanning": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait for your accounts to be updated"
- },
- "finished-empty": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update incomplete",
- "description": "No {{currencyName}} accounts to update"
- }
- },
- "cta": {
- "startUpdate": "Start update",
- "nextCurrency": "Continue with {{currency}} update"
- }
- },
- "addAccounts": {
- "title": "Add accounts",
- "breadcrumb": {
- "informations": "Crypto asset",
- "connectDevice": "Device",
- "import": "Accounts",
- "finish": "Confirmation"
- },
- "fullNodeReadyInfo": "Accounts will be added using your Bitcoin full node.",
- "fullNodeConfigure": "Configure node",
- "tokensTip": "{{token}} ({{ticker}}) is an {{tokenType}} token. You can receive tokens directly on an {{currency}} account.",
- "accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Add existing accounts",
- "selectAll": "Select all ({{count}})",
- "unselectAll": "Deselect all ({{count}})",
- "noAccountToImport": "No existing {{currencyName}} accounts to add",
- "success": "Account added successfully",
- "success_plural": "Accounts added successfully",
- "successDescription": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "successDescription_plural": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "createNewAccount": {
- "noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received assets on your <1><0>{{accountName}}0>1> account",
- "noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}0>1> account was found to be created",
- "showAllAddressTypes": "Show all address types",
- "showAllAddressTypesTooltip": "Only change the address type if you need to receive {{family}} on other address formats."
- },
- "supportLinks": {
- "segwit_or_native_segwit": "Segwit or Native Segwit?"
- },
- "cta": {
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "add": "Add account",
- "add_plural": "Add accounts",
- "addAccountName": "Add {{currencyName}} account",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "sections": {
- "importable": {
- "title": "Add existing account"
- },
- "creatable": {
- "title": "Add new account"
- },
- "imported": {
- "title": "Accounts already in portfolio ({{count}})"
- },
- "migrate": {
- "title": "Accounts to update"
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetails": {
- "whatIsThis": "What is this operation?",
- "title": "Operation details",
- "type": "Type",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "account": "Account",
- "date": "Date",
- "currentValue": "Current value",
- "status": "Status",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "failed": "Failed",
- "notConfirmed": "Not confirmed",
- "fees": "Fee",
- "noFees": "No fee",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "identifier": "Transaction ID",
- "viewOperation": "View in explorer",
- "showMore": "Show {{recipients}} more",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "tokenOperations": "Token operations",
- "subAccountOperations": "Subaccount operations",
- "tokenTooltip": "This operation is related to the following token operations",
- "subAccountTooltip": "This operation is related to the following subaccount operations",
- "internalOperations": "Internal operations",
- "internalOpTooltip": "This operation has internal operations",
- "details": "{{ currency }} details",
- "multipleAddresses": "Why multiple addresses?",
- "nft": {
- "name": "Token Name",
- "contract": "Token Contract",
- "id": "Token (NFT) ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "extra": {
- "frozenAmount": "Frozen amount",
- "unfreezeAmount": "Unfreeze amount",
- "votes": "Votes ({{number}})",
- "votesAddress": "<0>{{votes}}0> to <2>{{name}}2>",
- "validators": "Validators",
- "redelegated": "Redelegated",
- "redelegatedFrom": "Redelegated from",
- "redelegatedTo": "Redelegated to",
- "redelegatedAmount": "Redelegated amount",
- "undelegated": "Undelegated",
- "undelegatedFrom": "Undelegated from",
- "undelegatedAmount": "Undelegated amount",
- "rewardFrom": "Reward from",
- "memo": "Memo",
- "assetId": "Asset ID",
- "rewards": "Earned rewards",
- "bondedAmount": "Bonded Amount",
- "unbondedAmount": "Unbonded Amount",
- "withdrawUnbondedAmount": "Withdrawn Amount",
- "palletMethod": "Method",
- "transferAmount": "Transfer Amount",
- "validatorsCount": "Validators ({{number}})"
- }
- },
- "operationList": {
- "noMoreOperations": "That's all"
- },
- "DeviceAction": {
- "allowAppPermission": "Open the {{wording}} app on your device",
- "allowAppPermissionSubtitleToken": "to manage your {{token}} tokens",
- "allowManagerPermission": "Allow {{wording}} on your device",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "connectAndUnlockDevice": "Connect and unlock your device",
- "unlockDevice": "Unlock your device",
- "unlockDeviceAfterFirmwareUpdate": "Wait for the firmware to update and unlock your device with your PIN",
- "quitApp": "Quit the application on your device",
- "appNotInstalledTitle": "Missing required app",
- "appNotInstalledTitle_plural": "Missing required apps",
- "appNotInstalled": "The {{appName}} app is required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install it on your device",
- "appNotInstalled_plural": "The {{appName}} apps are required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install them on your device",
- "openManager": "Open Manager",
- "openOnboarding": "Setup device",
- "outdated": "App version outdated",
- "outdatedDesc": "An important update is available for the {{appName}} application on your device. Please go to the Manager to update it.",
- "installApp": "{{appName}} App installation",
- "installAppDescription": "Please wait until the installation is finished",
- "listApps": "Checking App dependencies",
- "listAppsDescription": "Please wait while we make sure you have all the required apps",
- "swap": {
- "notice": "Verify the Swap details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Swap transaction",
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "amountReceivedFloat": "Amount to receive before service fees",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "payoutNetworkFees": "Payout fees",
- "payoutNetworkFeesTooltip": "This amount will not be shown on your device"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "fees": "Network Fees",
- "sourceAccount": "Source Account",
- "targetAccount": "Target Account"
- },
- "sell": {
- "notice": "Verify the Sell details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Sell transaction"
- },
- "fund": {
- "notice": "Verify the Fund details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don't have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Fund transaction"
- }
- },
- "manager": {
- "tabs": {
- "appCatalog": "App catalog",
- "appCatalogSearch": "Search app in catalog...",
- "appsOnDevice": "Apps installed",
- "appOnDeviceSearch": "Search installed apps..."
- },
- "disconnected": {
- "title": "Looks like an app is open on your device",
- "subtitle": "Reopening the Manager will quit the app on your device",
- "ctaReopen": "Reopen Manager",
- "ctaPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio"
- },
- "deviceStorage": {
- "freeSpace": "<0>{{space}}0> free",
- "noFreeSpace": "No storage left",
- "installed": "Apps",
- "capacity": "Capacity",
- "used": "Used",
- "firmwareAvailable": "Firmware is outdated:",
- "firmwareUpToDate": "Firmware is up to date:",
- "genuine": "Device is genuine",
- "incomplete": "Some apps were not recognized. Please uninstall, then reinstall them."
- },
- "applist": {
- "placeholder": "No match for the search with the selected filters",
- "placeholderNoAppsInstalled": "No apps installed on your device",
- "placeholderGoToCatalog": "Go to the App catalog to install apps",
- "noResultsFound": "No results found",
- "noResultsDesc": "Please verify the spelling and try again",
- "filter": {
- "title": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "supported": "Supported in Live",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "not_installed": "Not installed"
- },
- "sort": {
- "title": "Sort",
- "name_asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name_desc": "Name Z-A",
- "marketcap_desc": "Market cap"
- },
- "installSuccess": {
- "title": "App installed successfully. You can now add your {{app}} accounts",
- "title_plural": "Apps installed successfully. You can now add your accounts",
- "manageAccount": "Manage my accounts"
- },
- "updatable": {
- "title": "Update available",
- "title_plural": "Updates available",
- "progressTitle": "{{number}} App update",
- "progressTitle_plural": "{{number}} App updates",
- "progressWarning": "Do not quit Manager during update.",
- "progress": "Updating all..."
- },
- "item": {
- "version": "Version {{version}}",
- "installing": "Installing...",
- "uninstalling": "Uninstalling...",
- "updating": "Updating...",
- "scheduled": "Queued",
- "update": "Update available",
- "updateAll": "Update all",
- "updateAllOutOfMemory": "Not enough storage. Please uninstall some apps",
- "install": "Install",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "updated": "Updated",
- "uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "notEnoughSpace": "Not enough storage",
- "supported": "Ledger Live supported",
- "not_supported": "Requires 3rd-party wallet",
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "addAccountTooltip": "Add {{appName}} account",
- "addAccountWarn": "Please wait for the app updates to finish",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "learnMoreTooltip": "Learn more about {{appName}}",
- "removeTooltip": "Uninstall {{appName}}",
- "useAppForToken": "Looking to manage {{tokenType}} tokens?",
- "tokenAppDisclaimer": "To manage {{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens, <1>install the {{appName}} app1> and please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "tokenAppDisclaimerInstalled": "To manage <1>{{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens1>, please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "goToAccounts": "Go to accounts",
- "intallParentApp": "Install {{appName}} app",
- "plugin": "Go to app",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "tool": "Learn more",
- "app": "Learn more"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Uninstall all",
- "subtitle": "Uninstall all apps?",
- "description": "Don't worry, uninstalling apps does not affect your crypto assets. You can reinstall apps in the App catalog."
- }
- },
- "apps": {
- "dependencyInstall": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app is required",
- "description": "The {{dependency}} app will also be installed because the {{app}} app needs it.",
- "confirm": "Install apps"
- },
- "dependencyUninstall": {
- "title": " Uninstall {{app}} and its related apps?",
- "showAll": "Show apps to uninstall",
- "description": "Some of your installed apps are linked to {{app}} app. They will be uninstalled as well.",
- "confirm": "Uninstall {{app}} and other apps"
- }
- },
- "firmware": {
- "updateLater": "Cancel",
- "seedReady": "I have my recovery phrase",
- "dontHaveSeed": "Don't have your recovery phrase? ",
- "followTheGuide": "Follow our step by step update guide",
- "removeApps": "Uninstall all apps before updating",
- "update": "Firmware update",
- "updateBtn": "Update firmware",
- "banner": {
- "warning": "Update Firmware to {{latestFirmware}} is available",
- "cta": "Go to manager",
- "old": {
- "warning": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "cta": "Contact support"
- },
- "cta2": "Update firmware"
- },
- "latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
- "contactSupport": "Contact support",
- "deprecated": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "prepareSeed": "Ensure your 24-word recovery phrase is written down on the Recovery sheet and it is available, as a precaution.",
- "disclaimerTitle": "You are about to install <1>firmware version {{version}}1>.",
- "downloadingUpdateDesc": "Please wait for the update installer to be downloaded"
- },
- "modal": {
- "steps": {
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateMCU": "Firmware update",
- "updating": "Firmware update",
- "reset": "Prepare device",
- "osu": "Installing OSU...",
- "flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
- "flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
- "firmware": "Firmware updating...",
- "flash": "Preparing your device..."
- },
- "confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
- "confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Confirm and enter your PIN code if requested.",
- "identifier": "Identifier",
- "preparation": "Preparation",
- "newFirmware": "New firmware {{version}}",
- "confirmUpdate": "Please confirm the update on your device",
- "mcuTitle": "Finalize update",
- "mcuFirst": "Disconnect the USB cable from your device",
- "mcuSecond": "Press the left button and hold it while you reconnect the USB cable until the <1><0>{{repairProcessing}}0>1> screen appears",
- "mcuPin": "Please wait for the update to finish",
- "mcuSecondNanoX": "Press and hold the left button until <1><0>{{bootloaderOption}}0>1> appears. Press both buttons to confirm and reconnect your device.",
- "mcuBlueFirst": "Press and hold the side button for 10 seconds to turn off the device. Release the button.",
- "mcuBlueSecond": "Press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds until the Boot Options are displayed. Tap Bootloader Mode",
- "successTitle": "Firmware updated",
- "successTextApps": "Please re-install the apps on your device",
- "successTextNoApps": "You can now install apps on your device",
- "sucessCTAApps": "Re-install apps",
- "SuccessCTANoApps": "Install apps",
- "cancelReinstallCTA": "Install update",
- "resetSteps": {
- "first": "1. Reset your device",
- "connect": "Connect the {{deviceName}} to your computer using the USB cable.",
- "turnOn": "Press the button on the device to turn it on.",
- "falsePin": "Enter three wrong PINs to reset the device.",
- "turnOff": "Press and hold the side button until {{action}} is displayed.",
- "confirmTurnOff": "Tap {{action}} to confirm.",
- "second": "2. Boot in {{mode}} mode",
- "boot": "Press and hold the side button until {{option}} is displayed",
- "recoveryMode": "Tap {{mode}} Mode. Wait until the dashboard appears.",
- "third": "3. Uninstall all apps",
- "openLive": "Open the Manager in Ledger Live.",
- "uninstall": "Click on the grey trash icon for all apps currently installed on the {{deviceName}}. This makes room for the firmware installer.",
- "disclaimer": "Note: Your funds are not affected by this operation, the private keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Recovery sheet."
- }
- }
- },
- "claimReward": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "rewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned <1>{{amount}}1> by voting for validators.",
- "info": "Rewards can be claimed once every 24 hours."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards claimed",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance.",
- "cta": "View details",
- "done": "Done"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "resourceInfo": "Bandwidth or Energy?",
- "bandwidthDescription": "Bandwidth points are used to make transactions without paying TRX for network fees. Choose Bandwidth to increase your daily free transactions.",
- "energyDescription": "Energy points are required to execute smart contracts. If you don't run any smart contracts, there is no need to choose rewards in Energy.",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to freeze",
- "available": "Available: {{amountAvailable}}",
- "info": "Frozen assets cannot be sent for 3 days."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction is awaiting validation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a minute before being able to vote"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "textNRG": "You will start earning Energy once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "text": "You will start earning Bandwidth once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "votePending": "Vote in {{time}}",
- "vote": "Vote",
- "later": "Vote later"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "info": "Unfreezing will decrease your {{resource}} and will cancel your votes."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "text": "Your assets were unfrozen successfully. Your {{resource}} points will be decreased, and your votes will be cancelled.",
- "continue": "Continue"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "titleExisting": "Manage votes",
- "steps": {
- "castVotes": {
- "max": "MAX",
- "title": "Vote",
- "search": "Search by name or address...",
- "totalVotes": "Total votes: {{total}}",
- "selected": "Selected: {{total}}",
- "maxSelected": "Max selected: {{total}}",
- "allVotesAreUsed": "All assets are distributed",
- "maxUsed": "Insufficient assets",
- "validators": "Validators ({{total}})",
- "votes": "Available assets: {{total}}",
- "noResults": "No validator found for \"<0>{{search}}0>\"."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Your votes were cast successfully.",
- "text": "",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "buy": {
- "title": "Buy",
- "titleCrypto": "Buy {{currency}}",
- "buyCTA": "Buy {{currencyTicker}}",
- "withoutDevice": "Continue without my device",
- "connectWithoutDevice": "It's better to use your device for optimal security.",
- "skipConnect": "Continue without my device"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "Sell",
- "titleCrypto": "Sell {{currency}}"
- },
- "receive": {
- "title": "Receive",
- "successTitle": "Address shared securely",
- "steps": {
- "chooseAccount": {
- "title": "Account",
- "label": "Account to credit",
- "parentAccount": "1. Select {{currencyName}} account",
- "token": "2. Select a token",
- "verifyTokenType": "Please verify that <0>{{token}}0> is an <0>{{tokenType}}0> token. Any other crypto asset sent to an {{currency}} account may be lost.",
- "warningTokenType": "Please only send <0>{{ticker}}0> or <0>{{tokenType}}0> tokens to {{currency}} accounts. Sending other crypto assets may result in the permanent loss of funds."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device",
- "withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
- },
- "receiveFunds": {
- "title": "Receive"
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount received on a delegated account will be added to the total staked amount. Choose another account if you want to avoid this."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "send": {
- "title": "Send",
- "titleNft": "Send NFT",
- "totalSpent": "Total to debit",
- "steps": {
- "recipient": {
- "title": "Recipient",
- "nftRecipient": "NFT to send"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "banner": "Maximum spendable amount is",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "details": {
- "utxoLag": "This transaction may take long to verify and sign because the account has a significant number of coins.",
- "subaccountsWarning": "You will need to refill this account with {{ currency }} in order to send the tokens of this account",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
- "recipientAddress": "Recipient address",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "fees": "Network fees",
- "sendMax": "Send Max",
- "rippleTag": "Tag",
- "rippleTagPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "ethereumGasLimit": "Gas limit",
- "ethereumGasPrice": "Gas price",
- "unitPerByte": "{{unit}} per byte",
- "nft": "NFT",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "verification": {
- "streaming": {
- "accurate": "Loading... ({{percentage}})",
- "inaccurate": "Loading..."
- }
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount to be sent will be deducted from the balance of your delegated account."
- }
- }
- },
- "footer": {
- "estimatedFees": "Network fees"
- }
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Sign transaction"
- },
- "releaseNotes": {
- "title": "Release notes",
- "version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
- },
- "systemLanguageAvailable": {
- "title": "Change your app's language?",
- "description": {
- "newSupport": "Good news! our teams have been working hard and Ledger Live now supports {{language}}.",
- "advice": "You can always change your language back later in the settings."
- },
- "switchButton": "Switch to {{language}}",
- "no": "I prefer not to"
- },
- "distribution": {
- "asset": "Asset",
- "price": "Price",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "showAll": "Show all",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "header": "Asset allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "accountDistribution": {
- "account": "Account",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "header": "Account allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "elrond": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by MultiversX",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "MultiversX integration",
- "title": "MultiversX eGold (EGLD) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now safely secure your eGold (EGLD) tokens and manage them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The MultiversX eGold (EGLD) Token is native to the MultiversX Network and will be used for everything from transactions, staking, smart contracts, governance and validator rewards.",
- "description3": "We are actively working with the MultiversX team to add more functionality, such as staking, native ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token) support, and more.",
- "website": "The Internet Scale Blockchain"
- }
- }
- },
- "tron": {
- "voting": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can now earn rewards by freezing and voting.",
- "info": "How voting works",
- "votesDesc": "Cast your votes for one or more representatives to start earning staking rewards.",
- "vote": "Cast votes",
- "voteExisting": "Manage votes"
- },
- "manageTP": "Manage assets",
- "warnEarnRewards": "You need at least {{amount}} to start earning rewards",
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "nextRewardsDate": "Rewards can be claimed {{date}}",
- "claimAvailableRewards": "Claim {{amount}}",
- "header": "Votes",
- "percentageTP": "% of votes cast",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "remainingVotes": {
- "title": "You still have {{amount}} votes remaining",
- "description": "You can cast your remaining votes to earn more rewards",
- "button": "Vote now"
- },
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated assets stay yours.",
- "access": "You can unfreeze your assets after 3 days.",
- "ledger": "Freeze and vote securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "help": "How voting works",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your super representative."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze",
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn Bandwidth or Energy. You'll also be able to vote for Super Representatives."
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "description": "Unfreeze TRX to have them back in your available balance. You will no longer earn rewards."
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Vote",
- "description": "Cast votes for Super Representatives to earn rewards.",
- "steps": {
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "description": "Vote for one or more Super Representatives to start earning rewards.",
- "footer": {
- "doNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "next": "Cast Votes"
- },
- "info": {
- "message": "SR or Candidates?",
- "superRepresentative": {
- "title": "Super Representatives (SR)",
- "description": "Super Representatives play a key role in governing the TRON community by ensuring basic functions, e.g. block generation and bookkeeping."
- },
- "candidates": {
- "title": "Candidates",
- "description": "127 individuals elected through voting by the entire token holder community. Votes are updated once every 6 hours."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "bitcoin": {
- "inputSelected": "SELECTED",
- "toSpend": "Coins to spend",
- "toReturn": "Change to return",
- "modalTitle": "Coin control",
- "coincontrol": "Coin control",
- "advanced": "Advanced options",
- "ctaDisabled": "This account has no UTXO",
- "whatIs": "What is coin selection?",
- "rbf": "Allow the transaction to be replaced (Replace-By-Fee).",
- "strategy": "Coin selection strategy",
- "selected": "Coins selected for strategy",
- "amount": "Amount to send:",
- "replaceable": "replaceable",
- "cannotSelect": {
- "unconfirmed": "You cannot select coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "last": "You need at least one selected"
- },
- "pending": "pending",
- "pickUnconfirmedRBF": "Include coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "pickingStrategy": "UTXO picking strategy",
- "pickingStrategyLabels": {
- "DEEP_OUTPUTS_FIRST": "Oldest coins first (FIFO)",
- "OPTIMIZE_SIZE": "Minimize fees (optimize size)",
- "MERGE_OUTPUTS": "Minimize future fees (merge coins)"
- }
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "delegation": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn ATOM rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "header": "Delegation(s)",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "undelegate": "Undelegate",
- "redelegate": "Redelegate",
- "redelegateDisabledTooltip": "You can redelegate again <0>{{days}}0>",
- "redelegateMaxDisabledTooltip": "You cannot redelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "undelegateDisabledTooltip": "You cannot undelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "reward": "Claim rewards",
- "currentDelegation": "Delegated: <0>{{amount}}0>",
- "estYield": "est. yield",
- "activeTooltip": "Delegated amounts generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards",
- "minSafeWarning": "Not enough funds",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your ATOM assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available 21 days after undelegation"
- ],
- "warning": {
- "description": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- }
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validators"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "claimRewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "compound": "Compound",
- "claim": "Cash in",
- "compoundOrClaim": "Compound or cash in",
- "compoundDescription": "Rewards will be added to delegated amount",
- "claimDescription": "Rewards will be added to the available balance",
- "compoundInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0>. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically delegated to the same validator.",
- "claimInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> from the validator below. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically added to the available balance.",
- "selectLabel": "Select a delegation"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards cashed in successfully",
- "titleCompound": "Rewards compounded successfully",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "textCompound": "Your rewards <0>{{amount}}0> were automatically delegated to <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "redelegation": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Redelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Redelegation",
- "description": "Use redelegation to easily change from one validator to another. But if you change your mind again, you will then have to wait because redelegation triggers a 21-day timelock.",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately. You can have a maximum of <0>7 pending redelegations0>.",
- "howDelegationWorks": "How delegation works?"
- },
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "currentDelegation": "Current delegation",
- "newDelegation": "New delegation",
- "chooseValidator": "Choose a validator",
- "warning": "You will have to wait <0>21 days0> to redelegate from the new validator, if you change your mind again"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully redelegated your assets",
- "text": "The redelegation will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "undelegation": {
- "header": "Undelegation(s)",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 21-day timelock",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Undelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "subtitle": "The undelegation process takes <0>21 days0> to finalize.",
- "warning": "Rewards will be immediately cashed in. The undelegated amount will be back in the available balance after the <0>21-day timelock0>.",
- "fields": {
- "validator": "Validator",
- "amount": "Amount to undelegate"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully undelegated your assets.",
- "description": "<0>{{amount}}0> were undelegated from <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "algorand": {
- "operationHasRewards": "Rewards earned",
- "operationEarnedRewards": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> rewards.",
- "operationDetailsAmountBreakDown": "{{initialAmount}} (<0>+{{reward}}0> earned rewards)",
- "optIn": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Add ASA (Asset)",
- "steps": {
- "assets": {
- "title": "ASA (Asset)",
- "info": "Adding an asset requires sending a transaction with minimum fees. This will appear on your transaction history",
- "selectLabel": "Choose an ASA (Asset)",
- "disabledTooltip": "You already have this ASA (Asset) in your Algorand account"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "{{token}} asset successfully added",
- "text": "You can now receive and send <0>{{token}}0> assets on your Algorand account.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "header": "Rewards",
- "tooltip": "Algorand rewards are distributed regularly and are claimed automatically when you do a transaction.",
- "cta": "Claim rewards",
- "rewardsDisabledTooltip": "You don’t have any rewards. Algorand rewards are claimed automatically when you do a transaction. Receive ALGO to start earning rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Receive Algorand rewards simply for holding Algorand control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "A minimum balance of 1 ALGO is required to receive rewards.",
- "access": "Increase the account’s balance to increase rewards.",
- "ledger": "Perform a transaction to or from the account to claim rewards."
