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Export LiaScript courses into SCORM1.2 & 2004, IMS, PDF or a standalone WEB project ...


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This shall be a generic LiaScript-Exporter that can export educational content into different formats, so that LiaScript courses can also be utilized in different Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Readers for static content (PDF, ePub, ...). At the moment there is only support for SCORM1.2, as the most wide-spread exchange format. See the last section LMS Support List

But, it is still the easiest way to share your courses via The LiaScript course website is a fully fledged "offline-first" Progressive Web App (PWA), which allows to store all of your courses and states directly within your browser. If you are comming from Android, you can also directly install the website as an app on your device. Actually, there is now need for a BackEnd-system anymore, but if you need to track the progress of you students, you can use this tool...


At the moment this is a simple command-line tool based on NodeJS, thus you will have to install NodeJS first, which contains also npm the Node Package Manager. You can directly download the installer for your system from:

Afterwards you can open your terminal and type in the following command, this will install the LiaScript-Exporter as a global application on your system.

Install from npm:

npm install -g --verbose @liascript/exporter

Depending on your configuration, you might need to run this command with root privileges. In my case on Linux it is simply:

sudo npm install -g --verbose @liascript/exporter

Depending on your configuration, you might need to run this command with root privileges. In my case on Linux it is simply:

sudo npm install -g --verbose

On Windows you might need to run the terminal with administrator-privileges.

Basic usage

If you have installed the package, you can now use liaex or liascript-exporter. If you type one of the following commands, you will get the following output.

$ liaex
No input defined

-h --help            show this help
-i --input           file to be used as input
-p --path            path to be packed, if not set, the path of the input file is used
-o --output          output file name (default is output), the ending is define by the format
-f --format          scorm1.2, scorm2004, json, fullJson, web, ims, pdf (default is json)
-v --version         output the current version

-k --key             responsive voice key 

SCORM settings:

--scorm-organization       set the organization title
--scorm-masteryScore       set the scorm masteryScore (a value between 0 -- 100), default is 0
--scorm-typicalDuration    set the scorm duration, default is PT0H5M0S
--scorm-iframe             use an iframe, when a SCORM starting parameter is not working
--scorm-embed              embed the Markdown into the JS code, use in Moodle 4 to handle restrictions with dynamic loading

IMS settings:

--ims-indexeddb            Use IndexedDB to store data persistently

WEB settings:

--web-iframe               Use an iframed version to hide the course URL.
--web-indexeddb            This will allow to store data within the browser using indexeddb, you can optionally pass a unique key (by default one is generated randomly).
--web-zip                  By default the result is not zipped, you can change this with this parameter.

Android settings:

--android-sdk              Specify sdk.dir which is required for building.
--android-appName          Name of the App (Main-title is used as default).
--android-appId            Required to identify your App reverse url such as io.github.liascript
--android-icon             Optional icon with 1024x1024 px
--android-splash           Optional splash image with 2732x2732 px
--android-splashDuration   Duration for splash-screen default 0 milliseconds
--android-preview          Open course in Android-Studio

PDF settings:

--pdf-stylesheet           Inject an local CSS for changing the appearance.
--pdf-theme                LiaScript themes: default, turquoise, blue, red, yellow
--pdf-timeout              Set an additional time horizon to wait until finished.

--pdf-preview              Open preview-browser (default false), print not possible
--pdf-scale                Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1. Scale amount must be between 0.1 and 2.
--pdf-displayHeaderFooter  Display header and footer. Defaults to false.
--pdf-headerTemplate       HTML template for the print header, inject classes date, title, url, pageNumber, totalPages
--pdf-footerTemplate       HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same format as the headerTemplate
--pdf-printBackground      Print background graphics. Defaults to false
--pdf-landscape            Paper orientation. Defaults to false.
--pdf-pageRanges           Paper ranges to print, e.g., "1-5, 8, 11-13"
--pdf-format               Paper format. If set, takes priority over width or height options. Defaults to a4.
--pdf-width                Paper width, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-height               Paper height, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-margin-top           Top margin, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-margin-right         Right margin, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-margin-bottom        Bottom margin, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-margin-left          Left margin, accepts values labeled with units. 
--pdf-preferCSSPageSize    Give any CSS @page size declared in the page priority over what is declared in width and height or format options.
--pdf-omitBackground       Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency. Defaults to true.

