This mod checks the ips of the player for vpns, proxys, or other hosting services. These clients will be blocked
It gets the information from proxy-check websites like
First you need to add vps_blocker to secure.http_mods to allow http requests.
Set the kick message:
vps_kick_message = "You are using a proxy, vpn or other hosting services, please disable them to play on this server."
Use /vps_wl (add or remove) (name) to allow people using vps.
Paste the keys to the minetest.conf
To use you need to register there(recommend)
You get 1000 requests/day for free
iphub_key = 123
You must set an own contact email for
Please first go to the webpage and read what it's used for!
getipintel_contact =
For a higher request limit 1000 instead of 100 requests and dashboard register at there webpage proxycheck_key = 1-2-3-4
The idea for the mod is taken from but it's a complete redo of it.
Created by Lejo License: MIT