- },
- "learnMore": "How Algorand rewards work?",
- "button": {
- "cta": "Receive Algo"
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned {{amount}}. Click on Continue to claim your rewards",
- "info": "You will be prompted to generate an empty transaction to your account. This will add your current rewards to your balance at the minimal cost of the transaction fees."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards successfully claimed!",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "polkadot": {
- "lockedBalance": "Bonded",
- "lockedTooltip": "Assets must be bonded to nominated validators before earning rewards.",
- "unlockingBalance": "Unbonding",
- "unlockingTooltip": "Unbonding assets stay locked for 28 days before they can be withdrawn.",
- "unlockedBalance": "Unbonded",
- "unlockedTooltip": "Unbonded assets can now be moved using the withdraw operation.",
- "networkFees": "Network fees are automatically set by the Polkadot consensus, you won't be able to review them on your device",
- "bondedBalanceBelowMinimum": "Your bonded balance is below the current minimum of {{minimumBondBalance}}. Your nominations are at risk of being removed.",
- "nomination": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn rewards by bonding assets and then nominating your validator(s).",
- "info": "How nominations work"
- },
- "header": "Nominations",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "setController": "Change Controller",
- "chill": "Clear nominations",
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "amount": "Bonded Amount",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "This validator is elected and is collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "inactiveTooltip": "This validator is elected but is not collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "waiting": "Unelected",
- "waitingTooltip": "This validator is not elected, therefore is not collecting rewards.",
- "notValidator": "Not a validator",
- "notValidatorTooltip": "This address is no longer a validator",
- "elected": "Elected",
- "nominatorsCount": "{{nominatorsCount}} nominators",
- "nominatorsTooltip": "This validator is currently elected by {{count}} nominators.",
- "oversubscribed": "Oversubscribed ({{nominatorsCount}})",
- "oversubscribedTooltip": "Only the top {{maxNominatorRewardedPerValidator}} nominators with the highest bonded amount earn rewards",
- "hasPendingBondOperation": "A bond operation is still pending confirmation",
- "electionOpen": "The election of new validators is currently ongoing. As such, staking operations are not available for 15 minutes at most.",
- "electionOpenTooltip": "This operation is disabled during the election of validators",
- "externalControllerTooltip": "This account is controlled by another account.",
- "externalControllerUnsupported": "<0>This stash account is controlled by a separate account whose address is <0>{{controllerAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set this stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "externalStashTooltip": "This account controls another account.",
- "externalStashUnsupported": "<0>This account is the controller of a separate stash account whose address is <0>{{stashAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set your stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "showInactiveNominations": "Show all nominations ({{count}})",
- "hideInactiveNominations": "Show active nominations only",
- "noActiveNominations": "There are no active nominations.",
- "showAllUnlockings": "Show all unbonding amounts ({{count}})",
- "hideAllUnlockings": "Hide unbonding amounts"
- },
- "unlockings": {
- "header": "Unbonding",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 28-day unbonding period",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Withdraw ({{amount}})",
- "withdrawTooltip": "The unbonded amount will be credited to your available balance.",
- "noUnlockedWarning": "No unbonded balance to withdraw yet.",
- "rebond": "Rebond",
- "unbonded": "Unbonded"
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond",
- "description": "To earn rewards, first bond an amount. Then you must nominate your validator(s)."
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond",
- "description": "To make a bonded amount available again, first you need to unbond it. You can withdraw it after the 28-day unbonding period."
- },
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "To retrieve an unbonded amount back to the available balance, you need to withdraw it manually."
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "description": "Choose up to 16 validators. Ensure nominations are Active to earn rewards."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Remove all nominations. You will stop earning rewards. Your bonded amount remains bonded."
- }
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "steps": {
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "notValidatorsRemoved": "You have nominated {{count}} addresses who are no longer validators. They will automatically be removed from your nominate transaction.",
- "maybeChill": "Clear nominations instead"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully nominated validators",
- "text": "You will start earning rewards when your assets are bonded to your elected validator(s).",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond assets",
- "rewardDestination": {
- "label": "Rewards Destination",
- "stash": "Available Balance",
- "stashDescription": "Rewards are credited to your available balance.",
- "staked": "Bonded Balance",
- "stakedDescription": "Rewards are credited to your bonded balance for compound earning.",
- "optionTitle": "Note",
- "optionDescription": "Once set, the option is fixed for the lifetime of this bond. If you change your mind, please read the article down below"
- },
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by bonding your assets and then nominate your validators.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of bonded assets",
- "Nominate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available again, 28 days after unbonding"
- ],
- "help": "How nominations work",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your bonded assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to bond",
- "availableLabel": "Available",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Bonded assets can be unbonded at any time, but unbonding takes 28 days.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction awaiting confirmation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a moment before nominating"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully bonded",
- "text": "You can nominate validators once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "textNominate": "You will be able to nominate validators once the network has confirmed your transaction.",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "later": "Nominate later"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Bonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "rebond": {
- "title": "Rebond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to rebond",
- "availableLabel": "Unbonding",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Rebonded assets are immediately added to the bonded amount.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully rebonded",
- "text": "Your account balance will update once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Rebonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to unbond",
- "availableLabel": "Bonded",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn after the 28-day unbonding period.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Unbond transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn in 28 days.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Unbonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "simpleOperation": {
- "modes": {
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "After the 28-day unbonding period you can withdraw unbonded assets.",
- "info": "You can then withdraw unbonded assets to your available balance."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Clears all nominations and stops earning rewards.",
- "info": "Bonded assets will remain bonded. If you unbond them, they will be available after 28 days."
- },
- "setController": {
- "title": "Change Controller",
- "description": "Set this Ledger account as its own controller",
- "info": "Ledger Live doesn't support operations on separate stash and controller accounts."
- }
- },
- "steps": {
- "info": {
- "title": "Info"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "You will see your operation in history soon.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "solana": {
- "common": {
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation"
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "listHeader": "Delegations",
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "Active amount generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Inactive amount does not generate rewards",
- "delegatedInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is delegated to validators.",
- "withdrawableInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is withdrawable from delegations.",
- "withdrawableTitle": "Withdrawable",
- "statusUpdateNotice": "The status of the delegation will be updated when the transaction is confirmed.",
- "ledgerByFigmentTC": "Ledger by Figment T&Cs",
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn SOL rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "earnRewards": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your SOL assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": {
- "0": "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "1": "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "2": "Assets will be available after undelegation"
- },
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validator"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully withdrawn your assets.",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the transaction is confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "activate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Activate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully activated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "reactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Reactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully reactivated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "deactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Deactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully deactivated your delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "title": "Earn rewards",
- "header": "Delegation",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "yield": "Est. Yield",
- "address": "Address",
- "transactionID": "Transaction ID",
- "value": "Value",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "delegated": "Delegated",
- "completionDate": "Completion date",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "duration": "Duration",
- "durationJustStarted": "Just started",
- "durationDays": "{{count}} day",
- "durationDays_plural": "{{count}} days",
- "howItWorks": "How delegation works",
- "delegationEarn": "You can now earn {{name}} staking rewards by delegating your account.",
- "earnRewards": "Earn rewards",
- "overdelegated": "Overdelegated",
- "status": "Status",
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Earn staking rewards",
- "description": "Delegate your Tezos account to a third-party validator to earn staking rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated accounts stay yours.",
- "access": "You can access your assets at any time.",
- "ledger": "Delegate securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "button": {
- "cta": "Delegate to earn rewards"
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Account",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Summary",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate",
- "toUndelegate": "Account to undelegate",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "select": "Select",
- "yield": "Est. Yield {{amount}}",
- "randomly": "Randomly chosen validator",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your validator."
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Select validator",
- "description": "You can select a validator by comparing the estimated reward rates",
- "customValidator": "Custom validator",
- "providedBy": "Yield rates provided by <1><0>{{name}}0>1>"
- },
- "custom": {
- "title": "Custom validator",
- "text": "Please enter the address of the custom validator to delegate your account to.",
- "button": "Use validator"
- },
- "undelegate": {
- "title": "Undelegate account"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Delegation sent",
- "titleUndelegated": "End delegation",
- "text": "Delegation transaction broadcasted successfully. You should earn your first rewards within around 40 days, depending on the validator.",
- "textUndelegated": "Your account delegation will end once the operation is confirmed. You can delegate your account again at any time."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "topUp": "Receive more",
- "redelegate": "Change validator",
- "stopDelegation": "End delegation"
- }
- },
- "asset": {
- "notice": "Summary of all {{currency}} accounts"
- },
- "carousel": {
- "hidden": {
- "close": "Confirm",
- "undo": "Show again",
- "disclaimer": "This banner will not show up again until there is a new announcement"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Settings",
- "discreet": "Toggle discreet mode",
- "helpButton": "Help",
- "tabs": {
- "display": "General",
- "currencies": "Crypto assets",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About",
- "experimental": "Experimental features",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "developer": "Developer"
- },
- "export": {
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Export accounts",
- "desc": "Add your accounts in Ledger Live mobile. Your accounts will only synchronize with the blockchain, not between your mobile and desktop apps.",
- "button": "Export"
- },
- "operations": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Save a CSV file of your account operations on your computer."
- },
- "modal": {
- "button": "Done",
- "title": "Scan to export to mobile",
- "listTitle": "On the Ledger Live mobile app:",
- "step1": "Tap the + button in accounts",
- "step2": "Tap Import desktop accounts",
- "step3": "Scan the LiveQR code until the loader hits 100%"
- }
- },
- "display": {
- "language": "Display language",
- "languageDesc": "Set the language displayed in Ledger Live.",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "themeDesc": "Select the theme.",
- "counterValue": "Preferred currency",
- "counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
- "region": "Region",
- "regionDesc": "Choose your region to update formats of dates, time and currencies.",
- "stock": "Regional market indicator",
- "stockDesc": "Choose Western to display market increases in blue or Eastern to display them in red.",
- "carouselVisibility": "Carousel visibility",
- "carouselVisibilityDesc": "Enable visibility of the carousel on Portfolio"
- },
- "developer": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "You are now a developer !",
- "text": "Welcome to wonderland"
- },
- "debugApps": "Allow debug apps",
- "debugAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening debug tagged platform apps.",
- "experimentalApps": "Allow experimental apps",
- "experimentalAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening experimental tagged platform apps.",
- "catalogServer": "Set the catalog provider",
- "catalogServerDesc": "Switch between multiple platform apps sources",
- "enablePlatformDevTools": "Enable platform dev tools",
- "enablePlatformDevToolsDesc": "Enable opening platform apps dev tools window",
- "addLocalApp": "Add a local app",
- "addLocalAppDesc": "Browse local files and add a local app using a local manifest",
- "addLocalAppButton": "Browse",
- "runLocalAppDeleteButton": "Delete",
- "runLocalAppOpenButton": "Open",
- "enableLearnStagingUrl": "Learn page staging URL",
- "enableLearnStagingUrlDesc": "Enable the staging URL for the learn page."
- },
- "currencies": {
- "selectPlaceholder": "Select crypto asset",
- "desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
- "placeholder": "No settings for this asset",
- "confirmationsNb": "Number of confirmations",
- "confirmationsNbDesc": "Set the number of network confirmations for a transaction to be marked as confirmed."
- },
- "profile": {
- "password": "Password lock",
- "passwordDesc": "Set a password to secure the Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
- "passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
- "passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live when inactive.",
- "changePassword": "Change password",
- "softResetTitle": "Clear cache",
- "softResetDesc": "Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain.",
- "softReset": "Clear",
- "resetKYC": "Reset KYC data",
- "resetKYCDesc": "Erase all your Know your Customer data stored locally used to access third-party transaction provider.",
- "hardResetTitle": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction histories and settings.",
- "hardReset": "Reset",
- "analytics": "Analytics",
- "analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, the Ledger device type and firmware.",
- "reportErrors": "Bug reports",
- "reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger improve its products.",
- "launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
- "launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up a new device or restore an existing device. Accounts and settings are kept."
- },
- "help": {
- "version": "Version",
- "releaseNotesBtn": "Details",
- "termsBtn": "Read",
- "faq": "Ledger Support",
- "faqDesc": "If you have a problem, get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
- "terms": "Terms of Use",
- "termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
- "privacy": "Privacy Policy",
- "privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use them."
- },
- "experimental": {
- "disclaimer": "These are experimental features we provide on an \"as is\" basis for our tech savvy community to test. They may change, break or be removed at any time. By enabling them, you agree to use them at your own risk.",
- "features": {
- "experimentalCurrencies": {
- "title": "Experimental integrations",
- "description": "Use available experimental crypto assets integrations."
- },
- "experimentalLanguages": {
- "title": "Translation testing",
- "description": "Adds unreleased languages to the language list in the general settings tab."
- },
- "managerDevMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
- "description": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager."
- },
- "scanForInvalidPaths": {
- "title": "Extended account search",
- "description": "Scan for accounts with erroneous derivation paths. Please send potentially found assets to a regular account."
- },
- "experimentalExplorers": {
- "title": "Experimental Explorers API",
- "description": "Try an upcoming version of Ledger's blockchain explorers. Changing this setting may affect the account balance and synchronization as well as the send feature.\n(<0>0>)"
- },
- "keychainObservableRange": {
- "title": "Custom gap limit",
- "description": "Custom gap limit for all accounts. Increasing this value above its default value (20) scans more unused public addresses for coins. Advanced users only, this may break compatibility when restoring your accounts."
- },
- "forceProvider": {
- "title": "Manager provider",
- "description": "Changing the app provider in the Manager may make it impossible to install or uninstall apps on your Ledger device."
- },
- "testAnimations": {
- "title": "Test Lottie animations",
- "description": "Test all animations used in Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "hardResetModal": {
- "title": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "desc": "Reset Ledger Live to erase all settings and accounts on your computer. You can then choose your password and add your accounts back with your Ledger device. The private keys giving access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and are backed up by your recovery phrase.",
- "warning": "Resetting Ledger Live will erase your swap transaction history for all your accounts."
- },
- "softResetModal": {
- "title": "Clear cache",
- "desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys to access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
- },
- "resetFallbackModal": {
- "title": "User action required",
- "part1": "Could not delete cache folder. Please delete the folder manually:",
- "part2": "Click the Open folder button, the ",
- "part3": "app will close",
- "part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
- "part5": "Then you can restart the app normally."
- },
- "removeAccountModal": {
- "title": "Remove account",
- "desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Existing accounts can always be added again.",
- "delete": "Remove from Portfolio",
- "warning": "Removing this account will erase your swap transaction history associated to it."
- },
- "openUserDataDirectory": {
- "title": "View user data",
- "desc": "View the user data stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
- "btn": "View"
- },
- "repairDevice": {
- "title": "Repair your Ledger device",
- "descSettings": "Use this to restore your Ledger device if it froze during a firmware update.",
- "desc": "For Ledger Nano S users, please select the state displayed on your device. For Nano X and Blue users kindly refer to the help center.",
- "button": "Repair"
- },
- "exportLogs": {
- "title": "Save logs",
- "desc": "Saving Ledger Live logs may be needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
- "btn": "Save"
- },
- "accounts": {
- "hideEmptyTokens": {
- "title": "Hide empty token accounts",
- "desc": "Hide token accounts with zero balance on the Accounts page."
- },
- "tokenBlacklist": {
- "title": "Hidden tokens",
- "desc": "You can hide tokens by going to the parent account then right-clicking on the token and selecting 'Hide token'.",
- "count": "{{count}} token",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} tokens"
- },
- "hiddenNftCollections": {
- "title": "Hidden NFT Collections",
- "desc": "You can hide NFT Collections by right-clicking on the collection name and selecting 'Hide NFT Collection'.",
- "count": "{{count}} collection",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} collections"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "desc": "Set up your Bitcoin full node to synchronize and send transactions without using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- },
- "password": {
- "inputFields": {
- "newPassword": {
- "label": "New password"
- },
- "confirmPassword": {
- "label": "Confirm password"
- },
- "currentPassword": {
- "label": "Current password"
- }
- },
- "changePassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Change your password"
- },
- "setPassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Set the password",
- "desc": "Keep your password safe. Losing it means resetting Ledger Live and adding the accounts again."
- },
- "disablePassword": {
- "title": "Disable password lock",
- "desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
- }
- },
- "update": {
- "downloadInProgress": "Downloading update...",
- "downloadProgress": "{{progress}}% completed",
- "checking": "Checking update...",
- "checkSuccess": "Update ready to install",
- "quitAndInstall": "Install now",
- "updateAvailable": "Update to Ledger Live version {{version}} is available",
- "error": "Error during update. Please download again",
- "reDownload": "Download again",
- "nightlyWarning": "This version cannot auto-update. Please install the latest version manually",
- "downloadNow": "Download update"
- },
- "crash": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check our support articles for possible solutions. If the problem persists, save the logs using the button below and provide them to Ledger Support.",
- "troubleshooting": "Click here for possible solutions",
- "logs": "Save logs",
- "dataFolder": "View user data"
- },
- "exportOperationsModal": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Select the accounts for which to save the operation history",
- "descSuccess": "The CSV file of your operation history was saved successfully in the selected folder",
- "titleSuccess": "Operation history saved successfully",
- "cta": "Save",
- "ctaSuccess": "Done",
- "noAccounts": "No accounts to export",
- "selectedAccounts": "Accounts to be included",
- "selectedAccounts_plural": "Accounts to be included ({{count}})",
- "disclaimer": "The countervalues in the export is provided for information purposes only. Do not rely on such data for accounting, tax, regulation or legal purposes, as they only represent an estimation of the price of the assets at the time of transactions and export, under the valuation methods provided by our service provider, Kaiko"
- },
- "language": {
- "system": "Use system language",
- "switcher": {
- "en": "English",
- "fr": "French",
- "ru": "Russian",
- "es": "Spanish",
- "zh": "Chinese",
- "de": "German"
- }
- },
- "theme": {
- "system": "Select the system theme",
- "light": "Light",
- "dusk": "Dusk",
- "dark": "Dark"
- },
- "toastOverlay": {
- "toastType": {
- "announcement": "News",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "achievement": "Achievement Unlocked"
- },
- "groupedToast": {
- "text": "You have {{count}} unread notifications",
- "cta": "See details"
- }
- },
- "informationCenter": {
- "tooltip": "Information center",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip": "There is {{count}} ongoing incident",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip_plural": "There are {{count}} ongoing incidents",
- "tabs": {
- "announcements": "News",
- "announcementsUnseen": "News ({{unseenCount}})",
- "serviceStatus": "Status",
- "serviceStatusIncidentsOngoing": "Status ({{incidentCount}})"
- },
- "serviceStatus": {
- "statusOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is up and running",
- "description": "Having trouble ? Go on our <0>help page0>"
- },
- "statusNotOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is experiencing issues",
- "learnMore": "Learn more"
- }
- },
- "announcement": {
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No news for the moment",
- "desc": "You will find here all the news related to Ledger and Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "onboarding": {
- "drawers": {
- "pinHelp": {
- "title": "Secure your PIN code",
- "intro": "During the setup process you choose a PIN code.",
- "rules": {
- "1": "<0>Always0> choose a PIN code yourself.",
- "2": "<0>Always0> enter your PIN code out of sight.",
- "3": "You can change your PIN code if needed.",
- "4": "Three wrong PIN code entries in a row will reset the device.",
- "5": "<0>Never0> use an easy PIN code like 0000, 123456, or 55555555.",
- "6": "<0>Never0> share your PIN code with someone else. Not even with Ledger.",
- "7": "<0>Never0> use a PIN code you did not choose yourself.",
- "8": "<0>Never0> store your PIN code on a computer or phone."
- }
- },
- "recoverySeed": {
- "title1": "How does a recovery phrase work?",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase works like a unique master key. Your Ledger device uses it to calculate private keys for every crypto asset you own.",
- "paragraph2": "To restore access to your crypto, any wallet can calculate the same private keys from your recovery phrase.",
- "link": "More about the recovery phrase",
- "title2": "What happens if I lose access to my Nano?",
- "paragraph3": "Don't worry and follow these steps:",
- "points": {
- "1": "Get a new hardware wallet.",
- "2": "Select “Restore recovery phrase on a new device” in the Ledger app",
- "3": "Enter your recovery phrase on your new device to restore access to your crypto."
- }
- },
- "whereToHide": {
- "title": "Where should I keep my recovery phrase?",
- "points": {
- "1": "<0>NEVER0> enter it on a computer, smartphone or any other device. Don't take a picture of it.",
- "2": "<0>NEVER0> share your 24 words with anyone.",
- "3": "<0>ALWAYS0> store it in a secure place, out of sight.",
- "4": "Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.",
- "5": "If any person or application asks for it, assume it is a scam!"
- }
- }
- },
- "modals": {
- "recoverySeedWarning": {
- "contactSupportCTA": "Contact Support",
- "continueCTA": "Continue",
- "title": "Please check the box contents",
- "description": "If your {{device}} came with a PIN code or recovery phrase, it’s not safe to use and you should contact Ledger Support.",
- "alert": "Only use a recovery phrase that your device displayed when it was set up"
- }
- },
- "alerts": {
- "beCareful": {
- "title": "Please be careful",
- "descr": "Make sure you follow the instructions on this app at every step of the process.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- },
- "useLedgerSeeds": {
- "title": "We recommend Ledger recovery phrases only",
- "descr": "Ledger cannot guarantee the security of external recovery phrases. We recommend setting up your Nano as a new device if your recovery phrase was not generated by a Ledger.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "screens": {
- "welcome": {
- "title": "Welcome to Ledger",
- "description": "Safely manage your crypto from your computer.",
- "cta": "Get started",
- "noDevice": "No device? <0>Buy a Ledger Nano X0>",
- "languageWarning": {
- "title": "Get started in {{language}}",
- "desc": "We are introducing additional languages in order to help your onboarding with Ledger. Please be aware that the rest of the Ledger experience is currently only available in English.",
- "cta": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "selectDevice": {
- "title": "What's your device?"
- },
- "selectUseCase": {
- "greetings": "Hello!",
- "hasNoRecovery": "First time using your {{deviceName}}?",
- "hasRecovery": "Already have a recovery phrase?",
- "separator": "or",
- "switchDevice": "Switch device",
- "options": {
- "1": {
- "heading": "First use",
- "title": "Set up a new {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Let’s start and set up your device!"
- },
- "2": {
- "heading": "Connect device",
- "title": "Connect your {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Is your device already set up? Connect it to the app!"
- },
- "3": {
- "heading": "Restore device",
- "title": "Restore your recovery phrase on a new device",
- "description": "Use an existing recovery phrase to restore your private keys on a new {{deviceName}}!"
- }
- }
- },
- "tutorial": {
- "steps": {
- "getStarted": "Get started",
- "pinCode": "Pin code",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery phrase",
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase",
- "pairNano": "Connect nano"
- },
- "screens": {
- "importYourRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Restore from recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Restore your Nano from your recovery phrase to restore, replace or back up your Ledger hardware wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano will restore your private keys and you will be able to access and manage your crypto.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "howToGetStarted": {
- "title": "The best way to get you started:",
- "rules": {
- "1": "Plan 30 minutes and take your time.",
- "2": "Grab a pen to write with.",
- "3": "Stay alone, and choose a safe and quiet environment."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Set up as new device”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo2": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Enter your recovery phrase”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "pinCode": {
- "title": "PIN code",
- "paragraph": "Your PIN code is the first layer of security. It physically secures access to your private key and your Nano. Your PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that I must choose my PIN code myself and keep it private.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Set up PIN code",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizSuccess": {
- "title": "Already a pro!",
- "paragraph": "You are ready to safely manage your crypto.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizFailure": {
- "title": "You will soon become a pro...",
- "paragraph": "Don’t worry, Ledger is here to guide you through your journey. You will soon feel extra comfortable about your crypto safety.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "pinCodeHowTo": {
- "setUp": {
- "title": "Choose PIN code",
- "descr": "Press the left or right button to change digits. Press both buttons to validate a digit. Select <0>0> to confirm your PIN code. Select <1>1> to erase a digit."
