Add JsonParser.cs
to your project and reference AleProjects.Json
namespace in your code.
using AleProjects.Json;
string json = @"{
""User"": { ""Name"": ""Leo"", ""Role"": ""Admin"", ""Enabled"": true, ""LastLogon"": ""\/Date(1614929892344)\/""},
""Array1"": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], // this is comment
""Array2"": [0, 1, 2.1, 3.112, 0.342],
This is another comment
""Array3"": [""\/Date(1614929892344)\/""],
""Array4"": [""\/Date(1614929892344)\/"", ""QWERTY""],
""Array5"": [ { ""x"": 1, ""y"": 2 }, { ""x"": 3, ""y"": 4 } ]
""IntValue"": 1,
""LongValue"": 8589934592,
""DoubleValue"": 3.1416,
""BoolValue"": true,
""NullValue"": null,
""DateTimeAlt"": ""2009-06-15T13:45:30.000Z""
JsonDoc doc;
doc = JsonDoc.Parse(json, new JsonDoc.ParsingSettings() { AllowComments = true, RecognizeDateTime = true, ForceDoubleInArrays = false, StrictPropertyNames = true });
catch (JsonParseException ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error message: {0}, code {1}, line {2}, position {3}", ex.Message, ex.Data["Code"], ex.Data["Line"], ex.Data["Position"]);
if (doc.Root is JsonDoc.JsonObject root)
// access properties by path
var userName = root.GetValueOrDefault<string>("User", "Name");
var lastLogon = root.GetValueOrDefault<DateTime>("User", "LastLogon");
var x = root.GetValueOrDefault<int>("Array5", "1", "x"); // x will be 3
var array1 = root.GetValueOrDefault<IList<int>>("Array1");
var array2 = root.GetValueOrDefault<IList<double>>("Array2");
var array3 = root.GetValueOrDefault<IList<DateTime>>("Array3");
var array4 = root.GetValueOrDefault<IList<object>>("Array4");
array3.Add(DateTime.Now); // parsed object is not immutable and can be modified
To be continued ...