KVault is a secure key-value storage for Kotlin Multiplatform projects. It acts as an iOS Keychain wrapper and implements encrypted SharedPreferences for Android.
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
val store = KVault(context, "<fileName>")
Parameter | Description |
fileName (optional) | Name of the shared preferences file |
val store = KVault("<serviceName>", "<accessGroup>")
Parameter | Description |
serviceName (optional) | Used to categories objects |
accessGroup (optional) | Used to share objects between apps |
val stringStored: Boolean = store.set(key = "LEET", stringValue = "1337")
val intStored: Boolean = store.set(key = "ANSWER", intValue = 42)
val floatStored: Boolean = store.set(key = "PI", floatValue = 3.14)
- String
- Int
- Long
- Float
- Double
- Bool
- ByteArray
val stringValue: String? = store.string(forKey = "PASSWORD")
val intValue: Int? = store.int(forKey = "SECRET")
To check if an object is stored you can use:
val existsObject: Boolean = store.existsObject(forKey = "PASSWORD")
To check for which keys objects are stored:
val allKeys: List<String> = store.allKeys()
val isRemoved: Boolean = store.removeObject(forKey = "PASSWORD")
val isCleared: Boolean = store.clear()
KVault is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.