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm PIN code",
- "descr": "Enter your PIN code again to confirm it."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "existingRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is the secret list of words that you backed up when you first set up your wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Ledger does not keep a copy of your recovery phrase.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose my recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Enter recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- },
- "warning": {
- "title": "Do not use a recovery phrase that you have not generated yourself.",
- "desc": "Your Ledger hardware wallet’s pin code and recovery phrase should be initialized by you and only you. If you have received a device with a pre-existing seed word or an already initialized pin code do not use the product and contact our customer support.",
- "supportLink": "Contact customer support"
- }
- },
- "useRecoverySheet": {
- "takeYourRecoverySheet": {
- "title": "Take your recovery sheet",
- "descr": "Grab a blank Recovery sheet, included with your Nano. Please reach out to Ledger Support if the Recovery sheet did not come blank."
- },
- "writeDownWords": {
- "title": "Write down 24 words",
- "descr": "Write Word #1 displayed on your Nano in position 1 of your Recovery sheet. Then press right on your Nano to display Word #2 and write it down in position 2.\n\nRepeat the process for all words while carefully respecting the order and spelling. Press left on your Nano to check for any mistakes."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "newRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is a secret list of 24 words that backs up your private keys.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano generates a unique recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep a copy of it.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose this recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo": {
- "grabRecovery": {
- "title": "Grab your recovery phrase"
- },
- "selectLength": {
- "title": "Select recovery phrase length",
- "descr": "Your recovery phrases can have 12, 18 or 24 words. You must enter all words to access your crypto."
- },
- "enterWord": {
- "title": "Enter Word #1...",
- "descr": "Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter."
- },
- "validateWord": {
- "title": "Validate Word #1...",
- "descr": "Choose Word #1 from the suggestions. Press both buttons to validate."
- },
- "andNext": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo3": {
- "reEnterWord": {
- "title": "Confirm your recovery phrase",
- "descr": "Scroll through the words until you find Word #1 by pressing the right button. Validate by pressing both buttons."
- },
- "repeat": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "genuineCheck": {
- "success": {
- "title": "All good!",
- "desc": "Your Ledger {{deviceName}} is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Continue",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Hide your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph": "Your recovery phrase is your last chance to access your crypto if you cannot use your Nano. You must keep it in a safe place.",
- "keepItOffline": "Enter these words on a hardware wallet only, not on computers or smartphones.",
- "neverShowToAnyone": "Never share your 24 words with anyone, not even with Ledger.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I'm done!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help",
- "learn": "Learn how to hide it"
- }
- },
- "pairMyNano": {
- "title": "Genuine check",
- "paragraph": "We'll verify whether your Nano is genuine. This should be quick and easy!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Check my Nano",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "pedagogy": {
- "heading": "basics",
- "screens": {
- "accessYourCoins": {
- "title": "Access your crypto",
- "description": "Your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You need a private key to access and manage them."
- },
- "ownYourPrivateKey": {
- "title": "Own your private key",
- "description": "Your private key is stored within your Nano. You must be the only one to own it to be in control of your money."
- },
- "stayOffline": {
- "title": "Stay offline",
- "description": "Your Nano works as a \"cold storage\" wallet. This means that it never exposes your private key online, even when using the app."
- },
- "validateTransactions": {
- "title": "Validate transactions",
- "description": "Ledger Live allows you to buy, sell, manage, exchange and earn crypto while remaining protected. You will validate every crypto transaction with your Nano."
- },
- "setUpNanoWallet": {
- "title": "Let’s set up your Nano!",
- "description": "We'll start by setting up your Nano security.",
- "CTA": "Let’s do this!"
- }
- }
- },
- "quizz": {
- "heading": "Quiz",
- "title": "Now game on!",
- "descr": "Answer 3 simple questions to avoid common misconceptions about your hardware wallet.",
- "buttons": {
- "start": "Let’s take the quiz",
- "next": "Next question",
- "finish": "Finish quiz"
- },
- "questions": {
- "1": {
- "text": "As a Ledger user, my crypto is stored:",
- "answers": {
- "1": "On my Nano",
- "2": "On the blockchain"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "text": "If my recovery phrase is no longer secure or private...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "No problem, Ledger can send me a copy",
- "2": "My crypto is no longer safe and I need to transfer them to a secure place"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "text": "When I connect my Nano to the Ledger app, my private key is...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "Still offline",
- "2": "Briefly connected to the internet"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "connectTroubleshooting": {
- "desc": "Having trouble connecting your device?",
- "cta": "Fix it",
- "solution": "Solution #{{number}}",
- "applesInstructions": "Apple’s instructions",
- "nextSolution": "Next solution",
- "previousSolution": "Previous solution",
- "followSteps": "Follow these steps",
- "supportArticle": "Support article",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "connected": "Connected!",
- "backToPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio",
- "steps": {
- "entry": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot USB connection",
- "desc": "There seems to be a problem connecting to your device. Don’t worry, you can try different solutions one by one until your device connects!",
- "cta": "Let’s fix it!",
- "back": "Go back"
- },
- "1": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Run Ledger Live as Administrator",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Quit Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Right-click the Ledger Live application.",
- "2": "Select “Run as Administrator”.",
- "3": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "linux": {
- "title": "Update the udev rules on Linux",
- "desc": "Click the button below to add the udev rules. Then connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "cta": "Set Rules",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Enter the following command in a terminal to automatically add the rules and reload udev.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "usbPort": {
- "title": "Try different USB ports",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Change the USB port used on your computer.",
- "1": "Remove any USB dongles.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "usbCable": {
- "title": "Change the USB cable",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Use the original USB cable if possible.",
- "1": "Try a different USB cable, making sure it supports data transfer.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "restart": {
- "title": "Restart your computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Restart your computer.",
- "1": "Start Ledger Live.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "antiVirus": {
- "title": "Turn off Anti-virus and VPN",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Turn off any anti-virus, firewall, and VPN software.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "2": "Whitelist Ledger Live in your anti-virus if that worked."
- }
- },
- "anotherComputer": {
- "title": "Try another computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Go to <0>{{link}}0> on another computer to download and install Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Update the USB device drivers",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Visit this <0>{{link}}0>",
- "1": "Follow the instructions to update USB device drivers.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it's detected."
- }
- },
- "mac": {
- "0": {
- "title": "Enable Full Disk Access",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Open “System Preferences”.",
- "1": "Go to “Security & Privacy”.",
- "2": "In the “Privacy” tab, go to “Full Disk Access” in the left column.",
- "3": "Add “Ledger Live”.",
- "4": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "1": {
- "title": "Reset NVRAM",
- "link": "Apple’s instructions",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "If your Mac has an intel processor, follow <0>{{link}}0> to reset the NVRAM.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "4": {
- "deviceSelection": {
- "title": "What’s your device?",
- "desc": "If you have a Nano S, you can try repairing your devices Firmware. For Nano X and Blue users, kindly contact Ledger support"
- },
- "notFixed": {
- "title": " USB connection problem still not fixed?",
- "desc": "If you've tried every possible solution, please reach out to Ledger Support. Otherwise, please follow the instructions of any solution you haven’t tried yet.",
- "back": "Back to portfolio",
- "cta": "Contact Support"
- },
- "repair": {
- "title": "Repair your Nano S",
- "desc": "What is the message displayed on your device?",
- "mcuOutdated": "MCU firmware is outdated",
- "mcuNotGenuine": "MCU firmware is not genuine",
- "repairInstructions": "Follow device repair instructions",
- "updateInstructions": "Follow device update instructions",
- "somethingElse": "Something else"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "SignMessageConfirm": {
- "stringHash": "Message Hash",
- "domainHash": "Domain Hash",
- "messageHash": "Message Hash",
- "message": "Message"
- },
- "TransactionConfirm": {
- "title": "Please confirm the operation on your device to finalize it",
- "warning": "Always verify the address displayed on your device exactly matches the one given by the {{recipientWording}}",
- "secureContract": "Verify the deposit details on your device before sending it. The contract address is provided securely so you don’t have to verify it.",
- "verifyData": "Always verify the operation details on your device.",
- "warningWording": {},
- "titleWording": {
- "send": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimReward": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "freeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unfreeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "vote": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "delegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "undelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "redelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimRewardCompound": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "nominate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "chill": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "bond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unbond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "rebond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "setController": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation"
- },
- "recipientWording": {
- "send": "recipient",
- "delegate": "validator",
- "undelegate": "validator",
- "claimReward": "rewards recipient",
- "optIn": "recipient",
- "nominate": "validator",
- "erc721": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- },
- "erc1155": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- }
- },
- "votes": "Votes ({{count}})"
- },
- "RecipientField": {
- "placeholder": "Enter {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "Terms": {
- "title": "Terms of use",
- "description": "Please take some time to review our Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "termsLabel": "Terms of service",
- "privacyLabel": "Privacy policy",
- "switchLabel": "I have read and accept the Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "cta": "Enter Ledger app"
- },
- "families": {
- "stellar": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoType": {
- "MEMO_TEXT": "Memo Text",
- "NO_MEMO": "No Memo",
- "MEMO_ID": "Memo ID",
- "MEMO_HASH": "Memo Hash",
- "MEMO_RETURN": "Memo Return"
- },
- "memoWarningText": "When using a Memo, carefully verify the type used with the recipient"
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- },
- "solana": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional"
- }
- },
- "errors": {
- "NoSuchAppOnProvider": {
- "title": "The {{appName}} app cannot be found for your specific configuration.",
- "description": "Try reinstalling the app from the Manager"
- },
- "countervaluesUnavailable": {
- "title": "We're not able to provide a countervalue for this asset at the moment"
- },
- "generic": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "AccountAwaitingSendPendingOperations": {
- "title": "There is a pending operation for this account.",
- "description": "Wait for the operation to go through."
- },
- "AccountNameRequired": {
- "title": "An account name is required",
- "description": "Please enter an account name"
- },
- "AccountNeedResync": {
- "title": "Please try again",
- "description": "Account is outdated. A synchronisation is needed"
- },
- "AccountNotSupported": {
- "title": "Account not supported.",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Support ({{reason}})"
- },
- "AlgorandASANotOptInInRecipient": {
- "title": "Recipient account has not opted in the selected ASA."
- },
- "AmountRequired": {
- "title": "Amount required"
- },
- "NoAccessToCamera": {
- "title": "Please ensure your system has a camera, that it is not in use by another application and that Ledger Live has permission to use it.",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ClaimRewardsFeesWarning": {
- "title": "The rewards are smaller than the estimated fees to claim them",
- "description": ""
- },
- "CompoundLowerAllowanceOfActiveAccountError": {
- "title": "You cannot reduce the amount approved while having an active deposit."
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInternal": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #1)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTxDecode": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #2)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidSequence": {
- "title": "Invalid sequence",
- "description": "Please try the operation again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnauthorized": {
- "title": "Unauthorized signature",
- "description": "This account is not authorized to sign this transaction"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFunds": {
- "title": "Insufficient funds",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownRequest": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #6)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Invalid address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidPubKey": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #8)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownAddress": {
- "title": "Unknown address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientCoins": {
- "title": "Insufficient coins",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidCoins": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #11)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeOutOfGas": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #12)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeMemoTooLarge": {
- "title": "The Memo field is too long",
- "description": "Please reduce the size of the memo text and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFee": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #14)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTooManySignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #15)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeGasOverflow": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #16)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeNoSignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #17)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CurrencyNotSupported": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} is not supported",
- "description": "This crypto asset is not yet supported. Please contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "DeviceNotGenuine": {
- "title": "Possibly not genuine",
- "description": "Request assistance from Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
- "description": null
- },
- "DeviceInOSUExpected": {
- "title": "Sorry, update failed",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceHalted": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again"
- },
- "DeviceNotOnboarded": {
- "title": "Your device is not ready to use yet",
- "description": "Set up your device before using it with Ledger Live."
- },
- "DeviceSocketFail": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. ({{message}})"
- },
- "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
- "title": "The connection failed",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "EnpointConfig": {
- "title": "Invalid endpoint",
- "description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
- },
- "FeeEstimationFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
- "description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
- },
- "FirmwareOrAppUpdateRequired": {
- "title": "Firmware or app update required",
- "description": "Please use the Manager to uninstall all apps then check if a firmware update is available before reinstalling them"
- },
- "LatestFirmwareVersionRequired": {
- "title": "Update Nano Firmware",
- "description": "Please update your devices Firmware to the latest version to access this feature"
- },
- "FirmwareNotRecognized": {
- "title": "Device firmware is not recognized",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "HardResetFail": {
- "title": "Sorry, could not reset",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
- "title": "Sorry, there's nothing to update",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support if you cannot use your device."
- },
- "LedgerAPI4xx": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please check your connection and try again or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "LedgerAPI5xx": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again.",
- "description": "The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {{message}}"
- },
- "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
- "title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
- "title": "Sorry, that's already installed",
- "description": "Please check which apps are already installed on your device."
- },
- "ManagerAppDepInstallRequired": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app required",
- "description": "If the {{dependency}} app is already installed, please reinstall it with the latest version"
- },
- "ManagerAppDepUninstallRequired": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "You must first uninstall all apps that require the {{appName}} app"
- },
- "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
- "title": "Your device is locked",
- "description": "Please unlock it"
- },
- "ManagerFirmwareNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Uninstall all apps from your device",
- "description": "The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device and must be backed up on your Recovery sheet."
- },
- "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Sorry, not enough storage left",
- "description": "Uninstall some apps to free up space. The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device."
- },
- "ManagerQuitPage": {
- "install": {
- "title": "Finish app installation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app installation. Please finish the installation to install the apps in the queue.",
- "stay": "Finish install"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Finish app uninstallation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app uninstallations in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish uninstalling"
- },
- "update": {
- "title": "Finish app updates in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app updates in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish updates"
- },
- "quit": "Quit Manager"
- },
- "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
- },
- "NetworkDown": {
- "title": "Sorry, internet seems to be down",
- "description": "Please check your internet connection."
- },
- "NoAddressesFound": {
- "title": "Sorry, no accounts were found",
- "description": "Something went wrong with the address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalance": {
- "title": "Sorry, insufficient funds",
- "description": "Please make sure the account has enough funds."
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
- "title": "Recipient address is inactive. Send at least {{minimalAmount}} to activate it"
- },
- "NotEnoughGas": {
- "title": "The parent account balance is insufficient for network fees"
- },
- "PasswordsDontMatch": {
- "title": "The Passwords don't match",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "PasswordIncorrect": {
- "title": "The password entered is incorrect",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "QuantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "The quantity needs to be greater than 0"
- },
- "RPCHostRequired": {
- "title": "Host is required."
- },
- "RPCHostInvalid": {
- "title": "Enter valid host."
- },
- "RPCUserRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Username is required"
- },
- "RPCPassRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Password is required"
- },
- "SatStackAccessDown": {
- "title": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack and your node are running. Check the full node setup in the Settings if the problem persists."
- },
- "SatStackStillSyncing": {
- "title": "Node sync in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait while your node is syncing. Sending is not possible since your Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect."
- },
- "SatStackVersionTooOld": {
- "title": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "SatStackDescriptorNotImported": {
- "title": "Account not scanned by full node",
- "description": "Please configure your full node to scan for the accounts associated with this device. Your full node must first scan the blockchain for this account before you can add it to your portfolio."
- },
- "SwapGenericAPIError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "The exchange transaction did not go through. Please try again or contact support."
- },
- "TimeoutError": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "TimeoutTagged": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond ({{tag}})",
- "description": "Timeout occurred."
- },
- "TransportError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportRaceCondition": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportStatusError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "DeviceShouldStayInApp": {
- "title": "Please open the {{appName}} app",
- "description": "Keep the {{appName}} app open while we find your accounts"
- },
- "UnexpectedBootloader": {
- "title": "Sorry, your device must not be in Bootloader mode",
- "description": "Please restart your device without touching the buttons when the logo appears. Contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "UserRefusedAllowManager": {
- "title": "Manager denied on device"
- },
- "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
- "title": "Update cancelled on device",
- "description": "All apps on your device have been uninstalled. Keep your device up to date to benefit from improvements in security and functionality."
- },
- "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Action rejected",
- "description": "User rejected the operation on the device"
- },
- "TransactionRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Operation denied on device",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UserRefusedAddress": {
- "title": "Receive address rejected",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UpdateYourApp": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "DeviceOnDashboardExpected": {
- "title": "Return to the Dashboard",
- "description": "Please navigate back to the Dashboard on your device"
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionError": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection error)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection closed)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check that your hardware wallet is set up with the recovery phrase or passphrase associated to the selected account."
- },
- "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "InvalidAddress": {
- "title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseAlreadyDelegated": {
- "title": "Your account is already delegated to this validator"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseDestinationIsAlsoSource": {
- "title": "Recipient address is the same as the sender address"
- },
- "CantOpenDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, connection failed",
- "description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "ETHAddressNonEIP": {
- "title": "Auto-verification not available: carefully verify the address",
- "description": null
- },
- "EthAppNftNotSupported": {
- "title": "Operation not available for this device",
- "description": "Send NFT feature is only available for Nano X. Please visit our customer support platform to know how to send a NFT with a Nano S."
- },
- "CantScanQRCode": {
- "title": "Couldn't scan this QR code: auto-verification not supported by this address"
- },
- "FeeNotLoaded": {
- "title": "Couldn't load fee rates. Please set manual fees"
- },
- "FeeRequired": {
- "title": "Fees are required"
- },
- "GasLessThanEstimate": {
- "title": "This may be too low. Please increase"
- },
- "UnknownMCU": {
- "title": "Unknown MCU version",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "MCUNotGenuineToDashboard": {
- "title": "Access dashboard to update",
- "description": "",
- "list": {
- "1": "Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable without pressing any buttons.",
- "2": "Press both buttons together three times to display the Dashboard.",
- "3": "Open the Manager and click Update firmware."
- }
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountReceive": {
- "title": "Cannot receive in subaccounts",
- "description": "If you want to receive funds, please use the parent account"
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountSend": {
- "title": "Cannot send from subaccounts yet",
- "description": "This feature will be added at a later stage due to changes recently introduced by the Babylon update."
- },
- "RecommendUndelegation": {
- "title": "Please undelegate the account before emptying it"
- },
- "RecommendSubAccountsToEmpty": {
- "title": "Please empty all subaccounts first"
- },
- "NotSupportedLegacyAddress": {
- "title": "This legacy address format is no longer supported"
- },
- "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
- "title": "That's the wrong app",
- "description": "Open the '{{managerAppName}}' app on your device"
- },
- "DeviceNameInvalid": {
- "title": "Please choose a device name without '{{invalidCharacters}}'"
- },
- "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
- "title": "Bitcoin and Ethereum apps required",
- "description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first."
- },
- "UserRefusedDeviceNameChange": {
- "title": "Rename cancelled on device",
- "description": "Try again and allow renaming on your device"
- },
- "SyncError": {
- "title": "Synchronization error",
- "description": "Some accounts could not be synchronized."
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForBandwidth": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Bandwidth"
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForEnergy": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Energy"
- },
- "TronUnfreezeNotExpired": {
- "title": "Unfreeze is not available yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 3 days after your last Freeze operation"
- },
- "TronVoteRequired": {
- "title": "At least 1 vote is needed"
- },
- "TronInvalidVoteCount": {
- "title": "Vote format is incorrect",
- "description": "You can only vote using round numbers"
- },
- "TronRewardNotAvailable": {
- "title": "Reward is not claimable yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 24 hours between claims"
- },
- "TronNoReward": {
- "title": "There is no reward to claim"
- },
- "TronInvalidFreezeAmount": {
- "title": "Amount to freeze cannot be lower than 1"
- },
- "TronSendTrc20ToNewAccountForbidden": {
- "title": "Sending TRC20 to a new account won't activate it",
- "description": "The recipient account must be activated prior to sending TRC20 to it. Send either TRX or TRC10 to an account to activate it."
- },
- "TronUnexpectedFees": {
- "title": "Additional fees may be applied"
- },
- "TronNotEnoughTronPower": {
- "title": "Not enough votes available"
- },
- "TronTransactionExpired": {
- "title": "Transaction has expired",
- "description": "Signature must be applied within 30 seconds. Please try again."
- },
- "TronNotEnoughEnergy": {
- "title": "Not enough Energy to send this token"
- },
- "PairingFailed": {
- "title": "Pairing unsuccessful",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "GenuineCheckFailed": {
- "title": "Genuine check failed",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "EthAppPleaseEnableContractData": {
- "title": "Please enable contract data in the Ethereum app settings"
- },
- "InvalidXRPTag": {
- "title": "Invalid XRP Destination tag"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceToDelegate": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughDelegationBalance": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceInParentAccount": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance in the parent account"
- },
- "quantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "Quantity needs to be at least 1"
- },
- "NotEnoughSpendableBalance": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumAmount}}"
- },
- "WrongAppForCurrency": {
- "title": "Please open the {{expected}} app"
- },
- "FeeTooHigh": {
- "title": "Network fees are above 10% of the amount"
- },
- "StellarWrongMemoFormat": {
- "title": "Memo format is wrong"
- },
- "SourceHasMultiSign": {
- "title": "Please disable multisign to send {{currencyName}}"
- },
- "StellarMemoRecommended": {
- "title": "A memo may be required when sending to this recipient"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooLow": {
- "title": "Amount must be at least {{minAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooHigh": {
- "title": "Amount must be less than {{maxAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "PolkadotElectionClosed": {
- "title": "Validators election must be closed"
- },
- "PolkadotNotValidator": {
- "title": "Some selected addresses are not validators"
- },
- "PolkadotLowBondedBalance": {
- "title": "All bonded assets will be unbonded if < 1 DOT"
- },
- "PolkadotNoUnlockedBalance": {
- "title": "You have no unbonded assets"
- },
- "PolkadotNoNominations": {
- "title": "You have no nominations"
- },
- "PolkadotAllFundsWarning": {
- "title": "Ensure you have enough balance left for future transaction fees"
- },
- "PolkadotDoMaxSendInstead": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumBalance}}. Send max to empty account."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmount": {
- "title": "You must bond at least {{minimumBondAmount}}."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmountWarning": {
- "title": "You bonded balance should be at least {{minimumBondBalance}}."