Project settings:

--project-no-meta            Disable the generation of meta information for OpenGraph and Twitter-cards.
--project-no-categories      Disable the filter for categories/tags.
--project-category-blur      Enable this and the categories will be blurred instead of deleted.
--project-generate-pdf       PDFs are automatically generated and added to every card.
--project-generate-scrom12   SCORM12 and pass additional scrom settings.
--project-generate-scrom2004 SCORM2004 and pass additional scrom settings.
--project-generate-ims       IMS resources with additional config settings.
--project-generate-cache     Only generate new files, if they do not exist.

RDF settings:

--rdf-format               Output format n-quads, json-ld (defaults to json-ld).
--rdf-preview              Output the result to the console.
--rdf-url                  Refer to an external URL when parsing a local project.
--rdf-type                 Course frm is applied as default, overwrite this with EducationalResource, etc.
--rdf-license              Add a license-URL, otherwise if url was provided as input, this will check for an existing LICENSE file.
--rdf-educationalLevel     Typically beginner, intermediate or advanced, and formal sets of level indicators.


If you want to generate a SCORM1.2 conformant package of you LiaScript-course, use the following command:

$ liaex -i project/ --format scorm1.2 --output rockOn

[17:8:33] SCORM 'Init'
[17:8:33] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia202037-30349-o6yx80.zb0eo/pro/imsmanifest.xml'
[17:8:33] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia202037-30349-o6yx80.zb0eo/pro/metadata.xml'
[17:8:33] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia202037-30349-o6yx80.zb0eo/pro/adlcp_rootv1p2.xsd'
[17:8:33] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia202037-30349-o6yx80.zb0eo/pro/ims_xml.xsd'
[17:8:33] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia202037-30349-o6yx80.zb0eo/pro/imscp_rootv1p1p2.xsd'
[17:8:33] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia202037-30349-o6yx80.zb0eo/pro/imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd'
[17:8:33] SCORM 'Archiving /tmp/lia202037-30349-o6yx80.zb0eo/pro to'
[17:8:34] SCORM ' 4977779 total bytes'

$ ls
.. ..

The format is scorm1.2 and the input folder is project/ All the content and sub-folders of this folder is then copied into your The name is defined by your output definition and contains the current version number of you course as well as the current date.

Note: SCORM 1.2 is too restrictive for storing data, that is why we currently only support to store location information, all states of quizzes, surveys, etc. will be lost after reload.

Better use SCORM2004 as output

Text 2 Speech --key

If you want to use text2speech, you will have to register your website (where the scorm package will be served) at ... it is free for educational and non commercial purposes. After your registration, you will get a key in the format of KluQksUs. To inject this key into your package, simply add the key as a parameter:

$ liaex -i project/ --format scorm1.2 --key KluQksUs --output rockOn

Mastery Score --scorm-masteryScore

You can define the percentage of quizzes and surveys a student had to fullfil in order to accomplish or pass the course by adding the --scorm-masteryScore parameter. Just set it to 0 to allow all to pass the course, otherwise choose a value between 0 and 100. All quizzes and surveys are treated equally, thus if your course contains 10 quizzes, every quiz counts as 10%. If you do not set this parameter, a default value of 80 percent is used.

$ liaex -i project/ --format scorm1.2 --scorm-masteryScore 0 --output rockOn

Other Root --path

If your README is not in the root of your project, you can also use the --path parameter to the directory to be copied into your scorm project. You will still have to use --input to define the main course document, but his has to be relative to path parameter.


This parameter simply sets the organization parameter in your SCORM imsmanifest file. All other parameters are taken from the course


Some LMS like ILIAS or OpenOlat seem to have problems with the required startingParameter and will not load SCORM1.2 courses properly. To fix this, this parameter can be used. It tries to run the course within an additional <iframe>.


This output format provides the same settings as scorm1.2, but it allows to store state information within the backend LMS. Currently supported are the states for:

  • quizzes
  • surveys
  • tasks

coding elements currently exceed the max storage capacity, that is why these are not stored at the moment.

