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This is the main website for the LexLadiesCode club in Lexington, Kentucky. To view the site go to or

First-time Setup

  1. Install Ruby. Use RubyInstaller for Windows.
  2. On Windows, also install the RubyInstaller DevKit. Extract it to a folder called DevKit in your Downloads folder.
    1. Open the Command Prompt (type cmd in Start Menu search field).
    2. cd \Users\your_user_name\Downloads\DevKit -- replace your_user_name with whatever your Windows user name is.
    3. ruby dk.rb init
    4. ruby dk.rb install
    5. gem install bundler

How to Run

  1. In OS X, open the Terminal app (found under Applications > Utilties). In Windows, open the Command Prompt (type cmd in Start Menu search field).
  2. Navigate to where this repository is checked out using the cd command in the terminal/prompt. For example, in Windows: cd \Users\your_user_name\Documents\GitHub\
  3. bundle to install necessary gems, including Jekyll.
  4. bundle exec jekyll serve -w (If you are using rbenv for ruby version control, do rbenv exec jekyll serve -w.)
  5. Visit http://localhost:4000 in your browser to view the site. As you change files, Jekyll will rebuild the site so you can just reload your browser to see your changes.

How To Contribute


This site uses Jekyll to create static HTML pages. Read more about Jekyll at

GitHub Pages

The site is hosted on GitHub via the awesome GitHub Pages feature. You push your changes and GitHub rebuilds the pages using Jekyll. Read more about how it works here:


The site uses Twitter Bootstrap for style. Try it out for yourself!


Pages in a Jekyll site can be created using basic HTML, Markdown, or Textile. We'll use Markdown heavily. Markdown is a way to turn simple text into HTML. Everything you'd want to know is here:


We'll insert some programming logic into our website using Liquid. More about that soon! Check out index.html for a look.