So just looking at some bike crossings of the fremont bridge, nothing super official or fancy But wanted to look at how Covid-19 and the lockdown affected bike traffic through fremont
Um it's all in R and it pulls data right from the Seattle data api (https://data.seattle.gov)
There are a couple different tangents going. But the results compare ridership by day in 2019 to 2020 and then at the end looks at ridership trends during the pandemic.
A few things that I took away from this are:
- More people commuted into seattle in 2020 than out of seattle via bike (spoiler alert)
- The lockdown correlates to a drastic decrease in daily bikers (2nd spoiler alert)
- The number of bikers is trending upwards (very slowly) (A little more interesting)
Next steps would be to:
- Examine how the recent string of fires has affected ridership (or maybe how much, it has affected ridership)
- Look more into historical records about hourly ridership
- See how it changes by season (are commutes at all similar to the sunrise/sunset)
- Has the ratio of commuters changed in the past decade
- Why do more people go north than south on the bridge...
Thanks, hope it's interesting and/or informative