- },
- "PolkadotMaxUnbonding": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the unbond limit"
- },
- "PolkadotValidatorsRequired": {
- "title": "You must select at least one validator"
- },
- "ServiceStatusWarning": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": ""
- },
- "TaprootNotActivated": {
- "title": "Sending to a taproot address is unsafe before mainnet activation"
- },
- "SolanaAccountNotFunded": {
- "title": "Account not funded"
- },
- "SolanaMemoIsTooLong": {
- "title": "Memo is too long. Max length is {{maxLength}}"
- },
- "SolanaAddressOfEd25519": {
- "title": "Address off ed25519 curve"
- },
- "NotEnoughNftOwned": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the number of available tokens"
- }
- },
- "cryptoOrg": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by Crypto.org",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "Crypto.org integration",
- "title": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now start to manage your Crypto.org (CRO) tokens and secure them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is native to the Crypto.org chain and is used for everything from transactions, staking and many upcoming features.",
- "website": "Cryptocurrency in every wallet"
- }
- },
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- }
diff --git a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/sv/app.json b/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/sv/app.json
deleted file mode 100644
index df2f81a1de16..000000000000
--- a/apps/ledger-live-desktop/static/i18n/sv/app.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4340 +0,0 @@
- "calendar": {
- "today": "Today",
- "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "transactionDate": "Transaction date"
- },
- "platform": {
- "flows": {
- "requestAccount": {
- "title": "Select an account"
- },
- "broadcast": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "Transaction sent !",
- "text": "Click here to see operation details"
- }
- }
- },
- "app": {
- "informations": {
- "title": "Information",
- "website": "Website"
- }
- },
- "catalog": {
- "title": "Discover",
- "branch": {
- "soon": "coming soon",
- "experimental": "experimental",
- "debug": "debug"
- },
- "banner": {
- "title": "Discover our Live Apps Catalog",
- "description": "We're working hard to bring you access to the world of DeFi, NFTs and more, securely, right inside Ledger Live!"
- },
- "twitterBanner": {
- "description": "Tell us what’s the next service you want to see on Ledger Live with the hashtag",
- "tweetText": "The next Ledger App should be..."
- },
- "pollCTA": {
- "title": "Poll",
- "description": "Which service do you want to see in Ledger Live?",
- "button": "Let’s vote!"
- },
- "developerCTA": {
- "title": "For Developers",
- "description": "All the information you need to integrate your applications on Ledger Live.",
- "button": "Go to portal"
- }
- },
- "disclaimer": {
- "title": "External Application",
- "description": "You are about to be redirected to an application not operated by Ledger.",
- "legalAdvice": "This application is not operated by Ledger. Ledger is not responsible for any loss of funds or quality of service of such application.\n\nAlways make sure to carefully verify the information displayed on your device.",
- "checkbox": "Do not remind me again.",
- "CTA": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "never": "Never",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "done": "Done",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "reject": "Reject",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "getSupport": "Get support",
- "delete": "Remove account from portfolio",
- "launch": "Launch",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "help": "Help",
- "needHelp": "Need help?",
- "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
- "selectAccount": "Select an account",
- "selectAccountNoOption": "No account matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectCurrency": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectCurrencyNoOption": "No crypto asset \"{{currencyName}}\"",
- "selectValidatorNoOption": "No validator matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
- "selectNoResults": "No results found matching \"{{query}}\"",
- "sortBy": "Sort by",
- "save": "Save",
- "lock": "Lock",
- "showMore": "Show more",
- "back": "Back",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "retry": "Retry",
- "range": "Range",
- "stop": "Stop",
- "updateNow": "Update now",
- "close": "Close",
- "eastern": "Eastern",
- "western": "Western",
- "reverify": "Re-verify",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "verifyMyAddress": "Verify my address",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "addressCopied": "Address copied",
- "addressCopiedSuspicious": "Mismatch between the copied address and the one in the clipboard.",
- "experimentalFeature": "Experimental",
- "information": "Information",
- "search": "Search...",
- "searchWithoutEllipsis": "Search",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Welcome back",
- "subTitle": null,
- "description": "Enter your password to continue",
- "inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
- "lostPassword": "I lost my password"
- },
- "sync": {
- "syncing": "Synchronizing...",
- "upToDate": "Synchronized",
- "outdated": "Paused",
- "needsMigration": "Click to update account",
- "error": "Synchronization error",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "devTools": "Dev tools"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "info": "Info",
- "connectDevice": "Connect your device"
- },
- "devices": {
- "nanoS": "Nano S",
- "nanoSP": "Nano S Plus",
- "nanoX": "Nano X",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "operation": {
- "type": {
- "IN": "Received",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "NFT_IN": "NFT Received",
- "NFT_OUT": "NFT Sent",
- "CREATE": "Created",
- "REVEAL": "Revealed",
- "DELEGATE": "Delegated",
- "REDELEGATE": "Redelegated",
- "UNDELEGATE": "Undelegated",
- "SUPPLY": "Deposited",
- "REDEEM": "Withdrawn",
- "APPROVE": "Approved",
- "VOTE": "Voted",
- "FREEZE": "Frozen",
- "UNFREEZE": "Unfrozen",
- "REWARD": "Claimed reward",
- "FEES": "Fees",
- "OPT_IN": "Opt in",
- "OPT_OUT": "Opt out",
- "CLOSE_ACCOUNT": "Close account",
- "BOND": "Bond",
- "UNBOND": "Unbond",
- "REWARD_PAYOUT": "Reward",
- "SLASH": "Slash",
- "WITHDRAW_UNBONDED": "Withdrawal",
- "NOMINATE": "Nomination",
- "CHILL": "Clear nominations",
- "SET_CONTROLLER": "Set controller"
- }
- },
- "byteSize": {
- "bytes": "{{size}} bytes",
- "kbUnit": "{{size}} KB",
- "mbUnit": "{{size}} MB"
- },
- "time": {
- "minute": "Minute",
- "minute_plural": "Minutes",
- "hour": "Hour",
- "hour_plural": "Hours",
- "range": {
- "day": "1D",
- "week": "1W",
- "month": "1M",
- "year": "1Y",
- "all": "ALL"
- }
- },
- "fees": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "fast": "Fast",
- "high": "High",
- "low": "Low",
- "slow": "Slow",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "feesAmount": "Fees Amount"
- },
- "sidebar": {
- "card": "Card",
- "learn": "Learn",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "stars": "Starred accounts",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "manager": "Manager",
- "exchange": "Buy / Sell",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "lend": "Lend",
- "catalog": "Discover",
- "market": "Market"
- },
- "stars": {
- "placeholder": "Star an account to display it here.",
- "tooltip": "Star account"
- },
- "bridge": {
- "modalTitle": "Open Device Bridge",
- "openHeader": "Expose your Device accounts through WebSocket",
- "openDescription": "Opening a bridge exposes all of your accounts to third party applications.",
- "openedHeader": "{{appName}} bridge opened",
- "openedDescription": "You can now access your {{appName}} account on third party web application through WebSocket.",
- "completeHeader": "Bridge session completed",
- "completeDescription": "The websocket bridge is now closed.",
- "openButton": "Open",
- "disconnectButton": "Disconnect"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History",
- "kyc": "KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "ratesDrawer": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "quote": "Quote",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "details": {
- "label": {
- "provider": "provider",
- "rate": "rate",
- "fees": "network fees",
- "target": "target account"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "provider": "lorem ipsum",
- "rate": "lorem ipsum",
- "fees": "lorem ipsum"
- },
- "noAccount": "Create an account to receive {{name}}",
- "noAccountCTA": "Add account"
- },
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "max": "Max",
- "accountPlaceholder": "Select source",
- "currencyDisabledTooltip": "This currency is not available for swap yet"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To"
- },
- "notAvailable": {
- "title": "Swap is not available yet in your area",
- "content": "Have a little more patience,
we will launch this feature very soon"
- },
- "providers": {
- "kyc": {
- "required": "You need to complete your KYC",
- "complete": "Complete KYC",
- "update": "Refresh KYC",
- "rejected": "KYC rejected, start the verification again",
- "status": {
- "pending": "KYC pending",
- "approved": "KYC approved",
- "closed": "KYC rejected"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- },
- "export": "Export operations",
- "exporting": "Exporting..."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Your information has been submitted for approval",
- "subtitle": "It usually takes a few minutes for the review to be completed.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC",
- "info": "Identity verification: Submitted"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "exchangeDrawer": {
- "title": "Confirm your Exchange",
- "completed": {
- "title": "Transaction broadcast successfully",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed and for the provider to process and send your {{targetCurrency}}.",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "seeDetails": "See details"
- }
- }
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "titleCrypto": "Swap {{currency}}",
- "whatIsSwap": "What is Swap",
- "paraswap": {
- "cta": " Check it out",
- "description": "Looking for Paraswap? It has been moved to the Discover tab."
- },
- "tabs": {
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "history": {
- "disclaimer": "Your swap desktop transactions are not synchronized with the Ledger Live mobile application",
- "empty": {
- "title": "Your previous swaps will appear here",
- "description": "Either you have not made any swaps yet, or Ledger Live has been reset in the meantime."
- }
- },
- "landing": {
- "title": "Swap your assets",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "sorry": "Service temporarily unavailable, or not available in your country"
- },
- "missingApp": {
- "title": "Please install the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and install {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "outdatedApp": {
- "title": "Please update the {{appName}} app on your device",
- "subtitle": "Go to manager and update {{appName}} app to swap assets.",
- "cta": "Go to manager"
- },
- "providers": {
- "title": "Choose a provider to swap crypto",
- "learnMore": "What is Swap?",
- "kycRequired": "KYC Required",
- "cta": "Continue",
- "kyc": {
- "notAvailable": "{{provider}} is unavailable in your location",
- "status": {
- "required": "KYC Required",
- "pending": "KYC Pending",
- "approved": "KYC Approved!",
- "closed": "KYC Rejected"
- }
- }
- },
- "ip": {
- "title": "Welcome to Swap",
- "subtitle": "Exchange crypto assets directly from your Ledger device.",
- "disclaimer": "By continuing, you accept that your location data will be shared with third party service providers in order for them to comply with their AML/KYC procedures."
- },
- "kyc": {
- "updateRequired": "We are unable to complete the KYC process until you update the application",
- "wyre": {
- "disclaimer": "Your information is collected by LEDGER on behalf of and transferred to WYRE for KYC purposes. For more information, please check our",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "title": "Verify your identity",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your information to swap with Wyre.",
- "pending": {
- "cta": "Continue",
- "title": "Pending approval",
- "subtitle": "Your information was submitted for approval by Wyre.",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "closed": {
- "cta": "Reset KYC",
- "title": "KYC application rejected",
- "subtitle": "Wyre rejected the data you provided for KYC purposes",
- "link": "Learn more about KYC"
- },
- "form": {
- "firstName": "First Name",
- "lastName": "Last Name",
- "street1": "Street Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Street Address Line 2",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State",
- "country": "Country",
- "postalCode": "Zip Code",
- "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
- "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
- "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
- "street1Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "street2Placeholder": "Eg. 13, Maple street",
- "cityPlaceholder": "Eg. San José",
- "postalCodePlaceholder": "Enter your 5 digit Zip code",
- "dateOfBirthPlaceholder": "MM/DD/YYYY",
- "firstNameError": "Enter your first name to continue",
- "lastNameError": "Enter your last name to continue",
- "street1Error": "Enter your address",
- "cityError": "Enter the city you live in the USA",
- "postalCodeError": "Enter a valid US ZIP code",
- "dateOfBirthError": "Enter your date of birth",
- "dateOfBirthValidationError": "Enter a valid date of birth"
- }
- }
- },
- "form": {
- "resetKYC": "Reset your KYC and Update Live to Swap with Wyre",
- "resetKYCCTA": "Reset KYC",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "from": {
- "title": "From",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to send",
- "currency": "Crypto asset"
- },
- "to": {
- "title": "To",
- "account": "Account",
- "amount": "Amount to receive",
- "currency": "Crypto asset",
- "addAccountCTA": "Add new account"
- },
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Rate",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "floatUnavailable": "Floating rate not supported for this pair",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate",
- "fixedUnavailable": "Fixed rate not supported for this pair",
- "floatDesc": "Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.",
- "fixedDesc": "Your amount will stay the same even if the market changes. Updates every 60 seconds.",
- "by": "Provided by"
- },
- "exchange": "Exchange",
- "helpCTA": "What is Swap?",
- "bubble": "We use a fixed rate, this is the exact amount you will receive.",
- "noAccounts": "You don't have {{currencyName}} accounts with balance",
- "noApp": "{{currencyName}} app not installed.",
- "outdatedApp": "{{currencyName}} app update available.",
- "loadingRates": "Loading rates..."
- },
- "unauthorizedRatesModal": {
- "title": "Ledger Live needs an update",
- "subtitle": "Please update Ledger Live to the latest version, and re verify your identity to swap with wyre",
- "cta": "Reset verification"
- },
- "resetKYCModal": {
- "title": "Delete your KYC",
- "subtitle": "Delete your KYC to erase all tokens stored locally on your computer. You will have to resubmit your KYC to access services provided by our partners.",
- "cta": "Confirm"
- },
- "modal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "toExchange": "Amount to send",
- "toReceive": "Amount to receive",
- "terms": "Terms & Conditions",
- "disclaimer": {
- "description": "By clicking \"Confirm\", I acknowledge and accept that this service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s",
- "acceptedDescription": "This service is exclusively governed by <0>{{provider}}0>'s"
- },
- "details": {
- "provider": "Provider",
- "tradeMethod": {
- "title": "Type",
- "float": "Floating rate",
- "fixed": "Fixed rate"
- },
- "address": "Address"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "title": "App checks"
- },
- "finished": {
- "title": "Pending",
- "subtitle": "Swap broadcast successfully ",
- "swap": "Your Swap ID:",
- "seeDetails": "See details",
- "disclaimer": "Take note of your Swap ID number in case you’d need assistance from <0><0>{{provider}}0> support0>.",
- "description": "Your Swap operation has been sent to the network for confirmation. It may take up to an hour before you receive your {{targetCurrency}}."
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetailsModal": {
- "title": "Swap",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "txid": "Swap ID",
- "status": "Status",
- "statusTooltips": {
- "expired": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "refunded": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID for more information.",
- "pending": "Please wait while the swap provider is processing the transaction.",
- "onhold": "Please contact the swap provider with your swap ID to solve the situation.",
- "finished": "Your swap was completed successfully."
- },
- "date": "Date",
- "from": "From",
- "fromAddress": "Origin address",
- "fromAddress_plural": "Origin addresses",
- "to": "To",
- "toProvider": "Provider address",
- "initialAmount": "Initial amount",
- "creditedAmount": "Credited amount"
- }
- },
- "lottieDebugger": {
- "buttonTitle": "Test"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "status": "Status",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "checkNodeSettings": "Verify node settings",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "modal": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect full node",
- "steps": {
- "landing": {
- "header": "Start your full node. Don’t trust, verify.",
- "description": "A Bitcoin full node validates all transactions and blocks, allowing you to use Bitcoin in a trustless way while contributing to the Bitcoin network.",
- "list": {
- "item1": "Set up Bitcoin Core on a device with sufficient resources.",
- "item2": "Wait for your node to fully synchronize.",
- "item3": "Make note of your node RPC credentials, IP address, and port number."
- },
- "disclaimer": "Running a full node requires a computer with sufficient resources and a broadband connection without data restrictions."
- },
- "node": {
- "title": "Node",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Enter your node parameters",
- "disclaimer": "Your full node must be fully synchronized before connecting Ledger Live.",
- "fields": {
- "nodeHost": {
- "title": "Host",
- "tooltip": "Leave as default if node runs on this computer, or replace the node IP address and port number."
- },
- "rpcCredentials": {
- "title": "RPC Credentials",
- "tooltip": "Enter the RPC username and password of your node, found in the bitcoin.conf file.",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
- },
- "tls": {
- "title": "Use TLS",
- "tooltip": "Enable Transport Layer Security, for example, when using a hosted node solution."
- }
- }
- },
- "connecting": {
- "header": "Testing node connection",
- "description": "Please wait while we check if your full node is responding."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Full node connection successful",
- "description": "You can now configure your full node to scan for your accounts on the blockchain."
- },
- "failure": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please ensure your node is fully synchronized and verify its connection settings."
- }
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "pending": {
- "header": "Getting accounts from device",
- "description": "Please wait while the accounts to scan are added to the node configuration file."
- },
- "success": {
- "header": "Accounts added to node configuration",
- "description": "A configuration file was saved to the user data folder. It enables Ledger SatStack to connect to your full node and let it scan for your accounts on the blockchain.",
- "cta": "View user data"
- }
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "existing": "Existing accounts to scan",
- "toScan": "Accounts to scan",
- "toScanDescription": "Accounts to scan for each address type",
- "toScanTooltip": "Increase only if you have 10+ BTC accounts. Initial scan will be slower. "
- },
- "satstack": {
- "title": "SatStack",
- "connectionSteps": {
- "notConnected": {
- "header": "Download and run Ledger SatStack",
- "description": "Ledger SatStack is a small application enabling Ledger Live to talk to your full node. Please download and run it before you continue.",
- "disclaimer": "SatStack must be running for Ledger Live to connect to your full node. Consider setting it to launch automatically when your computer boots.",
- "cta": "Download SatStack"
- },
- "satstack-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach SatStack",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack is running on this computer."
- },
- "satstack-outdated": {
- "header": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "node-disconnected": {
- "header": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that your node is reachable and that the connection settings you entered are correct."
- },
- "invalid-chain": {
- "header": "invalid-chain title",
- "description": "invalid-chain description for tooltip"
- },
- "initializing": {
- "header": "Loading",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ready": {
- "header": "Ready",
- "description": "The full node is fully synced. Your Bitcoin account balances are now correct."
- },
- "syncing": {
- "header": "Node sync in progress…",
- "description": "Recent transactions may not yet be visible, so Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect. If possible, run your node continuously to keep it in sync."
- },
- "scanning": {
- "header": "Account scan in progress...",
- "description": "You can add your accounts once the account scan is completed. Any Bitcoin accounts previously added through Ledger's explorers were removed."
- }
- }
- },
- "disconnect": {
- "cta": "Disconnect",
- "description": "Are you sure? Disconnecting the full node will remove all Bitcoin accounts. You can add your accounts again using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "lastOperations": "Latest operations",
- "contractAddress": "Contract:",
- "openInExplorer": "Open in explorer",
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No crypto assets yet?",
- "desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving",
- "descToken": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}0>1> app is installed and start receiving <3><0>{{ticker}}0>3> and <5><0>{{tokenList}}0> tokens5>",
- "buttons": {
- "receiveFunds": "Receive",
- "buy": "Buy"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Edit account",
- "advancedLogs": "Advanced",
- "advancedTips": "Your xpub is privacy-sensitive data. Use with caution, especially when disclosing to third parties.",
- "accountName": {
- "title": "Account name",
- "desc": "Description of the account"
- },
- "unit": {
- "title": "Unit",
- "desc": "Choose the unit to be used"
- }
- },
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "frozenAssets": "Frozen assets",
- "bandwidth": "Bandwidth",
- "energy": "Energy",
- "stake": "Stake",
- "delegatedAssets": "Delegated assets",
- "undelegating": "Undelegating",
- "availableBalanceTooltip": "This amount is disposable.",
- "frozenAssetsTooltip": "Frozen assets are used in the Tron voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "bandwidthTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain bandwidth",
- "energyTooltip": "Freeze assets to gain energy",
- "delegatedAssetsTooltip": "Delegated assets are used in the Cosmos voting process. This represents your total number of votes.",
- "undelegatingTooltip": "Undelegated assets are in a timelock of 21 days, before being available."
- },
- "exchange": {
- "chooseProvider": "Choose from {{providerCount}} provider",
- "chooseProviders": "Choose from {{providerCount}} providers",
- "title": "Buy and sell crypto",
- "reset": "Reset flow",
- "verifyAddress": "Please confirm the address displayed exactly matches the one shown on your device",
- "buy": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Choose a provider to buy crypto",
- "buyFrom": "Buy from anywhere",
- "cryptoSupported": "crypto supported",
- "payWith": "Pay with card or SEPA",
- "tab": "Buy",
- "coinify": {
- "header": "Buy crypto with {{provider}}",
- "title": "Buy crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue",
- "addAccount": "Add account"
- }
- },
- "sell": {
- "header": "Sell crypto with our partners",
- "title": "Sell crypto via <0>{{provider}}0>",
- "tab": "Sell",
- "selectCrypto": "Choose a crypto asset",
- "selectAccount": "Choose an account",
- "continue": "Continue"
- }
- },
- "lend": {
- "title": "Lend crypto",
- "tabs": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "opened": "Opened loans",
- "closed": "Closed loans",
- "history": "History"
- },
- "assets": "Assets to lend",
- "active": "Approved accounts",
- "lendAsset": "Lend",
- "account": {
- "amountSupplied": "Amount deposited",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount lent to the network",
- "currencyAPY": "Currency APY",
- "currencyAPYTooltip": "Yearly return rate of a deposit that’s continuously compounded",
- "accruedInterests": "Accrued interest",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest generated on your lent assets",
- "interestEarned": "Interest earned",
- "interestEarnedTooltip": "Interest you have earned after withdrawal",
- "openLoans": "Open loans",
- "closedLoans": "Closed loans",
- "amountRedeemed": "Amount withdrawn",
- "date": "Date",
- "info": "You can lend assets directly from your {{currency}} account and earn interest.",
- "howCompoundWorks": "How does lending on Compound work?",
- "lend": "Deposit {{currency}}"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "active": {
- "title": "Lending",
- "description": "You can lend assets directly from your Ethereum accounts and earn interest.",
- "cta": "How does lending on Compound work?"
- },
- "closed": {
- "title": "Your closed loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "opened": {
- "title": "Your opened loans will appear here",
- "description": "You have not made any loans yet.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- },
- "history": {
- "title": "History",
- "description": "View the history of all your loan transactions.",
- "cta": "Deposit"
- }
- },
- "headers": {
- "active": {
- "accounts": "Account",
- "amountSupplied": "Open loan",
- "amountSuppliedTooltip": "Amount deposited in the network",
- "accruedInterests": "Interest balance",
- "accruedInterestsTooltip": "Interest being earned on loans",
- "status": "Account status",
- "actions": "Actions"
- },
- "status": {
- "enablingTooltip": "Your transaction is broadcasting",
- "toSupplyTooltip": "You can now supply your assets"
- },
- "types": {
- "enabling": "Enabling",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "supplying": "Supplying",
- "earning": "Earning"
- },
- "closed": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amountRedeemed": "Withdrawal amount",
- "interestsEarned": "Interest earned",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "opened": {
- "assetLended": "Asset",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "accruedInterest": "Accrued interest",
- "date": "Date"
- },
- "rates": {
- "allAssets": "Asset",
- "totalBalance": "Asset balance",
- "totalBalanceTooltip": "Amount available to lend",
- "currentAPY": "Deposit APY",
- "currentAPYTooltip": "Annual return rate earned on a continuously compounded deposit",
- "actions": "Actions"
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "cta": "Manage lending",
- "title": "Manage loan",
- "enable": {
- "approve": "Approve",
- "manageLimit": "Manage limit",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "info": "You have approved <0>{{amount}}0> on this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "infoNoLimit": "You have fully approved this account. You can reduce the amount at a fee.",
- "approvedWithLimit": "You have approved <0>{{value}}0> on this account.",
- "enabling": "You can deposit assets once the account approval is confirmed.",
- "notEnabled": "You need to approve this account before being able to lend assets.",
- "notEnoughApproved": "You must increase the limit approved on your account to lend."
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit",
- "description": "Enter the amount of assets to lend to the protocol."
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "Withdraw assets from the protocol to your Ledger account."
