First project using the GH-API and Dom Manipulation.
- site where you can check out your or others Github-Profile
- A simple searchbar that fetches the data from the Github API and shows the userdata on a card.
- The card should display the username, the link to the users GH-Page, a biography (collapseable) and the users followers (collapseable).
- When clicked on a follower a new card gets rendered and scrolled into.
- The page shouls be fully responsible and have a relative clear and modular structur.
- Every new card should appear with a new background color.
- With multiple cards on the page ther appears a button at the right bottom that can take u back to the top.
- If theres no input theres a warning appearing, also when the name is spelled wrong.
- Every letter in a headline or name gets a different color on every refresh with JS.
- Html & Css
- Javascript (Dom Manipulation)
- Fetch (from GH-API)
- Promises / Async-Await
- Random Color Function
- Grid
- Flexbox
- Css Breakpoints
- Simple CSS utilities