- This template was built top help people quickly setup a development environment and focus on their business rules
- Most of the work to build standard objects for web/hybrid mobile apps is done, it means you can set parameters and call functions according to your needs and UI elements will be displayed
- This template relies on top technologies for both back-end and front-end
- Of course, there's always room for improvements, so check the plans for future releases
- Honestly, this webapp template will save you a lot of work and time so why not giving something back to the author?
- Once you install and run the template, please check the donation box at your upper right
- V.1.0.0 (current release)
- V.1.1.0
- Bug fixes of V.1.0.0 (if found)
- Support to mysql (remaining implementation on user authentication and user management services)
- V.1.2.0
- Bug fixes of V.1.1.0 (if found)
- Support to mongoDB
- V.2.0.0
- Bug fixes of V.1.2.0 (if found)
- Update to Bootstrap 5.x
- Update to Angular.js 1.8.2
- In order to run this template you must have the following packages installed:
- Node.js version 10.8.0 or later
- mysql/Maria DB version 10.8.0 or later (required for Release 1.1.0)
- Just clone the repository or copy the files to your disk
- Edit the file /path/to/node-webapp-template/config//path/to/node-webapp-config.json and set TCP_PORT and mysql/Maria DB credentials according to your enviroment
"app_parameters": {
"tcp_port": 8080,
"debug_mode": "D"
"app_mysql_db": {
"host": "",
"username": "nwtemplate_usr",
"password": "nwtemplate_usr",
"database": "NODE_WEB_TEMPLATE"
- Open a terminal screen and go to the folder you installed the app
cd /path/to/node-webapp-template/
nodemon apps.js
- Open a web browser and type the URL "http://localhost:8080" (Please notice the port 8080 is set in the config file)