Last update: 19.08.2021
Based on the JSON:API project (that is now part of Drupal core) and JSON:API Extras project we provide a public readonly Leipziger Ecken API with full support for sorting, filtering, limiting, extending and paginating Akteure, events, categories, etc. entities through an unified endpoint.
Full documentation for the JSON:API 1.0 format can be found under In general, the idea behind JSON:API is to return all entities as flat as possible in contrast to a deeply nested data structure which contains all resolved relationships. Therefore, you will have to resolve any relationships between entities on the client (these are linked by their uuid).
A collection of all available endpoints for import in Postman can be downloaded here. It also contains tests for each of these endpoints which are monitored hourly.
A list of all currently available endpoints can be found in the API root under At the time of writing, these contain:
Entity type | URL |
(Index) | |
Akteure/Actors | |
Veranstaltungen/Events | |
Bezirke/Districts | |
Akteurtypen/Actor types | |
Kategorien/Categories | |
Schlagwörter/Tags | |
Zielgruppen/Target groups | |
An extensive list of available JSON:API client-implementations for all major script/programming languages can be found on the official JSON:API website.
- Leipzig Data provides a PHP-based mapping script generating RDF-/Turtle-files. Source code.
- CodeForLeipzig provides a Kotlin-based mapping script generating JSON-files for use in third-party applications (e.g. Graphana). Source code.
- All field names are mapped to their English equivalent.
- One requested page contains up to 50 "data" items. In order to jump between pages, pagination information is provided under "links".
- To get any linked relationships between entities, use the include-parameter. The referenced relationships will be available under "included". Example request containing all image-, category-, and district-data of an Akteur:,district,image
- Support for all CRUD-operations can be requested from the project maintainers.
- Note that our license forbids any abusive or incorrect use of the Leipziger Ecken API. For use of the data in commercial or semi-commercial projects, please inform the project maintainers and provide credits to the original source.