This project allow at the user Automate tickets using LabVIEW and python, only adding the steps that you need.
You need to create a new file .py in the folder "Test", e.g:
- Folder Project/
- AtTicketsLabView/
- On this folder includes all the subVIs of the project.
- src/
- DefaultJson/
- In this folder you need to add a default Json if you don't want to select a new JSON file and name the JSON like erd-definitions.json
- Test/
- In this folder you need to add the file with the steps of automation ticket. E.g:
- Don't care the name and don't care the quantity of files that you add in this folder
- All files that you don't have to modify it.
- If you don't select any location to save the file, the file are going to be created here, you could find it as Results_Date_Hour.csv
- DefaultJson/
- AutomationTickets.lvproj: this is the project of LabVIEW that contain the necesary Vis to automate ticktes.
- AtTicketsLabView/
This program contain some function that you can use to automate test:
- Read ("destination", "Erd", "Expected Data")
- Write("destination", "Erd", "Data To write")
- Wait (Time in seconds, "Text that appear on the screen")
- ActionPassOrFail("Result of physic device, e.g. Verify light turn on")
- ActionDone("Action that you ned to do, e.g. Press and hold the lid")
The structure of the file is the following:
- In the function AtTicket(). You need to write some const before the function
- T1 = Read ("C0", "'0032", "Expected Data")
- And you need to return the const in a tupple.
- return [T1]
See the file called on the folder Test to see an example
The first step is open the file AutomationTickets.lvproj, when the project is appear on the screen open the file, how see in the following image:
Once is open, you only need add the name of the python file created and select the board.( shows more information abour how to use the program)
Don't change the location of any file or rename the files because the program doens't work
- Os: Windows 10 or above
- Python Version: See the following link Compatible version
- LabView Version: See the following link Compatible version
The architecture shall be the same, if you install labview 32 bits, python version shall be 32 bits
- Python libraries:
- csv
- customtkinter
- tkinter
- json
Install the libraries usign pip install libraryName e.g. pip install csv