- }
- },
- "enable": {
- "title": "Approve account",
- "steps": {
- "selectAccount": {
- "title": "Select account",
- "selectLabel": "Account to lend from",
- "cta": "Approve",
- "alreadyEnabled": "This account is approved"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "summary": "I grant access to <0>{{contractName}}0> smart contract on my account <0>{{accountName}}0> for a <0>{{amount}}0> amount",
- "limit": "limited {{amount}}",
- "noLimit": "no limit {{assetName}}",
- "contractName": "Compound {{currencyName}}",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to approve",
- "amountLabelTooltip": "This limits the amount available to the smart contract."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Operation sent successfully",
- "text": "The approval was sent to the network for confirmation. You’ll be able to issue loans once it is confirmed.",
- "done": "Close",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "title": "Withdraw assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "amountToWithdraw": "Amount to withdraw",
- "withdrawAll": "Withdraw Max",
- "placeholder": "Withdraw Max",
- "maxWithdrawble": "Maximum amount to withdraw is"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Withdrawal sent successfully",
- "text": "Your assets will be available once the network has confirmed the withdrawal.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "tooltip": {
- "amountWithdrawn": "The amount withdrawn is displayed in {{ tokenName }}. {{ tokenName }} are ERC20 tokens that you earn after lending assets."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "terms": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "subtitle": "Lend assets on the Compound protocol",
- "description": "The Compound protocol allows you to lend and borrow assets on the Ethereum network. You can lend assets and earn interest directly from your Ledger acccount.",
- "switchLabel": "<1>I have read and agree with the 1><0>Terms of Use0><1>.1>"
- },
- "steps": {
- "title": "Step <0>{{step}} / {{total}}0>",
- "1": {
- "subtitle": "Approve an account to allow the protocol to",
- "subtitle2": "process future loans.",
- "description": "You need to authorize the Compound smart contract to transfer up to a certain amount of assets to the protocol. Approving an account gives permission to the protocol to process future loans."
- },
- "2": {
- "subtitle": "Supply assets to earn interest",
- "description": "Once an account is approved, you can select the amount of assets you want to lend and issue a transaction to the protocol. Interests accrue immediately after the transaction is confirmed."
- },
- "3": {
- "subtitle": "Withdraw assets at any time",
- "description": "You can withdraw your assets and earned interest at any time, partially or entirely, directly from your Ledger account."
- }
- }
- },
- "supply": {
- "title": "Deposit assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountToSupply": "Amount to deposit",
- "maxSupply": "Maximum amount to lend is"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Deposit sent successfully",
- "text": "You will start earning interest once the network has confirmed the deposit.",
- "done": "Close",
- "cta": "View details",
- "info": "Transactions can take some time to be displayed in an explorer and to be confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "noEthAccount": {
- "title": "Please create an ETH account",
- "description": "<0>{{ asset }}({{ ticker }})0> is an Ethereum ERC-20 token. To lend {{ ticker }}, install the Ethereum app and create an Ethereum account",
- "cta": "Add account"
- },
- "emptyAccountDeposit": {
- "title": "You don't have a {{ asset }} account.",
- "description": "In order to deposit funds and lend crypto you need a {{ asset }} account. Please Receive funds on your Ethereum address.",
- "ctaBuy": "Buy {{ asset }}",
- "ctaReceive": "Receive {{ asset }}"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Accounts",
- "noResultFound": "No accounts found.",
- "order": {
- "name|asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name|desc": "Name Z-A",
- "balance|asc": "Lowest Balance",
- "balance|desc": "Highest Balance"
- },
- "range": {
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "all": "All"
- },
- "optionsMenu": {
- "title": "Options",
- "exportOperations": "Export operation history",
- "exportToMobile": "Export to mobile"
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "star": "Star",
- "receive": "Receive",
- "send": "Send",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "buy": "Buy",
- "sell": "Sell",
- "edit": "Edit account",
- "hideToken": "Hide token"
- }
- },
- "help": {
- "title": "Help & Support",
- "gettingStarted": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "desc": "Start here"
- },
- "status": {
- "title": "Ledger Status",
- "desc": "Check our system status"
- },
- "helpCenter": {
- "title": "Ledger Support",
- "desc": "Get help"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "desc": "Learn crypto"
- },
- "facebook": {
- "title": "Facebook",
- "desc": "Like our page"
- },
- "twitter": {
- "title": "Twitter",
- "desc": "Follow us"
- },
- "github": {
- "title": "Github",
- "desc": "Review our code"
- }
- },
- "blacklistToken": {
- "title": "Hide token",
- "desc": "This action will hide all <1><0>{{tokenName}}0>1> accounts, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide token"
- },
- "hideNftCollection": {
- "title": "Hide NFT Colection",
- "desc": "This action will hide all NFTs from the <1><0>{{collectionName}}0>1> collection, you can show them again using <3>Settings3>",
- "hideCTA": "Hide NFT Collection"
- },
- "banners": {
- "cleanCache": {
- "title": "Modification of experimental settings require a clear cache",
- "cta": "Clear cache"
- },
- "migrate": "Ledger Live accounts update available",
- "genericTerminatedCrypto": "{{coinName}} is not supported anymore",
- "valentine": {
- "title": "Valentine’s day",
- "description": "As a proof of our love, Ledger is reducing buy & sell fees on Ledger Live"
- },
- "ledgerAcademy": {
- "title": "Ledger Academy",
- "description": "Everything you need to know about blockchain, security, cryptocurrency and your Ledger device",
- "cta": "Start learning"
- },
- "stakeCosmos": {
- "title": "Staking with COSMOS",
- "description": "Delegate your ATOM coins through the account page and earn rewards today",
- "cta": "Stake Cosmos now"
- },
- "buyCrypto": {
- "title": "Buy Crypto",
- "description": "Purchase crypto assets through our partner and receive them directly in your Ledger account",
- "cta": "Buy now"
- },
- "familyPack": {
- "title": "Family pack",
- "description": "Get your family and friends into crypto with 3 Nano S at a discounted price",
- "cta": "Buy family pack"
- },
- "polkaStake": {
- "title": "POLKADOT staking",
- "description": "You can now stake, secure and manage your DOT directly in Ledger Live"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "sell crypto",
- "description": "Sell Bitcoin with our partner directly from Ledger Live"
- },
- "stakeAlgorand": {
- "title": "Staking with ALGORAND",
- "description": "Make the most of your ALGO. Simply add funds to your accounts and earn staking rewards today."
- },
- "swap": {
- "title": "Swap crypto",
- "description": "Exchange one crypto for another from Ledger Live with our partner."
- },
- "lending": {
- "title": "Lend Crypto",
- "description": "Lend stablecoins to the Compound protocol and earn interests today"
- },
- "blackfriday": {
- "title": "BLACK FRIDAY ",
- "description": "Enjoy 40% off Ledger hardware wallets with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY20"
- }
- },
- "signmessage": {
- "title": "Sign message",
- "steps": {
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Device"
- }
- }
- },
- "walletconnect": {
- "titleAccount": "Wallet Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "connected": "Connected",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "invalidAccount": "Invalid account id",
- "steps": {
- "paste": {
- "title": "Paste link",
- "label": "Wallet Connect address",
- "placeholder": "Paste Wallet Connect Link"
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Connect",
- "details": "Wants to connect to the following account through your wallet :",
- "deeplinkDetails": "Wants to connect to Ledger Live. Choose your account:",
- "noAccount": "You don't have any compatible account. Please add an compatible account to use Wallet Connect.",
- "alreadyConnected": "You are trying to connect to a dApp while having another one already connected. Please disconnect from the connected dApp before reconnecting Live with a new dApp."
- }
- },
- "connectedscreen": {
- "info": "You can now access the {{name}} dApp on your web browser.",
- "warning": "Sharing receive addresses from dApps is not secure. Always use Ledger Live when sharing your address to receive funds.",
- "disconnected": "There is a connection problem between the dApp, WalletConnect and Ledger Live. Wait a few moments or relaunch the connection"
- }
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Portfolio",
- "emptyAccountTile": {
- "desc": "Add accounts to manage other crypto assets",
- "createAccount": "Add account"
- },
- "recentActivity": "Latest operations",
- "totalBalance": "Total balance",
- "transactionsPendingConfirmation": "Some transactions are not confirmed yet. These will be reflected in your balance and useable after being confirmed."
- },
- "currentAddress": {
- "title": "Current address",
- "for": "Address for <1><0>{{name}}0>1>",
- "messageIfUnverified": "Verify that the shared address exactly matches the one on your device",
- "messageIfSkipped": "Your {{name}} address was not confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for security.",
- "showQrCode": "Show QR Code",
- "taprootWarning": "Make sure the sender supports taproot"
- },
- "emptyState": {
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Install apps on your device",
- "desc": "Go to the Manager to install apps on your device. You can add accounts once you have apps on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "installApp": "Go to Manager",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- },
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Add an account to get started",
- "desc": "Add an account to start managing your crypto assets. You must have the app for your crypto asset installed on your device.",
- "buttons": {
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "installApp": "Go to Manager to install apps",
- "help": "Help"
- }
- }
- },
- "genuinecheck": {
- "deviceInBootloader": "Device in Bootloader mode. Click on <1>Continue1> to update it."
- },
- "learn": {
- "title": "Learn",
- "noConnection": "No connection",
- "noConnectionDesc": "It seems you don't have access to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.",
- "sectionShows": "Shows",
- "sectionVideo": "Video",
- "sectionPodcast": "Podcast",
- "sectionArticles": "Articles"
- },
- "market": {
- "title": "Market",
- "currency": "Currency",
- "rangeLabel": "Time",
- "goBack": "Go back",
- "filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
- "show": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "isLedgerCompatible": "Ledger Live Compatible",
- "isFavorite": "Starred Assets",
- "applyFilters": "Apply filters",
- "clearAll": "Clear all"
- },
- "marketList": {
- "crypto": "Crypto",
- "price": "Price",
- "change": "Change",
- "marketCap": "Market cap",
- "last7d": "Last 7 days"
- },
- "detailsPage": {
- "priceStatistics": "Price stats",
- "tradingVolume": "Trading volume",
- "24hLowHight": "24h Low / 24h High",
- "7dLowHigh": "7d Low / 7d High",
- "allTimeHigh": "All time high",
- "allTimeLow": "All time low",
- "marketCapRank": "Market cap rank",
- "marketCapDominance": "Market cap dominance",
- "supply": "Supply",
- "circulatingSupply": "Circulating supply",
- "totalSupply": "Total supply",
- "maxSupply": "Max supply",
- "assetNotSupportedOnLedgerLive": "This asset is not supported on Ledger Live.",
- "supportedCoinsAndTokens": "Supported coins & Tokens"
- },
- "range": {
- "1H_label": "1H",
- "1D_label": "1D",
- "1W_label": "1W",
- "1M_label": "1M",
- "1Y_label": "1Y",
- "1h": "1h",
- "24h": "24h",
- "7d": "7d",
- "30d": "30d",
- "1y": "1y",
- "1H_selectorLabel": "Last 1 hour",
- "1D_selectorLabel": "Last 24 hours",
- "1W_selectorLabel": "last week",
- "1M_selectorLabel": "Last month",
- "1Y_selectorLabel": "Last year"
- },
- "warnings": {
- "connectionError": "Connection Error",
- "ledgerUnableToRetrieveData": "Ledger Live is unable to retrieve data.",
- "checkInternetAndReload": "Please check your internet connection and reload this page.",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "noCryptosFound": "No coins found",
- "noSearchResultsFor": "Sorry, we did not find any coins for <0>{{search}}0>. Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "noSearchResults": "Sorry, we did not find any search results.",
- "retrySearchKeyword": "Please retry the search with another keyword.",
- "retrySearchParams": "Please retry the search with another parameters.",
- "trackFavAssets": "Track your favourite",
- "clickOnStarIcon": "Clicking on the star icon next to an asset will automatically add them to your favorites.",
- "browseAssets": "Browse assets"
- }
- },
- "NFT": {
- "viewer": {
- "actions": {
- "send": "Send",
- "open": "Open in {{viewer}}"
- },
- "attributes": {
- "properties": "Properties",
- "description": "Description",
- "tokenAddress": "Token Address",
- "tokenId": "Token ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- }
- },
- "collections": {
- "title": "NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Collections",
- "receiveCTA": "Receive NFT",
- "galleryCTA": "See Gallery",
- "seeMore": "See more collections",
- "seeAll": "See all collections",
- "seeLess": "See less"
- },
- "gallery": {
- "title": "All NFT",
- "collection": {
- "header": {
- "sendCTA": "Send",
- "contract": "Contract: {{contract}}"
- },
- "operationList": {
- "header": "Latest Operations",
- "OUT": "Sent",
- "IN": "Received"
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "item": {
- "tokenId": "ID: {{tokenId}}"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "tokensList": {
- "title": "Tokens",
- "cta": "Add token",
- "placeholder": "To add tokens, simply send them to your {{currencyName}} address.",
- "link": "Learn more",
- "seeTokens": "Show tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide tokens ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 token",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} tokens",
- "algorand": {
- "title": "ASA (Assets)",
- "cta": "Add ASA",
- "placeholder": "You can add assets to your {{currencyName}} account.",
- "link": "How Assets (ASA) works?",
- "seeTokens": "Show ASA ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideTokens": "Hide ASA ({{tokenCount}})"
- }
- },
- "subAccounts": {
- "title": "Subaccounts",
- "seeSubAccounts": "Show subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "hideSubAccounts": "Hide subaccounts ({{tokenCount}})",
- "countTooltip": "1 subaccount",
- "countTooltip_plural": "{{count}} subaccounts"
- },
- "migrateAccounts": {
- "overview": {
- "title": "Ledger Live accounts update",
- "successTitle": "Accounts updated successfully",
- "successDescPlu": "Your {{assets}} accounts are now updated and ready to use",
- "successDesc": "Your {{assets}} account is now updated and ready to use",
- "mobileTitle": "Export accounts to mobile",
- "mobileDesc": "Click the button below to export your updated accounts to the Ledger Live mobile app.",
- "mobileCTA": "Export to mobile",
- "description": "New features in Ledger Live require an update of your accounts.",
- "currency": "1 {{currency}} account needs to be updated:",
- "currency_plural": "{{count}} {{currency}} accounts need to be updated:",
- "footer": "You need your Ledger Device to complete the update",
- "pendingDevices": "1 account could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "pendingDevices_plural": "{{totalMigratableAccounts}} accounts could not be updated. Please connect the device associated to the account below",
- "doItLaterBtn": "Do it later"
- },
- "progress": {
- "finished": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update completed",
- "description": ""
- },
- "scanning": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait for your accounts to be updated"
- },
- "finished-empty": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} update incomplete",
- "description": "No {{currencyName}} accounts to update"
- }
- },
- "cta": {
- "startUpdate": "Start update",
- "nextCurrency": "Continue with {{currency}} update"
- }
- },
- "addAccounts": {
- "title": "Add accounts",
- "breadcrumb": {
- "informations": "Crypto asset",
- "connectDevice": "Device",
- "import": "Accounts",
- "finish": "Confirmation"
- },
- "fullNodeReadyInfo": "Accounts will be added using your Bitcoin full node.",
- "fullNodeConfigure": "Configure node",
- "tokensTip": "{{token}} ({{ticker}}) is an {{tokenType}} token. You can receive tokens directly on an {{currency}} account.",
- "accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Add existing accounts",
- "selectAll": "Select all ({{count}})",
- "unselectAll": "Deselect all ({{count}})",
- "noAccountToImport": "No existing {{currencyName}} accounts to add",
- "success": "Account added successfully",
- "success_plural": "Accounts added successfully",
- "successDescription": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "successDescription_plural": "Add other accounts or return to Portfolio",
- "createNewAccount": {
- "noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received assets on your <1><0>{{accountName}}0>1> account",
- "noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}0>1> account was found to be created",
- "showAllAddressTypes": "Show all address types",
- "showAllAddressTypesTooltip": "Only change the address type if you need to receive {{family}} on other address formats."
- },
- "supportLinks": {
- "segwit_or_native_segwit": "Segwit or Native Segwit?"
- },
- "cta": {
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "add": "Add account",
- "add_plural": "Add accounts",
- "addAccountName": "Add {{currencyName}} account",
- "receive": "Receive"
- },
- "sections": {
- "importable": {
- "title": "Add existing account"
- },
- "creatable": {
- "title": "Add new account"
- },
- "imported": {
- "title": "Accounts already in portfolio ({{count}})"
- },
- "migrate": {
- "title": "Accounts to update"
- }
- }
- },
- "operationDetails": {
- "whatIsThis": "What is this operation?",
- "title": "Operation details",
- "type": "Type",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "account": "Account",
- "date": "Date",
- "currentValue": "Current value",
- "status": "Status",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "failed": "Failed",
- "notConfirmed": "Not confirmed",
- "fees": "Fee",
- "noFees": "No fee",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "identifier": "Transaction ID",
- "viewOperation": "View in explorer",
- "showMore": "Show {{recipients}} more",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "tokenOperations": "Token operations",
- "subAccountOperations": "Subaccount operations",
- "tokenTooltip": "This operation is related to the following token operations",
- "subAccountTooltip": "This operation is related to the following subaccount operations",
- "internalOperations": "Internal operations",
- "internalOpTooltip": "This operation has internal operations",
- "details": "{{ currency }} details",
- "multipleAddresses": "Why multiple addresses?",
- "nft": {
- "name": "Token Name",
- "contract": "Token Contract",
- "id": "Token (NFT) ID",
- "quantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "extra": {
- "frozenAmount": "Frozen amount",
- "unfreezeAmount": "Unfreeze amount",
- "votes": "Votes ({{number}})",
- "votesAddress": "<0>{{votes}}0> to <2>{{name}}2>",
- "validators": "Validators",
- "redelegated": "Redelegated",
- "redelegatedFrom": "Redelegated from",
- "redelegatedTo": "Redelegated to",
- "redelegatedAmount": "Redelegated amount",
- "undelegated": "Undelegated",
- "undelegatedFrom": "Undelegated from",
- "undelegatedAmount": "Undelegated amount",
- "rewardFrom": "Reward from",
- "memo": "Memo",
- "assetId": "Asset ID",
- "rewards": "Earned rewards",
- "bondedAmount": "Bonded Amount",
- "unbondedAmount": "Unbonded Amount",
- "withdrawUnbondedAmount": "Withdrawn Amount",
- "palletMethod": "Method",
- "transferAmount": "Transfer Amount",
- "validatorsCount": "Validators ({{number}})"
- }
- },
- "operationList": {
- "noMoreOperations": "That's all"
- },
- "DeviceAction": {
- "allowAppPermission": "Open the {{wording}} app on your device",
- "allowAppPermissionSubtitleToken": "to manage your {{token}} tokens",
- "allowManagerPermission": "Allow {{wording}} on your device",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "connectAndUnlockDevice": "Connect and unlock your device",
- "unlockDevice": "Unlock your device",
- "unlockDeviceAfterFirmwareUpdate": "Wait for the firmware to update and unlock your device with your PIN",
- "quitApp": "Quit the application on your device",
- "appNotInstalledTitle": "Missing required app",
- "appNotInstalledTitle_plural": "Missing required apps",
- "appNotInstalled": "The {{appName}} app is required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install it on your device",
- "appNotInstalled_plural": "The {{appName}} apps are required to complete this action. Please go to the manager and install them on your device",
- "openManager": "Open Manager",
- "openOnboarding": "Setup device",
- "outdated": "App version outdated",
- "outdatedDesc": "An important update is available for the {{appName}} application on your device. Please go to the Manager to update it.",
- "installApp": "{{appName}} App installation",
- "installAppDescription": "Please wait until the installation is finished",
- "listApps": "Checking App dependencies",
- "listAppsDescription": "Please wait while we make sure you have all the required apps",
- "swap": {
- "notice": "Verify the Swap details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Swap transaction",
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "amountReceivedFloat": "Amount to receive before service fees",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "payoutNetworkFees": "Payout fees",
- "payoutNetworkFeesTooltip": "This amount will not be shown on your device"
- },
- "swap2": {
- "amountSent": "Amount to send",
- "amountReceived": "Amount to receive",
- "provider": "Provider",
- "fees": "Network Fees",
- "sourceAccount": "Source Account",
- "targetAccount": "Target Account"
- },
- "sell": {
- "notice": "Verify the Sell details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don’t have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Sell transaction"
- },
- "fund": {
- "notice": "Verify the Fund details on your device before sending it. The addresses are exchanged securely so you don't have to verify them.",
- "confirm": "Confirm Fund transaction"
- }
- },
- "manager": {
- "tabs": {
- "appCatalog": "App catalog",
- "appCatalogSearch": "Search app in catalog...",
- "appsOnDevice": "Apps installed",
- "appOnDeviceSearch": "Search installed apps..."
- },
- "disconnected": {
- "title": "Looks like an app is open on your device",
- "subtitle": "Reopening the Manager will quit the app on your device",
- "ctaReopen": "Reopen Manager",
- "ctaPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio"
- },
- "deviceStorage": {
- "freeSpace": "<0>{{space}}0> free",
- "noFreeSpace": "No storage left",
- "installed": "Apps",
- "capacity": "Capacity",
- "used": "Used",
- "firmwareAvailable": "Firmware is outdated:",
- "firmwareUpToDate": "Firmware is up to date:",
- "genuine": "Device is genuine",
- "incomplete": "Some apps were not recognized. Please uninstall, then reinstall them."
- },
- "applist": {
- "placeholder": "No match for the search with the selected filters",
- "placeholderNoAppsInstalled": "No apps installed on your device",
- "placeholderGoToCatalog": "Go to the App catalog to install apps",
- "noResultsFound": "No results found",
- "noResultsDesc": "Please verify the spelling and try again",
- "filter": {
- "title": "Show",
- "all": "All",
- "supported": "Supported in Live",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "not_installed": "Not installed"
- },
- "sort": {
- "title": "Sort",
- "name_asc": "Name A-Z",
- "name_desc": "Name Z-A",
- "marketcap_desc": "Market cap"
- },
- "installSuccess": {
- "title": "App installed successfully. You can now add your {{app}} accounts",
- "title_plural": "Apps installed successfully. You can now add your accounts",
- "manageAccount": "Manage my accounts"
- },
- "updatable": {
- "title": "Update available",
- "title_plural": "Updates available",
- "progressTitle": "{{number}} App update",
- "progressTitle_plural": "{{number}} App updates",
- "progressWarning": "Do not quit Manager during update.",
- "progress": "Updating all..."
- },
- "item": {
- "version": "Version {{version}}",
- "installing": "Installing...",
- "uninstalling": "Uninstalling...",
- "updating": "Updating...",
- "scheduled": "Queued",
- "update": "Update available",
- "updateAll": "Update all",
- "updateAllOutOfMemory": "Not enough storage. Please uninstall some apps",
- "install": "Install",
- "installed": "Installed",
- "updated": "Updated",
- "uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "notEnoughSpace": "Not enough storage",
- "supported": "Ledger Live supported",
- "not_supported": "Requires 3rd-party wallet",
- "addAccount": "Add account",
- "addAccountTooltip": "Add {{appName}} account",
- "addAccountWarn": "Please wait for the app updates to finish",
- "learnMore": "Learn more",
- "learnMoreTooltip": "Learn more about {{appName}}",
- "removeTooltip": "Uninstall {{appName}}",
- "useAppForToken": "Looking to manage {{tokenType}} tokens?",
- "tokenAppDisclaimer": "To manage {{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens, <1>install the {{appName}} app1> and please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "tokenAppDisclaimerInstalled": "To manage <1>{{tokenName}} {{tokenType}} tokens1>, please verify you indeed have the <1>{{tokenType}} version1> before sending <3>to your {{appName}} account3>.",
- "goToAccounts": "Go to accounts",
- "intallParentApp": "Install {{appName}} app",
- "plugin": "Go to app",
- "swap": "Swap",
- "tool": "Learn more",
- "app": "Learn more"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Uninstall all",
- "subtitle": "Uninstall all apps?",
- "description": "Don't worry, uninstalling apps does not affect your crypto assets. You can reinstall apps in the App catalog."
