API for 6 stone Kalah game. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalah
Swagger UI http://localhost:8066/swagger-ui.html
POST /games/
Creates a new game and persists it to storage. Initializes game board with initial stones in each of the players pits.
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8066/games/"
"id": "0c43bbde-d276-47b2-b4cd-9026b8b46b4d",
"uri": "/games/0c43bbde-d276-47b2-b4cd-9026b8b46b4d"
PUT /games/{gameId}/pits/{pitId}
Makes a move. Sows stones from selected pit.
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8066/games/0c43bbde-d276-47b2-b4cd-9026b8b46b4d/pits/3"
"id": "0c43bbde-d276-47b2-b4cd-9026b8b46b4d",
"uri": "/games/0c43bbde-d276-47b2-b4cd-9026b8b46b4d",
"gameStatus": "SECOND_PLAYER_TURN",
"status": {
"1": 3,
"2": 2,
"3": 0,
"4": 12,
"5": 3,
"6": 10,
"7": 4,
"8": 2,
"9": 10,
"10": 0,
"11": 2,
"12": 11,
"13": 10,
"14": 3
The first turn is determined by the owner of the first pit being sown.
- Spring Boot
- Slf4j
- Springfox/Swagger
- Maven
- Lombok
- JUnit
- Mockito
Create an executable Spring Boot jar
./mvnw clean package spring-boot:repackage
Application runs on 8066 port.