- Move real piece: left click (hold) + left click (release)
- Move bluffed piece: left click (hold) + left click (release)
- Bluff move: right click (hold) + right click (release)
- Pieces move in the same direction as in regular chess.
- Enemy pieces are not considered when validating moves (i.e., if a move input is valid on a chess board with no enemy pieces, then it's valid in bluff chess).
- Three choices for moves per turn:
- Move a regular piece
- Move a bluffed piece
- Bluff move a regular piece
- A bluff move creates a bluffed piece that is bound to the real piece. The real piece stays in place, while a bluffed piece is created and moved.
In this example, clicking the rook on d1 and moving it to d8 would be a valid move input. This does not mean that the rook will end up on d8 after the move. However, the move will go through and where the rook ends up will depend on which pawns are real and which are bluffed.
- When a real piece gets captured, if it has a bound bluffed piece, the bluffed piece disappears.
- When a bluffed piece gets captured, the bluffed piece disappears and the bound real piece is revealed.
- Real pieces can capture both bluffed pieces and real pieces.
- Bluffed pieces can only capture other bluffed pieces.
- A bluffed piece does not destroy itself when capturing another bluffed piece.
- Only real pieces can stop a real piece's movement.
- Moving a real piece that is bound to a bluffed piece will destroy the bound bluffed piece.
- Making a bluff move with a real piece that is bound to a bluffed piece will destroy the currently bound bluffed piece before creating a new bluffed piece to be bound to.
- There are no checks in bluff chess.
- Bluff chess is won when a real king is captured.
- Enemy pieces cannot restrict castling.