- }
- },
- "apps": {
- "dependencyInstall": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app is required",
- "description": "The {{dependency}} app will also be installed because the {{app}} app needs it.",
- "confirm": "Install apps"
- },
- "dependencyUninstall": {
- "title": " Uninstall {{app}} and its related apps?",
- "showAll": "Show apps to uninstall",
- "description": "Some of your installed apps are linked to {{app}} app. They will be uninstalled as well.",
- "confirm": "Uninstall {{app}} and other apps"
- }
- },
- "firmware": {
- "updateLater": "Cancel",
- "seedReady": "I have my recovery phrase",
- "dontHaveSeed": "Don't have your recovery phrase? ",
- "followTheGuide": "Follow our step by step update guide",
- "removeApps": "Uninstall all apps before updating",
- "update": "Firmware update",
- "updateBtn": "Update firmware",
- "banner": {
- "warning": "Update Firmware to {{latestFirmware}} is available",
- "cta": "Go to manager",
- "old": {
- "warning": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "cta": "Contact support"
- },
- "cta2": "Update firmware"
- },
- "latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
- "contactSupport": "Contact support",
- "deprecated": "Device firmware version too old to be updated. Contact Ledger Support for a replacement.",
- "prepareSeed": "Ensure your 24-word recovery phrase is written down on the Recovery sheet and it is available, as a precaution.",
- "disclaimerTitle": "You are about to install <1>firmware version {{version}}1>.",
- "downloadingUpdateDesc": "Please wait for the update installer to be downloaded"
- },
- "modal": {
- "steps": {
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateMCU": "Firmware update",
- "updating": "Firmware update",
- "reset": "Prepare device",
- "osu": "Installing OSU...",
- "flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
- "flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
- "firmware": "Firmware updating...",
- "flash": "Preparing your device..."
- },
- "confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
- "confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Confirm and enter your PIN code if requested.",
- "identifier": "Identifier",
- "preparation": "Preparation",
- "newFirmware": "New firmware {{version}}",
- "confirmUpdate": "Please confirm the update on your device",
- "mcuTitle": "Finalize update",
- "mcuFirst": "Disconnect the USB cable from your device",
- "mcuSecond": "Press the left button and hold it while you reconnect the USB cable until the <1><0>{{repairProcessing}}0>1> screen appears",
- "mcuPin": "Please wait for the update to finish",
- "mcuSecondNanoX": "Press and hold the left button until <1><0>{{bootloaderOption}}0>1> appears. Press both buttons to confirm and reconnect your device.",
- "mcuBlueFirst": "Press and hold the side button for 10 seconds to turn off the device. Release the button.",
- "mcuBlueSecond": "Press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds until the Boot Options are displayed. Tap Bootloader Mode",
- "successTitle": "Firmware updated",
- "successTextApps": "Please re-install the apps on your device",
- "successTextNoApps": "You can now install apps on your device",
- "sucessCTAApps": "Re-install apps",
- "SuccessCTANoApps": "Install apps",
- "cancelReinstallCTA": "Install update",
- "resetSteps": {
- "first": "1. Reset your device",
- "connect": "Connect the {{deviceName}} to your computer using the USB cable.",
- "turnOn": "Press the button on the device to turn it on.",
- "falsePin": "Enter three wrong PINs to reset the device.",
- "turnOff": "Press and hold the side button until {{action}} is displayed.",
- "confirmTurnOff": "Tap {{action}} to confirm.",
- "second": "2. Boot in {{mode}} mode",
- "boot": "Press and hold the side button until {{option}} is displayed",
- "recoveryMode": "Tap {{mode}} Mode. Wait until the dashboard appears.",
- "third": "3. Uninstall all apps",
- "openLive": "Open the Manager in Ledger Live.",
- "uninstall": "Click on the grey trash icon for all apps currently installed on the {{deviceName}}. This makes room for the firmware installer.",
- "disclaimer": "Note: Your funds are not affected by this operation, the private keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Recovery sheet."
- }
- }
- },
- "claimReward": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "rewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned <1>{{amount}}1> by voting for validators.",
- "info": "Rewards can be claimed once every 24 hours."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards claimed",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance.",
- "cta": "View details",
- "done": "Done"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "resourceInfo": "Bandwidth or Energy?",
- "bandwidthDescription": "Bandwidth points are used to make transactions without paying TRX for network fees. Choose Bandwidth to increase your daily free transactions.",
- "energyDescription": "Energy points are required to execute smart contracts. If you don't run any smart contracts, there is no need to choose rewards in Energy.",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to freeze",
- "available": "Available: {{amountAvailable}}",
- "info": "Frozen assets cannot be sent for 3 days."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction is awaiting validation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a minute before being able to vote"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "textNRG": "You will start earning Energy once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "text": "You will start earning Bandwidth once the network has confirmed the freeze. You can shortly vote for Super Representatives to also earn rewards.",
- "votePending": "Vote in {{time}}",
- "vote": "Vote",
- "later": "Vote later"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "info": "Unfreezing will decrease your {{resource}} and will cancel your votes."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "",
- "text": "Your assets were unfrozen successfully. Your {{resource}} points will be decreased, and your votes will be cancelled.",
- "continue": "Continue"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "titleExisting": "Manage votes",
- "steps": {
- "castVotes": {
- "max": "MAX",
- "title": "Vote",
- "search": "Search by name or address...",
- "totalVotes": "Total votes: {{total}}",
- "selected": "Selected: {{total}}",
- "maxSelected": "Max selected: {{total}}",
- "allVotesAreUsed": "All assets are distributed",
- "maxUsed": "Insufficient assets",
- "validators": "Validators ({{total}})",
- "votes": "Available assets: {{total}}",
- "noResults": "No validator found for \"<0>{{search}}0>\"."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Your votes were cast successfully.",
- "text": "",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "buy": {
- "title": "Buy",
- "titleCrypto": "Buy {{currency}}",
- "buyCTA": "Buy {{currencyTicker}}",
- "withoutDevice": "Continue without my device",
- "connectWithoutDevice": "It's better to use your device for optimal security.",
- "skipConnect": "Continue without my device"
- },
- "sell": {
- "title": "Sell",
- "titleCrypto": "Sell {{currency}}"
- },
- "receive": {
- "title": "Receive",
- "successTitle": "Address shared securely",
- "steps": {
- "chooseAccount": {
- "title": "Account",
- "label": "Account to credit",
- "parentAccount": "1. Select {{currencyName}} account",
- "token": "2. Select a token",
- "verifyTokenType": "Please verify that <0>{{token}}0> is an <0>{{tokenType}}0> token. Any other crypto asset sent to an {{currency}} account may be lost.",
- "warningTokenType": "Please only send <0>{{ticker}}0> or <0>{{tokenType}}0> tokens to {{currency}} accounts. Sending other crypto assets may result in the permanent loss of funds."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device",
- "withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
- },
- "receiveFunds": {
- "title": "Receive"
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount received on a delegated account will be added to the total staked amount. Choose another account if you want to avoid this."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "send": {
- "title": "Send",
- "titleNft": "Send NFT",
- "totalSpent": "Total to debit",
- "steps": {
- "recipient": {
- "title": "Recipient",
- "nftRecipient": "NFT to send"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "banner": "Maximum spendable amount is",
- "fees": "Fees",
- "standard": "Standard",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Summary"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "details": {
- "utxoLag": "This transaction may take long to verify and sign because the account has a significant number of coins.",
- "subaccountsWarning": "You will need to refill this account with {{ currency }} in order to send the tokens of this account",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
- "recipientAddress": "Recipient address",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "fees": "Network fees",
- "sendMax": "Send Max",
- "rippleTag": "Tag",
- "rippleTagPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "ethereumGasLimit": "Gas limit",
- "ethereumGasPrice": "Gas price",
- "unitPerByte": "{{unit}} per byte",
- "nft": "NFT",
- "nftQuantity": "Quantity"
- },
- "verification": {
- "streaming": {
- "accurate": "Loading... ({{percentage}})",
- "inaccurate": "Loading..."
- }
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- },
- "warning": {
- "tezos": {
- "text": "The amount to be sent will be deducted from the balance of your delegated account."
- }
- }
- },
- "footer": {
- "estimatedFees": "Network fees"
- }
- },
- "sign": {
- "title": "Sign transaction"
- },
- "releaseNotes": {
- "title": "Release notes",
- "version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
- },
- "systemLanguageAvailable": {
- "title": "Change your app's language?",
- "description": {
- "newSupport": "Good news! our teams have been working hard and Ledger Live now supports {{language}}.",
- "advice": "You can always change your language back later in the settings."
- },
- "switchButton": "Switch to {{language}}",
- "no": "I prefer not to"
- },
- "distribution": {
- "asset": "Asset",
- "price": "Price",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "showAll": "Show all",
- "showLess": "Show less",
- "header": "Asset allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "accountDistribution": {
- "account": "Account",
- "distribution": "Allocation",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "value": "Value",
- "header": "Account allocation ({{count}})"
- },
- "elrond": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by MultiversX",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "MultiversX integration",
- "title": "MultiversX eGold (EGLD) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now safely secure your eGold (EGLD) tokens and manage them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The MultiversX eGold (EGLD) Token is native to the MultiversX Network and will be used for everything from transactions, staking, smart contracts, governance and validator rewards.",
- "description3": "We are actively working with the MultiversX team to add more functionality, such as staking, native ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token) support, and more.",
- "website": "The Internet Scale Blockchain"
- }
- }
- },
- "tron": {
- "voting": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can now earn rewards by freezing and voting.",
- "info": "How voting works",
- "votesDesc": "Cast your votes for one or more representatives to start earning staking rewards.",
- "vote": "Cast votes",
- "voteExisting": "Manage votes"
- },
- "manageTP": "Manage assets",
- "warnEarnRewards": "You need at least {{amount}} to start earning rewards",
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "nextRewardsDate": "Rewards can be claimed {{date}}",
- "claimAvailableRewards": "Claim {{amount}}",
- "header": "Votes",
- "percentageTP": "% of votes cast",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "remainingVotes": {
- "title": "You still have {{amount}} votes remaining",
- "description": "You can cast your remaining votes to earn more rewards",
- "button": "Vote now"
- },
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated assets stay yours.",
- "access": "You can unfreeze your assets after 3 days.",
- "ledger": "Freeze and vote securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "help": "How voting works",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your super representative."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "freeze": {
- "title": "Freeze",
- "description": "Freeze TRX to earn Bandwidth or Energy. You'll also be able to vote for Super Representatives."
- },
- "unfreeze": {
- "title": "Unfreeze",
- "description": "Unfreeze TRX to have them back in your available balance. You will no longer earn rewards."
- },
- "vote": {
- "title": "Vote",
- "description": "Cast votes for Super Representatives to earn rewards.",
- "steps": {
- "vote": {
- "title": "Cast votes",
- "description": "Vote for one or more Super Representatives to start earning rewards.",
- "footer": {
- "doNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "next": "Cast Votes"
- },
- "info": {
- "message": "SR or Candidates?",
- "superRepresentative": {
- "title": "Super Representatives (SR)",
- "description": "Super Representatives play a key role in governing the TRON community by ensuring basic functions, e.g. block generation and bookkeeping."
- },
- "candidates": {
- "title": "Candidates",
- "description": "127 individuals elected through voting by the entire token holder community. Votes are updated once every 6 hours."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "bitcoin": {
- "inputSelected": "SELECTED",
- "toSpend": "Coins to spend",
- "toReturn": "Change to return",
- "modalTitle": "Coin control",
- "coincontrol": "Coin control",
- "advanced": "Advanced options",
- "ctaDisabled": "This account has no UTXO",
- "whatIs": "What is coin selection?",
- "rbf": "Allow the transaction to be replaced (Replace-By-Fee).",
- "strategy": "Coin selection strategy",
- "selected": "Coins selected for strategy",
- "amount": "Amount to send:",
- "replaceable": "replaceable",
- "cannotSelect": {
- "unconfirmed": "You cannot select coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "last": "You need at least one selected"
- },
- "pending": "pending",
- "pickUnconfirmedRBF": "Include coins from unconfirmed, replaceable transactions.",
- "pickingStrategy": "UTXO picking strategy",
- "pickingStrategyLabels": {
- "DEEP_OUTPUTS_FIRST": "Oldest coins first (FIFO)",
- "OPTIMIZE_SIZE": "Minimize fees (optimize size)",
- "MERGE_OUTPUTS": "Minimize future fees (merge coins)"
- }
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "delegation": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn ATOM rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "claimRewards": "Claim rewards",
- "header": "Delegation(s)",
- "noRewards": "No rewards available",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "undelegate": "Undelegate",
- "redelegate": "Redelegate",
- "redelegateDisabledTooltip": "You can redelegate again <0>{{days}}0>",
- "redelegateMaxDisabledTooltip": "You cannot redelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "undelegateDisabledTooltip": "You cannot undelegate more than <0>70> validators at a time",
- "reward": "Claim rewards",
- "currentDelegation": "Delegated: <0>{{amount}}0>",
- "estYield": "est. yield",
- "activeTooltip": "Delegated amounts generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards",
- "minSafeWarning": "Not enough funds",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your ATOM assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available 21 days after undelegation"
- ],
- "warning": {
- "description": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- }
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validators"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the blockchain confirms the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "claimRewards": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "compound": "Compound",
- "claim": "Cash in",
- "compoundOrClaim": "Compound or cash in",
- "compoundDescription": "Rewards will be added to delegated amount",
- "claimDescription": "Rewards will be added to the available balance",
- "compoundInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0>. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically delegated to the same validator.",
- "claimInfo": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> from the validator below. By clicking Continue, they will be claimed now and automatically added to the available balance.",
- "selectLabel": "Select a delegation"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards cashed in successfully",
- "titleCompound": "Rewards compounded successfully",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "textCompound": "Your rewards <0>{{amount}}0> were automatically delegated to <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "redelegation": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Redelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Redelegation",
- "description": "Use redelegation to easily change from one validator to another. But if you change your mind again, you will then have to wait because redelegation triggers a 21-day timelock.",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately. You can have a maximum of <0>7 pending redelegations0>.",
- "howDelegationWorks": "How delegation works?"
- },
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "currentDelegation": "Current delegation",
- "newDelegation": "New delegation",
- "chooseValidator": "Choose a validator",
- "warning": "You will have to wait <0>21 days0> to redelegate from the new validator, if you change your mind again"
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully redelegated your assets",
- "text": "The redelegation will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "undelegation": {
- "header": "Undelegation(s)",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 21-day timelock",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Undelegated amounts do not generate rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Undelegate assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "subtitle": "The undelegation process takes <0>21 days0> to finalize.",
- "warning": "Rewards will be immediately cashed in. The undelegated amount will be back in the available balance after the <0>21-day timelock0>.",
- "fields": {
- "validator": "Validator",
- "amount": "Amount to undelegate"
- }
- },
- "device": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully undelegated your assets.",
- "description": "<0>{{amount}}0> were undelegated from <0>{{validator}}0>",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "algorand": {
- "operationHasRewards": "Rewards earned",
- "operationEarnedRewards": "You earned <0>{{amount}}0> rewards.",
- "operationDetailsAmountBreakDown": "{{initialAmount}} (<0>+{{reward}}0> earned rewards)",
- "optIn": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Add ASA (Asset)",
- "steps": {
- "assets": {
- "title": "ASA (Asset)",
- "info": "Adding an asset requires sending a transaction with minimum fees. This will appear on your transaction history",
- "selectLabel": "Choose an ASA (Asset)",
- "disabledTooltip": "You already have this ASA (Asset) in your Algorand account"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "{{token}} asset successfully added",
- "text": "You can now receive and send <0>{{token}}0> assets on your Algorand account.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "claimRewards": {
- "header": "Rewards",
- "tooltip": "Algorand rewards are distributed regularly and are claimed automatically when you do a transaction.",
- "cta": "Claim rewards",
- "rewardsDisabledTooltip": "You don’t have any rewards. Algorand rewards are claimed automatically when you do a transaction. Receive ALGO to start earning rewards.",
- "flow": {
- "title": "Claim rewards",
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "Receive Algorand rewards simply for holding Algorand control of your assets.",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "A minimum balance of 1 ALGO is required to receive rewards.",
- "access": "Increase the account’s balance to increase rewards.",
- "ledger": "Perform a transaction to or from the account to claim rewards."
- },
- "learnMore": "How Algorand rewards work?",
- "button": {
- "cta": "Receive Algo"
- }
- },
- "info": {
- "title": "Rewards",
- "description": "Congratulations! You earned {{amount}}. Click on Continue to claim your rewards",
- "info": "You will be prompted to generate an empty transaction to your account. This will add your current rewards to your balance at the minimal cost of the transaction fees."
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Rewards successfully claimed!",
- "text": "Your rewards were added to your available balance",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "polkadot": {
- "lockedBalance": "Bonded",
- "lockedTooltip": "Assets must be bonded to nominated validators before earning rewards.",
- "unlockingBalance": "Unbonding",
- "unlockingTooltip": "Unbonding assets stay locked for 28 days before they can be withdrawn.",
- "unlockedBalance": "Unbonded",
- "unlockedTooltip": "Unbonded assets can now be moved using the withdraw operation.",
- "networkFees": "Network fees are automatically set by the Polkadot consensus, you won't be able to review them on your device",
- "bondedBalanceBelowMinimum": "Your bonded balance is below the current minimum of {{minimumBondBalance}}. Your nominations are at risk of being removed.",
- "nomination": {
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn rewards by bonding assets and then nominating your validator(s).",
- "info": "How nominations work"
- },
- "header": "Nominations",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "setController": "Change Controller",
- "chill": "Clear nominations",
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "amount": "Bonded Amount",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "This validator is elected and is collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "inactiveTooltip": "This validator is elected but is not collecting rewards on your bonded assets.",
- "waiting": "Unelected",
- "waitingTooltip": "This validator is not elected, therefore is not collecting rewards.",
- "notValidator": "Not a validator",
- "notValidatorTooltip": "This address is no longer a validator",
- "elected": "Elected",
- "nominatorsCount": "{{nominatorsCount}} nominators",
- "nominatorsTooltip": "This validator is currently elected by {{count}} nominators.",
- "oversubscribed": "Oversubscribed ({{nominatorsCount}})",
- "oversubscribedTooltip": "Only the top {{maxNominatorRewardedPerValidator}} nominators with the highest bonded amount earn rewards",
- "hasPendingBondOperation": "A bond operation is still pending confirmation",
- "electionOpen": "The election of new validators is currently ongoing. As such, staking operations are not available for 15 minutes at most.",
- "electionOpenTooltip": "This operation is disabled during the election of validators",
- "externalControllerTooltip": "This account is controlled by another account.",
- "externalControllerUnsupported": "<0>This stash account is controlled by a separate account whose address is <0>{{controllerAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set this stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "externalStashTooltip": "This account controls another account.",
- "externalStashUnsupported": "<0>This account is the controller of a separate stash account whose address is <0>{{stashAddress}}0>.0><1>To stake with Ledger Live, you must set your stash account as its own controller.1>",
- "showInactiveNominations": "Show all nominations ({{count}})",
- "hideInactiveNominations": "Show active nominations only",
- "noActiveNominations": "There are no active nominations.",
- "showAllUnlockings": "Show all unbonding amounts ({{count}})",
- "hideAllUnlockings": "Hide unbonding amounts"
- },
- "unlockings": {
- "header": "Unbonding",
- "headerTooltip": "Available after the 28-day unbonding period",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Withdraw ({{amount}})",
- "withdrawTooltip": "The unbonded amount will be credited to your available balance.",
- "noUnlockedWarning": "No unbonded balance to withdraw yet.",
- "rebond": "Rebond",
- "unbonded": "Unbonded"
- },
- "manage": {
- "title": "Manage assets",
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond",
- "description": "To earn rewards, first bond an amount. Then you must nominate your validator(s)."
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond",
- "description": "To make a bonded amount available again, first you need to unbond it. You can withdraw it after the 28-day unbonding period."
- },
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "To retrieve an unbonded amount back to the available balance, you need to withdraw it manually."
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "description": "Choose up to 16 validators. Ensure nominations are Active to earn rewards."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Remove all nominations. You will stop earning rewards. Your bonded amount remains bonded."
- }
- },
- "nominate": {
- "title": "Nominate",
- "steps": {
- "validators": {
- "title": "Validators",
- "notValidatorsRemoved": "You have nominated {{count}} addresses who are no longer validators. They will automatically be removed from your nominate transaction.",
- "maybeChill": "Clear nominations instead"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully nominated validators",
- "text": "You will start earning rewards when your assets are bonded to your elected validator(s).",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "bond": {
- "title": "Bond assets",
- "rewardDestination": {
- "label": "Rewards Destination",
- "stash": "Available Balance",
- "stashDescription": "Rewards are credited to your available balance.",
- "staked": "Bonded Balance",
- "stakedDescription": "Rewards are credited to your bonded balance for compound earning.",
- "optionTitle": "Note",
- "optionDescription": "Once set, the option is fixed for the lifetime of this bond. If you change your mind, please read the article down below"
- },
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by bonding your assets and then nominate your validators.",
- "bullet": [
- "You keep ownership of bonded assets",
- "Nominate using your Ledger device",
- "Assets will be available again, 28 days after unbonding"
- ],
- "help": "How nominations work",
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your bonded assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to bond",
- "availableLabel": "Available",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Bonded assets can be unbonded at any time, but unbonding takes 28 days.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "tooltip": {
- "title": "Transaction awaiting confirmation",
- "desc": "You have to wait a moment before nominating"
- },
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully bonded",
- "text": "You can nominate validators once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "textNominate": "You will be able to nominate validators once the network has confirmed your transaction.",
- "nominate": "Nominate",
- "later": "Nominate later"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Bonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "rebond": {
- "title": "Rebond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to rebond",
- "availableLabel": "Unbonding",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Rebonded assets are immediately added to the bonded amount.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Assets successfully rebonded",
- "text": "Your account balance will update once the network has confirmed the transaction.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Rebonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "unbond": {
- "title": "Unbond assets",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount",
- "amountLabel": "Amount to unbond",
- "availableLabel": "Bonded",
- "maxLabel": "Max",
- "info": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn after the 28-day unbonding period.",
- "learnMore": "Learn More"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Unbond transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "Unbonded assets can be withdrawn in 28 days.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Unbonding your assets..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "simpleOperation": {
- "modes": {
- "withdrawUnbonded": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "description": "After the 28-day unbonding period you can withdraw unbonded assets.",
- "info": "You can then withdraw unbonded assets to your available balance."
- },
- "chill": {
- "title": "Clear nominations",
- "description": "Clears all nominations and stops earning rewards.",
- "info": "Bonded assets will remain bonded. If you unbond them, they will be available after 28 days."
- },
- "setController": {
- "title": "Change Controller",
- "description": "Set this Ledger account as its own controller",
- "info": "Ledger Live doesn't support operations on separate stash and controller accounts."
- }
- },
- "steps": {
- "info": {
- "title": "Info"
- },
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Transaction sent successfully",
- "text": "You will see your operation in history soon.",
- "cta": "View details"
- },
- "pending": {
- "title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "solana": {
- "common": {
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again.",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "connectDevice": {
- "title": "Device"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation"
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "totalStake": "Total Stake",
- "commission": "Commission",
- "delegate": "Add",
- "listHeader": "Delegations",
- "availableBalance": "Available balance",
- "active": "Active",
- "activeTooltip": "Active amount generate rewards",
- "inactiveTooltip": "Inactive amount does not generate rewards",
- "delegatedInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is delegated to validators.",
- "withdrawableInfoTooltip": "Total amount that is withdrawable from delegations.",
- "withdrawableTitle": "Withdrawable",
- "statusUpdateNotice": "The status of the delegation will be updated when the transaction is confirmed.",
- "ledgerByFigmentTC": "Ledger by Figment T&Cs",
- "emptyState": {
- "description": "You can earn SOL rewards by delegating your assets.",
- "info": "How Delegation works",
- "delegation": "Earn rewards"
- },
- "earnRewards": {
- "description": "You may earn rewards by delegating your SOL assets to a validator.",
- "bullet": {
- "0": "You keep ownership of delegated assets",
- "1": "Delegate using your Ledger device",
- "2": "Assets will be available after undelegation"
- },
- "warning": "Choose your validator wisely: Part of your delegated assets may be irrevocably lost if the validator does not behave appropriately."
