This project’s objective is to build a visualization with interactive features on earthquakes around the world. The deliverables for this project are:
- Add Tectonic Plate Data.
- Add Major Earthquake Data.
- Add an Additional Map.
JavaScript Leaflet, Mapbox API, GeoJson, HTML and CSS.
The earthquake data was collected from the U.S Geological Survey website containing recent information from earthquakes worldwide. The map contains a circular marker in which its color and size are corresponding to the magnitude of the event. The circular markers also contain a pop-up field with information of the location and magnitude scale.
Adding the Tectonic Plate information to the map and changing the view from Streets to Satellite style, we can clearly see where the limits of plate boundaries and why they are associated to with earthquakes.
The Major Earthquake Data provides information about the events with scale magnitude 5 and over.
A third map option was added to the earthquake data to provide to a better user experience when exploring the information contained within the map.
The fields shown in the maps are factors such as location and magnitude scale. However, having a more informative tool with greater detail such as information regarding time of the event, population and infrastructure damage, would be beneficial to understand the risks and create an contingency plan for future events.