$ liaex -i project/ --format scorm2004 --output rockOn
[12:38:31] SCORM 'Init'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsmanifest.xml'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/metadata.xml'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/XMLSchema.dtd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/adlcp_v1p3.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/adlnav_v1p3.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/adlseq_v1p3.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/datatypes.dtd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imscp_v1p1.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0auxresource.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0control.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0delivery.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0limit.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0objective.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0random.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0rollup.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0seqrule.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/imsss_v1p0util.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'create /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro/xml.xsd'
[12:38:31] SCORM 'Archiving /tmp/lia2022114-556265-d2jh0k.odg7e/pro to'
[12:38:32] SCORM ' 19588706 total bytes'

$ ls
.. ..

SCORM Examples

Minimal examples for SCORM1.2 and SCORM2004 for tested LMS:

LMS Command
ILIAS liaex -i course/ -f scorm2004 --scorm-masteryScore 80 --scorm-iframe liaex -i course/ -f scorm2004 --scorm-masteryScore 80 --scorm-iframe
Moodle 3.x liaex -i course/ -f scorm1.2 --scorm-masteryScore 80 --scorm-iframe
YouTube demonstration
Moodle 4.x liaex -i course/ -f scorm1.2 --scorm-masteryScore 80 --scorm-embed
OPAL liaex -i course/ -f scorm1.2 --scorm-masteryScore 80 --scorm-embed
open edX liaex -i course/ -f scorm1.2 --scorm-masteryScore 80 --scorm-embed
OpenOlat liaex -i course/ -f scorm1.2 --scorm-masteryScore 80 --scorm-embed liaex -i course/ -f scorm2004 --scorm-masteryScore 80 --scorm-iframe
Additionally check: Course Properties >> Compatibility Settings >> Wrap SCO Window with API

IMS Content

IMS Content is a very simplistic packaging format. Which allows you to embed your course different LMS. The standard for the packaging format is defined here.

We currently support the latest v1.1.4 standard.

$ liaex -i project/ --format ims --output course
6041733 total bytes
archiver has been finalized and the output file descriptor has closed.

$ ls
.. ..

--ims-indexeddb: By default no states are preserved, which means, if you reload the course, all quiz and coding states are destroyed. By using this option a course is generated, which stores the content within the browsers local indexeddb.

$ liaex -i project/ --format ims --output course --ims-indexeddb
..Project settings:

--project-no-meta          Disable the generation of meta information for OpenGraph and Twitter-cards.
--project-no-categories    Disable the filter for categories/tags.
--project-category-blur    Enable this and the categories will be blurred instead of deleted.
--project-generate-pdf     PDFs are automatically generated and added to every card.
6041733 total bytes
archiver has been finalized and the output file descriptor has closed.

$ ls
.. ..


This format will generate an autonomous & standalone web-project that can be uploaded to any webserver.

$ liaex --format web -i project/ -o outputFolder
updating title ...
updating description ...
updating logo ...

All required sources as well as your project are copied into the outputFolder and your course-file will be used as the default course. If you have defined the macros comment and logo within your course, these information will also be injected into the index.html. Such that, if you share your project via facebook or twitter, this information is used to generate preview cards properly.

If you want your site to speak the text out loud, then you will have to add your responsivevoice-key via --key.

--web-zip: Use this parameter to directly bundle all input into a zip file instead of a folder.

--web-iframe: This will put the course into an secondary iframe, which will hide the course-URL (the Markdown-file). Unfortunately, it will not be possible anymore to link from outside to a specific slide.

web-indexeddb: Generate a LiaScript package that will store states persistently. By default, the database is generated uniquely for the packed course. That means, every update will use a new database, which makes sense, if and only if, typos get corrected or content is added to the end of the document. Mixing content and moving quizzes and surveys to different slides might cause some problems in restoring the state. But you can use this parameter with a key:

liaex --format web -i project/ -o outputFolder --web-indexeddb someKeyToUse
updating title ...
updating description ...
updating logo ...