- },
- "flow": {
- "title": "Delegate",
- "steps": {
- "validator": {
- "title": "Validator"
- },
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully delegated your assets"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "withdraw": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Withdraw",
- "steps": {
- "amount": {
- "title": "Amount"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully withdrawn your assets.",
- "text": "Your account balance will be updated when the transaction is confirmed."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "activate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Activate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully activated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "reactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Reactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully reactivated you delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "deactivate": {
- "flow": {
- "title": "Deactivate",
- "steps": {
- "confirmation": {
- "success": {
- "title": "You have successfully deactivated your delegation."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delegation": {
- "title": "Earn rewards",
- "header": "Delegation",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "yield": "Est. Yield",
- "address": "Address",
- "transactionID": "Transaction ID",
- "value": "Value",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "delegated": "Delegated",
- "completionDate": "Completion date",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "duration": "Duration",
- "durationJustStarted": "Just started",
- "durationDays": "{{count}} day",
- "durationDays_plural": "{{count}} days",
- "howItWorks": "How delegation works",
- "delegationEarn": "You can now earn {{name}} staking rewards by delegating your account.",
- "earnRewards": "Earn rewards",
- "overdelegated": "Overdelegated",
- "status": "Status",
- "flow": {
- "steps": {
- "starter": {
- "title": "Earn staking rewards",
- "description": "Delegate your Tezos account to a third-party validator to earn staking rewards and still keep full security and control of your assets",
- "bullet": {
- "delegate": "Delegated accounts stay yours.",
- "access": "You can access your assets at any time.",
- "ledger": "Delegate securely with your Ledger device."
- },
- "button": {
- "cta": "Delegate to earn rewards"
- }
- },
- "account": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Account",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate"
- },
- "summary": {
- "title": "Delegate account",
- "label": "Summary",
- "toDelegate": "Account to delegate",
- "toUndelegate": "Account to undelegate",
- "validator": "Validator",
- "select": "Select",
- "yield": "Est. Yield {{amount}}",
- "randomly": "Randomly chosen validator",
- "termsAndPrivacy": "Delegating your voting rights does not guarantee any rewards from your validator."
- },
- "validator": {
- "title": "Select validator",
- "description": "You can select a validator by comparing the estimated reward rates",
- "customValidator": "Custom validator",
- "providedBy": "Yield rates provided by <1><0>{{name}}0>1>"
- },
- "custom": {
- "title": "Custom validator",
- "text": "Please enter the address of the custom validator to delegate your account to.",
- "button": "Use validator"
- },
- "undelegate": {
- "title": "Undelegate account"
- },
- "confirmation": {
- "title": "Confirmation",
- "label": "Confirmation",
- "success": {
- "title": "Delegation sent",
- "titleUndelegated": "End delegation",
- "text": "Delegation transaction broadcasted successfully. You should earn your first rewards within around 40 days, depending on the validator.",
- "textUndelegated": "Your account delegation will end once the operation is confirmed. You can delegate your account again at any time."
- },
- "broadcastError": "Your transaction may have failed. Please wait a moment then check the transaction history before trying again."
- }
- }
- },
- "contextMenu": {
- "topUp": "Receive more",
- "redelegate": "Change validator",
- "stopDelegation": "End delegation"
- }
- },
- "asset": {
- "notice": "Summary of all {{currency}} accounts"
- },
- "carousel": {
- "hidden": {
- "close": "Confirm",
- "undo": "Show again",
- "disclaimer": "This banner will not show up again until there is a new announcement"
- }
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Settings",
- "discreet": "Toggle discreet mode",
- "helpButton": "Help",
- "tabs": {
- "display": "General",
- "currencies": "Crypto assets",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About",
- "experimental": "Experimental features",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "developer": "Developer"
- },
- "export": {
- "accounts": {
- "title": "Export accounts",
- "desc": "Add your accounts in Ledger Live mobile. Your accounts will only synchronize with the blockchain, not between your mobile and desktop apps.",
- "button": "Export"
- },
- "operations": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Save a CSV file of your account operations on your computer."
- },
- "modal": {
- "button": "Done",
- "title": "Scan to export to mobile",
- "listTitle": "On the Ledger Live mobile app:",
- "step1": "Tap the + button in accounts",
- "step2": "Tap Import desktop accounts",
- "step3": "Scan the LiveQR code until the loader hits 100%"
- }
- },
- "display": {
- "language": "Display language",
- "languageDesc": "Set the language displayed in Ledger Live.",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "themeDesc": "Select the theme.",
- "counterValue": "Preferred currency",
- "counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
- "region": "Region",
- "regionDesc": "Choose your region to update formats of dates, time and currencies.",
- "stock": "Regional market indicator",
- "stockDesc": "Choose Western to display market increases in blue or Eastern to display them in red.",
- "carouselVisibility": "Carousel visibility",
- "carouselVisibilityDesc": "Enable visibility of the carousel on Portfolio"
- },
- "developer": {
- "toast": {
- "title": "You are now a developer !",
- "text": "Welcome to wonderland"
- },
- "debugApps": "Allow debug apps",
- "debugAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening debug tagged platform apps.",
- "experimentalApps": "Allow experimental apps",
- "experimentalAppsDesc": "Display and allow opening experimental tagged platform apps.",
- "catalogServer": "Set the catalog provider",
- "catalogServerDesc": "Switch between multiple platform apps sources",
- "enablePlatformDevTools": "Enable platform dev tools",
- "enablePlatformDevToolsDesc": "Enable opening platform apps dev tools window",
- "addLocalApp": "Add a local app",
- "addLocalAppDesc": "Browse local files and add a local app using a local manifest",
- "addLocalAppButton": "Browse",
- "runLocalAppDeleteButton": "Delete",
- "runLocalAppOpenButton": "Open",
- "enableLearnStagingUrl": "Learn page staging URL",
- "enableLearnStagingUrlDesc": "Enable the staging URL for the learn page."
- },
- "currencies": {
- "selectPlaceholder": "Select crypto asset",
- "desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
- "placeholder": "No settings for this asset",
- "confirmationsNb": "Number of confirmations",
- "confirmationsNbDesc": "Set the number of network confirmations for a transaction to be marked as confirmed."
- },
- "profile": {
- "password": "Password lock",
- "passwordDesc": "Set a password to secure the Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
- "passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
- "passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live when inactive.",
- "changePassword": "Change password",
- "softResetTitle": "Clear cache",
- "softResetDesc": "Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain.",
- "softReset": "Clear",
- "resetKYC": "Reset KYC data",
- "resetKYCDesc": "Erase all your Know your Customer data stored locally used to access third-party transaction provider.",
- "hardResetTitle": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction histories and settings.",
- "hardReset": "Reset",
- "analytics": "Analytics",
- "analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, the Ledger device type and firmware.",
- "reportErrors": "Bug reports",
- "reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger improve its products.",
- "launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
- "launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up a new device or restore an existing device. Accounts and settings are kept."
- },
- "help": {
- "version": "Version",
- "releaseNotesBtn": "Details",
- "termsBtn": "Read",
- "faq": "Ledger Support",
- "faqDesc": "If you have a problem, get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
- "terms": "Terms of Use",
- "termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
- "privacy": "Privacy Policy",
- "privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use them."
- },
- "experimental": {
- "disclaimer": "These are experimental features we provide on an \"as is\" basis for our tech savvy community to test. They may change, break or be removed at any time. By enabling them, you agree to use them at your own risk.",
- "features": {
- "experimentalCurrencies": {
- "title": "Experimental integrations",
- "description": "Use available experimental crypto assets integrations."
- },
- "experimentalLanguages": {
- "title": "Translation testing",
- "description": "Adds unreleased languages to the language list in the general settings tab."
- },
- "managerDevMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
- "description": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager."
- },
- "scanForInvalidPaths": {
- "title": "Extended account search",
- "description": "Scan for accounts with erroneous derivation paths. Please send potentially found assets to a regular account."
- },
- "experimentalExplorers": {
- "title": "Experimental Explorers API",
- "description": "Try an upcoming version of Ledger's blockchain explorers. Changing this setting may affect the account balance and synchronization as well as the send feature.\n(<0>0>)"
- },
- "keychainObservableRange": {
- "title": "Custom gap limit",
- "description": "Custom gap limit for all accounts. Increasing this value above its default value (20) scans more unused public addresses for coins. Advanced users only, this may break compatibility when restoring your accounts."
- },
- "forceProvider": {
- "title": "Manager provider",
- "description": "Changing the app provider in the Manager may make it impossible to install or uninstall apps on your Ledger device."
- },
- "testAnimations": {
- "title": "Test Lottie animations",
- "description": "Test all animations used in Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "hardResetModal": {
- "title": "Reset Ledger Live",
- "desc": "Reset Ledger Live to erase all settings and accounts on your computer. You can then choose your password and add your accounts back with your Ledger device. The private keys giving access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and are backed up by your recovery phrase.",
- "warning": "Resetting Ledger Live will erase your swap transaction history for all your accounts."
- },
- "softResetModal": {
- "title": "Clear cache",
- "desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys to access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
- },
- "resetFallbackModal": {
- "title": "User action required",
- "part1": "Could not delete cache folder. Please delete the folder manually:",
- "part2": "Click the Open folder button, the ",
- "part3": "app will close",
- "part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
- "part5": "Then you can restart the app normally."
- },
- "removeAccountModal": {
- "title": "Remove account",
- "desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Existing accounts can always be added again.",
- "delete": "Remove from Portfolio",
- "warning": "Removing this account will erase your swap transaction history associated to it."
- },
- "openUserDataDirectory": {
- "title": "View user data",
- "desc": "View the user data stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
- "btn": "View"
- },
- "repairDevice": {
- "title": "Repair your Ledger device",
- "descSettings": "Use this to restore your Ledger device if it froze during a firmware update.",
- "desc": "For Ledger Nano S users, please select the state displayed on your device. For Nano X and Blue users kindly refer to the help center.",
- "button": "Repair"
- },
- "exportLogs": {
- "title": "Save logs",
- "desc": "Saving Ledger Live logs may be needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
- "btn": "Save"
- },
- "accounts": {
- "hideEmptyTokens": {
- "title": "Hide empty token accounts",
- "desc": "Hide token accounts with zero balance on the Accounts page."
- },
- "tokenBlacklist": {
- "title": "Hidden tokens",
- "desc": "You can hide tokens by going to the parent account then right-clicking on the token and selecting 'Hide token'.",
- "count": "{{count}} token",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} tokens"
- },
- "hiddenNftCollections": {
- "title": "Hidden NFT Collections",
- "desc": "You can hide NFT Collections by right-clicking on the collection name and selecting 'Hide NFT Collection'.",
- "count": "{{count}} collection",
- "count_plural": "{{count}} collections"
- },
- "fullNode": {
- "title": "Connect Bitcoin full node",
- "desc": "Set up your Bitcoin full node to synchronize and send transactions without using Ledger’s explorers."
- }
- }
- },
- "password": {
- "inputFields": {
- "newPassword": {
- "label": "New password"
- },
- "confirmPassword": {
- "label": "Confirm password"
- },
- "currentPassword": {
- "label": "Current password"
- }
- },
- "changePassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Change your password"
- },
- "setPassword": {
- "title": "Password lock",
- "subTitle": "Set the password",
- "desc": "Keep your password safe. Losing it means resetting Ledger Live and adding the accounts again."
- },
- "disablePassword": {
- "title": "Disable password lock",
- "desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
- }
- },
- "update": {
- "downloadInProgress": "Downloading update...",
- "downloadProgress": "{{progress}}% completed",
- "checking": "Checking update...",
- "checkSuccess": "Update ready to install",
- "quitAndInstall": "Install now",
- "updateAvailable": "Update to Ledger Live version {{version}} is available",
- "error": "Error during update. Please download again",
- "reDownload": "Download again",
- "nightlyWarning": "This version cannot auto-update. Please install the latest version manually",
- "downloadNow": "Download update"
- },
- "crash": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check our support articles for possible solutions. If the problem persists, save the logs using the button below and provide them to Ledger Support.",
- "troubleshooting": "Click here for possible solutions",
- "logs": "Save logs",
- "dataFolder": "View user data"
- },
- "exportOperationsModal": {
- "title": "Operation history",
- "desc": "Select the accounts for which to save the operation history",
- "descSuccess": "The CSV file of your operation history was saved successfully in the selected folder",
- "titleSuccess": "Operation history saved successfully",
- "cta": "Save",
- "ctaSuccess": "Done",
- "noAccounts": "No accounts to export",
- "selectedAccounts": "Accounts to be included",
- "selectedAccounts_plural": "Accounts to be included ({{count}})",
- "disclaimer": "The countervalues in the export is provided for information purposes only. Do not rely on such data for accounting, tax, regulation or legal purposes, as they only represent an estimation of the price of the assets at the time of transactions and export, under the valuation methods provided by our service provider, Kaiko"
- },
- "language": {
- "system": "Use system language",
- "switcher": {
- "en": "English",
- "fr": "French",
- "ru": "Russian",
- "es": "Spanish",
- "zh": "Chinese",
- "de": "German"
- }
- },
- "theme": {
- "system": "Select the system theme",
- "light": "Light",
- "dusk": "Dusk",
- "dark": "Dark"
- },
- "toastOverlay": {
- "toastType": {
- "announcement": "News",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "achievement": "Achievement Unlocked"
- },
- "groupedToast": {
- "text": "You have {{count}} unread notifications",
- "cta": "See details"
- }
- },
- "informationCenter": {
- "tooltip": "Information center",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip": "There is {{count}} ongoing incident",
- "ongoingIncidentsTooltip_plural": "There are {{count}} ongoing incidents",
- "tabs": {
- "announcements": "News",
- "announcementsUnseen": "News ({{unseenCount}})",
- "serviceStatus": "Status",
- "serviceStatusIncidentsOngoing": "Status ({{incidentCount}})"
- },
- "serviceStatus": {
- "statusOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is up and running",
- "description": "Having trouble ? Go on our <0>help page0>"
- },
- "statusNotOk": {
- "title": "Ledger Live is experiencing issues",
- "learnMore": "Learn more"
- }
- },
- "announcement": {
- "emptyState": {
- "title": "No news for the moment",
- "desc": "You will find here all the news related to Ledger and Ledger Live"
- }
- }
- },
- "onboarding": {
- "drawers": {
- "pinHelp": {
- "title": "Secure your PIN code",
- "intro": "During the setup process you choose a PIN code.",
- "rules": {
- "1": "<0>Always0> choose a PIN code yourself.",
- "2": "<0>Always0> enter your PIN code out of sight.",
- "3": "You can change your PIN code if needed.",
- "4": "Three wrong PIN code entries in a row will reset the device.",
- "5": "<0>Never0> use an easy PIN code like 0000, 123456, or 55555555.",
- "6": "<0>Never0> share your PIN code with someone else. Not even with Ledger.",
- "7": "<0>Never0> use a PIN code you did not choose yourself.",
- "8": "<0>Never0> store your PIN code on a computer or phone."
- }
- },
- "recoverySeed": {
- "title1": "How does a recovery phrase work?",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase works like a unique master key. Your Ledger device uses it to calculate private keys for every crypto asset you own.",
- "paragraph2": "To restore access to your crypto, any wallet can calculate the same private keys from your recovery phrase.",
- "link": "More about the recovery phrase",
- "title2": "What happens if I lose access to my Nano?",
- "paragraph3": "Don't worry and follow these steps:",
- "points": {
- "1": "Get a new hardware wallet.",
- "2": "Select “Restore recovery phrase on a new device” in the Ledger app",
- "3": "Enter your recovery phrase on your new device to restore access to your crypto."
- }
- },
- "whereToHide": {
- "title": "Where should I keep my recovery phrase?",
- "points": {
- "1": "<0>NEVER0> enter it on a computer, smartphone or any other device. Don't take a picture of it.",
- "2": "<0>NEVER0> share your 24 words with anyone.",
- "3": "<0>ALWAYS0> store it in a secure place, out of sight.",
- "4": "Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.",
- "5": "If any person or application asks for it, assume it is a scam!"
- }
- }
- },
- "modals": {
- "recoverySeedWarning": {
- "contactSupportCTA": "Contact Support",
- "continueCTA": "Continue",
- "title": "Please check the box contents",
- "description": "If your {{device}} came with a PIN code or recovery phrase, it’s not safe to use and you should contact Ledger Support.",
- "alert": "Only use a recovery phrase that your device displayed when it was set up"
- }
- },
- "alerts": {
- "beCareful": {
- "title": "Please be careful",
- "descr": "Make sure you follow the instructions on this app at every step of the process.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- },
- "useLedgerSeeds": {
- "title": "We recommend Ledger recovery phrases only",
- "descr": "Ledger cannot guarantee the security of external recovery phrases. We recommend setting up your Nano as a new device if your recovery phrase was not generated by a Ledger.",
- "gotIt": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "screens": {
- "welcome": {
- "title": "Welcome to Ledger",
- "description": "Safely manage your crypto from your computer.",
- "cta": "Get started",
- "noDevice": "No device? <0>Buy a Ledger Nano X0>",
- "languageWarning": {
- "title": "Get started in {{language}}",
- "desc": "We are introducing additional languages in order to help your onboarding with Ledger. Please be aware that the rest of the Ledger experience is currently only available in English.",
- "cta": "Got it"
- }
- },
- "selectDevice": {
- "title": "What's your device?"
- },
- "selectUseCase": {
- "greetings": "Hello!",
- "hasNoRecovery": "First time using your {{deviceName}}?",
- "hasRecovery": "Already have a recovery phrase?",
- "separator": "or",
- "switchDevice": "Switch device",
- "options": {
- "1": {
- "heading": "First use",
- "title": "Set up a new {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Let’s start and set up your device!"
- },
- "2": {
- "heading": "Connect device",
- "title": "Connect your {{deviceName}}",
- "description": "Is your device already set up? Connect it to the app!"
- },
- "3": {
- "heading": "Restore device",
- "title": "Restore your recovery phrase on a new device",
- "description": "Use an existing recovery phrase to restore your private keys on a new {{deviceName}}!"
- }
- }
- },
- "tutorial": {
- "steps": {
- "getStarted": "Get started",
- "pinCode": "Pin code",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery phrase",
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase",
- "pairNano": "Connect nano"
- },
- "screens": {
- "importYourRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Restore from recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Restore your Nano from your recovery phrase to restore, replace or back up your Ledger hardware wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano will restore your private keys and you will be able to access and manage your crypto.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "howToGetStarted": {
- "title": "The best way to get you started:",
- "rules": {
- "1": "Plan 30 minutes and take your time.",
- "2": "Grab a pen to write with.",
- "3": "Stay alone, and choose a safe and quiet environment."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I’m ready!",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Set up as new device”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "deviceHowTo2": {
- "turnOn": {
- "title": "Turn on Nano",
- "descr": "Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable."
- },
- "browse": {
- "title": "Browse",
- "descr": "Learn how to interact with your device by reading the on-screen instructions."
- },
- "select": {
- "title": "Select “Enter your recovery phrase”",
- "descr": "Press both buttons simultaneously to validate the selection."
- },
- "follow": {
- "title": "Follow instructions",
- "descr": "Come back here to follow instructions on your PIN code."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "pinCode": {
- "title": "PIN code",
- "paragraph": "Your PIN code is the first layer of security. It physically secures access to your private key and your Nano. Your PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that I must choose my PIN code myself and keep it private.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Set up PIN code",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizSuccess": {
- "title": "Already a pro!",
- "paragraph": "You are ready to safely manage your crypto.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "quizFailure": {
- "title": "You will soon become a pro...",
- "paragraph": "Don’t worry, Ledger is here to guide you through your journey. You will soon feel extra comfortable about your crypto safety.\n\nOnly one quick step left!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step"
- }
- },
- "pinCodeHowTo": {
- "setUp": {
- "title": "Choose PIN code",
- "descr": "Press the left or right button to change digits. Press both buttons to validate a digit. Select <0>0> to confirm your PIN code. Select <1>1> to erase a digit."
- },
- "confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm PIN code",
- "descr": "Enter your PIN code again to confirm it."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "existingRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is the secret list of words that you backed up when you first set up your wallet.",
- "paragraph2": "Ledger does not keep a copy of your recovery phrase.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose my recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Enter recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- },
- "warning": {
- "title": "Do not use a recovery phrase that you have not generated yourself.",
- "desc": "Your Ledger hardware wallet’s pin code and recovery phrase should be initialized by you and only you. If you have received a device with a pre-existing seed word or an already initialized pin code do not use the product and contact our customer support.",
- "supportLink": "Contact customer support"
- }
- },
- "useRecoverySheet": {
- "takeYourRecoverySheet": {
- "title": "Take your recovery sheet",
- "descr": "Grab a blank Recovery sheet, included with your Nano. Please reach out to Ledger Support if the Recovery sheet did not come blank."
- },
- "writeDownWords": {
- "title": "Write down 24 words",
- "descr": "Write Word #1 displayed on your Nano in position 1 of your Recovery sheet. Then press right on your Nano to display Word #2 and write it down in position 2.\n\nRepeat the process for all words while carefully respecting the order and spelling. Press left on your Nano to check for any mistakes."
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "newRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Recovery phrase",
- "paragraph1": "Your recovery phrase is a secret list of 24 words that backs up your private keys.",
- "paragraph2": "Your Nano generates a unique recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep a copy of it.",
- "disclaimer": "I understand that if I lose this recovery phrase, I will not be able to access my crypto in case I lose access to my Nano.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Recovery phrase",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo": {
- "grabRecovery": {
- "title": "Grab your recovery phrase"
- },
- "selectLength": {
- "title": "Select recovery phrase length",
- "descr": "Your recovery phrases can have 12, 18 or 24 words. You must enter all words to access your crypto."
- },
- "enterWord": {
- "title": "Enter Word #1...",
- "descr": "Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter."
- },
- "validateWord": {
- "title": "Validate Word #1...",
- "descr": "Choose Word #1 from the suggestions. Press both buttons to validate."
- },
- "andNext": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "recoveryHowTo3": {
- "reEnterWord": {
- "title": "Confirm your recovery phrase",
- "descr": "Scroll through the words until you find Word #1 by pressing the right button. Validate by pressing both buttons."
- },
- "repeat": {
- "title": "Repeat for all words!"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Next step",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "genuineCheck": {
- "success": {
- "title": "All good!",
- "desc": "Your Ledger {{deviceName}} is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live"
- },
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Continue",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- },
- "hideRecoveryPhrase": {
- "title": "Hide your recovery phrase",
- "paragraph": "Your recovery phrase is your last chance to access your crypto if you cannot use your Nano. You must keep it in a safe place.",
- "keepItOffline": "Enter these words on a hardware wallet only, not on computers or smartphones.",
- "neverShowToAnyone": "Never share your 24 words with anyone, not even with Ledger.",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "OK, I'm done!",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help",
- "learn": "Learn how to hide it"
- }
- },
- "pairMyNano": {
- "title": "Genuine check",
- "paragraph": "We'll verify whether your Nano is genuine. This should be quick and easy!",
- "buttons": {
- "next": "Check my Nano",
- "prev": "Previous step",
- "help": "Need help"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "pedagogy": {
- "heading": "basics",
- "screens": {
- "accessYourCoins": {
- "title": "Access your crypto",
- "description": "Your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You need a private key to access and manage them."
- },
- "ownYourPrivateKey": {
- "title": "Own your private key",
- "description": "Your private key is stored within your Nano. You must be the only one to own it to be in control of your money."
