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Generate libEnsemble scaling tests from templates for a variety of HPC platforms

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Generate libEnsemble testing environments from templates for a variety of HPC platforms:

git clone
cd libE-HPC-Templater; pip install -e .

Installs a templater utility for generating tests:

$ templater --help

Usage: templater [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    libEnsemble Scaling Tests Templater

    Make test-specific adjustments to the .yaml files in libE-

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    check   Check a test directory (or `all`) for passes/fails.
    config  Edit the base settings for a given machine.
    ls      Display all currently supported machines and their tests
    make    Make tests by machine and variant (or `all`).
    submit  Try submitting each of the tests in a directory (or `all`).


  • See all supported machines and their tests:

    $ templater ls
    Supported Machines and Tests:
       - Perlmutter:  gpu_forces, forces, fbpic,
       - Swing:       fbpic,
       - Summit:      warpx, forces,
       - Bridges:     warpx, forces,
       - Bebop:       warpx, forces,
  • Modify machine-specific configuration:

    $ templater config summit
    Summit Configuration: /Users/.../libE-templater/platforms/summit/platform.yaml
    {'calling': {'nthreads': 4,
                'sim_kill_minutes': 5,
                'warpx_sim_app': "os.environ['HOME'] + "
    'submit': {'alloc_flags': 'smt1',
                'conda_env_name': 'libe-gcc',
                'job_name': 'libe_mproc',
                'job_wallclock_minutes': 20,
                'libe_wallclock': 15,
                'project': 'csc314'}}
    Adjust any of the above platform parameters? (Y/N):
  • Create tests for a machine:

    $ templater make theta all
    Writing: ./theta_warpx
    Writing: ./theta_forces

Utility Structure

The platforms directory contains:

  • Platform-specific test configs and templates
  • Platform-agnostic configs and templates in all.

Each platform directory has: - Test-type specific directories - Templates for scheduler submission scripts - A platform.yaml with universal parameters for that platform

Each test directory has: - A stage directory containing files to copy into the output test directory - .yaml files corresponding to test-variants

Any staged shell-scripts prefixed with "prepare" will be run by the templater in the output directory. This can help copy files into test-variant directories or adjust permissions on shell scripts.

Adjusting Tests

Within all .yaml files:

  • calling:: parameters in libEnsemble python-initialization scripts
  • submit:: parameters in batch submission scripts

Note the following about platform.yaml:

  1. Parameters don't have to be universal for all tests. For instance, "nthreads": 1 can be included for each WarpX test, but doesn't have to appear in Forces templates.
  2. Parameters can also appear in test-specific configurations. Test configurations will override values from platform.yaml.

New Test Example

Suppose we want to define a new test "particles", only for Theta, with mpi_128-nodes and multiprocess_64-nodes variants.

1) Place Jinja templates for calling scripts and submission scripts in platforms/all or platforms/theta.

  1. Create a test directory, platforms/theta/particles.

3) Place configuration .yaml files to populate templates within this new directory. In this case, they'll be named mpi_128-nodes.yaml and multiprocess_64-nodes.yaml. They must contain "calling" and "submit" keys matching a "template" key-value pairs and any number of other key-value pairs. For example:

    sample_parameter: true
    another_parameter: 123

4) (Optional) place files to copy over to the eventual output directory, theta_particles, within a new directory stage inside the above test directory.


Generate libEnsemble scaling tests from templates for a variety of HPC platforms






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