To generate an APK project of your course, you will have to download the Android SDK at first and provide the path via the option --android-sdk. Additionally you will have to define an appId via --android-appId, which is in most cases an unique URL (in reverse order) that is pointing to your website/project. This export uses capacitorjs to pack the entire LiaScript runtime environment and your resources into one installable Android apk.

$ liaex -f android \
  -i ../LiaBooks/Arbeitsbuch-Prolog/ \
  --android-sdk /home/andre/Android/Sdk \
  --android-appId io.github.liascript.arbeitsbuch-prolog
added 401 packages, and audited 402 packages in 34s

23 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

5 moderate severity vulnerabilities

✔ Adding native android project in android in 37.13ms
✔ add in 38.39ms
✔ Copying web assets from dist to android/app/src/main/assets/public in 97.33ms
✔ Creating capacitor.config.json in android/app/src/main/assets in 207.60μs
✔ copy android in 100.41ms
✔ Updating Android plugins in 592.70μs
[info] Found 1 Capacitor plugin for android:
✔ update android in 18.04ms
✔ Syncing Gradle in 143.57μs
[success] android platform added!
Follow the Developer Workflow guide to get building:
📦  Capacitor Resources v2.0.5

Checking files and directories...
 ✓  Processing files for: android
 ✓  Icon file ok (1024x1024)
 ✓  Splash file ok (2732x2732)
 ✓  Output directory ok (resources)

Generating files...
 ✓  Generated icon files for android
 ✓  Generated splash files for android
 ✓  Successfully generated all files
Root path: /tmp/lia202227-209284-1q2g2zd.tn3x


📦  Capacitor resources generated successfully!
Currently detected usages in: root project 'android', project ':app', project ':capacitor-android', ...
> Task :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :capacitor-android:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :capacitor-android:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :capacitor-android:compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

103 actionable tasks: 103 executed


$ ls 
... output.apk ...

Note: To achieve better performance and offline capabilities, try to add all resources as local ones to your project (i.e. images, audio,scripts, css).

If you want to preview the result, simply use --android-preview, which will open android-studio

Still a bit experimental


For printing out courses to PDF this package uses puppeteer, which is an entire browser. This blows up the project a bit, but it allows to store also the results of iframes, and to run coding examples. What this export does is basically load the entire course within a single page and run all scripts included, code examples, etc. Videos, iframes, audio, etc. are preserved as screenshots, which provide a link to the original resource.

This format has a --pdf-preview mode, which allows you to inspect your course, which works also with https inputs.

liaex --format pdf --pdf-preview -i

There are a couple of tweaks, that you can use, have a look at the following resource:

Puppeteer pdf settings


Next to these settings, you can also change the appearance of fonts, colors, etc. with you custom CSS. This can define anything, and you can also overwrite all CSS variables LiaScript is based on.

$ cat custom.css \
:root {
    --color-highlight: 2, 255, 0;
    --color-background: 122, 122, 122;
    --color-border: 0, 0, 0;
    --color-highlight-dark: 0, 0, 0;
    --color-highlight-menu: 0, 0, 0;
    --color-text: 0, 0, 255;
    --global-font-size: 1rem;
    --font-size-multiplier: 2;
$ liaex --format pdf \
  -o example \
  --pdf-stylesheet custom.css \

depending on the size of the course, this can take a while, please be patient...


If you want to change only the appearance by defining the LiaScript theme, which can be either: default, turquoise, blue, red, yellow.

$ liaex --format pdf \
  -o example \
  --pdf-theme red \

depending on the size of the course, this can take a while, please be patient...


You have to be aware, that the PDF generation can be quite time consuming especially for large courses with a lot of scripts and code-snippets to be executed and multimedia to be loaded. puppeteer thus sometimes does not know when the course is ready. If the generation fails, you should try to increase this value, the default is 30000, which means 30 seconds.

$ liaex --format pdf \
  -o example \
  --pdf-timeout 50000 \

depending on the size of the course, this can take a while, please be patient...


Projects are a way to bundle a collection of courses and to make a custom overview page for it.

