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LC Labs JFP24 wiki

Project documentation

Project documentation

Project links

Project details

Project background

As part of the Computing Cultural Heritage In the Cloud (CCHC) project, LC Labs and staff collaborators developed "data packages" as a way to make it easier for the public to access and engage with Library data for computational use. We define a data package as a publishing format that combines normalized metadata, metadata enrichments, media files, standardized documentation, narrative context, code samples, and other usability features.

Currently we have data packages for a wide array of formats and collections, largely informed by what collections and materials are in high demand by the public as informed by Library staff.

Project goals

  1. Create one or more visualization or web interface that helps the public understand and use Library data
  2. Experiment with one or more emerging technology or technical approach that can inform LC Labs work going forward

Project tasks

  1. (Week 1-2) Identify a data package that resonates with the team to focus on this summer.
    • Consider what interests/excites you
    • Consider what would benefit the public if this data was made more available/accessible/useable
    • Consider the challenges/possibilities with working with this data
  2. (Week 2-3) Brainstorm and research possible data visualization techniques for this data package
    • Consider what audiences may want to use this data if it were made more accessible/understandable?
      • What would they want to know about the data? How would they know it was relevant to them? What questions would they ask?
      • What tools/technologies do they use?
    • Speak with Library staff who are familiar with this collection/data
    • Perform research into existing data visualization techniques for a collection like this. What do they do well? What do they lack?
    • Perform research research into emerging technologies or approaches for processing/analyzing/organizing data like this, e.g. AI/Machine Learning techniques
    • Create a rough Work Plan
  3. (Week 4-8) Design and develop one or more visualization or web interface they helps the defined audience understand, access, and use the data package
    • Utilize one or more emerging technology or approach
    • Assess the risks and benefits of emerging technologies/approaches used
    • Document your design and development decisions
  4. (Week 9) Present the process and outcomes of this project on Display Day
  5. (After the internship) Project mentor will package, publish, and promote the deliverables of this project and keep you posted!

Note that there will also be general LC Labs support tasks that we will ask you to do throughout the internship. This includes making general improvements to our data packages. This will account for about 10-20% of your time.

Project deliverables

  1. One or more publicly available visualization or web interface hosted on Github Pages
  2. Code (scripts, Notebooks, source code) and detailed documentation hosted on Github
  3. A presentation for Display Day (one presentation per team member)

Note there are a number of deliverables for the Junior Fellows Program that you will need to complete throughout the internship. Refer to the deadlines (in purple) on the JFP's Program Calendar

Project timeline

See Project Timeline page

Project team and roles

  • Brian Foo, Senior Innovation Technologist and project mentor
    • Provide day-to-day guidance and support for internship projects and will be the main point of contact for interns
    • Facilitate meetings with Library staff and external partners
    • Provide technical, design, and development support for project, including support for all tasks relating to data processing, coding, designing, and deploying web interfaces or visualizations to the public
    • Will act as the project manager, articulating project goals and tasks and ensuring that we are on track for successful completion
    • Provide ongoing feedback to interns’ work and ensure the work aligns with individual goals
  • Josh Hadro, Program Analyst and back-up project mentor
    • Act as project mentor in Brian’s absence
    • Attend certain key project meetings to ensure she is kept in the loop of project developments
    • Provide ongoing feedback at certain points in the project when there is progress to share
  • Laurie Allen, LC Labs Chief and project supervisor
    • Perform administrative approvals such as timesheets
    • Coordinate administrative matters such as onboarding and offboarding
    • Provide ongoing feedback and guidance at certain points in the project when there is progress to share
  • Ilayda Dogan, Shauna-Kay Harrison, Aisaiah Pellecer, LC Labs Junior Fellows
    • Attend meetings related to AHHA and LC Labs activities
    • Perform user research to inform our work
    • Experiment with, assess, and utilize emerging technologies and approaches, e.g. machine learning, computer vision, data visualization
    • Develop sketches, mock-ups, and prototypes of visualizations and/or experimental web interfaces
    • Create and give a presentation to Library staff about the project process, outcomes, lessons learned, and recommendations for future work
    • Provide general support for LC Labs activities
  • Jaime Mears, Abby Potter, Kimber Thomas, Senior Innovation Specialists and project advisors
    • Provide ongoing feedback and guidance at certain points in the project when there is progress to share

Team schedule and meetings

  • Our team typically works 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week
  • Our team begins the day around 8-9am EST and ends around 4-5pm EST
  • You are expected to work 80 hours every two weeks (which is a pay period)
    • We have some flexibility within these two weeks, e.g. you can work more one week and less another
    • You are eligible to earn sick leave (4 hours per pay period) after the first pay period
    • You do not earn annual leave, but you can earn "Credit Hours", which are voluntary hours of work beyond the normal workday or workweek. After credit hours are accrued, they can be used for paid time off.
  • Our project team (project mentor + 3 Junior Fellows) will have a daily check-in at 9:30am EST. The format will be:
    • Show-and-tell (share things you found, ideas you have, or things you made)
    • Questions and challenges (surface any questions/challenges/barriers that came up during your work)
    • Deep dive (if there's time, deep dive on specific questions/topics or schedule another time to deep dive)
    • Review to-do's for the day
    • If Monday, review the to-do's for the week
  • The LC Labs team meets twice a week on Mondays (9:30am EST) and Thursdays (3:30pm EST)
  • We will schedule additional working meetings as needed
  • We encourage you to meet amongst yourselves too!
  • The Junior Fellows Program has a number of events/meetings throughout the 10 weeks.
    • There are typically events every Tuesday and Friday at 1pm EST
    • There are "Project Pods" throughout the internship where you will be able to share/hear about Junior Fellow project updates.
    • Refer to the JFP's Program Calendar for more details

Working and communicating

  • We will use Github as our primary tool of collaboration
  • We will use VS Code for writing code. We will use the following exensions:
    • Black Formatter for consistent formatting of our Python files
    • Jupyter for support with creating Jupyter Notebooks
    • ESLint for validating Javascript
    • Pylint for validating Python
  • We will use Slack as our primary form of day-to-day communication
    • Alternative tools?
  • We will use Zoom for meetings. You can use Zoom outside of Citrix if you have connectivity issues.
  • We will use email (Outlook) for admininstrative communication, outreach, and scheduling meetings. I will email both your personal and for scheduling and administrative stuff. However, please periodically check your email for official communications from JFP and the Library.

Library resources