- },
- "stayOffline": {
- "title": "Stay offline",
- "description": "Your Nano works as a \"cold storage\" wallet. This means that it never exposes your private key online, even when using the app."
- },
- "validateTransactions": {
- "title": "Validate transactions",
- "description": "Ledger Live allows you to buy, sell, manage, exchange and earn crypto while remaining protected. You will validate every crypto transaction with your Nano."
- },
- "setUpNanoWallet": {
- "title": "Let’s set up your Nano!",
- "description": "We'll start by setting up your Nano security.",
- "CTA": "Let’s do this!"
- }
- }
- },
- "quizz": {
- "heading": "Quiz",
- "title": "Now game on!",
- "descr": "Answer 3 simple questions to avoid common misconceptions about your hardware wallet.",
- "buttons": {
- "start": "Let’s take the quiz",
- "next": "Next question",
- "finish": "Finish quiz"
- },
- "questions": {
- "1": {
- "text": "As a Ledger user, my crypto is stored:",
- "answers": {
- "1": "On my Nano",
- "2": "On the blockchain"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your crypto is always stored on the blockchain. Your hardware wallet only holds your private key, which gives you access to your crypto."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "text": "If my recovery phrase is no longer secure or private...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "No problem, Ledger can send me a copy",
- "2": "My crypto is no longer safe and I need to transfer them to a secure place"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Anyone who knows your recovery phrase can steal your crypto assets. \nIf you lose it, you must quickly transfer your crypto to a secure place."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "text": "When I connect my Nano to the Ledger app, my private key is...",
- "answers": {
- "1": "Still offline",
- "2": "Briefly connected to the internet"
- },
- "results": {
- "success": {
- "title": "Congrats!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- },
- "fail": {
- "title": "Incorrect!",
- "text": "Your private key always remains offline in your hardware wallet. Even when connected to your Nano, the Ledger app cannot access your private key. You must physically authorize every transaction on your device."
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "connectTroubleshooting": {
- "desc": "Having trouble connecting your device?",
- "cta": "Fix it",
- "solution": "Solution #{{number}}",
- "applesInstructions": "Apple’s instructions",
- "nextSolution": "Next solution",
- "previousSolution": "Previous solution",
- "followSteps": "Follow these steps",
- "supportArticle": "Support article",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "connected": "Connected!",
- "backToPortfolio": "Back to Portfolio",
- "steps": {
- "entry": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot USB connection",
- "desc": "There seems to be a problem connecting to your device. Don’t worry, you can try different solutions one by one until your device connects!",
- "cta": "Let’s fix it!",
- "back": "Go back"
- },
- "1": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Run Ledger Live as Administrator",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Quit Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Right-click the Ledger Live application.",
- "2": "Select “Run as Administrator”.",
- "3": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "linux": {
- "title": "Update the udev rules on Linux",
- "desc": "Click the button below to add the udev rules. Then connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "cta": "Set Rules",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Enter the following command in a terminal to automatically add the rules and reload udev.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "2": {
- "usbPort": {
- "title": "Try different USB ports",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Change the USB port used on your computer.",
- "1": "Remove any USB dongles.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "usbCable": {
- "title": "Change the USB cable",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Use the original USB cable if possible.",
- "1": "Try a different USB cable, making sure it supports data transfer.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "restart": {
- "title": "Restart your computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Restart your computer.",
- "1": "Start Ledger Live.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "antiVirus": {
- "title": "Turn off Anti-virus and VPN",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Turn off any anti-virus, firewall, and VPN software.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected.",
- "2": "Whitelist Ledger Live in your anti-virus if that worked."
- }
- },
- "anotherComputer": {
- "title": "Try another computer",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Go to <0>{{link}}0> on another computer to download and install Ledger Live.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- },
- "3": {
- "windows": {
- "title": "Update the USB device drivers",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Visit this <0>{{link}}0>",
- "1": "Follow the instructions to update USB device drivers.",
- "2": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it's detected."
- }
- },
- "mac": {
- "0": {
- "title": "Enable Full Disk Access",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "Open “System Preferences”.",
- "1": "Go to “Security & Privacy”.",
- "2": "In the “Privacy” tab, go to “Full Disk Access” in the left column.",
- "3": "Add “Ledger Live”.",
- "4": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- },
- "1": {
- "title": "Reset NVRAM",
- "link": "Apple’s instructions",
- "bullets": {
- "0": "If your Mac has an intel processor, follow <0>{{link}}0> to reset the NVRAM.",
- "1": "Connect and unlock your device to see if it’s detected."
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "4": {
- "deviceSelection": {
- "title": "What’s your device?",
- "desc": "If you have a Nano S, you can try repairing your devices Firmware. For Nano X and Blue users, kindly contact Ledger support"
- },
- "notFixed": {
- "title": " USB connection problem still not fixed?",
- "desc": "If you've tried every possible solution, please reach out to Ledger Support. Otherwise, please follow the instructions of any solution you haven’t tried yet.",
- "back": "Back to portfolio",
- "cta": "Contact Support"
- },
- "repair": {
- "title": "Repair your Nano S",
- "desc": "What is the message displayed on your device?",
- "mcuOutdated": "MCU firmware is outdated",
- "mcuNotGenuine": "MCU firmware is not genuine",
- "repairInstructions": "Follow device repair instructions",
- "updateInstructions": "Follow device update instructions",
- "somethingElse": "Something else"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "SignMessageConfirm": {
- "stringHash": "Message Hash",
- "domainHash": "Domain Hash",
- "messageHash": "Message Hash",
- "message": "Message"
- },
- "TransactionConfirm": {
- "title": "Please confirm the operation on your device to finalize it",
- "warning": "Always verify the address displayed on your device exactly matches the one given by the {{recipientWording}}",
- "secureContract": "Verify the deposit details on your device before sending it. The contract address is provided securely so you don’t have to verify it.",
- "verifyData": "Always verify the operation details on your device.",
- "warningWording": {},
- "titleWording": {
- "send": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimReward": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "freeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unfreeze": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "vote": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "delegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "undelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "redelegate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "claimRewardCompound": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "nominate": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "chill": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "bond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "unbond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "rebond": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "withdrawUnbonded": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation",
- "setController": "Please confirm on your device to finalize the operation"
- },
- "recipientWording": {
- "send": "recipient",
- "delegate": "validator",
- "undelegate": "validator",
- "claimReward": "rewards recipient",
- "optIn": "recipient",
- "nominate": "validator",
- "erc721": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- },
- "erc1155": {
- "transfer": "recipient"
- }
- },
- "votes": "Votes ({{count}})"
- },
- "RecipientField": {
- "placeholder": "Enter {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "Terms": {
- "title": "Terms of use",
- "description": "Please take some time to review our Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "termsLabel": "Terms of service",
- "privacyLabel": "Privacy policy",
- "switchLabel": "I have read and accept the Terms of service and Privacy policy",
- "cta": "Enter Ledger app"
- },
- "families": {
- "stellar": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoType": {
- "MEMO_TEXT": "Memo Text",
- "NO_MEMO": "No Memo",
- "MEMO_ID": "Memo ID",
- "MEMO_HASH": "Memo Hash",
- "MEMO_RETURN": "Memo Return"
- },
- "memoWarningText": "When using a Memo, carefully verify the type used with the recipient"
- },
- "cosmos": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- },
- "solana": {
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional"
- }
- },
- "errors": {
- "NoSuchAppOnProvider": {
- "title": "The {{appName}} app cannot be found for your specific configuration.",
- "description": "Try reinstalling the app from the Manager"
- },
- "countervaluesUnavailable": {
- "title": "We're not able to provide a countervalue for this asset at the moment"
- },
- "generic": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "AccountAwaitingSendPendingOperations": {
- "title": "There is a pending operation for this account.",
- "description": "Wait for the operation to go through."
- },
- "AccountNameRequired": {
- "title": "An account name is required",
- "description": "Please enter an account name"
- },
- "AccountNeedResync": {
- "title": "Please try again",
- "description": "Account is outdated. A synchronisation is needed"
- },
- "AccountNotSupported": {
- "title": "Account not supported.",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Support ({{reason}})"
- },
- "AlgorandASANotOptInInRecipient": {
- "title": "Recipient account has not opted in the selected ASA."
- },
- "AmountRequired": {
- "title": "Amount required"
- },
- "NoAccessToCamera": {
- "title": "Please ensure your system has a camera, that it is not in use by another application and that Ledger Live has permission to use it.",
- "description": ""
- },
- "ClaimRewardsFeesWarning": {
- "title": "The rewards are smaller than the estimated fees to claim them",
- "description": ""
- },
- "CompoundLowerAllowanceOfActiveAccountError": {
- "title": "You cannot reduce the amount approved while having an active deposit."
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInternal": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #1)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTxDecode": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #2)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidSequence": {
- "title": "Invalid sequence",
- "description": "Please try the operation again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnauthorized": {
- "title": "Unauthorized signature",
- "description": "This account is not authorized to sign this transaction"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFunds": {
- "title": "Insufficient funds",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownRequest": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #6)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidAddress": {
- "title": "Invalid address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidPubKey": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #8)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeUnknownAddress": {
- "title": "Unknown address",
- "description": "Please check the address and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientCoins": {
- "title": "Insufficient coins",
- "description": "Make sure the account used has enough funds and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInvalidCoins": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #11)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeOutOfGas": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #12)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeMemoTooLarge": {
- "title": "The Memo field is too long",
- "description": "Please reduce the size of the memo text and try again"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeInsufficientFee": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #14)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeTooManySignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #15)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeGasOverflow": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #16)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CosmosBroadcastCodeNoSignatures": {
- "title": "Something went wrong (Error #17)",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "CurrencyNotSupported": {
- "title": "{{currencyName}} is not supported",
- "description": "This crypto asset is not yet supported. Please contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "DeviceNotGenuine": {
- "title": "Possibly not genuine",
- "description": "Request assistance from Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
- "description": null
- },
- "DeviceInOSUExpected": {
- "title": "Sorry, update failed",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "DeviceHalted": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again"
- },
- "DeviceNotOnboarded": {
- "title": "Your device is not ready to use yet",
- "description": "Set up your device before using it with Ledger Live."
- },
- "DeviceSocketFail": {
- "title": "Please restart your Ledger device and retry",
- "description": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. ({{message}})"
- },
- "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
- "title": "The connection failed",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation": {
- "title": "Sorry, it looks like your device disconnected",
- "description": "Please reconnect and try again."
- },
- "EnpointConfig": {
- "title": "Invalid endpoint",
- "description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
- },
- "FeeEstimationFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
- "description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
- },
- "FirmwareOrAppUpdateRequired": {
- "title": "Firmware or app update required",
- "description": "Please use the Manager to uninstall all apps then check if a firmware update is available before reinstalling them"
- },
- "LatestFirmwareVersionRequired": {
- "title": "Update Nano Firmware",
- "description": "Please update your devices Firmware to the latest version to access this feature"
- },
- "FirmwareNotRecognized": {
- "title": "Device firmware is not recognized",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "HardResetFail": {
- "title": "Sorry, could not reset",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
- "title": "Sorry, there's nothing to update",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support if you cannot use your device."
- },
- "LedgerAPI4xx": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please check your connection and try again or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "LedgerAPI5xx": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again.",
- "description": "The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {{message}}"
- },
- "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
- "title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
- "title": "Sorry, that's already installed",
- "description": "Please check which apps are already installed on your device."
- },
- "ManagerAppDepInstallRequired": {
- "title": "{{dependency}} app required",
- "description": "If the {{dependency}} app is already installed, please reinstall it with the latest version"
- },
- "ManagerAppDepUninstallRequired": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "You must first uninstall all apps that require the {{appName}} app"
- },
- "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
- "title": "Your device is locked",
- "description": "Please unlock it"
- },
- "ManagerFirmwareNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Uninstall all apps from your device",
- "description": "The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device and must be backed up on your Recovery sheet."
- },
- "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
- "title": "Sorry, not enough storage left",
- "description": "Uninstall some apps to free up space. The private keys to access your crypto assets will stay safe on your device."
- },
- "ManagerQuitPage": {
- "install": {
- "title": "Finish app installation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app installation. Please finish the installation to install the apps in the queue.",
- "stay": "Finish install"
- },
- "uninstall": {
- "title": "Finish app uninstallation in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app uninstallations in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish uninstalling"
- },
- "update": {
- "title": "Finish app updates in progress?",
- "description": "Quitting the Manager will terminate the app updates in progress.",
- "stay": "Finish updates"
- },
- "quit": "Quit Manager"
- },
- "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
- "title": "Sorry, this app is required",
- "description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
- },
- "NetworkDown": {
- "title": "Sorry, internet seems to be down",
- "description": "Please check your internet connection."
- },
- "NoAddressesFound": {
- "title": "Sorry, no accounts were found",
- "description": "Something went wrong with the address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalance": {
- "title": "Sorry, insufficient funds",
- "description": "Please make sure the account has enough funds."
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
- "title": "Recipient address is inactive. Send at least {{minimalAmount}} to activate it"
- },
- "NotEnoughGas": {
- "title": "The parent account balance is insufficient for network fees"
- },
- "PasswordsDontMatch": {
- "title": "The Passwords don't match",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "PasswordIncorrect": {
- "title": "The password entered is incorrect",
- "description": "Please try again"
- },
- "QuantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "The quantity needs to be greater than 0"
- },
- "RPCHostRequired": {
- "title": "Host is required."
- },
- "RPCHostInvalid": {
- "title": "Enter valid host."
- },
- "RPCUserRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Username is required"
- },
- "RPCPassRequired": {
- "title": "RPC Password is required"
- },
- "SatStackAccessDown": {
- "title": "Could not reach full node",
- "description": "Please verify that SatStack and your node are running. Check the full node setup in the Settings if the problem persists."
- },
- "SatStackStillSyncing": {
- "title": "Node sync in progress...",
- "description": "Please wait while your node is syncing. Sending is not possible since your Bitcoin account balances may be incorrect."
- },
- "SatStackVersionTooOld": {
- "title": "Please upgrade SatStack",
- "description": "The SatStack version you are using is too old and may contain bugs or incompatibilities."
- },
- "SatStackDescriptorNotImported": {
- "title": "Account not scanned by full node",
- "description": "Please configure your full node to scan for the accounts associated with this device. Your full node must first scan the blockchain for this account before you can add it to your portfolio."
- },
- "SwapGenericAPIError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "The exchange transaction did not go through. Please try again or contact support."
- },
- "TimeoutError": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond",
- "description": "Please try again."
- },
- "TimeoutTagged": {
- "title": "Sorry, server took too long to respond ({{tag}})",
- "description": "Timeout occurred."
- },
- "TransportError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportRaceCondition": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "TransportStatusError": {
- "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device",
- "description": "{{message}}"
- },
- "DeviceShouldStayInApp": {
- "title": "Please open the {{appName}} app",
- "description": "Keep the {{appName}} app open while we find your accounts"
- },
- "UnexpectedBootloader": {
- "title": "Sorry, your device must not be in Bootloader mode",
- "description": "Please restart your device without touching the buttons when the logo appears. Contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "UserRefusedAllowManager": {
- "title": "Manager denied on device"
- },
- "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
- "title": "Update cancelled on device",
- "description": "All apps on your device have been uninstalled. Keep your device up to date to benefit from improvements in security and functionality."
- },
- "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Action rejected",
- "description": "User rejected the operation on the device"
- },
- "TransactionRefusedOnDevice": {
- "title": "Operation denied on device",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UserRefusedAddress": {
- "title": "Receive address rejected",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt"
- },
- "UpdateYourApp": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "DeviceOnDashboardExpected": {
- "title": "Return to the Dashboard",
- "description": "Please navigate back to the Dashboard on your device"
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionError": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection error)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
- "title": "Sorry, try again (connection closed)",
- "description": null
- },
- "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
- "title": "Something went wrong",
- "description": "Please check that your hardware wallet is set up with the recovery phrase or passphrase associated to the selected account."
- },
- "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
- "title": "App update required",
- "description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
- },
- "InvalidAddress": {
- "title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseAlreadyDelegated": {
- "title": "Your account is already delegated to this validator"
- },
- "InvalidAddressBecauseDestinationIsAlsoSource": {
- "title": "Recipient address is the same as the sender address"
- },
- "CantOpenDevice": {
- "title": "Sorry, connection failed",
- "description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if the problem persists."
- },
- "ETHAddressNonEIP": {
- "title": "Auto-verification not available: carefully verify the address",
- "description": null
- },
- "EthAppNftNotSupported": {
- "title": "Operation not available for this device",
- "description": "Send NFT feature is only available for Nano X. Please visit our customer support platform to know how to send a NFT with a Nano S."
- },
- "CantScanQRCode": {
- "title": "Couldn't scan this QR code: auto-verification not supported by this address"
- },
- "FeeNotLoaded": {
- "title": "Couldn't load fee rates. Please set manual fees"
- },
- "FeeRequired": {
- "title": "Fees are required"
- },
- "GasLessThanEstimate": {
- "title": "This may be too low. Please increase"
- },
- "UnknownMCU": {
- "title": "Unknown MCU version",
- "description": "Please contact Ledger Support"
- },
- "MCUNotGenuineToDashboard": {
- "title": "Access dashboard to update",
- "description": "",
- "list": {
- "1": "Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable without pressing any buttons.",
- "2": "Press both buttons together three times to display the Dashboard.",
- "3": "Open the Manager and click Update firmware."
- }
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountReceive": {
- "title": "Cannot receive in subaccounts",
- "description": "If you want to receive funds, please use the parent account"
- },
- "UnavailableTezosOriginatedAccountSend": {
- "title": "Cannot send from subaccounts yet",
- "description": "This feature will be added at a later stage due to changes recently introduced by the Babylon update."
- },
- "RecommendUndelegation": {
- "title": "Please undelegate the account before emptying it"
- },
- "RecommendSubAccountsToEmpty": {
- "title": "Please empty all subaccounts first"
- },
- "NotSupportedLegacyAddress": {
- "title": "This legacy address format is no longer supported"
- },
- "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
- "title": "That's the wrong app",
- "description": "Open the '{{managerAppName}}' app on your device"
- },
- "DeviceNameInvalid": {
- "title": "Please choose a device name without '{{invalidCharacters}}'"
- },
- "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
- },
- "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
- "title": "Bitcoin and Ethereum apps required",
- "description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first."
- },
- "UserRefusedDeviceNameChange": {
- "title": "Rename cancelled on device",
- "description": "Try again and allow renaming on your device"
- },
- "SyncError": {
- "title": "Synchronization error",
- "description": "Some accounts could not be synchronized."
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForBandwidth": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Bandwidth"
- },
- "TronNoFrozenForEnergy": {
- "title": "No assets to unfreeze",
- "description": "You do not have assets to unfreeze associated to Energy"
- },
- "TronUnfreezeNotExpired": {
- "title": "Unfreeze is not available yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 3 days after your last Freeze operation"
- },
- "TronVoteRequired": {
- "title": "At least 1 vote is needed"
- },
- "TronInvalidVoteCount": {
- "title": "Vote format is incorrect",
- "description": "You can only vote using round numbers"
- },
- "TronRewardNotAvailable": {
- "title": "Reward is not claimable yet",
- "description": "You need to wait 24 hours between claims"
- },
- "TronNoReward": {
- "title": "There is no reward to claim"
- },
- "TronInvalidFreezeAmount": {
- "title": "Amount to freeze cannot be lower than 1"
- },
- "TronSendTrc20ToNewAccountForbidden": {
- "title": "Sending TRC20 to a new account won't activate it",
- "description": "The recipient account must be activated prior to sending TRC20 to it. Send either TRX or TRC10 to an account to activate it."
- },
- "TronUnexpectedFees": {
- "title": "Additional fees may be applied"
- },
- "TronNotEnoughTronPower": {
- "title": "Not enough votes available"
- },
- "TronTransactionExpired": {
- "title": "Transaction has expired",
- "description": "Signature must be applied within 30 seconds. Please try again."
- },
- "TronNotEnoughEnergy": {
- "title": "Not enough Energy to send this token"
- },
- "PairingFailed": {
- "title": "Pairing unsuccessful",
- "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "GenuineCheckFailed": {
- "title": "Genuine check failed",
- "description": "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact Ledger Support if in doubt."
- },
- "EthAppPleaseEnableContractData": {
- "title": "Please enable contract data in the Ethereum app settings"
- },
- "InvalidXRPTag": {
- "title": "Invalid XRP Destination tag"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceToDelegate": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughDelegationBalance": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance to delegate"
- },
- "NotEnoughBalanceInParentAccount": {
- "title": "Insufficient balance in the parent account"
- },
- "quantityNeedsToBePositive": {
- "title": "Quantity needs to be at least 1"
- },
- "NotEnoughSpendableBalance": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumAmount}}"
- },
- "WrongAppForCurrency": {
- "title": "Please open the {{expected}} app"
- },
- "FeeTooHigh": {
- "title": "Network fees are above 10% of the amount"
- },
- "StellarWrongMemoFormat": {
- "title": "Memo format is wrong"
- },
- "SourceHasMultiSign": {
- "title": "Please disable multisign to send {{currencyName}}"
- },
- "StellarMemoRecommended": {
- "title": "A memo may be required when sending to this recipient"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooLow": {
- "title": "Amount must be at least {{minAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "SwapExchangeRateAmountTooHigh": {
- "title": "Amount must be less than {{maxAmountFromFormatted}}"
- },
- "PolkadotElectionClosed": {
- "title": "Validators election must be closed"
- },
- "PolkadotNotValidator": {
- "title": "Some selected addresses are not validators"
- },
- "PolkadotLowBondedBalance": {
- "title": "All bonded assets will be unbonded if < 1 DOT"
- },
- "PolkadotNoUnlockedBalance": {
- "title": "You have no unbonded assets"
- },
- "PolkadotNoNominations": {
- "title": "You have no nominations"
- },
- "PolkadotAllFundsWarning": {
- "title": "Ensure you have enough balance left for future transaction fees"
- },
- "PolkadotDoMaxSendInstead": {
- "title": "Balance cannot be below {{minimumBalance}}. Send max to empty account."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmount": {
- "title": "You must bond at least {{minimumBondAmount}}."
- },
- "PolkadotBondMinimumAmountWarning": {
- "title": "You bonded balance should be at least {{minimumBondBalance}}."
- },
- "PolkadotMaxUnbonding": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the unbond limit"
- },
- "PolkadotValidatorsRequired": {
- "title": "You must select at least one validator"
- },
- "ServiceStatusWarning": {
- "title": "{{message}}",
- "description": ""
- },
- "TaprootNotActivated": {
- "title": "Sending to a taproot address is unsafe before mainnet activation"
- },
- "SolanaAccountNotFunded": {
- "title": "Account not funded"
- },
- "SolanaMemoIsTooLong": {
- "title": "Memo is too long. Max length is {{maxLength}}"
- },
- "SolanaAddressOfEd25519": {
- "title": "Address off ed25519 curve"
- },
- "NotEnoughNftOwned": {
- "title": "You have exceeded the number of available tokens"
- }
- },
- "cryptoOrg": {
- "account": {
- "subHeader": {
- "cardTitle": "Powered by Crypto.org",
- "moreInfo": "More info",
- "drawerTitle": "Crypto.org integration",
- "title": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is now available on Ledger Live",
- "description": "You can now start to manage your Crypto.org (CRO) tokens and secure them through Ledger Live.",
- "description2": "The Crypto.org (CRO) token is native to the Crypto.org chain and is used for everything from transactions, staking and many upcoming features.",
- "website": "Cryptocurrency in every wallet"
- }
- },
- "memo": "Memo",
- "memoPlaceholder": "Optional",
- "memoWarningText": "When using a memo, carefully check the information with the recipient"
- }