The input has to be a yaml file that looks like the following one:

title: >
  <span style="background-color: rgba(0,106,179,0.75); padding: 5px; color: white">
    My personal OER - collection

comment: >
  This is used as a subtitle or as a description of your page



footer: >
  Simply add a custom footer - that can also contain HTML
  <a href="" target="_blank">Made with LiaScript</a>

# With this settings you can customize social metadata, og-graph for facebook or twitter
# if not present, the title, comment, and logo will be used.
# You can explicitly turn this of with the cmd-parameter --project-no-meta
  title: OER-Collection
  description: Sammlung der OER Inhalte der Arbeitsgruppe Softwareentwicklung und Robotik (TU Freiberg)
  #image: url

# A collection is where you put all your courses into, all information, such as title, comment, logo, etc.
# will be taken from the links that you provide ...

  - url:
  - url:
  - url:

  # Additionally it is possible to manually overwrite parameters
  - url:
    title: eLearning Africa Workshop 2022
    comment: Shows only an introduction, please follow the links within the course.
    # logo: https://another_image.jpg
    # or leave, so that no card-image is added to your preview-cards
    # logo: 

    # You can manually tag courses, if this has not been done within the main comment of the course.
    # By default, these tags will be treated as categories, which can be used to navigate through
    # your courses. To disable this, use the cmd-param --project-no-categories
    # For smaller overviews, you can also use the --project-category-blur parameter.
    # this will not hide the courses, that do not match, but instead blur them.
      - Tutorial
      - LiaScript
      - OER

  - html: >
      <h1>Some content in between</h1>
      <p>You can add additional content in between to group your course collections or provide more information.</p>

  # If you want to group multiple courses into one sub-collection, then instead of an "-url:"
  # define another `collection`. All parameters can be changed as above. Additionally you can switch of images or comments,
  # just by adding an empty attribute. And, it is also possible to add tags to every sub-course.
  - title: Prozedurale Programmierung
    comment: todo
      - url:
        #title: Rename the current course
        #logo: Manually set an logo
        #comment: Add a custom description, this will overwrite the comment within the course
        # tags will be used for navigation and searching
        # - C++
        # - Programmierung
        # - Hardware
      - url:
      - url:
      #- url: ...

  # HTML content can be placed between cards
  - html: >

  - title: Softwareentwicklung
    comment: Todo
    grid: true # if you have larger collections and you want them to appear in a grid and not in a row, with some
               # hidden content, then set the grid-parameter to true.
      - url:
        logo: # this is used to empty the default image icon
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
      - url:
          - pdf-format: A3
          - project-generate-scorm2004: true
          - scorm-organization: TU-Bergakademie Freiberg

      - url:
          - project-generate-pdf: false

Basic usage:

liaex -i curriculum.yml --format project

If you want to add precompiled pdf to every course, then you simply have to add the --project-generate-pdf command. Additionally, you can pass any pdf settings to customize the pdf output.

liaex -i curriculum.yml --format project --project-generate-pdf --pdf-format A4

As it is depicted in the last part of the yaml file above, you can manually set or change all parameters. Such as, for which projects you want to generate a pdf and pass also all additional parameters. Simply pass all arguments as arguments with the long name and without the starting dashes. This way you can generate a very detailed project configuration and overview.


The LiaScript metainformation can be exported to RDF, either as json-ld or as n-quads. The option --pdf-preview generates a console output that can be used to inspect the result. Otherwise the result is stored in a file, defined by -o, the file-ending is either .jsonld or .np, depending on the --rdf-format

liaex --format rdf --rdf-preview -i

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "Course",
  "author": {
    "@type": "Person",
    "email": "",
    "name": "André Dietrich"
  "description": "This document shall provide an entire compendium and course on the development of Open-courSes with [LiaScript]( As the language and the systems grows, also this document will be updated. Feel free to fork or copy it, translations are very welcome...",
  "image": {
    "@type": "ImageObject",
    "url": ""
  "inLanguage": "en",
  "name": "LiaScript",
  "url": "",
  "version": "22.0.2"

The result as n-quads looks like this:

liaex --format rdf --rdf-preview --rdf-format n-quads -i

<> <> _:b0 .
<> <> "This document shall provide an entire compendium and course on the development of Open-courSes with [LiaScript]( As the language and the systems grows, also this document will be updated. Feel free to fork or copy it, translations are very welcome..." .
<> <> _:b1 .
<> <> "en" .
<> <> "LiaScript" .
<> <> "" .
<> <> "22.0.2" .
<> <> <> .
_:b0 <> "" .
_:b0 <> "André Dietrich" .
_:b0 <> <> .
_:b1 <> "" .
_:b1 <> <> .

