This is a collection of extensions I use when developing C/C++ code. I would be glad if you are interested in this pack and just give a try! 👍
❗️❗️❗️ before installation I suggest you read lines with
🌟🌟🌟 Having trouble getting your VSCode ready for C/C++ developing?
🌟🌟🌟 你正为在VSC中配置C/C++开发环境而头疼?
I would be glad if my little
could help you. A 中文版本
is also provided 😆
Here are some tricks!😄
VSCode sometimes stucks when too many extensions are installed? Here are two tricks:
- Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and select Developer: Open Process Explorer to see which extensions cost most. Then disable (just workspace) some extensions you don't need in current workspace.
- thinks disable extensions one by one too annoying? you can disable a group of extensions by simply disable a extension pack! ✌️ Another good news is that you can uninstall any extension included in the pack while this extension pack is still there🎊
- want to make your own extension pack? This may helps you👍
- C/C++ Language support for C/C++ and IntelliSense and a lot.
- clangd use as a better substitution of cpptools' intelliSence.
- CMake Tools
- Include Autocomplete give suggestions for Include file.
- C/C++ Snippets
If you find a extension really useful when developing python code and want to improve this extension, feel free to raise a issue. But please notice that issues using the extensions included in this pack will not be accepted in this extension pack's repository 😅.