If you are working on a local repository and you want to add the remote URL, you can specify --rdf-url and run it with a local file as input:

liaex --format rdf --rdf-preview -i ../LiaBooks/docs/ --rdf-url

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "Course",
  "author": {
    "@type": "Person",
    "email": "",
    "name": "André Dietrich"
  "description": "This document shall provide an entire compendium and course on the development of Open-courSes with [LiaScript]( As the language and the systems grows, also this document will be updated. Feel free to fork or copy it, translations are very welcome...",
  "image": {
    "@type": "ImageObject",
    "url": ""
  "inLanguage": "en",
  "name": "LiaScript",
  "url": "",
  "version": "22.0.2"

Local course but without --rdf-url

liaex --format rdf --rdf-preview -i ../LiaBooks/docs/

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Course",
  "author": {
    "@type": "Person",
    "email": "",
    "name": "André Dietrich"
  "description": "This document shall provide an entire compendium and course on the development of Open-courSes with [LiaScript]( As the language and the systems grows, also this document will be updated. Feel free to fork or copy it, translations are very welcome...",
  "image": {
    "@type": "ImageObject",
    "url": ""
  "inLanguage": "en",
  "name": "LiaScript",
  "version": "22.0.2"
  • --rdf-type: By default this type of resource is associated with Course, but you can use this param if you want to define EducationalResource or something else...
  • --rdf-educationalLevel: This is currently not defined, but can be injected, typically these are beginner, intermediate, advanced, ...
  • --rdf-license: Use this to specify the URL of the associated license to your course. This tool will automatically check if there is a LICENSE file in your project root and add this.

What LiaScript meta-information is used

author: Your Name
comment: Some basic information about your course
version: 12.0.2
logo: https://someimageURL.jpg
tags: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3
language: en

# Title of the course

This will be translated to:

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "Course",
  "author": {
    "@type": "Person",
    "email": "",
    "name": "Your Name"
  "description": "Some basic information about your course",
  "image": {
    "@type": "ImageObject",
    "url": "https://someimageURL.jpg"
  "inLanguage": "en",
  "name": "Title of the course",
  "url": "",
  "version": "12.0.2",
  "keywords": [
    "keyword 1",
    "keyword 2",
    "keyword 3"

TODOs & Contributions

  • Further exporter

    • AICC
    • xAPI
    • ePub
  • Integration into the Atom IDE

  • GitHub actions to automate building during push ...

Custom extensions

If you are interested in creating integrations for other systems by your own, you can do this, by defining custom connectors for your target system. They are located at src/javascript/connectors. Actually it is a simple class that inherits all methods from Base/Connector, which have to be changed in accordance to you system. I will have to document this

LMS Support List

Most of the data is taken from:

Abara LMS full full
Absorb LMS full full full full
Academy LMS full full
Academy Of Mine full full full
Accessplanit LMS full full
Accord LMS full full
Activate LMS full
Administrate LMS full full
Adobe Captivate Prime LMS full
Agylia LMS full full
Alchemy LMS full
Alumn-e LMS full
aNewSpring LMS full
Asentia LMS full full full
aTutor full full open source
Axis LMS partial
BIStrainer LMS full full
BizLibrary LMS full
Blackboard LMS full full partial full
BlueVolt LMS full full full
BrainCert LMS full full
Bridge LMS full full full
Brightspace LMS full full
Business Training TV (by Vocam) full full full
Buzz LMS (by Agilix) full full partial
Canvas LMS full full open source
CERTPOINT Systems Inc. full full proprietary
Chamilo LMS full full open source
Claroline full full open source
Claromentis LMS full
chocolateLMS full
Coggno LMS full full
Cognology LMS full
Collaborator LMS full full
ComplianceWire LMS full full
Cornerstone LMS partial full
CourseMill LMS full full
CoursePark LMS full full
Coursepath LMS full full full
Courseplay LMS full full
CourseSites LMS full full
CrossKnowledge Learning Suite full full full
Curatr LMS partial partial full
DigitalChalk LMS full no full
Desire2Learn full full full proprietary
Docebo LMS full full full
EasyCampus LMS full
eCollege proprietary
Edmodo proprietary
EduBrite LMS full full full
EducationFolder LMS full
EduNxt full full proprietary
Eduson LMS partial
Edvance360 LMS full
Effectus LMS full full full
eFront LMS full open source
eLeap LMS full
ELMO full
Elsevier Performance Manager LMS full
Emtrain LMS full full full
Engrade proprietary
eSSential LMS full full
eTraining TV (by Vocam) full full full
Evolve LMS full
Exceed LMS full
ExpertusONE LMS full full
EZ LCMS full full
Firmwater LMS full full
Flora full full
Forma LMS full full
Geenio LMS partial partial
GlobalScholar proprietary
Glow proprietary
GnosisConnect LMS full full
Google Classroom no no no
GoSkills LMS full full full
GO1 LMS full full
GrassBlade LRS full full full
Grovo LMS full full full
GyrusAim LMS full full full full
HealthStream LMS full full
HotChalk proprietary
ILIAS LMS full full full
iLMS full full full open source
IMC Learning Suite full
Informetica LMS full full
Inquisiq R4 LMS full full
Intuition Rubicon LMS full
In2itive LMS full full
ISOtrain LMS full full full
iSpring Learn full full
itslearning full
JLMS full full full full
JoomlaLMS full full
Kannu proprietary
KMI LMS full full
LabVine LMS by LTS Health Learning full
LAMS partial full open source
LatitudeLearning LMS full full
LearnConnect LMS full
LearnDash LMS no no no full
LearningCart LMS full full
learningCentral LMS full full full full
LearningZen LMS full full full
Learning Locker LRS full
learnPro LCMS full
LearnUpon LMS full full
LearnWorlds LMS full full
Learn-WiseGo LMS full
LifterLMS full
Litmos LMS full full
LMS365 full full
LON-CAPA partial open source
Meridian LMS full full
Mobile Agility LMS full full
Moodle LMS full full partial full
MOS Chorus LMS full
Myicourse LMS partial partial
MySkillpad LMS full full
NEO LMS full
NetDimensions Learning full full full
Nimble LMS full
Ninth Brain LMS full full full
OLAT LMS full full full
OPAL full no full
Open edx full open source
OpenOLAT full full open source
Opigno LMS full full
Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service full full full
Paradiso LMS full full
Percepium LMS full full
Percolate LMS full full
Prosperity LMS full full
RISC's Virtual Training Assistant full full full full full
Saba LMS full full full
Sakai LMS full full
SAP SuccessFactors LMS full full full proprietary
ScholarLMS full full full
Schoology LMS full full proprietary
Schoox LMS full full
ShareKnowledge LMS full full
Shika LMS full full
SilkRoad LMS full full full
Simplify LMS full full
Skilljar LMS full
Skillsoft proprietary
SkillsServe LMS full full
SmarterU LMS full full full
Spongelab proprietary
SuccessFactors proprietary
SumTotal LMS (by SkillSoft) full full full proprietary
SWAD open source
SwiftLMS full full
Syberworks LMS
Syfadis Suite LMS full full
Thinking Cap LMS full full
TalentLMS full no full
Taleo full full partial proprietary
TCManager LMS full
Techniworks LMS full full
Thinkific LMS
TOPYX LMS full full
Torch LMS full full full full
Totara LMS full
Udutu LMS full full
UpGraduate LMS full full full full
UpsideLMS full full partial
Uzity proprietary
ViewCentral LMS full
viLMS full full
Vowel LMS full full
Watershed LRS full
Wax LRS full
WBTServer LMS full
WebCampus LMS full
WeBWorK open source
WestNet MLP partial partial partial
wizBank e-Learning Platform full full
WizIQ LMS partial partial
Workday LMS full full
WorkWize LMS full
xapiapps LMS full full full
360Learning LMS full full


Export LiaScript courses into SCORM1.2 & 2004, IMS, PDF or a standalone WEB project ...








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